Sec school syllabus
Sec school syllabus
Sec school syllabus
Secondary One
N1. Numbers and their operations
1.1. primes and prime factorisation
1.2. finding highest common factor (HCF) and lowest common multiple (LCM), squares, cubes, square
roots and cube roots by prime factorisation
1.3. negative numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers and their four operations
1.4. calculations with calculator
1.5. representation and ordering of numbers on the number line
1.6. use of <, >, ≤, ≥
1.7. approximation and estimation (including rounding off numbers to a required number of decimal
places or significant figures, and estimating the results of computation)
N3. Percentage
3.1. expressing one quantity as a percentage of another
3.2. comparing two quantities by percentage
3.3. percentages greater than 100%
3.4. increasing/decreasing a quantity by a given percentage (including concept of percentage point)
3.5. reverse percentages
3.6. problems involving percentages
• 3𝑦 as 𝑦 + 𝑦 + 𝑦 or 3 × 𝑦
• 3(𝑥 + 𝑦) as 3 × (𝑥 + 𝑦)
3+𝑦 1
• 5
as (3 + 𝑦) ÷ 5 or 5 × (3 + 𝑦)
5.3. evaluation of algebraic expressions and formulae
5.4. translation of simple real-world situations into algebraic expressions
5.5. recognising and representing patterns/relationships by finding an algebraic expression for the nth
5.6. addition and subtraction of linear expressions
5.7. simplification of linear expressions such as
−2(3𝑥 − 5) + 4𝑥;
2𝑥 3(𝑥−5)
3 2
5.8. use brackets and extract common factors
G5. Mensuration
5.1. area of parallelogram and trapezium
5.2. problems involving perimeter and area of composite plane figures
5.3. volume and surface area of prism and cylinder
5.4. conversion between cm2 and m2 , and between cm3 and m3
5.5. problems involving volume and surface area of composite solids
G5. Mensuration
5.6. volume and surface area of pyramid, cone and sphere
S2. Probability
2.1. probability as a measure of chance
2.2. probability of single events (including listing all the possible outcomes in a simple chance situation
to calculate the probability)
N9. Matrices
9.1. display of information in the form of a matrix of any order
9.2. interpreting the data in a given matrix
9.3. product of a scalar quantity and a matrix
9.4. problems involving addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices
G5. Mensuration
5.7. arc length, sector area and area of a segment of a circle
5.8. use of radian measure of angle (including conversion between radians and degrees)