Jurnal 12_innovation strategy
Jurnal 12_innovation strategy
Jurnal 12_innovation strategy
Does firm size matter? Evidence on the impact of the green innovation
strategy on corporate financial performance in the automotive sector
Woon-Leong Lin a, Jun-Hwa Cheah a, *, Mohamed Azali a, Jo Ann Ho a, Nick Yip b
Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In the past few years, there has been increasing awareness regarding the significance of the Green
Received 27 January 2019 Innovation Strategy (GIS) in the academic and practical fields. Hence, it becomes important to determine
Received in revised form the correlation between the GIS and the Corporate Financial Performance (CFP). This study attempted to
2 April 2019
determine the dynamic correlation between the GIS and the CFP, with regards to the firm size. For this
Accepted 18 April 2019
Available online 7 May 2019
purpose, this study has collected data for 163 international automotive firms, from the CSRHub database,
for the period ranging between 2011 and 2017. Furthermore, we also used the dynamic panel data
system, i.e., the Generalised Method of Moment (GMM) method, for estimating this relationship. The
Green innovation strategy
empirical results indicated that the GIS positively affected the CFP. Interestingly, we also uncovered that
Corporate financial performance the firm size moderated the negative correlation between the GIS and the CFP. The small-sized firms
Automotive industry showed higher green innovation investments return than the larger-sized firms, which indicated that
GMM these smaller firms were more prone to seek variation and visibility, for accessing better resources.
Firm size Furthermore, due to the extensive scrutiny of the stakeholders, these small firms could generate higher
profits. The implications for managers and the theories in this regard are then discussed.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Currently, the automotive industry faces many obstacles. This By 2021 the cars, which emit >95 g of CO2/km, would be dis-
sector generally relies on the technological paradigm of volume allowed in the market.
production, which has gradually become more unprofitable due to By 2020, the greenhouse gas intensity of all automobile fuels
the increase in the segmented niche markets. Furthermore, this must be reduced by 10%, for improving the fuel quality.
sector has to undergo many social and regulatory pressures, which By 2021, the automobile manufacturers should produce light-
can improve the sustainability of all its products and production duty vehicles that consume <3.6 l/100 km of diesel or <4.1l/
methods. Research conducted in this field showed that the auto- 100 km of petrol.
motive sector is facing these challenges and have to establish
techniques for developing a profitable and sustainable sector for In the past, the transportation sector was seen to be responsible
future generations (Smith and Crotty, 2008) After the publication of for 27% of the total global energy consumption and 33.7% of all
KPMG's report (2012) on environmental regulations in the auto- greenhouse gas emissions (Tie and Tan, 2013). These trends would
motive sector, various governments started imposing strict envi- change in the future, due to the scarcity of fossil fuels and
ronmental regulations on the OEMs (Original Equipment increasing environmental pressure (Nilsson et al., 2012). Because of
Manufacturers) for controlling the CO2 emissions. For example, the the increasing concern with regards to the environmental issues, by
European Commission implemented legislation for testing fuel the public, consumers, suppliers and the administration, a majority
of the firms have begun the development of environmentally-
friendly green products (Green et al., 2012; Tseng et al., 2013).
* Corresponding author. Hence, the techniques which save energy, or reduce CO2 emissions
E-mail addresses: linwoonleong@gmail.com (W.-L. Lin), jackycheahjh@gmail. and air pollution, in the automotive sector, are important chal-
com (J.-H. Cheah), azali@upm.edu.my (M. Azali), ann_hj@upm.edu.my (J.A. Ho), n. lenges and issues affecting the governments (Hui, 2010). In their
yip@uea.ac.uk (N. Yip).
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988 975
study, Shrivastava (1995) stated that firms must differentiate their that the agency costs (like the ineffective use of the corporate
products, lower production costs, improve product quality and funds) encountered while implementing the GIS in the larger firms
develop more innovation processes. Therefore, continuous inno- were the dominant factor that affected the strategic benefits which
vation was seen to be an important strategy which could help in these firms could derive after the green innovation investments.
overcoming the pressures implemented by the competitors, cus- Implementation of GIS could significantly upsurge the profitability
tomers and the regulators (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995a,b). of the smaller firms. Hence, the results indicated that the total
Due to the strict international rules, increasing consumer envi- benefits derived by the implementation of the GIS were not a one-
ronmentalism, and the conventions regarding green innovation, size-fits-all and were dependent on the firm characteristics.
the competition and the business-related tactics have undergone a Based on the study results, we have put efforts to make three
significant alternation in all global industries. These factors have key contributions to the literature with regards to this topic. First, as
also affected the business in the automotive industries. Hence, the per our knowledge, we are the first to examine the unique setting of
Green Innovation Strategies (GIS) have played a vital role (Russo GIS's role pertaining to firm size interactions. Also, prior studies
and Fouts, 1997). GIS is described as the development of green have not considered longitudinal aspect pertaining to GIS (e.g.,
process and green products-related innovation strategies and de- Aguilera-Caracuel and Ortiz-de-Mandojana, 2013; Gluch et al.,
cisions, that associated with the application of green activities and 2009; Chen et al., 2006; Ge et al., 2018). This research offers
environmental management systems (Eiadat et al., 2008; Tomomi, insight regarding the growing need to understand the impact of
2010; Dong et al., 2014). On the other hand, very few researchers firm size in justifying that the enhancement in green innovation
have investigated the effect of the GIS on the Corporate Financial improves firm-level financial performance.
Performance (CFP). CFP is defined as measuring the results per- Second, we put forward a significantly positive relationship that
taining to a firm's operations and policies in monetary aspects. The exists between CFP and GIS, which was crucial as it could help to
company's return on investment, value added and return on assets solve the existing perspective defining the relationship. Our finding
as depicted with these results. In this research study, CFP has been offers a holistic means to examine the firm's conditions that allow
employed as an instrument to measure economic performance as organisations to create green innovation initiatives as well as
well as integrating accounting-based measures, which includes simultaneously enhance their financial performance. Moreover, we
asset utilisation, firm's profitability, return on equity, the return of have stressed on the importance of the combination or configura-
investment and return on asset (Wu et al., 2006). An organisation's tion pertaining to the firm size, which could cast an impact on the
internal efficiency is represented by the accounting-based mea- automotive sector employing GIS. In this research study, we have
sures, which is impacted by the social performance of the organi- provided in-depth insights by considering all the factors that could
sation (Van Beurden and Go € ssling, 2008). So, it is important to have a role in simulating the GIS of an organisation. Also, we have
develop policies that can effectively implement GIS in the in- made an effort to aid governments and policymakers in designing
dustries (Petts, 1998). In this study, we have attempted to bridge impactful mechanisms and guidelines (instead of just creating
this gap and described many novel green innovation-related regulations), thereby allowing the development of environmentally
concepts. responsible attitudes.
