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Accelerometer-Based Fall Detection Using Machine Learning: Training and

Testing on Real-World Falls

Article in Sensors · November 2020

DOI: 10.3390/s20226479


44 692

4 authors:

Luca Palmerini Jochen Klenk

University of Bologna Ulm University


Clemens Becker Lorenzo Chiari

University of Heidelberg Germany University of Bologna


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Accelerometer-Based Fall Detection Using Machine
Learning: Training and Testing on Real-World Falls
Luca Palmerini 1,2 , Jochen Klenk 3,4,5 , Clemens Becker 3 and Lorenzo Chiari 1,2, *
1 Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi”,
University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy;
2 Health Sciences and Technologies—Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research (CIRI-SDV),
University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy
3 Department of Clinical Gerontology, Robert-Bosch-Hospital, 70376 Stuttgart, Germany; (J.K.); (C.B.)
4 Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Ulm University, 89081 Ulm, Germany
5 Study Centre Stuttgart, IB University of Applied Health and Social Sciences, 70178 Stuttgart, Germany
* Correspondence:

Received: 2 October 2020; Accepted: 11 November 2020; Published: 13 November 2020 

Abstract: Falling is a significant health problem. Fall detection, to alert for medical attention, has been
gaining increasing attention. Still, most of the existing studies use falls simulated in a laboratory
environment to test the obtained performance. We analyzed the acceleration signals recorded by an
inertial sensor on the lower back during 143 real-world falls (the most extensive collection to date)
from the FARSEEING repository. Such data were obtained from continuous real-world monitoring of
subjects with a moderate-to-high risk of falling. We designed and tested fall detection algorithms
using features inspired by a multiphase fall model and a machine learning approach. The obtained
results suggest that algorithms can learn effectively from features extracted from a multiphase
fall model, consistently overperforming more conventional features. The most promising method
(support vector machines and features from the multiphase fall model) obtained a sensitivity higher
than 80%, a false alarm rate per hour of 0.56, and an F-measure of 64.6%. The reported results and
methodologies represent an advancement of knowledge on real-world fall detection and suggest
useful metrics for characterizing fall detection systems for real-world use.

Keywords: accelerometer; fall detection; machine learning; wearable; smartphone

1. Introduction
The topic of fall detection is gaining increasing attention and scientific contributions in the research
community [1–8]. Falling is a significant health problem. Approximately 30% of people over 65 years
of age living in the community fall each year [9]. Between 5% and 10% of all falls result in a fracture,
and up to 90% of all fractures are caused by a fall [10]. Falls are also the cause of other adverse events,
such as long lies with the inability to recover [11,12]. Therefore, effective automatic fall detection,
to alert for medical attention, is of paramount importance.
A significant amount of research using wearable technology for automatic fall detection has been
carried out in recent years. The subject usually wears wearable sensors in a fixed (e.g., waist belt) or
semi-fixed (e.g., pendant) position. The recorded signals are usually kinematic signals (accelerations
and angular velocities) and barometric pressure signals (which can estimate height change).
It is well known [1,2,4,13–17] that one of the main gaps in this research field is the practical
impossibility to analyze real-world falls from older people for the validation (and, possibly, for the
development) of fall detection algorithms. For several reasons, data relating to falls are challenging

Sensors 2020, 20, 6479; doi:10.3390/s20226479

Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 2 of 15

to obtain in a real-world setting, while data relating to activities of daily living (ADLs) are more
straightforward to collect. Only a few works until now have used real-world falls for fall detection.
The number of falls considered in these studies was limited, and most of these studies analyzed less
than 30 falls [18–25].
Most fall detection studies used simulated falls (usually performed by young subjects) to create
and validate the proposed fall detection systems. Such an approach leads to generalizability and
transferability issues of the results from simulated to real environments, a topic covered in recent
papers [24,26]. A simulated environment can indeed mask a series of possible problems that can
disclose in real-world settings. Simulations are, in fact, performed in a controlled environment,
which provides a standardized and clean version of the problem of fall detection. In contrast, in an
uncontrolled environment, several procedural and technical issues need to be faced.
Chaudhuri et al. [15] demonstrated this issue’s prevalence by testing a wearable device for fall
detection on 18 people. Fall detection was inaccurate, especially considering sensitivity (percentage of
falls correctly detected). While the sensitivity reported by the manufacturer was between 94.1% and
94.4% (assessed using simulated falls from 59 people), the sensitivity evaluated on real-world falls
dropped to a value of 25%. The authors conclude that “clinicians working with older adults need
to assess for the availability (and accuracy) of real-world testing of any fall detection devices before
recommending them to patients”.
Lipsitz et al. [16] recently tested a fall detection device based on a pendant sensor worn around the
necks of 62 residents living in a nursing home. They evaluated its performance against the daily reports
of healthcare staff. The device showed very poor sensitivity (only 19% of falls were correctly detected).
In a previous work [18], we proposed and validated a fall detection algorithm on real-world falls
collected during the FARSEEING project [27]. However, the number of falls considered in that work
was limited (29 falls). Since then, the number of falls in the FARSEEING fall repository [28] has grown.
In the current work, we significantly expanded the number of analyzed real-world falls from 29 to 143.
The increased number of falls allowed us to use machine-learning models to learn the characteristic
patterns of falls better.
Several researchers have already used machine learning for fall detection [29]. Different
classifiers have been used to detect falls, such as support vector machines (SVM) [19,25,30–36],
Naïve Bayes [33,36,37], logistic regression [30,34,36], k-nearest neighbors (KNN) [31,33,34,36,38],
decision trees and random forests [33,36,39], artificial neural networks, and deep learning [40–42].
However, in most of these studies, learning and testing were performed with simulated falls. This is
the first work where machine learning algorithms learn from more than 100 real-world falls, to the best
of our knowledge.
Our objective in this paper is to analyze the performance of state-of-the-art machine learning
algorithms on newly proposed features when benchmarked on a relatively large database of
real-world falls.

