Rapid miner report (2)
Rapid miner report (2)
Rapid miner report (2)
RapidMiner Course Report..........................................................................................................................1
1. Datum..............................................................................................................................................2
2. Examination.....................................................................................................................................2
3. Accuracy..........................................................................................................................................3
4. Tun...................................................................................................................................................3
5. Application.......................................................................................................................................4
1. Datum
The first phase of modeling is data preparation, which comprises two major techniques:
Impute missing values
The missing values in the data lead to likely model inaccuracy and errors during training. I
solved this by filling in the missing values with the average value for the numeric attributes and
the most probable attribute for the nominal attributes, all together with the "Replace Missing
Value" operator, including lines, classes, excepted variables, keeping completeness and
consistency of the whole.
Data Normalization
Many machine-learning algorithms are sensitive to the scale of input features. The "Normalize"
operator scales numerical attributes into a standard range, usually between 0 and 1, in such a way
that every attribute contributes equally within the model's performance.
2. Examination.
Based on the characteristics of the data set, I will select three models for evaluation.
Data Cleaning:
The most suitable solution is decision trees, which are capable of dealing with both categorical
and numerical data, modeling complex relationships, and are comparatively easy to interpret.
This means that decision trees will be robust as long as the dataset involves a mix of attribute
Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression can find its feet on problems involving binary classes, such as subscription
prediction. It provides probabilities and is regularizable to prevent overfitting.
Random Forests
Random forest is a method used for ensemble learning, which involves classification, regression,
and other tasks based on the general construction of a multitude of decision trees during training
times with outputting class. The iteration is increased to get a better accuracy and regulation
against overfitting. Generally, this model beats variance in a single decision tree.
Here, the original data set is divided into a number of smaller sets, and the performance of the
models is cross-validated. In this study, the k-fold cross-validation test was applied to ensure
generalizability of the results.
The models were assessed for their performance with the following measures:
3. Accuracy
Accuracy is a very simple measure of general correctness and works best when the class
distribution is roughly balanced.
AUC—Area Under the Curve
This is an advantage of AUC in that it summarizes the model performance on average for
distinguishing classes at various thresholds, thus serving as a good metric under imbalanced data.
4. Tun
Two optimization methodologies were implemented toward the enhancement and enrichment of
the models:
Parameter tuning
An important operator is "Optimize Parameters (Grid)" because it helps to specify the optimal
parameters, such as maximum depth and minimum samples for each leaf of the Decision Tree.
Hyperparameter tuning is balanced in such a way that the models present only optimally accurate
results, neither overfitting nor underfitting the data.
Feature Engineering
The "Select Attributes" operator was used to retain only the most important attributes and
identify them. Such a process helps reduce a lot of noise, thus speeding training and boosting
model performance through really important attributes.
The optimization results clearly reveal that two steps have made a significant improvement in
model performance: hyperparameter tuning and feature selection.
5. Application
Finally, after completion of tuning and optimization, the set parameters, the tuned Decision Tree,
were then tested on the test dataset. The process was taken through:
• Read CSV to load the test data.
• Apply Model: Apply an operator called "Apply Model" to the test data using the trained model.
• Save the predicted results to a CSV file; implement this with the "Write CSV" operator.
The summarized results showed that an optimized Decision Tree model possessed the highest
accuracy of 0.82 and AUC of 0.88 on the testing dataset, as compared to the other two models.
These performance metrics now obtained show that the classification by the Decision Tree model
is able, in particular, to exhibit features of ability to differentiate classes. These promising results
open up anew a valuable tool for the prediction of customer subscription behavior. The model
itself should also be interpretable at an advanced level, possibly integrated into a kind of larger
system of customer analytics, optioned to be further refined through techniques for ensembling
or the incorporation of external data sources to see whether the same can push performance to
the next level.