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(iv) The number of zeroes is 1. (Why?)

(v) The number of zeroes is 1. (Why?)
(vi) The number of zeroes is 4. (Why?)
1. The graphs of y = p(x) are given in Fig. 2.10 below, for some polynomials p(x). Find the
number of zeroes of p(x), in each case.

Fig. 2.10
2.3 Relationship between Zeroes and Coefficients of a Polynomial

You have already seen that zero of a linear polynomial ax + b is - b . We will now try to answer
the question raised in Section 2.1 regarding the relationship between zeroes and coefficients
of a quadratic polynomial. For this, let us take a quadratic polynomial, say p(x) = 2x2 – 8x + 6.
In Class IX, you have learnt how to factorise quadratic polynomials by splitting the middle
term. So, here we need to split the middle term ‘– 8x’ as a sum of two terms, whose product is
6 × 2x2 = 12x2. So, we write
2x2 – 8x + 6 = 2x2 – 6x – 2x + 6 = 2x(x – 3) – 2(x – 3)
= (2x – 2)(x – 3) = 2(x – 1) (x – 3)
‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \T 37

(iv) XøSH«\ dŸ+K« 1 ( m+<ŠTÅ£”?)

(v) XøSH«\ dŸ+K« 1 ( m+<ŠTÅ£”?)
(vi) XøSH«\ dŸ+K« 4 ( m+<ŠTÅ£”?)
nuó²«dŸ+ 2.1
1. ¿=“• ‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \ p(x) jîTT¿£Ø ¹sU²ºçԐ\ y = p(x) |Ÿ{²\T ¿ì+<Š |Ÿ³+ 2.10ýË ‚eNj&†¦sTT. ç|ŸÜ dŸ+<óŠsÒۓ•
|Ÿ]o*+º p(x) jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\ dŸ+K«qT Ôî\|Ÿ+&?

|Ÿ³+ 2.10
2.3 ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ >·TD¿±\Å£”, XøSH«\Å£” eT<óŠ« dŸ+‹+<óŠeTT
a x +b, a ¹ 0 nqT ¹sFjáT ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ jîTT¿£Ø XøSq«eTT b n“ MTsÁT ‚~esÁ¿¹ Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”H•sÁT. ‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT eTqeTT
$uó²>·eTT 2.1 ýË ç|ŸkÍï$+ºq $wŸjáTeTT esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿±\Å£”, XøSH«\Å£” >·\ dŸ+‹+<󑓕 Ôî\TdŸTÅ£”Hû
ç|ŸjáTÔá•+ #û<‘ÝeTT. B“ ¿=sÁÅ£” eTqeTT ÿ¿£ esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ p(x) = 2x2 – 8x + 6 rdŸTÅ£”+<‘eTT. eTq+ 9e
ÔásÁ>·ÜýË esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~“ <‘“ eT<ó«Š |Ÿ<‘“• $&ƒBjáTT³ <‘Çs ¿±sÁD²+¿£ $uóȄ q #ûjTá e#áÌq• $wŸjTá + HûsTÁ ÌÅ£”H•eTT.
¿±eÚq, eTq+ ‚ý² s<‘Ý+.
2x2 – 8x + 6 = 2x2 – 6x – 2x + 6 = 2x(x – 3) – 2(x – 3)
= (2x – 2)(x – 3) = 2(x – 1) (x – 3)

So, the value of p(x) = 2x2 – 8x + 6 is zero when x – 1 = 0 or x – 3 = 0, i.e., when x = 1 or

x = 3. So, the zeroes of 2x2 – 8x + 6 are 1 and 3. Observe that :

Sum of its zeroes = 1 + 3 = 4 = -(-8) = -(Coefficient of x)2

2 Coefficient of x

6 Constant term
Product of its zeroes = 1 ´ 3 = 3 = =
2 Coefficient of x 2

Let us take one more quadratic polynomial, say, p(x) = 3x2 + 5x – 2. By the method of
splitting the middle term,
3x2 + 5x – 2 = 3x2 + 6x – x – 2 = 3x(x + 2) –1(x + 2)
= (3x – 1)(x + 2)
Hence, the value of 3x + 5x – 2 is zero when either 3x – 1 = 0 or x + 2 = 0, i.e., when x =

1 1
or x = –2. So, the zeroes of 3x2 + 5x – 2 are and – 2. Observe that :
3 3

1 - 5 - (Coefficient of x)
Sum of its zeroes = + (- 2) = =
3 3 Coefficient of x 2

1 -2 Constant term
Product of its zeroes = ´ ( - 2) = =
3 3 Coefficient of x 2

In general, if a* and b* are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial p(x) = ax2 + bx + c,
a ¹ 0, then you know that x – a and x – b are the factors of p(x). Therefore,
ax2 + bx + c = k(x – a) (x – b), where k is a constant
= k[x2 – (a + b)x + a b]
= kx2 – k(a + b)x + k a b
Comparing the coefficients of x2, x and constant terms on both the sides, we get
a = k, b = – k(a + b) and c = kab.
This gives a+b = ,

ab =

* a,b are Greek letters pronounced as ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’ respectively. We will use later one more letter
‘g’ pronounced as ‘gamma’.
‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \T 39

p(x) = 2x2 – 8x + 6 Å£”XøSq«eTT\T ¿±y\+fñ x – 1 = 0 ýñ<‘ x – 3 = 0, ¿±y*. n+fñ x = 1

ýñ<‘ x = 3. n>·TqT. ¿±eÚq, 2x2 – 8x + 6 jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\T 1 eT]jáTT 3 nsTTq$.
-(-8) -(Coefficient
(x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£eofTT) x)
XøSH«\ yîTTÔáeï TT = 1+ 3 = 4 = = 2
x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£eof
TT x2
2 Coefficient
6 Constant
d¾œsÁ |Ÿ<ŠeTTterm
XøSH«\ \‹ÝeTT = 1´ 3 = 3 = = 2
x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£
2 Coefficient ofexTT2
‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT eTq+ eTs=¿£ esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~“ rdŸT¿=+<‘eTT, p(x) = 3x2 + 5x – 2. eT<ó«Š |Ÿ<eŠ TTqT $uóȄ q |Ÿ<ÜƊ ýË
$&ƒBd¾ sjáT>±
3x2 + 5x – 2 = 3x2 + 6x – x – 2 = 3x(x + 2) –1(x + 2)

= (3x – 1)(x + 2)
3x2 + 5x – 2 XøSH«\T ¿±y\+fñ 3x – 1 = 0 ýñ<‘ x + 2 = 0 ¿±y*. n+fñ x = 3 ýñ<‘ x = –2 n>·TqT.
n+<ŠT#û, 3x2 + 5x – 2 jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\T 3 eT]jáTT – 2. M{ì qT+& eTqeTT ~>·Te dŸ+‹+<óeŠ TT |Ÿ]o*<‘ÝeTT
1 - 5 - (Coefficient
(x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£eofTT) x)
XøSH«\ yîTTÔáïeTT = + (- 2) = = 2
3 3 x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£ofeTTx2

1 -2 Constant
d¾œsÁ |Ÿ<ŠeTTterm
XøSH«\ \‹ÝeTT = ´ ( - 2) = = 2
3 3 x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£ofeTTx 2

kÍ<ó‘sÁDeTT>±, ÿ¿£ esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ p(x) = ax2 + bx + c, a ¹ 0 jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\T a* eT]jáTT b* \T

nsTTq#à x – a eT]jáTT x – b \T p(x) jîTT¿£Ø ¿±sÁD²+¿±\T n>·TqT. ¿±eÚq
ax2 + bx + c = k(x – a) (x – b), ‚+<ŠT k ÿ¿£ d¾sœ +¿£+,
= k[x2 – (a + b)x + a b]
= kx2 – k(a + b)x + k a b
B““ esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ýË x2, x >·TD¿±\, d¾œsÁ|Ÿ<ŠeTTÔà bþ\Ì>±, eTqÅ£”
a = k, b = – k(a + b) eT]jáTT c = kab.
B“ qT+& a+b = ,

ab =

* a,b nqTq$ ç^Å£” n¿£sŒ \T. M{ì“ eTqeTT esÁTdŸ>± »€ý²ÎÛµ , »;{²µ n“ |Ÿ\TÅ£”ԐeTT. ÔásTÁ yÜ uó²eq\ýË
eTqeTT n¿£ŒsÁ+ ‘g’ “ –|ŸjÖî ÐkÍïeTT. B““ »>±eÖµ n“ |Ÿ\TÅ£”ԐeTT.

b - (Coefficient of x)
i.e., sum of zeroes = a + b = - = ,
a Coefficient of x2

c Constant term
product of zeroes = ab = = .
a Coefficient of x 2

Let us consider some examples.