2. Methods
We analyzed the FARSEEING fall repository [28]. Falls in the repository were obtained from
continuous monitoring of subjects using wearable sensors. Subjects were sampled from different
populations with a moderate-to-high risk of falling (e.g., cerebellar and sensory ataxia, progressive
supranuclear palsy, Parkinson’s disease) and monitored in different settings (e.g., community-dwelling,
geriatric rehabilitation).
We used the FRAT-up tool [43] to compute these subjects’ average fall risk (the probability of
experiencing a fall in the following year).
For each reported fall, the instant where the impact took place (impact sample, IS) was identified
and annotated by two experts in signal interpretation, based on the reported time of fall, the description
of the fall, and the characteristics of the recorded signal. A detailed description of the fall identification
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 3 of 15

procedure has been published elsewhere [28]. We also analyzed activities of daily living (ADL),
which correspond to recordings with no reported falls.

2.1. Recording Systems

An inertial sensor, either embedded on (i) smartphones or on (ii) dedicated systems, recorded the
available signals. Both types of systems were body-fixed and worn on the lower back. The first type
was secured in place by a waist-worn belt; the second type was attached to the skin with medical tape.
In compliance with the FARSEEING consensus [44] on the recording of fall data, the inertial sensor
always included at least a triaxial accelerometer with a full scale of at least ±2 g. All signals analyzed
in this study had a sampling frequency of 100 Hz. Further details on the FARSEEING fall repository
are available in [28].

2.2. Falls
We analyzed 143 fall recordings from 40 subjects. Most of the fall recordings were 40 min long:
20 min before and 20 min after IS. The sample population was 69.2 ± 12.7 years old (mean and standard
deviation), and 55% (22/40) female.

2.3. Activities of Daily Living

We recorded the activities of daily living (ADLs) from 15 subjects, to compare and differentiate
ADLs to/from falls. The ADL recordings were 12 h long and collected during daytime hours with
the same types of systems described above. Hence, we analyzed a total of 180 h of ADL recordings
(15 subjects × 12 h per subject).
The subjects with ADL recordings were 68.1 ± 15 years old, and 53% (8/15) female. Nine of these
subjects also had falls analyzed in this study.
Reported falls were not present in any of the 15 ADL recordings.

2.4. Signal Processing

In this study, we focused on acceleration signals. All ADLs were recorded with sensors with a
±2 g range. All falls were recorded with the same range, except for sixteen falls (11.2%), which were
recorded using a ±6 g range. Therefore, in order to process comparable signals, accelerations of falls
recorded with the ±6 g range were normalized into the ±2 g range (i.e., if one of the acceleration signals
was over 2 g (below −2 g) in one or more of its samples, it was set to 2 g (−2 g)).
We then computed the acceleration norm (also referred to as magnitude or sum vector in the
scientific literature), which was obtained by the acceleration signals along the three sensing axes:
Normacc (t) = ax (t)2 + a y (t)2 + az (t)2 , (1)

An ad hoc windowing technique (see Figure 1) analyzed the Normacc signal. We used overlapping
windows to simulate the online functioning of a fall detection algorithm (even if the signal evaluation
was performed offline) and to obtain a window for feature extraction with a precise time reference
(with respect to the Normacc peak).
We used windows of 27.5 s, with a step of one second (or, equivalently, with a 96.4% overlap).
The designed procedure provides a set of candidate fall windows (CFW) for further analysis that are
all 26.5 s long. This duration reflects a multiphase fall model (slightly modified from [45]), with a
pre-peak, a post-peak, and a post-impact phase (see examples of CFWs in the right side of Figure 1).
Phases are defined based on the distance from the Normacc peak in the signal, which is due to the
impact on the ground. The pre-peak phase is one second long and is related to the falling/descent phase
before the impact. The post-peak is also one second long and is related to the dynamics right after the
impact. The whole impact phase consists of the pre- and post-peak phases. We then considered a 24.5-s
post-impact phase, where resting and (or) recovery can happen. This latter duration was chosen based
window. In cases where two or more peaks are found in the peak search, we select the highest peak.
In the peak search process, we discarded (and did not consider for further analysis) windows
with tiny movements. If the peak is below 1.4 g, the windows are directly discarded. This threshold
should reflect minimal movements (unlikely to include an impact) that we can directly classify as
ADLs 2020,
Sensors without the need for a classifier. The chosen threshold is slightly lower than the one
20, 6479 4 ofwe
proposed in previous work (1.5 g [18]) and lower than other thresholds proposed in the literature
(e.g., [34] uses thresholds of 1.6 g, 1.8 g, and 1.9 g).
on the results presented in [11] that disclosed this as the optimal duration to discriminate between falls
To clarify the whole windowing procedure, we refer to the representative example shown in
with, and without, self-recovery.
Figure 1.

