Transport Equations
We investigate the numerical solution of multiscale transport equations using
Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) with ReLU activation functions.
Therefore, we study the analogy between PINNs and Least-Squares Finite Ele-
ments (LSFE) which lies in the shared approach to reformulate the PDE solu-
tion as a minimization of a quadratic functional. We prove that in the diffusive
regime, the correct limit is not reached, in agreement with known results for
first-order LSFE. A diffusive scaling is introduced that can be applied to over-
come this, again in full agreement with theoretical results for LSFE. We provide
numerical results in the case of slab geometry that support our theoretical find-
Keywords: Physics Informed Neural Networks, Diffusive Regime, Multiscale
Transport Equations, Numerical Analysis
1. Introduction
∗ Corresponding author
Email addresses: alexander.jesser@kit.edu (Alexander Jesser), krycki@fh-aachen.de
(Kai Krycki), rmcclarr@nd.edu (Ryan G. McClarren), martin.frank@kit.edu (Martin
The analogy between PINNs and the LSFE lies in their shared approach
of reformulating the solution of differential equations as the minimization of a
(typically quadratic) functional. In LSFE, this involves the construction of a
least-squares functional based on the residual of the differential equation, which,
when minimized, yields the solution to the problem in a variational form. Sim-
ilarly, PINNs define a loss function based on the residuals of the differential
equation and corresponding boundary conditions. Minimizing this loss function
drives the neural network to approximate the solution. Hence, although not
explicitly stated in variational terms, the minimization of the loss function in
PINNs can be viewed as finding an approximate solution that satisfies the dif-
ferential equation in an integral sense across the domain. Using an activation
function such as ReLU for PINNs, the corresponding neural network can be
interpreted as a piecewise linear approximation of the solution comparable to
the finite element representation.
case of mono-energetic neutrons and isotropic scattering the steady-state form
Ω · ∇ψ(x, Ω) + σt ψ(x, Ω) = ψ(x, Ω′ ) dΩ′ + Q(x, Ω), (1)
4π 4π
where ψ(x, Ω) is the angular flux of neutrons at position x and direction Ω, Ω·∇
is the transport operator, σt denotes the total and σs the scattering macroscopic
R S(x, Ω)′ is the source term at position x in direction Ω and the
σs ′
integral 4π 4π
ψ(x, Ω ) dΩ represents the isotropic scattering contribution.
Figure 1: In slab geometry, transport is projected onto the x-axis. The problem is symmetric
in the y/z-plane.
where I denotes the identity operator and P the projection onto the space of
all L2 -functions independent of angle
1 1
(P ψ)(x) = ψ(x, µ)dµ. (4)
2 −1
where the neutron flux in the diffusion limit is denoted as Ψε and the scaled
operator Lε reads
ε ∂ 1
Lε Ψ (x, µ) = µ + (I − P ) + εαP Ψε (x, µ). (8)
∂x ε
It can be shown [15] that in the limit of ε → 0 the solution of the transport
equation Ψε converges to a function ϕ0 , which is independent of µ and the
solution of an associated diffusion equation
∂ 1 ∂ϕ0
− (x) + σa ϕ0 (x) = Q(x). (9)
∂x 3σt ∂x
For numerical methods it is therefore of key importance to reproduce this be-
havior on a discretized level. A method that ensures this is called asymptotic
preserving [16]. For the LSFE method a corresponding analysis has been carried
out (cf. [9], [10], [11]) and we build upon these results for the investigation of
PINNs. A related analysis using PINNs for multiscale time dependent linear
transport equations has been carried out in [17]. Using LSFE without addi-
tional scaling (see Section 4), the numerical solution produces an incorrect limit
as ε → 0. We show in this paper that the same happens when PINNs are applied
to solve this class of equations and that the same scaling as derived for LSFE
can be applied to ensure a correct limiting behavior for PINNs, underlining the
close connection between the two numerical methods.
