Logic the Art of Defining and Reasoning
Logic the Art of Defining and Reasoning
Logic the Art of Defining and Reasoning
LOGIC : The Art of Defining
and Reasoning
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Department of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
The aim of this second edition remains unchanged from that of the
original: to present briefly the basic doctrine of logic for an introductory
course. The book is based principally upon the Organon of Aristotle
wherein the diverse parts of logic have been set in their proper order.
The text also relies upon the major commentators on Aristotle, es¬
pecially St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Albert the Great, who in their turn
drew upon the Arabs; modern sources have also been taken into account.
So far as possible, logic is presented in ordinary language; however,
some of the terminology of logic has been sanctioned so completely by
time and use that it has become a necessary part of the vocabulary of a
logic text. In general, only the most essential matter is included in the
text in order to concentrate on the points that should be covered in any
introductory course. The workbook form has been adopted to insure at
least a minimum amount of exercise for developing an orderly frame of
The division of logic according to the three acts of the intellect is
taken from the Commentary of St. Thomas on Aristotle’s Posterior
Analytics, an excerpt of which appears in the Appendix. Part One, The
Logic of Simple Apprehension, has been entirely rewritten without de¬
parting, however, from the numbering of the chapters and the basic
order contained in the original edition. Thus, definition remains the
most important topic in the first part; it manifests most completely
the way in which we know a simple object and serves, therefore, as the
principle of order for this first part. The material on the predicables, the
categories, and division has been expanded, with more select examples,
questions, and exercises. The opening chapter has also been expanded
Preface viii
Introduction xv
The Predicables 13
The Categories 35
Division 49
Definition 63
The Proposition 81
Supposition 103
Argumentation 167
Induction 231
although it is just as true that they die as it is that human beings die.
All human beings, then, in varying degrees, want to know why things
are so. An evident sign of this is that even as children we frequently ask
for the why of things. We are insatiably curious. This universal wonder
of human beings is never entirely smothered, although we often dis¬
regard its promptings. As the ancient Greeks declared, wonder is the
starting point of knowledge. Wonder is the starting point in the sense
that we wonder what can be the explanation or cause of the things that
we are continually observing. It is only when we do know the cause of a
thing that our wonder ceases about that thing, for only by knowing the
cause is our wonder fully satisfied.
Now logic is nothing else than the art that guides us in coming to
know something previously unknown to us. Logic, then, is an instrument
for helping us to find out why things are as they are. An axe is an instru¬
ment for cutting down a tree. A sharp axe is an efficient instrument for
cutting down a tree. The power of thinking is an instrument for knowing
the why and wherefore of things, but thinking sharpened by skill in logic
is an efficient instrument for scientific knowing. We thus have at least
a preliminary answer to what logic is and why we should study it. If every
human being wants to know, in some degree, and if logic is an indis¬
pensable means of obtaining knowledge more easily, more surely, and
more efficiently, then the study of logic is of use to every human being.
Let us now investigate in greater detail what logic is about and how
we reason in a logical way. Suppose that you were walking down a street
on a wintry day after a heavy snowfall. The sun is out and shining
brightly. You notice the shining of the sun in particular because your
eyes are bothered by the reflection of the sun on the snow. The thought
might occur to you how much the snow reflects the light of the sun.
This thought, in turn, might call your attention to the whiteness of the
snow. You would recognize at once that the whiteness of the snow was
the reason for the bright reflection of the snow in your eyes.
In this very ordinary example, you have informally gone through a
reasoning process. You started with the statement Snow reflects light.
You proceeded almost immediately to give the reason why snow reflects
light, namely, Snow is white. The first statement follows from the sec¬
ond statement, and the two statements can be put down in the fol¬
lowing order:
Snow is white.
Therefore, snow reflects light.
The word “therefore” indicates that the second statement follows as a
conclusion from the first. Now if you analyze these two statements, you
will notice that there is a third statement implicitly contained in them, a
statement containing the words “white” and “light.” This third state-
ment would read: White reflects light. You would then have three state¬
ments, appearing in the following order:
principal divisions of logic. Logic is the art that directs the three acts
of the intellect. The division of logic, finally can be outlined as follows:
Object Made Known By Acts of the Intellect Logic
Simple Definition Simple Apprehension (Part One)
^ . . (Composition or Division (Part Two)
Complex Argumentation )t> o. -n. \
r ° (Reasoning (Part three)
things—precisely because words are arbitrary signs. The word “race” can
signify the concept of a contest of speed and the concept of a nation of
Further, two different words can signify one and the same concept.
This is most evident in the diversity of human languages; French words
signify the same concepts as English words, otherwise translation would
be impossible. Even within one language, we have synonymous words;
for example, “wealth” and “riches” both signify the concept of abundant
Our stress on the distinction between words and concepts, namely that
words arbitrarily signify concepts and that words relate to things only
through an intermediary thought, must not lead us to a too simplified
notion of the relation of words-concepts-things. We must take into ac¬
count that the way words, through concepts, signify things does not
necessarily lead us immediately to know things wholly and distinctly for
what they are. The point is that words signify things in the way things
become known to us and are present in our minds. For example, we can¬
not suppose that the word “man” at the outset necessarily refers us to
what human nature is in itself; the word “man” immediately refers us
to the notion of “man” as it is present in our mind, and by means of this
mental representation, to what we understand as man. We therefore see
that we can name things only to the extent we know them; if there is a
difference between you and me with regard to what the word “man”
signifies, it is a difference in the way we know the object in question, not
a difference of the object itself. In this way, we see a need for logic,
namely the aid logic as an art can provide us in coming to know better,
and in a more orderly way, what otherwise would remain relatively un¬
known or imprecise. This aid is needed even in regard to the most simple
objects we know, and hence the first part of logic, culminating in the art
of definition, is ordered to helping us know better even the simple ob¬
jects of our experience.
It is clear, therefore, that logic needs to consider words, not for the
reason that grammar treats words, but for the basic reason that without
words we could not express the things we conceive. It remains true that
logic is more basically concerned with things as they are conceived in the
mind, but since we express our concepts most fully, most perfectly, by
words, logic must constantly take words into account in their role as
instruments for expressing and communicating concepts.
3. How does language reveal the distinction between sense and intellectual
4. How is the sign initially defined? How does this definition relate to the
distinction between sense and intellectual knowing?
5. What is a natural sign? Give some original examples.
6. Distinguish between a purely natural sign and a natural sign by intent.
Illustrate with original examples.
7. What is a conventional sign? Distinguish between the natural sign and
the conventional sign.
8. What is the difference between a purely conventional sign and a conven¬
tional sign by custom?
9. Explain the formal sign. Contrast it with the natural and the conventional
10. Why is the word the most perfect conventional sign?
11. Explain the relation between words and concepts.
12. Explain the different relations between words and concepts.
13. Do words, through concepts, manifest things distinctly? Explain.
14. Why do we need logic to help us grasp simple objects?
The Universal
/ \
natural artificial
/ v.
living non-living
/ \
animal plant
man brute
Paul, Peter . . .
We have already observed that the more universal can always be pred¬
icated of whatever is beneath it, even down to the unpredicable indi-
vidual. The very notion of predicable must now be brought out as well as
the difference between the various types of predicability.
simple objects by means of the logical relations of species and genus which
we form in our mind as instruments to help us put order in our way of
knowing things. But how do we come to distinguish man from dog given
that we say “animal” of each? What is their difference? In what way will
this difference be said as compared to genus and species? To predicate
something as a “difference” implies a new type of relation, a new kind
of predicable. There are of course many differences which we can cite to
distinguish between man and dog, but it would be best if we could
settle on the most basic difference of all.
Predication of the specific difference, therefore, involves a relation of
universality in virtue of which something is predicated in a way that sets
one thing apart from another, not fust as distinct in number but as dif¬
ferent in kind. It expresses that which differentiates one species from
another; it distinguishes one kind of thing from another, or any other,
in the same genus. We say “rational” of “man” to differentiate man
specifically from any other species in the genus of animal. Could we dis¬
cover (which we rarely can) the true specific difference of whatever is
predicable in the way of species we would have the most determinate
knowledge we can get of that species.
Note that while talking of the logical species we have been using the
word “species” in two different meanings. We must now point this out.
To say “Man is a species” can mean two things: that he is an animal of
a special kind (which is not the business of logic), or that man as known
is predicable thanks to the logical relation, namely that of species, which
is in and of the mind (and this is the species that logic considers).
It might be noted, further, that some say the division of predicables
we are dealing with belongs to a pre-evolutionary, static, conception of
nature. But this observation is neither here nor there. If an individual
organism is expected to develop into a given kind but changes to an un¬
expected kind, then, were we not faced with a new kind of thing, could
there be evolution in any significant sense? Furthermore, the statement
just referred to distinguishes “conception” into evolutionary and pre-
evolutionary, that is between a genus (conception) and differences
(evolutionary and pre-evolutionary), thus bringing us face to face with
the three types of predicables we have just explained above.
State which predicable the word on the right is in relation to the word on the
left. Ask yourself what the word on the right tells you about the word on
the left; if something essential, then it is genus, species, or specific difference;
if non-essential, then it is property or accident. If the word on the right can¬
not be a predicable, leave answer blank.
— -- 1. Henry—man
-2. Justice—virtue
_ 4. Pistol—weapon
_ 5. Radiator—hot
_ 7. Door—house
_ 8. Lassie—dog
_ 9. Grass—green
_10. Tree—oak
_12. Horse—four-legged
_13. Cow—animal
_14. Animal—sentient
_15. Snake—poisonous
____16. Red—color
___18. Table—chair
_19. Quarter—Money
After each of the following, write characteristics which are predicable. Indi¬
cate which predicable each characteristic is. Give at least two characteristics
for each item. No. 1 is given as a model.