Figure 1.1. The

procedure is applied to a to
is applied representative acceleration
a representative norm signal.
acceleration The dashed
norm signal. The
line represents
dashed the 1.4 g
line represents threshold.
the Three consecutive
1.4 g threshold. windows
Three consecutive are shown
windows and analyzed.
are shown The first
and analyzed. The
first windowis notisselected, sincesince
not selected, no peaks
no peaksare detected in theinpeak
are detected “search”
the peak interval.
“search” Windows
interval. #2 and
Windows #2
#3 are
and #3instead two two
are instead possible candidate
possible candidatefall windows
fall windows(CFWs), andand
(CFWs), are then passed
are then to the
passed nextnext
to the steps for
for extraction
feature andand
extraction classification.

The peak
The overlapping
search on window
the first is window
one seconddoeslonger than the
not provide anyCFWvalue(see Figure
above the1). This additional
threshold of 1.4 g.
second is used to perform a peak search. By doing so, we can ensure
So, no CFW is selected. For the second overlapping window, the peak search finds a peak above that there are always enoughthe
samples to obtain a CFW, with the desired phases following precise
threshold instead, and a CFW is selected. The CFW starts one second before the Normacc peak, time referencing to the peak.
In such a one
includes window,
second theafter
the peak,reference peak
and 24.5 is positioned
additional precisely
seconds in theone second after
post-impact the start
phase. The of the
window. In cases where two or more peaks are found in the peak search,
overlapping window presents with an additional peak above 1.4 g. A second CFW is hence selected, we select the highest peak.
with In the peak
precise timesearch process,
referencing with werespect
discarded (and
to this newdid not acc
Norm consider
peak. for further analysis) windows
with Wetinyapplied
movements. If the peak procedure
this windowing is below 1.4tog,the
windows are of
dataset directly discarded.
falls and ADLs. The Thisprocedure,
as shown in the previous example, can identify multiple CFWs in a signal. For falls, this canas
should reflect minimal movements (unlikely to include an impact) that we can directly classify ADLs
without the need
because often thereforisanot
a singleThe chosen
impact, butthreshold
rather theis slightly
fall lower thanbythe
is characterized one weimpacts
multiple proposed in
previous work (1.5 g [18]) and lower than
first an impact to the chair/wall and then to the ground). other thresholds proposed in the literature (e.g., [34] uses
Since we of 1.6
usedg, 1.8
and 1.9 g).for sensitivity evaluation, we selected a single CFW for a specific
To select
fall. To clarifythethe whole
most windowingone,
representative procedure, we refer
we retained the CFWto the representative
nearest example
to IS, whereas, sinceshown
we usedin
Figure 1.
ADLs for specificity/false alarms evaluations, we retained any possible CFW found in the recording
could be onathe first
false window does not provide any value above the threshold of 1.4 g.
So, noWeCFW is selected.
extracted For the
five features second
from overlappingsignals
the acceleration window, theresulting
of the peak search
CFWfinds a peak above
the threshold instead, and a CFW is selected. The CFW starts one second before the Normacc peak,
includes one second after the peak, and 24.5 additional seconds in the post-impact phase. The third
overlapping window presents with an additional peak above 1.4 g. A second CFW is hence selected,
with precise time referencing with respect to this new Normacc peak.
We applied this windowing procedure to the whole dataset of falls and ADLs. The procedure,
as shown in the previous example, can identify multiple CFWs in a signal. For falls, this can happen
because often there is not a single impact, but rather the fall is characterized by multiple impacts
(e.g., first an impact to the chair/wall and then to the ground).
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 5 of 15

Since we used fall recordings for sensitivity evaluation, we selected a single CFW for a specific
fall. To select the most representative one, we retained the CFW nearest to IS, whereas, since we used
ADLs for specificity/false alarms evaluations, we retained any possible CFW found in the recording
since any CFW could be a false alarm.
We extracted five features from the acceleration signals of the resulting CFW windows.
The segmentation in windows and the feature extraction were both performed automatically.
The whole process was performed offline. Each fall and ADL signal were first divided into windows
based on the described procedure, and all extracted windows were saved. For every window, feature
extraction was performed, and corresponding features were saved. The saved features were then
passed to the cross-validation and classification procedure. Table 1 describes the features, and links
them to the multiphase fall model. The first three features were also used in a previous study [18],
while the last two were added to characterize the post-impact phase.

Table 1. Extracted features.

