172174028410. States of Matter Gaseous and Liquid States
172174028410. States of Matter Gaseous and Liquid States
172174028410. States of Matter Gaseous and Liquid States
l0.l Introduction 10.6 Kinetic molecular theory ofgases
10.2 Intermolccular forces 10.7 Deviation from ideal behaviour
10.3 Characteristic propedies of gases 10.8 Liquefaction of gases and critical
10.4 Gas laws constant
10.5 ldeal gas equation 10.9 Liquid state
l0.l Introduction
Q.l. (;ir€ thr diflerences bet\ryeen the three states of ma(er. OR State the properties of three states of
Mean atomic/
. (Approx.) Mean selaration : 3-5A
@ o
Mean separation = 3-lOA Mean separation > 5A
ii. Arrangement Particles are tightly held, and particles are loosely i particlei are more loosely
ofpanicles have regular armngement of packed. irrcgular packed, highly irrEgular
(atoms/ atomv molecules arrangement ofparticles arrangemeniofparticles
, molecules)
iii. Movement of Particles cannot move freely particles csn move a Particles are in continuous
particles as they occupy fixed small distance within the random motion.
poClioq_s. tiquid
iv. Shape and Has defbirc shape and Takes the shape of the Takes the shape and lh;
container and has defiDite volume of its cqtlainer.
v. Intermolecular Very small Inlermollecular Moderate Inrermolecular La.ge Intermolecular
space space space space.
Effect of a Volume change is small Moderale etTect on clange
small change in lolume changc significantly high.
Q.2. wlth suttrble di.gram, explrh horr three statcs of matt€r rre lnterconvertible by etchrnge of hert
Chapter 10: States of Matter:
Q3. Wh rre lt erDoleculrr forcer? Etphin thc rcle of these forcB iD dtfierent strter of mrtt€r'
present b€tween the rciShbouring
i. Intermolecular forces arc the attractive forces as well as rePulsive forces
the molecules
ii. The atfiactive forc€ decteas€s with the increase in distsnce between
iii. rfr"i.i"...f""rfr. fo."s are strong in solids, less strong in liquids aod very weak in gases Thus' the thnee
per the strengd of i ermolecular forces
ffrlsicat states ofmaner catr be determioed as .
pressr[E viscosity' evaporation'
iv. itr'e ohvsicat orooerties ofmaner such as mehing point. boiling point. vapor
;;;;';;;iJ;;;;rbltitv can te sruoiea *itt- respect o thi smngth of attractive urtermolecular forces
tr€tweetr the molecules.
During fie melting process, intermolecular forces arc padally overcome, whereas they are overcome
completely during the vapourization process.
ICI (iodini chloride, B P. 27 'C), are dipolar liquids'
ine'motecutar orient{tions due !o dipole-dipol€ interaction in
ICI liquid 66' I
iv. cll CI ICI
is shown in the adjacent figure: 6
,. ft{"* p.f* rhe substance, Sreater the strength of its dipoledipole Dlpole-dipole interrclloN _l
on boiling poitrt with sD exrmple'. . .
Q.8. Erptrin the eff€ct of dlpole moment point'
Ans: moment, stronger are the intermolecular forces Thus' high€r is the boiling
"-" Higher the dipole
;.;: r;i.'rn.r.nr airn.ttir err'"iiH ' o-cH'ti"llD*hiterhatoferhanetcHr-cH: point of
that of elhane' the boiling
O.l D. Since, dipole moment oi aimetttyt ettteiis higher lhan
dimethyl ether is higher than that ofethane'
Std. Xl S.i,: Precise
o lt
l o
,ltlr. ll.
\r- ion (cation) - H:O interactior
v The charge de$ity on Na+ is more concmtmted than fie charge densiry on cl
becaus€ Na' is smarer in size
than Cl . This makes the interaction betwem_ (Na*1 and neg-ative eni of
the poiar t{rO molecule stronger
than the corrcsponding interaction b€tween (Cl and positive-end oftt. poU,
vi l firOiol""rl".
More the.charge on cation, stronger is rhe ron-dipoli inreraction. r*."i".pr.,'Lagl;'i*
and smaller. ionic radius (78 pm) than Na'ion (98 pmr, tence Ugr.
higher charge
ion'is suriounded (hydired) moie
strongly with water molecules and exerts strong ion_dipole interactioni
Ttus, the stretrgth of inte'ction iDcreases with increaie in charge on cation
and wilh decrease in ionic size
or radius.
Therefore, ion{ipole forces incrcase in ihe order: Na. < Mgr. < 41r*.
compact. H HHHH tl HI
iii. For examPle, o-Penlane boils at 309.4 K' H-C H
whercas neopentane boils a,.282.7 K.
substances have the same
iv. Both the I
molecular formul4 C5Hr). but n'petrtane is I Mor. cornpa.t molecul.
lonser and somewhal spresd out. wherc's I
neo-pentane is more spherical and compact'
.\, r-;;':""'
J ..N
\6 ------H
H// SH
Std. Xlsci.: Precise Chemistry
Q.17. Erpl.in intr.molecut.r rnd intermoleculsr hydrogen bond with sui;lbh elrmples.
i. Hydrogcn bond which occLtrs wirhin one single molecule represenrs intrrmolecul.r hydrogen
e.g. H-bonding in ethylene glycol:
cH. iid H5'
| ..
is, - ?io s"-
ii. A hydrogen bond presenr between two like or unlike moleculcs represenrs intermoleculsr
hydrogen hond.
