Open Access
Humeral Rotational Osteotomy for Shoulder Deformity in Obstetric
Brachial Plexus Palsy: Which Direction Should I Rotate?
Amr A. Abdelgawad* and Miguel A. Pirela-Cruz
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Science Center at
El Paso, TX, USA
Abstract: Shoulder internal rotation contracture is the most common deformity affecting the shoulder in patients with
Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy. With progression of the deformity, the glenohumeral joint starts to subluxate and then
dislocates. This is accompanied with bony changes of both the humerus and the glenoid. Two opposite direction humeral
osteotomies have been proposed for this condition (internal rotation osteotomy (IRO) and external rotation osteotomy
(ERO)). This fact of different direction osteotomies has not adequately been explained in the literature. Most orthopedic
surgeons may not be able to fully differentiate between these two osteotomies regarding the indications, outcomes and
effects on the joint. This review explains these differences in details.
Keywords: Erb's Palsy, external rotation, glenohumeral joint, humeral osteotomy, internal rotation, internal rotation deformity,
obstetric brachial plexus palsy (OBPP), shoulder dislocation.
glenoid; type V: severe flattening of the humeral head and correlation between the occurrence of dislocation and the
glenoid, with progressive or complete posterior dislocation of type of initial neurological deficit.
the head; type VI: dislocation of the glenohumeral joint in
infancy and type VII: growth arrest of the proximal aspect of the External Rotational Osteotomy (ERO)
This type of osteotomy has been reported by many authors
The humeral shape is also affected by the internal
[13-20] and also described in the pediatric orthopedic textbooks
rotation deformity. Over time the humeral head becomes
[21, 22]. It is usually performed in older children with advanced
retroverted, which Zancolli [5] describes as a posterior
shoulder deformity. The osteotomy is performed to increase the
epiphysiolysis of the proximal humerus.
range of external rotation of the affected shoulder. The effect of
osteotomy on the glenohumeral joint is that it actually increases
Posterior Shoulder Dislocation in Infancy the posterior dislocation of the humeral head. The head of the
humerus sits at a more posterior dislocated position.
Some of the children with Erb’s palsy will develop
This osteotomy has been the standard of treatment in older
posterior dislocation early in their course of disease. This
children. The results of this osteotomy have been very satisfying
condition was thought to be rare, however, in the last two
decades many publications about infantile posterior shoulder with improvement of both external rotation and, to a lesser
degree, abduction of the shoulder joint. Improvement of
dislocations were made and have suggested that the onset of
abduction has been attributed to a better mechanical alignment
glenoid dysplasia which accompanies obstetric brachial
of the deltoid muscle. On the other hand, there is always some
plexus palsy occurs at an earlier age than what has been
loss of internal rotation with this procedure (manifested by the
previously recognized and that the prevalence of this
child not able to reach his/her abdomen by his/her hand).
problem may have been underestimated [10-12].
The osteotomy is usually performed proximal to the level
Moukoko et al. in 2004 [10], studied 134 consecutive
of deltoid tuberosity to improve the alignment of the deltoid.
infants with neonatal brachial plexus palsy over a period of 2
Some authors have recommended adding flexion of the distal
years. Specific clinical signs associated with subluxation and
part of the humerus to cause an increase in elevation of the
dislocation were recorded. A rapid loss of passive external
arm [14]. Others have recommended adding varus
rotation between monthly examinations indicated a posterior
shoulder dislocation. This was the main sign upon which component to repair the abduction contracture [18]. External
immobilization is usually not needed if the osteotomy is
they depended to diagnose posterior shoulder dislocation in
fixed with plates and screws. Tables 1 and 2 show pre and
infants with OBPP. Apparent shortening of the humeral
ostoperative range of motion for some studies which used
segment of the involved extremity combined with
ERO. Fig. (1) is an example of ERO.
asymmetrical skin folds indicates dislocation of the affected
shoulder. The infants who were identified as having these
clinical signs were evaluated with ultrasonographic imaging Internal Rotation Osteotomy (IRO)
studies. Eleven (8%) of the 134 infants had a posterior
Internal rotation osteotomy has rarely been reported in
shoulder dislocation. The mean age at the time of diagnosis
the literature [23, 24]. It is described in young children who
was six months (range, three to ten months). There was no
develop posterior dislocation of the shoulder early in their
Table 2. Showing the results of preoperative and postoperative Mallet score [26] for the studies using ERO.
Preoperative Postoperative
Abd Ext Rot Hand to Nape Hand to Mouth Abd Ext Rot Hand to Nape Hand to Mouth
Fig. (1). Shows a 12 years old boy with severe right shoulder internal rotation deformity. A: Severe internal rotation deformity with the
patient having to put his elbow above the shoulder level in order for the hand to reach the mouth. B: 6 weeks postoperative AP and LAT
radiographs of ERO fixed with plates and screws. C: 6 months follow up; notice the improvement of the upper extremity position when the
child puts his hand over the mouth.
course of disease. The internal rotation osteotomy is soft tissue procedures and then checked the arc of motion. In
performed to reduce the glenohumeral joint. However, this cases where humeral head was dislocated in internal rotation,
osteotomy is likely to result in more loss of external rotation the IRO of proximal humerus was done to improve joint
(loss of external rotation associated with internal rotation stability. Ten patients out of 25 needed the IRO. They found
contracture in addition to loss of external rotation associated that active internal rotation difference in children treated
with the internal rotation osteotomy). In order to restore the with IRO was significantly higher than that in those treated
external rotation of the shoulder in these children, this without osteotomy. The other movements (including external
procedure has to be combined with process of release of the rotation) were similar before and after surgery in both
internal rotators muscles and the anterior capsule (Sever’s groups. The authors concluded that the addition of IRO to
operation [25]) with the possible need for transfer of internal soft tissue procedures around the shoulder allows better
rotators to act as external rotators. internal rotation and maintains stable reduction without
compromising other movements.
Sibinski and Synder [23] described internal rotation
osteotomy (IRO) with tendon transfer. They started first with
Humeral Rotational Osteotomy for Shoulder Deformity The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 2014, Volume 8 133
Indication Deformed glenoid (Waters VI, V, VI Posterior dislocation of the shoulder with relatively
or Pearls “pseudoglenoid”) normal glenoid
Increase humeral retroversion
Unstable shoulder joint after reduction of the
glenohumeral joint and performing anterior shoulder
Patient Older children with dislocated Young children with dislocated shoulder
Effect on the glenohumeral joint Increase the deformity of the joint Reduce the dislocated joint
Effect of humeral retroversion Increase the humeral retroversion Decrease the humeral retroversion
Effect on the range of shoulder external rotation Increase Decrease
Effect on the range of shoulder internal rotation Decrease Increase
Frequency Commonly performed procedure Rarely done procedure
Need of release of anterior capsule and internal No need, sometime added Has to be combined with internal rotator release +/-
rotator muscles tendon transfer
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Received: December 15, 2013 Revised: April 11, 2014 Accepted: May 29, 2014