Quantum mechanics unit 1

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Quantum mechanics

 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
 Inadequacy of classical mechanics
 Black body radiation
 Stefan’s law
 Wien’s law
 Rayleigh-Jeans law
 Limitation of Wien’s & Rayleigh law
 Planck’s Theory of black body radiation
Quantum mechanics

 Quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of matter and energy on

the scale of atoms and subatomic particles/waves.
 The term “Quantum mechanics” was first coined by Max Born in
Inadequacy of classical mechanics

The classical mechanics explain correctly motion of celestial bodies like

planet, star and macroscopic. The inadequacies of classical mechanics
are given below.
 It does not hold in region of atomic dimension
 It could not explain stability of atoms.
 It could not explained observed spectrum of black body radiation.
 It could not explain observed variation of specific heat of metals and
 It could not explain the origin of discrete spectra of atoms.
 Classical mechanics also could not explain large number of observed
phenomena like photoelectric effect ,Compton effect, Raman effect,
Anomalous Zeeman effect.

The inadequacy of classical mechanics leads to the development of

quantum mechanics.
What is a black body?
Black body
 Black body is that which absorbs completely the electromagnetic
radiation of whatever wavelength, that falls on it.
 The term black body was introduced by Kirchhoff in 1860.
Example: A perfect black body does not exist in nature and cannot be
realized in practice although lamp black and platinum black are
good approximations as these absorb 98% of the radiation incident
on them.
Describe energy distribution in a black body radiation?
Black body spectrum
A graph was obtained between the energy density and wavelength at
different temperature as shown in figure.
The experimental results are
1. The emission from black body at any temperature consist radiation
of all wavelengths.
2. At a given temperature the energy is not uniformly distributed. As
the temperature of black body increases the intensity of radiation for
each wavelength increases.
3. The amount of radiant energy emitted is small at very short and very
long wavelengths.
4. The wavelength corresponding to the maximum energy
represented by the peak of the curve shift towards shorter
wavelength as the temperature increases. This is called Wien’s
displacement law i.e.
λm T = Constant.
What is Stefan’s law of radiation?
Stefan’s law of radiation
According to Stefan’s law, the total amount of the radiant energy by a
black body per unit area per unit time due to all wavelengths is directly
proportional to the fourth power of absolute temperature.
E α T4
E= σ T4
where, the constant of proportionality σ is called the Stefan Boltzmann
constant and has a value of σ = 5.6704×10−8 watt / (meter 2 Kelvin4)
Explain Wien’s law of thermal radiation?
(2016-17, 2017-18, 2020-21)
Wien’s law of thermal radiation

Wien proposed two laws of thermal radiation.

(1) Wien’s first law or Wien’s displacement law of radiation
(2) Wien’s second law of radiation

(1) Wien’s first law or Wien’s displacement law of radiation

Wien observed that there is wavelength at which radiation has

maximum intensity at a given temperature.
The value of λmax is inversely proportional to the absolute
temperature of the body.
λmax α
λmax = cm-K
λmax= 𝑇
where b is known as Wien’s constant.
It is used to determine the temperature of the surfaces of Sun and other
(2) Wien’s second law of radiation:

According to this law, the total energy density Eλdλ i.e. amount of
radiant energy emitted by a black body per unit area per unit time for a
given wavelengths range λ and λ + dλ ,at a given temperature is expressed
8𝜋ℎ𝑐 𝑑𝜆
Eλdλ = ℎ𝑐
𝑒 𝜆𝐾𝑇

h  6.63  1034 ( J  S )
c  3 108 (m / s )
k  1.38  1023 ( J / K )
State Rayleigh Jean’s law? (2020-21)
Rayleigh Jean’s law
Lord Rayleigh used the classical theories of electromagnetism and
thermodynamics to show that the blackbody spectral energy distribution is
given by:
Eλdλ = 𝑑𝜆

where k is Boltzmann’s constant.

What is the limitation of Wien’s law and Rayleigh Jeans law?
Limitations of Wien’s law
It is valid for shorter wavelengths, but deviates at long wavelengths.

Limitation of Rayleigh Jean’s Law

It is valid for longer wavelengths, but deviates at short wavelengths.
Why is black best emitter?
Black is good absorber of all incoming light. According to
Kirchhoff’s law of radiation good absorber is good emitter.
Due to high emissive power black is best emitter.
Write Planck’s law of radiation? (2017-18)

Write the assumptions of Planck’s hypothesis? (2018-19)

Basic assumptions of quantum theory of radiation

1. The energy of an oscillator can have only certain discrete values

En = nhν
Where, n is a positive integer called the quantum number, ν is the
frequency of oscillation, h is Planck’s constant.
2. The oscillators emit or absorb energy only in the form of packets of
energy (hν) not continuously, when making a transition from one
quantum state to another. The entire energy difference between the initial
and final states in the transition is emitted or absorbed as a quantum of
∆E = ∆nhν
E2 – E1 = (n2 – n1)hν
Write Planck’s law of radiation. How does it explain Wien’s
displacement and Rayleigh jeans law. (2018-19)
Planck’s law
According to planck, energy density of radiation is given by
8𝜋ℎ𝑣 3 𝑑𝑣 1
uvdv= ℎ𝑣 …(1)
(𝑒 𝑘𝑇 −1)
In terms of wavelength, we put
𝑐 𝑐
𝑣= and d𝑣= − 2 𝑑𝜆
𝜆 𝜆
8𝜋ℎ𝑐𝑑𝜆 1
uλdλ= ℎ𝑐 …(2)
(𝑒 𝜆𝑘𝑇 −1)
Wien’s law from Planck’s formula:
Planck’s radiation formula in terms of wavelength for black body spectrum
is given by
8πhcdλ 1
uλdλ= hc …(1)
(eλkT −1)

For short wavelengths or when λ is small, 𝑒 𝜆𝑘𝑡 ≫ 1, so 1 may be neglected
in the denominator of above equation. Thus,
8𝜋ℎ𝑐 − ℎ𝑐
uλdλ = 5 𝑒 𝜆𝑘𝑇 𝑑𝜆 …(2)
Substituting 8𝜋ℎ𝑐 = 𝑐1 and hc/k=c2, equation 2 become
𝑐1 − 𝑐2
Uλdλ= 5 𝑒 𝜆𝑇 𝑑𝜆
This is Wien’s law which agrees with experimental curve at short
wavelengths region.
Rayleigh-Jeans law from Planck’s formula:
For long wavelengths or λ is large, 𝑒 𝜆𝑘𝑇 ≈1+ (neglecting terms
with higher power of λ in denominator), therefore equation 1 becomes,
8𝜋ℎ𝑐𝑑𝜆 𝟖𝝅𝒌𝑻𝝀
uλdλ = ℎ𝑐 =
𝜆5 (1+ −1) 𝝀𝟒

This is Rayleigh-Jeans law which agrees with experimental curves at long

wavelengths region.

