Infectious diseases are leading threats and highest risk to human population
globally. Millions of people die as well as forced to live with disability adjusted
life for years. Number of deaths that occurred in year 2012 alone due to different
infectious diseases in different continents and countries per million persons are
shown in figure 1.1. Numbers are too high and lead us to establish all possible
Figure 1.1 Number of deaths from infectious and parasitic diseases in 2012 per
million persons
Microscopic size organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites passes directly or
indirectly from one host (human or animal) to another and makes individual sick.
Infection transmits from one infected host to susceptible host through two different
refers horizontal transmission, while the direct transfer of a disease from an infective
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1.1.1 Vertical Transmission of Diseases
generation to the next generation. HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis are few examples of
infectious diseases that can be transmitted vertically. It can occur when the mother
directly from the mother to an embryo, foetus, or childbirth. The term congenital
infection can be used if the vertically transmitted infection persists after childbirth. A
the perinatal period, the period starting at a gestational age of 22 weeks to (with
regional variations in the definition) and ending seven completed days after birth. The
the placenta (A temporary organ that joins the mother and foetus, transferring oxygen
and nutrients from the mother to the foetus and permitting the release of carbon
dioxide and waste products from the foetus) and across the female reproductive
tract during childbirth. During birth, babies are exposed to maternal blood and body
fluids, hence they can also be infected by their mothers. Some infectious agents like
normal fauna of the genitourinary tract (e.g., Candida Albicans) may be transmitted to
the embryo or foetus in the uterus, while passing through the birth canal or even
shortly after birth. Figure 1.2 represents the different paths of vertical transmission of
diseases. Few of the vertically transmitted diseases considered in this research are
described below.
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Congenital transmission of ZIKAV Vertical transmission of gonorrhea
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2017.00486/full http://intranet.tdmu.edu.ua/data/kafedra/internal/infect_desease/classes_stud/en/stom
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HIV is short name for Human immunodeficiency virus, which causes HIV
syndrome) is the advance stage of HIV infection. Infection of HIV gradually destroys
the CD4 cells of the immune system of the infected. HIV spreads through direct
contacts of body fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk. Hence, HIV
can also transmit vertically. As per global HIV factsheet (2017) by unaids, globally
36.7 people were living with HIV in 2016 out of which 2.1 million children (< 15
years) were suffering from HIV. Our aim is to study HIV transmission vertically with
the effect of sexually mature infected new-borns as a time delay and effect of delay in
hepatitis (HBV). HBV can spread through blood transmission, sexual contacts, use of
As vaginal secretions are contaminated it can spread from mother to child. It can be
acute or chronic. Chronic infection of HBV causes liver damage or lead to liver
cancer. The alcoholic habits results in acute or sub- acute liver failure and hence are
carrier. The carrier female results in to vertical transmission. So, to control spread of
disease, vaccination is advocated at the carrier stage and new-borns. Our aim is to
propose a model of HBV transmission vertically under treatment with the effects of
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HIV HBV Coinfection
The individuals who are infected with both diseases HIV and HBV
high risk of liver failure. It is the main cause for serious liver complications like
cirrhosis and liver cancer at younger age. Carrier class results in the vertical
As per WHO fact sheet 2016, worldwide, approximately 6 to 7 million people got
infected with T. cruzi. Buckner et. al. (1998) observed that about one third of the
infected got disability and early death because of disease. Vertical transmission of
disease also plays vital role in spreading disease as it increases infected population.
treatment curbs the disease progression but creates side effects amongst pregnant
disorders or psychiatric disorders. As per WHO fact sheet 2016, approximately 30%
of chagas patients suffer from cardiac disorders, while approximately 10% suffer
vectors, spraying insecticide is the easiest and safest way, but sometimes it is costly
for long period of spraying. Also, for most of the vector-borne diseases treatments
are available, but because of unawareness they spread at high frequency. People may
start to opt the treatment but the side effects or cost of treatment, force them to leave
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treatment in between and that create larger dropouts. As costs are incorporated with
spraying and dropout both, our aim is to minimise the total cost associated by
controlling both, spraying and drop-out in a way that spraying should be maximum
WHO (2014), measles spreads especially when a person comes in direct contact with
nasal secretions of infected individual. As per WHO report (2016), measles is one of
the leading causes among young children, despite of availability of safe and effective
infection, out of which most of them were children, having age less than 5 years.
