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Origi nal story, e diti ng

art Di rection, writi ng,
gam e design, graph ic
design an d artwork:

Pete r Scholtz
Additional artwork:
Ye ron i m & Apte rus

We lcom e to

E n dless City
a be h e moth of Concrete an d
ste e l an d fadi ng n eon that
swallows th e cracke d,
barre n lan dscape.

A testam e nt to unch ecke d

urban sprawl, it stretch es
i nto th e waste lan d, a scar
upon a postapocalyptic

Th e city has long outgrown

its origi nal nam e, lost be h i n d
a sh roud of smog an d
rave nous am bition.

Its sprawl is so vast that

many have no i dea wh e re
E n dless City truly begi ns or
e n ds.
H igh Tech Low Li fe
Endless City's upper reaches shine Below, Endless City decays into a
with a treacherous beauty. Here, vast maze of slums known as the
m egacorporations Pit.
carve the skyline with gleaming
spires, and their territories are Here, life is defined by constant
starkly demarcated. twilight, where the exhaust of
countless hovering vehicles mingles
These corporate giants are self- with the toxic fumes of unregulated
contained empires: they mint their industry.
own laws, raise private armies, and
manufacture everything from Overpopulation is grotesque: fifteen
pharmaceuticals to cybernetic to a cramped apartment, twenty-
dreams. thousand to a towering city block.
This is a realm of gangs and black
Each megacorp is a fortress ruled markets, where drugs, black market
by elite dynasties and shadowy cyberware, and illicit dreams are
financial cartels, their power is the currency of survival.
fueled by staggering wealth and
ruthlessness. The Pit teems with desperation and
defiance. Violence is a way of life,
I llusion of Orde r and local militias rise and fall,
launching bloody raids against the
Life at society's peak is meticulously upper levels in futile acts of
curated. Luxury goods and high-tech rebellion.
e nte rtai n m e nt
veil a world of ruthless competition Cri m i nal e m pi res
and subtle corruption. Augmentations thrive here, their tendrils extending
are more than common, cyberware through the city's veins. Narco
and neural upgrades bought to barons and kingpins play puppet-
outpace rivals. master, their influence poisoning
even the halls of megacorporation
Virtual and augmented realities offer power.
an escape, conjuring pristine islands
and lavish living from the confines of For the denizens of the Pit, survival
opulent high-rises. is a daily gamble.
In Endless City, the lines between
Corrupt officials
turn a blind eye for the right price.
artificial and real blur dangerously
Money, or lack thereof, defines
thin. The very essence of
everything. Cheap knock-off VR sets
h uman ity offer fleeting respites, while
seems to teeter on the edge, and its hackers tap into the endless
distinction from machine starts to streams of corporate-sanctioned
fade away. entertainment.
Th e Fragm e nte d

M etropolis
Th e fracture d powe r
struggles with i n E n dless
City are re flecte d i n its
ve ry bon es. M egacorporate
domai ns create H igh ly
guarde d, forti fi e d borde rs,
di fficult to cross for th e
ave rage citize n.

A few sprawli ng cri m e

syn dicates ope rate with
re lative frXXdom, yet
te rritorial disputes are
brutal an d com mon.

Beyon d th e city's sprawli ng

expanse li e th e waste lan ds,
wh e re wh ispe rs te ll of
Nanomance rs i n exi le.

Th ese i n divi duals, once

human ity's saviors agai nst
th e devastati ng nano plague,
now exist as outcasts.

Rumors pe rsist of
m egacorporations de fyi ng
th e taboo, e m ployi ng those
outcasts for un knowable,
maybe n e farious, purposes.

“E nough! Ope n up your eyes an d look at th e big

picture; You’re all puppets of corrupt politicians
an d capitalists. Don’t you un de rstan d, it’s utte rly
poi ntless to fight each oth e r.”
Basics Th i ngs are th i ngs

I n Kuroi, you becom e a Cove rt ops specialist, taki ng on

i llegal jobs li ke robbe ri es, ki dnappi ngs, an d sabotage.
It's dange rous job, th e ki n d of work cli e nts want to
ke e p off th e i r records. You usually won't know th e i r
nam es. But that’s ok, because All that matte rs is
getti ng pai d.