Feature Description Phase

Lower peak value (LPV) Minimum value of Normacc before the identified peak. Pre-peak
Value of the identified peak of Normacc . It is, by
Upper peak value (UPV) construction, the value of the signal 1 s after the start of Peak sample
the window.
A mother wavelet was defined as the average of the fall
signals in the training set. A similarity coefficient to such
Wavelet-based coefficient Impact (pre-peak + post-peak)
mother wavelet was calculated following the procedure
described in [18].
This feature is based on the autocorrelation of Normacc .
The rationale is that in the interval right after a fall, there
Periodicity after impact cannot be a periodic movement, such as walking or Post-peak and post-impact
running. It is computed in a segment of 2 s, starting 0.5 s
after the peak sample.
Standard deviation (SD) of Normacc during the
post-impact phase. The rationale is that in the interval
Standard deviation after impact Post-impact
following the impact, the subject might produce limited
movements compared to normal ADLs.

2.5. Classification
To enhance the identification of falls, we combined the information from all features by using
several classifiers: Naïve Bayes, logistic regression, KNN, random forests, and SVM. For Naïve
Bayes, we used the fitcnb Matlab function. For logistic regression, we used the glmfit and glmval
Matlab functions. For KNN, we chose three nearest neighbors and used the fitcknn Matlab function,
standardizing the features. For random forests, we selected twenty trees, and we used the TreeBagger
function, selecting the regression method to be able to compute the area under the curve (AUC).
The SVM classifier was implemented using the LIBSVM library for Matlab [46]. We used the radial
basis function kernel and standardized the features.

2.6. Training and Testing: Cross-Validation

We performed subject-based cross-validation to evaluate the performance of the classifiers.
We opted for five-fold cross-validation.
By performing subject-based cross-validation, all data (both fall and ADL windows) from a single
subject was confined to a single specific fold (out of the five) in order to avoid dependencies that could,
in turn, decrease the generalizability of the results. In this way, in fact, when training with four of the
five folds and testing with the remaining fold, it is assured that data from subjects of the testing fold is
only in the testing fold, thus preventing possible overfitting.
The cross-validation was also stratified to account for the variability of the number of falls and
ADLs among the subjects. The stratification was performed to have a balanced proportion of subjects
with a low/high number of falls and with a low/high number of ADLs within each cross-validation fold.
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 6 of 15

The subjects with ADLs were divided into low or high, based on the number of their ADLs with
respect to the median of the whole group, and were stratified in the five folds based on this division,
balancing the proportion of the two groups in each fold and ensuring that all data from a single subject
(ADLs and, if available, falls) were in a single fold.
Finally, the remaining subjects (fallers without ADLs) were divided into two groups based on the
number of falls (low and high number of falls with respect to the median), and were stratified in the
five folds, balancing the proportion of the two groups in each fold and ensuring that all falls of a single
Sensors 2020, 20, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 15
subject were in a single fold.
This procedure (see Figure 2 for a description) was done to avoid dependencies that could limit
This procedure (see Figure 2 for a description) was done to avoid dependencies that could limit
the generalizability of the results.
the generalizability of the results.

Figure 2. 2.The
procedure for
for the
the five-fold
five-fold cross-validation.
“ext”forforfolds FF
reflects the fact that this cross-validation for performance evaluation was, in the case of the
reflects the fact that this cross-validation for performance evaluation was, in the case of the support support
vector machine
machine (SVM)
(SVM) classifier,
classifier, external
external with respect
with respect to internal
to internal cross-validation
cross-validation for model forparameter
parameter selection
selection (see Figure 3). (see Figure 3).

The whole training
training and andtesting
procedure through cross-validation
through is shown
cross-validation in Figure
is shown in3.Figure
Before 3.
training the classifiers, in the training set provided by the five-fold cross-validation
Before training the classifiers, in the training set provided by the five-fold cross-validation (composed (composed of
reducedthe thesamples
samplesofofthe themajority
(ADLs)toto10% 10%ofofitsitsoriginal
originalsize byby
randomly excluding 90% of all ADLs samples in the training set. This was
randomly excluding 90% of all ADLs samples in the training set. This was done to compensate for the done to compensate for
the effect of class imbalance. The dataset, as one expects when analyzing rare (compared to ADLs)
effect of class imbalance. The dataset, as one expects when analyzing rare (compared to ADLs) events,
events, such as falls, is, in fact, highly unbalanced (see Results section). This reduction was not
such as falls, is, in fact, highly unbalanced (see Results section). This reduction was not performed
performed in the testing set. As an additional procedure, only for the SVM classifier, we performed
in the testing set. As an additional procedure, only for the SVM classifier, we performed an internal
an internal five-fold cross-validation for each run of the above mentioned (external) five-fold cross-
five-fold cross-validation for each run of the above mentioned (external) five-fold cross-validation.
validation. So, the internal cross-validation was performed on the training set (composed of four
So, the internal cross-validation was performed on the training set (composed of four folds) of the
folds) of the external cross-validation. It was performed to search for optimal values of SVM
external cross-validation. It was performed to search for optimal values of SVM parameters (C and γ).
parameters (C and γ). We used a grid-search approach, following the indications in [47]. Pairs of (C,
Weγ)usedvaluesa grid-search approach,
were evaluated, and thefollowing
pair with thethe
indications in [47]. Pairs
best cross-validation of (C, γ)was
accuracy values
thenwere evaluated,
selected. The
and the pair with the best cross-validation accuracy was then selected. The
search among pairs was done by looking at all possible pairs from exponentially growing sequencessearch among pairs was
, 2−14, …, 23). growing sequences of C and γ (C = 2 , 2 ,
done −5 −4
of Cbyand looking
γ (C = at
, 2−4possible
, …, 215), pairs
and γfrom
= 2−15exponentially
. . . , 215 ), and γ = 2−15 , 2−14 , . . . , 23 ).
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 7 of 15
Sensors 2020, 20, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 15

