I do hereby request to withdraw my membership from Safaricom Sacco Limited w.e.f _____________________________ this being my
written notice. The reason for my withdrawal is ____________________________________________________________________________________
I am FULLY aware that according to the by-laws of Safaricom Sacco states that: A member may at any time withdraw from the society
by giving a written notice of ninety (90) days. No member will be allowed to withdraw from the Society before clearing all loan balances
if any; and thereafter the notice period, a member shall be refunded his monies within 30 days
I undertake to follow-up on the members whose loans I have guaranteed to ensure that I have been fully replaced. Otherwise, the
society will continue to hold on to my deposits until the loans guaranteed have been fully replaced.
I hereby make an application to withdraw from the Sacco and agree to conform to Safaricom Sacco by-laws and any amendment
_____________________________________ _____________________________________