Quantum mechanics


 Compton effect
Explain the modified and unmodified radiations in Compton
scattering? (2016 - 17)
What is Compton effect? Derive the necessary expression for
Compton shift. (2016 - 17, 2018- 19, 2020 - 21)
What is Compton effect? Derive a suitable expression for Compton
shift λ’- λ= (𝟏 − 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽) . (2018 - 19)
𝒎𝟎 𝒄
What is Compton Effect? How does it support the photon nature of
light? (2019 - 20)
Compton Effect
 In 1921, Professor A.H. Compton discovered that when a
monochromatic beam of high frequency radiation is scattered by
electrons, the scattered radiation contain the radiations of lower
frequency or greater wavelength along with the radiations of
unchanged frequency or wavelength.

 The radiations of unchanged wavelength or frequency in the scattered

light are called unmodified radiations while the radiations of greater
wavelength are called modified radiations.
This phenomenon is called the Compton Effect. It provided evidence for
the particle nature of light and Planck’s postulates.

Quantum Explanation: The explanation was given by Compton which

was based on Quantum theory of light.

 According to quantum theory when photon of energy hυ strikes with the

substance some of the energy of photon is transferred to the electrons,
therefore the energy (or frequency) of photon reduces and wavelength

 In this way, it support the photon nature of light

Various assumptions were made for
explaining the effect these were:
i. Compton Effect is the result of
interaction of an individual
particle and free electron of
ii. The collision is relativistic and
iii. The laws of conservation of
energy and momentum hold
The energy of the system before collision = ℎ𝑣 + 𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2
The energy of the system after collision = ℎ𝑣′ + 𝑚𝑐 2
According to the principle of conservation of energy
ℎ𝑣 + 𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2 = ℎ𝑣′ + 𝑚𝑐 2
𝑚𝑐 2 = (ℎ𝑣 - ℎ𝑣′) + 𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2 ..............(1)
According to the principle of conservation of linear momentum along and
perpendicular to the direction of incident photon (i.e., along x and y axis).

ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣′
Along x - axis +0= cos 𝜃 + 𝑚𝑣 cos 𝛷
c c

𝑚𝑣𝑐 cos 𝛷 = ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣′ cos 𝜃 ..........(2)

Along y – axis
0+0= sin 𝜃 − 𝑚𝑣 sin 𝛷
𝑚𝑣𝑐 sin 𝛷 = ℎ𝑣′ sin 𝜃 .............(3)
Squaring (2) and (3) and then adding, we get

𝑚2 𝑣 2 𝑐 2 = ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣′ cos 𝜃 2 + ℎ𝑣′ sin 𝜃 2

𝑚2 𝑣 2 𝑐 2 = ℎ𝑣 2 + ℎ𝑣′ cos 𝜃 2 − 2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ cos 𝜃 + ℎ𝑣′ sin 𝜃 2

𝑚2 𝑣 2 𝑐 2 = ℎ𝑣 2 + (ℎ𝑣′)2 [(cos 𝜃 2 + sin 𝜃 2 ] − 2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ cos 𝜃

𝑚2 𝑣 2 𝑐 2 = ℎ𝑣 2 + (ℎ𝑣′)2 − 2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ cos 𝜃 ……(4)

Squaring equation (1), we get

𝑚2 𝑐 4 = 𝑚𝑜 2 𝑐 4 + ℎ𝑣 2 + (ℎ𝑣′)2 − 2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ + 2𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2 ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣 ′ …(5)

Subtracting (4) from (5), we get

𝑚2 𝑐 4 − 𝑚2 𝑣 2 𝑐 2 = 𝑚𝑜 2 𝑐 4 + 2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ (cos 𝜃 − 1) + 2𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2 ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣 ′
According to the theory of relativity

𝑚0 𝑚𝑜 2 𝑣2
𝑚= or 𝑚2 = 𝑣2
or 𝑚2 1− = 𝑚𝑜 2
𝑣2 (1− 2 ) 𝑐2
1− 2 𝑐
𝑚2 𝑐 2 − 𝑚2 𝑣 2 = 𝑚𝑜 2 𝑐 2

Multiplying both sides by c2, we get

𝑚2 𝑐 4 − 𝑚2 𝑣 2 𝑐 2 = 𝑚𝑜 2 𝑐 4 ……(7)
Using equation (7), equation (6) becomes

𝑚𝑜 2 𝑐 4 = 𝑚𝑜 2 𝑐 4 + 2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ (cos 𝜃 −1) + 2𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2 ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣 ′

0 = 2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ (cos 𝜃 −1) + 2𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2 ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣 ′

2 ℎ𝑣 ℎ𝑣 ′ (1 − cos 𝜃) = 2𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2 ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣 ′
𝑣 − 𝑣′ ℎ
= (1 − cos 𝜃)
𝑣′𝑣 𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2

1 1 ℎ
− = (1 − cos 𝜃 )……(8)
𝑣′ 𝑣 𝑚𝑜 𝑐 2

To find the relation in term of wavelength, let us substitute 𝑣′ = and
𝑣 = . Thus, we have

∆𝝀 = 𝝀′ −𝝀= (𝟏 − 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜽 )…….. (9)
𝒎𝒐 𝒄

Equation (9) represent the expression for Compton shift.

Cases :
1. When 𝜃 = 0; cos 𝜃 = 1
∆ λ =𝜆′ – λ = 0
i.e. 𝜆′ = λ, the scattered wavelength is same as the incident
wavelength in the direction of incidence.
2. When 𝜃 = 90° ; cos 𝜃 =0
′ ℎ
∆λ=𝜆 –λ=
𝑚𝑜 𝑐
ℎ 6.63×10−34
∆ λ = 𝜆′ – λ = = = 0.0243 Å
𝑚𝑜 𝑐 9.1×10−31 ×3×108
= λc

where λc is called the Compton wavelength

3. When 𝜃 = 180° ; cos 𝜃 = -1
∆λ= 𝜆′ – λ= = 0.04652 Å)
𝑚𝑜 𝑐

NOTE :From above equations (8) and (9), following conclusions can be

 The wavelength of the scattered photon 𝜆′ is greater than the

wavelength of incident photon λ.
 ∆ λ is independent of the incident wavelength.
 ∆ λ have the same value for all substance containing free electron
 ∆ λ only depend on the scattering angle 𝜃
Why Compton effect is not observed in visible spectrum?
The maximum change in wavelength ∆ λ max is 0.04652 Å or roughly
0.05 Å. This is very small, therefore cannot be observed for wavelength
longer than few angstrom units.