Example 2 : Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 7x + 10, and verify the relationship
between the zeroes and the coefficients.
Solution : We have
x2 + 7x + 10 = (x + 2)(x + 5)
So, the value of x2 + 7x + 10 is zero when x + 2 = 0 or x + 5 = 0, i.e., when x = – 2 or x = –5.
Therefore, the zeroes of x2 + 7x + 10 are – 2 and – 5. Now,
-(7) – (Coefficient of x) ,
sum of zeroes = – 2 + (– 5) = – (7) = =
1 Coefficient of x 2

10 Constant term
product of zeroes = (- 2) ´ (- 5) = 10 = = ×
1 Coefficient of x 2

Example 3 : Find the zeroes of the polynomial x2 – 3 and verify the relationship between the
zeroes and the coefficients.
Solution : Recall the identity a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b). Using it, we can write:

x2 – 3 = ( x - 3 )( x + 3 )

So, the value of x2 – 3 is zero when x = 3 or x = – 3×

Therefore, the zeroes of x2 – 3 are 3 and - 3 ×

- (Coefficient of x) ,
sum of zeroes = 3- 3= 0 =
Coefficient of x2

product of zeroes = ( 3 )( - 3 ) = – 3 = -13 = Coefficient

Constant term
of x 2
‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \T 41

nq>± XøSH«\ yîTTÔáïeTT = a + b = - b of x)
jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£eTT)
= ,
a x2
Coefficient ofeTTx2
jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£

c d¾sœ Á |Ÿ<eŠ TTterm

esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\ \‹ÝeTT = ab = = 2
x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£ofeTTx2
a Coefficient

¿ì+<Š ¿=“• –<‘VŸ²sÁD\qT eTq+ |Ÿ]o*<‘ÝeTT.

–<‘VŸ²sÁD 2 : x2 + 7x + 10, nqT esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\qT ¿£qT>=“ , XøSH«\Å£” ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ >·TD¿±\Å£” eT<óŠ«
dŸ+‹+<󑓕 dŸ]#áÖ&ƒ+& .
kÍ<óŠq :
x2 + 7x + 10 = (x + 2)(x + 5) n>·TqT
¿±eÚq, x2 + 7x + 10 jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\T ¿±y* n+fñ x + 2 = 0 ýñ<‘ x + 5 = 0, n+fñ x = – 2 ýñ<‘ x = –5
n>·TqT. ¿±eÚq x2 + 7x + 10 XøSH«\T – 2 eT]jáTT – 5. ‚|ŸÚð&ƒT
-(7) – (Coefficient
(x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£eofTT) x) ,
XøSH«\ yîTTÔáïeTT = – 2 + (– 5) = – (7) = =
1 x2 jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£
Coefficient ofeTTx 2

10 Constant term
(d¾œsÁ |Ÿ<ŠeTT)
XøSH«\ \‹¦eTT = (- 2) ´ (- 5) = 10 = = ×
1 Coefficient of exTT2
x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£

–<‘VŸ²sÁD 3 : x2 – 3 nqT esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\qT ¿£qT>=“, XøSH«\Å£”, ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ >·T D¿±\Å£” eT<óŠ«
dŸ+‹+<󑓕 dŸ]#áÖ&ƒ+& .
kÍ<óŠq: dŸsÇÁ dŸMT¿£sDÁ + a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b) qT >·TsÁTï Ôî#Tá Ì¿Ã+&
B““ –|ŸjîÖÐ+º x2 – 3 = ( x - )(
3 x+ 3 ) n“ çyjáTe#áTÌ
x2 – 3 jîTT¿£Ø $\Te XøSq«+. ¿±‹{ì¼ x = 3 ýñ<‘ x = – 3

¿±eÚq, x2 – 3 jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\T 3 eT]jáTT – 3

- (Coefficient
(x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£eofTT) x) ,
XøSH«\ yîTTÔáïeTT = 3- 3= 0 =
Coefficient ofeTTx2
x2 jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£

( 3 )( - 3 ) = – 3 = -13 = Coefficient
Constant term (d¾œsÁ |Ÿ<ŠeTT)
XøSH«\ \‹ÝeTT = × 2
x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£
of exTT

Example 4 : Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are – 3 and 2,
Solution : Let the quadratic polynomial be ax2 + bx + c, and its zeroes be a and b.
We have
-b ,
a+b= –3=

and ab = 2 =
If a = 1, then b = 3 and c = 2.
So, one quadratic polynomial which fits the given conditions is x2 + 3x + 2.
You can check that any other quadratic polynomial that fits these conditions will be of the
form k(x2 + 3x + 2), where k is real.
Let us now look at cubic polynomials. Do you think a similar relation holds
between the zeroes of a cubic polynomial and its coefficients?
Let us consider p(x) = 2x3 – 5x2 – 14x + 8.
You can check that p(x) = 0 for x = 4, – 2, × Since p(x) can have atmost three zeroes,
these are the zeores of 2x3 – 5x2 – 14x + 8. Now,
1 5 - (-5) - (Coefficient of x 2 )
sum of the zeroes = 4 + ( -2) + = = = ,
2 2 2 Coefficient of x 3

1 -8 – Constant term
product of the zeroes = 4 ´ ( -2) ´ = -4 = = .
2 2 Coefficient of x 3

However, there is one more relationship here. Consider the sum of the products of the
zeroes taken two at a time. We have

{4 ´ (- 2)} + ìí(- 2) ´
1 ü ì1 ü
ý + í ´ 4ý
î 2þ î2 þ
-14 Coefficient of x
= – 8 -1+ 2 = -7 = = .
2 Coefficient of x3
In general, it can be proved that if a, b, g are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial
ax + bx2 + cx + d, then
‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \T 43

–<‘VŸ²sÁD 4 : ÿ¿£esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\ yîTTÔáïeTT eT]jáTT \‹ÝeTT esÁTdŸ>± – 3 eT]jáTT 2, nsTTq € esÁZ
‹VŸQ|Ÿ~“ ¿£qT>=q+&.
kÍ<óŠq : a eT]jáTT b XøSH«\T>± ¿£*Ðq esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ ax2 + bx + c, nqT¿Ã+&.