Physics Informed Neural Networks, PINNs for short, are a numerical method
for solving general partial differential equations [1, 2]. A neural network serves
as an interpolation function for the solution of the PDE. It is obtained by
successively selecting points in the computational domain and adjusting the pa-
rameters of the neural network to obtain the desired output, which is commonly
referred to as training the NN. The method is therefore mesh-free and can serve
as a black-box solver for a PDE, since only the form of the equation needs to
be known. The mathematical formulation of the method is briefly presented
In the following, we use a notation similar to [8]. Let ΨM (x, µ) : R2 → R1
be a feed-forward neural network (FNN) with M layers. Then its output is
recursively defined by
with the weight matrices W m ∈ RNm ,Nm−1 , the biases bm ∈ RNm and the ac-
tivation function σ. Let ⃗n = {N0 , ..., NM } ∈ NM with θ = {W m , bm }1≤m≤M
be the parameter space of the network. Since a neural network ΨM (x, µ) de-
pends on the architecture ⃗n and its parameters θ, we can denote it as ΨM =
ΨM (x, µ, ⃗n, θ). For a fixed ⃗n, we write ΨM (x, µ, θ).
A numerical solution of a PDE using such a FNN can be obtained by incor-
porating the PDE residual into the loss function during the training process,
thus obtaining a ’physics informed’ neural network. In the following, we assume
that a unique classical solution of the PDE exists. The PDE and its boundary
conditions are given by
where TD denotes a set of training points within the domain D. This set is
often generated using a quasi-random low-discrepancy sequence like the Sobol
sequence [18]. The training process of the PINN is the equivalent to solving the
PDE in classical methods. It is a minimization of the loss function in the set of
functions V which is defined by
It is important to note that ΨM (x, µ) using the rectified linear unit (ReLU) as
activation function is piecewise linear. Moreover, it can be shown that Neural
Networks with ReLU activation functions and sufficiently many layers can re-
produce all piecewise linear basis functions from the finite element method [21].
that a feed-forward NN is used, which is sufficiently large to accurately approx-
imate the solution to the PDE. The theoretical analysis focuses on networks
with ReLU activation functions, while the case of hyperbolic tangent activation
functions is also explored in the numerical experiments. In general, using differ-
ent activation functions (or a combination of them) or Non-Feedforward Neural
Networks might lead to different results in the diffusion limit.
The system is then discretized by replacing the function space U with a finite
dimensional subspace Uh ⊂ U . Consequently, we obtain a finite dimensional
linear system for the discretized neutron flux Ψh :
a(Ψh , uh ) = l(uh ) ∀uh ∈ Uh . (22)
If {λp } is a basis of Uh , we can represent the solution as an expansion in said
Ψh = cp λp , (23)
where cp are the expansion coefficients. This allows us to write Eq. (22) as a
linear system
AΨλ = b (24)
where the components of A and l are given by A = a(λp , λq )pq and b = l(λp )p ,
while Ψλ is the vector of expansion coefficients cp .
For the spatial discretization in the variable x first-order Lagrange polynomials
are used as basis functions. The discretization in the angular variable µ is with
the method of moments is described in Subsec. 5.1.
A general introduction to the least-squares finite element methods can be found
in [22]. Details about least-squares finite element solutions of the neutron trans-
port equation in the diffusive regime are discussed in [10].
A key difference between LSFE and PINNs is that, after parametrization, LSFE
requires the solution of a linear problem (Eq. 24), whereas PINNs requires the
solution a nonlinear optimization problem (Eq. 16). This means that for the
PINN we look for weights and biases, and for LSFE we look for basis expansion
Figure 2: Results for PINN with ReLU activation functions and first order LSFE in the
asymptotic limit (ε = 10−4 ) compared to a MC reference solution. The setting is discussed
in detail in Subsec. 5.3.
be the n-th angular moment of ψ. Then the expansion of the neutron flux in
angle is given by
Ψ(x, µ) = pn (µ)ϕn (x). (26)
Furthermore, we note that in the diffusion limit, it is sufficient to take only the
first two moments of the expansion into account [23].