e.g. H-bonding in H F:
Hd.F",H' r,H" r H" r
\ .,/
Q.18. How doer hydrogcn boDdlns lnltu.trce bolllng polDt3 ofcompoundi?
i. Due to rhe presence ofhydrogen bonding in the compouncJs, morc mergy is requircd
ro brea.k the bonds.
fi. I neretore. Dortrng poinl is more in case ofliquid mol€cules containing
hydmqen bond.
iii. Hydmgen bonds can be quite sirong wirh mergies up lo 40 Uhol.
iv. The boiling point generally incr€as€s witb inirease in molecular mass,
but rhe hydrides of nitrogen (NHi),
oxygen (H2O) and fluoriDe (HF) have abnorma y high boiling poinrs due 'the presenc"
o of tryd.ogin
bonding between the molecules.
b:nd vts:osi? of tiquid increases. Hydtosen bona ptoy ,itat rote in tuter,,tinins
f:,:y-?-l::::: ?I!
strucrufe anct properttes oJ proteins and nu(leic acids present in a living oryahirns.l
Q.19. Do you know? /7c \tbook ?..g? no Httl
Conrlder Orte compound.: HrS, HrSe rrd ILO. tdcntify which h.. the htghe.t
Am: Among &e three compounds H2o, H2s aod Hlse, the firsr one, g:o has rrre ilestbolItrg poltrt Ju try.
has dl€ highest B.P. of 100.C. B.p. ofHrs is 60
morecular s mass. B't it
"C and ofHrse is _41.25.C. The extraordinary high B.p.
ofH2O is due to very strong hydrogen bonding even though it has the lowest molccular
Q,20. Erpldn thc rcl.tlDn betwoen lntemolecdar forcB .nd th.rmal cDerBr.
i Thermal energy is the measure of kinetic eners/ of the panicles
of mrtt€r that ariles due to movement of
ii. It is directly f,roportional to the tempemrure; that ,reans, themal energy incrcases with incre&s€ in
temperafurc end vic€ velsa.
iii Thre€ satss of tnatter arc lhe consequence ofa b&lance b€tweeo the intennolecular forEer ofattaction and
the rhennal €nergy of th€ moleculas.
iv. [f the iDtemolecular forces am vw rveak, molecules do not come logcther ro make liquid or solid unless
thermal energy is decreased by low#ng the remperature.
v. When a substsnce is to b€ conve.ted ftom its gaseous stste to solid state, its themal eners/ (or temperatue)
has to. be reduced. At this stage, the inrermol;I". ro.""s too."o'orc-r-po-.t"otiiao ttrernul
p..ticles. energ ofthe
I Intemolecular force iocrcases -----+ I
- )l Liquid
encrgY decreases
l,---+l I
Notc: Comparison of idte.molecular forces: f flr /, ook payc no. I l0)
Strength Chrracterlstics
Modcnl. (10 50 kJ,nlot) O(curs b.xfecn ions and pol!rsot\rnls
Dipole-dipole Weak (3 .t kJhot) Occurs between polar moleculis
London dispersion Weak (I I0 kJlmoll Occum b€tween all molecules; streogth depends on
size, polarizabiliry
Hydrogen bond Modcrarc ( lo 1U kJ mot) Occurs between molecules with eff. f.f H- ana
H F bonds
Chapter 10: States ot Matter:
Gaseous and liquid states
ii, Ntme five elements rnd five compounds those exist as gases at room tempereture'
Ans: Five elements ,nd live compounds th|t erist as gises st room temperrture ar€ as follows:
No, Eleoentt No. Compoutrds
Nitrogen a. ( arbon dioxide
b. Orrgen b. Carbon monoxrde
Ilydrogen c. Nilrogen dioxidc
d. ( hlorinc d. Sulphur dio\idc
e. Yelhine
*Q.25. Ltut the chr.cterirdc PhFlc.l propertie ofthe 88...
Ans: Char.cteristic physlcrl proPertiB ofthe Saseri
i. Cases are lighter than solids and liquids (i.e., possess lower density)'
ii. cases rlo noi possess a fixed volume and shsp€. They occupy entir€ spaca available and take
the shap€
gsses exert pressure
iii. Gas molecules are widely sepaEted and are in continuous, random motion. Therefore.
of ihe container'
equally in aU directions due to collision ofSas molecules, on the walls
iv. In cas€ ofgas€s, intermol€cular forces are rreakest.
Gases posiess the property of difrrsion, which is I spontsneous homogeneous
v. inter mixiDg of two or more
vi. Gases arc highly compressible.
Q.26. Whet rre the mersurrble propertiei ofgrses?
Explain the following mmsurrble properties ofgrses in detril: Mrss, volume, pressure, temperature
and diflusion.
Ans: Measurable properties ofgases ale as follows:
i. Massi
a. The moss (n) ofa Eas sanple is neature ofthe quantitJ ofnafier it contain!
b. It can be rneasured experimentally.
c. The Sl unil ofmass is kilogram (kg).
tkg: l0r g.
d. The mass ofa gas is related to the number ofmoles (n) by rhe expression:
mlarmaasingmrns M
a. It is lhe property ofan object that determines direction in which energy will flow when that object is
in contact with anorher object.
b. In scientific measurem€nts, tempe.arure (T) is measured either on rhe Celsius scale (.C) or lhe Kelvin
scale (K).
c. The SI unit oftemperature ofa gas is Kelvin (K).
d. The Celsius and Kelvin scales are related by the expression: T(K) = t oC + 273.15
U. DifiorloD:
a. Dittsioi b the process ofmixing two or more goses aolorm a homogeneo s mkture.
b. The volumc ofgas diftrsed per uoit time is the .ate ofdimlsion of that gas.
volurE of!8r'r difr$'d
Rate ofdifnrsion ofa css -
- Timc requiEd for dimlsion
c. SI Unit for r6te ofdifirsion is dmr s-r or cm3 s l.