Figure Thetraining
training and
and testing
testing procedure for classifiers.
procedure for classifiers.
TheThe performance
performanceofofthe theclassifiers
classifierswas wasevaluated
evaluated by by computing several measures.
computing several measures. Each Eachfallfall
window (in)correctly
considered as as aa (false) true positive.
(false) true positive.Each EachADL
(in)correctly identified
identified asassuch
consideredas asaa(false)
(false) true
true negative.
WeWe computed
computed thethereceiver
characteristic (ROC) curves, obtaining
(ROC) curves, obtainingarea areaunder
underthe thecurve
(AUC) values.
SincethetheAUCAUC does
does notnot sufficiently
detailthethe performance
performance of aoffall
a fall detection
detection system,
system, as
as suggested
suggestedby by[48],
computed additional
additional performance
performance measures: sensitivity
measures: (or recall),
sensitivity specificity,
(or recall), false
false alarm raterate
perper hour,
positive predictive
predictive value
value (or(orrecall),
recall),and andF-measure.
F-measure.We Wecomputed
computedthese these
additional measures,considering
measures, consideringaasingle singlethreshold
threshold on on the classifier
classifier output
(whereasAUC AUCconsiders
allall possible
possible thresholds).The
thresholds). Thethreshold
thresholdon onthe
classifier output
output (which
(which ranges
rangesfrom from00to to1)1)was
False alarm rate per hour was computed to gain more practical insight
False alarm rate per hour was computed to gain more practical insight into real-world fall detection into real-world fall
detection (i.e., how many false alarms to expect if the system was deployed
(i.e., how many false alarms to expect if the system was deployed in practice). This feature was in practice). This feature
was computed
computed by assumingby assuming
that eachthat each
false false positive
positive (window (window incorrectly
incorrectly identifiedidentified aswould
as a fall) a fall) result
result in a false alarm (e.g., emergency contact). It was computed by dividing
a false alarm (e.g., emergency contact). It was computed by dividing the total number of false positives the total number of
false positives for the total number of monitored
for the total number of monitored hours (180 in this study). hours (180 in this study).
To evaluate the added value of the proposed multiphase features, we also compared the classifiers’
To evaluate the added value of the proposed multiphase features, we also compared the classifiers’
performance using the proposed features with the classifiers’ performance using conventional features
performance using the proposed features with the classifiers’ performance using conventional features
that are commonly used in fall detection studies [13,25,33,37]. These conventional features were max, min,
that are commonly used in fall detection studies [13,25,33,37]. These conventional features were max,
mean, and standard deviation of ax, ay, az, and Normacc. Furthermore, we also compared the proposed
min, mean, and standard deviation of ax , ay , az , and Normacc . Furthermore, we also compared the
methodology with the algorithm proposed by Kangas et al. [21], based on multiple thresholds, which
proposed methodology with the algorithm proposed by Kangas et al. [21], based on multiple thresholds,
is one of the very few studies evaluating performance on real-world falls. It can be exemplified in the
which is one of the very few studies evaluating performance on real-world falls. It can be exemplified
following manner. First, a check is made to see if all acceleration signals are below 0.75 g. If this is
in passed,
the following
a check manner. First,an
to identify a check
impact is made
peak on to see
the iffollowing
all acceleration
samples signals
is made are below 0.75 g.
by looking forIf an
is acceleration
passed, a check norm over 2 g. If this is also passed, a final check to detect lying posture two secondsan
to identify an impact peak on the following samples is made by looking for
acceleration normisover
after the impact made. 2 g.
also passed,
vertical a final check
acceleration, to detect
low-pass lying
filtered at posture
0.25 Hz, two seconds
is averaged
after the impact is made. To do this, the vertical acceleration, low-pass filtered
between 1.6 s after the impact and 2 s after the impact. If this average is less than 0.5 g, a fall is at 0.25 Hz, is averaged
detected.1.6 s after the impact and 2 s after the impact. If this average is less than 0.5 g, a fall is detected.
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 8 of 15

2.8. Software
Matlab R2018b was used for all the analyses in this study. ROC curves and AUC evaluations were
implemented using the perfcurve function.

2.9. Computational Time Evaluation

The evaluation of the computational time needed by the presented techniques was performed
offline using a Dell laptop (Model # M3800, Intel® Core™ i7-4712HQ, CPU @2.30 Gz, 16 GB RAM,
64-bit Windows 10 Pro).

