7. FET operation depends only on the flow of majority carriers ,therefore they are called uni polar
devices. BJT operation depends on both minority and majority carriers.
8. As FET has conduction through only majority carriers it is less noisy than BJT.
9. FETs are much easier to fabricate and are particularly suitable for ICs because they occupy less
space than BJTs.
10. FET amplifiers have low gain bandwidth product due to the junction capacitive effects and
produce more signal distortion except for small signal operation.
11. The performance of FET is relatively unaffected by ambient temperature changes. As it has a
negative temperature coefficient at high current levels, it prevents the FET from thermal
breakdown. The BJT has a positive temperature coefficient at high current levels which leads to
thermal breakdown.
MOSFETs are further classified in to two types Depletion MOSFETs and Enhancement . MOSFETs
When the channel is of N-type the JFET is referred to as an N-channel JFET ,when the channel is of
P-type the JFET is referred to as P-channel JFET.
The schematic symbols for the P-channel and N-channel JFETs are shown in the figure.
Fig 5.1 schematic symbols for the P-channel and N-channel JFET
A piece of N- type material, referred to as channel has two smaller pieces of P-type material
attached to its sides, forming PN junctions. The channel ends are designated as the drain and
source. And the two pieces of P-type material are connected together and their terminal is called
the gate. Since this channel is in the N-type bar, the FET is known as N-channel JFET.
The overall operation of the JFET is based on varying the width of the channel to control the drain
A piece of N type material referred to as the channel, has two smaller pieces of P type
material attached to its sites, farming PN –Junctions. The channel’s ends are designated the drain and
the source. And the two pieces of P type material are connected together and their terminal is called
the gate. With the gate terminal not connected and the potential applied positive at the drain negative
at the source a drain current Id flows. When the gate is biased negative with respective to the source
the PN junctions are reverse biased and depletion regions are formed. The channel is more lightly
doped than the P type gate blocks, so the depletion regions penetrate deeply into the channel. Since
depletion region is a region depleted of charge carriers it behaves as an Insulator. The result is that the
channel is narrowed. Its resistance is increased and Id is reduced. When the negative gate bias voltage
is further increased, the depletion regions meet at the center and Id is cut off completely.
We can vary the width of the channel and in turn vary the amount of drain
current. This can be done by varying the value of Vgs. This point is illustrated in the fig below. Here
we are dealing with N channel FET. So channel is of N type and gate is of P type that constitutes a
PN junction. This PN junction is always reverse biased in JFET operation .The reverse bias is applied
by a battery voltage Vgs connected between the gate and the source terminal i.e positive terminal
of the battery is connected to the source and negative terminal to gate.
1) When a PN junction is reverse biased the electrons and holes diffuse across junction by leaving
immobile ions on the N and P sides , the region containing these immobile ions is known as
depletion regions.
2) If both P and N regions are heavily doped then the depletion region extends symmetrically on
both sides.
3) But in N channel FET P region is heavily doped than N type thus depletion region extends more
in N region than P region.
4) So when no Vds is applied the depletion region is symmetrical and the conductivity becomes
Zero. Since there are no mobile carriers in the junction.
5) As the reverse bias voltage is increases the thickness of the depletion region also increases. i.e.
the effective channel width decreases .
6) By varying the value of Vgs we can vary the width of the channel.
1) When no voltage is applied to the gate i.e. Vgs=0 , Vds is applied between source and drain the
electrons will flow from source to drain through the channel constituting drain current Id .
2) With Vgs= 0 for Id= 0 the channel between the gate junctions is entirely open .In response to a
small applied voltage Vds , the entire bar acts as a simple semi conductor resistor and the
current Id increases linearly with Vds .
3) The channel resistances are represented as rd and rs as shown in the fig.
4) This increasing drain current Id produces a voltage drop across rd which reverse biases the gate
to source junction,(rd> rs) .Thus the depletion region is formed which is not symmetrical .
5) The depletion region i.e. developed penetrates deeper in to the channel near drain and less
towards source because Vrd >> Vrs. So reverse bias is higher near drain than at source.
6) As a result growing depletion region reduces the effective width of the channel. Eventually a
voltage Vds is reached at which the channel is pinched off. This is the voltage where the current
Id begins to level off and approach a constant value.