In the past few years, GIS was seen to one of the major factors Finally, many of the corporate finance and empirical manage-
that affected environmental sustainability, financial growth and life ment researchers recognise at least two potential sources of
quality (Porter, 1981; Bansal and Gao, 2006; Dangelico and Pujari, endogeneity: simultaneity and unobservable heterogeneity
2010). Implementation of the GIS is a vital tool which increases (Wintoki et al., 2012). However, one source of endogeneity that has
the sustainable growth of the manufacturing industries due to an usually been ignored (explicitly or implicitly) comes from the
increasing environmental pressure, especially in the automotive possibility that the current values pertaining to firm performance
sector. Use of GIS embodies the idea of environmental protection variables are regarded as a function of previous performance of the
for designing and packaging products and improving the organisation. Overlooking this source of endogeneity could cast
differentiation-related advantage (Hart, 1995; Chen et al., 2006). serious impacts for inference. This study has applied a system GMM
The implementation of GIS could significantly increase the resource estimator (Arellano and Bover, 1995; Blundell and Bond, 1998) on
productivity of the companies (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995a,b). the dynamic panel data to resolve the issue pertaining to endoge-
Therefore, the development of GIS would help in resolving the neity between the CFP and GIS, which offers evidence confirming
conflicts between environmental protection and economic their relationship. Moreover, employing this technique has allowed
development. gaining an understanding of the unobservable heterogeneity as
In this study, we have also attempted to examine the connection well as a better depth pertaining to this study.
between the GIS and their effect on firm profitability in the auto- This study was structured as follows: Section 2 provided a brief
motive industry. Furthermore, this study also intended to deter- overview of the related literature with regards to the theoretical
mine the effect of firm size on the GIS and CFP in the automotive foundations. Section 3 describes the method, data sample collec-
industry. This study collected the data from the CSRHub for a period tion techniques and the measurements for all variables. Section 4
ranging between 2011 and 2017 and investigated whether the presents the descriptive statistics, all correlation coefficients be-
green innovation investment would increase the shareholders’ tween the variables, and also the outcomes of the interactive effect
wealth. We also studied whether the significance of these activities of the firm size. Section 5 discusses all results and offers directions
varied based on the firm characteristics (like firm size) employing for future studies. Finally, Section 6 presented the conclusions and
the dynamic panel data system GMM estimator. The empirical implications of this study.
outcomes highlighted the significantly positive relationship be-
tween GIS and CFP. This positive relationship was persistent when 2. Literature review and hypotheses development
this study attempted to control the endogeneity of GIS. We further
noted that the effect of the negative relationship between the GIS 2.1. Ecological modernisation theory (EMT)
and firm size on the CFP could be due to the fact that the GIS
spending by the company provides an overall limited tangible The ecological modernisation (EMT) theory deals with analysing
benefit, and helps the company obtain better profits. A small firm how contemporary industrialised societies handle environmental
size showed higher efficiency than the larger firms. This indicated crises (Mol and Sonnenfeld, 2000). The EMT theory that defines
976 W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988
environmental innovation is put forward as a possible solution to 2013). Hence, green innovative companies include those companies
resolve the conflict between environmental protection and indus- which are needed for implementing a process of improvement and
trial development (Murphy and Gouldson, 2000). As there is a need constant growth which can lead to better and concrete green
to achieve environmental performance and profitability simulta- strategies engagements (i.e., green technologies and products)
neously, as envisaged under EMT, green management has emerged (Marcus and Fremeth, 2009).
as a key management practice for organisations seeking to gain
competitiveness via environmental innovation (Hall, 2001). EMT 2.3. Green innovation strategy and corporate financial performance
postulates that continued industrial development, instead of
inevitably continuing to degrade the environment, provides the GIS is described as the development of green process and green
best choice to avoid the global ecological challenge (York and Rosa, products-related innovation strategies and decisions that associ-
2003). The perspective central to EMT can be attributed to the era of ated with the engagement of green activities and environmental
modernity that provides a promise that technology development, management systems (Eiadat et al., 2008; Tomomi, 2010; Dong
industrialisation, capitalism and economic growth are not just et al., 2014). The ecological modernisation theory has encouraged
potentially compatible with that of ecological sustainability but companies to implement novel technological and scientific pro-
also could act as the major drivers to bring environmental reforms cesses, which would help them strengthen the green processes and
(Mol, 1997). EMT also implies the chance of it being inherent to the green products (Mu et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2012). Here, this study
process of late modernisation which could be self-referential has applied the definition presented by Huber (1985), who stated
mechanisms (e.g. the requirement to internalise environmental that ecological modernisation was a major economic theme
effects to guarantee future production inputs) that could possibly involved in the eco-social switchover, as it could lead to the
result in ecological sustainability (York and Rosa, 2003). modernisation of the production and consumption cycles using
EMT provides a theoretical lens to examine the relationship intelligent and novel technologies.