Q.27, Ule your brdtr powcr. o.xtbook pdge no- I 4 I )
Flnd the u[it itr whlch crr-tlrre prBrtre l! rne$ured.
Ani: Gr-tyrc FEssr€ is mea$rEd in dE uoits ofpouds per squ&e irch (p6i) c Ne",ton pei nete squa!€ (Nm
'Q.2t N.me the terD u,ed for alrtrg of dlf,a.lrt gr.$ by nEdom mol€cul.r motiol sod frcquent collislon.
Atr3: The mixing ofdiff€rent gascs by random molecular hotion and frequent collision is called diffirsion.
Chapter lC
State. of Matter:
Gaseous and liquid States
Solved llxamples
i. Exrctly 1.5 alm to prscals: ii. t9 kPr to nervton per squ.r€ metre (N m '):
rand I Pa= l0 rkPa
I atm = 101325 Pa I Pa= I N m
.. 1.5 alm= 1.5 x 101325 .. l0rkPa=lNmr
= 15198?.5 Pr
. 8skpa=L{r p6:=s9666x6}
iii. l0lJ25 kPr to bar: iv. -100 "C ro Kelvin:
I bar = 1.0 x los Pa T(K) = t'C + 273.15
=l.0xt0:kpa .. T(K)=( lO0 "C) + 273.15 = l?3.15K
.. 100 kPa = I bar
lr l0l 325
' lr)l lll5 kPa -- 1.01325 brr
v. 0.124 torr lo standrrd atmosphore:
1 atm = ?60 ton
,' I rorr =
- I
. 0.I24ron-0.I2a. :1
- l.63r x tor slm
Q,32. Convert:
i. 3.5 .tm to mm Hg ii. 1520 torr to etm iii. 5 m3 to dmr iv- 580 "C to Kelvin
= 2660 mm Hg 1520torr= =2atm
Std. Xl Sci.: Precise
5 m3 to dm3: 5m oC to K€h,ln:
I m] = lor dmr T(K)=t'C+273.15
5 m]= 5 " l0r drnr:SIXX) dm' T(K) = (580 oC) + 273.15 = t53.15 K
10.:l Gas laws
Q.33. Nrme four mersurabl€ properties thrt ar€ essenrirl to siudy behaviour ofgsses.
(where, kr is the proponionality consrant)
v=0.50L v=0.251 I
i,-- L=_Tq5__,--_1_=_21s_{ --
lNore: Eoch cude is an isothem ds tt is plo ed at constant temperature. (iso = constont, therm =
Chapter 10: States of Matter:
Gaseour and tiquid States
ll. Gr.ph ofPV vercus prersure (P) of. grs const.nt lemper.ture:
If the product ofprcssure and volume (PV) is plotted against pressure (P), a straight line is obtained parsllel
!o x-axis (prcssure axis).
f-- -- --; ------- ---- ----- ---t
prcssure (P) -----)
Gr.ph of PV t. prqsure, P, of . grs !t dlfle.ent
i_ _
iii. Craph of pressu re ( P) of a gls versus recip roca I of volu me ( I /v) at constant lemperrtur€:
Ifthe pressure (P) ofthe gas is plotled against ( l/V), a straighl line is oblained passing ttuough the origin.
INote: At high pressure, deviotiontom Boyle s law is obsened in the behariour ofgases.l
*Q.37. with the help ofgrrph, enswer the following. I
At constrnt temperature, I
i. Gmph shows relation bGtwcetr pressure rnd volume.
Represent ahc rel.tion m.thematicall].
ii. ldetrdry the hw.
iii. Wrlte the rt t m€nt of h*.
i. ,. V
ii. The graph represents Boyle's law as it gives relation Lretween pressue and volume at constant lempemture.
iii. aeler Q.3t.
Q.38. Do you know? i/Ir.\lxx)k ?dg. ,to. I1))
Ilor does. blcycle pumD work?
Ans: A bicycle pump works on Boyle's law. Pushing a bicycle pump squashes the same number ofparticles into a
smaller volume. This squashing means particles hit the walls of the pump more often, increasing the
pressure. The increased pressure ofa gas can be felt on palm by pushing in the piston ofa bicycle pump.
*Q.39. Would it be ersi$ to drlnk w.ter with r strrt on the top of th€ Moudt Everett or rt the b.sc?
when you drink rhmugh a straw, the prcssure inside the straw reduces (as the air is withdraw by mouth) and
the liquid is pushed up to your mouth by atmospheric pressure. Thus, drinking wiih a siEw makes use of
pressure difl€rence to force the liquid into your mouth. So, ifthe pressure difference is less it will h€ dimcuh
to drink through a straw. On the top ofthe Mounl Evercst. atmosph€ric pressure is very low Hence, il will
be difficult to drint water with a sFaw on the top of Mount Evercst as compared to at the base.
*Q.40. A bubble of Ecthrne grs rises from tbe bottom of North S€r. Whrt wil hrppel to thc size ofbubble rs
It ,ber to the turf.cG?