For example- For X-ray, the incident radiation is about 1 Å , ∆ λ max is

0.05 Å. Therefore, the percentage of incident radiation is about 5%

For Visible radiation, the incident radiation is about 5000 Å, ∆ λ max is

0.05 Å. Therefore, the percentage of incident radiation is about 0.001%
What is the kinetic energy and direction of recoiled electron?
Kinetic energy of recoiled electron

𝐸 = ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣′
𝑐 𝑐
𝐸 =ℎ −ℎ ′
𝜆 𝜆
1 1
𝐸 = ℎ𝑐 ( − ′)
𝜆 𝜆
𝝀′ −𝝀
𝑬 = 𝒉𝒄 ( ′ )
Direction of recoiled electron
From Compton effect, we get the equation

𝑚𝑣𝑐 cos 𝛷 = ℎ𝑣 − ℎ𝑣 ′ cos 𝜃………. (1)

𝑚𝑣𝑐 sin 𝛷 = ℎ𝑣′ sin 𝜃 ………… (2)

Dividing equation (2) by (1), we get

ℎ𝑣′ sin 𝜃
tan 𝛷 =
ℎ𝑣−ℎ𝑣′ cos 𝜃
𝑣′ sin 𝜃
tan 𝛷 =
𝑣−𝑣′ cos 𝜃

sin 𝜃
tan 𝛷 = 𝑐 𝑐

λ λ’
cos 𝜃

𝛌 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝜽
tan 𝜱 =
𝛌’−𝛌 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜽
How Compton Effect support the photon nature of light?
In the Compton Effect, Compton observed that the scattered
radiation has lower frequency than incident radiation. According to
wave theory, frequency must be conserved in any scattering process.
So we can say that Compton Effect support the photon nature of

Quantum mechanics


 de-Broglie matter waves

 Wave particle duality
 Difference between electromagnetic wave and matter
What is the concept of de-Broglie matter waves?
(2017-18, 2020-21)
Concept of de-Broglie matter waves
The wave associated with a moving particle is called matter waves or de-
Broglie waves. According to de-Broglie’s concept (1924), a moving particle
always has a wave associated with it.
ℎ ℎ
λ= =
𝑝 𝑚𝑣

Expression for de-Broglie

According to Planck’s theory of radiation, the energy of a photon is given by
𝑬 = 𝒉𝝂…….(1)
According to Einstein energy-mass relation
𝑬 = 𝒎𝒄𝟐 ……..(2)
From eqs. (1) & (2), we get
ℎ𝑣 = 𝑚𝑐 2
ℎ = 𝑚𝑐 2 (since c = vλ)

= 𝑚𝑐
For materialistic Particle
If we consider the case of a material particle of mass m and moving with a
velocity v then the wavelength associated with this particle is given by
ℎ ℎ
λ= =
𝑝 𝑚𝑣
Obtain relation between
(1) de-Broglie wavelength and kinetic energy.
(2) de-Broglie wavelength and temperature.
Relation between de-Broglie wavelength and kinetic energy
If we consider the case of a material particle of mass m and moving with a
velocity v then the wavelength associated with this particle is given by
ℎ ℎ
λ= =
𝑝 𝑚𝑣
If E is then kinetic energy of the material particle, then,
1 2 𝑚2 𝑣 2
Ek= mv =
2 2𝑚
Ek =
p= 2𝑚𝐸𝑘
Therefore λ=
Relation between de-Broglie wavelength and temperature
When a material particle is in thermal equilibrium at a temperature T, then
Where k = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38 × 10-23 J/K
So, de-Broglie wavelength at temperature T is given by
λ =
𝟐𝒎 𝒌𝑻
Obtain de-Broglie wavelength associated with electrons.
let us consider the case of an electron of rest mass mo& charge e which is
accelerated by a potential V volt from rest to velocity v, then
mv2= eV

v = 2𝑒𝑉/𝑚0


𝑚0 𝑣

6.63 × 10−34
2×1.6 ×10−19 × V× 1.91×10−31
λ= Å
What do you mean by wave particle duality?
Wave particle duality
 A particle means an object with a definite position in space
which cannot be simultaneously occupied by another particle &
specified by their properties such as mass, momentum, kinetic
energy, velocity etc.
 On the other hand, a wave means a periodically repeated pattern
in space which is specified by its wavelength, amplitude,
frequency, energy, momentum etc.
 Two or more waves can coexist in the same region and
superimpose to form a resultant wave.
 The particle & wave properties of radiation can never be
observed simultaneously.
 Radiation, sometimes behave as a wave (Interference,
diffraction, etc.) & at some other time as a particle (Photoelectric
effect, Compton Effect), i.e., it has a wave particle dualism.
What is the difference between electromagnetic wave and matter
wave? (2019-20)
Difference between electromagnetic and matter wave

(1) Matter waves are associated with moving particles and does not depend
on the charge. On the other hand EM wave are associated with
accelerated charge particle.
(2) Electromagnetic waves are a type of wave that travels through space,
carrying electro magnetic radiant energy while matter waves are the
waves that consist of particles.
(3) Electromagnetic waves have electric and magnetic fields associated
with them, whereas matter waves don’t have accelerated electric or
magnetic field.
Why are matter waves associated with a particle generated only when
it is motion?
According to de-Broglie hypothesis
𝒉 𝐡
λ= =
𝒑 𝐦𝐯
When v = 0 then λ = ∞, i.e., wave becomes indeterminate & if v =
∞ then λ = o. This shows that matter waves are generated by the
motion of particles.
Deduce an expression for de-Broglie wavelength of He-atom
having energy at TK.
de-Broglie wavelength at temperature T is given by