existing between innovation and environmental performance GIS helps in decreasing the negative effect on the environment
€nicke, 2008). It also motivates organisations to employ sustain-
(Ja and also enhance the competitive advantage of the various in-
able technology that allows decreasing the environmental impact dustries. The companies that advocate the implementation of
on their business. EMT focuses on the chance of achieving environmental innovation strategies would lead to the develop-
ecological-economic ‘win-win’ solutions, above all, by ensuring ment of a novel business model and alter the rules which help in
cost minimisation as well as competition for innovation. As per generating a better business opportunity (Chiou et al., 2011; Chen
EMT, the aim of the firm is to modify the direction of technological et al., 2012; Chang and Chen, 2013; Dong et al., 2014). Earlier
progress and to establish the compulsion pertaining to innovation studies showed that the implementation of GIS offered positive
benefitting the environment (Ja €nicke, 2008). Even though EMT of- firm benefits and economic developments. In one study, Huang and
fers a wide concept, in this study, we have emphasised on the Jim Wu (2010) observed that environmental innovation in high-
impact cast by environmental performance on financial perfor- tech firms could significantly improve the organisation's financial
mance. The theoretical insight pertaining to EMT states that tech- performance. Furthermore, Tomomi (2010) investigated many
nological innovation would aid firms in enhancing both their small or medium-sized Japanese companies and noted that the
economic and environmental performance. To this extent, EMT environmental strategies offer better opportunities to these com-
implies that firms can address environmental issues as barriers panies to improve their business activities and provide them with a
when technological change is complemented with organisational competitive advantage. Chiou et al. (2011) stated that if all suppliers
change (Park et al., 2010). We have contested that EMT needs to be implemented a green supply chain, they could easily fulfil the
regarded as a pertinent management theory that allows under- environmental design requirements and display a green innovative
standing and guiding management innovation and change that is performance. Fraj et al. (2013) mentioned that the use of the GIS
ecologically oriented, at the level of firm analysis. The core theo- positively affected the environmental and economic performance
retical underpinning that surrounds the EMT states that organisa- in a business-to-business context. Dong et al. (2014) noted that the
tional technological innovation, like GIS, will aid the firms in application of eco-innovative activities by the companies helps in
enhancing both economic and environmental dimensions. the determination of their competitiveness and environmental
performance. In their study, Yang et al. (2018) validated a new
2.2. Green innovation strategy model which indicated that GIS offers several firm benefits.
Many researchers argued that the implementation of the GIS
Driessen and Hillebrand (2002) defined the concept of ‘green can slightly increase the firm innovation portfolios (Hull and
innovation strategy’ and stated that this concept may not be Rothenberg, 2008). However, a lack of these GIS could be due to
developed with an aim to reduce the environmental burden. hindrances affecting this innovation, like the presence of a
However, it yields several important environmental benefits. In knowledge gap, inadequate governmental support and an aversion
their study, Chen et al. (2006) defined GIS as the software or to the risks in the capital markets (Runhaar et al., 2008). For
hardware innovative activities related to the green processes or instance, many green firms or ventures were seen to be vulnerable
products, like innovative technologies involved in preventing as they were developed based on the expectation that the constant
pollution, energy-saving, waste-recycling, designing green prod- governmental subsidies would soon diminish. These issues have
ucts, or even corporate environmental management. Organisation made the managers difficult to achieve competitive and environ-
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2009) defined mental improvements in their firms (Hull and Rothenberg, 2008).
GIS as the implementation or creation of novel, better-quality ser- Though the firms can overcome all the barriers and develop GIS,
vices/goods, processes, marketing techniques or institutional ar- these innovations are unable to get translated to a higher financial
rangements, that intentionally or unintentionally, can offer better performance level (Link and Naveh, 2006). For instance, Ringer is a
environment compared to their other alternatives. This innovation manufacturer of nontoxic and natural pesticide, which decreases
includes many technological innovations required for preventing the ecological harm, however, it is more expensive and less effec-
pollution, energy-saving, waste-recycling, designing green prod- tive compared to the conventional pesticides. Hence, customers do
ucts, or even environmental management (Lai et al., 2003). It is not easily accept these novel products. Furthermore, the firms that
seen to extend beyond regulatory compliance (Arago n-Correa et al., apply GIS can increase their product-quality, training and safety-
W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988 977
related costs (Gelb and Strawser, 2001). However, there will be display advanced management processes (Donaldson, 2001) and
more cost incurred during the preventive of risk and research and perceive or handle the exterior situation differently, based on their
development (Lo pez-Nicola
s and Meron~ o-Cerdan, 2011). experience (Miles, 1986). Thus, the internal system necessary for
Conversely, many researchers believe that the GIS helps the handling the issues is more advanced, which shows better recep-
firms improve their overall life quality, are profitable and efficient tiveness to the environmental issues (Brammer and Millington,
(Hart, 1995; King and Lenox, 2002). They also increase the 2006).
requirement for the products amongst the environmentally- This is further summarised to indicate that the size of the firm
sensitive customers (Marcus and Fremeth, 2009). The imple- highlights the more complex phenomena which affect the green
mentation of the GIS helps in determining the performance of all innovation participation. Thus, broader conclusions can be derived
green processes and products so that they compete in the market, from the firm size, provided the interrelation between all related
which can be achieved by reducing the company's environmental attributes is also considered. This leads to the development of many
effects (Chen, 2008; Chiou et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2018). The GIS theories that are investigated using integrative contributions. In
helps in enhancing preventive pollution, which enables a company this study, we have made a small effort to scrutinize the influence of
to save the operational costs and enable material reuse by recycling the firm size on the correlation between the GIS and the CFP.
(Hart, 1995). Furthermore, a company that shows better environ- The different firm-level attributes can affect the engagement of
mental initiatives can gain better optimistic ecological image the GIS. Hence, it is significant to comprehend these effects, as
(Christmann, 2000), advantage from the premium pricing and these firms can develop strategic value from the GIS. Apart from
higher revenues, because of a higher societal endorsement (Bansal, these effects, the firm size was considered to be important and
2005). This societal endorsement helps the companies distinguish unexamined (Madden et al., 2006; Ho € risch et al., 2015). The firm
their services/products from their rivals (Rivera, 2002). Hence, the size affects the strategic motivation, which can positively affect the
ethical (environmental) and responsible initiatives were seen to be GIS (McElroy and Siegfried, 1985; Adams and Hardwick, 1998). The
a source of better and valuable opportunities (Porter, 2006; Porter larger firms showed a significant social effect, based on the scale of
et al., 2007). Also, GIS helps the firms to increase their efficient use all their activities (Cowen et al., 1987); hence, they are required to
of raw materials for decreasing the environmental costs and be more socially responsible than the small firms. On the other
increasing their waste recycling (Chiou et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2012). hand, studies showed that small firms are involved in GIS activities,
Innovative activities cause the firms to develop new processes for especially by giving donations (Madden et al., 2006). Therefore, the
converting waste products into greener products which provide an query that rises is what inspires the small firms to apply GIS ac-
alternative income source. Along with the green products, the GIS tivities, and also if this was economically justified?