According to Boyle's law, the size ofthe bubble ofmethaoe gas incr€ases as it rises lo the surface.
Std. xlSci.: Precise Chemistry
The pressure nder a liquid surface vaies vith depth. As depth incredses, pressure
Thus, when a bubble rises lrom botom of sea to the surface, it encounte$
According to Boyle\ lotr,lhe vohme ofa gos is inversely ptoportioral lo lhe I
pressure of the gas when the temperature is lreld constant. I
Thut, the volune (size) ofthe blbble iroreises os it rbes to the surfa.e. I
But-d: -
On substituting, V from equation (2),
.. d=kP ...(3)
.. d {P
Above equation shows that at constant temperature, the pressure is dircctly propo onal to the densily ofa
fi),ed mass oflhe gas.
v,=vo+ l)
r#vo ...(
Where V, and Vo are the volumes of the given mass of gas at the temperatures r 'C and 0 "C.
Chapter 10i Statei o, M.tter:
'[ 27].ls'
.. v, = v" r'* 2?r 15) ...(2)
l 273.15 l
v, = v,, ral
(r"l . .(r)
iil -lJ-,
[.,,l1 \
t'. 1l
it ...1
.-1,/ 1..|
1-l .'l
il. t-ll
ll)0 Kcl\in 600 K.lvin
This shows that at constant pressure, Sases expand on hcsting and contmct on cooling'
lNole: Zero volume for a gas sarnPle is a hypolhelical state. In ptaclice, all lhe
gases get liquiJied at a
tenperarure higher ihan -273.15 t. Thh tenPerature b the lo1^'est temPerature thal-can be i''agined but
prictically cannot be auained. It is the absotute zero temPerature on the Kelvin scale (0 K) l
Std. XlSci.: Precise Chemistry
When pressure is conslanl, a gas qpanb on heoting and thus, its wlume increases. This it in accordance with
Charles lax,.
-L=& ="on.1"o1
T' Tt
Chapter 10: States ot Matter:
Gaseous and Liquid states
__ I'j':'t"_"i l"lrylI"'11Y":'
Q,53. Define the following lerms:
i. Isotherm ii. Isobrr iii. Isochore
i. A gra?h ol prcssure (P) wrsu.\ nlune lV) at u constant tenparature it knonn us isothzm
;. ,q iritof volune (l/) versus absolute tempetafiie lT) at a &nstant pressute i! kno||n Ltt isohar'
iii. A graph ofpresture @) versus absolute lemperature (T) ut a co stant volune it k o||h dr itochorc'
Std. Xl Sci.: Precise
Q.58. Derive the rclotion betwe€[ density ofr gr3 rnd its molar mrss.
Ans: Relaiion between density ofr grs rnd its molar mrss:
According to Avogadrc's law, V c. n
Now. n - -M-(where. m is the mass of$e gas and M rs rhe molar mass of the Bas)
Thus, density ofa gas is directly proportional to its molar mass.
*Q.59. Identiry rhe grs lsws from the following dirgr.ms.
Dirgrams Crs lrws Dirgr.m Grs law
lr rlr
Li_l H]
l, 1jl
i. Boyle's law
ii. Charles'law
iii. Avogadro'slaw [Noa: ,/'srurning, ? co8tarrr]
rQ.60. Oblerve ttre fouD*fug coDvenlonr.
Hr * cl,
-I€-., 2HCl
2H, + Cb ------r 2HCl + H,
ln le Ji6t re^crion, borh the rcactanls aE cofipletely coisuD*d to Iorm pnxbct dccording lo reacrion sloichionetry.
I nol lrydrcgen + I nol chloine -----+ 2 mol hrdrogen chloride
In ahe second rarction, cuoine is ,he limitihg reqent ard it is conpleteb, consuned to
lorm hr*ogen chtoridt
Erccss Wogen retruits u eacted a! the erd of tlp r.tttitw. mb rc$tion abolottows pn;ipte of sb;hionet y.
2 nol hydrogeh + I t lol chlorine
----+ 2 nol lrydrogen chlo de + t nol ttJdrogen
Chapter 10: Stat€s of Matter:
Gaseous and States
Boyle's law
+Q.6l.The volume occupicd by. given msss of r grs rt 296 K is 25 mL rt I stmospher€ pressure.
Cslculrt€ the volumc ofth€ g.s ifpressure h incre.3ed to l'25 rtmosphere rt cotrstlnt temper.ture.
tl'ft)hl.'t]1 lt) LI Tr\th)oA lo!!! n,) llJ)
Given: Pl = Initial prcssue = t atnL Vr = Initial volunre = 25 mL
P, = Final pressurc = I .25 atm
To finl: v2 = Final volume ofthe gas
PlVr = PrV2 (at constant n snd T)
Accoditrg to Boyle's law, PrVr = PrV:
Substituting the values ofPt, Vr and Pz in the above expr€ssioD, we 8ct
- Pr 1.25
. v. - lv,
p -l-227=;soooott.'l.stzL
lns: The balloon can stay inflated below the volume of?.567 L.
*Q.63. A syringe hrs
_ r volume of 10.0 cmr .t pressure I rtm. lf you Plug ihe end so thri no g'l crn esclpe
pr"-h th" ptrnger down, whrt must be the lln.l volultr€ to cb.trge thc pressure to 3'5 rtm?