In this situation we consider the set of functions
Vh = {vh ∈ Vb : vh (x, µ) = ϕ0 (x) + µϕ1 (x), where ϕ0 , ϕ1 ∈ P(Th )}, (27)
where P(Th ) denotes the space of piecewise linear functions on the partition
Th of the slab. Here the term partition corresponds to an interval within the
slab, ie.e [x1 , x2 ] ⊂ [xl , xr ]. In the diffusive regime, the training of a PINN
corresponds to the solution of the following minimization problem:
1 X
Ψεmin = min (Lε Ψε (xi , µj ) − εQ(xi , µj ))2 (28)
Ψε ∈Vh |TD |
In the following, we use the fact that for all ξ > 0 it is possible to find a number
of training points |TD (ξ)| so that the absolute difference between the discrete
sum divided by the number of training points and the integral is smaller than
the parameter ξ:
Z xr Z 1
1 X
ε 2
(Lε Ψ (xi , µj ) − εQ(xi , µj )) − (Lε Ψε (x, µ) − εQ(x, µ))2 dµdx < ξ.
|TD (ξ)| i,j xl −1
This is ensured by the sequence we use to construct the training points. The
training points are generated with a Sobol sequence which is constructed in
a way that the sum divided by the number of (training) points converges to
the integral [18]. Hence, if we replace in the following the term ’minimum’ by
’ξ-suboptimal solution’, e.g. the L2 -norms difference of the minimum and the
ξ-suboptimal solution is smaller than ξ, the results remain valid. For the sake
of readability, in the following, we neglect this sublety and we assume that a
function Ψεmin that minimizes Eq. (30) also minimizes Eq. (28) and use the
term ’minimum’. Hence, instead of Eq. (28) we directly consider the following
continuous minimization problem:
Z xr Z 1
min F [Ψ] with F [Ψ] = (Lε Ψε (x, µ) − εQ(x, µ))2 dµdx. (30)
Ψ∈Vh xl −1
To summarize, in the following analysis Ψεmin denotes the neural network trained
on a Sobol sequence TD being a solution of Eq. (28). This neural network is
an approximate solution of the neutron transport equation and is furthermore
a piecewise linear, hence integrable function. By making use of the property of
ξ-suboptimality we also consider Ψεmin to minimize the continuous functional
Eq. (30).
Lemma 1. Let the Functional F and the set of functions Vh be as given in Eqs.
(30) and (27). Suppose Ψεmin minimizes F restricted to Vh . Suppose further
that ε ≤ 1 and that Ψεmin has an expansion
Ψεmin (x, µ) = ϕε0 (x) + µϕε1 (x) (31)
X ∞
ϕε0 (x) = εν ην (x) and ϕε1 (x) = εν δν (x), (32)
ν=0 ν=0
Inserting Eq. (32) and sorting the terms in the order of ε yields
Lε Ψεmin = [µδ0 ] + [µη0′ + µ2 δ0′ + µδ1 ] + O(ε). (35)
By inserting Eq. (35) into Eq. (30), we obtain a representation of F as a power
F (Ψεmin ) = εν Fν (Ψh ) (36)
Z xr Z 1
F−2 (Ψεmin ) = µ2 δ02 (x)dµdx
xl −1
Z xr
= δ02 (x)dx (37)
3 xl
Z xr Z 1
F−1 (Ψεmin ) = 2 µ2 η0′ (x)δ0 (x) + µ3 δ0 δ0′ + µ2 δ0 (x)δ1 (x)dµdx
x −1
Z lxr
= η0′ (x)δ0 (x) + δ0 (x)δ1 (x)dx. (38)
3 xl
Therefore, we must have F−2 (Ψεmin ) = 0 and F−1 (Ψεmin ) = 0, since otherwise
F (Ψ) diverges for ε → 0, which would contradict Eq. (39). We conclude that
δ0 (x) = 0 (40)
We have
∂ϕε0 ∂ϕε 1
Lε Ψεmin = µ + µ2 1 + µϕε1 + εαϕε0
∂x ∂x ε
= [µη0′ + µδ1 ] + ε[µη1′ + µ2 δ1′ + µδ2 + αη0 ] + O(ε2 ) (43)
Z xr Z 1
I1 = 2 µ[αη0 η0′ + αδ1 η0 ] + µ2 [η0′ η1′ + η0′ δ2 + δ1 η1′ + δ1 δ2 ] + µ3 [δ1′ η0′ + δ1 δ1′ ]dµdx.
