1 Unit-1 Introduction 2 1 - - 5
Collection, organization and
2 Unit-2 6 - 1 1 16
presentation of data
Statistical Tools and
Interpretation (Up to
3 Unit-3 Measures of Central 2 1 2 1 19
Tendency: Arithmetic Mean,
Median, Mode)
Total 10x1=10 2x3=6 3x4=12 2x6=12 40(17)
Consumer’s Equilibrium
7 Unit-5 5 1 2 1 22
and Demand
Producer Behaviour and
8 Unit-6 Supply (Up to Cost of 3 1 - 1 12
Total 10x1=10 2x3=6 3x4=12 2x6=12 40(17)
Grand Total 20x1=20 4x3=12 6x4=24 4x6=24 80 (34)