helps the firms to integrate the green concepts for reorganising and The firms which have to undergo financial or slack resource
improving their business tactics. constraint are likely to use the existing capitals for improving their
Additionally, the GIS is able to fundamentally alter the compe- competitive advantage using traditional ways of competition. The
tition in the industry. When the competition is fiercer, the firm is organisations with a higher cash flow show a better response to the
able to capitalise on the advanced technology for environmental stakeholder pressure, using discretionary activities like the GIS
innovation and address the environmental issues in the market. activities (McGuire et al., 1988), while the organisations with a low-
The GIS helps the firms to develop and reconfigure better and profit-margin cannot participate in this discretionary behaviour,
innovative processes for improving the competition and differen- based on the creditor and shareholder requirements (Brammer and
tiating them from their competitors (Eiadat et al., 2008; Tomomi, Millington, 2006). This inhibits the implementation of these com-
2010; Dong et al., 2014). Hence, the subsequent Hypothesis was panies in GIS actions. The resource-rich firms face a comparatively
developed: lesser constraint and are more likely to discharge their social
Hypothesis 1. (H1): Green innovation strategy positively affects
The firm operations can affect their green innovation involve-
the corporate financial performance.
ment, at the functional and administrative level. The companies
with an established decision-making process or organisation
2.4. The moderating role of the firm size structure are more probable to participate in such activities since
they consist of developed systems that can handle the external is-
As shown in the above section, GIS positively affects the CFP. sues (Miles, 1986; Bhambri and Sonnenfeld, 1988; Donaldson,
However, this effect is an intricate and multi-faceted issue. Several 2001). Due to their organisational maturity, these firms display
factors can affect the firm performance such as the contextual and clear structures, especially related to their ability and expertise, and
environmental variables like firm size ( Yeung, 2008; Ramaswami were able to implement effective GIS activities. Furthermore, the
et al., 2009). The firms with varying sizes use different data man- firms make use of their firm's competencies for framing the GIS
agement strategies and can achieve a differing level of govern- activities (Hess et al., 2002). These companies are facing greater
mental benefit, thereby showing a different corporate performance. pressure to warrant that their environmental commitments do not
It is generally believed that the larger firms are more visible, and increase the organisational costs (Van de Ven and Jeurissen, 2005).
are more socially responsive. In contrast, the smaller firms have to Thus, they are seen to be specialists in implementing the GIS ac-
attain lesser pressures or acquire lesser environmental-related tivities, based on their firm's competencies. The firms with a higher
recognition, based on their lower visibility. It is also stated that operational scale are able to efficiently re-allocate and re-organise
the larger firms are less socially responsive and are more resistant their resources. These companies are very likely to initiate GIS ac-
to other effects (Meznar and Nigh, 1995), which is very contradic- tivities and show a distinguishable environmental transformation.
tory. The effect of the firm size on the GIS is based on the access to The scale-economies can increase the corporate environmental
all resources (Brammer and Millington, 2006). The large organisa- performance (Brammer and Millington, 2006), and the GIS activ-
tions are related to a superior financial or resources, and signifi- ities are more effective if they are implemented on a larger scale.
cantly influence their environmental initiative commitment This could deter the firms with a small-scale operation to imple-
(Johnson and Greening, 1999). The smaller companies have inade- ment such activities. Furthermore, these firms could be dissuaded
quate or constrained resources, which affects the GIS application. based on the probability that their involvement was not prominent
The final attribute is related to firm size. The larger organisations and would not generate benefits. The firms also tend to avoid any
978 W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988
based on their 2-digit SIC codes and the companies with less than 7
observations were eliminated. The final data sample consisted of
163 firms and annual 1194 observations between 2011 and 2017.
Energy and Climate Change þ Environmental Policy and Reporting þ Resource Management
GIS ¼ ½
3.2.2. Corporate financial performance (CFP) company could lead to erroneous results. This could be because of
The CFP was measured using the accounting measures the following reasons: First, the process of the product differenti-
described below: ation includes the investments in all those R&D projects that add to
Return on Assets (ROA): It is defined as the percentage for the social or environmental attributes of a product, which can be
determining the profitable nature of the company, related to the easily acknowledged by the customers. Second, the advertising
total assets. For calculating the ROA, we collected all data from the helps in increasing consumer awareness regarding the
DataStream regarding the total earning of the company before the environmentally-friendly products and the manner in which they
interest taxes, repayments and also the total assets of every com- differ from the other products. Thus, advertising was seen to be an
pany during the study period. Thereafter, we computed the Return indicator of the environmental responsiveness of the company to
on Assets as follows: the market. Here, we have computed the R&D factor using the ratio
The last accounting measure includes the Return on Sales (ROS), 3.3.1. System Generalisation Method of moment (GMM)
which refers to the ratio which is used for measuring the opera- According to this study, two major issues have to be resolved in
tional efficiency. This factor was also expressed as a percent value this study. First, we exploited the dynamic data structure and
and was manually computed by collecting all data from the Data- studied the past CFP for determining the current CFP (Surroca et al.,
Stream for the total revenue and net income as follows: 2010). Secondly, while investigating the relationship between the
GIS and the CFP, the existing CFP could be correlated with the un-
Net Income observable and the observable factors (like the unobservable and
Return on Sales ¼
Total Revenue observable heterogeneity), which helps in determining the GIS-
related decisions. Specifically, the firms which relied on the high-
quality products or processes showed a higher GIS commitment.
However, the contribution of the GIS to the CFP would be over-
3.2.3. Control variables
stated if the endogeneity issues were not properly calculated.
Here, this study included a set of variables for controlling the
This study used the system Generalised Method of Moments
potential effects on the relationship between the GIS and the CPF.
(GMM) estimator, proposed earlier by Arellano and Bover (1995)
The various control variables described in earlier studies included
and Blundell and Bond (1998). This estimator is particularly
the firm size, firm risk, research and development intensity,
formulated for circumstances with 1) “small T, large N00 panels,
advertising intensity, and slack resources. Firm size was seen to be a
meaning fewer time periods and various individuals; 2) a linear
significant control variable and used the total assets of the company
functional relationship; 3) a single left-hand-side variable that is
as the indicator variable regarding its size. In their study,
dynamic, depending on its own past realizations; 4) independent
McWilliams and Siegel (2001) stated that an omission of the
variables that are not strictly exogenous, meaning correlated with
advertising and R&D factors from the model which studies the
past and possibly current realizations of the error; 5) fixed
relationship between the social and financial performances of a
980 W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988
Table 2
Bivariate correlation matrix.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ROE 0.1804 1
ROS 0.0189 0.0115 1
GIS 0.0383 0.0267 0.0205 1
R&D Intensity 0.0399 0.0318 0.0072 -.01202 1
Advertisement Intensity 0.0303 0.0236 0.0431 0.0510 0.0550 1
ln total assets 0.0318 0.0235 0.0404 0.0789 0.0429 0.4651 1
Leverage 0.0037 0.9206 0.0102 0.0137 0.0232 0.0118 0.0060 1
Free Cash Flow 0.2004 0.0879 0.0200 0.0651 0.0361 0.1857 0.2306 0.0278 1
ln revenue 0.0582 0.0112 0.1533 0.0014 0.0014 0.3295 0.6942 0.0158 0.01320 1
Table 3
The effect of GIS on CFP.