xl −1
Z xr Z 1
= 2µ2 [η0′ η1′ + η0′ δ2 + δ1 η1′ + δ1 δ2 ]dµdx. (45)
xl −1
In Eq. (44) O(1) and O(ε) terms show up only on the left-hand side. Therefore,
both terms need to vanish, what is implied by the relation
This shows that only terms of order ε2 remain, what ends the proof. □
Using Lemma 1, we can prove the main theorem on PINN solutions in the
diffusion limit.
Proof. If both ην (x) and δν (x) are continuous piecewise linear functions, it
follows from Eq. (46) that η0 is a linear function. With the boundary conditions
we obtain η0 = 0. Therefore, we have Ψεmin → 0 as ε → 0.. Since all η, δ are
continuous, the convergence holds pointwise, for all x ∈ D. □
4.2. Scaling for the numerical solution
As shown in the main theorem, directly solving the neutron transport equa-
tion using a PINN with ReLU activation functions leads to a method that does
not preserve the diffusion limit. Solving the neutron transport equation using
first order least-squares finite elements leads to similar results ([10], [25]).
In [10], a scaling of the equations that solves this issue is proposed. In the
following, we also use this scaling for PINNs.
Recall that
1 1
P = dµ, (48)
2 −1
Using this operator, which is a projection onto the first Legendre moment, we
define the scaling operator
S = P + τ (I − P ). (49)
By applying S on both sides of Eq. (7), we obtain
∂Ψ τ
Sµ + (I − P )Ψ + εαP Ψ = εQ. (50)
∂x ε
We use the same expansion for Ψ as in Eq. 31) to project on the first two
Legendre moments. The systems of scaled equations then reads
1 ∂ϕε1
+ αεϕε0 = εQ
3 ∂x
τ 0 + τ ϕε1 = 0 (51)
In the following, we are only interested in the behavior of the leading orders, so
we take to terms in Eqs. (32) only up to order O(ε) in account. In addition, we
use that δ0 = 0 according to Eq. (33). Therefore, we obtain
ϕ0 = η0 + εη1
ϕ1 = εδ1 . (52)
By inserting Eqs. (52) into Eqs. (51) and neglecting higher order terms, we
1 ∂δ1
ε + εαη0 = εQ
3 ∂x
τ + τ δ1 = 0. (53)
The case τ = 1 corresponds to the unscaled equation, where the first equation
is O(ε) and the second equation O(1), so that Eqs. (53) are unbalanced for
ϵ → 0. Choosing τ = O(ε) results in a balancing of the terms in orders of ε.
This is a common strategy to improve the convergence behavior. The numerical
results in the following section demonstrate
p that√the scaling leads to the correct
diffusion limit. Here we use τ = σa /σt = αϵ, since this scaling directly
relates to the physical parameters.
5. Numerical Results
In this section we present numerical results which illustrate the theory de-
veloped in Sec. 4. It is structured as follows: in Subsec. 5.1 we introduce the
PN method which was used for the angular discretization. In Subsec. 5.2 the
implementation is described. In Subsec. 5.3 and Subsec. 5.4 we present numer-
ical results for PINNs with ReLU activation function and first order LSFE to
demonstrate how the scaling leads to a huge improvement in accuracy for both
methods. In Subsec. 5.5 we demonstrate that the scaling can also improve the
solution for activation functions other than ReLU.