-b ,
a+b= –3=

eT]jáTT ab = 2 =

eTqeTT a = 1, rdŸTÅ£”+fñ b = 3 eT]jáTT c = 2 n>·TqT

¿±eÚq ‚ºÌq $\Te\Å£” ýˋ& @sÁÎ&û esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ x2 + 3x + 2 neÚÔáT+~.
k ÿ¿£ ydŸïe dŸ+K« nsTT –+&, k (x2 + 3x + 2)ý² ‚ÔásÁ esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \T Å£L&† ‡ “jáTe֓¿ì ýˋ& @sÁÎ&û
eTqeTT ‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT |˜ŸTq ‹VŸQ|Ÿ<ŠT\qT |Ÿ]o*<‘ÝeTT. |˜ŸTq ‹VŸQ|Ÿ<ŠT\ýË Å£L&† y{ì XøSH«\Å£” , ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~
>·TD¿±\Å£” eT<óŠ« ‚³Te+{ì dŸ+‹+<óŠyûT –+³T+<Š“ MTsÁT uó²$dŸTïH•s ?
p(x) = 2x3 – 5x2 – 14x + 8 nqT |˜TŸ q ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~“ rdŸT¿Ã+&. x = 4, – 2, $\Te\ e<ŠÝ p(x) R0
nsTTq<Š“ >·eT“+#á+&.
1 5 --
( 5) -(Coefficient
( 2) + = = = (x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£ofeTT)x )
2 2
‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT, XøSH«\ yîTTÔáïeTT = 4
x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£
3 , 3
2 2 2 Coefficient ofeTTx

1 -8 – Constant
(d¾œsÁ |Ÿ<Šeterm
XøSH«\ \‹ÝeTT = 4 ´ ( -2) ´ = -4 = =
x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£
2 2 3
Coefficient ofexTT3

M{ìÔÃu²³T, ‡ |˜ŸTq ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ýË eTs=¿£ ç|ŸÔ«û ¿£ dŸ+‹+<óeŠ TT ¿£*Ð –+~. ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\qT s +&ûd¾
rdŸTÅ£”“ y{ì \u²Æ\ yîTTÔáeï TTqT |Ÿ]o*dï eTqÅ£” ‡ dŸ+‹+<óeŠ TT Ôî\TdŸT+ï ~. n+fñ
{4 ´ (- 2)} + ìí(- 2) ´
1 ü ì1 ü
ý + í ´ 4ý
î 2þ î2 þ
-14 x jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£of
Coefficient eTTx
= – 8 -1+ 2 = -7 = = x3 jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿£eTT3 .
2 Coefficient of x

B““ kÍ<ó‘sÁD¡¿£]+#á>± ax3 + bx2 + cx + d nqT |˜TŸ q ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\T a, b, g nsTTq


a+b+g= ,
ab + bg + ga = ,
abg= .
Let us consider an example.

Example 5* : Verify that 3, –1, - are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial p(x) = 3x3 – 5x2 –
11x – 3, and then verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients.
Solution : Comparing the given polynomial with ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, we get
a = 3, b = – 5, c = –11, d = – 3. Further
p(3) = 3 × 33 – (5 × 32) – (11 × 3) – 3 = 81 – 45 – 33 – 3 = 0,
p(–1) = 3 × (–1)3 – 5 × (–1)2 – 11 × (–1) – 3 = –3 – 5 + 11 – 3 = 0,
3 2
æ 1ö æ 1ö æ 1ö æ 1ö
p ç - ÷ = 3 ´ ç - ÷ - 5 ´ ç - ÷ - 11 ´ ç - ÷ - 3 ,
è 3ø è 3ø è 3ø è 3ø
1 5 11 2 2
=– - + -3=– + =0
9 9 3 3 3
Therefore, 3, –1 and - are the zeroes of 3x3 – 5x2 – 11
1x – 3.
So, we take a = 3, b = –1 and g = - ×
æ 1ö 1 5 -( -5) -b ,
a + b + g = 3 + ( -1) + ç - ÷ = 2 - = = =
è 3ø 3 3 3 a

æ 1ö æ 1ö 1 -11 c ,
ab+ bg + g a = 3 ´ (-1) + (-1) ´ ç - ÷ + ç - ÷ ´ 3 = - 3 + - 1 = =
è 3ø è 3ø 3 3 a

æ 1ö - (-3) - d .
abg = 3 ´ (-1) ´ ç - ÷ = 1 = =
è ø3 3 a

* Not from the examination point of view.

‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \T 45

a+b+g= ,
ab + bg + ga = ,
abg= .
¿ì+~ –<‘VŸ²sÁDqT eTqeTT |Ÿ]o*<‘ÝeTT.
–<‘VŸ²sÁD 5* : |˜TŸ q ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ p(x) = 3x3 – 5x2 – 11x – 3 jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\T 3, –1, - 13 n>·Tq“ #áÖ|Ÿ+&.
‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ >·TD¿±\Å£” XøSH«\Å£” eT<óŠ«>·\ dŸ+‹+<󑓕 dŸ]#áÖ&ƒ+&.
kÍ<óŠq :
‚ºÌq |˜TŸ q ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ 3x3 – 5x2 – 11x – 3 “ ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, Ôà dŸ]bþ*Ìq
a = 3, b = – 5, c = –11, d = – 3. n>·TqT. B“ qT+&
p(3) = 3 × 33 – (5 × 32) – (11 × 3) – 3 = 81 – 45 – 33 – 3 = 0,
p(–1) = 3 × (–1)3 – 5 × (–1)2 – 11 × (–1) – 3 = –3 – 5 + 11 – 3 = 0,
3 2
æ 1ö æ 1ö æ 1ö æ 1ö
p ç - ÷ = 3 ´ ç - ÷ - 5 ´ ç - ÷ - 11 ´ ç - ÷ - 3 ,
è 3ø è 3ø è 3ø è 3ø
1 5 11 2 2
=– - + -3=– + =0
9 9 3 3 3
¿±eÚq 3x3 – 5x2 – 11x – 3 jîTT¿£Ø XøSH«\T 3, –1 eT]jáTT - n“ #áÖ|Ÿ&yƒ Tî q® ~.
¿±‹{ì¼, a = 3, b = –1 eT]jáTT g = -
>± rdŸTÅ£”+<‘eTT.
æ 1ö 1 5 -( -5) -b ,
a + b + g = 3 + ( -1) + ç - ÷ = 2 - = = =
è ø3 3 3 3 a

æ 1ö æ 1ö 1 -11 c ,
ab+ bg + g a = 3 ´ (-1) + (-1) ´ ç - ÷ + ç - ÷ ´ 3 = - 3 + - 1 = =
è 3ø è 3ø 3 3 a

æ 1ö - (-3) - d .
abg = 3 ´ (-1) ´ ç - ÷ = 1 = =
è 3ø 3 a

* |Ÿ¯¿£\Œ Å£” “¹s¥Æ +#á‹&q~ ¿±<ŠT.


1. Find the zeroes of the following quadratic polynomials and verify the relationship between
the zeroes and the coefficients.
(i) x2 – 2x – 8 (ii) 4s2 – 4s + 1 (iii) 6x2 – 3 – 7x
(iv) 4u2 + 8u (v) t2 – 15 (vi) 3x2 – x – 4
2. Find a quadratic polynomial each with the given numbers as the sum and product of its
zeroes respectively.
1, 1
(i) -1 (ii) 2, (iii) 0, 5
4 3
1, 1
(iv) 1, 1 (v) - (vi) 4, 1
4 4

2.4 Summary
In this chapter, you have studied the following points:
1. Polynomials of degrees 1, 2 and 3 are called linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials
2. A quadratic polynomial in x with real coefficients is of the form ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, c
are real numbers with a ¹ 0.
3. The zeroes of a polynomial p(x) are precisely the x-coordinates of the points, where the
graph of y = p(x) intersects the x - axis.
4. A quadratic polynomial can have at most 2 zeroes and a cubic polynomial can have
at most 3 zeroes.
5. If a and b are the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial ax2 + bx + c, then
b c
a +b = - , ab = .
a a