ROAt-1 0.627***
ROSt-1 0.791***
ROEt-1 0.00246***
GIS 0.000611** 0.00325*** 0.00158**
(0.000242) (0.000600) (0.000712)
R&D Intensity 0.0285 0.0440 11.24***
(0.191) (1.475) (1.617)
Advertisement Intensity 0.153 0.223 0.251
(0.100) (0.535) (0.245)
ln total assets 0.0251*** 0.0942* 0.0690**
(0.00575) (0.0660) (0.0276)
Leverage 7.61e-05 0.000124 0.289***
(0.000239) (0.00188) (0.00313)
Free cash 0.300*** 0.477** 0.745***
(0.0672) (0.823) (0.188)
Dummy R&D Intensity 0.0489 1.908*** 1.956***
(0.0716) (0.639) (0.398)
Dummy Advertisement Intensity 0.00424 0.0410 0.375**
(0.0334) (0.207) (0.177)
Constant 0.216*** 0.423 0.432
(0.0731) (0.695) (0.320)
Year Dummy Yes Yes Yes
Observations 966 955 966
Number of firms 163 162 163
No of Instruments 26 26 26
AR1 2.87 (0.004) 0.30 (0.062) 2.07 (0.039)
AR2 1.124 (0.263) 0.26 (0.797) 0.02 (0.984)
Hansen Test 16.45 (0.422) 13.76 (0.744) 30.49 (0.116)
Different in Hansen Test 4.052 (0.853) 9.02 (0.341) 22.26 (0.104)
Notes: All models are estimated by using the Blundell and Bond (1998) dynamic panel data system GMM estimations and Roodman (2009) - Stata xtabond2
command. The standard errors are reported in parentheses, except for Hansen test, AR (1), AR (2) and Difference-in-Hansen which are p-values. ***, ** and * indicate
significance at 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. Time dummies are included in the model specification, but the results are not reported to save space. The in-
struments employed in the first-differenced equation are two or more lags of the levels of the endogenous variables, while one lag of the first-difference of the
endogenous variables is used as instrument in the difference equation.
W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988 981
Table 4
The contingency effect of firm size on GIS e CFP link.
ROAt-1 0.540***
ROSt-1 0.735***
ROEt-1 0.00404*
GIS 0.00571*** 0.300*** 0.517***
(0.00140) (0.0725) (0.0799)
Size 0.0730*** 1.656*** 3.329***
(0.0125) (0.634) (0.569)
Size*GIS 0.000598*** 0.0350*** 0.0612***
(0.000153) (0.00905) (0.0101)
R&D Intensity 0.00259 0.550 0.308
(0.179) (0.496) (0.344)
Advertisement Intensity 0.127 0.650 1.278
(0.0799) (4.083) (1.892)
ln total assets 0.0111 0.0164 0.538***
(0.0145) (0.314) (0.201)
Leverage 0.000230 0.00101 0.286***
(0.000249) (0.00127) (0.00776)
Free cash 0.280*** 0.756 1.240***
(0.102) (0.829) (0.429)
Dummy R&D 0.0131 0.197 0.335
(0.0668) (2.256) (0.340)
Dummy Advertisement Intensity 0.0233 0.457 0.244
(0.0322) (2.403) (1.619)
Constant 0.530*** 14.33*** 22.91***
(0.105) (4.034) (4.401)
Year Dummy Yes Yes Yes
Observations 957 955 957
Number of Firms 162 162 162
No of Instruments 29 29 29
AR1 2.73 (0.006) 2.51 (0.012) 2.90 (0.004)
AR2 0.73 (0.468) 0.37 (0.712) 1.68 (0.093)
Hansen Test 22.82 (0.198) 17.44 (0.425) 13.37 (0.717)
Different in Hansen Test 8.74 (0.462) 8.75 (0.364) 5.82 (0.667)
Notes: All models are estimated by using the Blundell and Bond (1998) dynamic panel data system GMM estimations and Roodman (2009) - Stata xtabond2
command. The standard errors are reported in parentheses, except for Hansen test, AR (1), AR (2) and Difference-in-Hansen which are p-values. ***, ** and * indicate
significance at 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. Time dummies are included in the model specification, but the results are not reported to save space. The in-
struments employed in the first-differenced equation are two or more lags of the levels of the endogenous variables, while one lag of the first-difference of the
endogenous variables is used as instrument in the difference equation.
1981; Hsiao, 2014). Furthermore, the coefficient estimates of the were weaker (Blundell and Bond, 2000; Hoeffler, 2002).
lagged dependent variables derived from the OLS levels and Within Tables 3 and 4 present the System GMM regression results for
Groups estimators were considered to be the approximate upper the automotive companies, derived using Eqs. (2) and (5) in the 7-
and lower limits, respectively (Bond et al., 2001; Hoeffler, 2002). year period, between 2011 and 2017. It was believed that the two-
This system GMM is seen to yield efficient and consistent esti- step system GMM estimator yielded efficient estimates compared
mates in the regression model, wherein the independent variables to a 1-step system GMM approach. It was noted that the efficiency
were not strictly exogenous, i.e., these estimates were correlated gain was very small and the asymptotic standard errors related to
with the past and the existing realizations of error, if the autocor- the two-step GMM estimators were seriously biased downwards in
relation and heteroscedasticity in the estimates are existent the finite samples (Blundell and Bond, 1998; Hoeffler, 2002). Since
(Roodman, 2009a). Furthermore, this estimator controls the there are extra groups in this study, we used a two-step system
endogeneity issues by instrumenting all lagged dependent and GMM estimation method. In the case of all the estimates, the lagged
other endogenous variables with the variables that are believed to dependent variables were presumed to be predetermined, while
be unrelated to the fixed effects (Nickell, 1981; Roodman, 2009a). the control variables were considered to be endogenous.
