Renewable Energy and Climate Change Quaschning
Green Energy and Technology
Malti Goel
Gautam Sen Editors
Action and
Technologies Shaping the Energy
Green Energy and Technology
Climate change, environmental impact and the limited natural resources urge scien-
tific research and novel technical solutions. The monograph series Green Energy
and Technology serves as a publishing platform for scientific and technological
approaches to “green”—i.e. environmentally friendly and sustainable—technolo-
gies. While a focus lies on energy and power supply, it also covers “green” solu-
tions in industrial engineering and engineering design. Green Energy and Tech-
nology addresses researchers, advanced students, technical consultants as well as
decision makers in industries and politics. Hence, the level of presentation spans
from instructional to highly technical.
**Indexed in Scopus**.
**Indexed in Ei Compendex**.
Malti Goel · Gautam Sen
Climate Action
and Hydrogen Economy
Technologies Shaping the Energy Transition
Malti Goel Gautam Sen
Climate Change Research Institute Former Sr VP
Delhi, India Reliance Industries and Former ED, ONGC
New Delhi, India
Former Adviser
Ministry of Science & Technology
New Delhi, India
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024
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Hydrogen is being considered a versatile fuel of future as it does not emit any green-
house gas and could be transported and stored in either gaseous or liquid form.
Wider spectrum of usage supporting technologies of low-carbon transition, i.e. ‘green
hydrogen’, is indeed a practical solution replacing fossil fuels and reducing depen-
dencies on other conventional and non-conventional resources. The recent launch of
the National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM) and Niti Aayog’s report ‘Harnessing
Green Hydrogen’ released in July 2022 suggests that the demand for hydrogen could
grow more than fourfold in the country by 2050.
As a part of ongoing celebrations of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and announce-
ment of Green Hydrogen Policy in early 2022, a three-day awareness workshop on
‘Hydrogen Production and Energy Use: Towards a Net zero Strategy (ACBHPE-
2022)’ was hosted by the organizers. The workshop was aimed to discuss critical
technical issues of hydrogen production, its use, and assessments for the current state
of R&D technology considering the nation’s long-term energy future.
In the light of above-mentioned background, the book titled ‘Climate Action and
Hydrogen Economy: Technologies Shaping the Energy Transition’, Eds: Dr. Malti
Goel and Mr. Gautam Sen, contains sixteen chapters based on contributions from
vi Foreword
leading scientists and technocrats working in the subject domain and also based on
the lectures delivered in the workshop held by the Climate Change Research Institute.
The content of the book chapters attracts readers on hydrogen energy as a net zero
strategy in response to climate change. The book describes advancements in the
science and technology of hydrogen production technologies, research perspectives,
storage challenges, and energy use in different sectors of the economy. For the ease
of readers, the book has three sections with the first one dedicated for the climate
action and transition to hydrogen economy. The second section of the book talks
about hydrogen production technologies and energy uses, whereas the third section
is dedicated to sustainable hydrogen storage.
I believe that the present content of the book would be a good edition to on-going
global efforts towards this emerging branch of green energy.
The book Climate Action and Hydrogen Economy: Technologies Shaping the Energy
Transition, Eds. Malti Goel and Gautam Sen, an initiative of Climate Change
Research Institute for Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsva in the 75th year of India’s Inde-
pendence, is showcasing the advancements made in the use of hydrogen energy as a
move towards Net zero.
Energy undoubtedly is at the core of economic progress and human development.
There is a direct correlation between a country’s GDP growth and its peoples’ well-
being with the per capita energy consumed. After the first Industrial Revolution
in the mid-eighteenth century, animal and mechanical power gave way to fossil
fuel technology. Increased coal mining and, subsequently, oil and gas exploration
and exploitation became the order of the day. However, soon it became apparent
that burning of fossil fuel resources at this scale can only lead to environmental
degradation, making the planet inhabitable.