7) So, by varying the value of Vds we can vary the width of the channel holding Vgs constant.
It is of course in principle not possible for the channel to close Completely and there by reduce
the current Id to Zero for, if such indeed, could be the case the gate voltage Vgs is applied in the
direction to provide additional reverse bias
1) When voltage is applied between the drain and source with a battery Vdd, the electrons flow
from source to drain through the narrow channel existing between the depletion regions. This
constitutes the drain current Id, its conventional direction is from drain to source.
2) The value of drain current is maximum when no external voltage is applied between gate and
source and is designated by Idss.
3) When Vgs is increased beyond Zero the depletion regions are widened. This reduces the
effective width of the channel and therefore controls the flow of drain current through the
4) When Vgs is further increased a stage is reached at which to depletion regions touch each
other that means the entire channel is closed with depletion region. This reduces the drain
current to Zero.
1) Drain or VI Characteristics
2) Transfer characteristics
1. Drain Characteristics:-
2. Drain characteristics shows the relation between the drain to source voltage Vds
and drain current Id. In order to explain typical drain characteristics let us consider the curve
with Vgs= 0.V.
1) When Vds is applied and it is increasing the drain current ID also increases linearly up to knee
2) This shows that FET behaves like an ordinary resistor.This region is called as ohmic region.
3) ID increases with increase in drain to source voltage. Here the drain current is increased
slowly as compared to ohmic region.
4) It is because of the fact that there is an increase in VDS .This in turn increases the reverse bias
voltage across the gate source junction .As a result of this depletion region grows in size thereby
reducing the effective width of the channel.
5) All the drain to source voltage corresponding to point the channel width is reduced to a
minimum value and is known as pinch off.
5) The drain to source voltage at which channel pinch off occurs is called pinch off voltage(Vp).
PINCH OFF Region:-
4) The drain current in the pinch off region depends upon the gate to source voltage and is
given by the relation
Id =Idss [1-Vgs/Vp]2
1) The region is shown by the curve .In this region, the drain current increases rapidly as the
drain to source voltage is increased.
2) It is because of the gate to source junction due to avalanche effect.
3) The avalanche break down occurs at progressively lower value of VDS because the reverse
bias gate voltage adds to the drain voltage thereby increasing effective voltage across the
gate junction
This causes
These curves shows the relationship between drain current ID and gate to source voltage
VGS for different values of VDS.
1) First adjust the drain to source voltage to some suitable value , then increase the gate to
source voltage in small suitable value.
2) Plot the graph between gate to source voltage along the horizontal axis and current ID on
the vertical axis. We shall obtain a curve like this.
3) As we know that if Vgs is more negative curves drain current to reduce . where Vgs is made
sufficiently negative, Id is reduced to zero. This is caused by the widening of the depletion
region to a point where it is completely closes the channel. The value of Vgs at the cutoff
point is designed as Vgsoff
4) The upper end of the curve as shown by the drain current value is equal to I dss that is when
Vgs = 0 the drain current is maximum.
Vp is the value of Vgs that causes the JFET to become constant current component, It is
measured at Vgs =0V and has a constant drain current of Id =Idss .Where Vgsoff is the value of Vgs that
reduces Id to approximately zero.
The gate to source junction of a JFET is never allowed to become forward biased because
the gate material is not designed to handle any significant amount of current. If the junction is allowed
to become forward biased, current is generated through the gate material. This current may destroy
the component.
There is one more important characteristic of JFET reverse biasing i.e. J FET ‘s have
extremely high characteristic gate input impedance. This impedance is typically in the high mega ohm
range. With the advantage of extremely high input impedance it draws no current from the source. The
high input impedance of the JFET has led to its extensive use in integrated circuits. The low current
requirements of the component makes it perfect for use in ICs. Where thousands of transistors must
be etched on to a single piece of silicon. The low current draw helps the IC to remain relatively cool,
thus allowing more components to be placed in a smaller physical area.
A C Drain resistance(rd):
It is also called dynamic drain resistance and is the a.c.resistance between the drain and source
terminal,when the JFET is operating in the pinch off or saturation region.It is given by the ratio of small
change in drain to source voltage ∆Vds to the corresponding change in drain current ∆Id for a
constant gate to source voltage Vgs.
