ABSTRACT: Electric scoter has come to stay as a mobility device with various uses in sporting, transportation and leisure. Electric
vehicles are proven to be one of the promising solutions to the global environmental problem caused by emission of greenhouse
gases from fossil fuels, thus there is need to produce new designs to meet immediate demand. This research work was focused on
computer aided design of electric scooter to enhance longer operating time for the ‘scot-man’ The electric scooter produced was
successfully tested and satisfactory performance obtained.
KEYWORDS: Electric, scooter, operating time, transportation.
1.0 INTRODUCTION One of them was a company called Myway which started as
The wooden kick scooter, with skate wheels, dates back to a garage project in 2009. The gains of electric scooters and
sometime in the late 19:th century, about the same time particularly stand-up scooters over the gas-powered mopeds
motorized bikes were also arriving on the scene[1]. are plentiful and evermore people realize this daily.
To answer the question "who invented the electric scooter" is Portability, lightweight, zero emissions, easy to use and
not as straightforward as one would think.A quick search handle, perfect last-mile solution, and extremely low cost per
online of who invented it, sometimes answers the name of mile are some of the benefits of the modern electric scooter.
Arthur Hugo Cecil Gibson, an inventor who developed the Figure 2 shows the modern electric scooter.
Autoped in 1913 and patented it in 1916.
It is similar to e-scooters with collapsing stem, and
handlebars for better storage.Many thought it was merely a
toy for the rich elite but it found use by delivery men, postal
workers, and NYC traffic officers amongst others.
The exact date, place and the name of the inventor is
unknown .What is known as fact is that on 1st December 1895
Ogden Bolton Jr was granted his first patent for a battery-
powered bicycle. It was seen as a modification to the existing
electric bicycle.
Figure 1 shows a wooden-kick scooter.
Figure. 2: Modern Electric Scooter [1]
1.2 Usage of Electric Scooter in this study were commuting trips. Comparing these shares,
It is used in commuting and leisure activities. Shopping and a prevalence of these trips is apparent.
running errands seems to be underrepresented with just 8%
and 6% respectively, though.. After all, the Mid survey, a 2.0 MATERIALS AND METHOD
quinquennial nationwide representative survey of traffic 2.1 The Materials used include: Stainless steel, Iron
behaviour in Germany with several additional regional Pan, High Carbon Chromium Steel, Lithium-ion Battery,
studies, and the evaluation for Munich [8] in particular, was Hover board Motor, Rubber,Square inch rectangular mild
chosen. Although, the data from this study refers to mobility steel Pipe, Electric Speed controller, Arduino Mega 2560
patterns of persons, while our data refers to mobility data of Micro-controller and Hover boar
vehicles, yet it is the most useful dataset available at this time 2.2 Design Using Cad Software
and therefore is incorporated. Business trips only account for The design of the electric scooter was carried out using the
5% of all trips while pickup/drop-off accounts for 7%. Solidworks 2023 software on a DELL Latitude E5430 non-
Comparing our results with these shares, leisure trips are pro PC. The process involves creating a concept for the
close to these numbers with 31%. The largest share of trips electric scooter and making decisions about the size, shape
and features of the vehicle, design calculations and detailed
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“Optimum Design of Electric Scooter for Longer Operating Time”
part design [9]. The design also considered the materials that 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1 and 11 show the various views of the
will be used in the construction of the scooter [10]. Figure 3 components.
shows the basic design of electric scooter, while Figures
2.3 Design Criteria disc brake at the back of the tyres are proper
Working through the design of an electric scooter, there are a pneumatic item items, and there is no suspension but
few things that needs to be fully understood first, like the with a speed limit of 15kmh on footpaths and 25kmh
basic components of the scooter, what kind of power source on cycling and shared paths.
to be used, the kind of motor, the amount of load it would 4. Eco-friendly: A viable alternative to the petrol
carry, the distance it would cover etc.Those things are the engine car and scooter is without doubt the electric
foundations of the design of this work and need to be decided scooter, as it does not produce any form of emission
first, and then we can move on to other details, like the that are harmful to the environment and to the
dimension of each component and choosing the right wheels. people, and it requires less maintenance than
In this chapter we are going to go through some basic design traditional cars or scooter engines as itdoes not have
criteria to get an overall idea about the design of the scooter. valves, cylinders or carburetor and doesn’t need oil
Some factors which we took into consideration while changes.
designing the electric scooter are; 5. Availability of Materials: Materials used in the
1. Portability: Not all, but most electric scooters are construction of this scooter were locally sourced for
portable. It is designed to be a last mile solution to easy production and replaceability incase a part gets
commuters, or a quick and easy run about for short damaged.
trips close to home or work. 6. Load carrying factor: The electric scooter was
2. Time: In busy cities, time is the issue and these sleek designed to carry just one person at a time with
vehicles can help you save a lot of time on the road, maximum load of 100kg.
hence we selected materials that can enhance the
2.4 Design Calculations
speed of the scooter.