When burnt, fossil fuels produce carbon dioxide, a long-lived greenhouse gas
that has a cumulative effect causing global warming and climate change. Fluctuating
seasons, extreme weather events, swinging day-to-day temperatures, and heat waves
are household manifestations of anthropogenic climate change catastrophes. There
are predictions that nature’s fury will affect tropical countries much more. Today,
mean global temperature is already crossing 1.1 o C of the pre-industrial level. The
Paris Agreement on Climate Change 2015 targets limiting the global temperature
increase well below 2 o C suggesting efforts to curb the rise to 1.5 o C. At the current
growth rate, climate emergencies threaten the planet’s survival, and the mean global
temperature is anticipated to increase up to 2.9 o C or more by the end of the twenty-
first century. The United Nations COP27 meeting held in Sharm-El-Shiekh, Egypt,
in 2022 included the ‘Lifestyles for Environment’ mission in its implementation plan
and resolves to pursue further efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C to
achieve the Paris climate goals.
Today, the most significant challenge before humanity is managing the energy
transition and decarbonizing the energy systems by replacing fossil fuel with low
or zero-carbon emitting power. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is
the option for tackling fossil fuel energy emissions, but it is in the demonstration
viii Preface
In this context, the Climate Change Research Institute (CCRI), founded with a vision
to promote climate change education among youth, held a workshop on ‘Awareness
and Capacity Building in Hydrogen Production and Energy Use: Towards a Net zero
Strategy (ACBHPE-2022)’ on the World Environment Day 2022. The three-day
workshop aimed to examine the critical technical issues of hydrogen production, its
use, and assessments for the current state of R&D technology with the following
(i) To provide an understanding of the issues and challenges in hydrogen energy
towards a Net zero strategy.
(ii) To learn about the advancements in science and technology of hydrogen produc-
tion technologies and energy uses with particular reference to India’s Climate
Action and National Hydrogen Mission Initiative.
(iii) To put forth perspectives on the transition to hydrogen energy in the knowledge
domain and share recommendations with all concerned.
The ACBHPE-2022 workshop organized from 8–10 June 2022 in association
with the India International Centre and supported by the SERB, Government of
India was conducted in ‘hybrid mode’ gave a unique platform for students, teachers,
and researchers to share the excitement about on-going developments in hydrogen
as an energy carrier in its different facets. Out of twenty-two delegates registered, 15
Preface ix
The genesis of the book on Climate Action and Hydrogen Economy: Technologies
Shaping the Energy Transition is ACBHPE-2022 workshop. It features contributions
of leading science luminaries from different academic institutions, research labora-
tories, and industry stalwarts across the country in its sixteen chapters of particular
interest to the readers on hydrogen energy as a Net zero strategy in response to climate
change. It covers a wide range of topics related to climate action and hydrogen energy,
providing insights into hydrogen production and storage. Gender mainstreaming as
a strategy by inviting women to participate as delegates and as contributing authors
in the book has been our mainstay.
The volume addresses the fundamental issues in its three sections, namely:
Part 1 on Climate Action and Transition to Hydrogen Economy deals with climate
action, technological pathways in the hydrogen value chain, and the challenges asso-
ciated with the energy transformation in the different chapters. In addition, policy
support needed in developing a roadmap and incentives essential for implementing
strategies during the transition period to green hydrogen are deliberated. The need
for creative policy instruments, identifying choices in R&D priorities, and holistic
system-thinking approach are highlighted.
Part 2 on Hydrogen Production Technologies and Uses is about scientific and
technological advancements that are taking place globally to produce hydrogen from
its various sources and the potential of research and development (R&D) to minimize
the costs. Innovations in hydrogen production from water, biomass, liquid hydrogen
carriers and advancements made in hybrid approaches, photocatalysis, and molecular
catalysis are discussed. An exclusive chapter describes electrolyser development
using solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC). The technology potential and market
competitiveness aspects are touched upon.
Part 3 is on Sustainable Hydrogen Storage. Hydrogen in the atomic state is highly
reactive, and hydrogen in molecular form could be explosive. Therefore, it must be
stored safely and regenerated as and when required. This part covers in detail signifi-
cant developments in hydrogen storage materials, role of metal hydrides, and perspec-
tives in use of nano-frameworks. A chapter on prospects of green ammonia in the
fertilizer industry in India and associated issues is incorporated.