Gam e Structure M i n iatures

Kuroi has two main parts: the This game's Heist missions ideally
Preparation Phase and the Heist use a 6x6-inch grid, 3D
Phase, each with a distinct miniatures, and terrain features
playstyle. Preparation focuses on like walls, pillars, terminals, and
storytelling and Skill usage, while barrels. However, if you don't have
the Heist transforms into a these available, you can easily
tactical miniature-based game. substitute tokens, wooden cubes,
Start by your Character creation, meeples, or standees to represent
then embark on Preparation these elements.
Missions, and finally, dive into the

You'll need at least five six-sided
dice (5D6). More is always better.
The number before the "D6" tells
you how many dice to roll (for
example, 3D6 means roll three
six-sided dice). Certain effects
allow you to reroll a die. You can’t
reroll the same die multiple times
unless the game rules or special
effects allow it.

Accessori es

You'll need a copy of your

Character Sheet, a pencil, and/or
some wooden cubes to track Skill
Points and Enemy Alertness level.

h e ist turn I’m ch i ppi ng i n…

Each turn follows th e sam e seque nce, begi n n i ng with

your Action Roll.

Action Roll
Roll 5 six-sided dice (5d6). These
dice form your Action Dice Pool
for the turn. You may reroll any
number of Action Dice twice per
turn (Yatzee style). The new
results are final.

Pe rform actions
Check your Character Sheet for a
complete list of available Actions.
Each action has a minimum Action
Die Cost, requiring you to spend at
least one die from your Action
Dice Pool.

Some actions rely on pairs of dice.

For example, Sneak Action
requires at least double to spend.
While other actions, like Move and Turn Example: I started the
Attack, gain effectiveness based turn by rolling my Action Dice
on how many dice of the same Pool and got 3, 3, 3, 2, and 5. I
result you spend. This is called an set aside the triples (3s) and
Action Rate. For example, Double: re-rolled the 5 and 2, which
Move up to 3 squares. There are came up as 4 and 5.
two important restrictions:
For the final re-roll, I chose to
• You can only use each action re-roll those two dice again,
once per turn, except for getting 6 and 4. I'm using the
Attack. This means you can triple (3s) to Move 5 squares,
make one Ranged attack and raising my Alertness by 1.
one Melee attack on your turn.
I'm using the 6 to Get Intel and
• You cannot partially use an spending the last die (4) to
action and finish it later. gather 1 more Intel.

Basic Actions
Th is chapte r cove rs all avai lable basic actions. Som e
Gear or Leve l objects may offe r additional special
actions; detai ls for th ese wi ll be provi de d i n th e
re levant sections.

Move Attack
Move your character a number of 1. Determine Attack Type:
squares based on your Move Rate:
• Melee: Can be used when
• Single: Move 1 square. adjacent to an enemy.
Increases Alertness by 1.
• Pair: Move up to 3 squares.
• Ranged: Requires Line of Fire
• Triple: Move up to 5 squares. and a Ranged Weapon. This
Action automatically raises
• Five-of-a-kind: Move Alertness to maximum. Within
anywhere on the map. 2 squares is Close Range,
This Action increases Alertness more than 4 is Long Range.
by 1. • 2. Check Line of Fire (Ranged):
Draw an imaginary line from
Sli de
the center of your square to
Single: Move you your Character the center of the target
up to 2 squares. square.

This Action increases Alertness • Partial Cover: If the line

by 2. crosses an obstacle that
doesn't fully block sight, the
Sn eak target gains +1 Armor for each
such obstacle.
Move your character a number of
squares based on your Sneak • Full Cover: If the line crosses
Rate: an obstacle that completely
blocks sight, you cannot
• Double: Move 1 square. perform a Ranged Attack.
• Quad: Move 3 squares. • Blind Spot: If you attack the
This Action not raise Alertness Enemy from behind (the
when crossing an Enemy's Line of square directly opposite their
Sight. facing), ignore their Armor.

Who's Jon es? Your Turn

3. Set the Aim Rate: Use the

following Aim Rate chart to find Actions that don't explicitly
your Aim Value (chance to hit). state they increase Alertness
do not increase it.
• Single: 5+ to hit (plus Armor).