The major designs were on the mechanical component of
3. Safety: Riding the scooter is easy, with power
the electric scooter, to determine the strength of the
controlled by a twist grip on the right handlebar.
material to be used and the various forces acting on the
Braking is with the levers on the left and the right,
scooter.Figure 12 presents the overall force analysis.
activating a v-brake in front, and a cable operated
To calculate the force distribution to the rear and Substituting into Equation 2
front tyres, a maximum load of 200kg was used. NF = W*P/ (P+Q) = 1962*360/ (360+1100.6) =
From Equation 1, 483.58N
W = mg Equation 1 The force exerted on rear tyre,
m NR; 84 ∑ 𝐹𝑌 = 0 NF + NR – W = 0
m=200 kg, g 9.81 Equation 3
Substituting into Equation 3
NR = W – NF = 1962 – 483.58 = 1478.42N 85
W = 1962N
In terms of dimensions, P = 360mm and Q =
Torque = r*F (sinƟ) Equation 4
Where r=0.9m
Ɵ= 120°
For static case analysis, the summation of moments
F= 980.67 N
at all points and forces in all directions equals to
where r is the length of the scooter, thus
T= 0.90*980*sin 120
The force exerted on front tyre, NF; ∑ 𝑀𝑅 = 0
= 512.45Nm
NF*(P+Q) – W*(P) = 0 Equation 2
The minimum size of the front tyre axle diameter, τmax = Sy/2n Equation 9
Maximum Shear Stress Theory is used with the Substituting into Equation 9
maximum force NF acting in double shear. = 250*106 /2*10 = 12.5MPa
To calculate shear force acting on the rear tyre axle; To relate with area of the cylindrical shaped axle and
∑ 𝐹 = 0, NF – 2VF = 0 Equation 8 minimum diameter required;
Substituting τmax = VR/A = 4VR/ πd2 d Equation 10
VF = NF/2 = 483.58 /2 giving 241.79N Making Substitution
= (4VR/ πτmax) 0.5
Yield strength of A36 steel, Sy = 250MPa = (4*241.79/π*12.5*106 ) 0.5 = 4.963mm
Maximum shear stress according MSST, τmax with
factor of safety, n of 10;
To calculate the minimum size of the rear tyre axle diameter, To relate with area of the cylindrical shaped
Maximum Shear Stress Theory is used with the maximum axle and minimum diameter required;
force NR acting in double shear. The shear force acting on the τmax = VR/A = 4VR/ πd2 d
rear tyre axle, is given as: Equation 10
∑ 𝐹 = 0, NR – 2VR = 0 VR = NR/2 Putting values
Equation 11 = (4VR/ πτmax) 0.5
Substituting = (4*739.21/π*12.5*106 ) 0.5 = 8.677mm
= 1478.42/2 = 739.21N The minimum diameter for the bolt connection
Yield strength of A36 steel, Sy = 250MPa on each shock absorber is given as :8.6777mm.
Maximum shear stress according MSST, τmax However, the standard specification of the
with factor of safety, n of 10; found rear tyre axle pre-assembled with hub
τmax = Sy/2n Equation 9 motor has a connection diameter of 14mm.
Making substitution, Hence, according to the maximum loading, the
= 250*106 /2*10 = 12.5MPa connection is safe. Figure 15 shows rear support
connector bolt diameter and thickness.
To calculate the minimum size of the swing arm connector axle, Maximum Shear Stress Theory is used with the maximum
force FSA acting in double shear.
To calculate shear force acting on the swing VSA = FSA/2 = 3044.253/2 = 1522.123N
arm axle; Yield strength of A36 steel, Sy = 250MPa
∑ 𝐹 = 0 FSA – 2VSA = 0 Equation 13 Maximum shear stress according MSST, τmax
Substituting, with factor of safety, n of 5;
3576 W.A. Akpan, ETJ Volume 09 Issue 03 March 2024
“Optimum Design of Electric Scooter for Longer Operating Time”
τmax = Sy/2n Equation 9 = (4VSA/πτmax) 0.5
= 250*106 /2*5 = 25MPa = (4*1522.1233/π*25*106 ) 0.5 = 8.805mm
To relate with area of the cylindrical shaped A suitable diameter of the swing arm axle is
axle and minimum diameter required; 10mm.