A list of participating institutions the is in section Contributing Institutions.
x Preface
The editors acknowledge the renowned leading authors and contributors to the
book for their intense engagement, commitment, and hard work. Our sincere
thanks are to Prof. D. P. Agrawal Chairman of the Governing Council, for
the motivation and leadership. We are deeply indebted to Shri. R. V. Shahi,
Former Secretary Ministry of Power, for his inspirational Inaugural address to
set the tone of the workshop. He highlighted the policy challenges for intro-
ducing hydrogen as a step towards a clean energy transition. Our sincere
acknowledgements are due to Padma Shree Prof. G. D. Yadav, National
Science Chair, SERB, for his enlightening Keynote address. We profusely thank
Dr. V. A. Mendhe, Principal Scientist, CMFRI, Dhanbad, for his enormous support.
We acknowledge Dr. P. D. Chavan, Principal Scientist, CMFRI; Prof. S. K. Singh,
IIT Indore; Prof. P. C. Ghosh, IIT Mumbai; Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ex-Director, NEERI;
Dr. S. Nand, ADG, Fertiliser Association of India; Prof. G. D. Sharma, Ex-Secretary,
UGC; Dr. Bipin Kumar Gupta, Chief Scientist, NPL; Prof. S. Ahmad, Ex-VC, Jamia
Hamdard; Ms. Gauri Jauhar, IHS Markit; Shri. R. Varshney, DGM NTPC; Shri. V.
S. Verma, Ex-Member, CERC; and Shri. A. K. Jain Ex-Commissioner, Delhi Devel-
opment Authority for taking part and sharing their wisdom and experience in the
workshop about the potential and R&D of hydrogen, which was an eye opener to
many delegates. Our special thanks are to Shri Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow,
TERI; Dr. Sadhana Rayalu, NEERI Nagpur; Prof. S. Basu, IIT Delhi; Prof. Arnab
Datta, IIT Mumbai; Dr. Vandana Maurya, Delhi University; and Prof. S. Dasappa,
IISC Bangalore, for their valuable and timely involvement by making a vital contri-
bution to the book. We are thankful to members of GC and EC for their unstinted
support and to the staff of CCRI for putting in immense hard work in compiling the
We express our sincere thanks and appreciation to Ms. Swati Meherishi,
Editorial Director, Applied Science and Engineering, Springer Nature. She and
her team deserve to be praised for their dynamism and constant help. Especially
Ms. Priya Vyas, Senior Editor, and Mr. Ramesh Kumaran, Project Coordinator—
Book Production, need mentions for their support and help.
We expect this book to be useful for policymakers, students, and professionals and
to serve researchers working on national hydrogen missions as a ready reference. It
is hoped that this volume would help to reshape the future research in addressing the
challenges of the hydrogen economy and making progress towards climate action.
xiv Contents
xvi Editors and Contributors
Ajay Shankar
Abstract Achieving net zero at the earliest is essential for the survival of mankind.
The latest IPCC reports make it clear that time is running out. With present trends
global warming is set to not only cross 1.5° considered essential by science, but to
go well over 4° by 2100. This would make the planet uninhabitable. The sanguine
confidence in some quarters that either the science is wrong, or, that technology
would achieve some miraculous breakthrough in carbon capture that would enable
us to continue using fossil fuels without adding to carbon emissions and global
warming is delusional. Immediate course correction for rapid decarbonization on a
massive scale is required if there is to be any hope. :
Learning objectives
• Decarbonization strategies—global and India
• Green hydrogen challenges in India
• Suggested policy actions for achieving the goal
1 Decarbonization—Global Targets
Decarbonization needs to be brought forward rather than being back ended as has
been the approach till now. The advanced economies and many other nations have set
the goal of becoming net zero by 2050. This goal needs to be brought forward to, say,
2040 with the bulk of decarbonization being undertaken over the next 10–15 years.
This is imperative. The full decarbonization of electricity is now technically feasible.