2. Democracy
3. Dog
4. Freshman
5. Chemistry
6. Gold
7. Fido
8. Man
9. Logic
10. Tree
arbitrarily with respect to the concepts they represent, we can see readily
that while on the one hand our concepts cannot be tied down in a
mechanical fashion to words, on the other hand this same arbitrary con¬
nection gives rise to different ways in which words will convey our
The normal and expected way in which words signify concepts is in a
univocal manner. A univocal name or word is one that is imposed on
many objects as signifying the same nature in each. A univocal name
therefore keeps exactly the same meaning in the many contexts in which
it may appear. Thus we retain one and the same meaning for the name
“animal” when it is said of horses, dogs, lions, elephants, and the like.
Similarly, any individual dog has the same nature of dog as any other
individual dog, and hence the name “dog” is univocal when said of
individual dogs. Thus we see that every genus said of its species and
every species said of its individuals is understood in a univocal way, and
while univocal names are not restricted to these examples, they are
evident instances in logic for what we mean by the univoeal signification
of a name.
Not all words have the same meaning whenever they are used. Indeed,
a word in one context can signify one sort of thing and quite another in
a different context, and while the varying contexts usually prevent our
confusing the different meanings of the same word, nonetheless out of
context the word becomes equivocal in its signification. Hence, an
equivocal name is one that signifies different natures. The name “race”
apart from any context is equivocal for it signifies (1) a tribe of people
or a nation, and (2) a contest of speed.
Clearly, a name that becomes equivocal is unfortunate, primarily be¬
cause equivocal names are of little use in formulating definitions; and,
of course, equivocal names tend to defeat the purpose of communication.
We call attention to them in logic in order to be on guard against them.
In fact we should always take pains to avoid leaving words equivocal.
We can usually accomplish this by making clear the context in which
the multiple-meaning word appears, thereby dissipating the equivocation.
There is, perhaps, one saving feature about the fact that names can be
equivocal. It is precisely because a word by chance has utterly unrelated
meanings that one is able to make puns, that is, make a play upon the
words one understands. And thus Shakespeare makes a play upon “under¬
stands” itself in The Two Gentlemen from Verona; when Speed says to
Launce, “I understand thee not,” Launce claims Speed is a blockhead,
for, “look thee,” Launce says, “I’ll but lean, and my staff understands
me.” The witty effect of a pun is an indication at once of a freedom and
a servitude the mind has in dealing with the words it uses to express
itself. The freedom, a somewhat negative one, consists in the mind’s
being able to use a word arbitrarily with respect to what it signifies; the
servitude arises from the fact that the mind cannot get away from
Yet not all diversity of signification by one and the same word is
wholly ambiguous and misleading, as in equivocal names. Somewhat mid¬
way between the univocal name which retains absolute sameness of
meaning and the equivocal name with utter difference of meaning lies
the analogous name. An analogous name is one that signifies different
natures (wherein it resembles the equivocal name) but is imposed
primarily on one nature and secondarily on others with reference to the
first. We may thus speak of an analogous name as having a proportional
sameness in meaning, for “analogous” means “proportional.” When,
for example, I refer to a musical composition as “religious,” I am Psing
“religious” in an analogous sense, a meaning which presupposes the
primary meaning of “religious,” devotion in the worship of God; we
speak of the musical composition as religious because it is of such a
kind as to move the listener to devotion.
Contrary to the equivocal signification of names, the analogous sig¬
nification of names is not an unhappy state of affairs. Many of our most
important and most fundamental words become analogous in significa¬
tion, such as “good,” “true,” and “beautiful.” (Indeed, it is by means of
analogous names that we are able to express what knowledge we can
attain of God without falling into anthropomorphism—the fallacy of
making names common to God and creature univocal, or into sheer
agnosticism—the fallacy of supposing that names said of God and
creature are purely equivocal.) Moreover, we give words analogous mean¬
ings because our knowledge has advanced from one thing to another
with dependence upon what is first known; the several related meanings
of an analogous word represent this movement. Thus a name’s primary
signification will be related to something most evident to us, and will
subsequently be extended to signify something less evident. For example,
the word “light” first means that which allows us to see with our eyes
and then becomes extended to signify that which allows us to under¬
stand, and so we speak of “the light of the evidence.” But from the
point of view of logic, the univocal name is the one that leads us most
determinately to an object, though as we advance in the philosophical
sciences the analogous name takes on increasing importance.
In relation to the categories in particular, the distinction of univocal,
equivocal, and analogous names is important because only natures as
univocally signified are to be put in categories.
Some of the things we know exist in some subject and are pred¬
icable of a subject. Just what do these phrases “exist in a subject” and
“predicable of a subject” mean? To exist in a subject means that some¬
thing requires a subject in order to be at all, and this is precisely what is
meant by accident in a philosophical meaning of the word. A shape or a
color does not exist all by itself but must be the shape or color of some¬
thing, that is, of some subject, as a man or dog or stone. Existence in a
subject is therefore equivalent to being an accident.
Predicable of a subject, on the other hand, means something else. This
phrase signifies that something we know can be said or predicated of a
subject. But to be able to be said of a subject, as we saw in the preceding
chapter, means that the thing we know must be universal. Only in the
way that something universal is common to many can an object be pred¬
icable, as “dog” is common to many individual dogs and “white” is
common to many individual subjects in which it is found.
Now, given these meanings of the phrases existence in a subject and
predicable of a subject, we can relate them to each other in four possible
ways. Let us first simply combine the two phrases and ask: What is it
that both exists in a subject and is predicable of a subject? Since “exists
in a subject” means accident and “predicable of a subject” means uni¬
versal, we have universal accident, for example, a color or shape or action,
which needs a subject such as man or dog in order to exist. Thus “white”
is predicable of the many subjects in which it is found, and hence is a
universal as well as an accident.
On the other hand: What is it that both does not exist in a subject
and is not predicable of a subject? If something does not exist in a sub¬
ject, then of course it must be the subject itself, that is, the substance.
Hence “not to exist in a subject” is to be a substance. If something is
also not predicable of a subject, by that fact it cannot be universal, other¬
wise it would be predicable of a subject, that is, communicable to many.
Hence it is not universal, but singular; it is not found in many, but is
something one and only one. Now when we combine not existing in a
subject and not predicable of a subject, we have singular substance, for
example, Paul, this man, this stone, and so on.
We can still combine the two phrases in two other ways, by negating
one but not the other. What is it that does not exist in a subject yet is
predicable of a subject? From the meaning of these two phrases, we see
that we now have universal substance, for example, man, dog, stone,
tulip, and so on, for “man” is a subject and is still common to, and hence
predicable of, individual subjects, in this case, individual men. We may
also have the reverse combination, something that exists in a subject but
is not predicable of a subject, and we then have singular accident, for
example, Paul’s tan, this shape, Fido’s weight, and so on, which require
a subject of existence but are peculiar to one subject and to no other.
Hence we can summarize the four relations we have made in the fol¬
lowing way:
Universal accident: Whatever exists in a subject and is predicable of a
subject (both phrases remain positive).
Singular substance: Whatever does not exist in a subject and is not
predicable of a subject (both phrases are negative).
Universal substance: Whatever does not exist in a subject but is pred¬
icable of a subject (the first phrase is negative, the second positive).
Singular accident: Whatever exists in a subject and is not predicable
of a subject (the first phrase is positive, the second negative).
With respect to the categories, these four relations help us to see the
difference between substance and accident, for the categories are consti¬
tuted of substance and accidents. The distinction is also drawn between
singular substance and universal substance and, as we shall see, only
universal substance is taken into consideration in the categories. Like¬
wise, the distinction is made between singular accident and universal
accident and, again, only the latter is relevant to the categories. Finally,
existence or non-existence in a subject is a distinction in ways of being
natures are ultimately and irreducibly divided one from the other does
not mean that logic is about man, horse, fly, and so forth. We are still
concerned with relations formed by our reason, but the types we are now
concerned with differ sharply from those of predicability. This can be
shown by an example. In the predicables we were concerned with rela¬
tions of universality to inferiors, exhibited by examples such as animal
as predicable of man, man of Paul, and so on. Let us now note that
something common is said in another way of Paul, this horse, this fly,
this tree, this stone. And what they have in common is that each of them
cannot be said of anything else; each of them is thus called a substance.
Moreover, many things can be said about them, and these are what we
shall call predicamental accidents. We can say about Paul that he is tan,
six feet tall, the son of Peter, living at such an address where he is now
sitting down, rocking in his chair, holding the newspaper, protesting the
noise, in his bathrobe. Now these are various ways of being and, as we
know and talk about them, they are modes of predication, and it is these
various modes of predication, corresponding to various ways of being,
that we are going to order into categories. If, however, we meant by
categories the modes of being in themselves, these would belong to the
subject of metaphysics; it is their modes of predication which fall under
At this juncture, we must be careful to point out the difference be¬
tween predicable and predicate. A predicable is not what we say of some¬
thing directly, for, as we saw, this would mean that “man” predicated by
way of species, would be a relation of reason. It is the nature man that is
said of Paul, and this nature, not the relation attached to it, is what is
predicated. And in this particular respect, the predicate “man” belongs
to a category. A man, on the other hand, is not the same as his size, nor
is this the same as his color, nor is his being here and now the same as
being Paul, nor is his relationship or his posture what Paul himself is.
These are diverse predicates, each of which is said of Paul in a typical
way. The various modes of predication, corresponding to various modes
of being, can be brought under one or another supreme genus or category.
We thus begin to see how we can order natures—the “what” we know
of things—under a supreme genus. When we come to know one supreme
genus as distinct from another, we shall be able to put one nature under
one supreme genus and another nature under another supreme genus.
The initial test of our knowledge of various natures consists precisely in
knowing in which category it belongs. True enough, knowledge of the
natures themselves is not provided by logic but by our common ex¬
perience of objects, our “prescientific” knowledge. Logic, however, pro¬
vides us with the ordering principle—the classification of all natures ac¬
cording to their logical genera and species under supreme genera. As our
knowledge of objects increases, through study of them in other sciences
Before we list the ten categories, the ten supreme genera first
laid down by Aristotle, we must return to another distinction we made in
the previous chapter. This distinction is the one between what exists in
a subject and what does not exist in a subject. As we saw, this distinction
manifests the difference between accident (which, to exist, must exist
in something else, that is, must have some subject for its existence) and
substance (which is the subject of the existence of every accident, at
least ultimately).
