tracks’ instruments
Fabien Gouyon, Perfecto Herrera
Music Technology Group, Pompeu Fabra University
{fabien.gouyon, perfecto.herrera}
We report on the progress of current work regarding the automatic recognition of percussive instruments
embedded in audio excerpts of performances on drum sets. Content-based transformation of audio drum
tracks and loops requires the identification of the instruments that are played in the sound file. Some
supervised and unsupervised techniques are examined in this paper, and classification results for a small
number of classes are discussed. In order to cope with the issue of classifying percussive events embedded in
continuous audio streams, we rely on a method based on an automatic adaptation of the analysis frame size to
the smallest metrical pulse, called the “tick”. The success rate with some of the explored techniques has been
quite good (around 80%), but some enhancements are still needed in order to be able to accurately classify
sounds in real applications’ conditions.
1 2 3 4 Total
hihat 84.516% 0.778% 14.679% 0.027% 100%
kick 3.528% 23.039% 0.208% 73.225% 100%
nothing 25.235% 0.514% 73.737% 0.514% 100%
snare 2.838% 53.957% 0.150% 43.054% 100%
Total 29.764% 21.368% 17.110% 31.758% 100%
N 7941 5701 4565 8473 26680
Number of clusters 3 4 4
Features SK, SP, SD, SC, E SK, SP, SD, SC, E SD, E
Excerpts with
76.4% 84.1% 75.9%
Results good ticks
All excerpts 67.6% 73.6% 67.1%