The share of renewables in electricity has crossed 46% in a large economy like
Germany. The share of variable renewable energy in Germany electricity rose from
A. Shankar (B)
The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, India
e-mail: ajay.shankar@teri.res.in
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024 3
M. Goel and G. Sen (eds.), Climate Action and Hydrogen Economy,
Green Energy and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-6237-2_1
4 A. Shankar
...in 2000 to over 45% in 2020 [1]. Using renewables with storage for decarbonizing
electricity is the way forward. The cost of renewable electricity, solar and wind is
far lower than that of electricity from any other source. The cost of storage has also
come down rapidly. The transition to carbon-free electricity is doable and affordable.
The way gas prices went up due to the conflict in Ukraine made electricity from
renewables with storage relatively cheaper and made the case for phasing out all fossil
fuel-based electricity generation that much stronger. Only the will in governments
is needed. California has set 2045 as the year for having carbon-free electricity.
President Biden in his election campaign had promised a carbon free electricity
system in America by 2035. All the advanced industrial economies could create
carbon free electricity systems by 2035 if they acted on a war footing. Civil society
and public opinion need to put pressure on their governments and give them the
political will not to yield to the power and influence of the fossil fuel industry whose
interests lie in delaying effective action as long as possible.
In parallel and to the extent it is technically feasible, economic activity needs to be
electrified. As electricity gets decarbonized, these segments of our economies would
also get decarbonized. We are already seeing substantial progress. Electric vehicles
are rapidly gaining market share. UK had decided that automobiles using fossil
fuels would not be sold after 2030 [2]. EU and California intend to have a similar
prohibition coming into effect in 2035. The Indian Railways are completing the
transition to using electricity for carrying goods and passengers. They are aiming to
become net zero by 2030 [3]. Many countries use only electricity for cooking. India
needs to encourage and incentivize the use of electricity and biogas, a renewable
source of energy, for cooking and develop a road map for doing away with the use
of LPG and natural gas for cooking. Those who use oil and gas for heating in cold
climates need to switch to using electricity instead. Governments in these countries
have been too slow and need to give this higher priority. There are parallel transitions
which should take place. First, electrification of vehicular transport, two and three
wheelers, cars, buses, trucks on the one hand and the Railways on the other. Switching
over to electricity for residential heating in cold countries and substitution of fossil
fuels by electricity in industrial processes to the extent it is technically feasible need to
happen in tandem. All these combined by rapid decarbonization of electricity should
result in the elimination of a major part of total carbon emissions in the world.
But there are large parts of the economy which cannot be electrified. There are
many industrial processes where electricity cannot replace fossil fuels. Long distance
shipping and civil aviation cannot be electrified. In all such sectors, called ‘hard to
abate sectors’, green hydrogen has emerged as a potential substitute for fossil fuels.
Green hydrogen means hydrogen produced without the use of fossil fuels. Hydrogen
cars, heavy duty trucks and trains have already been developed. Substitution in many
industrial processes seems possible. This transition is, however, at a very early stage,
and it is recognized that this needs to be accelerated for the achievement of net
zero. All the advanced industrial economies are aiming to become leaders in the new
Hydrogen Economy. Their governments are supporting their firms along with their
technical institutions to gain the lead and resultant competitive advantage. India is
Green Hydrogen Towards Net Zero 5
joining the advanced industrial economies in aiming to reach the global frontier in
this critical sunrise sector.
2 India—Decarbonization Strategies
Hydrogen made from natural gas, called grey hydrogen, has been in use in some
industrial processes. In India it has been in use in the production of ammonia for
fertilizer production. But for hydrogen to be a substitute for fossil fuels it must be
green hydrogen which must be produced without using fossil fuels. The production
of green hydrogen on industrial scale is done through electrolysis of water using
carbon-free electricity. India can use seawater along its vast coastline for producing
green hydrogen without using scarce freshwater. The carbon-free electricity can come
from renewables, renewables with storage and nuclear power. The main costs in the
production of green hydrogen are the cost of electricity and of the electrolysers. The
cost of electricity from renewables has fallen dramatically. The cost of electrolysers
is also falling with innovation triggered by competition and the expectation of huge
demand. While it is not possible to predict how much cost reduction can be achieved,
the expectation of cost reduction is not unrealistic. Hydrogen can also be made from
bio waste. As bio waste is a renewable resource, hydrogen made from it should
legitimately be considered as green hydrogen. We should do so and also try for
global acceptance of this.