We are aware of this fundamental distinction in the determinations a
thing has from ordinary experience. If we were to take a real subject, Paul,
and ask ourselves how many different kinds of distinct determinations he
shares that can be predicated of him, we would discover (a) that some
designate his essence as a subject, and (b) that others are found in him
as in a subject. The former we call substantial predicates, the latter acci¬
dental. We recognize that for Paul to be a man is different from his
being tall or handsome. We would discover also that the accidental
predicates could be grouped into nine categories corresponding to their
different ways of being in the subject, as qualifying it, giving it parts, re¬
lating it to another, and so on.
In the light of these general but basic notions derived from our com¬
mon experience, let us now list the different supreme genera of objects—
the categories—with a brief explanation and some examples of each.
1. Substance
2. Quantity
3. Quality
would be sense qualities, as well as the various sounds, flavors, odors, and
tangible qualities.
(d) Figure and form. Figure is that type of quality which terminates
the quantity of substance. Figure limits the quantity of substance to a
particular shape, as spherical, circular, or triangular. Form, insofar as it
is taken as distinct from figure, refers to a certain perfection and beauty
of the termination of quantity in a natural object, that is, the perfection
and beauty of the shape of an object, such as a nose, a hand, or a tree.
4. Relation
5. Action (Activity)
7. When
8. Where
9. Position
10. Habit
1. Contradictory opposition
2. Privative opposition
3. Contrary opposition
sets off contrary opposition from the two foregoing ones is an opposition
between two positive terms.
4. Relative opposition
Exercise II •Hh& Chapter Four
State the kind of opposition the following pairs of words signify. If no kind
of opposition is realized, leave the line blank.
- -1. Christian—non-Christian
-2. mare—colt
-3. white—black
-4. large—small
- 5. social—unsocial
-6. dog—non-animal
— _ 7. beginning—end
_ 8. tasty—tasteless
_ 9. running—non-running
_10. related—unrelated
_11. relative—non-relative
_12. sweet—sour
_13. grass—green
_14. moral—immoral
_15. moral—non-moral
_16. plus—minus
_17. heating—cooling
_18. love—hate
__20. sense—nonsense
his Dialogues Plato makes use of division. In the Sophist, for example,
in order to know more distinctly what an angler is, Plato starts with the
genus art and divides within that genus until he reaches the art of
angling; in a parallel way, to make known what a sophist is, he divides
the genus art in another way to reach the art of sophistry. Aristotle in his
work On the Soul divides the soul according to its powers into nutritive,
appetitive, sensory, locomotive and intellective. Then he can divide liv¬
ing things according to the powers they have; for example, plants have
only nutritive powers, all animals have one or more sensory and appe¬
titive powers as well as nutritive powers, and so on.
The most immediate purpose of division is to aid us in making good
definitions, which we treat in the next chapter. Division is necessary for
definition because, by dividing a whole into its parts, such as a genus into
its dividing differences (animal, for example, into rational and irrational)
we arrive at a more distinct knowledge of that whole, and are provided
with the elements by which a species is to be defined.
Apart from the purpose of constructing a definition, division also pro¬
vides the basis for outlining. Outlining is usually a division of a topic, a
reading assignment, a lecture, or even a whole book, rather than a di¬
vision of a simple object, but in its adaptation outlining applies in a
flexible way the principles and rules of logical division. Almost anyone,
especially teachers and students, finds outlining an indispensable method
of preparation for lectures, study, or reading assignments, and for a num¬
ber of occasions in no way academic at all. By knowing the logic of
division one is able to make better and more useful outlines.
We can present the logic of division most simply by considering it
from the standpoint of the rules of good division (which establish the
technique of dividing) and then examining the kinds of division we can
1. The dividing parts must be inferior, that is, less universal than
that which is divided.
2. The dividing parts must exhaust, that is, fully and adequately
divide, some object.
We see, first of all, the relevance of this rule for a good division.
If a division results in something being in one dividing member which is
also in another, we have failed to set off distinctly the parts of the whole
we are dividing. If, for example, we divide vertebrate into mammal, bird,
reptile, fish, and canine, we commit the fallacy of an overlapping division
since canine as a dividing part is already included under mammal.
In order to insure the observance of this rule, we need only recall the
different kinds of opposition we examined in the preceding chapter, for
any one of those four oppositions will sufficiently distinguish one divid¬
ing member from another. Overlapping is best avoided by seeing that
dividing members are contained immediately under the genus.
We can, first of all, make a division by contradictory opposition. Under
a given whole which we are dividing, we can always oppose one part of
the whole to another by stating the contradictory. For example, we can
divide religion into Christian and non-Christian. Such a division is
always an easy one to make and at the same time it is a certain way of
achieving an exhaustive division since there can only be two dividing
members in a division by contradiction. This division is also known as a
division by dichotomy, a word deriving from the Greek meaning “to cut
asunder,” hence a cutting into two dividing members one of which is
always the contradictory of the other. Thus we see an easy way of ob¬
serving the foregoing rule which requires us to give an exhaustive di¬
vision. True enough, such a division is often not very revealing, and can
easily be used to excess. On the other hand, the division by contradiction
is quite legitimate and, at certain times, is an effective method of divid¬
ing, particularly if one wishes to emphasize what is signified by the posi¬
tive name and exclude all else which is not for one reason or another of
relevant concern under the contradictory negative.
We can also make use of division by privative opposition, as in the
division of man into sane and insane, insinuating by this division the
opposition between the perfection and lack of a perfection that a given
object should possess. Contrary opposition enables us to divide an
object according to the extremes of difference within the same genus, as
in the division of number into odd and even, or the division of taste into
sweet and sour. To this type of division is reduced the division of an
object into formally different parts, for example, the division of color
into its formally different kinds or species. The members of such a di¬
vision will approach one extreme or the other of the contraries which
limit the genus, and it is for this reason that the division of a whole into
formally different parts is reduced to division by contrary opposition.
There is, finally, division by means of relative opposition. By a relative
opposition we mean the division of an object into parts which mutually
or comparatively refer to each other. Thus we can divide distance into
long and short; color into light and dark.
4. One and the same basis must be kept throughout the division.
keep the same basis of division when passing from the main division to
a subdivision, especially when employing division in a science. But some¬
times, as in the example just given, and when we are not treating a
matter scientifically, we can take a different basis for dividing a dividing
In the following items state whether the divisions are good or bad. If bad,
explain why. Note that each item should include both the dividing parts and
that which is divided, though not in any given order.
Exercise II ►♦•hSh*. Chapter Five
Make a good division of the following topics, carrying the division through
at least two subdivisions. The fourth possibility is left open as a choice. (This
exercise may be done in outline form.)
1. Animal
2. American government
3. Education
Exercise III Chapter Five
In Plato’s dialogue the Sophist,* Theaetetus and the Stranger try to find
out what an angler is by the process of division. On a separate sheet of paper
reproduce the division given in the following passage (abbreviated in part):
* This extract from the Sophist is taken from the Jowett translation with the per¬
mission of the Clarendon Press, Oxford, England.
Str. There is one kind which takes them in nets, another which takes
them by blow.
Theaet. What do you mean, and how do you distinguish them?
Str. As to the first kind—all that surrounds and encloses anything to
prevent egress, may be rightfully called an enclosure; for which reason twig
baskets, casting-nets, nooses, creels, and the like may all be termed “en¬
closures.” And therefore this first kind of capture may be called by us capture
with enclosures, or something of that sort?
Theaet. Yes.
Str. The other kind, which is practised by a blow with hooks and three¬
pronged spears, when summed up under one name, may be called striking.
There is one mode of striking, which is done at night, and by the light of a
fire, and is by the hunters themselves called firing, or spearing by firelight.
And the fishing by day is called by the general name of barbing, because the
spears, too, are barbed at the point.
Theaet. Yes, that is the term.
Str. Of this barb-fishing, that which strikes the fish who is below from
above is called spearing, because this is the way in which the three-pronged
spears are mostly used.
Theaet. Yes, it is often called so.
Str. Then now there is only one kind remaining. When a hook is used,
and the fish is not struck in any chance part of his body, as he is with the
spear, but only about the head and mouth, and is then drawn out from below
upwards with reeds and rods:—What is the right name of that mode of fish¬
ing, Theaetetus?
Theaet. I suspect that we have now discovered the object of our search.
express wholly what “man” is, otherwise “man” would be confused with
“dog.” Nevertheless, “animal” contributes to our understanding of what
man” is, for what “man” is includes being what animal is. Some genus
therefore, either proximate or remote, enters into any definition of what
something is. Indeed, when seeking to give a definition of any simple
object, we almost spontaneously think of some genus. What, for ex¬
ample, is a tulip? We think at once of flower. What is a dog? We think
at once of animal. Hence, our first step in starting to define some simple
object is to think of the genus under which the object falls, a genus
which, in turn, is in one of the categories we have already established.
The difficult part of constructing a definition lies not in finding a
genus but in securing some difference, that is, something which will set
off the object we are defining from any other object in the same genus.
The word “difference” here is taken more broadly than the “specific dif¬
ference” we described as a predicable. Of course, if we can determine
what the specific difference is of the object we seek to define, we shall
assuredly give the most essential definition possible, as “rational” added
to the genus “animal” essentially defines “man.” Most of the time,
however, we cannot know the essential difference of the object we wish
to define. Hence, in this first rule of definition, we take “difference”
broadly to signify not only a specific difference, but any sort of dif¬
ference which will sufficiently set off the object we are defining from any
other object within the same genus. The various sorts of difference we
can employ in place of a specific difference will be distinguished when
we discuss below the different kinds of definition.