Unvaccinated young children and pregnant women are at high risk of measles
infection. Our aim is to study the effect of loss of immunity generated by vaccination
infected Aedes species mosquito (Ae.aegypti and Ae.albopictus) and then it transmits
vertically from a pregnant woman to fetus or from an infected human to their sexual
partners. The congenital transmission of Zika virus (ZIKV) results in new born with
Organization noted that the recent outbreak began in April 2015 from Brazil, has
covered many southern, central American countries and the Caribbean with spread of
disease, and more than 140,000 suspected and confirmed cases are reported by the
end of February 2016. The control of infected mosquitos is the best efficient way to
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control spread of ZIKV. Spraying insecticide is the safest and easiest way to control
prevention from the vector bites can also help to control disease spread. To control
taken to reduce/stop pregnancy rate and safe heterosexual transmission among adults.
Also, there is no specific treatment available for Zika disease. Treatment is aimed at
relieving symptoms with rest, fluids and intake medications. The costs are
incorporated with spraying, preventions and treatment, our aim is to minimise the
The Ebola virus disease (EVD) is one of the deadly diseases amongst
human and non-human primates caused by most virulent pathogens viz Ebola virus.
Socio - economic impacts of Ebola is very high. In 2014, the latest and largest major
outbreak occurred in West African countries Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. Ebola
infection from virus of the family Filoviridae, genus Ebolavirus. As per WHO Ebola
situation report March 2015, around 10,311 deaths with total 24,872 infection cases of
Ebola were reported from western African countries. In 1976, two simultaneous
outbreaks of Ebola were occurred in South Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Thereafter, outbreak occurred in a village near river Ebola, and then it was started to
be identified as EVD. As a Zoonotic disease Ebola virus can transmit amongst animal
and human population. During the outbreak, cases were reported about presence of
Ebola virus in semen and breast milk of individuals after recovery which leads to
vertical transmission of disease spread. Our aim is to study effective early diagnosis,
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isolation, awareness campaigns and mass media coverage during disease outbreak
can help to break the chain of infectious cases and control disease spread.
symptoms with four main multiple stages namely primary, secondary, latent, and
tertiary. The subspecies pallidum from the bacterium Treponema pallidum are
infected mother to fetus or neonatal is still a cause of high perinatal morbidity and
The quantitative predictions of the future trends of such infections are required
to control their spread. This leads us to the construction and analysis of suitable
transmitted diseases have the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and the
health services that enable them to reduce the risk of transmitting diseases to their
children. They also have the right, like all other women, to have their family. A child
taking birth with infection has right to live long healthy life. The economic costs of
these diseases are significant. They disturb routine health care services. The loss of
productivity and high cost of health care directly affect economic and social growth of
the mankind and consequently nation. Organizations such as World Bank, CDC,
WHO and various NGOs are working hard for improving global surveillance and
response system for such diseases. Although advent of new medicines and vaccines
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do a lot to cure such diseases, still there is a need to welcome all possible methods for
The outcomes of this study will help the health care and social welfare
departments to establish policies, programmes and optimal plan for control of the
diseases by taking into account the study of vertical transmission of diseases. It will
help the society, in general, to have an understanding on how the disease can be
controlled. Also, it will add more knowledge to the existing literature and help
researchers to do more research on these diseases. Lastly, this study will help
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
help us to control the disease, but will also make us prepared for the future as it will
make the scenario and intensity of spread clear.” (Gupta Jyoti (2015), Mathematical
spread for their intensity as well as their ability to survive in host and make an
tool to measure or understand such mechanism and the relevance of any public health
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equations which describes the actual situation. Using mathematics as language to
interpret the assumptions concerning the biological and population mechanics, one
can make predictions by comparing the actual epidemiological data and verify
validity of same using mathematical tests and results. Age plays an important role in
vertically transmitted diseases and it is always necessary to take age into account in
one way or another in order to produce a valid model. Two reasons, first, the new-
born who are individuals of age zero; second, the pathogenic agent builds up in an
infected female as time goes by, are susceptible to vertical transmission of diseases.
dynamics and spread of these diseases. These models can help us to understand the
right disease status and predict if the disease is going to be genetic or controlled. Such
insight as it is individual-level modelling but they deal with small population and very
complex in nature. Deterministic models that are described in this study can deal with
the case of large population by dividing and subdividing the total population into
various compartments.