India by launching its Green Hydrogen Mission is joining the advanced countries
in pursuing the production of green hydrogen and its downstream uses especially in
the hard to abate sectors [4]. This would place India on the global frontier. It would
make the transition to becoming energy independent by 2047 and becoming net zero
feasible. The National Green Hydrogen Mission reflects our confidence that we can
aim to be on the global frontier along with the advanced industrial economies in
this critical area [5]. The Mission aims at achieving India’s potential to becoming a
leading producer, user and exporter of green hydrogen. The recently released Mission
document is bold and comprehensive. It covers the whole value chain from produc-
tion to storage and transportation to all feasible downstream uses. Production of 5
MMT of green hydrogen by 2030 for domestic use along with an additional 5 MMT
for exports is envisaged. The intention is to create demand for downstream use in
manufacturing of fertilizer, steel and chemicals, and in transport in heavy duty trucks
and shipping. Financing of over Rs. 19,000 crores has been committed. It also sets
out the responsibilities of the other ministries as well as the coordination process
and the mechanism for taking decisions through the Empowered Group chaired by
the Cabinet Secretary. It accepts the need of leadership from government as well as
financial support.
6 A. Shankar
The major task would be to initiate projects for each potential downstream use. This
can be done by using any, or, a mix of the policy instruments available to government.
These instruments are as follows.
(a) Government buying green steel on a continuing basis for its building projects
though it would be more expensive. The government can absorb the higher cost
of steel whose impact on the final cost of the building would be marginal. This
would not need any upfront subsidy from the budget [6].
(b) lower GST rates-being used to promote electric vehicles.
(c) subsidy per unit of production as is being done for fertilizers, where the sale
price is fixed and the difference between this and the cost of production is given
as a subsidy to the fertilizer producing units.
(d) interest subsidy on debt,
(e) capital subsidy as has been done as Viability Gap Funding, for infrastructure
projects and
Green Hydrogen Towards Net Zero 7
(f) Production Linked Incentive (PLI) to offset the higher cost of production for
the initial few years.
Transportation and storage of hydrogen need specialized materials. The Mission
envisages blending of green hydrogen with gas in city gas distribution. But in the
long-run use of gas has to end if we are to reach net zero. Existing pipelines for gas
may be amenable with additional investment and retrofitting to become carriers for
green hydrogen. This could be a cheaper option than laying fresh pipelines. Tankers
for carrying hydrogen also need to be developed.
If with cost reduction, heavy duty trucks using green hydrogen become cost
competitive, then hydrogen filling stations would be needed on our highways. Pilot
projects undertaken now on filling stations and running hydrogen trucks would create
the capacities for the rapid installation of hydrogen filling stations on the highways.
Initial learning would create capacities for cost reduction with scale and volumes.
As the production of green hydrogen begins, ensuring that demand for downstream
uses is created to match production would be essential. In comparison with designing
a Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for a mature product in an existing
market, such as mobile phones, the task here is more complicated as domestic demand
for green hydrogen must be created. How to do so while minimizing the need for
budgetary support? Can other instruments be devised for the same outcomes? One
way would be to go in for competitive procurement, create a competitive industry
structure so that movement down the cost curve is accelerated through successive
bids enabling India to also get the full benefit of the global decline in prices that are
likely. This approach was successful in the National Solar Mission when the price
of solar power was initially about four times the price of thermal power and has now
become clearly much cheaper.