Let us therefore understand this first rule of definition to mean the fol¬
lowing. In constructing a definition, we should pick some genus, prefer¬
ably as proximate a genus as possible, in which the object to be defined
can be located. Then we should search for the most revealing difference
we can find to set off this object from any other in the same genus. If a
specific difference is available, such a difference should be used; if not,
some other characteristic should be used that will sufficiently perform
the function of differentiating the object. Hence it is possible to have
more than one definition of the same nature or object, depending on the
sort of difference used.
composite nature, yet it does not express in the literal way a definition
demands, what man is; in fact, unless one has a satisfactory definition of
man to begin with, the force of Pascal’s figure is lost. Metaphor is the
valuable instrument of the poet, not the logician.
The rule also eliminates, rather obviously, ambiguous or equivocal
words (which confuse rather than set off and distinguish) and negative
words and expressions (which say what something is not rather than
what it is). To define love in terms of not hating is hardly helpful.
Nevertheless, there are times when one’s only recourse in defining may
be negative expressions, as in definitions of objects whose difficulty may
preclude any adequate positive formulation, or in definitions of things
that are themselves understood as negative or privative, for example, a
definition of a spinster or a bachelor. Such instances are by way of ex¬
Finally, this rule directs us to avoid including in the definition the
word signifying the definitum or any derivative of it. To define a logician
as “one skilled in logic” would be such a violation. True enough, the dic¬
tionary often seems to do just that, but in adding the phrase “one skilled
in logic” after the word “logician,” the dictionary is not defining, but
merely showing that the word “logician” is a derivative of the word
“logic.” For the definition, one must go to the word from which the
derivative comes, in this case “logic.” However, the dictionary does not
primarily seek to give definitions in the precise logical sense of the term,
but to express the meaning of words as they have come to be used by
most people or by some authorities.
The first rule has already pointed out that the definition must
contain a genus and some kind of difference. If something as a genus
appears in the definition then clearly what is being defined, the defini¬
tum, must be a species in some sense, and therefore something universal.
Negatively, this rule eliminates the singular, which cannot be defined
in any proper sense of the term, since th6 material singular, as such,
is unintelligible. An individual object shares a nature, but it is not
the nature, and what we define is always some sort of nature which
we understand as universal. No doubt, a great deal can be said and
described about an individual, but all the information we can convey
about an individual object will not constitute a definition expressing
what it is, for it shares what it is with other individuals of the same
nature. A singular thing, strictly speaking, is indefinable.
Let us add here, as a corollary, that an object may also be too universal
to be defined. In listing the categories, we noted that each category,
properly speaking, cannot be defined. We now see why. A category is a
1. Essential definition
whatever else man also is, what man first of all is, is rational animal, and
it is such a basic grasp of the nature of something that the essential
definition manifests.
2. Definition by property
3. Definition by cause
sort of object the material is formed into. Material and formal causes
thus constitute the intrinsic causes of the chair, what the chair is as an
In addition, the chair needs to be brought into being, and for this we
need someone who makes the chair. We call such a cause an “efficient”
(or “agent”) cause, for without such a cause operating the chair would
not now be. Finally, we have the purpose for which the chair is made,
namely to be an object in which one can sit comfortably. Such a cause
is known as the “final cause.” The efficient and final causes are the
extrinsic causes of an object—what brings the chair into existence and
what it is for.
All causes may be used to express the definition of an object, but
in any case, a definition by cause has to include at least one of the
extrinsic causes, and we shall so mean a definition by cause here. Such a
way of formulating a definition is especially useful for defining artificial
objects where the final cause is clearly manifest. On the other hand, it is
important to note that if we can define a natural object by all four causes,
we thereby give the most complete definition possible—more complete,
in fact, than the essential definition which gives only the equivalent of
the intrinsic causes (for “rational animal” can also be understood as the
formal and material causes of man). In effect, then, a definition by all
four causes (when such a definition can be given) will include the es¬
sential definition but will complete it in the sense of bringing in extrinsic
causes as well.
4. Definition by accident
5- Definition by name
10. What is the relevance of dividing all definitions into essential and non-
11. What is the structure of an essential definition? Wherein lies its per¬
12. Compare a definition by property with an essential definition.
13. Explain the four causes and construct an original example of a definition
by extrinsic causes.
14. Explain the sense in which a definition by accident is difficult and the
sense in which it is easy. Give an original example of a definition by acci¬
15. What are the two types of definition by name?
Exercise I Chapter Six
In the definition, given at the right of each definitum, encircle the genus
and underline the difference. On the lines at the left, state the kind each
definition is.
Exercise II *❖* Chapter Six
On this page, write out five definitions of objects you know sufficiently well
to give good definitions. Indicate the kind of definition you are using.
Exercise III Chapter Six
Chemistry is the natural science which has for its province the study of the com¬
position of substances. In common with physics it includes the determination of
properties or characters which serve to distinguish one substance from another, but
while the physicist is concerned with processes in which the molecules remain intact,
the chemist is restricted to those processes in which the molecules undergo some
change. For example, the physicist determines the density, elasticity, hardness, elec¬
trical and thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, etc.; the chemist, on the other
hand, investigates changes in composition, such as may be effected by an electric
current, by heat, or when two or more substances are mixed. A further differentiation
of the provinces of chemistry and physics is shown by the classifications of matter. To
the physicist matter is presented in three leading forms—solids, liquids, and gases;
and although further subdivisions have been rendered necessary with the growth of
knowledge, the same principle is retained, namely, a classification based on properties
having no relation to composition. The fundamental chemical classification based on
properties of matter, on the other hand, recognizes two groups of substances, namely,
elements, which are substances not admitting of analysis into other substances, and
compounds, which do admit of analysis into simpler substances. . . .
3. What is the genus and what is the difference in the definition given of
5. Outline how chemistry and physics differ with respect to the study of the
composition of substances.
6. What kind of opposition does the author use in the division he makes
between elements and compounds?
1. State the definition of a proposition and show why the proposition must
belong to the logic of the second act of the intellect.
- 3. I am hopeful.
_11. The building that is on the opposite side of the street is not
the one you are to enter.
I. According to Unity
_ 8. Man is gullible.
_ 1. Dogs breathe.
_ 3. A circle is square.
_ 4. Animals sweat.
_ 6. A sinner is a saint.
_ 8. Grass is green.
Exercise III *>*>*> Chapter Eight
_ 9. A lion is four-legged.
Exercise II Chapter Nine
4. No test is easy.
5. Virtue is difficult.
17. No non-veteran is unsympathetic about aid to war victims.
merit is not dull would not be in opposition if “dull” means lacking bril¬
liance of color in one proposition and lacking a sharp cutting edge in the
By the same supposition we mean that the words standing as the sub¬
ject or predicate in the two propositions must retain the same kind of
supposition. Thus two propositions will not be in opposition if the sub¬
ject or predicate of one proposition is used in proper supposition and
the subject or predicate of the other is used in improper or metaphorical
supposition—or, further, if the subject in one proposition is used in
personal supposition and the subject of the other in simple supposition.
1. Contradictory opposition
denial that it is not the case that some man is not wise, which is to assert
Every man is wise. Throughout all these instances of contradictory op¬
position, the complete opposition of truth and falsity remains: whichever
of the two propositions is true, the contradictory of it is false.
2. Contrary opposition
3. Sub-contrary opposition
Although we have already covered the rules for truth and falsity
of propositions in opposition and subalternation, they can now be con¬
veniently summarized in relation to the Square.
Before stating the rules for truth and falsity, we must keep in mind
that these rules hold only if the subjects and predicates of the proposi¬
tions retain the same signification and the same supposition. Words with
equivocal signification or with diverse kinds of supposition in opposed or
subalternated propositions violate the relations concerned, as we have
already stressed.
Moreover, the relations on the Square are to be understood as holding
among propositions having universal names as subjects and predicates,
and not words standing for classes. By a class, we mean a grouping of
objects together without any intrinsic or essential unity. Thus the ex¬
pression “all the men in this room” denotes a collection of men acci¬
dentally grouped together as being in a certain room; it does not signify
a nature as the name man does. The distinction between a word stand¬
ing for a class of objects and a word signifying as a universal name is
important in order to disassociate problems and considerations which are
not relevant from the valid relations of opposition and subalternation.
In particular, this distinction is needed to remove as irrelevant, as far
as the Square is concerned, the problem of what has been called the null
class. Thus it has been maintained that the so-called A proposition “All
the men in this room are married” is to be regarded as true, even if there
were no men in the room, on the assumption that such a proposition
does not require the existence of any members of its class; and then, of
course, the contrary, “No men in this room are married” would also be
true. It would then seem to follow that the rule concerning the opposi¬
tion of contraries, that one must be true and the other false, would not
hold (and similar difficulties could be raised about the relation of sub¬
contrary opposition and subalternation).
As a consequence of the foregoing view only the opposition of contra-
diction remains valid. But this view rests upon the arbitrary assumption
that A and E propositions cannot imply actual existence of individuals
while I and O must imply actual existence of individuals. However, there
is no reason why the human mind has to be tied down by this un¬
necessary restriction; and the arbitrary character of this restriction is
shown by the fact that A and E propositions can also imply actual ex¬
istence of individuals (and in any normal sense do) while I and O can
also not imply actual existence of individuals (for example, the truth of
some dinosaur’s being a reptile is unaffected by the extinction of all such
The pertinent point, consequently, about the validity of the relations
of opposition and subalternation reduces basically to what we empha¬
sized at the outset—certain conditions have to be observed in order to
have propositions in opposition or in subalternation. The words must
retain the same meaning in the propositions. Moreover, and even more
important, the words must be used in the same way, that is, they must
apply in the same way. Hence, the rules on truth and falsity for the
relations of propositions as expressed by the Square of Opposition hold
if the same supposition (personal or simple) is maintained for any given
instance taken, and if the distinction between a word standing for a class
and a word signifying as a universal name is preserved.