It is given by the ratio of small change in drain to source voltage (∆V ds) to the corresponding change in
gate to source voltage (∆Vgs)for a constant drain current (Id).
µ=∆Vds/∆Vgs=gm rd
We can express the drain current iD as a function f of the gate voltage and drain voltage V ds.
Id =f(Vgs,Vds)------------------(1)
If both gate voltage and drain voltage are varied, the change in the drain current is
approximated by using taylors series considering only the first two terms in the expansion
Id=gm v Vds→(1)
Is the mutual conductance or transconductance .It is also called as gfs or yfs common source forward
conductance .
rd= |Vgs
The reciprocal of the rd is the drain conductance gd .It is also designated by Yos and Gos and
called the common source output conductance . So the small signal equivalent circuit for FET can be
drawn in two different ways.
A small signal current –source model for FET in common source configuration can be drawn
satisfying Eq→(1) as shown in the figure(a)
This low frequency model for FET has a Norton’s output circuit with a dependent current
generator whose magnitude is proportional to the gate-to –source voltage. The proportionality factor
is the transconductance ‘gm’. The output resistance is ‘rd’. The input resistance between the gate and
source is infinite, since it is assumed that the reverse biased gate draws no current. For the same
reason the resistance between gate and drain is assumed to be infinite.
This can be derived by finding the Thevenin’s equivalent for the output part of fig(a) .
These small signal models for FET can be used for analyzing the three basic FET amplifier
3. common gate(CG).
(a)Small Signal Current source model for FET (b)Small Signal voltage source model for FET
Here the input circuit is kept open because of having high input impedance and the output
circuit satisfies the equation for ID
We now turn our attention to the insulated gate FET or metal oxide semi conductor FET which is
having the greater commercial importance than the junction FET.
Most MOSFETS however are triodes, with the substrate internally connected to the source. The circuit
symbols used by several manufacturers are indicated in the Fig below.
D-MOSFETS can be operated in both the depletion mode and the enhancement mode. E MOSFETS
are restricted to operate in enhancement mode. The primary difference between them is their physical
The construction difference between the two is shown in the fig given below.
As we can see the D MOSFET have physical channel between the source and drain
terminals(Shaded area)
The E MOSFET on the other hand has no such channel physically. It depends on the gate voltage
to form a channel between the source and the drain terminals.
Both MOSFETS have an insulating layer between the gate and the rest of the component. This
insulating layer is made up of SIO2 a glass like insulating material. The gate material is made up of
metal conductor .Thus going from gate to substrate, we can have metal oxide semi conductor which is
where the term MOSFET comes from.
Since the gate is insulated from the rest of the component, the MOSFET is sometimes
referred to as an insulated gate FET or IGFET.
The foundation of the MOSFET is called the substrate. This material is represented in the schematic
symbol by the center line that is connected to the source.
In the symbol for the MOSFET, the arrow is placed on the substrate. As with JFET an arrow pointing in
represents an N-channel device, while an arrow pointing out represents p-channel device.
The N- channel MOSFET consists of a lightly doped p type substance into which two heavily doped
n+ regions are diffused as shown in the Fig. These n+ sections , which will act as source and drain.
A thin layer of insulation silicon dioxide (SIO2) is grown over the surface of the structure, and
holes are cut into oxide layer, allowing contact with the source and drain. Then the gate metal area is
overlaid on the oxide, covering the entire channel region.Metal contacts are made to drain and source
and the contact to the metal over the channel area is the gate terminal.The metal area of the gate, in
conjunction with the insulating dielectric oxide layer and the semiconductor channel, forms a parallel
plate capacitor. The insulating layer of sio2
Is the reason why this device is called the insulated gate field effect transistor. This layer results in an
extremely high input resistance (10 10 to 10power 15ohms) for MOSFET.
The basic structure of D –MOSFET is shown in the fig. An N-channel is diffused between source and
drain with the device an appreciable drain current IDSS flows foe zero gate to source voltage, Vgs=0.
2) At this stage ID= IDSS where VGS=0V, with this voltage VDS, an appreciable drain current IDSS
3) If the gate to source voltage is made negative i.e. VGs is negative .Positive charges are induced in
the channel through the SIO2 of the gate capacitor.