Given. Pr = lnitial pressure = I atm, vr = lnitial volume = 10.0 cmr
Pr = Final pressure = 3.5 atm
To lindl Vr = Final volume
PrVr = P:Vr (at constant n and T) Calculation usins log table:
According to Boyle's law,
PrVr = P:Vr (al constant n and T) L5
tlocro(10.0) losm (3.5)l
= Antiloc,0
p v l^ 10.0
V. :-!r=-= 2.9 cm" = ADtilogro .0o0o - 0.544 1 1
0,64. A b.lloon hrs certrin volume rt se. level. At wh.t pr€3rurc (ln kP.) wlll its volume be
hcre$cd by
409/" ifthe temperrture b kept constrnt?
+Q.65. At 100 I( r certrin mrss of a gls occupies I x lordmr volume. C.lculrte its volume rt 450 K rd rt
th€ same prcssure. (Probl.ti 10.2 ofTeilnok p.tge ho- 145)
Given: Tr = Initial temperature = 300 K Vr = Initial volume = I x lor dm],
T2 = Final temp€mture = 450 K
ro fnd: V: = Finalvolume
I=! rut.on.tunr n rna pr
Calculation: According to Charles' law, at ironstanr pressure.
-I (at constant n and P)
T, T,
v.T, I.10r.450
- T, 300
.. Vr = 1.5 x l0{ dm3
Ans: The volume ofgiven gas becomes 1.5 x l0r dmr al the temperature of450 K and ssme pressure.
*Q.66. The volume ofr given mr3s ofr ges
st 0 .C is 2 dm3. Crlculrt€ ihe new volume ofthe grs rt constrnt
pressure when:
i. The temperuture is increased by 10.C. ii. The temperrture is decreased by l0 .C.
Given: Tr = lnitial tempemrure = 0'C = 0 + 273.15 = 273. l5 K,
Vr = Initialvolume=2dm3
i. T, = Final temperaturc = 273.15 K + l0= 281.t5 K
ii. T2 = Final temperature = 273.15 K - l0 = 263.15 K
To lindl Vr = Final volume in both the cases
r =- (at constant n and P)
T' r,
Calcularion: According ro Charles' law,
r=rVV^ (al constanl n and P)
T, T,
. i.. v,- - vT. 21281.15 - 2,07t dml
Tr 273.15
rr. v.- vT.,. _ 2'263
_ 15
1.927 dml
I 213.ts
Ans: The ne$ rolume ofa grven mass ofgas is:
i. 2.073 dmr ii,
t.927 dmr
*Q.67. A hot.ir bslloon has a volumc of280o
m, rt 99 .C. Whrt is the volume if the air cools to 80 .C?
Given: Vl=lnitialvolume=2800mr.T,=11111u1t..r"rature=99oC=99+273.15=3?2.15K,
T2 = Final lemperaturc = t0 oC = 80 + 273.15 K = 353. t5 K
To Jindl V, = Final volume
Chapter 10: States of Matter:
Gaseous and Liquid States
Q.6t. The volume of r given mrss of s gas at 0 'C is 0.2 dmr. Crlculrte its volume ,t 100 "C, if the pressure
remrins thc ssrne. -:2tt57
car-Lussrc's hlr''
Q.70. A glass container is serled with s grs rt 0.8 atm pr€ssure and at 25 "C. The glass contsiner sostains a
pr;ssure of 2 rtm. crlculste the temperrture to which the gas cen be h€ated before bursting the
Gircn: Pr = Initial pressure = 0 8 atm, P:= Final pressure = 2 alm
T1 = Initial temperalure = 25 "C = 25 * 273 15 K = 298'15 K
fofntl: Tr : Final temperature
F,,rnuta: L=!rar
TT. .onsranr
" ""a
Std. XlSci.: Pre.is€
- - P.T. 2. 298.15
P, 0.8 :
A.tiloSro tlosro(2) + losro (29E.15) logjo(0.8)l
= AnriloSro [0.3010 + 2.4745 i.9031]
= 745.4 K : Annbgol2.87241 = 145.4
T: - t45.4 2't3.15.C - 412-25 "C B472oC,
Ans: The lemp€rature to which the gas can be heated b€forc bursting the conlainer is 472 "C.
Avogadro's hw
Q.71. Atr &0 L of .rDple .t 0 'C .rd 5.5 .h of prc!3une cotrtllnr 2.0 dlole3 of . gl!. If morc 1.0 mol. of grs
at lbc raDa tanpcratwr rrd prtaa[rr k .dda4 crlcoLtc 6e 6r.l voluDc.
Giveni vr = Initisl volunc: E.0 L
n1 = Iritial mol = 2.0 mol
n, = Final mol = (2.0 + 1.0) = 0.3 mol
To fnd. Vr = Final volume
Y - .onrt"nt j.... I - Yr 1ar consranr r ana r
nnr n2
R in litrc rtmosphere: Ifprcssure (P) is express€d in atmospherc (atm) and volume in litre (L) or decimeter
cube (dm3) and TemperaturE in kelvin (K), (that is, old STP coudltioN). then value ofR is,
- I atm 21.414 L
I mo!'273.15 K
R=0.0821 LatmKrmol
R = 0.0821 dmr atm K-r mol I
iii. R in crlori€s: we know, I calorie = 4.1 84 Joules
Now, for a known mass 'm' of gas having molat mass 'M', numbcr ofmoles 'n' is given as:
On rearmnging the equation, we get
- PrVr
The ideal gas equation used in this form is called combined g.s hw.
combined grs lrw.
Anst Re[et Q.72. anllQ.75.
std. Xl Sci.: Precire
*Q.77. Consider a srmpl€ ofa gss in a cylinder with a movable plston.