• Double: 4+ to hit (plus Armor). Attack Example: Since my

enemy is on the opposite side
• Triple: 3+ to hit (plus Armor).
of the grid, I'm making a
• Five-of-a-kind: Instantly KO Ranged Attack instead of
the Enemy. Melee.

4. Calculate Attack Rate: Refer to My enemy has +1 Armor from

your weapon's Attack Rate (AR). their profile and +1 more from
This determines how many Attack being in Partial Cover, making
dice (D6) you roll for the attack. a total of +2 Armor.

5. Resolve Damage: Each die that I'm spending a triple from my

matches or exceeds your Aim Action Dice Pool to use Attack
Value (including the enemy's with Aim Rate to 3+.
Armor) hits the enemy for 1
After adding their Armor, the
Wound, reducing their remaining
final Aim Value I need to hit is
HP by 1.
My Assault Rifle has an Attack
Single: Gain 1 Skill Point of any Rate of 3, so I roll 3D6 Attack
Type. Limit 1 Skill Point per Type in Dice.
a single Turn.
I rolled 2, 4, and 5. Only the 5
Distraction meets the Aim Value, dealing
the enemy 1 Wound and
Single: Rotate 1 enemy 90° reducing their HP from 2 to 1.
clockwise. This Action increases
Alertness by 1. Finally, I spend 1 die from my
Action Dice Pool to Move 1
Close Range and Long Range square adjacent to another
distances can be measured enemy and use my last Action
diagonally but Movement is Die to Attack them with Melee.
always orthogonal.

Un ique Actions
You can pe rform a vari ety of un ique Actions with i n
th e gam e, offe ri ng tactical options an d strategic
advantages. Exam ples i nclude "si le nt ko" or uti lizi ng
special map objects li ke a "H eali ng Station."

I nte raction Value This Action automatically raises

Alertness to maximum.
Each of these Unique Actions has
a designated Interaction Value Si le nt Ko
UA(6+): If you are standing on an
This means you need to spend a adjacent square directly behind an
die showing that value or higher enemy at the end of a sneak (and
to execute the Special Action. only after a sneak action), you can
automatically KO them without
If you dont have a die of such rolling for an attack. In addition,
value in your Action Dice Pool, you you can spend any number of
can combine multiple dice to additional Action Dice with UA(5+)
reach the Interaction Value. to gain the same amount of Intel.

For example, to Hide a Body (4+), Get I nte l

you could combine a 2 and a 3,
resulting in a total of 5 and match UA(4+): When you are on a square
the requirement. with Intel, which is in every level.
You can spend the interaction
Here is the list of all Unique Action Die and any number of
Actions. additional dice from your Action
Dice Pool to get the same amount
H i de th e Body of Intel +1. You can only use it
UA(4+): Remove an enemy's body once per level.
from the Grid.
Use th e Object
This Action increases Alertness UA(?): Some Gear, Cyberware or
by 1. Special Objects within a Level
may feature their own Unique
Dise ngage
Actions, such as using a Stimpack
UA(5+): Move 1 square away from or interacting with a Healing
the Enemy you are currently in Station. These actions will always
melee with. You cannot end your be described within the Object’s
move adjacent to another Enemy. profile as UA(#).

Follow th e wh ite rabbit Your Turn

Character Creation: To create your character, print the Character

Sheet on the next spread. Follow the gray hint boxes for guidance
throughout the creation process. These boxes will also refer you to
some important rules as needed.
Nam e

Ale rtn ess

Details/ Write here info regarding
your Character's narrative
profile, like their physical
and psychological traits,
flaws, and motives...

Ski lls

Distribute the numbers

5, 4, 3, 2 among your
four skills. Higher
numbers mean better
savvy com bat stealth Tech skills.

Ski ll poi nts

Your maximum Skill

Points for each skill
equal its Skill Value.
You start the Heist with
maximum Skill Points.

