106 Laura HATTAM, Danica Vukadinovic GREETHAM
uncertainties. Different models that determine uptake larger data sets based on trials become available. Focused
already exist and are used by network planners. However, mostly on LV networks impact, in [7] the authors created
by their nature it is quite difficult to validate these models, generic local networks to assess the neighbourhood impact
and to decouple the influence of different modelling of EV charging. Using a realistic distribution network
parameters. simulation, in [8] the authors evaluate a range of different
Our contribution is two-fold. Firstly, we present an residential EV charging strategies, highlighting their
agent based model of load profiles for the uptake of LCTs strengths and weaknesses.
in local neighbourhoods when social influence is present. In [9], the authors aimed to measure the impact of PVs
Our neighbourhoods are based on real-life LV networks on LV networks in New Zealand. They were looking in
containing multiple substations and feeders. This model particular at over-voltage and overload of conductors and
uses a sample of realistic EV and PV profiles to simulate transformers. They created a power-flow model of a LV
future uptake. Secondly, we demonstrate techniques that network and simulated varying percentages of PV uptake.
allow for a thorough mathematical analysis of results. PV was based on a specific installation with an output
Probabilistic methods based on multiple simulations enable power of 3.7 kW. These uniform PVs were then randomly
the calculation of upper and lower bounds for the model distributed through different parts of the LV network
response, which we refer to as confidence bounds. These classified as rural, urban, industrial and city. Their results
bounds are used to understand the inner-workings of the showed that only very high PV penetration (over 45%)
model and to measure the effects of introducing/changing caused an overload of conductors, and in most cases
the model’s parameters. In particular, these bounds are overvoltage was not much higher than the existing statu-
used here to quantify the difference between applying a tory limit. In [5], the major technical impacts of small PV
clustered or random initial LCT distribution amongst our installations were discussed. This included excessive
sample population. reverse power flow, overvoltages along distribution feed-
The outline of the paper is the following. In Section 2 ers, increased difficulty of voltage control, increased power
we give an overview of the recent relevant results. In losses (caused by reverse power flow) and severe phase
Section 3 the model is described in detail, as well as the unbalance.
data that is used for the initialisation and calibration of the A microgrid case-study from a neighbourhood in
model. The focus is initially EV adoption only. In Section 4 Utrecht in Netherlands, looking at the combination of PVs
the confidence bounds creation is explained with some and EVs throughout a year was described in [10]. Based on
simulation results shown. Then in Section 5 the adaptation simulations, and using February demand projected over the
of the model to include socio-demographic information is whole year, the authors compared several control algo-
discussed. As well, confidence bounds are used to assess rithms. Their results showed a potential for relative peak
the impact of this new model feature. Next in Section 6 the reduction and increased self-consumption when using
model is further modified to investigate the combined smart charging and vehicles to grid technology.
uptake of EVs and PVs. Again, confidence bounds are In [11], Monte-Carlo simulations were used to measure
computed to determine the effect of changing our model the impact of several low carbon technologies, including
assumptions. Finally in Section 7 we discuss the implica- EVs and PVs. Similar to our approach, the authors used a
tions of our results and their possible use in design, plan- realistic LV network with 7 feeders and sampled from
ning and policy. realistic profiles for load and for LCTs. Note that the net-
work area examined in our paper is significantly larger,
with 44 feeders considered. Their focus is on identifying
2 Previous work thermal and voltage problems in different feeders. While
they use a random allocation of LCTs, we compare a
There is a fast growing amount of literature [5, 6] random allocation with a clustered one using socio-demo-
concerning the different impacts EVs and PVs will have on graphic information, although here the focus is the load
the future power grids. More specifically, these studies profile impact.
concentrate on load profiles, system losses, voltage pro-
files, phase unbalance, harmonic and stability impacts. 2.2 Agent based modelling of PVs and EVs uptake
Here, we focus on load profiles within a LV network.
