B. Com. H Management Princip Wus8t51
B. Com. H Management Princip Wus8t51
B. Com. H Management Princip Wus8t51
--.--.--*\ l
204 t6 [This question paper contains l6 printed pages.]
iEfi JfT{ 6nfr{-{ + cfr { 3qilfr or+ort * qrqr c( Your RoIl No..,..,,........
ffikr rr;ii * wff f,&c: Sr. No. of Question Paper: 204 D
(i) sr{*fr em a-$Rr $fr qr qolT fr&qr ErS nrc< Unique PaperCode : 2412081101
Semester I
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 90
frqftkc It fr-6 i v< tfrq Mnif ftfrs:
lnstructions for Candidates
(i) 2r& TA * r-{rl;r g-ntu t
l. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
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2- Attempt all questions.
(iii) Tfl s{ts {{{ n-{rrJf 3. All questions carry equal marks.
(iv) qp1a6 fi-n t 4. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi;
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but the same medium should be used throughout the
p ap er.
1 E{T IrFr-q=r * ffi a Err as w ffufft 1q6 q1 iqr{
rgmqm'frtsq r
(10,000) P.T.O.
204 , 204 15
204 t4 204 3
$r{*S cs vqtfrc, w * frr*qn sqr *r qu eRq, qRqR 2 (a) Management by Objective is comprehensive
q-grq, rwqr, qqiqiul vrwrr, qtrc qql, qs<r, qrrmeir management system which integrates many key
managerial activities in a systematic manner and
* <srkfilq *t sq ErRrs + {{} + rH t qrm qr
that is consciously directed to achieve the stated
qq{q c.t* v{ <5srA * tts uaerft 6{ ra * ftrq} qr
objectives. Fxplain this statement and discuss the
ffiild +dr'*t Ts+ sifl-{ w+ t{{ Est E(+ ffi qn sfr steps involved in MBO process.
* *a+ eroq tqr, trilr, 6trd frsm, qfrm <srk6<ur ft
(b) What do you understand by Delphi approach of
cffi frnar qt tq{sr vr ?Frrrq t,800 qn-c w} Ed
decision making? Explain the process of decision
fter fir$stff * crt flc+ Trrd d g-qt qqrqm nsr{ 6{+
making in Delphi technique by giving examples.
{ sqff rrRRfuir- d {qkd ql+ d Ek i c+. frrcdr Bilr
frs{flRfifr * d gm, S{tuil fti iRt' *, cqir<q cr OR
er q 6I qqrr arfr * *r'qqqm * effi E6ra si (a) What do you understand by Industry structure?
Ehkc wt+ Es {gcrq * A-q-{ A nw6r d e-_arfi tr Discuss the primary model to assess the structure
of industries developed by Michael. E. Porter.
ilrff'+sr, qrqrfrE' frT+qft qk {.d{ frors
+ fts qqfi
frrd{rffi qrs-qrgvq; yfl+ts-{+m ft*frm, (b) What is Meso Environment? Elaborate the
elements of Meso environment of a business firm
ffi ft fi qrfrftrg*) t qnd + *+ Es I d n
by g ivin g examples. (9+9)
ftq so frfrqt ilEd qt tsr n-fl{ q'G ir ,)
(a) A manager frees himself from of his responsibility
gtfr{ qIErfrft rg{r kdurm} a} EBff?( EA * ftc 3
204 4 204 t3
(b) Atso discuss Differentiate between Departmentalization ffikc qtre d E{Ii{66. qBc qt fi frc rc
by Function and Departmentalization by product. rrn * stn {lfrB:
Also give merits and demerits of Departmentalization
by Function. ftr{ d wcl 1e5e { tflfrtt qk rEfu
mrd dqRq'T
+( f{m, <ton * 656 qq, wffic' ** * sqr{ * rq
i g{ ffr qrcd d sr{*S $s +d *t +t, t{+tr< *t
(a) "Both Formal and Informal Organizations are A6Fr+' s-ql qt& fr ilq.r qS qRrs] t Rfrq qlddR+
necessary for group activity just as two blades qfr aFffi sffi * tc6 2oz2{ taz tc di ilq sT{q-5oo
are essential to make a pair of scissors workable." qqk thtr
qft { qrm 6r tc{t tt !(+ {rfr
qrflr s-st
Comment on this statement and differentiate
sql, lrucit- 6] <tfi Etr- q{ yflrA * Rffi, f,k t-q'il{ +
between formal and informal organisation
cr<<Gliil ir Et-q'sre i Es6r tr{ftIl{ qq ft-{rt +r cffrar
(b) Explain Team Organization Structure and Network
t + qttEd i * qo t *r A€ Rtu rldffi st{ nfrqt
Organization Structure. How these organizations * t cfr€rfil6.