T- - - --- - ---- ----- - -.
Movabl€ pistoo
Ar consranr r. P {+
Since, pressure doubles. volume will become hali
n l
At constant P. V€T
Since, temperaturc becomes half, volume will also b€come half.
Q.78. Derive the relstion between density, molar msss and pressure.
Ansr Relstion between dedsity, molar mass rnd pressure:
According 10 idealgas equation.
PV = nRT ... (1)
On rearranging equation (1). we get
Chapte. 10: States of Matter:
Gaseous and Liquid States
Now. n=
on substituting the value ofn, equalion (2) becomes
dP IJ'
where d =V = density ofthe gas
This equation can be used to calculate molar mass ofa gas in terms of its density.
*, \1 . (
V .(,-n, nu,"
The pressure ofa pure gas is given by the ideal gas equotion
Co sequently, ,he prcsslre of an indivitud gas in a nirrure of gases b proPo ionol to its amount in that
nltturi. This implies thot the total press re (Pr.'i of a mixwe of gases at constant volume (l/) and
Tenpelature (I) k equal lo the sum of the Pretsure that individual gat exertr in the nirt re This b Dalton's
lm ol Dartiol nressures.
*Q.81, The pressure thst each lndlvidual gis would cxert if it *ere slone in the container, what do re crll it
Ans: The pressure thal each indiridual gas would cx€n il-i1 were alone in the container is called as partial
,,rd,r _ ...(4)
f R.rl
By combining equation (3) and (4), we get
n, lvl p,
' tao1 Pr-,
Pr = r:.Pr,,Et .. ,.. and so on.
Thus, panial pressure of a gas is obhined by muhiplying the iotal pressure of mixrLrre by mole fraction ol'
that gas.
Q.88. Explein how pressure of . dry g&s crn be c.lculrted using aqu€ous tension.
i. When a gas is collected over water in a closed container, it gels mixed with the satumlcd watcr vapour in
that space. Therelbre. the measured pressure conesponds to the pressure ofthe mirturc of thal gas and the
saturaled water vapour in lhat space.
ii. Pressure ofpure and dry gas can be calculated by using lhe aqueous tension. ll is obtained by subtracting the
aqueous tcnsion fiom the total pressure ofthe moist gas.
.. Pr, *". = Pr,,,,, P'u
i.e., PD.,- g," = Prd,r - Aqueo[s Tension
Std. Xl Sci.: Predre
PV 4.7 x2.32
= 0.{-15 moles
' ii=6ffifiG.r5
Ans: Number ol molcs ol Nr gas in fie 8i\cn \olunre is 0'4'15 moles'
Std. XlSci.: Precise Chemistry
Q.98. Cslculate the [umber of mol€s of hydrogen grs present in a 0.5 dm] s.mplc of hydrogen gas ,r ,
pressure of 101.325 kPa st 27 oC.
Giwn: V:0.5dmr - 0.5x l0 r mr, P= l0l.325kpa= 101.325 x l0r pa= l0l.32S x torNm r
T = 27 "C : 27 + 273.ts K:300.15 K. R: ll.ll,r J K I mol r
= 0.020 mol
RT 8.1I4x 300.15
Ans: The number ofmoles ofhydrogen gas present in rhe given volume is 0.020 moles.
*Q.99. Crlculste the number of molecul€s of methrn€ in
0.50 m. of th€ grs at . pr€ssure of 2.0 x 10, kpa rnd
a temperature ofexactly i00 K.
+Q.100. A mixture of28 g N2,8 g He snd 40 g N€ hrs 20 brr pressure. Wha( is the partisl pressure ofeech of
these gases? (Problen 10.5ol Tcxtbook pdsc no. 1501
Giyen: m^, :28g, mH. =89, mN. : 40 g, plid = 20 bar
To Jind: Panial pressure of each gas
Fornula: P, =.rj x Pr.n
Calculation: DelermirE the number of mles (n) of each gas using tfre formuh: n =
28p- :lmol
n\._ = n!.= !- :mut
2lishol -
n\.= '' zmol
Determine the mole fmction ofeach gas using the ibrmula:
I 2nol )
(r+ 2 + 2) mor nr,,jr| ) mol )
Simrlarly, r".-5= -l
Calculate the partial pressure ofeach gas:
P\. r,t, Prd -.- . 20 bar - 4 b.r I prr -r}}. pr., _i.20hor _ Sbar
5 5
Ana: The partial pressure ofnitmgen, helium and neon arc4 b.r,8 brr.nd 6 brr respectively.
Chapter 10: States of Matter:
Gaseous and [iquid States
*Q.l0l. A neon-dioxygen mirture contritr! 70.5 g diorygen rlrd 167.5 I neon. lf prB3urc of the mirture of
the grses in iie cylitrds is 25 brr. Whrt ls the pfftirl pressurc ofdiorygeo rrd neon in th€ mirturc?
Ans: The panial pressure ofdioxygen and neon are 5.2 brr.nd 19.8 b.r respectively'
ii. Devistion ftom ideal behaviour is mcssured in terms ofcomprEssibility factor.
iii. For ideal gases, Z = l under arl conditions of temperatur€ and prEssure. Therefore, the graph
of z versus p
will be a sEaight line parallel ro pressure axis.
r iv. For glses that dcviara fiom ide3l behaviour, value ofz devistes ftom unity.