3. Results
We passed to the classifier stage a total of 143 fall windows and 20,783 ADL windows.
None of the recorded falls exhibited peaks in Normacc lower than the 1.4 g threshold, with the
lowest peak observed at 1.6 g, confirming that we had selected an appropriate threshold.
For both falls and ADLs, the number of instances significantly differed across subjects. There was
a median of 2 falls per subject, ranging from 1 to 23. There was a median of 551 ADLs per subject,
ranging from 3 to 8503.
According to the FRAT-up tool, the fall risk of subjects analyzed for falls and ADLs was similar:
0.44 ± 0.06 and 0.42 ± 0.04, respectively.
Table 2 shows the performance of the classifiers used in this study with multiphase or conventional
features. All classifiers performed better with the features based on the multiphase fall model. This is
well documented by the F-measure values, which are always higher when the multiphase features are
used. Regarding AUCs, these are also higher with multiphase features, with the only exception of
KNN, where the AUC value is slightly higher (but very similar) for the conventional features.

Table 2. Classification results.

Sensitivity False Alarm Predictive
Specificity F-Measure
Classifier Features AUC (Recall) Rate Value
[%] [%]
[%] [FA/hour] (Precision)
Naïve Bayes MultiPhase 0.996 88.1 99.1 1.09 39 54.1
Logistic Regression MultiPhase 0.996 83.2 99.3 0.76 46.6 59.8
KNN MultiPhase 0.958 83.9 99.2 0.92 42.1 56.1
Support Vector
MultiPhase 0.993 81.1 99.5 0.56 53.7 64.6
Random Forests MultiPhase 0.989 83.2 98.9 1.32 33.3 47.6
Naïve Bayes Conventional 0.977 95.1 95.5 5.23 12.6 22.3
Logistic Regression Conventional 0.987 84.6 98.5 1.7 28.3 42.5
KNN Conventional 0.959 85.3 98.8 1.42 32.4 46.9
Support Vector
Conventional 0.986 83.9 98.6 1.61 29.3 43.4
Random Forests Conventional 0.985 88.8 98.6 1.57 31 45.9
Threshold-based Kangas et al. / 30.1 99.3 0.82 22.9 26.3

The AUC value for the algorithm by Kangas et al. is not presented, since the algorithm only
produces a binary output.

4. Discussion
In this study, we analyzed real-world data (falls and ADLs) to implement and evaluate machine
learning algorithms for fall detection based on acceleration features extracted from a multiphase
fall model.
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 9 of 15

A new overlapping windowing technique was designed, which provides windows for feature
extraction with precise time referencing to the peak of the Normacc signal. This technique was
developed to identify falls from acceleration signals, but could be applied to other biomedical signals
when one desires windows with precise time referencing to a pivotal point of the signal. Putra et al. [34]
recently proposed an event-triggered machine learning approach in fall detection that has similarities
with the proposed approach. Still, in our approach, we do not propose a technique that is an alternative
to overlapping windows (as Putra et al. do), but instead we propose a technique that uses standard
overlapping windows to extract features with precise time referencing. Also, we extract features
characterizing the specific phase, while Putra et al. extract the same standard features for each phase.
A noteworthy property of our proposed feature set is that it does not depend on the orientation of
the sensor, since all features are extracted from the acceleration norm. This choice ensures a solution
with higher reliability, wearability, and usability.
There was high variability in the number of selected ADL windows among different subjects.
This variability reflected the varying levels of physical activity (i.e., if a subject stood or sat all day,
the acceleration norm would rarely exceed the 1.4 g threshold). In fallers, the number of falls per
subject was also very heterogeneous, because subjects were recorded for different periods and had
different intrinsic fall risks. We addressed this issue when designing the cross-validation procedure.
When considering the obtained performance results, features from the multiphase model
overperformed conventional features for each classifier, both in F-measure and AUC values. The only
exception was related to AUC values from KNN, which were very similar between the two feature sets
(slightly higher for conventional features). Regarding this, it should also be noted that KNN AUC
values were lower than AUCs obtained by other classifiers.
Features from the multiphase model, with any classifier, overperformed the F-measure of the
threshold-based method. Regarding AUC performance in general, we can see that all classifiers using
multiphase features had very similar values, very close to the “optimal” one.
Still, an AUC that seems optimal (0.996 as an example) translates into combinations of sensitivity
and false alarm rates that are still far from optimal (88% of sensitivity with more than one false
alarm per hour is not usable in any real-world context, because of too many false alarms). It is clear
from these results that the AUC metric does not suffice in order to detail the performance of a fall
detection system, confirming what was suggested in a recent scoping review [48]. The AUC is indeed
a global metric that evaluates the overall performance of the classifier for every possible threshold
on the values of the output scores (each threshold corresponding to a combination of sensitivity and
specificity). However, in the context of the real-world functioning of a fall detection system with
automatic alarm and response capabilities, AUC alone fails to provide enough information on its
performance. Moreover, considering a fall detection system in its daily operation, a single trade-off
must, in the end, be chosen between sensitivity and specificity (false alarms). Although one may desire
a system that is very sensitive, i.e., is accurate in detecting falls, the associated number of false alarms
may become so bothersome that the user of the system would quit altogether.
Based on a single threshold, we reported sensitivity, specificity, false alarm rate per hour, positive
predictive value, and F-measure. Regarding the latter, it is a measure that takes into account the
trade-off between sensitivity (or recall) and positive predictive value (or precision), being the harmonic
mean of the two. It was proposed as the single standard measure to use for comparison of fall detection
systems by [48]. In our sample, the best F-measure was obtained by support vector machines learning
from the multiphase features, with a 64.6% value, overperforming the second-best method (logistic
regression with multiphase features), which has a 59.8% value.
Again in [48], it was suggested to report recall and precision, together with the F-measure, to obtain
a detailed global view of the fall detection performance. These measures are indeed useful. However,
we also reported the false alarm rate (per hour in the present study), since we believe this to be an
evident, practical, and useful measure to evaluate a fall detection system when the aim is to deploy
it in the real-world. This is because false alarms are a convenient and understandable measure of
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 10 of 15