1. Contradictory opposition
2. Contrary opposition
3. Sub-contrary opposition
true, the other may be true or false, and hence is designated as “un¬
known.” Two indefinite propositions, one affirmative and the other
negative, follow the same rule for truth and falsity as two propositions
in sub-contrary opposition.
is, one proposition is always true and the other always false. Apart from
contradiction, a relation can arise in which one of the propositions will
not necessarily be true or false, and hence unknown. Thus in contrary
opposition, when Every A is B is taken as false, we cannot tell, by the
formal relation alone, whether No A is B is true or false, and hence it is
In putting propositions into words, we bring in explicitly the matter of
propositions, “matter” in the sense of what is signified. We could then
determine the truth or falsity of propositions on the part of matter as
well as on the part of the formal relation. For example, we can express
a contradictory opposition in words by opposing Every man is just to
Some man is not just. When propositions are thus expressed in words,
of course the formal relation of contradiction still holds so that we can
state that if one proposition is true the other is false. Over and beyond
this, what is signified by the words enables us to see that in this case
the proposition Some man is not just is actually the true proposition
while Every man is just is the false one. For such knowledge, however,
we must go beyond the knowledge logic gives us; we then have to rely
on our experience of reality or the knowledge we acquire from other
sciences. This fact brings out the basic instrumental character of logic,
that it is a common method of the human mind and must be propor¬
tioned to the demands of the science in which it is used.
Consequently, whether propositions are expressed in letters or in
words, we shall emphasize the formal aspect, the mode of signifying
rather than what is signified, when dealing with opposition, subalterna¬
tion and other relations taken up in Part II.
In the following three examples, put True or False for the first proposition,
and then add True, False, or Unknown for the remaining propositions.
13. If I is , then A is . E is O is
14. If A is , then E is . I is O is
15. If E is , then A is , O is , I is
Exercise II Chapter Ten
Put an X before any statement which correctly answers the first line.
5. the particular negative and particular affirmative both to be false.
Exercise IV *H*4 Chapter Ten
12. Paul holds it as true that Some men are honest. He
then has to hold that Some men are not honest is
also true.
1. No X is Y__
2. Some X is not Y_
3. No X is non-Y_
4. Every X is Y__
5. Some X is non-Y_
6. Some X is Y______
7. Some non-X is Y_
8. Every X is non-Y_
Put in words each of the original propositions in Exercise I. Then obvert each
of the propositions.
Exercise III Chapter Eleven
3. No stone is living.
1. Simple conversion
2. Accidental conversion
Rules of Conversion
1. Every A is B_
2. Some A is B_
3. No A is B_
4. Some A is non-B_
6. No non-A is B___
7. Every A is non-B_
8. Some non-A is B_
1. Every X is Y-
2. Some X is not Y_
3. Every X is non-Y_
Exercise III *** Chapter Twelve
1. No penny is a dime.
7. Men die.
9. No non-magician is a wizard.
11. Whatever is useful is true.
mind. As we shall see shortly, it can be resolved into two distinct cat¬
egorical propositions. The key word “alone” is the sign of the implicitly
complex composition of the proposition, and such a proposition will
always have some key word signifying the complex composition.
have in the conditional and in the disjunctive proposition. Its value de¬
pends solely upon the truth of its joined parts. Nevertheless, knowledge
of the structure of the copulative proposition is useful for certain oc¬
casions. For example, a true-false test sometimes includes copulative
propositions, and it is important to bear in mind that such a proposition
is not true unless both parts are true as categorical statements.
14. Justify resolving Only citizens are voters into Citizens are voters and all
voters are citizens.
15. Explain the exceptive proposition.
16. What is the rule of truth for implicitly compound propositions?
Review Exercise I 4hH> Part II
Review Exercise I Part II
III. Write the kind of opposition the propositions below have in relation to
propositions 1-10 in I. If no opposition is indicated, write None.
Review Exercise II *HhJ* Part II
In the following items, determine first what sort of relation is in the state¬
ment (opposition, obversion, conversion, contraposition, or some combina¬
tion). Then determine whether the rules of truth and falsity are followed.
The whole statement is to be marked Valid only if each proposition (ex¬
cept any preceded by if) follows correctly from any preceding proposition;
otherwise, write Invalid.
12. If it is true that This man is guilty, then it is true that
Some man is not guilty.
14. If it is false that Not all trees are leafy, then it is true
that All trees are leafy, true that No trees are non-leafy,
false that Some trees are non-leafy, and false that Some
trees are not leafy.
say Every animal is mortal and Every human being is an animal. By re¬
lating these two truths or propositions to each other and by subordinat¬
ing the second proposition to the first, we arrive at a new truth, Every
human being is mortal. This subordination is according to the universal¬
ity of the propositions, not according to their greater or lesser importance.
Reasoning consists essentially in this movement from one truth to
another, that is, in a discursive operation. We call the third truth a
“new” truth because we know it as true by means of the two previously
known truths.
An argumentation is defined as a composite expression in which, one
thing being given, another follows. In the example in the preceding para¬
graph, the first two truths constitute something as given, and the third
truth follows from them. What is given is called the antecedent; what
follows is called the consequent.
In the example used, the first two truths constitute the antecedent in
such a way that one of the truths is subordinated to the other. The sub¬
ordinated truth is the second proposition, Every human being is an
animal. It is the subordinated proposition because it is lesser in univer¬
sality than the first proposition. Every animal is mortal is the first
proposition, to which the second is subordinated, because the first is
greater in universality. The third proposition, which follows from the
other two as a conclusion from them, is the consequent. The consequent
concludes the act of reasoning. The full argumentation, in terms of ante¬
cedent and consequent, is the following:
from it will have to be true. However, a true consequent may follow from
a false antecedent. This does not mean that a false antecedent causes a
true consequent precisely as the consequent is true but, rather, that a true
consequent can be accidentally connected with a false antecedent. In
other words, a false antecedent can cause a consequent to follow, but can¬
not cause the consequent to follow as true. For example, the antecedent
Every flower is an animal and Every dog is a flower—a false antecedent-
causes the consequent Every dog is an animal to follow, but does not
cause that consequent to follow as true, that is, the antecedent is not the
cause of the truth of the consequent.
There are two kinds of argumentation: deductive and inductive. De¬
ductive argumentation is the same as the syllogism. We have been using
a syllogism as an example of argumentation. It should be emphasized that
deductive argumentation, or the syllogism, proceeds properly from the
more universal to the less universal; the syllogism, therefore, properly re¬
mains on the plane of universality. The example we have been using
makes this clear.
1. State the order of the three parts of logic and the relation of the third
part to the other two.
2. How does the act of reasoning differ from the other acts of the intellect?
3. What do we mean by arriving at a “new” truth in the act of reasoning?
4. What is an argumentation?
5. Explain the antecedent and the consequent of an argumentation. Illus¬
trate with an example.
6. What is meant by “inference”?
7. When is an inference valid? When is it invalid?
the common definition and principles of the syllogism will hold. An¬
other reason for Aristotle’s using the word “if” may be adduced. Since
he is developing the different figures of the syllogism, he is equivalently
saying that if you arrange the syllogistic terms in one way, as in the
example we have given, you have the first figure; if in another way, the
second figure; and if in still another way, the third figure, as well as dif¬
ferent moods in each figure, as we shall see shortly.
Consequently, as far as the form of the syllogism is concerned, it does
not matter whether we express the syllogism as “If A is predicated of all
B, and B of all C, A must be predicated of all C,” or “All B is A, All C
is B, therefore All C is A.” Even if we express the syllogism in words,
this common form remains:
Even when treating the syllogism formally, that is, in a common way,
we may still distinguish the matter and form of the syllogism. “Matter”
and “form” now take on an artistic meaning, for the syllogism is a work
of human art, not something purely natural. Hence, just as any work of
art, servile, fine or liberal, has a matter or material out of which the
work is made and a form which “shapes” the material in a certain way,
so also the syllogism. We shall treat first the matter, then the form, of
the syllogism as it is common to different kinds of argumentation.
(major extreme)
Every animal is a substance. (major premise)
(minor extreme)
Every dog is an animal. (minor premise)
(minor) (major)
Therefore, every dog is a substance.
(middle) (major)
Every B is A
(minor) (middle)
Every C is B
(minor) (major)
Therefore, every C is A.
(middle) (major)
Every animal is a substance.
(minor) (middle)
Every dog is an animal.
(minor) (major)
Therefore, every dog is a substance.
Let us recall that the major premise is defined as the one having the
predicate of the conclusion in it, and that the minor premise is defined
as the one having the subject of the conclusion in it. These definitions
indicate the order to look for in examining a syllogism. The logical order
of reasoning suggests that the major premise should appear first in the
syllogism even though we often find syllogisms in which the minor
premise is first. As long as we are aware which term is major and which
minor, the position of major and minor premises does not matter as far
as the validity of the syllogism is concerned. Hence, when analyzing the
structure of a syllogism, the conclusion should be examined first in order
to determine the major term (the predicate of the conclusion) and the
minor term (the subject of the conclusion). From this, we can de¬
termine which premise is the major and which the minor.
B - A
C - B
C - A
No horse is a stone.
A - B
C - B
C - A
B - A
B - C
C - A
A - B
B - C
C - A
Now it is true, as we shall see later when discussing the rules which
guarantee the validity of a syllogism, that a syllogism with this arrange¬
ment of terms commits no fallacy and is therefore valid. For this reason,
most logicians include this arrangement of terms as a fourth figure.