Compared to the difference GMM estimator, proposed earlier by The stability of the System GMM estimators was dependent on
Arellano and Bond (1991), the System GMM was more efficient as it the assumptions that the error terms do not show serious corre-
assumed that the initial differences between the instruments were lation issues, the validity of all instruments and additional moment
uncorrelated with all fixed effects, which, included additional in- restrictions. For verifying the validity of all assumptions, we further
struments (Roodman, 2009a). Furthermore, the System GMM applied the Arellano-Bond test for determining a no serial corre-
yielded effective estimates in the cases where the series were lation between the error terms, while we applied the Hansen test
similar to random walks, while the Difference GMM estimator was for all instruments, and a Difference-in-Hansen test for the addi-
subjected to large sample bias, in such scenarios (Blundell and tional moment restrictions. The table also reports the specification
Bond, 1998). The Difference GMM estimator was more biased test results for all System GMM estimations. Based on all the tests,
downwards than the Within Groups estimator if all instruments the System GMM equations were appropriately specified.
982 W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988
Furthermore, the Arellano-Bond test results need a lack of AR (2) 4. Results and discussion
serial correlation between all error terms. The Hansen test also
assesses if the instruments were uncorrelated with an error term; In Step 1 of the empirical study, we aimed to offer direct
while the Difference-in-Hansen test determines the validity of the empirical evidence for describing the dynamic correlation between
additional moment restriction in Eqs. (2) and (5). GIS and CFP. We used the ROA as a CFP measure (Table 3) and
thereafter, replicated these estimates using the ROE and ROS
measures (Table 3) for assessing if the results were sensitive to the
3.3.2. Model particular CFP indicators. Lastly, we tested the interactive effect of
The empirical model which was used in this report was an the GIS and firm size on the CFP (Table 4).
extension of the model described earlier by many researchers ( Li
et al., 2017; Wong et al., 2018). Thereafter, it is a common activity 4.1. Descriptive statistics and correlation results
to examine all empirical relationships between the GIS and the CFP,
with the help of the following linear growth equation. Based on Tables 1 and 2 present the descriptive and correlation results
various models, the CFP relationship for the firm, i, in time, t, was a noted in the study. Table 1 describes the mean and median values of
function of GIS and control variables as follows: the main and control variables. The average GIS scores for the
companies investigated in the study during the time period be-
ð tween 2011 and 2017, was 55.12, which indicated that the GIS
Corporate Financial Performance ¼ Green Innovation Strategy performance was even and all GIS initiated by the automotive
sector was optimistic. This result was consistent with that observed
by Vaz et al. (2017). With regards to the financial variables, the
We estimated the relationship between CFP (ROA, ROE or ROS), maximal and the minimal ROA values were 0.58 and 2.20,
based on its lagged value, CPFit-1, and the GIP variables (rating or respectively; while those for ROE were 29.04 and 4.5, respectively
scores defined earlier), GIP and a set of firm-level control variables and ROS were 14.00 and 7.33, respectively. Furthermore, the
(i.e., in total assets, leverage, R&D, advertisement costs, free cash respective average values were 0.13, 0.48, and 0.72. In comparison,
flow and annual dummies), labelled CONTROLit, using the following the effect of the mean firm size on the total assets and revenue was
regression equation: seen to be 8.41 and 8.37, which indicated that there was no sig-
nificant difference between the 2 proxies. For determining the
likelihood of the presence of multicollinearity between the vari-
CFPit ¼ a ^CFPit1 þ a
~GISit þ dJ CONTROLit þ ıj þ
ait (2)
ables, we investigated the degree to which every variable was
explained using other model variables, using the Variance Inflation
^j<1. The disturbances, mit and åi, were not cross-correlated Factor (VIF) (Hair et al., 1998). The results showed that the VIF
where ja
values were below the maximal acceptable value of 10, with the
and showed the properties:
values ranging between 1.03 and 7.74, and the tolerance ranged
between 0.96 and 0.12. Also, the mean VIF value of 3.43 suggested
E (åi) ¼ 0; E(ìit) ¼ 0; E(åiìit) ¼ 0 (3)
that the data points showed no multicollinearity-related issue in
All time-varying errors were presumed to be uncorrelated: the study.
i ¼ 1, …, 163; t ¼ 2011 …, 2017. Table 3 presents the system GMM estimates for Model 1. CFP
Based on the study, no additional conditions were imposed on was measured using ROA. Table 3 also presents the CFP results that
the ìit variance, since the moment conditions needed for model were determined using the ROE and ROS measures, for Models 2
estimation, requires no homoscedasticity. CFP represents the and 3. Using the system GMM estimator, we validated the standard
existing firm performance, GIS refers to the total GIS scores for firm, tests for misspecification, i.e., a 2nd-order serial correlation test
i, in the period, t; CFPt-1 denotes the firm performance with 1 period (i.e., AR (2) test); Hansen test for other-identifying restrictions and
lag; CONTROL refers to the control variables (ln total assets refer to a Difference-in-Hansen test that determines the validity of addi-
the log of total assets; leverage, free cash flow and time dummies); tional moment restrictions. We also controlled the no. of in-
mi refers to unobserved firm-specific fixed effects; while, åit.was an struments against the group. The positive coefficient of the lagged
error term. A robustness test was carried out using other dependent dependent variables showed that the CFP was persistent, i.e., CFP
variables like ROE and ROS. was dependent on its earlier realisation. Results indicated that
For confirming the moderating role of the firm size in the irrespective of the estimation techniques, the control variables
automotive sector, we established some models and also studied showed no difference. We noted that the total assets (e.g., firm size)
the relationship between the GIS and CFP. The model which studied and slack resources positively affected CFP. Factors like RnD,
the effect of the interactions between the GIS and firm size on CFP leverage or advertising ratio did not affect the ROA.