1873 and 1894 En’ko had put foundation stone on modern mathematical
epidemiology which was laid by Ross, Hamer, McKendrick and Kermack between
1900 and 1935. They suggested the modern approach of compartmental methods
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Endemic: Disease is said to be endemic if it persist for long time amongst
For development of model, our concern is with both situations epidemic as well as
mathematical models for the spread of disease and using them as tools for analysis. In
strategies about mechanisms that influence the disease spread. Here, we first start with
simple models in order to establish broad principles. These simple models are the
building blocks of models that include more detailed structure. Simple model
excludes most details and describes only general qualitative behaviour, while detailed
impossible to solve them analytically but their strategic value may be high. The list of
summarized below:
various compartments.
B : Recruitment rate
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: Transmission rate of infection from an infectious individual to a
susceptible one.
: Natural death rate
: Disease Induced death rate
: Rate of progression from exposed class to infectious class
k : Recovery rate
: Rate of progression from recovered class to susceptible class
suitable assumptions about the nature as well as time for rate of transfer from one
respect to time.
Starting with the simplest compartmental model consisting of only two classes,
Here natural birth and natural deaths are not taken in consideration.
model with three compartments namely susceptible, infected and removed. This
model was introduced with natural birth and natural death. SIR model is an
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sources joins recovered class and remains there forever. Measles, mumps, flu,
rubella are few examples of infectious diseases which follows SIR dynamics.
SIRS Model: It is further extension of SIR model adding one more situation that
SEIR Model: Many time an infection takes a time gap (may vary from disease to
susceptible individuals who acquired infection but still not become infectious
joins exposed compartment. SIR model with one more compartment added as
Very basic models of mathematical epidemiology are described above. We are going
et al. (1989), Holmes and Guckenheimer (2002), while Anderson and May (1992),
Brauer and Castillo-Chavez (2001), and Murray (2002, 2003) worked on its real
disease spread over time with specified rules. By knowing complete description of
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such system (i.e. the value of variables which describes state of system) at particular
time, one can completely describe the set of all possible values of state variables
called state space. If the state space is continuous and finite-dimensional, it is called
the phase space. As we are dealing with continuous dynamical system, the state of the
system flows smoothly through state space. This flow takes a form of curve or
trajectory which decides future trends of system. Assuming, the state as X t at time
t , with the evolution rule for disease spread as , velocity for X t that specifies
i X t , where
how as point X t moves through state space. Thus,
form of trajectory or curve in state space. In case of disease dynamics, one can predict
about disease spread and develop strategies to curb disease spread by analysing this
trajectory or curve using different mathematical results as tools. That said results used
given dynamical system which does not change with time. It is also called fixed
after some time, the phase trajectory starting from X e returns to an arbitrarily
asymptotic stability.
summarised below.
Theorem 1.1 (Jacobian method): For the given system of nonlinear ordinary
i X t , X t xi t
differential equations where and let
J i e for i, j 1,2,3,..., n denotes the Jacobian matrix at each
x j
least one of the eigenvalue has positive real part and the equilibrium X e is
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saddle point if it is possible to find at least one eigenvalue with negative real
Result 1.1: Moreover, Edward et al. (2014), Fred et al. (2014), Liao and Yang
(2013), Mpeshe et al. (2011) proposed that if the Jacobian matrix has a negative
asymptotically stable.
i X t , where X (t ) xi t ,
nonlinear ordinary differential equations
dV ( X )
(ii) V ( X ) 0 if and only if X 0 0 (iii) 0 if and only if X 0 0 , then
dV ( X )
X 0 0 is stable. If condition (iii) is 0 if and only if X 0 0 , then
idea if the disease will be epidemic or endemic. It also provides the deeper
insight about disease spread and helps to design control strategies to curb
disease spread.