ϕn = 0, n > N. (56)
Note while we used the normed Legendre polynomials in the previous section
to simplify the equations, we do not norm the Legendre polynomials here since
otherwise we would not obtain the standard formulation of the PN equations in
this case. In the following we use vacuum boundary conditions, which assume
no incoming flux, and reflective boundary conditions, which assume that all out-
going particles are reflected back into the domain. For an N th order expansion
where N is odd, there are (N + 1)/2 vacuum boundary conditions that read
N Z ±1
X 2n + 1
0= ϕn (x) P2m−1 (µ)Pn (µ)dµ for m = 1, 2, ..., (N + 1)/2 (57)
2 0
where Pn (µ) is the n-th order Legendre polynomial on the interval [−1, 1]. Re-
flective boundary conditions are obtained by setting the odd moments to zero
at the boundary. More details about the boundary conditions for slab geometry
PN equations can be found in [27]. It is known, that in the limit ε → 0 a solution
of Equation 8 converges to the solution of a corresponding diffusion equation,
which is independent of the angular variable µ. Therefore, in practice a small
N (N = 1 or N = 3) is sufficient as an approximate model.
5.2. Implementation
The PINN solver used for the numerical computations was implemented
using the python library DeepXDE [28] with tensorflow [29] as a backend. The
boundary conditions were included in the loss function as an implementation of
the restriction of the underlying set of functions. In order to do this, the term
(N +1)/2
w∂D X X
Loss∂D [Ψ] = (Bm [Ψ](x) − g(x))2 , (58)
|T∂D | m=1 x∈T∂D
where w∂D is a weight, T∂D a set of training points on the boundary and Bm
the operator representing the mth boundary condition as defined in Subsec. 5.1,
was added to the loss function (Eq. 12).
We implemented a LSFE solver using the FEniCS library [30, 31]. We use
PETSc [32] as linear algebra backend in conjunction with hypre [33], a library
of high performance preconditioners. For this work we use a combination of a
gmres solver [34] and an algebraic multigrid preconditioner [35]. The boundary
condition was implemented by adding the term
Z xr Z
ab (Ψ, u) := BΨ(x, µ)Bu(x, µ)dµds (59)
xl ∂D
and vacuum boundary conditions, the neutron flux Ψ(x, µ) tends asymptotically
to the solution of the diffusion equation:
ϕ0 (x) = − x2 + 15x. (63)
In the following, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the PINN and LSFE
solutions in the diffusion limit. We choose α = 10−2 . It should be noted that
for ε = 10−2 , this choice leads to a problem described in [25].
For the PINN computations, we use feed forward neural networks, each with 5
hidden layers and 50 nodes per layer. An Adams optimizer with learning rate
lr = 2.5 · 10−4 is used for the training process. A total of 300 training points is
used. For the LSFE computations, we use a mesh with 20 first order Lagrange
Finite elements.
The results for three different values of ε are depicted in Fig. 3, while the rela-
tive errors can be found in Tab. 1.
For ε = 10−2 , all errors are below 1%. The scaling reduces the already small
error even further for both PINN and LSFE. For ε = 10−3 , the unscaled solu-
tions deviate significantly from the reference. While the error for the PINNs is
36.8%, the LSFE error is 18.9%. The scaling however reduces the error for both
methods massively, the scaled PINN error is only 0.3%, while the scaled LSFE
error is 0.5%. For ε = 10−4 , the unscaled solutions are close to zero. This is
expected, since the unscaled solution is supposed to converge to zero as ε → 0
according to the analysis in Sec. 4. The scaled solutions however have still a
small error, 0.6% for the PINN and 1.8% for the LSFE.
This results are in accordance with the theoretical predictions in Sec. 4. As
expected, for smaller values of ε the unscaled versions of PINN and LSFE con-
verge against zero. The scaled solution as also always better than the unscaled
solution. The results for both methods are similar, however the exact numerical
values deviate, as one would expect for two methods with vast differences in the
(a) ε = 10−2
(b) ε = 10−3
(c) ε = 10−4
Figure 3: Results for PINN and LSFE in an asymptotic test of the diffusion limit for three
different values of ε.
reflective boundary conditions are imposed, while on the right boundary vacuum
boundary conditions are used.