However, if one attends to the meaning of syllogistic terms, and if one
consistently regards the syllogism as composed of propositions wherein
one is making an act of predication (as distinct from simply regarding
the syllogism as a mechanical placing of words or symbols in an arbitrary
manner), then such a fourth figure for the syllogism can be legitimately
The reason for excluding a fourth figure of the syllogism is the fol¬
lowing. A syllogism is constructed to represent an order of judgment
which in a perfect logical form proceeds from what is more universal to
what is less universal. Thus a major term is to stand for what is major or
greater in universality according to predication and position; a minor
term for what is lesser in universality; and a middle term for what is in
between the two extremes in universality. The arrangement of terms in
a fourth figure wholly inverts this order. What stands as a major term
is in fact put in the position of minor universality; what stands as a
minor term is put in the position of major universality; and what is sup¬
posed to be middle in universality is put in the position of being greater
in universality than the major term and at the same time is put in the
position of being less in universality than the minor term. Such an ar¬
rangement of terms, indeed such a confusion of terms, makes no syllo¬
gistic sense. The fact that an argument can still be valid in a fourth
figure is not because of such an arrangement of terms but in spite of the
True enough, the second and third figures are also open to objection,
at least to the extent that the middle term no longer is in the position
of being middle in universality. We have already pointed out that these
figures are less evident and less perfect as syllogistic figures than the first.
Hence Aristotle thinks it worth while to reduce syllogisms in those
figures to the first, the evident and perfect manifestation of syllogistic
The first conclusion puts the syllogism into the first figure with the
minor premise first and the major premise second. The second con¬
clusion would put the syllogism in a fourth figure. Actually, however,
we see that because of the confusing arrangement of terms in a fourth
figure, we do not fully prove what has been laid down in the premises,
for Some substance is a man is not equivalent to Every man is a sub¬
stance, which the premises have established and from which such a
conclusion should follow. Consequently, moods in the so-called fourth
figure either conclude inadequately (as in the example just cited) or are
more logically expressed in the first figure by converting the premises in
two of the moods and the conclusion in the other two.
Let us add here only that a fourth figure of the syllogism should not
be confused with the first figure when it concludes indirectly. We shall
refer to this matter of the first figure concluding indirectly at the end of
the next chapter.
Prior Analytics refers to the common form of the syllogism and not to
merely one kind of syllogism, that is, the conditional.
3. What is the proximate matter of the syllogism?
4. Is every proposition a premise? Explain.
5. Distinguish between the major and minor premise.
6. What is the major extreme; the minor extreme?
7. What is the remote matter of a syllogism?
8. What are the syllogistic terms?
9. How do we tell which is the major premise of a syllogism?
10. What is meant by the mood of a syllogism?
11. What is meant by the figure of a syllogism?
12. How are the terms of a syllogism arranged in the first figure of the
13. Construct a syllogism in the first figure, using the mood E-A-E with X
as the middle term, Y as the minor term, and Z as the major term.
14. Why is the first figure called the “perfect” figure?
15. How are the terms arranged in the second figure of the syllogism?
16. Construct a syllogism in the second figure, using the mood E-I-O, with
X as the middle term, Y as the minor term, and Z as the major term.
17. How are the terms of a syllogism arranged in the third figure?
18. Construct a syllogism in the third figure, using the mood I-A-I, with X
as the middle term, Y as the minor term, and Z as the major term.
19. How would the terms of a syllogism be arranged in a fourth figure and
what difficulties does such an arrangement of terms lead to?
20. What argument can be given for there being only three figures of the
The rules of the syllogism are based upon the fundamental prin¬
ciples of the syllogism. The rules help us to apply the fundamental
principles more easily; they help us to determine more readily what
moods are valid in the three figures of the syllogism. Actually, if we were
acute enough logically, we could determine the valid moods of the
syllogism from the principles alone, for every deductive argument is valid
in virtue of the fundamental principles. The task, however, is simplified
by these rules of the syllogism, which we shall now consider.
Every B is A.
Every D is C.
Therefore, every D is A.
Animal is genus.
Man is an animal.
Therefore, man is a genus.
This syllogism, however, also has the fallacy of four terms, although it
might seem to have only three terms. The supposition of the middle
term “animal” changes, for in the major premise, “animal” is used in
simple supposition, while in the minor premise it is used in personal
supposition. Hence, this syllogism really has four terms after all, and is
therefore invalid.
Violations of this first rule of the syllogism are practically always con¬
fined to syllogisms expressed in words. Symbols such as A, B, and C,
since they abstract from particular matter, always presuppose the same
signification and supposition. But when we argue in words, as we norm¬
ally do, then this first rule must be kept constantly in mind, for it is easy
to fall into the fallacy either of using words which are equivocal in
meaning or, as in the example given, using words which differ in sup¬
It is evident from this first rule that the middle term can never appear
in the conclusion. Since each term can appear only twice in a syllogism,
and since the middle term must appear in both premises (otherwise it
would not be a middle term), the middle term can never validly appear
in the conclusion. This point is sometimes stated as a separate rule of
the syllogism, but its connection with this first rule is close enough to
warrant its being included in it. The following syllogism is invalid
because of the presence of the middle term in the conclusion:
No murderer is a saint.
Every murderer is a criminal.
Therefore, no saint is a murderer.
This rule expresses the general point that the conclusion cannot
be stronger, that is, contain more, than the premises set forth. Conse¬
quently, any weakness in the premises has to be reflected in the con¬
clusion. The “weaker part” means: (1) a particular proposition, which
is weaker than a universal proposition; (2) a negative proposition, which
is weaker than an affirmative proposition. Hence, if one premise is uni¬
versal and the other particular, the conclusion will have to be particular.
If one premise is affirmative and the other negative, the conclusion will
have to be negative. If one premise is both particular and negative, the
conclusion will have to be both particular and negative; similarly, if one
premise is particular and the other premise negative, the conclusion will
have to be both particular and negative.
The following example violates this rule of the syllogism by drawing
an affirmative conclusion, even though true, from a negative premise:
tion. As we have been doing, we shall use the letters A, B, and C for
the syllogistic terms: A for the major term, B for the middle term, and
C for the minor term. We are therefore investigating the following mood
in the first figure:
No B is A. (E)
Every C is B. (A)
The question now is: Can we validly get a conclusion from these two
No B is A. (E)
Every C is B. (A)
Therefore? (?)
No B is A.
Every C is B.
Notice first that the major premise is negative. The fifth rule tells us
that the conclusion always follows the weaker part. We recall that the
negative proposition is weaker than the affirmative. We can, then, elim¬
inate A and I propositions as possible conclusions, since they are affirma¬
tive. This leaves E and O propositions as possible conclusions. Since
both of the premises are universal, and since we always want to prove as
much as possible, we should try an E conclusion:
No B is A.
Every C is B.
Therefore, no C is A.
No B is A.
Every C is B.
Therefore, no C is A.
Every A is B.
Every C is B.
Every A is B.
Every C is B.
Therefore, every C is A.
Here, again, we need not concern ourselves with the first rule of the
syllogism since we are using symbols, which retain the same significa¬
tion and supposition. The second rule states that any term distributed in
the conclusion must be distributed in the premises. In this syllogism, we
see that only the subject of the conclusion is distributed (for it is the
subject of a universal proposition; the predicate, being the predicate of
an affirmative proposition, is undistributed). Hence, we need to check
only the minor term C in its premise. This is also the subject of a uni¬
versal proposition, and is therefore distributed. The second rule is thus
The.third rule states that the middle term must be distributed at least
once. In the major premise, the middle term stands as the predicate of an
Every B is A.
No C is B.
Therefore, some A is not C.
Some B is A.
No C is B.
Therefore, some A is not C.
These two moods are properly called the “indirect moods” of the first
figure. No indirect mood of concluding constitutes a distinct figure, but
is simply the consequence of a particular mood in a given figure. There
are, therefore, indirect moods but not indirect figures, and only two
moods of the first figure concluding indirectly have any distinct value.
This value consists only in obtaining a conclusion that could not other¬
wise be reached directly. However, we shall consider only moods which
conclude directly in the three figures.
Finally, as we noted in the preceding chapter, the indirect mood of
the first figure is not to be confused with a so-called fourth figure. The
indirect mood of the first figure still keeps the major term as major,
the minor as minor, and the middle as middle, merely inverting the
major and minor terms in the conclusion. The so-called fourth figure, on
the contrary, confuses the very meaning of a middle term, a major term,
and a minor term.
This is an exercise for determining the valid moods of the syllogism. In this
exercise, first work out the conclusions to the combinations of premises for
Figure I. These combinations are given with the major premise at the top
and the minor premise at the bottom. The lines drawn at the bottom of the
rows of letters separate the premises from the possible conclusions that can
be obtained. Work out the combinations in the order given, that is, do A-A
first, then A-E, then A-I, and so on. If a conclusion can be validly drawn,
put the letter standing for the kind of proposition (A, E, I, or O) underneath
the combination of premises. If no conclusion can be validly drawn, leave the
space blank. Do Figure II and Figure III in the same manner, observing the
different arrangement of terms for each figure.
After the valid moods have been established for each figure, answer the
two questions asked under each figure. The answers to these questions give
the special rules of the syllogism, that is, rules that apply specifically to each
Figure I
After the valid moods have been established state what kind of proposition
(universal, particular, affirmative or negative) must always appear:
(a) as the minor premise in Figure I_
(b) as the major premise in Figure I_
Figure II
After the valid moods have been established, state what kind of proposition
must always appear:
(a) as one of the two premises in Figure II___.
(b) as the major premise in Figure II__
Figure III
After the valid moods have been established, state what kind of proposition
must always appear:
(a) as the minor premise in Figure III_
(b) as the conclusion in Figure III-
■ii V '•
1 ■
Exercise II Chapter Sixteen
1. No X is Y.
Every Z is X.
2. Every X is Y.
Some Z is X.
3. Some Y is X.
No Z is Y.
4. Every Z is Y.
Every Z is X.
5. No X is Y.
Some Z is X.
6. No X is Z.
Some Y is not Z.
7. Some Z is not X.
Every Z is Y.
8. Not every X is Y.
Some Z is X.
9. No X is Y.
Some Z is Y.
10. Every Y is X.
Every Z is X.
11. No Z is X.
Some Z is Y.
Exercise III *Hh$* Chapter Sixteen
9. All senators are citizens.
Not all men are citizens.