Basic Reproduction Number: Lotka and Ross (1923) are known as pioneer for
model parameters not involving any state variable, using which a new control
strategy was designed to control malaria and positive results were obtain. Later
on, this bunch with little advancement was declared as basic reproduction
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number R0 . Dublin and Lotka (1923) and Kuczynski (1931) suggested classical
gives the average number of new infections caused by a single typical infected
then van den Drichesche and Watmough (2002) introduced a modern approach
represent this situation mathematically as i X vi X for
incoming and outgoing individuals other than infected from ith -compartment
basic reproduction number R0 of the given system is spectral radius of the next
generation matrix K FV 1 , where F i 0 and V i 0 for
x j x j
habits), Chagas (with control spraying and dropouts), Measles (with threshold
Matlab and Maple with sufficient large data and conclude more strategies to
delays in treatment and pre-AIDS. This model in terms of the system of non-linear
differential equations includes the effect of sexually mature infected new born as a
time delay and effect of delay in treatment and pre-AIDS are analysed. Total
AIDS and AIDS. Basic reproduction number is obtained and stability of the infection
free as well as the endemic equilibrium are analysed. Effect of time delays in
Treatment, Infection and Pre-AIDS has been studied for disease free equilibrium. The
local and global stability of the system is discovered. Sensitivity of the key parameters
20 | P a g e
is measured using numerical simulation and observed that it supports the analytical
under treatment and alcoholic habits. This model of non-linear differential equations
includes study of the transmission dynamics of HBV with the effects of vaccination to
HBV. The alcoholic habits result in acute or sub- acute liver failure and hence are
at the carrier stage and new-borns to control spread of disease. Total population is
Carrier under-age, Carrier female, Carrier non-alcoholic male, Carrier alcoholic male,
out. The individuals who are infected with both diseases HIV and HBV
considered with liquor habit in men and vaccination to new-borns and carrier mother.
dividing total population in to twenty eight class viz. Susceptible, HBV Vaccinated,
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HBV-infected female, HBV-carrier female, HBV infected alcoholic male, HBV
carrier alcoholic male, HBV infected non-alcoholic male, HBV carrier non-alcoholic
male, HBV recovered class, pre-AIDS female, AIDS female, pre-AIDS-HBV co-
AIDS-HBV carrier female, pre-AIDS alcoholic male, AIDS alcoholic male, pre-AIDS
alcoholic male, HIV infected -HBV recovered classes. The basic reproduction
numbers for HIV, for HBV and for HIV-HBV co-infection along with local and
global stability of HIV-HBV disease free equilibrium is worked out. At last, the
failure and delay of vaccination. In this model, the effect of infected new borns as a
amongst new borns. Total population is divided into four compartments viz.
differential equations for the proposed problem is established. The next generation
matrix method is used to find the reproduction number, and to obtain the stability of
the infection free as well as the endemic equilibrium. Effect of time delay in
vaccination has been studied for disease free equilibrium. The local and global
stability of the system is analysed. Sensitivity of the key parameters is measured using
22 | P a g e
chagas with control dropouts and spraying. Disease dynamics for chagas in ten
child, Susceptible treated human adult, Susceptible untreated human adult, Infected
treated human child, Infected untreated human child, Infected treated human adult,
Infected untreated human adult, Susceptible vector and infected vector including
vertical transmission of disease is proposed. Also, control function for minimising the
transmission of zika virus is proposed with the help of a mathematical model which is
child, Susceptible human male, Susceptible human female, Infected human child,
Infected human male, Infected human female, Recovered human, Susceptible vector
and Infected vector. Basic reproduction number and stability are calculated.
campaigns to break the chain of infectious cases and control the disease spread is
studied. Mathematical model for vertical transmission of Ebola with media effect is
victims), and Recovered. Basic reproduction number, disease free equilibrium and
Numerical simulations are carried out. It is observed that mass media is one of the
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most effective ways of creating awareness about such type of high mortality
diseases. Informative awareness amongst public may curb the disease spread and
Total population is divided in various classes viz. Susceptible, Exposed, primary and
secondary Infected, early and late Latent, Tertiary. Basic reproduction number,
disease free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium are derived and their stabilities are
established. Numerical simulations are carried out. It is observed that safe sexual
with discussion of its benefits to the society. It also provides future directions to
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