6. If a, b, g are the zeroes of the cubic polynomial ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, then

-b ,
a +b + g =

ab+ b g + g a =

-d .
and abg =
‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \T 47

nuó²«dŸ+ 2.2
1. ç¿ì+~ ‚eNj&q esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ<TŠ \ XøSH«\qT ¿£qT>=“, ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\Å£”, >·TD¿±\Å£” eT<ó«Š >·\ dŸ+‹+<󑓕
dŸ]#áÖ&ƒ+& ?
(i) x2 – 2x – 8 (ii) 4s2 – 4s + 1 (iii) 6x2 – 3 – 7x
(iv) 4u2 + 8u (v) t2 – 15 (vi) 3x2 – x – 4
2. ÿ¿£ esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\ yîTTÔáeï TT , XøSH«\ \‹ÝeTT\T ‚eNj&q$. M{ì qT+º € esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~“
1, 1
(i) -1 (ii) 2, (iii) 0, 5
4 3
1, 1
(iv) 1, 1 (v) - (vi) 4, 1
4 4

2.4 kÍs+XøeTT
‡ n<ó‘«jáT+ýË, ç¿ì+~ $wŸjáÖ\qT HûsÁTÌÅ£”H•+ :
1. 1,2 eT]jáTT 3 |Ÿ]eÖD+>± ‹VŸQ|Ÿ<ŠT\qT esÁTdŸ>± ¹sFjáT, esÁZ, |˜ŸTq ‹VŸQ|Ÿ<ŠT\T n+{²eTT.
2. ydŸïe >·TD¿±\T ¿£*Ð –+&, x #ásÁs¥>± >·*Ðq esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ kÍ<ó‘sÁD sÁÖ|ŸeTT ax2 + bx + c, a ¹ 0
eT]jáTT a, b, c \T ydŸeï dŸ+K«\T.
3. ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\T, ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ dŸMT¿£sÁD+ p(x) jîTT¿£Ø ¹sU² ºçÔáeTT y = p(x), x - n¿Œ±“• K+&+ºq|ŸÚÎ&ƒT
@sÁÎ&q _+<ŠTeÚ\ x - “sÁÖ|Ÿ¿±\T neÚԐsTT.
4. esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~¿ì >·]wŸ÷+>± 2 XøSH«\T, |˜ŸTq ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~¿ì >·]wŸ÷+>± 3 XøSH«\T eÖçÔáyûT –+{²sTT.
5. a, b nqTq$ ax2 + bx + c, nqT esÁZ ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ XøSH«\T nsTTq
b c
a +b = - , ab = .
a a

6. a, b, g nqTq$ |˜ŸTq ‹VŸQ|Ÿ~ ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, XøSH«\T nsTTq

-b ,
a +b + g =

ab+ b g + g a =

eT]jáTT a b g = -ad .


3.1 Introduction
You must have come across situations like the one given below :
Akhila went to a fair in her village. She wanted to enjoy rides on the Giant Wheel and play
Hoopla (a game in which you throw a ring on the items kept in a stall, and if the ring covers any
object completely, you get it). The number of times she played Hoopla is half the number of
rides she had on the Giant Wheel. If each ride costs ` 3, and a game of Hoopla costs ` 4, how
would you find out the number of rides she had and how many times she played Hoopla, provided
she spent ` 20.
May be you will try it by considering different cases. If she has one ride, is it possible? Is
it possible to have two rides? And so on. Or you may use the knowledge of Class IX, to represent
such situations as linear equations in two variables.
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá 49

Âs+&ƒT #ássÁ Xø—\ýË ¹sFjáT

dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ ÈÔá 3
3.1 |Ÿ]#ájáT+
ç¿ì+<Š ‚eNj&q³Te+{ì |Ÿ]d¾œÔáT\qT MTsÁT Å£L&† m<ŠTs=ؓ –+{²sÁT:
nÏ\ Ôáq ç>±eT+ýË C²ÔásÁÅ£” yî[ß+~. €yîT CÉsTT+{Ù MýÙ ™|Õ dŸy¯\qT €kÍÇ~+#\“ eT]jáTT VŸAbÍ¢
VŸQcÍsÁT>± €&†\“ ¿ÃsÁTÅ£”+~. (kͼýÙýË ™|{ìq¼ edŸTeï Ú\ ™|¿Õ ì ]+>·T yûdq¾ |ŸÚÎ&ƒT, € ]+>·T @ edŸTeï ÚqT ¿£esY #ûdTŸ +ï <Ã,
€ edŸTeï ÚqT MTsÁT bõ+<ŠTԐsÁT). €yîT VŸAbÍ¢ €&q €³\ dŸ+K« €yîT CÉsTT+{Ù MýÙ ™|Õ #ûdq¾ dŸy¯\ dŸ+K«ýË dŸ>+·
–+³T+~. ÿ¿=Ø¿£Ø dŸy¯ K¯<ŠT sÁÖ.3 eT]jáTT VŸAbÍ¢ €³ K¯<ŠT `.4. €yîT `.20 ¿¹ {²sTT+ºq, €yîT m“• dŸy¯\T
#ûdq¾ ~ eT]jáTT m“•kÍsÁT¢ ¬bÍ¢ €&q~ úeÚ mý² ¿£qT>=q>·\eÚ?
yûs¹ ÇsÁT |Ÿ]d¾Ôœ Tá \qT rdŸT¿Ãe&ƒ+ <‘Çs MTsÁT ç|ŸjTá ܕ+#áe#áTÌ. €yîTÅ£” ÿ¿£ dŸy¯ –+fñ ‚~ kÍ<ó«Š eÖ? s +&ƒT
dŸy¯\T –+fñ #ûjáT&ƒ+ kÍ<óŠ«yûTH? € $<óŠ+>± ýñ<‘ ‡ |Ÿ]d¾œÔáT\qT Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\T>±
çbÍܓ<ó«Š + #ûjTá &†“¿ì MTsÁT 9e Ôás>Á Ü· ý˓ $<ó‘H“• –|ŸjÖî Ð+#áe#áTÌqT.

Let us try this approach.

Denote the number of rides that Akhila had by x, and the number of times she played Hoopla
by y. Now the situation can be represented by the two equations:

y= x (1)

3x + 4y = 20 (2)
Can we find the solutions of this pair of equations? There are several ways of finding these,
which we will study in this chapter.
3.2 Graphical Method of Solution of a Pair of Linear Equations
A pair of linear equations which has no solution, is called an inconsistent pair of linear equations.
A pair of linear equations in two variables, which has a solution, is called a consistent pair of
linear equations. A pair of linear equations which are equivalent has infinitely many distinct
common solutions. Such a pair is called a dependent pair of linear equations in two variables.
Note that a dependent pair of linear equations is always consistent.
We can now summarise the behaviour of lines representing a pair of linear equations in
two variables and the existence of solutions as follows:
(i) the lines may intersect in a single point. In this case, the pair of equations has a unique
solution (consistent pair of equations).
(ii) the lines may be parallel. In this case, the equations have no solution (inconsistent
pair of equations).
(iii) the lines may be coincident. In this case, the equations have infinitely many solutions
[dependent (consistent) pair of equations].
Consider the following three pairs of equations.
(i) x – 2y = 0 and 3x + 4y – 20 = 0 (The lines intersect)
(ii) 2x + 3y – 9 = 0 and 4x + 6y – 18 = 0 (The lines coincide)
(iii) x + 2y – 4 = 0 and 2x + 4y – 12 = 0 (The lines are parallel)
a1 , b1 c
Let us now write down, and compare, the values of and 1 in all the three examples.
a2 b2
Here, a1, b1, c1 and a2, b2, c2 denote the coefficents of equations given in the general form in
Section 3.2.
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá 51