Tcrsr{ oil( sfr{s 3-f,rd cIEr{ FtFt vifFT
are useful in modern complex business
q"rar *r w+ qg<r *t st-qmq t o{rfr ftrrrqR* n f{
environment? Also discuss their merits and
w$u-a qq, qrR-t frs tr
demerits. (9+9)
F) ec vrrd{ q<-d{r *{ tr{d trrd{tfi 6 qrqr (b) Explain and differentiate between Economic Added
frfuvr urqffm, qFf, 6IM cr6td + i trrat
Value and Market Value Added techniques of
+t sc+.ft *? qnr ff s-{* Wr-aQ q< rfr q-ql
controlling. (9+9)
dftsr (r+r)
5 Reed the followlng case carefully and answer the
4 (a) afr*tw wr l? qfrkur 6) nrrFd r,ri cR RF{ questions glven below:
yqn d qrd A q{ d&sr
Indian Oil Corporation was founded in 1959 as a public
(e) '+ird rntt{ qr qR l'r cr6 tqfi dFus
r<r q<
sector undertaking under Ministry of Petroleum and
wr fffrq u6R d +{€ iftr+ 6 qrqr dfrqr Natural Gas, Govt. of India. IOC is now global
company with diversified portfolio in almost all streams
of oil & gas, petrochemicals and alternate energy
(ir) +E-e qr *? *{e d vqrFd 6i+ sre 6Rd 6 sources. It is India's highest ranking energy PSU in
frt+fl dfrqr Fortune-500 list with a rank of 142 in 2022. IOC is
P. T. O.
204 6 204 11
forms, Delivery of products to customers at affordable (e) frft tt A td sqFH t onc flr ffifl+ *? td
rates, and Transparency in operations. It's R&D center i-*.fr6 t trq a+ d yfrqt q] werr{ur qft-c crflEsr
at Faridabad is one of Asia's finest and offers a
competitive advantage through world-class technology
and process solutions and innovative products. It has (r) cftr tcqqr * snc Hr (rf,e f i qnoa t qY& am
204 10 204 7
(iv) Management Lessons from Bhagwat Gita on CSR during last four years across healthcare,
(9+9) education, skill development, women empowerment
and environmental sustainability. IOC has a
wr i{rq * cn'Esc + y-qq{ + qFfi fr qrer dfrst customers in a manner that is efficient, safe and
ethical optimizes impact on environment and enhances
/<) vr<c 6] n-q?r< al sn eil- qrqr qmr *? yqrfr rrqq
quality of Iife of the community while ensuring
d fl-6'ffi d qd dBqr
sustainable growth of business and nation.
With the guiding spirit of its concern for customer
(fr) nsqr+ smfrq-<r Mc qrge ad er *? qfu{ servipe, social responsibility and sustainable
+ sr6fu*, Effir or il+s{r-fl6 Tsrmr dftql
development: it has fuel stations (petroleum, CNG and
(a) rcr+* frq qrfrq Amrqn o] qftilfrr 6&sr ]rc?rt EV charging stations) spread all over India serving 30
+ frs qrfrc +{ran + gffi ffi* fr qrer million customers every. day.
fr&sr (e+r)
Health, Safety and Environment are the three pillars
2 (w) chq Enr rcu.{ qc' ffi qIT6' r-<tn vq6 i * s,€ of IOC to ensure safe communities and happy
rg€ e{uft qRR&rit qit q6 qqtu( Et-+t vff?fil stakeholders. It complies with all rules and regulations
mm t efu q] qfril lligit s) nr< q,.A * Rs xr+d of Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental
qq t BtEm ir qq sr{ fr qnar iffRc *r v{ftt Protection. All refineries are certified with ISO: 14064
nfrqr + rrrn-d q<o} d qqt frRsr
204 8 204 9
standards for sustainable development and for responsible conduct of the company to maximize value
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. for all srakeholders. It aims to strenglhen the
Compliance with safety systems, procedures and relationship of trust with its stakeholders. IOC's
environment laws are monitored at the unit. division govemance structures and processes are duly evolved
and corporate levels. The safety and fire protection and adopted from time to time reflecting emerging
measures include a well-sensitized management, focus best practices.
on imparting regular training and a culture of safety
From the above information about Indian Oil
throughout the enterprise.
Corporation. answer the following questions:
good faith and intcgrily. high morals and ethical (ii) What are the steps taken by IOC towards social
standards. Every officer is required to comply with responsibilify and su sta inab le development?