For thermal equilibrium at temperature T

𝑬= 𝒌𝑻

𝟐𝒎 𝒌𝑻


Quantum mechanics


 Davisson and Germer Experiment

Davisson and Germer Experiment

 It is the first experimental evidence of material particle was predicted in

1927 by Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer. This experiment not
only confirmed the existence of waves associated with electron by
detecting de-Broglie waves but also succeed in measuring the
 Davisson and Germer experiment were originally designed for the study
of scattering of electrons by a nickel crystal.
Set up of Davisson - Germer Experiment
 The electrons are produced by thermionic emission from a tungsten
filament F mounted in an electron gun. The ejected electrons are
accelerated towards anode in an electric field of known potential
difference and collimated into a narrow beam. The whole arrangement
used to emit electrons and to accelerate and to focus is called electron
 The narrow beam of electron is allowed to fall normally on the surface of
a nickel crystal because their atoms are arranged in a regular
pattern/lattice so the surface lattice of the crystal acts as a diffraction
grating and electrons are diffracted by crystals in different direction.
 The electrons scattered from target are collected by detector C which is
also connected to a galvanometer G and can be moved along a circular
scale S.
 The electron are scattered in all direction by atoms in crystal. The
intensity of electrons scattered in a particular direction is formed by
using a detector. On rotating the detector, the intensity of scattered
beams can be measured for different value of angle between incident and
scattered direction of electron beam.
The various graphs are plotted between scattering angle and intensity of
scattered beam at different accelerating voltage.
Sailent features observed from the graph
 Intensity of scattered electron depends upon angle of scattering.
 A kink begins to appear in curve at 44 Volts.
 This link moves upward as the voltage increases and become more
prominent for 54 Volts at 50°
 The size of kink starts decreasing with further increase in accelerating
voltage and drops almost to zero at 68 volts.
 The kink at 54 Volts offer evidence for existence of electron waves.
The crystal surface acts like a diffraction grating with spacing d. The
principal maxima for such a grating must satisfy Bragg's equation
2𝑑 sin ɸ = 𝑛𝜆
Where d is interplanar spacing and d= 0.91Å̊
n=1 for first order
According to Davisson Germer experiment
𝜃 + 2ɸ = 180̊
ɸ = 90 −
For 𝜃 = 50̊ , ɸ = 90 − 25 = 65̊
2𝑑 sin ɸ = 𝜆
2 × 0.91 × 10−10 sin 65 = 𝜆
𝜆 = 1.65Å
Now, for electron having kinetic energy of 54eV

6.626 × 10−34
2 × 9.1 × 10−31 × 54 × 1.6 × 10−19
𝜆 = 1.67Å
Which agrees well with the observed wavelength of 1.65Å.Thus Davisson
and Germer experiment directly verifies de-Broglie hypothesis of wave
nature of moving bodies.

Quantum mechanics


 Phase velocity
 Group velocity
What do you mean by group velocity? (2017-18)
What is the difference between phase velocity and group
velocity? (2013-14)
What do you mean by phase velocity and group velocity?
Phase velocity (wave velocity)
When a monochromatic wave (single frequency& wavelength)
travels through a medium, its velocity of advancement in the
medium is called phase or wave velocity.
Consider a wave whose displacement y is expressed as,
𝑦 = 𝑎 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜔𝑡 − 𝑘𝑥)
a is amplitude , k is wave vector, 𝜔 is angular frequency
For planes of constant phase, 𝜔𝑡 − 𝑘𝑥 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 − (1)
On differentiating above equation with respect to t we get,
𝜔−𝑘 =0
𝑑𝑥 𝜔
𝑣𝑝 = = − (2)
𝑑𝑡 𝑘
Equation (2) represents the phase or wave velocity.
Thus, the wave velocity is the velocity with which the planes of constant
phase advance through the medium. Hence is also called phase velocity.
A particle in motion has two velocities : particle velocity (v) and its
associated matter wave velocity (vp)
Show that phase velocity of de-Broglie wave greater than
velocity of light.
We know that, 𝐸 = ℎ ν = m𝑐 2
m𝑐 2
ν= -(3)

& 𝜆= -(4)
Wave or phase velocity is given by, 𝑣𝑝 = ν𝜆
Using eq. (3) & (4) in above equation we have,
𝑣𝑝 =
As vp> c is not possible as it is in direct contradiction with the special
theory of relativity. Thus, vp cannot be greater than the velocity of light.
Group Velocity

Wave Packet: A wave packet comprises a group of waves slightly

differing in velocity and wavelength such that they interfere
constructively over a small region in space where the particle can be
located and outside this space they interfere destructively so that the
amplitude reduces to zero.
The velocity with which the wave packet obtained by
superposition of wave travelling in group is called group velocity
𝑣𝑔 =
Establish a relation between phase and group velocity for
dispersive medium and non dispersive medium.
Relation between group velocity and wave velocity

Wave velocity is given by, 𝑣𝑝 =
𝜔 = 𝑘 𝑣𝑝
On differentiating we have, 𝑑𝜔 = 𝑑𝑘 𝑣𝑝 + 𝑘 𝑑𝑣𝑝
𝑑𝜔 𝑑𝑣𝑝
= 𝑣𝑝 + 𝑘 -(1)
𝑑𝑘 𝑑𝑘
As, 𝑣𝑔 =
Putting in equation (1)
𝑣𝑔 = 𝑣𝑝 + 𝑘 …..(2)

−2𝜋 𝑑𝜆
⇒ 𝑑𝑘 =
Substituting in equation (2) we have,
𝑣𝑔 = 𝑣𝑝 − 𝜆 …(3)

Equation (3) gives the relationship between wave (phase) velocity and group
velocity for dispersive medium. Clearly the group velocity is frequency
For non-dispersive medium:

Putting the above value in equation (3) we have,
vp = v g
Phase velocity of de-Broglie waves

If E is the energy of a particle corresponding to matter wave frequency 𝜈

𝐸 = ℎ𝜈 = 𝑚𝑐 2
𝑚𝑐 2
⇒𝜈= -(1)

Wave vector is given by, 𝑘 = -(2)
𝜔 2𝜋𝜈
de – Broglie phase velocity is given by, 𝑣𝑝 = = -(3)
𝑘 𝑘
Using equation (1) and (2) in (3) we have,
𝑣𝑝 = − (4)
The particle constitutes of all sort of wave groups so, v = vg
𝑣𝑝 𝑣𝑔 = 𝑐 2
The product of phase and group velocity is equal to the square of
velocity of light. As particle(group) velocity is always less than c, it
means phase velocity is greater than speed of light. So, the de-Broglie
wave train associated with the particle will travel faster than particle
itself and would leave particle behind. This statement is nothing but the
collapse of wave description of particle.

Quantum mechanics


 Bohr’s quantization rule

 Wave function
 Time dependent Schrödinger wave equation
Interpret Bohr’s quantization rule on the basis of de
Broglie concept of matter waves.
Since the electron does not
radiate energy while moving
in it orbit, the wave associated
with it must be stationary
wave in which there is no loss
of energy.
Thus the electron forms the stationary wave only when
circumference of orbit is integral multiple of wavelength i. e
2πr = n 𝜆 (1)
We know that,
From equation 1,
2πr = n (2)
r =n (3)
Now angular momentum is given by,
L = mvr

L= n

This is Bohr’s quantization condition. According to which an
electron can revolve only in certain discrete orbits for which
total angular momentum of the revolving electron is an integral

multiple of , where h is planck’sconstant.