Attack Sli de Move 2 Squares Actions

5+ to Hit (+A)
Alertness +2 C
4+ to Hit (+A) Action Roll: Roll 5d6.
3+ to Hit (+A) These are your Action
Distract Rotate 1 Enemy Dice Pool for the turn. You
KO Enemy to any direction have two chances to
Melee Attack: Alertness +1 Alertness +1 reroll any or all of these
Ranged Attack: Alert
Focus Gain 1 Skill Point
Choosing Actions: To do
and Action you must
Move 1 Square H i de th e Body UA(4+) spend a single die from
Remove KO’d Enemy your Action Dice Pool.
Move 3 Squares
Alertness +1
Move 5 Squares Action Rate Actions:
Move Anywhere Dise ngage UA(4+) Move 1 Move, Attack and Sneak
become more effective
Alertness +1 Square from Enemy in Melee
the more dice of the same
Alert result you spend.
Sn eak Move 1 Square
Si le nt Ko UA(6+) Rules* Most actions can be used
Move 3 Squares only once per turn (except
No Alert on Enemy LoS Get I nte l UA(4+) Rules* A
Equi pm e nt

Before setting up your first Heist Level, you can spend Credits to acquire Equipment from the list
below. Pay the listed Cost and mark the Equipment you bought. You cannot have more than one
Re i n force m e nts

copy of the same Equipment except those enlisted twice. Some Equipment has a Usage Value,
indicating the number of times it can be used during the Heist. You always have a Sidearm.

Weapon AR Type Ability Cost

Assault Rifle 3 Ranged None. 3
Scoped Rifle 4 Ranged +2 AR at Long Range. AR -1 at Close Range (CR). 5
Shotgun 3 Ranged +2 AR at Close Range. AR -1 at Long Range (LR). 4
Katana 4 Melee Enemy gets -1 A. 6
Experimental Gun 6 Ranged Enemy gets -2 A. Usage (3). Suffer 1 Wound when used on CR. 15
Handcannon 2 Both AR +2 at Close Range. AR -1 at Long Range. 3
Sidearm* 2 Both None. 0
SMG 3 Ranged AR +1 at Close Range. 4
Military Bow 4 Ranged Doesn't raise Alertness. 10
LMG 6 Ranged Attacking with an LMG requires spending 1 additional die. 10

Gear Ability Cost

Optical Camouflage You can use both the Sneak Action and Sneak Kill Unique Actions twice per turn. 6
Kevlar Armor Prevents 1 Wound during a Defense Roll. Usage (3). 6
Stimpack UA(3+) Heal 1 Wound. Usage (2). 2
Stimpack UA(3+) Heal 1 Wound. Usage (2). 2
Adrenaline booster UA(2+) Gain 1 Skill Point of any Type. Usage (3). 2
Adrenaline booster UA(2+) Gain 1 Skill Point of any Type. Usage (3). 2
Lucky Charm Reroll any or all of your Action Die. Usage (1). 1
Balistic Shield Prevents 1 Wound during a Defense Roll. Usage (4). 6
Acid Vial Remove KO’d Enemy. Usage (1). 2
Laser Cutter UA (4+) Pass through one impassable square. Usage (3). Alertness +1. 5

Cyberware Ability Cost

Signal Jammer UA(3+) Reduce the Reinforcement Track by 2. Usage (4). 30
Gun Akimbo You can perform Ranged Attacks twice in a single turn (2 different weapons). 30
Reflex Wires You can perform Melee Attacks twice in a single turn (2 different weapons). 30
Subdermal Armor Gain 1 Armor. 35
Brain Enhancer Gain +1 Savvy. 25
Exoskeleton Gain +1 Combat. 25
Reflex Booster Gain +1 Stealth. 25
Neural Link Gain +1 Tech. 25
Cybernetic Arm Gain +1 AR during Melee Attacks. 30
A Muscle Stabilizer Gain +1 AR during Ranged Attacks. 30

HP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S
Ale rtn ess
Ale rtn ess is a tracke r that i ncreases as you
progress th rough H e ist, escalati ng dange r.