‡ $<ó‘H“• ç|ŸjTá ܕ<‘Ý+.

nÏ\ #ûdq¾ dŸy¯\ dŸ+K«qT x ÔÃqÖ eT]jáTT €yîT VŸAbÍ¢ €³ €&q dŸ+K«qT y ÔÃqÖ #áÖ|¾<‘ÝeTT. ‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT
‡ |Ÿ]d¾œÜ“ Âs+&ƒT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ýË Ôî*jáTCñ<‘ÝeTT:
y= x (1)

3x + 4y = 20 (2)
eTqeTT ‡ dŸMT¿£sD
Á ²\ ÈÔáŔ£ kÍ<óqŠ \qT ¿£qT>=q>·\eÖ? M{ì“ ¿£qT>=Hû nHû¿£ $<ó‘H\qT ‡ n<ó‘«jáT+ýË
HûsTÁ ÌÅ£”+<‘+.
3.2 ç>±|˜t |Ÿ<ÜƊ <‘Çs s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ ÈÔáŔ£ kÍ<óqŠ qT ¿£qT>=qT³
ÿ¿£ ÈÔá ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD\Å£” kÍ<óqŠ ýñ¿£bþÔû y{ì“ ndŸ+>·Ôá ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá n+{²sÁT. Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ý˓
¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ ÈÔáŔ£ kÍ<óqŠ –q•³¢sTTÔû, y{ì“ dŸ+>·Ôá ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ ÈÔá n“ |¾\TkÍïsÁT. ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\
ÈÔá ÔáTý²«\T nsTTq y{ì¿ì nq+ÔáyîTq® $_óq• kÍ<óqŠ \T –+{²sTT. ný²+{ì ÈÔá\qT s +&ƒT #ássÁ Xø—\ýË |ŸsdÁ ŸÎs<ó‘]Ôá
¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá n+{²sÁT. |ŸsÁdŸÎs<ó‘]Ôá ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá m\¢|ڟ Î&ƒÖ dŸ+>·Ôeá TT n“ >·eT“+#á>\· sÁT.
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\T dŸÖº+#û ¹sK\ dŸÇuó²eeTT eT]jáTT kÍ<óŠ«eTjûT« kÍ<óŠqýqT ~>·Teq
(i) Âs+&ƒT s¹ K\T ÿ¿£ _+<ŠTeÚ e<ûÝ K+&+#áTÅ£”+{²sTT. ‡ dŸ+<ŠsÁÒÛ+ýË € ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sD Á ²\ ÈÔáÅ£” ÿ¹¿ ÿ¿£
kÍ<óŠq –+³T+~. (dŸ+>·Ôá dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá).
(ii) Âs+&ƒT s¹ K\T dŸeÖ+Ôás\T. ‡ dŸ+<ŠsÁÒÛ+ýË € dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔáÅ£” kÍ<óŠq ýñ<ŠT. (ndŸ+>·Ôá dŸMT¿£sÁD²\
(iii) ¹sK\T @¿¡uó„$kÍïsTT. ‡ dŸ+<ŠsÒÁ Û+ýË dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔáÅ£” nq+ÔáyîT®q kÍ<óŠq\T –+{²sTT. [|Ÿsd Á ŸÎs<ó‘]Ôá
(dŸ+>·Ôá) dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá].
ç¿ì+~ eTÖ&ƒT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá\qT |Ÿ]>·Dì+#á+&.
(i) x – 2y = 0 eT]jáTT 3x + 4y – 20 = 0 (‚$ K+&ƒq ¹sK\T)
(ii) 2x + 3y – 9 = 0 eT]jáTT 4x + 6y – 18 = 0 (‚$ @¿¡u$ „ó +#û s¹ K\T)
(iii) x + 2y – 4 = 0 eT]jáTT 2x + 4y – 12 = 0 (‚$ dŸeÖ+ÔásÁ ¹sK\T)
a1 , ba11 b1 c1 c1
eTq+ ‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT a2 b2
$\Te\qT ‡ eTÖ&ƒT –<‘VŸ²sÁD\ýË çydŸTÅ£”+<‘+ eT]jáTT bþ\TÌ<‘+.
‚¿£Ø&ƒ, a1, b1, c1 eT]jáTT a2, b2, c2 \T $uó²>·+ 3.2 q+<ŠT ‚eNj&q dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ kÍ<ó‘sÁD sÁÖ|Ÿ+ jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿±\T.

Table 3.1
a1 b1 c1
Sl Pair of lines a2 b2 c2
Compare the Graphical Algebraic
No. ratios representation interpretation

1 -2 0 a1 b1
1. x – 2y = 0 ¹ Intersecting Exactly one
3 4 -20 a2 b2

3x + 4y – 20 = 0 lines solution

2 3 -9 a1 b1 c1
2. 2x + 3y – 9 = 0 = = Coincident Infinitely
4 6 -18 a2 b2 c2
lines many solutions
4x + 6y – 18 = 0
1 2 -4 a1 b1 c1
3. x + 2y – 4 = 0 = ¹ Parallel lines No solution
2 4 -12 a2 b2 c2
2x + 4y – 12 = 0
From the table above, you can observe that if the lines represented by the equation
a1x + b1y + c1 = 0
and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0
a1 b1
are (i) intersecting, then ¹ ×
a2 b2

a1 b1 c1
(ii) coincident, then = = ×
a2 b2 c2

a1 b1 c1
(iii) parallel, then = ¹ ×
a2 b2 c2
In fact, the converse is also true for any pair of lines. You can verify them by considering
some more examples by yourself.
Let us now consider some more examples to illustrate it.
Example 1 : Check graphically whether the pair of equations
x + 3y = 6 (1)
and 2x – 3y = 12 (2)
is consistent. If so, solve them graphically.
Solution : Let us draw the graphs of the Equations (1) and (2). For this, we find two solutions
of each of the equations, which are given in Table 3.2
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá 53

|Ÿ{¿¼ì £ 3.1
a1 b1 c1
ç¿£. dŸsÞÁ s¹ø K\ ÈÔá\T a2 b2 c2
“wŸÎÔáTï\ bþ*¿£ dŸÖº+#û ;È>·DìÔá
dŸ+. ç>±|˜t $esÁD

1 -2 0 a1 b1
1. x – 2y = 0 ¹ K+&ƒq ¹sK\T ÿ¹¿ ÿ¿£ kÍ<óŠq
3 4 -20 a2 b2

3x + 4y – 20 = 0 (@¿տ£)

2 3 -9 a1 b1 c
2. 2x + 3y – 9 = 0 = = 1 @¿¡uó„$+#û nq+ÔáyîT®q
4 6 -18 a2 b2 c2
4x + 6y – 18 = 0 ¹sK\T nHû¿£ kÍ<óqŠ \T

1 2 -4 a1 b1 c1
3. x + 2y – 4 = 0 = ¹ dŸeÖ+ÔásÁ s¹ K\T kÍ<óqŠ ýñ<TŠ
2 4 -12 a2 b2 c2
2x + 4y – 12 = 0