4) Since the current in a FET is due to majority carriers(electrons for an N-type material) , the
induced positive charges make the channel less conductive and the drain current drops as Vgs is
made more negative.
5) The re distribution of charge in the channel causes an effective depletion of majority carriers ,
which accounts for the designation depletion MOSFET.
6) That means biasing voltage Vgs depletes the channel of free carriers This effectively reduces the
width of the channel , increasing its resistance.
7) Note that negative Vgs has the same effect on the MOSFET as it has on the JFET.
8) As shown in the fig above, the depletion layer generated by Vgs (represented by the white space
between the insulating material and the channel) cuts into the channel, reducing its width. As a
result ,Id<Idss.The actual value of ID depends on the value of Idss,Vgs(off) and Vgs.
1) This operating mode is a result of applying a positive gate to source voltage Vgs to the device.
2) When Vgs is positive the channel is effectively widened. This reduces the resistance of the
channel allowing ID to exceed the value of IDSS
3) When Vgs is given positive the majority carriers in the p-type are holes. The holes in the p type
substrate are repelled by the +ve gate voltage.
4) At the same time, the conduction band electrons (minority carriers) in the p type material are
attracted towards the channel by the +gate voltage.
5) With the build up of electrons near the channel , the area to the right of the physical channel
effectively becomes an N type material.
6) The extended n type channel now allows more current, Id> Idss
The fig. shows the drain characteristics for the N channel depletion type MOSFET
1) The curves are plotted for both Vgs positive and Vgs negative voltages
2) When Vgs=0 and negative the MOSFET operates in depletion mode when Vgs is positive ,the
MOSFET operates in the enhancement mode.
3) The difference between JFET and D MOSFET is that JFET does not operate for positive values of
4) When Vds=0, there is no conduction takes place between source to drain, if Vgs<0 and Vds>0
then Id increases linearly.
5) But as Vgs,0 induces positive charges holes in the channel, and controls the channel width. Thus
the conduction between source to drain is maintained as constant, i.e. Id is constant.
6) If Vgs>0 the gate induces more electrons in channel side, it is added with the free electrons
generated by source. again the potential applied to gate determines the channel width and
maintains constant current flow through it as shown in Fig
The combination of 3 operating states i.e. Vgs=0V, VGs<0V, Vgs>0V is represented by the D
MOSFET transconductance curve shown in Fig.
1) Here in this curve it may be noted that the region AB of the characteristics similar to that of
4) The curves are similar to JFET so thet the D MOSFET have the same transconductance equation.
The E MOSFET is capable of operating only in the enhancement mode.The gate potential must be
positive w.r.t to source.
1) when the value of Vgs=0V, there is no channel connecting the source and drain materials.
3) When Vgs=0, the Vdd supply tries to force free electrons from source to drain but the presence
of p-region does not permit the electrons to pass through it. Thus there is no drain current at
4) If Vgs is positive, it induces a negative charge in the p type substrate just adjacent to the SIO2
5) As the holes are repelled by the positive gate voltage, the minority carrier electrons attracted
toward this voltage. This forms an effective N type bridge between source and drain providing a
path for drain current.
6) This +ve gate voltage forma a channel between the source and drain.
7) This produces a thin layer of N type channel in the P type substarate.This layer of free electrons
is called N type inversion layer.
8) The minimum Vgs which produces this inversion layer is called threshold voltage and is
designated by Vgs(th).This is the point at which the device turns on is called the threshold
voltage Vgs(th)
9) When the voltage Vgs is <Vgs (th) no current flows from drain to source.
10) How ever when the voltage Vgs > Vgs (th) the inversion layer connects the drain to source and
we get significant values of current.
The volt ampere drain characteristics of an N-channel enhancement mode MOSFET are given in the
1) The current Idss at Vgs≤ 0 is very small beinf of the order of a few nano amps.
2) As Vgs is made +ve , the current Id increases slowly at forst, and then much more rapidly with
an increase in Vgs.
3) The standard transconductance formula will not work for the E MOSFET.
4) To determine the value of ID at a given value of VGs we must use the following relation
Id =K[Vgs-Vgs(Th)]2
From the data specification sheets, the 2N7000 has the following ratings.