For the Hydrogen Mission, the minimum size of plants for least cost production
would need to be determined for the production of green hydrogen and its downstream
uses at the outset. The minimum economic size of a new fertilizer plant, a green
ammonia manufacturing unit and a green hydrogen producing plant would need
to be ascertained along with the cost. Then working backwards from the fertilizer
plant, supply and demand of green ammonia and green hydrogen would have to be
matched for the supply chain. Competitive bids may be invited to get the least cost
of production of green hydrogen. With this green hydrogen cost, the price of green
ammonia may be competitively determined. This input price would then become the
basis for inviting bids for production of green fertilizer. Subsidy from the budget for
each ton of green fertilizer produced may then be given to bridge the gap between the
market determined price of green fertilizer and the price fixed by government for sale
to farmers. This subsidy would naturally be far higher than the subsidy being given
per ton for normal fertilizer production. No subsidy would, however, be needed for
the intermediate stages.
Similarly, government could enter a long-term procurement contract for the entire
production of a green steel plant. As this would be one of the first green steel plants in
the world, our major steel producers should be persuaded to form a consortium and
set up the plant so that they all learn the new technology. The purchase price would
8 A. Shankar
then have to be on a cost plus basis. It would also be necessary to accept at the outset
that cost and time overruns could occur and price escalation may become necessary.
This more expensive steel may be used by government in all its own construction
projects as well as of its agencies. The impact on the final cost per square meter
would be marginal and could be easily absorbed by the budgets of the construction
projects. No direct subsidy would be needed.
After the success of the first plant in proving the technology, setting up other
plants by all the steel producers may be promoted competitively. This would hasten
movement down the cost curve [7]. At some time in the future government could
consider prohibiting the setting up of any new steel plant that uses fossil fuels.
For shipping, the supply chain up to green ammonia would be the same as for
fertilizer production. Competitive procurement of green shipping services from a
reasonable future date could be done through a long-term contract indicating the
price at which green ammonia would be supplied. This would completely de risk the
investment in building a cargo ship that would use green ammonia. The higher cost
of the shipping service can easily be absorbed by the Indian user as freight costs are
a small portion of his total cost. In this case again, subsidy would not be needed.
For the market-based competitive chemical, pharma and other industries, use of
green hydrogen could be promoted by making its cost comparable to the fuel it would
replace, and this could be done by a combination of a lower GST rate as has been
done for electric vehicles (EVs), and a direct subsidy per kg of green hydrogen used
[8]. This would also need to be done for the use of green ammonia for electricity
generation for meeting seasonal spikes in electricity demand. However, storage and
transport of hydrogen have high costs. Pilots projects with competitive procurement
would create capacities which could later be scaled up with cost reduction.
Each of these would need separate sub-missions in the concerned sectors. Difficult
decisions on the policy instruments to be used, selection of industry partners and
extent and manner of financial support to be provided would need to be taken speedily.
Policy consistency and predictability is what private partners expect. If changes are
considered necessary as they may be at times, transparent stakeholder consultations
should be undertaken beforehand.
Separate funding for sharply defined and focussed technology and product devel-
opment where improvement in performance parameters or cost reduction seems
feasible may be attempted in challenge mode with competitive consortia being
invited. The successful DARPA model for defence technology innovation of the
USA may be adapted for this Mission. This would need nimble technical leadership
and a speedy decision-making process. This is not easy.
There is a strong case for special empowerment for implementation of the
Hydrogen Mission by way of being able to choose partners on selection rather than
only through tendering were considered necessary. In these cases, funding would
also need to be decided on a case-to-case basis. It would also be essential to accept
at the outset that there is real risk of failure as well as time and cost overrun in this
frontier technology area.
Green Hydrogen Towards Net Zero 9
5 Conclusions
Our large fossil fuel companies in the public as well as the private sector need to
accept the inevitability of the energy transition. They can choose to move swiftly
and competitively into the new green energy economy, succeed and grow. They have
deep pockets and enormous technical and managerial talent. They, however, need to
get out of their comfort zone and embrace transformation with zeal and confidence.
Or they should be prepared to disappear. The choice is stark. Recent examples of
disappearance of Kodak and Blackberry are illustrative.