Ale rtn ess track Their Line of Sight expands from

the front line to include all
The Alertness Track determines orthogonal lines, except for the
the alertness of the Enemies. It one directly behind them.
starts at the Unaware status.
Entering an enemy's Line of Sight For all other purposes, follow the
or discovering a KO'd Enemy body Unaware rules.
will immediately trigger the Alert.
Ale rt
After six checkboxes, it reaches In Alert status, Enemies are on
the Caution status by checking the high alert and will attack you on
seventh checkbox. Finally, by sight. Their Line of Sight is the
checking the fourteenth checkbox, same as your Line of Fire. Instead
it reaches the Alert status. In the of the Alertness Track, the game
Alert status, the Enemies switches to the Reinforcements
switches from Patrol to Engage Track (Using the Alertness Track).
mode and the Field of View and
actions of the enemies change. If you try to activate an enemy
The Alertness Track automatically who's already KO'd, you don't raise
increases by 1 at the end of each the Alertness Track, but instead,
enemy turn. It also increases by 1 you check one box on the
whenever you activate an enemy Reinforcements Track.
and they are KO.
Your actions that normally raise
Unaware the Alertness Track won't affect
In the Unaware status, guards the Reinforcements Track, nor will
follow their designated patrol it raise by 1 at the end of the level
routes. Their Line of Sight is automatically.
limited to the line directly in front
When the Reinforcements Track is
of them.
completely full (14 boxes), a
Caution random Enemy shows up at Exit
square. Then, the Reinforcement
In the Cautious status, guards Track resets and starts filling up
become more alert and will again, and this keeps happening
investigate any suspicious noises. until you exit the Level.

Ski ll poi nts
Ski ll Poi nts allow you to re roll dice or disrupt
e n e my actions.

Usage You can only spend one Skill Point

per die to reroll it. A single die
You have four basic Skills with cannot be rerolled using Skill
fixed values. You use these during Points more than once during a
Preparation Phase Missions single Action.
before the Heist. However, during
the Heist itself, those Skills
become Skill Points that you can
spend for various rerolls.

Your maximum Skill Points for a

specific Skill are always equal to
its Skill Value. You begin each
Heist with your Skill Points at
their maximum capacity. You can
replenish Skill Points during the
Heist by using the Focus action.

You can spend Skill Points to gain

following benefits relevant to your
character's skillset. Here's a
breakdown of how they can be

• Savvy: Reroll any or all dice

used in your Tactical Roll.

• Combat: Reroll any or all dice

used in your Attack Roll.

• Stealth: Reroll any or all dice

used in your Defense Roll.

• Tech: Reroll any or all Enemy

Action dice used in an Enemy's
Action Roll.

E n e m i es
Each Enemy has a unique
profile found in this chapter.

While Enemies share the

same basic Traits, their
specific values may differ.

They also may possess

Special Abilities, which vary
from one Enemy to another.

Here are the core Traits:

• Armor (A): Added to your

Aim Value during "To Hit"

• Health Points (HP): The

Enemy's vitality. Reduce
this to 0 to defeat the

• Ranged (RA) / Melee

Attack (MA): The number
of Defense Dice you roll
against the Enemy's
Ranged / Melee Weapon
Damage (DA) value.

E n e my turn
Once you have fi n ish e d all your characte r's actions,
th e E n e my Turn begi ns.

Roll Action Dice Action Ran k

Roll 5 Enemy Action Dice (5D6). There are three Initiative Pairs:
Enemy Actions are resolved in 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6. Assign these
order from the highest to the numbers to enemies during Heist
lowest die result. level setup.

I n itiative The lower number indicates a

Minor Action and the higher a
Each enemy has two Initiative
Major Action.
values called the Initiative Pair.
These numbers determine which Enemies are generally more
dice results activate that enemy. effective during their Major
Action, activated by their higher
For example, a Soldier with
Initiative number.
Initiative 3 and 4 is activated by a
roll of either 3 or 4. E n e my Status
• No Activation: If no die Patrol: Enemies move as
matches a specific Enemy's instructed by their Patrol Move
initiative, that Enemy takes no Action (Major or Minor).
Actions this turn.
Engage: Enemies switch to this
• Multiple Activations: If mode once Alerted. Their focus
multiple dice share the same becomes moving into Attack
result, the corresponding Range:
Enemy performs that many
Actions (e.g., three results of • Ranged Attack: Enemies with
'3' mean the Initiative 3 Enemy Ranged Weapons stop moving
takes three Minor Actions). as soon as they have Line of
Fire on a character, even if
• Ties: If several Enemies have they haven't used their full
the same Initiative Pair, the movement allowance.
Enemy closer to your
Character acts first. In case of • Melee Attack: Melee-focused
further ties, you choose the enemies close the distance
order. until they are adjacent to your