τmax = VSA/A = 4VSA/πd2 d
Equation 10
To calculate the minimum size of the shock absorber = 240*106 /2*5 = 24MPa
connection bolts, Maximum Shear Stress Theory is also used To relate with area of the cylindrical shaped axle and
with the maximum force FSh acting in double shear. For the minimum diameter required;
use of two shock absorbers, the force FSh will be divided by τmax = VSh/A = 4VSh/πd2 d Equation 10
two for each shock absorber. To calculate shear force acting = (4VSh/πτmax) 0.5
on the shock absorber bolt: = (4*665.289/π*24*106 ) 0.5 = 5.941mm
∑ 𝐹 = 0 FSh/2 – 2VSh = 0 Equation 13 The minimum diameter for the bolt connection on
Substituting each shock absorber is 5.941mm.
VSh = FSh/4 = 2661.156/4 = 665.289N However, the standard specification for the found
Minimum yield strength of bolt from Property Class shock absorbers has a connection diameter of 10mm.
4.6, Sy = 240MPa Hence, according to the maximum loading, the
Maximum shear stress according MSST, τmax with connection is safe using M10 x 30mm Property Class
factor of safety, n of 5; 4.6.
τmax = Sy/2n Equation 9
2.6 Production Process the middle to get U shape. Cut out one side in the
I. Frame Construct: The frame was made of square shape of a motor. On one side we drilled 8mm hole
inch rectangular pipe (steel) and iron pan welded and on the other cut out frame for motor shaft. The
together to provide the scooter with qualities such as hole and cut out must be in level with the frame and
light weight, durability and strength to support the the motor shaft.
weight of the rider. The frame was constructed II. Battery Installation: After the frame is constructed,
using welding and bonding technique, take one the next step is to install the battery. The battery is
rectangular pipe, cut it in half then connect them in typically located under the footrest or in the stem of
3579 W.A. Akpan, ETJ Volume 09 Issue 03 March 2024
“Optimum Design of Electric Scooter for Longer Operating Time”
the electric scooter. The battery type used here is the
lithium ion battery. Figure 21 is the lithium battery
and Figure 22 the hover board motor used.
III. Motor Installation:Once the battery is installedthe wheel up. The motor used is thehoverboard motor
motor will be mounted onto the frame. The motoris with the following specifications
typically located in the rear wheel up or in thefront
Figure 23 (a):Electric Scooter (Current Progress) Figure 23 (b): Fixing of Electrical Components
3.2 Discussion 1. Weinert. J.X.; Ogden J.; Spenrling G,; and Burke, A
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the design and production of electric vehicles holds greater Eectric Vehicle in China. Energy Policy, 36(7)
benefits for the university community and country at large. 2544-2555,
Also with the increase in the price of transportation as a result https:doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2008.03.008
of the increase in the price of fuel, electric scooter can serve 2. Cherry, C. R., and Cervero, R. (2007). Use
as a perfect alternative to commuters. characteristics and mode choice behavior ofelectric
The electric scooter produced here has added other features bike users in China. Transport Policy, 14(3), 247–
and will undoubtedly form some contributions to its 257.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2007.02.005
development. 3. Fu, J. (2013). The Role of Electric Two-Wheelers in
Sustainable Urban Transport inChina: Market
4.0 CONCLUSION analysis, trends, issues, policy options. Sustainable
The use of electric scooters as an alternative means of Development,United Nations, 1–17.
transportation will help to reduce the cost of transportation in 4. Hurst, D., and Gartner, J. (2012). Executive
urban areas and reduce the over reliance on cars and Summary: Electric Motorcycles and
motorcycles.The electric scooter can carry a maximum load ScootersElectric Power Two-Wheelers: Market
of 100kg efficiently.The electric scooter is a more eco- Drivers and Barriers, Technology Issues,
friendly means of transportation as it produces little or no KeyIndustry Players, and Global Demand Forecasts.
form of pollution.Further works be carried out to develop an Retrieved
electric scooter that has a longer battery life, greater speed fromhttps://www.navigantresearch.com/wp-
and efficiency content/uploads/2012/12/EMOT-12 Executive-