was: This study compared the ROA, ROE and ROS values, and noted
that these values were similar, except the ROE and the ROS nega-
n tively affected the R&D intensity. This could be due to the fact that a
CFPit ¼ ^CFPit1 þ a
aþa ~GISit þ g1 GIPit *SIZEit þ dJ CONTROLit higher R&D expense negatively affected the CFP, as it also increased
j¼5 the finances required for implementing the new strategies (Hall
þ ıi þ
ait and Weiss, 1967). However, only the ROE showed a positive cor-
relation with the leverage, which indicated that the debt played a
positive role in decreasing the agency issues as it discouraged the
The above-mentioned variables accounted for all probable in- free cash flow over-investment by the self-serving managers
teractions between GIS and firm size, while the affiliation of the (Jensen, 1986; Stulz, 1990; Harvey et al., 2004).
product of variables with GIS was included as the regressor. For testing Hypothesis 1, we applied the regression Model 1 in
W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988 983
were probably close-structured, which indicated a differing appropriately estimate the innovative input of the small firms.
governance structure compared to the larger firms (Demsetz, 1983). Secondly, Acs et al. (1994) showed that small firms could effectively
Though a majority of the smaller firms face a performance-based take better advantage of the knowledge spill-over from the
issue, they offer better benefits than the larger firms. Their size corporate or university R&D departments. Thirdly, the economic
also makes them more flexible and independent from the institu- value of all the innovative activities differed between the smaller
tional bureaucracy (Leal-Rodríguez et al., 2015). These results were and larger firms, as noted by Cohen and Klepper (1992), who noted
in direct contrast to those presented by the Schumpeterian Hy- that under specific stochastic conditions, the large firms produce
pothesis (Scherer, 1970), which stated that the larger firms showed lesser innovations for every dollar spent on the R&D activities;
higher technological progress than the smaller firms, and therefore, however their innovations were of a better average quality.
displayed a better firm performance. Furthermore, due to the fact that the small firms generated
Here, this study noted that the firm size significantly affected more innovations compared to their input, Zenger (1994) stated
the performance of the automotive companies. Thus, the firm size that the apparent organisational diseconomies of scale far out-
was an external environment indicator and affected the business weighed the technological economy of scale in the R&D. Based on
performance. Even though GIS can drive firm's sustainability and the above-mentioned explanations regarding the organisational
growth, despite the fact GIS is implemented, an incur of higher cost characteristics depending on the firm size, it was concluded that
is unavoidable and an alteration in organisational normal practises the small or large firms were not better innovators. Rather, the
will transform an organisation becoming more fragile, and even small or the larger firms were better at differentiating the various
tarnish the sustainable competitive advantages. The traditional innovations, or their role varied in the industry cycle, in a “dynamic
economic trade-off debate suggests that companies impose higher complementary” manner (Nooteboom, 1994). The larger firms were
costs to enhance better environmental performance and that these better at innovating as they made good use of economy of scope or
costs surpass the monetary benefits gained from them (e.g., scale, or consisted of a large team of experts and specialists, for
Friedman, 1970; Greer and Bruno, 1998). Moreover, by improving conducting basic, science-based innovations or large-scale appli-
environmental performance a firm is simply transferring societal cations, which were of a higher economic value (Cohen and
costs to the firm (e.g., Bragdon and Marlin, 1972). Consequently, this Klepper, 1992). The smaller firms were better innovators since
approach proposes that engaging environmental initiatives might their effect of scale were not (yet) vital and they could make good
be both lossmaking money and unsuitable for firms. use of their proximity and flexibility to the market demands, like
Many researchers stated that the larger firms were effective developing new products or new market combinations, modifying
innovators. Any firm, which already possesses monopoly power, the existing products for the niche markets, or developing small-
was less motivated towards innovation, as it felt threatened by its scale applications. Furthermore, their efficiency in generating
competitors, or due to the fact that the sale of new products could these innovative products was also improved by their capability to
affect the sale of the existing products. Some studies (Mansfield, take advantage of the knowledge spill-over from the larger com-
1968; Mansfield et al., 1971) indicated that the larger firms, pany's R&D departments (Acs et al., 1994).
which included many people in the decision-making process and
consisted of a long chain of command, showed lower flexibility and 5. Conclusions
inefficient managerial coordination. It was stated that as the firm
size increased, the firms became very bureaucratic. Furthermore, In this study, this study has developed a novel theoretical model
this study would also be less motivated to investigate the larger which examined the relationship between the GIS, firm size and
firms, since their efforts would not yield a higher personal benefit the CFP. The results obtained from this study could make important
as the smaller firms. Also, the unexpected results would be lost in contributions to the existing literature regarding the sustainable
the shuffle, in the larger firms than the smaller firms. Thus, the development into the innovation and the strategy management
relative strength of the smaller firms was based on their behav- (Zhu et al., 2012; Dong et al., 2014; Fargnoli et al., 2014; Pekovic
ioural characteristics. For example, higher the motivation displayed et al., 2016). In the past few years, many companies have begun
by the management and workers, the better the variation and developing and implementing ecological modernisation tech-
improvisation in all tasks performed by the workers, tacit knowl- niques which helped them conduct their operations in an
edge resulting in specialised skills, and higher the flexibility and environmentally-innovative manner. This study noted that the
communication (Nooteboom, 1994; Rothwell and Dodgson, 1994). application of the GIS activities positively affected the CFP. The
As the advantages displayed by the larger firms were the limita- results could also contribute to the existing green management
tions of the smaller firms and vice versa, they could be summarised literature and offer more empirical support to the ecological
as the advantages offered by the smaller and larger firms. modernisation theory, which stated that the companies must
A majority of the empirical findings showed that the small and recognise the issues which hinder the environmental adaptation of
the medium-sized firms conducted more efficient R&D than the the industrial development and the economic growth. The
larger firms. The small firms and the independent investors were ecological modernisation theory was seen to be an important
disproportionately responsible for the major innovations (Acs and theory for the environmental innovation as it could offer solutions
Audretsch, 1990), which was similar to the observations made by for resolving the conflicts between the industrial development and
Vossen (1998), who stated that the smaller firms were more cost/ the environmental protection (Zhu et al., 2012). The ecological
profit efficient. The smaller firms showed a higher innovative modernisation theory stated that the green enterprises consider
output compared to their innovative inputs due to many reasons. the implementation of the environmental innovative activities as
Firstly, the R&D activities of small firms are usually underestimated an effective opportunity for asserting their social role and re-
in several standard surveys, since the formal R&D carried out in sponsibilities (Dong et al., 2014; Pekovic et al., 2016). Furthermore,
different R&D departments is generally measured (Kleinknecht and an environmental commitment was seen to stimulate the green
Reijnen, 1991). Many researchers investigated the different com- activities and the environmental innovation strategies. These re-
ponents of the innovation costs and noted that the large firms sults were in line with other studies which observed that the
showed a higher R&D investment compared to the small firms environmental GIS activities help the firms derive many benefits,
(Archibugi et al., 1995; Felder et al., 1996). If this was different from like economic performance, corporate reputation, and novel
the manner in which it was measured, the R&D activities cannot product-related success (Chiou et al., 2011; Fraj et al., 2013; Dong
W.-L. Lin et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 229 (2019) 974e988 985
et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2018). The firms can incorporate green organisational practices and constantly depending on new infor-
concepts into their processes and products for improving resource mation to diversify practices further, thus laying down the foun-
efficiency, reducing waste and increasing resource recovery for dation for enterprises that allows them to implement green
improving performance and sustainability. activities efficiently.