™|Õ |Ÿ{켿£ qT+&, MTsÁT >·eT“+ºq ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\T

a1x + b1y + c1 = 0
eT]jáTT a2x + b2y + c2 = 0
a1 b1
Á ²\#û dŸÖº+#û s¹ K\T (i) K+&ƒq s¹ K\T, nsTTq
dŸMT¿£sD ¹ ×
a2 b2

a1 b1 c1
(ii) @¿¡uó„$+#û s¹ K\T, nsTTq = = ×
a2 b2 c2

a1 b1 c1
(iii) dŸeÖ+Ôás\T, nsTTq = ¹ ×
a2 b2 c2
@ s +&ƒT ÈÔá\ s¹ K\¿HÕ  $|Ÿs«Á jáTeTT Å£L&† dŸÔ«á yûT neÚÔáT+~. M{ì“ eT]¿=“• –<‘VŸ²sÁD\qT |Ÿ]>·Dqý˓¿ì
rdŸT¿=qT³ <‘Çs Å£L&† MTsÁT |Ÿ]o*+#áe#áTÌqT.
eT]¿=“• –<‘VŸ²sÁD\T rdŸT¿=“ |Ÿ]o*<‘Ý+. ydŸï$¿£Ôá “sÆ]+#áTÅ£”+<‘+.
–<‘VŸ²sÁD 1 : ç>±|˜t <‘Çs dŸ]#áÖ&ƒ&+ƒ
x + 3y = 6 (1)
eT]jáTT 2x – 3y = 12 (2)
¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá dŸ+>·Ôá+ neÚHà ¿±<à dŸ]#áÖ&ƒ+&. nsTTq#à ç>±|˜t <‘Çs kÍ~ó+#á+&.
kÍ<óqŠ : (1) eT]jáTT (2) dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\Å£” eTq+ ç>±|˜t ^<‘Ý+. B“¿ÃdŸ+ |Ÿ{¿ì¼ £ 3.2 ýË ‚ºÌq $<ó+Š >± ç|ŸÜ dŸMT¿£sÁD²“¿ì
Âs+&ƒT kÍ<óŠq\qT ¿£qT>=+<‘+.

Table 3.2

x 0 6 x 0 3

6-x 2 x - 12
y= 2 0 y= –4 –2
3 3

Plot the points A(0, 2), B(6, 0), P(0, –

4) and Q(3, – 2) on graph paper, and join the
points to form the lines AB and PQ as shown
in Fig. 3.1.
We observe that there is a point B (6, 0)
common to both the lines AB and PQ. So,
the solution of the pair of linear equations is
x = 6 and y = 0, i.e., the given pair of
equations is consistent.
Fig. 3.1
Example 2 : Graphically, find whether the following pair of equations has no solution, unique
solution or infinitely many solutions:
5x – 8y + 1 = 0 (1)

24 3
3x – y + =0 (2)
5 5

Solution : Multiplying Equation (2) by , we get
5x – 8y + 1 = 0
But, this is the same as Equation (1). Hence the lines represented by Equations (1) and (2) are
coincident. Therefore, Equations (1) and (2) have infinitely many solutions.
Plot few points on the graph and verify it yourself.
Example 3 : Champa went to a ‘Sale’ to purchase some pants and skirts. When her friends
asked her how many of each she had bought, she answered, “The number of skirts is two less
than twice the number of pants purchased. Also, the number of skirts is four less than four times
the number of pants purchased”. Help her friends to find how many pants and skirts Champa
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá 55

|Ÿ{¿¼ì £ 3.2
x 0 6 x 0 3

2 x - 12
y= 2 0 y= 3 –4 –2

ç>±|˜t ||ŸsY ™|qÕ A(0, 2), B(6, 0), P(0, – 4)

eT]jáTT Q(3, – 2) _+<ŠTeÚ\qT >·T]ï+#á+& eT]jáTT
|Ÿ³+ 3.1 ýË dŸÖº+ºq³T¢>± AB eT]jáTT PQ nqT
¹sK\T @sÁÎ&ƒTq³T¢ _+<ŠTeÚ\qT ¿£\|Ÿ+&.
Âs+&ƒT ¹sK\T AB eT]jáTT PQ \Å£” B (6, 0)
–eTˆ& _+<ŠTeÚ>± –q•³T¢ eTq+ >·eT“+#eTT. ¿±eÚq,
¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔáÅ£” x = 6 eT]jáTT y = 0,
kÍ<óqŠ neÚÔáT+~. nq>± ‚eNj&q dŸMT¿£sD Á ²\ ÈÔá
dŸ+>·Ô+á neÚԐsTT.
|Ÿ³+ 3.1
–<‘VŸ²sÁD 2 : ç¿ì+~ dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ ÈÔá\Å£” kÍ<óqŠ ýñ<‘, @¿¿Õ £ kÍ<óqŠ –q•<‘, nq+ÔáyTî q® kÍ<óqŠ \T –H•jáÖ ç>±|˜t
<‘Çs ¿£qT>=q+&:
5x – 8y + 1 = 0 (1)

24 3
3x – y + =0 (2)
5 5

kÍ<óqŠ : dŸMT¿£sÁD+ (2) qT 3
#û >·TDì+#á>±
5x – 8y + 1 = 0 bõ+<ŠTԐeTT.
nsTTÔû ‚~ dŸMT¿£sÁD+ (1)¿ì dŸeÖq+>± –q•~. ¿±eÚq dŸMT¿£sÁD+ (1) eT]jáTT (2)\qT dŸÖº+#û ¹sK\T @¿¡uó„$+#û
$<óŠ+>± –q•$. ¿±eÚq dŸMT¿£sÁD+ (1) eT]jáTT (2) \T dŸÖº+#û ¹sK\T nq+Ôá kÍ<óŠq\T ¿£*Ð –+{²sTT.
ç>±|˜t ™|qÕ ¿=“• _+<ŠTeÚ\qT >·T]ï+º MT¹s dŸÇjáT+>± |Ÿ]o*+#á+&.
–<‘VŸ²sÁD 3 : #á+bÍ ¿=“• bÍ«+³T\qT eT]jáTT dŸØsY\¼ qT ¿=q&†“¿ì <ŠT¿±DeTTqÅ£” yî[ßq~. €yîT $TçÔáTs\T
ÿ¿=Ø¿£Ø{ì m“• ¿=H•e“ n&ƒ>>· ± »»¿=q• dŸØsY¼\ dŸ+K«, bÍ«+³¢ dŸ+K«Å£” s {ì¼+|ŸÚ ¿£H• s +&ƒT ÔáŔ£ Øe. ný²¹>, dŸØsY\¼ dŸ+K«
bÍ«+³¢ dŸ+K«Å£” H\T>·T s ³¢ ¿£H• H\T>·T ÔáŔ£ Øeµµ n“ #î|ξ +~. #á+bÍ m“• bÍ«+³T¢ eT]jáTT m“• dŸØsY¼ \T ¿=q•<Ã
Ôî\TdŸT¿Ãe&†“¿ì €yîT $TçÔáTs*¿ì dŸVäŸ jáT+ #ûjTá +&.

Solution : Let us denote the number of pants by x and the number of skirts by y. Then the
equations formed are :

y = 2x – 2 (1)

and y = 4x – 4 (2)

Let us draw the graphs of Equations (1) and (2)

by finding two solutions for each of the equations.
They are given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3

x 2 0

y = 2x – 2 2 –2

x 0 1

y = 4x – 4 – 4 0
Fig. 3.2

Plot the points and draw the lines passing through them to represent the equations, as
shown in Fig. 3.2.

The two lines intersect at the point (1, 0). So, x = 1, y = 0 is the required solution of the
pair of linear equations, i.e., the number of pants she purchased is 1 and she did not buy any

Verify the answer by checking whether it satisfies the conditions of the given problem.