In [12], a simple agent-based model of EV uptake was
2.1 Impact of PVs and EVs to LV networks detailed and their impact on a local grid was examined.
Their analysis was based on governmental scenarios of
For EVs, most of the existing work is based on predic- future UK EV uptake and a small pilot project that gave
tions, simulations or small pilot trials. Only recently have incentives to participants to charge overnight. As expected,
Green neighbourhoods in low voltage networks: measuring impact of electric vehicles and... 107
Feeder population
occurred after work and overnight. By then comparing
random and clustered uptake simulations, it was shown that 80
108 Laura HATTAM, Danica Vukadinovic GREETHAM
2.5 1
Probability of selection
realistic. 0.30
All profiles are depicted in energy units (kWh). To 0.25
instead consider power units (kW), all profiles must be 0.20
multiplied by 2 (since the time step is 0.5 hours). This
gives the average load over 30 minutes.
The following outlines the clustering algorithm applied 0.10
to forecast EV uptake. 0.05
1) Firstly, we establish the percentage of households in 1 2 3 4 5
the sample population that will adopt EVs and the Household number
number of years it will take (This is set to be 8 years). (b) Probability of EV assignment by the random
number generator
2) Next, an initial random distribution of EV seeds is
performed to simulate the first year of EV uptake. Fig. 3 Illustration of selection process
3) Then, during the remaining years, EVs are assigned to
households according to the score s (refer to (2)).
selection process with a simplified network, comprising of
4) The number of EV households (households that
red and numbered circles that represent EV and eligible
adopted an EV) increases linearly every year until
households respectively, with their probability of EV
the specified amount is attained.
assignment by the random number generator also shown.
5) Lastly, EV profiles are assigned to the EV households,
This figure suggests that household 1 is the most probable
to acquire an EV due to observing 2 of its 3 neighbours
EV household profile ¼ base load þ EV profile ð1Þ
with EVs.
It is important to note that all 71 commercial properties in Once a household is selected, they become an EV
our data set never receive LCT load since our focus is LCT household for the remaining years of the simulation, with
household uptake. As well, there is one feeder comprised s updated every year. Using s to inform EV allocation leads
of only commercial properties, thus this site is always to clusters of EVs forming around the initial seeds.
given zero LCT load. Therefore, we are modelling the formation of green
In 2015, OFGEM (a UK regulatory authority for gas and neighbourhoods due to social influence. This method is an
electricity markets) increased the period covered by a adaptation of the algorithm proposed in [12], which was
single price control review to 8 years [17]. As detailed also applied to model EV uptake.
investment decisions must be outlined in this time horizon, There is an assumed link between increased neigh-
we also use 8 years in our simulations. bourhood diversity and a heavily populated feeder. As a
The score, s, assigned to eligible households is the result, when transforming these larger sites into greener
percentage of PVs and EVs in its neighbourhood presently, neighbourhoods, the impact from one EV household should
where be comparatively small. To account for this, s depends
upon the feeder population and therefore, the influence of
Number of neighbours with an EV and=or PV
s ¼ 100 one household on its neighbours is relative to the neigh-
Number of neighbours þ 1
bourhood size.
ð2Þ Note that when a household is given an EV, the EV
This score is proportional to the probability of selection by profile assigned to them is randomly selected from 79
a random number generator. Figure 3 illustrates this possible profiles. If the baseload applied is representative
Green neighbourhoods in low voltage networks: measuring impact of electric vehicles and... 109
of spring, summer or winter then the EV profile chosen will comparable EV loads, where feeders 15, 17, 39 and 40
also correspond to spring, summer or winter respectively. have 25, 27, 82 and 86 households respectively. Further-
more, less populated feeders have greater EV peaks,
demonstrated by the blue curves. This can be attributed to
4 Confidence bounds increased neighbourhood diversity when the feeder popu-
lation is larger and therefore, it is more difficult to
For some fixed model parameters, there are many fea- influence your neighbours and form an EV majority. Also,
sible outcomes. This is due to the initial random distribu- it is evident that the spread between the 10% and 50%
tion of seeds highlighting different neighbourhoods every trends is far less notable for smaller feeders. Additionally,
model run. As well, one of 79 possible EV profiles are the red curve sits along the baseload in Fig. 4a. This
randomly assigned to households, causing further variation suggests that less populated feeders do often avoid EV
in the model result. Consequently, we aim to determine assignment.
upper and lower bounds of the model response for a fixed Hence, similar to [11], multiple simulations are used to
set of parameters, which we label confidence bounds. determine the impact of LCTs on a LV network. However,
These bounds will be calculated by undertaking 500 con- here the area examined is comparatively large, social
secutive model runs and will therefore relate to the EV load influence is imposed and our focus is the load profile.