usability. This is clear from Table 2, where a specificity that could be considered nearly optimal in
several fields (95.5%) corresponds to a false alarm rate (more than five false alarms per hour) that would
not be acceptable for practical use in fall detection in any scenarios. False alarm rate, in conjunction
with sensitivity, can indeed provide a clear picture of the two practical aspects that matter most in
acceptability of the real-world fall detection system: how many falls will be correctly detected, and how
many false alarms the user will have to cope with. The sensitivity we obtained for the most promising
method in our study, SVM with multiphase features, seems already acceptable for real-world use (over
80%), but the false alarm rate would still not be. More work will be needed on this huge open issue,
since one false alarm every two monitored hours is indeed too much. It is then apparent in our opinion
that all studies proposing a method for fall detection should always report false alarm rates in their
performance evaluation, together with the other three measures suggested above: sensitivity (recall),
positive predictive value (precision), and F-measure.

4.1. Limitations
Although falls were identified via visual inspection by two experienced raters [28], fall reports
did not always align perfectly with the patterns observed in the signals. So, it is conceivable that some
falls were incorrectly identified. In addition to misreporting, unreported falls (underreporting by the
subjects) may also be among the ADLs. Both issues (mis- and underreporting) might influence and
negatively impact the classifier’s ability to learn patterns. For instance, in the case of underreporting,
the algorithm would learn a pattern of an ADL that is a fall instead.

4.2. Implications for Fall Detection Systems and Clinical Research

It is clear that even the most favorable of the proposed methods has a false alarm rate that would
not be acceptable for a marketable fall detection product. Still, our objective in this paper was to analyze
the performance of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms on conventional features and newly
proposed features on a relatively large database of real-world falls. Features based on a multiphase
fall model consistently overperformed conventional features. Choosing additional features based on
this model or other classifiers (e.g., deep learning), increasing the dataset sample size, and analyzing
different signals (e.g., angular velocities) are all options that could further improve the performance
obtained in this study.
The full deployment of a real-world effective fall detection algorithm could directly impact clinical
research, besides impacting the quality of related emergency assistance. In fact, most observational
and intervention studies rely on self-report to acquire prospective falls information (e.g., the number of
falls endured by a given participant). The reliability of this information remains questionable, due to
the biases innate in reporting [49,50] and recall [51,52], especially for older individuals in which aspects
of compromised memory often come into play. The use of objective measures (e.g., the number of falls
detected automatically) would enable a more accurate and reliable evaluation of the number of falls
endured and, consequently, would improve the overall quality of fall-related studies.
As another clinical insight, some of the falls had an immediate recovery (a few seconds) and,
therefore, a very short resting phase post-impact [11]. A future improvement could stem from
differentiating falls with immediate recovery, falls with recovery after a certain period, and falls with
no recovery at all (i.e., long lie). Automatically identifying the type of recovery could help to choose
the proper response [11]. For example, not identifying a fall with immediate recovery would be less
dangerous than not identifying a fall resulting in a long lie. An approach based on the automatic
identification of different severity levels after the fall could help in this perspective, as proposed in [53].
This concept should also be implemented in the learning and evaluation of fall detection algorithms.
For this to be possible, every fall would need a detailed and reliable report on the presence/absence of
recovery (which was not the case for some of the falls present in this study). A further improvement
could be made by differentiating the consequences of the falls (e.g., injuries or need for medical care).
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 11 of 15

The choice of the proper trade-off between sensitivity and false alarms can also depend on the
purpose of the device (or service model). A maximum sensitivity would be chosen for a research
application, since positive signals are typically verified or falsified by phone calls from research staff.
On the other hand, an emphasis on false alarms would be applied to home alarm systems when users
are not willing to accept a high rate of false alarms. In Table 3, to gain practical insight into this
trade-off, five different representative thresholds are chosen for the classifier’s output of the most
promising method. At one end, the classifier can arrive at almost 100% sensitivity, at the expense of
increasing false alarms to very high values (more than five per monitored hour). At the other end,
having approximately one false alarm every 20 monitored hours is associated with correctly detecting
only one out of two falls.