Therefore, not all men are senators.
Exercise IV Chapter Sixteen
2. No representative is a senator.
4. No fish is a mammal.
6. Some lawyers are trustworthy.
8. No proposition is a syllogism.
Fig. II Fig. I
No A is B. » No B is A.
Some C is B. Some C is B.
Some C is not A. Some C is not A.
Likewise, the mood in Figure III could be changed easily to the mood
in Figure I by converting the minor premise:
No animal is a stone.
Every dog is an animal.
Figure I Figure II
Figure I
A —A —A Barbara (major, minor, conclusion)
E —A —E Celarent
A —I —I Darii
E —I —0 Ferio
Figure II
E —A —E Cesare
A — E —E Camestres
E—I—O Festino
A—0 — 0 Baroco
Figure III
A —A—I Darapti
E —A —O Felapton
I —A—I Disamis
A — I — I Datisi
O —A —0 Bocardo
E —I —O Ferison
Some voters are soldiers. I
We convert the conclusion simply, and thus get the full syllogism in
the perfect mood Darii in Figure I:
All voters are citizens. A
Some Americans are not citizens. O
All voters are citizens. A
All Americans are voters. A
But notice that the conclusion All Americans are citizens contra¬
dicts the original minor premise in Baroco, Some Americans are not
citizens. The opponent, however, has admitted the truth of that premise.
He cannot contradict his own position. Hence, he cannot deny the
original conclusion in Baroco while admitting the premises. Therefore,
the original syllogism in Baroco is valid, and is shown to be so indirectly,
by the process of contradiction, through the perfect mood of Barbara.
The other imperfect moods of the syllogism can be reduced to the
perfect moods in similar ways. The process of reduction is useful chiefly
for showing the superiority of Figure I, wherein reasoning is manifested
according to perfect logical order and in the most evident manner.
1. Why is the first figure the perfect and most evident one?
2. Why were the Latin names Barbara, Celarent, and so forth, devised?
3. Explain the signification of the vowels and the consonants in the Latin
4. What does the reduction by contradiction show?
5. What is the usefulness of reducing syllogisms to the first figure?
Exercise •Hh$> Chapter Seventeen
1. Every A is B.
Some C is not B.
Therefore, some C is not A.
2. Every B is A.
Every B is C.
Therefore, some C is A.
3. Every A is B.
No C is B.
Therefore, no C is A.
4. No sinner is virtuous.
Every saint is virtuous.
Therefore, no saint is a sinner.
middle term. In the compound syllogism, there are no major, minor, and
middle terms. The compound syllogism depends, not upon a connection
of terms, but upon a connection of propositions related conditionally or
disjunctively. The categorical syllogism, in virtue of good form and
appropriate matter, demonstrates the truth of a conclusion following
from premises. The compound syllogism does not demonstrate the truth
of a conclusion, but merely shows that something follows under a condi¬
tion or qualification laid down in what stands as the major premise. The
name syllogism is therefore analogous, if not equivocal, as signifying a
categorical and a compound syllogism.
The compound or hypothetical syllogism is divided into the condi¬
tional and the disjunctive syllogism. This division is based on whether
the major premise of the compound syllogism is a conditional or a dis¬
junctive proposition; and to these two main kinds all types of compound
syllogism can be reduced.
A man walks.
It is clear that the truth of the consequent does not imply the truth of
the antecedent, for a man can move without walking. This error in
reasoning is known as the fallacy of affirming the consequent. We can
therefore formulate the following as the first rule for validly concluding a
conditional syllogism:
The above examples and remarks take care of the instances wherein
one is proceeding in a conditional syllogism by affirming. But what is the
situation if one denies rather than affirms in the minor premise, and then
denies in the conclusion? Let us consider the only two possibilities:
The first possibility turns out not to be valid, for a man’s not walking
does not entail a man’s not moving, since one may not be walking and
still moving. The second possibility is valid, for if a man does not move a
man cannot possibly walk. We thus arrive at the second rule for validly
concluding a conditional syllogism:
X is either A or B. X is either A or B.
X is B. X is not B.
Therefore, X is not A. Therefore, X is A.
ing the opposite). If the disjunction is not a strict one, the conclusion
does not necessarily follow:
It must be noted that the minor premise denies one of the two al¬
ternatives of the weak disjunction. The weak disjunctive syllogism can
be concluded validly only by denying in the minor premise and affirming
in the conclusion, precisely because a weak disjunction states that one
alternative is true, and possibly both. Hence, while denying one of two
such alternatives leads necessarily to affirming the other, the affirming of
one does not lead to a denial of the other in the conclusion. Therefore,
this way of proceeding in the weak disjunctive syllogism is invalid.
While recognizing the distinction between a disjunctive syllogism
with exclusive alternatives and one with inclusive alternatives, our point
of emphasis is the strong disjunctive syllogism, the syllogism setting
forth exclusive alternatives.
9. Either this student is intelligent or he is dishonest.
be proved, namely the conclusion, then we not only know that the other
proposition is a premise, but we also know which premise it is. In the
example—No ape is a human being, because no ape is capable of
speech—we know that the given premise is the minor premise because
the subject of the conclusion, the minor term, is repeated in the given
premise. We can now construct the missing major premise by com¬
bining the predicate of the conclusion with the middle term: Every
human being is capable of speech. Finally, we can arrange the three
propositions in their correct syllogistic order, and check for validity.
The causal premise is more often the major premise of the syllogism,
the reason being that the major premise of an argument is usually the
premise needing further discussion or proof and upon which the argu¬
ment as a whole primarily depends. However, the minor premise may also
be a causal premise in this sort of syllogism, either along with the major
premise or by itself. If both premises are causal, then the conclusion of
the major causal premise is the major premise in a third and last syl¬
logism, and the conclusion of the minor causal premise is the minor
premise in the last syllogism.
The syllogism with a causal premise is often called an epicheircma.
Here again, as with the name enthymeme, a name originally imposed
with a certain meaning by Aristotle has changed. Aristotle used epi-
cheirema to signify a dialectical syllogism, an argument proceeding from
probable premises. The reason for extending the meaning of “epi-
cheirema” to a syllogism having a causal premise may relate to the fact
that the dialectical syllogism does not have self-evident or demonstrably
true premises (thereby inviting further argumentation); consequently,
the syllogism with a causal premise, requiring an expansion of argument,
came to be called an “epicheirema.”
The Sorites
The validity of the sorites depends upon the validity of all the cat¬
egorical syllogisms from which the sorites is constructed, and hence we
have to draw the implicit conclusion of each categorical syllogism and
then use each conclusion as a minor premise of the next syllogism:
In the Goclenian sorites, only the last premise may be particular, other¬
wise the middle term would become undistributed. Further, only the
first premise, the one containing the predicate of the ultimate con¬
clusion, can be negative, otherwise one will run into a major term dis¬
tributed in the conclusion but not in its premise. These two rules are
the reverse of the rules for the Aristotelian sorites, as would be expected
since the position of the premises is reversed.
The Dilemma
Either A or B.
If A, then C.
If B, then C.
Therefore, whether A or B, C follows.
or by showing that one of the two alternatives does not lead to the same
conclusion as the other. Thus in the foregoing dilemma one might argue
that an alternative other than war or a compromise is possible. Or one
might argue that war will not result in so total a destruction as to lose
the cause; or one might argue that reaching a compromise does not
necessarily mean appeasement.
As we have indicated, the dilemma is primarily an argument of attack,
and since it is not easy to construct a wholly valid dilemma, the one
who is faced with a dilemma should always look for one of the ways by
which the dilemma may be broken. Since dilemmas mostly relate to
action and the practical order rather than to something theoretical, it is
usually not too difficult to find a way out of a dilemma. One may also
find a certain use in posing a dilemma for himself, not so as to be caught
in it but to see more clearly the consequences which would follow from
taking certain positions either theoretically or practically.
Expand the following abbreviated syllogisms. State whether they are valid or
invalid; if invalid, explain why the argument is bad or give the rule violated.
1. No X is Y; therefore, no X is Z.
7. Every intellectual is impractical, since every impractical person hesitates
to act.
10. John Jones is a reactionary, because John Jones believes in free enter¬
Exercise II Chapter Nineteen
Expand the following into explicit categorical syllogisms, and check for
3. No S is T.
Every R is S.
Every Q is R.
Every P is Q.
Therefore, no P is T.
4. Every liberal art is necessary, for every liberal art is ordered to acquiring
Logic is a liberal art.
Therefore, logic is necessary.
5. No liars are saints, because all liars are sinners. Some men are liars, be¬
cause some men say as true what they know to be false.
Therefore, some men are not saints.
Every Z is X.
Every Z is Y.
Therefore, every Y is X.
Peter, Paul, James, John, and all other individuals are mortal.
Peter, Paul, James, John, and all other individuals are all men.
Therefore, every man is mortal.
In September of this year, last year, the year before that, etc., the first frost
has occurred.
What we say of September of this year, last year, the year before that, etc.,
can be said of every September.
Therefore, every September brings the first frost.
ing the terms of induction in common syllogistic form, that is, so that
the fundamental principles of the syllogism will apply. We do this
by the simple conversion of the second premise of the inductive argu¬
Thus, the inductive argument:
Every Z is X.
Every Z is Y.
Therefore, every Y is X.
Every Z is X.
Every Y is Z.
Therefore, every Y is X.
I. Demonstration
Definition of demonstration
Kinds of demonstration
II. Dialectics
dence, and it makes no difference who or how many hold such principles.
It follows, then, that where we can have truth and certainty in the prin¬
ciples, we should employ demonstrative argumentation, and not confuse
it with dialectical argumentation. On the other hand, if we cannot have
truth and certainty in our principles, then we should not use demon¬
strative, but dialectical argumentation.
Let us now outline the doctrine of dialectical argumentation—the
general nature and method by which conclusions are deduced from
probable principles. The consideration of how dialectical argumentation
is applied in the different sciences is not our concern in logic.
