1. Gaseous cycle:
• The main reservoir of nutrients is the atmosphere and
• They are usually perfect- nutrients are replaced as fast as they
are utilised.
Example: nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, water cycle, oxygen
cycle etc.
2. Sedimentary cycle :
• The main reservoir is the soil and the sedimentary and other
rocks of earth’s crust.
• These are imperfect as some nutrients as some nutrients lost get
locked into sediments and are unavailable for immediate
Example: phosphorus cycle ,Sulphur cycle ,calcium cycle,
magnesium cycle, etc
Nitrogen Cycle
• Nitrogen is a constituent of amino acids, proteins, hormones, chlorophylls
and many of the vitamins.
• Nitrogen exists as 2 nitrogen atoms (N2) joined by a very strong triple
covalent bond (N ≡ N).
o By microorganisms-
Rhizobium,Cynobacteria, Azotobacter, Clostridium and
Carbon Cycle
Oxygen Cycle
• Oxygen cycle, along with the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle plays an
essential role in the existence of life on the earth. The oxygen cycle is a
biological process which helps in maintaining the oxygen level by
moving through three main spheres of the earth which are: Atmosphere,
Lithosphere, Biosphere
• Green plants during the process of photosynthesis, release oxygen back
into the atmosphere as a by-product.
• All aerobic organisms use this free oxygen for respiration.
• Animals exhale Carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere which is again
used by the plants during photosynthesis. Now oxygen is balanced within
the atmosphere.
• Photolysis –splitting of water in the presence of sunlight is the breakdown
of the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen.
Water Cycle
Phosphorus Cycle
• Unlike carbon and nitrogen, which come primarily from the atmosphere,
phosphorus occurs in large amounts as a mineral in phosphate rocks and
enters the cycle from erosion and mining activities.
• This is the nutrient considered to be the main cause of excessive growth
of rooted and freefloating microscopic plants (phytoplankton) in lakes
(leads to eutrophication).
• The main storage for phosphorus is in the earth’s crust.
• On land, phosphorus is usually found in the form of phosphates.
• Plants absorb phosphorus from the soil and incorporate it into their tissues.
Geological Uplift