Web Technology - Question Bank Unit Wise
Web Technology - Question Bank Unit Wise
Web Technology - Question Bank Unit Wise
S.No Questions K – Level CO
1. State the purpose of HTTP protocol 1 CO1
2. Differentiate HTML and XHTML 2 CO1
3. Define URI. 1 CO1
4. List the different basic protocols used on the Internet. 1 CO1
5. What do you mean by Relative URLs? 1 CO1
6. Write the functions of a Web Server. 2 CO1
7. State the uses of Internet Protocol. 1 CO1
8. List and explain any two HTML elements. 1 CO1
9. Write the code to make two rows of horizontal frames using HTML. 2 CO1
10. Write HTML code to display an image. 2 CO1
11. How will you create a password field in a HTML form? 2 CO1
Write HTML code to create the following table.
12. W X 2 CO1
S.No Questions K – Level CO
11. What are the client side scripts and server side scripts? Differentiate. U 3
Design a webpage with a textbox where the user can enter a four digit
number and a button “validate” . Validate the entered number for the
3 E 3
following using java script. No zero as the first digit Entered number
must be in ascending order of digits (Ex:1234,5678…)
Course Outcomes:
CO Outcomes K level
CO1 K2
Understand the fundamental concepts to develop web pages
CO2 Describe the Web Frameworks and apply Client side scripting to design dynamic web pages K3
CO5 Apply advanced web technologies to develop real time web applications K3
CO6 Develop and validate data in web pages and web services K3