1. Form the pair of linear equations in the following problems, and find their solutions

(i) 10 students of Class X took part in a Mathematics quiz. If the number of girls is 4
more than the number of boys, find the number of boys and girls who took part in the
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá 57

kÍ<óqŠ : b˜Í«+{Ù\ dŸ+K« x eT]jáTT dŸØsÁT¼\ dŸ+K« y nqT¿=qTeTT. n|Ÿð&ƒT @sÁÎ&q dŸMT¿£sÁD²\T :
y = 2x – 2 (1)

eT]jáTT y = 4x – 4 (2)

dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\T (1) eT]jáTT (2) \Å£”, ç|ŸÜ dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²“¿ì

s +&ƒT kÍ<óqŠ \T ¿£qT>=q&ƒ+ <‘Çs ç>±|˜qt T ^jáT+&. n$ |Ÿ{¿¼ì £
3.3ýË ‚eNj&†¦sTT.

|Ÿ{¿¼ì £ 3.3
x 2 0

y = 2x – 2 2 –2

x 0 1

y = 4x – 4 – 4 0
|Ÿ³+ 3.2

|Ÿ³eTT 3.2 ýË dŸÖº+ºq $<óŠ+>± dŸMT¿£sÁD²\qT çbÍܓ<óŠ«eTT eV¾²+#û $<óŠ+>± _+<ŠTeÚ\qT >·T]ï+º, y{ì
>·T+&† bþeÚq³T¢ dŸMT¿£sÁD²\qT çbÍܓ<óŠ«+ #ûd ¹sK\qT ^jáT+&.
‡ Âs+&ƒT ¹sK\T (1, 0) _+<ŠTeÚ e<ŠÝ K+&+#áTÅ£”+{²sTT. ¿±eÚq, x = 1, y = 0 nHû~ s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sD
Á ²\ ÈÔáŔ£
¿±e\d¾q kÍ<óqŠ neÚÔáT+~. nq>±, ¿=q• bÍ«+³¢ dŸ+K« 1 eT]jáTT €yîT @ dŸØsÁT\¼ T ¿=qýñ<TŠ .
dŸeTdŸ«ý˓ “‹+<óqŠ \qT Ôá|¾ï |ŸsTÁ dŸT+ï <à ýñ<à dŸ] #áÖ&ƒ&+ƒ <‘Çs |˜Ÿ*Ԑ“• <óŠe|ŸsÁ#áT¿Ã+&.

nuó²«dŸ+ 3.1
1. ~>·Te ‚eNj&q dŸeTdŸ«\Å£” ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá\qT ÔájáÖsÁT #ûjáT+& eT]jáTT ç>±|˜t |Ÿ<ŠÆÜýË y{ì
kÍ<óqŠ \qT ¿£qT>=q+&.
(i) 10 eT+~ |Ÿ<eŠ Ôás>Á ·Ü $<‘«sÁT\œ T ÿ¿£ >·DÔì á ¿ìÇCÙ ýË bÍý¤ZH•sÁT. <‘“ýË bÍý¤Zq• u²*¿£\ dŸ+K« ¿£H•
u²\TsÁ dŸ+K« 4 mÅ£”Øe. nsTTq ¿ìÇCÙ ýË bÍý¤Zq• u²\TsÁT eT]jáTT u²*¿£\ dŸ+K«qT ¿£qT>=qTeTT.

(ii) 5 pencils and 7 pens together cost ` 50, whereas 7 pencils and 5 pens together cost `
46. Find the cost of one pencil and that of one pen.
a1 , b1 c
2. On comparing the ratios and 1 , find out whether the lines representing the following
a2 b2 c2
pairs of linear equations intersect at a point, are parallel or coincident:
(i) 5x – 4y + 8 = 0 (ii) 9x + 3y + 12 = 0
7x + 6y – 9 = 0 18x + 6y + 24 = 0
(iii) 6x – 3y + 10 = 0
2x – y + 9 = 0
a1 , b1 c1
3. On comparing the ratios a2 b 2
and c2
, find out whether the following pair of linear

equations are consistent, or inconsistent.

(i) 3x + 2y = 5 ; 2x – 3y = 7 (ii) 2x – 3y = 8 ; 4x – 6y = 9
3 5
(iii) x + y = 7; 9x – 10y = 14 (iv) 5x – 3y = 11 ; – 10x + 6y = –22
2 3

(v) x + 2y = 8 ; 2x + 3y = 12

4. Which of the following pairs of linear equations are consistent/inconsistent? If consistent,

obtain the solution graphically:
(i) x + y = 5, 2x + 2y = 10
(ii) x – y = 8, 3x – 3y = 16
(iii) 2x + y – 6 = 0, 4x – 2y – 4 = 0
(iv) 2x – 2y – 2 = 0, 4x – 4y – 5 = 0
5. Half the perimeter of a rectangular garden, whose length is 4 m more than its width, is
36 m. Find the dimensions of the garden.
6. Given the linear equation 2x + 3y – 8 = 0, write another linear equation in two variables
such that the geometrical representation of the pair so formed is:
(i) intersecting lines (ii) parallel lines
(iii) coincident lines
7. Draw the graphs of the equations x – y + 1 = 0 and 3x + 2y – 12 = 0. Determine the
coordinates of the vertices of the triangle formed by these lines and the x-axis, and shade
the triangular region.
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá 59

(ii) 5 ™|“àÞø—ß eT]jáTT 7 ¿£\eTT\ <óŠs\Á yîTTÔá+ï $\Te ` 50. ný²¹> 7 ™|“àÞø—ß eT]jáTT 5 ¿£\eTT\ <ósŠ \Á
yîTTÔáï+ $\Te `46. ÿ¿£ ™|“àýÙ eT]jáTT ÿ¿£ ¿£\eTT <óŠs\Á qT ¿£qT>=qTeTT.
a1 , ba11 b1 c1 c1
2. eT]jáTT ,
eT]jáTT “wŸÎÔáT\ï qT bþ*Ì ç¿ì+<Š ‚ºÌq s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ ÈÔá\T ÿ¿£ _+<ŠTeÚ e<ŠÝ K+&+#áTÅ£”+{²jîÖ,
a2 ba22 b2 c2 c2
dŸeÖ+Ôás\T neÚԐjîÖ ýñ<‘ @¿¡u„ó$kÍïjÖî ¿£qT>=qTeTT:
(i) 5x – 4y + 8 = 0 (ii) 9x + 3y + 12 = 0
7x + 6y – 9 = 0 18x + 6y + 24 = 0
(iii) 6x – 3y + 10 = 0
2x – y + 9 = 0
a1 , b1a1 b1 c1 c1
3. eT]jáTT ,
eT]jáTT “wŸÎÔáTï\qT bþ*Ì, ç¿ì+<Š ‚ºÌq ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá\T dŸ+>·Ô\T ýñ<‘ ndŸ+>·ÔýË
a2 ba2 2 b2 c2 c2
(i) 3x + 2y = 5 ; 2x – 3y = 7 (ii) 2x – 3y = 8 ;4x – 6y = 9

(iii) 3 x + 5 y = 7 ; 9x – 10y = 14 (iv) 5x – 3y = 11 ; – 10x + 6y = –22

2 3

(v) x + 2 y = 8 ; 2x + 3y = 12
4. ç¿ì+~ s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sD
Á ²\ ÈÔá\ýË @$ dŸ+>·Ô\T/ @$ ndŸ+>·Ô\T? dŸ+>·ÔýÉqÕ #à y{ì kÍ<óqŠ \qT ç>±|˜t
|Ÿ<ŠÆÜ <‘Çs s‹³¼+&:
(i) x + y = 5, 2x + 2y = 10
(ii) x – y = 8, 3x – 3y = 16
(iii) 2x + y – 6 = 0, 4x – 2y – 4 = 0
(iv) 2x – 2y – 2 = 0, 4x – 4y – 5 = 0
5. yî&ƒ\TÎ ¿£H• bõ&ƒeÚ 4 MT³sÁT¢ mÅ£”Øe ¿£*Ðq ÿ¿£ BsÁé #áÔáTsÁçkÍ¿±sÁ Ôó #áT³T¼¿=\ÔáýË dŸ>·eTT 36 MT³sÁT¢
nsTTq, € Ôó ¿=\Ôá\T ¿£qT>=qTeTT.
6. ‚eNj&q ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁDeTT 2x + 3y – 8 = 0 Ôà C²«$TrjáT+>± ç¿ì+~ wŸsÁÔáT\Å£” dŸ]bþeÚ Âs+&ƒe ÈÔá
¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\“• çyjáT+&:
(i) K+&ƒq ¹sK\T (ii) dŸeÖ+ÔásÁ ¹sK\T
(iii) @¿¡uó„$+#û s¹ K\T
7. x – y + 1 = 0 eT]jáTT 3x + 2y – 12 = 0 dŸMT¿£sÁD²\Å£” ç>±|˜ŸÚqT ^jáT+&. ‡ ¹sK\Ôà eT]jáTT x- n¿£Œ+ÔÃ
@sÁÎ&q çÜuó„TÈ osü\qT >·T]ï+#á+& eT]jáTT çÜuó„TC²¿±sÁ çbÍ+Ԑ“• w&Ž #ûjáT+&.