Table 3. Additional combinations of sensitivity and false alarm rates.

SVM with Multiphase Features

Sensitivity [%] 53.8 64.3 81.1 93.7 95.1
FA rate [FA/h] 0.06 0.11 0.56 2.78 5.56
Five thresholds are chosen so that false alarm (FA) rates are, from the left: one-tenth and one-fifth of the one reported
in Table 2, the same as the reported one, and five and ten times the reported one.

False alarm rates should be reported to increase comparability across different studies, and to
provide a more practical measure of performance.
The current study analyzed an unprecedented number of real-world falls, compared to previous
studies. Still, more falls are needed for machine learning algorithms to learn fall patterns effectively.
One potential option to increase the number of fall signals collected in real-world settings would be
crowdsourcing via smartphone apps, which could exponentially increase the access to fall signals.
Regarding the hardware, in this study, smartphones or dedicated wearable systems were used.
As a different research area, the incorporation of fall detection systems into existing electronic devices
(such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, or pacemakers) could be an unobtrusive way to detect
falls. It is essential to evaluate the computational cost when considering the actual feasibility and
implementation of a fall detection algorithm using a wearable unit of this type [54]. In general, this is
an aspect that is very important when deploying a system in the real world, considering the available
computational capabilities of the chosen device (e.g., smartphone or dedicated sensors). We report in
Table 4 a preliminary analysis in this direction. It should be noted that the evaluations were performed
offline. The computational time needed for data acquisition (from the raw signal to the window ready
for feature extraction), feature extraction, and classification were computed and are reported in Table 4.
As expected, data acquisition takes longer (but still well below one millisecond) for the multiphase
features with respect to the other options. Multiphase feature extraction is also higher with respect to
conventional features, but lower than features from Kangas et al. (probably because of the filtering that
is present in this method to detect posture). Classification with random forests has a computational
time much higher than any other classifier. On the other hand, as expected, the threshold-based
method had the fastest classification. The method that showed the most promising performance in
fall detection (SVM with multiphase features) has a total computational time which is less than one
millisecond (0.7 ms).
As a further note, we obtained our results investigating falls and ADLs from populations with
moderate-to-high fall risk. Whether (and how) these results would transfer to a healthy older people
population (or to other populations) should need further testing. Regarding the validation of fall
detection algorithms, it is interesting to note that the threshold-based method shows a sharp decrease in
performance with respect to the results reported in the original study (80% sensitivity, 0.049 false alarm
rate per hour), where it was also tested on real-world falls. This highlights the importance of external
validation of fall detection algorithms, and the importance of reporting comparable performance
measures across studies.
Sensors 2020, 20, 6479 12 of 15

Table 4. Computational time for a single window.

Data Acquisition Feature Extraction Classification

Classifier Features
(ms) (ms) (ms)
Naïve Bayes MultiPhase 0.145 (0.07) 0.104 (0.05) 0.695 (0.15)
Logistic Regression MultiPhase 0.145 (0.07) 0.104 (0.05) 0.03 (0.01)
KNN MultiPhase 0.145 (0.07) 0.104 (0.05) 1.265 (0.23)
Support Vector Machines MultiPhase 0.145 (0.07) 0.104 (0.05) 0.452 (0.14)
Random Forests MultiPhase 0.145 (0.07) 0.104 (0.05) 17.63 (5.1)
Naïve Bayes Conventional 0.007 (0.01) 0.049 (0.05) 0.686 (0.44)
Logistic Regression Conventional 0.007 (0.01) 0.049 (0.05) 0.065 (0.05)
KNN Conventional 0.007 (0.01) 0.049 (0.05) 1.176 (0.28)
Support Vector Machines Conventional 0.007 (0.01) 0.049 (0.05) 0.368 (0.26)
Random Forests Conventional 0.007 (0.01) 0.049 (0.05) 16.166 (31.06)
Threshold-based Kangas et al. 0.008 (0.03) 0.54 (0.15) 0.002 (0.02)

5. Conclusions
In this study, we exploited the unique real-world fall data from the FARSEEING fall repository to
train and test machine learning algorithms for fall detection based on acceleration signals recorded by
a single wearable sensor. The implemented algorithms learning from features based on a multiphase
model overperformed algorithms learning on conventional features. Finally, we provided and
suggested useful metrics for characterizing fall detection systems to deploy in the real world.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization: L.P., J.K., C.B., and L.C.; methodology: L.P., J.K., and L.C.; software:
L.P.; validation: L.P. and J.K.; investigation: L.P.; data curation: L.P. and J.K.; writing—original draft preparation:
L.P.; writing—review and editing: L.P., J.K., C.B., and L.C.; visualization: L.P.; supervision: C.B. and L.C.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the European Union-Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)
under grant agreement n. 288940 (FARSEEING project).
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Julia Marshall Leach for her valuable English revision of
the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: L.P. and L.C. are co-founders and own shares of mHealth Technologies. All other authors
declare no competing interest.

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