Give physical interpretation of wave function. Also explain
eigenvalue and Eigen function. (2016-17, 2018-19)
Wave function & its Physical Significance

 The quantity whose variation builds up matter waves is called wave

function (ψ).
 The value of wave function associated with a moving particle at a
particulate point (x, y, z) in space at the time t is related to the
possibility of finding the particle there at that time.
Physical significance of the wave function

 The physical significance of the wave function is that the square of its
absolute value at a point is proportional to the probability of
experimentally finding the particle described by the wave function in a
small element of volume dτ (dxdydz) at that point.
 The values of energy for which steady state equation can be solved are
called eigenvalues and the corresponding wave functions are called
Eigen functions.
Write some characteristic of wave function? Also write its
normalization condition?
Characterstics of wave function

1. It must be finite everywhere.

2. It must be single valued.
3. It must be continuous. Its first derivative should also be continuous.

Normalization condition for wave function

  dv  1
Show that 𝜳(x,y,z,t) = 𝜳(x,y,z,) e-iwt is a function of stationary state
If 𝛹 (x,y,z,t) is a wave function of stationary state then the value of
𝛹(x,y,z,t) 2 at each point should be independent of time.
𝛹(x,y,z,t) = 𝛹(x,y,z,) e-iwt
Complex Conjugate of 𝛹(x,y,z,t)
𝛹 ∗ (x,y,z,t) = 𝛹 ∗ (x,y,z) eiwt

𝛹(x,y,z,t) 2 = 𝛹(x,y,z,t)𝛹 ∗ (x,y,z,t)

= 𝛹 ∗ (x,y,z) eiwt 𝛹(x,y,z,) 𝑒 −𝑖𝑤𝑡
𝛹(x,y,z,t) 2 = 𝛹(x,y,z) 2
Obtain Schrodinger time dependent wave equation. (2018-19)
Schrodinger time dependent wave equation

The probability of a transition between one atomic stationary state and

some other state can be calculated with the aid of the time-dependent
Schrödinger equation. The differential equation of a wave motion of a
particle in one-dimension can be written as
𝝏𝟐 𝝍 𝟏 𝝏𝟐 𝝍
= .…….(1)
𝝏𝒙𝟐 𝒗𝟐 𝝏𝒕𝟐

The general solution of eq.(1) is given by

𝝍(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨𝒆−𝒊𝝎[𝒕−(𝒙 𝒗)] ……..(2)
We know that ω = 2πν and v = νλ. So, eq.(2) can be written As,

𝝍(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨𝒆−𝟐𝝅𝒊[𝝂𝒕−(𝒙 𝝀)] .…….(3)

Put ν = E/h and λ = h/p in eq.(3), we get

− 𝒉 (𝑬𝒕−𝒑𝒙)
𝝍(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨𝒆 .……(4)

Now, differentiating eq.(4) twice with respect to x, we get

𝝏𝟐 𝝍 2𝜋𝑖
− ℎ 𝐸𝑡−𝑝𝑥 2𝜋𝑖𝑝
= 𝑨𝑒
𝝏𝒙𝟐 ℎ
4π2 p2
=− 2
𝟏 𝒉𝟐 𝝏𝟐 𝝍
𝒑𝟐 = − ..……(5)
𝛙 𝟒𝛑𝟐 𝝏𝒙𝟐

Now, differentiate eq.(4) with respect to t, we get

𝝏𝝍 −
𝑬𝒕−𝒑𝒙 𝟐𝝅𝒊𝑬
= 𝑨𝒆 𝒉 −
𝝏𝒕 𝒉
=− 𝝍
𝟏 𝒉 𝝏𝝍 𝟏 𝒊𝒉 𝝏𝝍
𝑬= − = …….(6)
𝛙 𝟐𝛑𝐢 𝝏𝒕 𝛙 𝟐𝛑 𝝏𝒕
If E & V be the total & potential energies of the particle respectively, then its
kinetic energy 𝒎𝒗𝟐 is given by
𝟏 𝒑𝟐
𝑬 = 𝒎𝒗𝟐 + 𝑽 𝒐𝒓 𝑬 = +𝑽 …….(7)
𝟐 𝟐𝒎
Putting the values from eqs.(5) & (6) in eq.(7), we get

1 𝑖ℎ 𝜕𝜓 ℎ2 1 𝜕 2 𝜓 ℎ2 𝜕 2 𝜓 𝑖ℎ 𝜕𝜓
=− 2 2
+𝑉 𝑜𝑟 − 2 2
+ 𝑉ψ =
ψ 2π 𝜕𝑡 8𝜋 𝑚 ψ 𝜕𝑥 8𝜋 𝑚 𝜕𝑥 2π 𝜕𝑡

Substituting ћ = , we get
ћ2 𝜕 2 𝜓 𝑖ℎ 𝜕𝜓
− + 𝑉ψ = ………(8)
2𝑚 𝜕𝑥 2 2π 𝜕𝑡
This is the required Schrodinger time dependent equation in one
dimension. In threedimension the above equation can be written as-

ћ𝟐 𝟐 𝒊𝒉 𝝏𝝍
𝑜𝑟 − 𝛁 + 𝑽 𝛙=
𝟐𝒎 𝟐𝛑 𝝏𝒕
𝐻𝝍 = 𝑬 𝝍
ћ𝟐 𝟐
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝐻 = − 𝛁 + 𝑽, 𝐻𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝒊𝒉 𝝏
E= Energy Operator
𝟐𝛑 𝝏𝒕

Quantum mechanics


 Time independent Schrödinger wave equation

 Solution to stationary state Schrodinger wave equation for one
dimensional particle in a box.
Derive time independent Schrodinger wave equation.
(2016-17, 2018-19, 2020-21)
Schrodinger time independent wave equation
The Schrodinger's time independent equation can be obtained with help
of time dependent equation. The differential equation of a wave motion of
a particle in one-dimension can be written as
𝝏𝟐 𝝍 𝟏 𝝏𝟐 𝝍
= .…….(1)
𝝏𝒙𝟐 𝒗𝟐 𝝏𝒕𝟐

The general solution of eq.(1) is given by

𝛙(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨𝒆−𝒊𝝎[𝒕−(𝒙 𝒗)] ……..(2)