Chapter 10: States of Matter:
Gareous and liquid states
Not€: Varialion of compressibility factor for some gases sre shown below
l1 cH.
F 'zCot
-t l2
n 1.0
600 1000
A positive deviation in Z, (Z > l), means that lhe volume ofa molecule cannot be neglected and the gas is
diflicult to comg€ss. At lower pressure, the Sases hiva Z = I or Z < l. Under this condition, the molecular
volume is regligible and tbe grs€s aIe compr€ssible. Here,lhe gases show ideal behaviour'
- ... (l)
For idesl gas,
. F/d ... (2)
'= "RT
Subsrilurtng the \alueof in ecuarion rt l. we gel Z -
behaved ideally, at that temperature and pressure-
Q.l 10. Delbe: Critlcd aeEperature, critical yolume .Dd cdticd pre$ure.
i. The tenpefature above *hich o substan e cannot be liquified by irrcreasing pressure is called its crilical
E Peru,ure (T).
ii. The molor wlune at criticol temperalure is called the ctili.al wl$rr. (VJ.
iii. The pressure al the critical te perature is called the cdlical prcssur. (P).
Q.113. G.ser po6!€rs ch.narieriltlc crllical tempcrrture FhLh dep€D& upotr the m.gnitud€ of
intermolecul.r forcer batseetr the grs particles, Crltlcal t€mp€nturc3 of rumoDh rnd crrbon dloxide
rrc {055 K.rd 31X.10 K rerFcdvely. Which of thes€ grae. *lll lhuery nr6t when you st rt cootitrg
from 500 K to their critlcrl temper.tur€?
Anr: When cooling ofamnonia and calbon dioxide gas is started 6om 500 K, then smftonia reaches ils critical
temperature first (i.e.,405.5 K) and hence, it is also the first to get liquefied.
When the cooling is continued funher, ca$on dioxide gas is liquefied as it reaches its critical temperature
(i.e,, 3o4.10 K).
+Q.l l{. CO, h.s T. = 3E 98 "C .nd Pc - 73 rtm. How mrny phrse! of COz coertut.t
ll'rohlcn 10.6 ol 1.\tl).)ok ?dLt tu, ljt)
i. 50 "C Ind 73 stm it. 20 oC snd 5().1n.
i. 50 'C and 73 atm represent a condition for CO2 above its T". Therefore, under this condition CO2 exists only
as sbgle phas€.
ii. 20o C and 50 atrn represent a condition for CO2 below its Tc, Therefore, under this condition h o phases of
COr, nltrlely, liquid ad gss catr coexist.
lNotz: The T. value o/COl nearly equals the roon temperatare: howeter, its p. value b very high.
Therefote, CO2 erists as gas mder odnary condition.l
+Q.l t5. ln *hi.h ofthe foll,owitrS c.t€q *.ter wlll hrve the htgh.rt.nd the lo*€.t boillng poltrt?
lProhlent 10.7 ol T?itbook Nge n. tsil
i. Water fu boil€d itr rn oper v6!el. ii. W.ter lr bo €d ir I prqraorc cqlker.
iil Water i! boiled ln rn evacurted vesreL
Arr: Higher the prcssurc !o which a liquid is exposed, higher will be its boiling point. The prcssure to which
water is exposed is maximum in ttre prEssure cooker and minimum in the evacuated vessel. Therefore,
boiling poin ofwater is highest in a prcssue cooker and lowest in an evacuated vessel.
Note: The boiling temperaturc (boiling poino depends upon the presswe to which the surface ofthe liquid
is expos€d. Ifthe prcssule is I .btr, the boiling temperature is called rorn.l bol[ry poioa.
Ifthe pressurc is I bar, the boiling tenperature is called st ndrrd bollDg poitrt.
For water: normal b.p. = 100 "C, standard b.p. = 99.6 'C
10.9 l,iquid state
vi. Viscosity is expressed in terms ofcoeflici€nt of viscosity, .l' (Etr). The SI unit ofviscosity coemcienr is
N s m-l1ne*ton second per square meler). In CGS system. the unit (I) is measured in polse.
I poise= I gcm rs'= l0_' kgm rs'
Q,126, D€fitre: Coemcient of viscosity
Anst coerftcietu of eiscosi.r- is defihed a\ the Llesree h $hich a ltuid resists Jtov uncler an apptie.t lbrcc.
measured by the tangential Iri.tional Jor(e per unit area ?er unit yelocity gra.jient ||hen the
Jk\. b
Q.128. Deicribe thre€ drily life instrnces where viscosity phys sn irhportrnt role.
i. Lubricating oils are viscous liquids. Gmdation of rubricaiing oils is done on the basis ofviscosity. A good
qualiry lubricating oil does not change its viscosity with increase or decrease in tempemtue.
lt, lncrease blood viscosity rhan the normal value is taken as an indication ofcardiovascular discase.
Glass panes ofold buildings are found to become thicker wirh time near rhe bottom- This indicates that glass
is not a solid but a supercooled viscous liquid
Chapter 10: States of Matter:
Gaseous and l-iquid States
6. n-Pentane and neop€ntane have san,€ 19. At 33 oC, the volume occupied by a given
molecular fomula" but n-peDlrne boils at a mass of gas is 0.45 dmr. Calculate the volume
hiSher temFrah[€ thso neopedane. Explain. if the temperature is incrEas€d to 159 'C
Anst Reler 0.14. keeping th€ pressure constant,
An.: 0.64 dml
7. What is intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
g&s occupies 60.50 dmr al 298 K al
Give an example. 20. A
An. Rekr 9.17. (ii). atmospheric pressure. At what temperature
will the same gas occupy 30.25 dmr at the
loJ Chrrrcreri.tic propertie. of grles same pressure?
