Microeconomics Ch 1_Introduction
Microeconomics Ch 1_Introduction
Microeconomics Ch 1_Introduction
Saba Yifredew
Department of Economics
Addis Ababa University
Email: Saba.Yifredew@aau.edu.et
1. Consumer theory
2. Theory of the firm
3. Intertemporal choice
4. Choice under uncertainty
5. Market Structure
6. Game Theory
Main references: Textbooks
1. Jehle, Geoffrey and Philip Reny, Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd edition,
• More simply put they study the impact of import tax, export tax,
production tax and consumption tax.
• Using micro level data one of their findings suggest: Corrective domestic
taxes deliver greater gains than foreign trade taxes for most economies
Lashkaripour and Lugovskyy (2023): Excerpt from
the section : Theoretical Framework
How economists do research?
• Start with an interesting question about the real world, or about
economic policy.
• Develop a mathematical model that seems suitable for the purpose, but
that is sufficiently flexible so that there are at least some value of the
model’s parameters such that the predictions of the model are not too far
from the data.
• Use data to figure out the most likely values of the parameters.
• Use the understanding of the world that you have developed in this
exercise to make predictions about how different economic policies will
affect or have affected the world.
The “big picture” of research in economics
• Before you can do economic research, you have to first learn two sets
of helpful skills.
2. The second is the set of skills needed when taking microeconomic models to
real world data.
• This course is meant to help you develop the first set of skills
referred above!!
Proof techniques
Proof techniques
• Important ideas in the economics literature are often stated in the
form of theorems.
• A theorem is simply a statement deduced from other statements.
• Theorems provide a compact and precise format for presenting the
assumptions and important conclusions of sometimes lengthy
• A proof consists of establishing the validity of the statement in the
theorem in a way that is consistent with the rules of logic.
The purpose of rules of inference
We use rules of inference to construct valid arguments.
The argument is valid IFF the truth of all premises implies the conclusion
is true. This is proofing an argument.
The Rules of Inference -
Modus Ponens
∴ ¬𝑝
∴ ¬¬𝑝
The Rules of Inference -Hypothetical Syllogism
Proof by contradiction
• In logic, proof by contradiction is a form of proof that establishes the truth or
the validity of a proposition, by showing that assuming the proposition to be false
leads to a contradiction. It is also known as indirect proof.
• Eg. Proposition: if 𝑛2 is even, then n is an even number
• Proof by contradiction
– Suppose not (i.e n is an odd number)
– n=2k+1
– Then 𝑛2 =(2k+1)*(2k+1)=4𝑘 2 +4k+1=2(2𝑘 2 +2k)+1
Let 2𝑘 2 +2k=m
→ 𝑛2 =2m+1, but 2m is always even number
→ 𝑛2 =even number +1 (which is an odd number)
→ This shows that if n is not an even number, then 𝑛2 cannot be an even number.
→ Hence, we proved that the proposition is true through proof by contradiction.
Basic concepts and Notations
Basic concepts and Notations: Set theory
• A set is any collection of elements. Sets can be defined by enumeration of
their elements, e.g., S = {2, 4, 6, 8}
• When we wish to denote membership or inclusion in a set, we use the
symbol ∈, E.g., 6 ∈ S.
• A set S is a subset of another set T if every element of S is also an element
of T. We write S ⊂ T (S is contained in T) or T ⊃ S (T contains S). If S ⊂ T,
then x ∈ S ⇒ x ∈ T.
• The set of real numbers is denoted by the special symbol ℝ and is defined
as ℝ ≡ {x | −∞ < x < ∞}.
• ℝ= ……-3,-1,0, , 1.1, 2, 2, 3, 𝜋, … …
• A set S is empty or is an empty set if it contains no elements at all.
• The empty set by the symbol ∅ and write A = ∅.
• The basic operations on sets are union and intersection. They
correspond to the logical notions of ‘or’ and ‘and’, respectively.
• For two sets S and T, we define the union of S and T as the set
S ∪ T ≡ {x | x ∈ S or x ∈ T}. We define the intersection of S and
T as the set S ∩ T ≡ {x | x ∈ S and x ∈ T}.
• The product of two sets S and T is the set of ‘ordered pairs’ in
the form (s, t), where the first element in the pair is a member
of S and the second is a member of T. The product of S and T is
• S × T ≡ {(s, t) | s ∈ S, t ∈ T}.
Cartesian plane in 2 dimensions ℝ × ℝ ≡ {(x1, x2) | x1 ∈ ℝ, x2 ∈
Basic concepts and Notations:Cartesian Plane
• The set ℝ × ℝ is sometimes called ‘two-dimensional Euclidean
space’ and is commonly denoted ℝ2 .
Basic concepts and Notations:Cartesian Plane
• In ℝ3+ , z= f(x,y)
Utility, z, depends on consumption of x and y