variance, not the baseload. Since the clustering is based on Moreover, this methodology enables bounds for the
neighbourhoods, which are defined by feeders, the bounds expected load at each feeder/neighbourhood to be found,
will be computed at each feeder. which are extremely informative measures for network
The following details the method used to calculate planners.
confidence bounds. Only the results for four of the 44 feeders considered by
the model have been shown. Refer to the Appendix A for
1) Specify the model parameters, which are the uptake
the depiction of the results across the entire network. In this
percentage and the number of years i.e. 30% EV
paper, 30% EV uptake has been selected. However, this is a
uptake ensures d0:3 1841e properties receive an EV
model parameter that can be varied. Furthermore, the
each simulation.
network examined here with our approach covers a fixed
2) Complete 500 simulations.
area, although, the analysis can be easily adapted to study
3) After each simulation, record the aggregate result at
networks of a greater or smaller size.
the feeder. The 44 feeders are considered together so
The number of simulations conducted, n, to calculate the
that 0%–100% of households along a particular feeder
bounds shown was n ¼ 500. Choosing n ¼ 500 was
can receive an EV each simulation.
believed appropriate since the variance was captured but
4) The aggregate data is then used to calculate 10%, 50%
the computation time was minimised. This was deduced by
and 90% quantiles at the feeder. The feeder lower and
comparing the confidence bounds at various feeders when
upper bounds correspond to the 10% and 90%
n ¼ 200; n ¼ 500 and n ¼ 1000. These results revealed
only minor differences between the quantiles for n ¼ 500
5) The quantile with the baseload subtracted represents
and n ¼ 1000. Therefore, considering the additional time
the variation in EV load at the feeder. Then, dividing
required to undertake 1000 simulations, it was determined
the quantiles by the number of households along the
unnecessary to perform this many runs and setting n ¼ 500
feeder, we can compare the 44 feeders and their EV
was optimal for a network of this size.
These particular four feeders were chosen for closer
In Fig. 4a, b, the results for feeders 15, 17, 39 and 40 are analysis because feeders 15 and 17 have approximately the
depicted when 30% uptake overall is assumed amongst the same number of households, similarly for feeders 39 and
44 feeders. The aggregate result at the feeder is displayed 40. As well, household numbers at feeders 15 and 17 are
(including baseload), where the black dots represent the less than the average feeder population (which is 40
response from 500 model runs. The red, green and blue households), whereas they are greater at feeders 39 and 40,
curves are the 10%, 50% and 90% quantiles respectively and therefore, two extreme cases are studied. Furthermore,
calculated from the black dots. The far right plots show the the distribution of council tax bands (see Section 5)
quantiles with the baseload subtracted, divided by the amongst these feeders varies considerably, which becomes
number of households along the feeder. Only the results important in Section 5.
corresponding to winter are given here, where the winter The simulations and confidence bounds calculations
baseload and winter EV profiles discussed in Section 3 are were performed using MATLAB on a standard workstation
used. From the far right plots of Fig. 4a, b, it is apparent with Intel i5 processor on 2.50 GHz with 8 GB RAM. The
that feeders with similar household numbers receive computation time required to conduct 500 consecutive
110 Laura HATTAM, Danica Vukadinovic GREETHAM
35 35 0.8
30 30 0.7
25 25 0.6
20 20
15 15
10 10 0.2
5 5 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Half hours Half hours Half hours
90% feeder 15; 50% feeder 15 90% feeder 17; 50% feeder 17 90% feeder 15; 50% feeder 15
10% feeder 15 10% feeder 17 10% feeder 15; 90% feeder 17
50% feeder 17; 10% feeder 17
(c) Result of 500 simulations with 30% EV winter uptake (seed allocation informed by CTB)
80 80 0.8
70 70 0.7
Energy unit (kWh)
Energy unit (kWh)
60 60 0.6
50 50 0.5
40 40 0.4
30 30 0.3
20 20 0.2
10 10 0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Half hours Half hours Half hours
90% feeder 39; 50% feeder 39 90% feeder 40; 50% feeder 40 90% feeder 39; 50% feeder 39
10% feeder 39 10% feeder 40 10% feeder 39; 90% feeder 40
50% feeder 40; 10% feeder 40
(d) Result of 500 simulations with 30% EV winter uptake (seed allocation informed by CTB)
Green neighbourhoods in low voltage networks: measuring impact of electric vehicles and... 111
model runs with this network (44 feeders consisting of The last column of Table 1 details the spread of CTBs
1841 properties) was approximately 15 minutes. within our sample population of 1841 properties. As well,
in Table 1 a comparison is given of 100 seeds that are
selected using CTB information, with j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4, where
5 Adding socio-demographic information the distribution of CTBs for the 100 nominated households
is displayed. We propose that by setting j ¼ 4, the subse-
The simulations performed in Section 4 randomly allo- quent initial EV population reflects the survey findings
cated EV seeds. Next, we aim to improve our model by [20], since approximately 70% of seeds now have a CTB
introducing council tax band (CTB) information to instead greater than C (A C typically represents small dwell-
inform seed distribution. Council tax is a local tax on ings). Note that j is a model parameter that can be
domestic properties in England, Scotland and Wales, varied.
