Medication adherence measurement in elderly
Medication adherence measurement in elderly
Medication adherence measurement in elderly
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 9(1) 01-07 2022
A Study On Assessing Factors Associated With Medication Non-Adherence And Evaluating Medication Adherence In
in promoting medication adherence in geriatric 8 and 6-8 were considered adherent, and a
patients with chronic diseases17,18. score < 6 was considered as non-adherent in
our study.
Method The common barriers affecting medication
The study was designed as a prospective cross- non-compliance among chronic disease
section study conducted in largest patients was recorded. The terms used to
public hospital in Rayalaseema region of evaluate medication non adherence was
Andhra Pradesh i.e., SVRR government polypharmacy, forgetfulness, duration of
general hospital, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, therapy, lack of hope, psychological attitude
India, between June 2022 and December 2022. and on symptoms subsided. The subjects who
The patients who aged above 60 years and with enrolled in the study were followed up after
chronic diseases were included in the study. one month during their review visits to the
The patients who are not willing to participate hospital. Again, the MMAS-8 questioner was
in the study and having immunocompromised used to record the adherence responses
disease are not included in the study. details6,17.
Participants were randomly recruited during Data was analysed using Stata 13.0 software.
regular outpatient visits at general medicine Descriptive analysis was reported as
department. All patients were informed of the frequency, percentage and mean scores. T-test
objective of the study and gave written consent was done used to evaluate the relationship
before inclusion in the study, which was between the dependent (medication adherence
approved by the institutional ethical and literacy), and independent variables
Committee. (demographic characteristics of the
Patients were asked to complete a self- participants). Pearson correlation was used to
designed proforma that contained three parts: assess the relationship between mean baseline
history information form (socio-demographic, and follow up visit scores. All the differences
age, education, medical history, medication of estimated variables were considered
data), the MMAS-8 scale, and list of non- statistically significant if P<0.05.
compliance barriers.
Measures: A total of 275 patients aged above 60 years
MMAS-8 First, the scale was used to measure with chronic illness were recruited for our
the medication adherence among study study (178 women and 97 men). The patients’
population. The scale is composed of eight mean age (SD) was 55 (±23.934) years.
items.15 Seven items (item 1 to item 7) are Approximately 38.9% were illiterate, primary
yes/ no questions, in which a ‘‘no’’ answer education (23.2%), secondary education
received a score of 1, and a ‘‘yes’’ answer 17.09% high school, 12.4% Bachelor’s degree
received a score of 0, except for item 5, which education, 5.8% Master’s degree) and 2.5%
was reverse scored. Item 8 is measured on a PhD holders were documented in the study.
five-Responses of ‘‘never,’’ ‘‘once in a while,’’ The mean time (SD) regarding disease
‘‘sometimes,’’ ‘‘usually,’’ and ‘‘all the time’’ distribution among the patients was
were scored 1, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, and 0, hypertension was 105 (52.5 ±35.341) followed
respectively, whereas for item were scored ‘‘1’’ by diabetes mellitus 97 (48.5 ±29.797) and
for ‘‘never’’ and ‘‘0’’ for other responses. The cardiovascular diseases 73 (36.5 ±9.009).
total scores ranged from 0 to 8. Scores of 8, 6- over all socio-demographics and disease
8, and < 6 indicate high, medium, and low characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
adherence, respectively. Patients with scores of
Table 1
(n=275) (n=275) (n=275) (n=275)
Age 55 ±23.934
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences 9(1) 01-07 2022
Responses of the items of the MMAS-8 were previously into the following 3 levels of
recorded. A total score of all items was adherence: high adherence (score, 8), medium
calculated with a sum score ranging from 0 to adherence (score 6 to 8), and low adherence
8 for adherence. Frequencies, mean, median (score < 6). The study population had
and standard deviation were calculated for the 53.84%% with low adherence, 31.63%
sum scores. MMAS-8 score was calculated if medium adherence, and 14.5% high adherence
the respondent answered at least 6 of 8 items. table1.
The MMAS scores were categorised
Table 2
MMAS baseline (yes) baseline (no) follow up (yes) follow up (no) Association with
Items n=275 (%) n=275 (%) n=275 (%) n=275 (%) MMAS yes scores
(baseline vs follow-
up) p scores
Item1 198 (72%) 77 (28%) 69 (25.09%) 206 (74.90) 0.04
Item2 177 (64.36%) 98 (35.63%) 83 (30.18%) 192 (69.81%) 0.069
Item3 156 (56.72%) 119 (43.2%) 77 (28%) 198 (72%) 0.005
Item4 142 (51.63%) 133 (48.36%) 86 (31.27%) 189 (68.72%) 0.059
Item5 146 (53.09%) 129 (46.9%) 123 (44.71%) 152 (55.27%) 0.001
Item6 184 (66.9%) 91 (33.09%) 167 (60.72%) 108 (39.27%) 0.037
Item7 186 (67.63%) 89 (32.26%) 92 (33.45%) 183 (66.54%) 0.039
Item8 176 (64%) 97 (36%) 157 (57.09%) 118 (42.90%) 0.001
N= No of patients; p≤ 0.05 = significant
The individual scores were calculated for each which indicates non-compliance at baseline
item (n=8) presented in moriskey medication visit. The data obtained was corelated baseline
adherence scale. The scores were recorded with follow up were indicates statistically
both in two visits i.e., baseline & follow up significant (p≤0.05) all items except item
(patients next visit after their baseline visit). 2(p=0.069) and item 4(p=0.059) Table2.
Majority of the subjects were responded yes
A Study On Assessing Factors Associated With Medication Non-Adherence And Evaluating Medication Adherence In
The common barriers of medication non- The results in table 2 reveals that health care
compliance founded during the study are team (physician, nurse, pharmacist) involment
polypharmacy 97patients, forgetfulness in 158 in improving awareness in medication
patients, duration of therapy 146 patients, lack adherence can gives positive results. These
of hope in 95 patients, psychological attitude findings are similar to this study conducted by
in 102 patients & 133 patients reported as on witry et al9 on Pilot and Feasibility of
subside symptoms (Table 3). Combining a Medication Adherence
Intervention and Group Diabetes Education
Despite the significance of our findings, our for Patients with Type-2 Diabetes.
study has substantial drawbacks, including the
fact that it is a cross-sectional study rather than The overall medication adherence documented
a randomised clinical trial. As a result, it can in the baseline group was 38.7%, which
only provide the adherence rate for a specific climbed to 75.7% in the follow-up research. In
time period, which is problematic because the follow-up study, medication adherence
adherence rates have been shown to alter over increased by 37% compared to the baseline
time. research.