3.3 Algebraic Methods of Solving a Pair of Linear Equations

In the previous section, we discussed how to solve a pair of linear equations graphically. The
graphical method is not convenient in cases when the point representing the solution of the

) , (–1.75, 3.3), æçè 13 , 19 ö÷ø , etc. There

4 1
linear equations has non-integral coordinates like ( 3, 2 7

is every possibility of making mistakes while reading such coordinates. Is there any alternative
method of finding the solution? There are several algebraic methods, which we shall now discuss.
3.3.1 Substitution Method : We shall explain the method of substitution by taking some

Example 4 : Solve the following pair of equations by substitution method:

7x – 15y = 2 (1)
x + 2y = 3 (2)
Solution :
Step 1 : We pick either of the equations and write one variable in terms of the other. Let us
consider the Equation (2) :
x + 2y = 3
and write it as x = 3 – 2y (3)
Step 2 : Substitute the value of x in Equation (1). We get
7(3 – 2y) – 15y = 2
i.e., 21 – 14y – 15y = 2
i.e., – 29y = –19
Therefore, y=
Step 3 : Substituting this value of y in Equation (3), we get
x = 3 – 2 æç ö÷ =
è 29 ø 29
49 19
Therefore, the solution is x = ,y= .
29 29
Âs+&ƒT #ásÁsXø—\ýË s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔá 61

3.3 s¹ FjáT dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²\ ÈÔáŔ£ kÍ<óqŠ ¿£qT>=q&†“¿ì ;È>·DÔì á |Ÿ<ÔƊ áT\T

>·Ôá $uó²>·eTT q+<ŠT ç>±|˜t |Ÿ<ŠÆÜýË ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£D²\qT kÍ~ó+#û $<ó‘H“• #á]Ì+#áTÅ£”H•eTT. ¿±ú ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\
kÍ<óqŠ dŸÖº+#û _+<ŠT “sÁÖ|Ÿ¿±\T ( 3, 2 7 ) , (–1.75, 3.3), æçè 13 , 19 ö÷ø , ....... eýñ |ŸPsÁ’ dŸ+K«\T ¿±q|Ÿð&ƒT
4 1

ç>±|˜t |Ÿ<ÜƊ n+Ôá nqTÅ£L\yîTq® ~ ¿±<ŠT. € $<óyŠ Tî q® _+<ŠTeÚ\ “sÁÖ|Ÿ¿±\qT >·T]ï+#û³|Ÿð&ƒT Ôá|ðŸ È]¹> ne¿±Xæ\T
#ý² mÅ£”Øe. eT] ‡ kÍ<óŠq ¿£qT>=q&†“¿ì @yîÕH ‚ÔásÁ |Ÿ<ŠÆÔáT\T –H•jáÖ? nHû¿£ ;È>·DìÔá |Ÿ<ŠÆÔáT\T –H•sTT.
y{ì“ ‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT #á]Ì+#áTÅ£”+<‘+ :
3.3.1 ç|ŸÜ¿¹ |Œ DŸ |Ÿ<ÜƊ : ¿=“• –<‘VŸ²sÁD\qT rdŸT¿Ãe&ƒ+ <‘Çs ç|ŸÜ¿¹ Œ|ŸD |Ÿ<ÜŠÆ “ eTq+ ‚|ŸÚÎ&ƒT $e]+#áTÅ£”+<‘+.
–<‘VŸ²sÁD 4 : ç¿ì+~ ¹sFjáT dŸMT¿£sÁD²\ ÈÔáqT ç|ŸÜ¹¿Œ|ŸD |Ÿ<ŠÆÜ <‘Çs kÍ~ó+#á+&:
7x – 15y = 2 (1)
x + 2y = 3 (2)
kÍ<óqŠ :
kþbÍq+ 1 : @<îHÕ  ÿ¿£ dŸMT¿£sDÁ ²“• rdŸT¿Ãy* eT]jáTT ÿ¿£ #ássÁ ¥“ yûs=¿£ #ássÁ ¥ |Ÿ<‘\ýË çyjáÖ*.
Á ²“• |Ÿ]>·Dý˓¿ì rdŸTÅ£”+<‘eTT:
(2)e dŸMT¿£sD
x + 2y = 3
eT]jáTT x = 3 – 2y >±
s<‘Ý+. (3)
kþbÍq+ 2 : x jîTT¿£Ø $\TeqT dŸMT¿£sÁD+ (1) ýË ç|ŸÜ¹¿Œ|¾+#*.
7(3 – 2y) – 15y = 2 bõ+<ŠTԐeTT.
i.e., 21 – 14y – 15y = 2
i.e., – 29y = –19
n+<ŠTe\q, y=
kþbÍq+ 3 : y $\TeqT dŸMT¿£sDÁ + (3) ýË ç|ŸÜ¿¹ |Œ +¾ #á>±,
x = 3 – 2 æç ö÷ =
è 29 ø
49 19
n+<ŠTe\q, ¿±e\d¾q kÍ<óqŠ x = 29

49 19
Verification : Substituting x = and y = , you can verify that both the Equations (1) and
29 29
(2) are satisfied.
To understand the substitution method more clearly, let us consider it stepwise:
Step 1 : Find the value of one variable, say y in terms of the other variable, i.e., x from either
equation, whichever is convenient.
Step 2 : Substitute this value of y in the other equation, and reduce it to an equation in one
variable, i.e., in terms of x, which can be solved. Sometimes, as in Examples 9 and 10 below,
you can get statements with no variable. If this statement is true, you can conclude that the pair
of linear equations has infinitely many solutions. If the statement is false, then the pair of linear
equations is inconsistent.
Step 3 : Substitute the value of x (or y) obtained in Step 2 in the equation used in
Step 1 to obtain the value of the other variable.
Remark : We have substituted the value of one variable by expressing it in terms of the other
variable to solve the pair of linear equations. That is why the method is known as the substitution
Example 5 : Solve the following question—Aftab tells his daughter, “Seven years ago, I was
seven times as old as you were then. Also, three years from now, I shall be three times as old as
you will be.” (Isn’t this interesting?) Represent this situation algebraically and graphically by
the method of substitution.
Solution : Let s and t be the ages (in years) of Aftab and his daughter, respectively. Then, the
pair of linear equations that represent the situation is
s – 7 = 7 (t – 7), i.e., s – 7t + 42 = 0 (1)
and s + 3 = 3 (t + 3), i.e., s – 3t = 6 (2)
Using Equation (2), we get s = 3t + 6.
Putting this value of s in Equation (1), we get
(3t + 6) – 7t + 42 = 0,
i.e., 4t = 48, which gives t = 12.
Putting this value of t in Equation (2), we get
s = 3 (12) + 6 = 42

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