In the government various ministries and the empowered groups under the Chair-
manship of the Cabinet Secretary need to now look in depth at where we would like
to be at the end of the decade in downstream uses of green hydrogen, and then back-
wards on what needs to be done and how and with what fiscal support. Setting out the
complete goal of production and sector wise usage with projected supply matching
demand would be the right way to move forward. The concerned ministries need to
collectively create demand which matches the production of green hydrogen.
With creative policy instruments used with speed, flexibility and agility, we could
be at the global frontier in this decade and that too at affordable costs. The potential
for this is high due to the abundance of young talent with ambition in India.
1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544222002067
2. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-takes-historic-step-towards-net-zero-with-
3. Press Information Bureau (pib.gov.in), Indian Railways to become net zero by 2030.
4. Press Information Bureau (pib.gov.in), Cabinet approves Green Hydrogen Mission.
5. National Hydrogen Mission: Decarbonising India, Achieving Net-Zero Vision, Ministry of
New & Renewable Energy, Government of India, March 21, 2022 https://static.pib.gov.in/Wri
6. Harnessing Green Hydrogen: Opportunities for Deep Decarbonization in India, Niti Aayog,
June 2022.
7. Can Industry Decarbonize Steelmaking? Chemical & Engineering News, 2021.
8. Press Information Bureau (pib.gov.in).
3 ‘Ps’ of Hydrogen Economy in India:
Production Pathways, Policies,
and Perspectives
Malti Goel
Abstract Hydrogen production technologies are getting a new thrust with plane-
tary emergencies like climate change. It is anticipated that hydrogen electricity in the
long run may become more economical than fossil fuel-based electricity with carbon
capture and storage, leading to a move towards the hydrogen economy. A hydrogen
economy would provide long-term industrial sustainability compared to the intermit-
tent energy harnessed from renewable resources. Hydrogen, being the first element
of the Periodic Table, is the lightest and smallest, abundant in the universe, yet it is
not found as a free molecule in the atmosphere. Highly chemically reactive, it is
present in many chemicals around us, from water and hydrocarbons to polymers and
plastics and many others, including living systems like plants and animals. Which is
the best source for producing hydrogen? has been a dilemma for a long time. India, in
the 26th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Frame-
work Convention on Climate Change held in Glasgow, has committed to reducing
its GHG emissions by 45% by 2030 and to becoming carbon neutral by 2070 with
a Panchamrit action plan to achieve green transformation with accelerated climate
action. In a move towards a net zero strategy, significant steps have been taken to
promote green hydrogen development. In the 75th year of India’s independence, an
ambitious goal of making India a global hub and achieving green hydrogen produc-
tion of 5 MTPA by 2030 has been stated. This chapter gives an overview of different
sources of hydrogen, methods, and technologies of the hydrogen value chain. It
describes the policy landscape in India and the opportunity it presents for a hydrogen
economy in India.
Learning objectives:
• Natural and anthropogenic sources of hydrogen
• Technologies in the hydrogen value chain
• Policy landscape in India
• Perspectives for the hydrogen economy in India
M. Goel (B)
Climate Change Research Institute, Delhi, India
e-mail: maltigoel2008@gmail.com
Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024 11
M. Goel and G. Sen (eds.), Climate Action and Hydrogen Economy,
Green Energy and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-6237-2_2
12 M. Goel
1 Introduction
Fig. 237.—
Pod of Day-
The pupil who has acquired skill in the use of the compound
microscope may desire to make more extended excursions into the
cryptogamous orders. The following plants have been chosen as
examples in various groups. Ferns are sufficiently discussed in the
preceding chapter.
Oscillatoria.—The blue-
green coatings found on
damp soil and in water
frequently show under the
Fig. 264.—Filament of Oscillatoria, showing one microscope the presence of
dead cell where the strand will break. filamentous algæ
composed of many short
homogeneous cells (Fig. 264). If watched closely, some filaments will
be seen to wave back and forth slowly, showing a peculiar power of
movement characteristic of this plant. Multiplication is by the
breaking up of the threads. There is no true spore formation.
Fig. 270.—Nitella.
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