I'll split h is fricki ng h ead ope n! H e ist rules

Faci ng & Move m e nt • Engage Attack (Minor): The

enemy strikes using their
Enemy facing must be marked on Ranged or Melee Attack value
its miniature and is always fixed (according to the distance).
during the Heist Level setup.
Movement is always orthogonal. If • Engage Attack (Major): The
an enemy movement is obstructed enemy strikes using the their
by a barrier (Grid border, Black Ranged / Melee Attack value
squares), turn them clockwise increased by 1.
until their path is no longer
obstructed. Enemies cannot end E n e my Attack
their move on Partial Cover or
For each enemy Attack, follow
another Character's square.
these steps:
E n e my Actions
• Determine Attack Type: If the
There are several Actions an enemy has a Ranged Attack
enemy can perform: value and has Line of Fire to
your Character, they use a
• Patrol Move (Minor): Rotate Ranged Attack. If the enemy
the enemy miniature 90 lacks a Ranged Attack value
degrees clockwise. or Line of Fire is fully
obstructed, they attempt to
• Patrol Move (Major): Move the close into Melee range.
enemy 2 space forward. If the
square in front of them is • Defense Roll: To defend, roll a
obstructed, Rotate the enemy number of Defense Dice (D6)
until there is a unobstructed equal to the Enemy's Attack
square to move forward. Value (RA or MA, found in their
profile). Subtract 1 from this
• Engage Move (Minor): Move value for each Partial Cover
the enemy 2 spaces along the and Armor you have.
shortest path towards your
character, always facing your • Calculate Damage: For Each
way. Defense Die, compare it to the
weapon's Damage value (DA)
• Engage Move (Major): Move listed in the Enemy's Weapon
the enemy 3 spaces along the profile. Each Defense Die that
shortest path towards your rolls lower than that value
character, always facing your inflicts 1 Wound.

Th e H e ist
Th e H e ist is th e tactical h eart of th e gam e. It's wh e re
you put your plan i nto action, usi ng m i n iatures an d
te rrai n to create a visual story. But fi rst, you n e e d
to set up som e detai ls about th e H e ist's backgroun d.

Mai n objective 1. Corporation: This is who you're

going after. Each corporation
Your main goal during the Heist is messes with you a bit
to gather as much Intel as you differently, making your
need to be successful. Don't think enemies tougher during the
of Intel as just digital files, it Heist. Tip: For your first few
represents anything you do to games, target the OmniSense.
bring you closer to finishing the
job. This could mean stealing 2. Objective: What's the goal?
physical files, finding clues, This is mostly about the story,
sabotaging security cameras, giving your Heist a specific
uploading viruses, blackmailing flavor.
someone... you get the idea. To
successfully complete the Heist, 3. Client: This is who's paying you
you must gather 12 Intel. for the job, and they might
throw in some extra help
You can increase this number for along the way. Tip: The Triad is
a greater challenge. After exiting a good bet for newer players.
each level, you have the option to
leave the Heist, whether you have 4. Enemy: This is your main
enough Intel or not. However, if opposition during the Heist.
you leave without meeting the You can roll this each time you
Intel requirement, the Heist is set up a Level, or just once to
considered a failure. Three failed set the overall Enemy Type.
Heists will end your Character's
H e ist reward
career and your story. You start
each Heist with 5 bonus Credits. After pulling off a successful
Heist, you get Credits equal to
H e ist Setup double the amount of Intel you
To get your Heist rolling, you'll gathered. But any Gear and
need to roll four six-sided dice Weapon you used during that
(4D6). Check those rolls against Heist gets destroyed. The only
the tables on the next page to thing you take with you between
figure out some key details: Heists are those hard-earned
Credits and your Cyberware.

More h uman than h uman H e ist

D6 Corporation (Narrative) Ongoing Effect

1. OmniSense: Media and entertainment. Enemies are always Soldiers.
2. Somnus Neuralink: Neural VR interfaces. Enemies have +1 HP.
3. The Syndicate: Organized crime network. Enemies have +2 HP, +1 RA and +1 MA.
4. The Collective: Decentralized AI hivemind. Enemies have +3HP, - RA, +3 MA and double Move.
5. Arashi Tech: Hi-End militech. Enemies have +1 A, +4HP, +2 RA and +2 MA.
6. NeoSynth: Bio-aug and cybernetics. Enemies have +2 A and +5HP. Silent KO is disabled.