introduced in 1993. Each property is assigned one of eight Confidence bounds can be used to measure the effect of
bands (A to H) based on the property’s capital value [18], changing our model assumptions. Here, we analyse the
where A corresponds to the smallest value and H to the influence of using CTB to inform the initial seed distri-
highest. Here, it is assumed that larger homes have higher bution, instead of random initial distribution. The winter
CTBs. We note here that other socio-demographic infor- results for feeders 15, 17, 39 and 40 are shown in Fig. 4c, d.
mation can be used if available. We use CTB as it is It is evident that feeders with about the same sized popu-
publicly available [19] and it allows us to identify neigh- lations are no longer given a similar EV load. The upper
bourhoods that have a higher percentage of larger bounds depicted along Fig. 4c reveal that feeder 15
properties. receives a significantly larger load than feeder 17. This is
A survey of Californian EV owners [20] revealed that due to 60% of properties along feeder 15 having a CTB
generally they owned and lived in single family dwellings greater than D, whereas for feeder 17 it is 0%. Similarly,
that had parking and space to install a charging point. They Fig. 4d suggests that feeder 39 has been assigned a greater
also had higher incomes, which typically relates to living in EV load compared to feeder 40, which is due to 54% of
larger homes. Furthermore, present EV owners commonly households along feeder 39 having a CTB of more than D,
had a PV installed at their property. Also acknowledged when feeder 40 has 0%. Furthermore, of these four feeders,
was that neighbour influence was an important factor in EV feeder 15 overall has the largest EV peak, which is a result
adoption since clusters of EV households had formed in of both feeder size and its households’ CTBs. In Fig. 4a, c:
California. This study therefore supports initialising the feeder 15 has 25 households and the number of households
seeds guided by CTB information and then imposing with CTB [ D ¼ 60%; panels a and c: feeder 17 has 27
neighbour influence to determine the growth of EV households and the number of households with
ownership. CTB [ D ¼ 0%; panels b and d: feeder 39 has 82 house-
The model is now adapted to firstly favour PV properties holds and the number of households with
and larger households, signified by higher CTBs. To CTB [ D ¼ 54%; panels b and d: feeder 40 has 86
implement this, we assign to every household an initial households and the number of households with
score, si , such that: CTB [ D ¼ 0%.
j Now that socio-demographic data has been incorpo-
si ¼ ð3Þ rated, higher potential peaks are exhibited at certain feeders
than previously predicted. This modelling suggests that
where CTBhh ¼ 1; 2; . . .; 8 when the household’s CTB is
A; B; . . .; H respectively and j is some positive integer. As
well, PV (resp. commercial) properties are given the score Table 1 CTB Distributions
si ¼ 100 (resp. si ¼ 0). The score is proportional to the CTB j¼1 j¼2 j¼3 j¼4 All
likelihood of selection by a random number generator. This
0 0 0 0 0 71
relationship is consistent with that portrayed in Fig. 3. It
A (1) 0 0 0 0 1
should be noted that si is only used during the first year
B (2) 2 2 2 0 103
when seeds are allocated, then s as given by (2), applies for
C (3) 59 47 46 31 1135
the remaining years.