We know that ω = 2πν and v = νλ. So, eq.(2) can be written as
𝛙(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨𝒆−𝟐𝝅𝒊[𝝂𝒕−(𝒙 𝝀)] ..(3)
Put ν = E/h and λ = h/p in eq.(3), we get
− (𝑬𝒕−𝒑𝒙)
𝛙(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨𝒆 𝒉 …(4)
The wave function can be seperated into time dependent and space
dependent parts.
𝟐𝝅𝒊𝒑𝒙 𝟐𝝅𝒊𝑬𝒕

𝛙(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝑨𝒆 𝒉 𝒆 𝒉

If 𝜓(𝑥) = 𝜓˳ = 𝑨𝒆 𝒉 then,

𝛙(𝒙, 𝒕) = 𝜓˳ 𝒆 𝒉 …(5)
Now differentiating equation (5) twice with respect to x, we get
𝝏𝟐 𝛙 𝝏𝟐 𝜓˳ −
𝟐 = 𝟐 𝒆 𝒉 …(6)
𝝏𝒙 𝝏𝒙

differentiating equation 5 with respect to t, we get

𝝏𝛙 − 𝟐𝝅𝒊𝑬
= 𝜓˳ 𝒆 𝒉 (- )……(7)
𝝏𝒕 𝒉
The well known Shrodinger time dependent equation in one
dimension is given by-
ћ𝟐 𝝏𝟐 𝛙 𝒊𝒉 𝝏𝛙
− 𝟐
+ 𝑽𝛙 =
𝟐𝒎 𝝏𝒙 𝟐𝛑 𝝏𝒕
𝜕2 ψ 𝜕ψ
Subtituting the values of ψ, 2 and from equations 5,6,7 in above
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑡
𝟐𝝅𝒊𝑬𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝒊𝑬𝒕 𝟐𝝅𝒊𝑬𝒕
ћ𝟐 𝝏𝟐 𝜓˳ − − 𝒊𝒉 − 𝟐𝝅𝒊𝑬
− 𝒆 𝒉 + 𝑽𝜓˳ 𝒆 𝒉 = 𝜓˳ 𝒆 𝒉 (- )
𝟐𝒎 𝝏𝒙𝟐 𝟐𝛑 𝒉

ћ𝟐 𝝏𝟐 𝜓˳
− 𝟐
+ 𝑽𝜓˳ = 𝐸𝜓˳
𝟐𝒎 𝝏𝒙
𝝏𝟐 𝜓˳ 𝟐𝒎
+ (𝑬 − 𝑽)𝜓˳ = 𝟎
𝝏𝒙𝟐 ћ 𝟐
In general we can write above equation
𝝏𝟐 𝝍 𝟐𝒎
+ 𝟐 (𝑬 − 𝑽) 𝝍 = 𝟎
𝝏𝒙 ћ
This is the required time independent equation in one dimension . In
three dimension the above equation can be written as-
𝛁𝟐 𝝍 + (𝑬 − 𝑽) 𝝍 = 𝟎 ……..(8)

For a free particle V = 0, hence the Schrodinger wave equation for a free
particle can be expressed as
𝛁𝟐 𝝍 + 𝟐 𝑬𝝍=𝟎
Find an expression for the energy states of a particle in one
dimensional box? (2017 - 18)
Write down Schrodinger wave equation for particle in a one-
dimensional box and solved it to find out the Eigen value and
Eigen function. (2019- 20)
A particle is in motion along a line X = 0 and X = L with zero
potential energy. At point for which X < 0 and X > L, the
potential energy is infinite. Solving Schrodinger equation obtain
energy eigen values and Normalized wavefunction for the
particle. (2018 - 19)
Particle in one-dimensional Box

Let us consider the case of a particle of mass m moving along x-axis

between two rigid walls A & B at x = 0 & x = a. The particle is free to
move between the walls. The potential function is defined in the following

V(x) = 0 for < x < a

V(x) = ∞ for 0 ≥ x and x ≥ a
Under this condition particle is said to move in an infinite deep potential
well or infinite square well. The Schrodinger equation for a particle with
in the box (V = 0) is

𝜕2 𝜓 2𝑚
+ 𝐸 𝜓=0 ………(1)
𝜕𝑥 2 ћ 2

𝜕2 𝜓
+ 𝑘2 𝜓 = 0 ……(2)
𝜕𝑥 2

𝑘2 = ………(3)
The general solution of equation (2) is
𝝍 = 𝑨 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝒌𝒙 + 𝑩 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝒌𝒙 ..……..(4)

Apply the boundary condition, ψ = 0 at x = 0 & x = a to eq.(4). So,

At x = 0, 𝟎 = 𝑨 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝒌. 𝟎 + 𝑩 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝒌𝟎

Again at x=a , 𝟎 = 𝑨 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝒌𝒂

𝒌𝒂 = ± 𝒏𝝅 where n=1,2,3,…. …(5)

n ≠ 0, 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 for n=0, k=0

From eq.(3) & eq.(5), we get
a = ± n
Squaring both side
2𝑚𝐸 2
𝑎 = 𝑛2 2
𝑛2 2 ћ2

ћ 𝒏𝟐 𝒉𝟐
Since h = , 𝑬𝒏 = ……….(6)
2 𝟖𝒎𝒂𝟐
From eq.(6), it is clear that the particle can not have an arbitrary energy, but
can have certain discrete energy corresponding to n = 1, 2, 3,…….. Each
permitted energy is called eigen value of the particle & constitute the energy
level of the system. The corresponding eigenfunction is given by

𝝍 = 𝑨 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝒌𝒙
To find the value of constant A we apply normalization condition,
𝝍𝑛 2 𝑑𝑥 = 1
𝐴2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝑑𝑥 = 1
0 𝑎
1 2𝒏𝝅𝒙
𝐴2 1 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑑𝑥 = 1
0 2 𝑎
𝑎𝐴2 𝐴2 𝑎 2𝒏𝝅𝒙
+ 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑑𝑥 = 1
2 2 0 𝑎


Therefore, the normalized wavefunction for nth state is given by

2 𝒏𝝅𝒙
𝝍𝑛 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ………(7)
𝑎 𝑎
Show that the Energy levels are not equally spaced for the
particle in one dimensional box.
We know that the energy of particle in one dimensional box is given by
𝒏𝟐 𝒉𝟐
𝑬𝒏 =

Putting n =1, 2, 3…..so on, we get

𝐸1 =
𝐸2 = = 4 𝐸1
𝐸3 = = 9 𝐸1
𝐸4 = = 16 𝐸1
𝐸5 = = 25 𝐸1
The difference between the energy in various states

𝐸2 - 𝐸1 = 3 𝐸1
𝐸3 - 𝐸2 = 5 𝐸1
𝐸4 − 𝐸3 = 7 𝐸1
𝐸5 − 𝐸4 = 9 𝐸1

From above equations,it is clear thar that difference between energy in

consecutive energy state is not constant . This difference is increases with
increase in value of n.
Therefore it is concluded that that energy levels are not equally
spaced as shown in below figure (a).