Id(on)= 75mA(minimum).
And Vgs(th)=0.8(minimum)
One of the primary contributions to electronics made by MOSFETs can be found in the area of
digital (computer electronics). The signals in digital circuits are made up of rapidly switching dc
levels. This signal is called as a rectangular wave ,made up of two dc levels (or logic levels). These
logic levels are 0V and +5V.
A group of circuits with similar circuitry and operating characteristics is referred to as a logic
family. All the circuits in a given logic family respond to the same logic levels, have similar speed
and power-handling capabilities , and can be directly connected together. One such logic family is
complementary MOS (or CMOS) logic. This logic family is made up entirely of MOSFETs.
For the proper functioning of a linear FET amplifier, it is necessary to maintain the
operating point Q stable in the central portion of the pinch off region The Q point should be
independent of device parameter variations and ambient temperature variations
This can be achieved by suitably selecting the gate to source voltage VGS and drain current ID
which is referred to as biasing
JFET biasing circuits are very similar to BJT biasing circuitsThe main difference between
JFET circuits and BJT circuits is the operation of the active components themselves
1) Self bias
2) Voltage divider bias.
IS produces a voltage drop across RS and makes the source positive w.r.t ground. In any JFET circuit all
the source current passes through the device to the drain circuit .This is due to the fact that there is no
significant gate current.
In the following DC analysis, the N channel J FET shown in the fig. is used for illustration.
For DC analysis we can replace coupling capacitors by open circuits and we can also replace the resistor
RG by a short circuit equivalent.:. IG = 0.The relation between ID and VGS is given by
Id=Idss[1- ]2
Id=Idss[1- ]2
Id=Idss[1+ ]2
Vs= Is Rs =IdRs
Typical transfer characteristics for a self biased JFET are shown in the fig.
The maximum drain current is 5mA and the gate source cut off voltage is -3V. This means the gate
voltage has to be between 0 and -3V.
Now using the equation VGS = -IDRS and assuming RS of any suitable value we can draw the self bias
for ID = 0
VGS = 0X (500.Ω) = 0V
( Id, VGS)
For ID= IDSS=5mA
By plotting these two points, we can draw the straight line through the points. This line will
intersect the transconductance curve and it is known as self bias line.The intersection point gives the
operating point of the self bias JFET for the circuit.
At Q point , the ID is slightly > than 2mA and VGS is slightly > -1V. The Q point for the self bias
JFET depends on the value of Rs.If Rs is large, Q point far down on the transconductance curve ,ID is
small, when Rs is small Q point is far up on the curve , ID is large.
The fig. shows N channel JFET with voltage divider bias. The voltage at the source of JFET must
be more positive than the voltage at the gate in order to keep the gate to source junction reverse
biased. The source voltage is
The gate voltage is set by resistors R1 and R2 as expressed by the following equation using the
voltage divider formula.
Vg= Vdd
For dc analysis
Applying KVL to the input circuit
a. In enhancement and depletion types of MOSFET, the transverse electric field induced
across an insulating layer deposited on the semiconductor material controls the
conductivity of the channel.
b. In the JFET the transverse electric field across the reverse biased PN junction controls the
conductivity of the channel.
c. The gate leakage current in a MOSFET is of the order of 10-12A. Hence the input resistance
of a MOSFET is very high in the order of 1010 to 1015 Ω. The gate leakage current of a JFET
is of the order of 10-9A., and its input resistance is of the order of 108Ω.
d. The output characteristics of the JFET are flatter than those of the MOSFET, and hence the
drain resistance of a JFET (0.1 to 1MΩ) is much higher than that of a MOSFET (1 to 50kΩ).
e. JFETs are operated only in the depletion mode. The depletion type MOSFET may be
operated in both depletion and enhancement mode.
g. Special digital CMOS circuits are available which involve near zero power dissipation and
very low voltage and current requirements. This makes them suitable for portable
Field Effect Transistor (FET) amplifiers provide an excellent voltage gain and high input
impedence. Because of high input impedence and other characteristics of JFETs they are preferred over
BJTs for certain types of applications.