A dialectical syllogism, like any other syllogism, infers a conclusion
from the connection of terms in the premises. Although the conclusion
of the dialectical syllogism is only probable, nevertheless the probable
conclusion follows necessarily, by reason of the form, from the premises.
Consider, for example, the following syllogism:
the first principles of a science, since the first principles of a science can¬
not be demonstrated. It defends the self-evidence of such principles by
meeting any attacks or objections that may be raised against the primacy
and evidence of these principles. For example, we can defend the prin¬
ciple of contradiction dialectically.
Dialectical argumentation has a particularly important application
today in the experimental physical sciences, where the inductive argu¬
ment is dialectical. The universal necessity of most statements in these
sciences is neither evident nor certain, but only probable. For example,
we do not see why atoms have to move at the speed they do, but from
several observations we construct a universal law stating that they do.
We then grant its universal application.
From the knowledge of dialectical argumentation, we derive the more
common notion of a dialectical process, whether in reasoning or in
reality. In reasoning, the process means arguing both sides of a question,
thus arriving at a resolution as to the more probable position or the one
that more closely approaches the truth. As long as the process is only an
approach to the truth, it remains dialectical.
The gradual approach to the knowledge of physical natures is also a
dialectical process. We cannot know the proper nature, principles, and
causes of many concrete things in the physical order, but we can ap¬
proach closer and closer to a real knowledge of them dialectically by
proposing theories or probable explanations, and then verifying them
through experimentation, making better theories that explain more than
the former theories, again verifying them, and so on. As with all dialec¬
tical procedure, we can approach closer to a real explanation in terms of
proper causes, but we shall never be able to achieve this unless we are
able to use demonstrative argumentation.
This notion of process toward a term has also been applied to the
real order in the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis of the Flegelians. They
employed this process to explain the unfolding of universal being into
the many particular kinds of being that now exist. The Communistic
notion of the necessity of violent revolution between classes in order to
arrive at a new social and economic order is another application of a
dialectical process. Since this process is one that will continue to be
repeated in an ever new form, it is dialectical in nature. Hence arises the
significance of the phrase “dialectical materialism” as applied to the doc¬
trine of Communism.
and hence both proceed from probabilities, not from certainties. They
proceed from common principles, not from proper principles. On all
these points, dialectic and rhetoric differ from demonstrative argu¬
Dialectic and rhetoric differ from each other in the following ways.
Dialectic is an instrument for discussion and dispute in philosophy and
in science, whereas rhetoric is an instrument for convincing people
generally. Dialectic, for the most part, is concerned with universal ques¬
tions and problems, abstracting from singular circumstances of person,
place and time. Rhetoric is especially concerned with moral and political
questions, which are often restricted to singular circumstances of person,
place, and time. Dialectic tends to use a strict and contracted form of
argumentation; rhetoric, a looser and more expansive form. Dialectic
uses reasons for proving points; rhetoric in addition involves the passions
and hence persuades rather than proves.
Rhetoric, consequently, is defined as the ability to employ, in any
given situation, the available means of persuasion. By rhetorical argu¬
ment, we seek to persuade someone on almost any subject. The
rhetorician argues by using the enthymeme and the example. The en-
thymeme is the rhetorical syllogism and is the more effective kind of
persuasion. It is an argumentation proceeding from probabilities or
signs. The enthymeme has the form of an abbreviated syllogism, that
is, a syllogism without one of its premises. When used by the rhetorician,
the enthymeme usually lacks the universality necessary for a proper
For example, we might argue that John Jones should not be elected
mayor because he has lived too short a time in the city. This is an
enthymeme arguing from the probability, omitted in the enthymeme,
that those who have lived too short a time in a city should not be elected
mayor. As we have mentioned, the enthymeme does not usually have the
universality necessary for the true syllogism, but it is intended to satisfy
only for persuasive purposes. An example of an enthymeme arguing from
a sign is, John Jones is guilty because he trembles. The condition of
trembling is taken as a sign of guilt. It is evident, from this instance, that
the rhetorical syllogism persuades rather than proves.
The argument from example is like an inductive argument. When
two statements are of the same order, but one is more familiar than the
other, the more familiar one can be used as an example to manifest
the other one. The following would be an argument of this kind. If the
United States spends 70 per cent of its peacetime budget on arms, it will
go to war, because Germany under Hitler did this and went to war. The
instance of Germany under Hitler (or France under Napoleon) serves as
a familiar example to manifest a presumed parallel situation. The argu-
Fallacies of Language
1. Fallacy of equivocation
2. Fallacy of amphiboly
4. Fallacy of accent
1. Fallacy of accident
ing in the human mind. If he then tried to argue the reliability of the
human powers of knowing from the existence of God, he would be
arguing in a circle.
This fallacy puts questions in such a way that any answer given
implies more than a simple admission. The question asked is usually a
complex one to which a simple “Yes” or “No” cannot be given. Thus,
someone might ask: “Was the impeachment of President Andrew John¬
son justifiable and constitutional?” The answer seems to be that it was
constitutional but not justifiable, and in such a case a simple answer of
“Yes” or “No” would not suffice.
Under this fallacy is included a question so worded as to place the
answerer in an unfair, if not impossible, position. The famous question
“Have you stopped beating your wife?” is an instance of this type of
fallacy. If one answers “Yes” to the question, he implies that he has
been beating his wife. If he answers “No,” he implies that he is still
beating her. This type of question is called a “leading question” and is
ruled out of court in legal debates.
Exercise I on Fallacies Chapter Twenty-Two
6. The following is an item from a newspaper lost and found column. Lost:
One umbrella by an old man with a carved, ivory head.
7. Either it is snowing or it is not snowing.
It is snowing.
Therefore, it is not snowing.
9. Every human being has two parents, four grandparents, eight great-
grandparents, sixteen great-great-grandparents, and so on. Thus, the
further back one goes the more ancestors one has, and hence more
people. From which I conclude two things: (1) the population is de¬
clining, and (2) the human race could never have begun with only two
11. A crime is an offense against the law. Without laws there would be no
crime. Therefore, it would be better for society to do away with all laws.
12. Two halves are better than three quarters. You go to a university for
three quarters. I go to a university for two halves. Therefore, I go to a
better university.
14. Congress passed the measure in record time and it was immediately
flown to the President who was fishing in Florida waters for his sig¬
15. Customer: Do you serve crabs in this restaurant?
Waitress: Yes, we serve anyone.
17. It is clear that since human beings are free agents, the free enterprise
system is the only one in conformity with human nature.
18. Brown argues that we need stricter marriage laws. How can he be in
favor of that when he is a bachelor?
19. Mrs. Smith rules Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith rules the city commission. The
city commission rules the people. Hence, Mrs. Smith rules the people.
20. My grandfather was quite a fighter. He fought with Roosevelt and his
Rough Riders; he fought with Commodore Dewey; he fought with
General Pershing. Grandpa just couldn’t get along with anybody.
21. If farmers were satisfied with federal aid and control, and they are not;
if federal finances were in as good condition as those of most school dis¬
tricts, and they are not; then federal aid and control of education might
be feasible.
23. It was reported in the newspaper that a former track star became an
editor of a religious publication and pushed its circulation from 1,000 to
35,000. His subscribers did not like the way he had done it because he
had printed pin-ups in the publication. The editor replied: “I shall con-
tinue to use pin-ups where appropriate. After all, 35,000 people can’t be
24. According to a recent report in the newspaper, the governor has declined
to participate in the coming election. Even though he was elected to his
high office as a Republican by Republican voters, he now refuses to
return the compliment by assisting in the election of a Republican mayor.
This action is an endorsement by implication of the Democratic candi¬
25. Twelve per cent of the American people feed the entire United States.
Eighty-four percent of the Russian people are needed to feed the whole
of Russia. It follows, therefore, that the remaining sixteen per cent of
the Russian people must outnumber the remaining eighty-eight per
cent of the American population.
26. Advertisement: In your hour of need, you can rest assured with the
personal, understanding service you get from Smith’s Funeral Home.
27. The difference between the capitalist and the communist may be put as
follows. The capitalist loves money above everything else. The com¬
munist loves human beings. Therefore, the capitalist locks up money
and the communist locks up human beings.
Exercise II on Fallacies Chapter Twenty-Two
Abbreviated syllogism, 219-221 Barbara, Celarent, etc., 204-206
Abstract, 1-2 Basis of division, 53-54
Accident: Begging the question, 257
as a predicable, 19-20 Being passive (category), 40
predicamental, 36
singular and universal, 31 C
Accidental conversion, 142 Capacity (species of quality), 39
Action, 40 Categorical proposition, 89-90
Affirmative proposition, 90-91 Categorical Syllogism (see Syllogism)
“All,” 108 Categorematic word, 30
Alternative proposition, 155
Categories, 27, 35-41
Alternative syllogism, 215 Cause, 69-70
Amphiboly, 254 Circular argument, 257-258
Analogous name, 29 Co-division, 53
“Analytics,” 237 Collective supposition, 108
Antecedent: Complex expression, 30
of argumentation, 168-169 Complex question, 259
of conditional proposition, 154— Composite expression, 82
of conditional syllogism, 212-
Composition and division, fallacy of.
Antepredieaments, 27-32
Compound proposition:
distinguished from categorical,
a posteriori demonstration, 241
a priori demonstration, 241
explicitly, 154-156
implicitly, 156-157
ad baculum, 257
Compound syllogism, 211-215
ad hominem, 257
ad populum, 257 Concept:
ad verecundiam, 257 as formal sign, 6-7
Argumentation: as related to word, 7-8
demonstrative, 238-242 Conditional proposition, 154-155
dialectical, 242-246 Conditional syllogism, 212-214
in general, 167-169 Consequent:
poetic, 249-250 of argumentation, 168-169
rhetorical, 219-220; 246-249 of conditional proposition, 154—
Aristotelian sorites, 223 155
63 183 00
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108 Logic. 2d ed.