(a) Energy levels (b) wave function (c) Probability density


Quantum mechanics


 Numericals
Calculate the energy of oscillator of frequency 4.2 x 10 12 Hz at 270 C
treating it as (a) classical oscillator (b) Planck’s oscillator.
(i) 𝐸𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 = 𝑘𝑇 = 1.4 × 10−23 × 300 = 4.2 × 10−21 𝐽
(ii) 𝐸𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑘 = ℎ𝑣
𝑒 𝑘𝑇 −1

ℎ𝑣 = 6.6 × 10−34 × 4.2 × 1012 𝐽 = 2.8 × 10−21 𝐽

= 0.66and 𝑒 𝑘𝑇 −1 = 0.9348
Therefore, 𝐸𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑘 = ℎ𝑣 = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟗 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐𝟏 𝑱
𝑒 𝑘𝑇 −1
What is the wavelength of maximum intensity radiation radiated
from a source having temperature 3000 K. (IMP)
According to Wein’s law

λmT = b or λm=

Given, T = 3000 K and b = 0.3 × 10-2 m-K

λm= = 0.1×10-5 m = 10,000 Å
Calculate the wavelength of an α particle accelerated through a
potential difference of 200 volts. (IMP.)
The de-Broglie’s wavelength of an α-particle accelerated through a
potential difference V is given by,


For α-particle,
q = 2e = 2 × 1.6 × 10-19 Coulomb
mass of α-particle = 4 × mass of proton = 4 × 1.67 × 10-27 kg

2×4×1.67×10−27 × 2×200×1.6×10−19
λ = 7.16 × 10-13 m
λ = 7.16×10-3 Å = 0.00716 Å
Show that the de- Broglie wave velocity is a function of
wavelength in free space.
Show that the phase velocity of de-Broglie waves associated
with a moving particle having a rest mass m0 is given by,

𝒎𝟎 𝒄𝝀
𝐯𝐩 = 𝒄 𝟏 +
According to the de-Broglie concept of matter wave, the
wavelength associated with a particle is given by,

v 2
h h 1−
𝜆= =
mv m0 v

h 1 1
λ= − (1)
m0 v2 c2

Phase velocity of de-Broglie wave is vp = (2)
Putting value of v from (2) in equation (1) we have,

ℎ vp 2 1
𝜆= 4
− 2
𝑚0 𝑐 𝑐

𝒎𝟎 𝒄𝝀 𝟐
Solving for vp we get 𝐯𝐩 = 𝒄 𝟏 +

The above equation shows that wave velocity is greater than c and
is a function of wavelength even in free space.
The de-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron is 10-12m.
Find its group velocity and phase velocity.
m0 v 2
From relativistic mass equation, m
= 1−

m0 c 2 v 2
= 1−
mc 2 c

E0 v 2
= 1−
E c

E0 2
Solving for v we have, v=c 1− -(1)

The total relativistic energy of moving electron is given by,

E= (pc)2 +(E0 )2
E0 = 511keV is the rest mass energy of electron.

hc 2
E= ( ) +(E0 )2 -(2)

Substituting the values of wavelength ,h, c and E0 in (2) we have,

E = 1344.03keV
Putting the values of E0 and E in equation (1) we have,
v=c 1−
v = 0.925c
c2 c2
Phase velocity is given by, vp = =
v 0.925c
vp = 1.08c
Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of an neutron having kinetic
energy 1ev. (2019-20)
The rest energy of neutron is m0c2 =1.67 × 10-27 × (3 × 108)2
= 1.503 × 10-10 joule
= 939.4 MeV

The Kinetic energy of the given neutron is 1eV=1.6×10-19 joule , is very

small as compared to its rest mass energy, therefore the relativistic
consideration may be ignored.

So The de-Broglie’s wavelength of an neutron of rest mass m0 is given by

ℎ 6.63 × 10−34
λ= = = 2.87×10 -11 m
2Em0 2× 1.67 × 10−27 × 1.6 × 10 −19
Determine the probability of finding a particle trapped in a box of length L in
the region from 0.45L to 0.55L for ground state. (2017 - 18)
The eigen function of a particle trapped in a box of length L is given by

2 𝒏𝝅𝒙
𝝍𝑛 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛
Probability of finding the particle between x1 and x2 for nth state is given
by P= 𝑥1
𝝍𝑛 2 𝑑𝑥
𝑥2 2 2 𝒏𝝅𝒙
P= 𝑥1 𝐿
𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑥
2 𝑥2 1 𝟐𝒏𝝅𝒙
P= 1 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑑𝑥
𝐿 𝑥1 2 𝐿
1 x2 𝟐𝒏𝝅𝒙
P= 1− 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑑𝑥
𝐿 x1 𝐿
1 𝐿 𝟐𝒏𝝅𝒙 𝑥2
P= 𝑥− 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑥1
𝐿 𝟐𝒏𝝅 𝐿
Here 𝑥1 = 0.45 L, 𝑥2 = 0.55 L, for ground state n = 1
1 𝐿 𝐿
P= 0.55 𝐿 − sin(1.10𝝅) − 0.45 𝐿 − sin(0.90𝝅)
𝐿 𝟐𝝅 𝟐𝝅
1 1
P= 0.55 − sin(198° ) − 0.45 − sin(162° )
𝟐𝝅 𝟐𝝅
P = (0.55 − 0.45) − (sin 198° − sin 162° )
P = (0.10) - (sin 198° − sin 162° )
P = 0.10 - (-0.309− 0.309)
P = 0.10 - (-0.618)
P = 0.10 + 0.0984
P = 0.1984 = 19.84%

Quantum mechanics


 Numericals
An X- ray photon is found to have its wavelength doubled
on being scattered through 90° from a material. Find the
wavelength of incident photon. (V.IMP)
If λ and 𝜆′ be the wavelength of incident and scattered X-ray of
photon respectively then the Compton shift is given by.