Anr: 149 K
8. Give any two chamcteristic properties ofgas€s
21. The temperalure of a given firass of air was
Ans:. Refer Q.25.
changed from 2E5 K to 258 K If the pressure
9. Conven the following temperetures to kelvin: rcmsins tmchan8ed and lhe initial volume was
i. 210c ii. 45'c 0.1 dmr, find the final volume.
Ans: O.m dml
i. 300.15 K ii. ll8.l5 K 22. A glass contsiner is s€aled with a gas at
I0. Convert the following temperalures to Celsius.
0.8 atm pressure and at 28 'C. The glass
ii. container sustains a pressue of 3 atm.
i. 104 K 990 K
Calculate the temperature to which $e gas can
Ans: be heated beforc the contsiner bursts.
i. 169.15 "c ii. 716.85'C
Anr: E55.75 'C
10.4 Grs laws 23. At constant l€mperaiure, 0.050 ml of sir at
pressure ischanged lo 5.23 ' lllNm' 2?. 0.2 moles ofoxygen $ere added in a vessel
Ans:1.94mr 20 dmr capacity al ]0OK Calculale Pressure
oiga". tcii* ri
0.082 L atm K mol
lR A \lringr conlaining 0.45r'dm' oi'a ga' has Ans: 0.246 atn
pressure 0.962 . l0'N m Whar qrll be lhe
pressure of the gas if the plunger of the
28. Find the number ofmoles pr€sent in a sample
svrinrc is pushed and lhe !olume is reduced to ofcarbon dioxide occypying-4.0 x l0 m' al
o.:s i.'. irrhe rc.p"nture remains consurnl? 278Kandl.lO4,l0'Nm'
Ans: 0.193 mole
Ans: l546xl05Nmr
Std. Xl Sci.: Pre.lse
29. A mixture of I mol ofgas A and 2 mol ofgas At conslanl temperatue. the pressure of
B has a total pressure of 15 bar. Whai is rhe 22.4 dm'volume ofan ideal gas \aas increased
partial pressure of each gas? from 105 kla to 210 kPa. new volume colrld
Ansr P. = 5 bar. PB = 10 bar be
.]ll. Al l0l kPa. a balloon uas found lo conrarn
(A) 44-E dml (B) I1.2 dmr
0 2 moles ofhelium. 0.2 moles ofoxygen and
(C) 22.4 dml (D) 5.6 dml
0.5 moles of nitrogen. Wlar is ahe partial 5. Which of the following expression at conslaot
Pressure ofoxygen? pressue represents Charles's law?
Ans: 22.4 kPa
10.6 Kinetic molecuhr theoD ofgsses
rBr v*1,l.
I l. Write any four poslulates of kinelic theory of
(c) v{T (D) Vc.d
gases, Which ot the following is TRUE for 2 moles
Ans. Refq Q.t02 ofan ideal gas?
10.7 Devirtion from ideal behsviour (A) Pv = nRT (B) PV=RT
(c) Pv = 2Rr (D) PV=T
32. Define idesl gases.
If density of a gss is measured at conslatrt
Atnst Refer Q.103. (, temperaturc and pressurE th€n which of the
ll- Why do gases deviate from ideal behaviour? following statement is corrEct?
Anst Refet Q. I 05 . (A) Density is directly propoftional to molar
34. mass ofthe gas.
DeIine comprcssibility factor (Z). Wlai is the
(B) Grcater the density, greater is the molar
value ofz for an ideal gas?
mass ofthe gas.
An$ Refer Q.107
(C) If density, temperatue and prEssure is
ro.1-!!sg!!_!!!!" _ giveD, ideal gas equation can be used to
lind rnolar mass.
35. Explain in shon the various factors affecting (D) All the above statements ire corect.
vapour pressure ofa liquid.
A\st Relbr Q.119. 8. The pressure of 2 mole of ideal gas at 546 K
16, Define surface tension,
having volume rg.8 L is_.
Ans: Refer Q.l 2l . liy)
(A) 2 atm (B)
3 atm
(C) 7 atm (D)
I atm ldl
37. Surface tension is a temperature dependent 9. Al 30O K, the density of a certain gaseous
prop€(y. Explain.
Alis. Refet Q.122.
molecule at 2 bar is double to that of
dinitrogen at 4 bar. The molar mass ofgaseous
38- Define viscosity. molecule is
Anst Refer Q.125. (iv) 1e) zs g m;ir- (B) 56gmoll
(C) l12gmol' (D) 224 g rnol
Quick Reriew
Predicting the major intermolecuhr forces pres€rt between any tlro species:
Inierccting species
Ar€ H atoms
bonded ro
Dipole-dipole I Hydrogen I
ron-aipote I
/__L _-.
t ir" --l L
LrryJ l
Chrrles' hw Avogrdro's hw
P -lVP* v *l (n and P constant) (T and P constant)
(n and T conslano
R = Universal Sas constant
Pv = nRT
Ideal gas equation
T, T:
Combined gas law
mRT dm and benzene molecule.
Ans: Reler Q. t0.
5. Wrirc a shorl n(,le on Londt)n dr.pur,ion tb(er.
m = mass ofgas Aoll Reler Q.t t.
Chapter 10: Statet ot Mattet:
Gaieous and Liquid States