Furthermore, this study could make significant contributions to Finally, this study considers firm size to be a situational variable
the literature since it applied the concept of firm size to the GIS and examines the action path as well as the impact of a GIS on an
activities. The results offer empirical evidence which highlights the organisation's sustainable performance that were of various sizes,
correlation between the firm size and CFP. This study emphasised and a comparison was made for the different results for these
the moderating role of the firm size. The larger firms showed a different levels. At the micro-level, this study considers firm size
higher negative effect of the GIS and the CFP. Hence, the companies since it can influence GIS and moderate the association among GIS
must always consider their firm size before transitioning from the and CFP. For example, small firms and large firms might vary in GIS
GIS to the firm performance. perceptibility and decision-making preferences. GIS need consid-
erable investment and might be a high cost (Hull and Rothenberg,
5.1. The implications of the study 2008). Larger firms are usually the main target of environmental
complaints from government, societies, social media and cus-
This new trend of the environmental legislation for novel tomers, and they regularly become distinctive cases and references
product development has been increasing. The automobile manu- in dealing with environmental matters (Welch et al., 2000;
facturers are under high pressure for developing appropriate stra- Nishitani, 2009). Therefore, better understanding of whether and
tegies for meeting the challenges occurring due to an uncertain under what circumstances GIS improves CFP is monetarily mean-
business environment (Huang and Jim Wu, 2010; Cheng et al., ingful to managers who have been engaging or are being advised to
2014). Many environmental regulations like WEEE, RoHS and adopt GIS. This study claims that firms practices GIS activities to
REACH, have triggered the firms to increase the environmental convey a good message and send green signals to external stake-
sustainability of their processes and products (Fargnoli et al., 2014). holders, resolve the information asymmetry, and obtain positive
The car manufacturers need to constantly comply with environ- feedback from various stakeholders. For example, public listed
mental standards (Cheng et al., 2014). There is a higher demand for firms (larger organisations) are required to declare their CSR re-
developing novel car parts based on the green services and prod- ports annually.
ucts; hence the car manufacturers must implement GIS activities This study can be of significant practical value by allowing en-
for complying with the regulations and legislation for environ- terprises to understand how and when to implement a GIS. The
mental protection (Chiou et al., 2011; Dong et al., 2014; Fargnoli conclusion can aid enterprise managers in understanding the
et al., 2014). This study showed that the GIS played a vital role in meaningfulness of context-based green innovation. This means
the automotive industry. The results also indicated that this study that enterprise managers should not engage in green innovation
fulfilled the objection and showed that the implementation of GIS blindly, and GIS implementation needs to be done appropriately for
activities could help the companies show a superior performance each of the specific situations.
by managing the environmental risks and developing better ca-
pabilities for a constant improvement of the green processes and 5.3. Implications for the policy developers
The implementation of GIS activities can prove to be advanta-
5.2. The implication for the managerial staff geous to the firms and even the society at large. These activities
must be encouraged by all policy-makers and governmental bodies.
This study offered several managerial implications. The imple- Though the GIS at every level could positively affect the CFP, this
mentation of GIS activities affected the competitiveness and firm was not universally true for the large firms. In this study, we stated
profits. The managers can resolve many environmental manage- that interactive term (GIS*Size) showed a negative sign, and was
ment problems during the strategic planning stage, i.e., managers significant, the moderating effect of the GIS on the CFP weakened
can develop better environmental GIS for integrating the ecological with increasing firm size. Thus, the GIS showed a higher detri-
activities in their business operations (Eiadat et al., 2008; Zhu et al., mental effect on the CFP. Hence, the policymakers should take care
2012; Fraj et al., 2013; Cheng et al., 2014). The managers have to both side of the firms either large or small, the governmental pol-
identify the ecological issues and implement environmental inno- icies must encourage green innovations strategies in the firms that
vative activities for addressing these issues. The managers need to due to the development of progressive measures like rebates,
understand the manner in which the environmental incentive grants or other punitive measures like quotas or tariffs. These ac-
programs can be executed, which would help them promote the tivities increase the significance of green innovation strategies
sustainable development of the green processes and products. The amongst the managers, who can help in resolving environmental
environmental innovation can help the firms achieve a waste management-related issues. For instance, The Paris Climate
reduction or elimination, recovery of resources and demateriali- Agreement was signed by many countries who pledged to decrease
sation and reuse of resources. These factors can positively affect the the emissions and environmental pollution. Development of GIS
GIS. was seen to be an important step in reducing emissions. More
This study also highlights that the firm employing a GIS enjoys effective tools need to be established by the government that go
performance as long term and perpetual and not short lived. It is beyond green subsidies or grants to support and encourage green
crucial for organisations to acknowledge that there is a rise in cost strategies. They also need to assess if these green subsidies were
or the short-term loss pertaining to advantages led by GIS imple- not as effective as anticipated e for example, access to cheaper
mentation in the early stage that result in long-term advantages. capital to conduct green projects (notably via direct participation
Also, this paper shows that the implementation path pertaining to a by the government and subsidised loans), subsidies to green R&D,
GIS would aid enterprise managers to gain a better understanding consumer mandates, feed-in tariff policies pertaining to renewable
regarding the change brought by GIS in the original organisational energy and green public procurement rules. Firms that have
practices and structure. Thus, enterprise managers need to focus on received grant or green subsidies need to be put under scrutiny to
organisational practices, which include integrating flexible improve the probability of subsidies being utilised effectively (Lin
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