(𝜆 - λ)=∆λ

= (1-cosθ)
𝑚0 𝑐
Here θ=90° and 𝜆′ = 2λ
∆λ = (𝜆′ – λ) = 2λ- λ= λ
ℎ 6.63×10−34
Thus λ = = =0.0245Å
𝑚0 𝑐 9.1×10−31 ×3×108
Calculate the wavelength of an electron that has been
accelerated through potential difference of 100 volts.
ℎ 12.28
λ= = Å
2𝑚𝑞𝑉 𝑉

12.28 12.28
= =
√100 10
Calculate the de- Broglie wavelength associated with a
proton moving with a velocity equal to 𝟏 𝟐𝟎 𝒕𝒉 velocity of
h h
Solution: we know that λ= =
p mv
We know that,
h=6.6× 10−34 J sec
m=9.1× 10−31 𝑘𝑔, v=c/20=3 × 108 /20

λ= =2.643× 10−14 m.
A particle confined to move along x-axis has the wave
function 𝝍 = 𝒂𝒙 between x=0 and x=0.1 and 𝛙 = 𝟎
elsewhere. Find the probability that the particle can be
found between x=0.35 and x=0.45.
Solution- Probability of finding the particle is given by.
P= −∞
𝝍𝑛 2 𝑑𝑥
0.45 2 2 0.45 2
P= 0.35
(𝑎𝑥) 𝑑𝑥 =𝑎 0.35
(𝑥) 𝑑𝑥
𝑥 3
P= 𝑎2 within limit 0.35 to 0.45.

𝑎2 𝑎2
P= [(0.45)2 − 0.35 2 ] = [ 0.0911 − 0.0428
3 3
P = 0.0161𝒂𝟐
Compare the wavelength of a photon and an electron if the
two have same momentum ?
The de-Broglie’s wavelength of an electron λe=

or momentum𝒑𝒆 = ……….(1)
Similarly the momentum of photon
𝒑𝒑𝒉 = ………..(2)

Therefore if photon and an electron have same momentum then from equation 1
and 2, we have
λe= 𝛌𝒑𝒉
Hence a photon and an electron of same momentum have the same wavelength.
Show that probability at center of 1-D potential box is minimum
for first excited state.
2 𝒏𝝅𝒙
Solution.Since we know that𝝍𝑛 = 𝐿

For first excited state n=2

2 𝟐𝝅𝒙
𝝍2 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛
At center of box 𝒙 =

2 𝟐𝝅𝑳
𝝍2 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛
𝐿 2𝐿

𝝍2 = 0
𝑙/2 2
Probability P = 0
(𝝍2 ) 𝑑𝑥
A particle is moving in one dimensional potential box of width 25 Å.
Calculate the probability of finding the particle within an interval
of 5 Å at the centre of the box when it is in state of least energy.
2 𝒏𝝅𝒙
Since we know that𝝍𝑛 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛

For lowest energy state n=1 , wave function will be

2 πx
ψ= sin
At the centre of box x = therefor probability of finding the particle at the
center of box
2 πx 2 π 2 π 2
ψn 2 = sin 2 = sin2 2
= sin 2 =
L a L L L 2 L
Probability in the interval is given by,
2 2
P= ψn ∆x = ∆x
Here L= 25 Å= 25×10-10m
and ∆x = 5 Å = 5×10-10m
P= = 0.4
Find the two lowest permissible energy states for an electron
which is confined in one dimensional infinite potential box of
width 3.5 x 10-9 m. (2020 - 21)
The energy of a particle of mass m moving in one dimension in an
infinitely high potential box of width L is given by
𝑛2 ℎ 2

Here, m = 9.1 × 10-31 kg, h = 6.63 × 10-34 Joule – sec, L = 3.5×10-9 m

𝑛2 (6.63×10−34 )(6.63×10−34 )
E= = 4.929 ×10-21 n2
8×9.1×10−31 ×(3.5)2 ×10−18
(4.929 × 10−21 n2)
E= −19 = (3.08 ×10−2 n2 ) eV
1.6 × 10

The lowest two permitted energy values of the electron is obtained by

putting n=1 and n=2.
First lowest permitted energy value is (for n=1) = 0.038 eV
Second lowest permitted energy value is (for n=2) = 0.038 × 4 =
0.152 eV
In a Compton scattering experiment X-ray of wavelength 0.015Å
is scattered at 60°, find the wavelength of scattered X- ray.
Solution- If λ and 𝜆′ be the wavelength of incident and scattered X-ray
of photon respectively then the Compton shift is given by

(𝜆′ - λ)=∆λ = (1-cosθ)
𝑚0 𝑐

Therefore 𝜆′ = λ+ (1-cosθ)
𝑚0 𝑐
2×6.63×10 −34
= (0.015×10-10)+ Sin 2 30°
9.1×10−31 ×3×108
2×6.63×10 −34
= (0.015×10-10) + (1/2) 2
9.1×10−31 ×3×108
= (0.015×10-10) + 0.012×10-10
𝜆′ = 0.027×10-10 m =0.027Å
X-rays of wavelength 2 Å are scattered from a black body and X-rays
are scattered at an angle of 45 degree. Calculate Compton shift (∆λ),
wavelength of scattered photon λ’. (2018 - 19)
Compton shift is given by

(λ’ - λ) = ∆λ = (1- cos θ)
𝑚0 𝑐
6.62 × 10−34
∆λ = (1- cos 45°)
9.1 × 10−31 × 3 × 108
∆λ = 0.243 (1 - )
0.0243 × 0.4142
∆λ =
∆λ = 0.007 Å
Wavelength of scattered photon, λ’ = ∆λ + λ = (0.007 + 2) Å
λ’ = 2.007 Å
X-ray with λ = 1Å are scattered from a carbon block, the
scattered radiation is viewed at 900 to the incident beam. Find the
Compton shift and the kinetic energy imparted to the recoiling
electron. (IMP)
Compton shift is given by

(λ’ - λ) = ∆λ = (1 – cos θ)
𝑚0 𝑐

6.63 × 10−34
∆λ = (1- cos 90°)
9.1 × 10−31 × 3 × 108

∆λ = 0.0243 × 1 = 0.0243 Å

Wavelength of scattered photon, λ’ = ∆λ + λ = (0.0243 + 1) Å

λ’ = 1.0243 Å
Kinetic energy imparted to the recoiled electron = decrease in the energy
of photon, i.e.
ℎ𝑐(𝜆′ − 𝜆)
𝐾. 𝐸. =

6.63 × 10−34 × 3 × 108 × 0.0243 × 10−10

10−10 × 1.0243 × 10−10

= 4.72 × 10−17 𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒

4.72 × 10−17
= −19
1.6 × 10

= 295 𝑒𝑉

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