A simple Common Source amplifier is shown in Fig. 5.1(a) and associated small signal equivalent circuit
using voltage-source model of FET is shown in Fig. 5.1(b)
Voltage Gain
Source resistance (RS) is used to set the Q-Point but is bypassed by CS for mid-frequency operation.
From the small signal equivalent circuit ,the output voltage
VO = -RDµVgs(RD + rd)
Where Vgs = Vi , the input voltage,
Hence, the voltage gain,
AV = VO / Vi = -RDµ(RD + rd)
Input Impedence
From Fig. 5.1(b) Input Impedence is
Zi = RG
For voltage divider bias as in CE Amplifiers of BJT
RG = R1 ║ R2
Output Impedance
Output impedance is the impedance measured at the output terminals with the input voltage V I = 0
From the Fig. 5.1(b) when the input voltage Vi = 0, Vgs = 0 and hence
µ Vgs = 0
The equivalent circuit for calculating output impedence is given in Fig. 5.2.
Output impedence Zo = rd ║ RD
Normally rd will be far greater than RD . Hence Zo ≈ RD
This can be achieved by suitably selecting the gate to source voltage VGS and drain current ID which is
referred to as biasing
JFET biasing circuits are very similar to BJT biasing circuitsThe main difference between JFET
circuits and BJT circuits is the operation of the active components themselves
1. Self bias
2. Voltage divider bias.
Self bias is a JFET biasing circuit that uses a source resistor to help reverse bias the JFET gate.
In the following DC analysis , the N channel J FET shown in the fig5.4. is used for illustration.
For DC analysis we can replace coupling capacitors by open circuits and we can also replace the
resistor RG by a short circuit equivalent.
:. IG = 0
Id=Idss[1- ]2
Id=Idss[1- ]2
Id=Idss[1+ ]2
For the N-chanel FET in the above figure
Is produces a voltage drop across Rs and makes the source positive w.r.t ground
in any JFET circuit all the source current passes through the device to drain circuit this is due to the fact
that there is no significant gate current
Vs= Is Rs =IdRs
Typical transfer characteristics for a self biased JFET are shown in the fig5.5.
The maximum drain current is 6mA and the gate source cut off voltage is -3V. This means the gate
voltage has to be between 0 and -3V.
Now using the equation VGS = -IDRS and assuming RS of any suitable value we can draw the self bias
for ID = 0
VGS = 0X (500.Ω) = 0V
So the first point is (0 ,0)
( Id, VGS)
By plotting these two points, we can draw the straight line through the points. This line will
intersect the transconductance curve and it is known as self bias line. The intersection point gives the
operating point of the self bias JFET for the circuit.
At Q point , the ID is slightly > than 2mA and VGS is slightly > -1V. The Q point for the self bias
JFET depends on the value of Rs.If Rs is large, Q point far down on the transconductance curve ,ID is
small, when Rs is small Q point is far up on the curve , ID is large.
The fig5.6 shows N channel JFET with voltage divider bias. The voltage at the source of JFET
must be more positive than the voltage at the gate in order to keep the gate to source junction reverse
biased. The source voltage is
The gate voltage is set by resistors R1 and R2 as expressed by the following equation using the
voltage divider formula.
Vg= Vdd
For dc analysis fig 5.5
gd=gd0(1- )1/2)
When the variation of the rd with VGS can be closely approximated by the expression
rd= ) Where ro = drain resistance at zero gate bias.K = a constant, dependent upon FET
The VVR property of FET can be used to vary the voltage gain of a multistage amplifier A, as the
signal level is increased. This action is called AGC automatic gain control. A typical arrangement is
shown in the fig.
Here maximum value of signal is taken rectified; filter to produce a DC voltage proportional to
the output signal level. This voltage is applied to the gate of JFET, this causing the resistance between
drain and source to change. As this resistance is connected across RE, so effective RE also changes
according to change in the drain to source resistance. When output signal level increases, the drain to
source resistance rd increases, increasing effective RE. Increase in RE causes the gain of transistor Q1
to decrease, reducing the output signal. Exactly reverse process takes place when output signal level
:: The output signal level is maintained constant. It is to be noted that the DC bias conditions of
Q1 are not affected by JFET since FET is isolated from Q1 by capacitor C2