D (4) 25 32 24 29 373
Choosing j determines how dependent seed assignment
E (5) 5 9 14 23 107
is on the CTB information, where CTB influence increases
F (6) 8 5 8 8 37
with j. Moreover, higher values of j will result in prominent
clusters developing in neighbourhoods with large house- G (7) 1 5 4 7 12
holds. Here we set j ¼ 4. H (8) 0 0 2 2 2
112 Laura HATTAM, Danica Vukadinovic GREETHAM
Green neighbourhoods in low voltage networks: measuring impact of electric vehicles and... 113
40 40
30 30 1.0
Energy unit (kWh)
(a) Result of 500 simulations with 30% EV uptake and 30% PV uptake summer (random seed allocation)
80 80
60 60 1.0
Energy unit (kWh)
(b) Result of 500 simulations with 30% EV uptake and 30% PV uptake summer (random seed allocation)
40 40
30 30 0.8
Energy unit (kWh)
Energy unit (kWh)
20 20
10 10 0.2
0 0 0
-10 -10 -0.2
-20 -20
-30 -30 -0.8
-40 -40 -1.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Half hours Half hours Half hours
90% feeder 15; 50% feeder 15 90% feeder 17; 50% feeder 17 90% feeder 15; 50% feeder 15
10% feeder 15 10% feeder 17 10% feeder 15; 90% feeder 17
50% feeder 17; 10% feeder 17
(c) Result of 500 simulations with 30% EV uptake and 30% PV uptake summer (seed allocation informed by CTB)
80 80
60 60 1.0
Energy unit (kWh)
Energy unit (kWh)
40 40
20 20 0.4
0 0 0.2
-20 -20 0
-40 -40 -0.2
-60 -60 -0.6
-80 -80 -0.8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Half hours Half hours Half hours
90% feeder 39; 50% feeder 39 90% feeder 40; 50% feeder 40 90% feeder 39; 50% feeder 39
10% feeder 39 10% feeder 40 10% feeder 39; 90% feeder 40
50% feeder 40; 10% feeder 40
(d) Result of 500 simulations with 30% EV uptake and 30% PV uptake summer (seed allocation informed by CTB)
114 Laura HATTAM, Danica Vukadinovic GREETHAM
Green neighbourhoods in low voltage networks: measuring impact of electric vehicles and... 115
Appendix A feeder does not receive any LCTs. Panel a depicts each
feeder’s average CTBhh (blue-dashed) and household
The confidence bounds results for the studies: population (red). Panel b relates to study a, where the
maximum value of the 90% EV feeder quantile (the
1) 30% EV uptake winter with
baseload subtracted), divided by the number of households
a) seeds randomly distributed; along the feeder, is shown. The red and blue curve
b) seed distribution guided by CTB information. correspond to a(i) and a(ii) respectively. Panel c displays
the results for study b, with the minimum value of the 10%
2) 30% EV and 30% PV uptake summer with
EV/PV feeder quantile (the baseload subtracted), divided
a) seeds randomly distributed; by the number of households along the feeder, given. The
b) seed distribution guided by CTB information. red and blue trend are linked with b(i) and b(ii) respec-
tively. There is an evident correlation between the feeder
are summarised in Fig. 8 for all 44 feeders. Note that feeder population and the red curves associated with a(i) and b(i).
1 is comprised of only commercial properties, so this This behaviour was discussed in Section 4, where less
populated feeders received larger LCT loads. When the
6 150 CTB data is introduced, certain feeders attain greater
Average feeder CTB hh
Feeder population extreme values, whilst at other feeders the load magnitude
4 100 is reduced. This is demonstrated by the blue curve along
the bottom two panels, which overall follows the top panel
blue trend. This is expected since when CTBs are applied,
2 50
the clustering algorithm favours feeders that have a higher
proportion of larger properties. The feeders that receive
0 0 amplified minimum and maximum values are especially
1 10 20 30 40 44
Feeder number vulnerable, therefore further analysis and possibly rein-
Average feeder; Feeder population forcement at these sites are needed.
(a) The average CT B hh at each feeder (blue-dashed) and the
variation in the feeder household population (red)
0.8 References
Maximum (kWh)
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1 10 20 30 40 44
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