For the PINN computations, we use the same architecture and learning rate as
in Subsec. 5.3. For this testcase, 450 training points within the domain are
used. For the LSFE computations we use a mesh with 50 first order Lagrange
Finite elements.
The reference solution was computed with the OpenMC Monte Carlo Code [37].
It should be noted that OpenMC does not approximate the neutron angle, but
includes the full angular dependence, e.g. all Legendre moments. Since the
higher order moments are small in the diffusive regime, we do not expect large
deviations, but we still use the P3 -approximation for the angular discretization
to minimize potential errors.
Fig. 4 depicts the results for the test with an internal interface. In both cases,
the scaling leads to a huge improvement of the solution. While the unscaled
PINN solution deviates from the reference by 10.6%, the scaled PINN solution
deviates by only 1.4%. The LSFE are similar. While the error for the unscaled
LSFE is 9.9%, the error of the scaled solution is only 0.6%. We again see the
similarity of the PINN und LSFE solutions.
Figure 4: Results for PINN and LSFE in a diffusive test with an internal interface. In both
cases, the scaling leads to a huge improvement of the solution.
better convergence properties for this testcase than the Adams optimizer. Fig.
5 depicts the results. The unscaled solution deviates form the reference by
23.4% and is therefore worse than the unscaled solution obtained with ReLU
activation functions. The error of the scaled solution is only 0.5% and therefore
smaller than in the case with ReLU activation functions. This shows that the
proposed scaling leads to a vast improvement of the solution not only for ReLU
activation functions, but also hyperbolic tangent.
Figure 5: Results for PINN with hyperbolic tangent activation functions for the diffusive test
with an internal interface discussed in Subsec. 5.4. The scaling leads to a huge improvement
of the solution.
6. Discussion
In this paper, we investigated the numerical stability of PINNs for multiscale
transport problems. As an exemplary problem we studied the example of the
neutron transport in the so-called diffusive regime. We used an analogy be-
tween PINNs and LSFE that lies in their shared approach of reformulating the
solution of differential equations as the minimization of a (typically quadratic)
functional. By making use of this analogy we were able to build on a theory for
LFSE and adapt it for PINNs. It was shown that PINNs with ReLU activation
functions yield incorrect approximate solutions in the diffusion limit. It was
also demonstrated that a scaling can be applied to PINNs that leads to the cor-
rect diffusion limit. These theoretical findings were underlined with numerical
A formal proof for the convergence of the scaled solution remains a goal for
future research. For LSFE, a corresponding result exists. The proof uses the
fact that the quadratic functional needs to be minimized for all admissible test
functions. Then, by choosing specific test functions, in addition to the rela-
tions in [Proposition 1] it can be shown, that the leading order in the formal
expansion of ϕε0 satisfies a variational form of the diffusion equation. Details
can be found in [24]. Since in the PINN context no direct analogon for the test
functions exists, this cannot be mimicked with PINNs. Therefore, a different
way to formally prove the convergence of the scaled PINN solution needs to be
Here, we see the possibility to build on further results of the existing theory
for LSFE and adapt it for PINNs, too. For instance, there are cases known for
LSFE were scalings other than the one we applied to PINNs are used. Taking
additional parameters, such as the medium optical thickness or the local cell
size, into account, these scalings provide a further improved accurracy. In [38],
as an example, such a scaling is introduced which is especially useful for opti-
cally thin materials.
The work of A. J. was performed within the project RAPID, funded by
the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the
grant number 033RK094B. The work of K.K. was performed in parts within
the project RAPID, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) under grant number 033RK094A. R.G.M. was supported by
the International Atomic Energy Agency under contract No. USA-26472 ”Uni-
versity of Notre Dame Contribution to the AI for Fusion Coordinated Research
The authors are solely responsible for the content of this publication.
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