Speakout 3rd A2 SB OCR -trang
Speakout 3rd A2 SB OCR -trang
Speakout 3rd A2 SB OCR -trang
1B Same
GRAMMAR | present simple: he, she, it
VOCABULARY | common verb phrases
PRONUNCIATION | third person -s
common verb phrases 2 A Choose two people in your family. Work in pairs.
Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
1A Complete the phrases (1–8) with the words in the box.
1 Who are the people?
get up go have live play study teach work 2 What do they have in common?
3 re they i ere t r e h ther
1 work in a theatre/for a company/from home
A: Who are the people?
2 early/at 11/late
B: My sister and my father.
3 in a village/with friends/alone
A: What do they have in common?
4 a car/a lot of money/two sisters
B: They both play tennis.
5 Italian/hard/every day
6 out a lot/to bed late/running B Look at the photos. Which phrases (1–9) do you think
7 students/at a university/English go with Sam (S)? Which go with Andy (A)?
8 the guitar/in a band/tennis 1 small village 6 Chinese language
2 teacher 7 cooks at home
B Work in pairs. Student A: Close your book. Student B:
Say a verb from Ex 1A. Student A: Say the words that 3 tech start-up 8 restaurants
can go with it. 4 h e e 9 jazz
5 gets up early
C Work in pairs. Use the verb phrases in Ex 1A to ask
questions. ind five things that are the same for you C Read the article and check your ideas.
and your partner.
D Read the article again. Are the statements True (T)
A: Do you get up early?
or False (F)?
B: Yes, I do. I get up at seven. What about you?
1 Sam has a lot of money.
A: I get up at eight or nine.
2 Sam studies for one hour a day.
D Read the Future Skills box and do the task. 3 Sam cooks Chinese food with chicken in it.
4 Andy doesn’t go out to eat alone.
5 The brothers don’t like each other.
Learn words that go together (collocations), and write
them in groups in the same way as in Ex 1A. Think of
more phrases you can make with each verb.
present simple: he, she, it
3 A Complete the sentences. Use the article to help you.
1 Sam in a small village.
2 He also drama students.
3 He have a lot of money.
4A 1.05 | third person -s | Which -s sound do you
Identical hear? Listen and put the verbs in the correct place
in the table.
/s/ /z/ /ɪz/
After that he studies Chinese for an hour. e B Work in pairs. Student A: Think about someone you
loves languages! Sam is a vegetarian and he know (a friend, a family member or someone from
cooks at home for himself. I don’t have time work/college). Student B: Ask questions about the
to cook, I go out a lot to local restaurants with person. Use the questions in Ex 5A to help you.
friends. Sometimes Sam visits me in the city, A: OK, my person is Maria.
and we go and listen to music somewhere. The B: Do you know her well?
problem is that Sam likes a – he plays the A: Yes, she’s a good friend.
guitar in a a band – but I prefer indie concerts.
B: Does she work?
The great thing is that Sam and I are really good A: Yes, she does. She’s an engineer.
friends and we often do things together. It’s
funny when we are out together. eople see us C Work in pairs and discuss the questions. What do you
and say, ‘ ow, am I seeing double ’ I think this is have in common with the person in Ex 5B? How are
probably normal for all twins. they different from you
We both like music.