D6 Objective (Narrative) Examples (Narrative)

1. Physical Asset Acquisition. Experimental Tech, Rare Resources, Valuables Theft.
2. Sabotage & Disruption. Prototype Destruction, Power Outage, Manufacturing Chaos.
3. Espionage & Extraction. Rescue a Whistleblower, Hostage Situation, Plant Bug.
4. Personal Vendetta. Expose Corruption, Corporate Smackdown, The Revenge Plot.
5. Information Theft Steal Research Data, Blackmail Material, Wipe Evidence.
6. Undermine Corpo Authority Disrupt Infrastructure, Sow Dissent, Public Relations Disaster.

D6 Client (Narrative) Ongoing Effect

1. Triad: Organized crime syndicate. Increase your Skill Capacity by 1 for each Skill.
2. Rogue AI: A self-aware AI entity. +1 to Tech Skill.
3. Street Gang: A scrappy gang on the rise. +1 to Savvy Skill.
4. Rebel Faction: Freedom fighters. +1 to Sneak Skill.
5. The Nomads: Outland clans. +1 to Combat Skill.
6. Neo-Luddites: Anti-tech zealots. Enemy Special Abilities are Ignored.

D6 Enemy A HP RA MA Ranged Weapon DM Melee Weapon DM

1. Soldier +0 2 2 2 Assault Rifle 3+ Knife, Sidearm 3+
Speacial Ability: None
2. Corporate Agent +0 4 3 3 Shotgun 3+ Monowire 4+
Speacial Ability: +2 RA at Close Range.
3. Corporate Assassin +1 4 4 3 Scoped Rifle 4+ Katana 4+
Speacial Ability: +2 RA at Long Range.
4. Bio-Mutant +1 6 - 5 - - Mutations 5+
Speacial Ability: +1 Movement.
5. Cyborg +2 6 6 5 Trace Rifle 5+ Mantis Blades 4+
Speacial Ability: Immune to Silent KO. Its Line of Fire is never obstructed.
6. Mecha Enforcer +3 8 7 7 Phase Rifle 6+ Flamethrower 6+
Speacial Ability: Immune to Silent KO. It can cross the Impassable squares, destroying them.

Pre paration
Pre paration is a storyte lli ng phase wh e re you
com plete a se ri es of e ncounte rs calle d M issions.
Th ese m issions dete rm i n e how we ll-pre pare d you
wi ll be duri ng th e H e ist.

M issions The four Skills are:

During Missions, you'll face • Savvy: Your ability to, uncover

various story events and perform intel, locate rare goods, or
Skill Checks. These checks can outwit your enemies.
have positive or negative
outcomes, granting bonuses or • Combat: Your prowess in
penalties for the Heist. fighting, both with weapons
and hand-to-hand.
Before proceeding to the Heist,
you must always complete 3 • Stealth: Your ability to move
Preparation Missions, regardless unseen, hide, and pick locks.
of the outcome. Whenever you • Tech: Your knowledge of
need to declare a Mission, roll 2D6 computers, hacking, and
and consult the Mission table. repairing machines.
Reroll Missions you already did.

Each mission includes a goal, Ski ll Ch ecks

which outlines the narrative of the When attempting a Mission, roll a
mission. Consider this goal as a number of D6 equal to your Skill
crucial preparation part for the Level. Your result is the highest
upcoming heist setup. number rolled:
The table also indicates the Skill • 6: Full Success: You did your
Check required for Success, such task well. Gain a 3 Credits and
as Savvy. a Reward (Fixed).
Ski lls • 5: Partial Success: You
succeeded, but with a
Your character has four Skills. complication. Gain a Reward
Each Skill has Level, a score from (Fixed).
2 to 5.
• 4 or lower: Failure: You failed,
Higher scores mean greater do not get any reward. Suffer
proficiency in related Skill Checks. a Complication (Random 2D6).

Pre paration

2D6 Mission (Narrative) Skill Check

2. Steal some equipment from the Factory. Savvy
3. Find and hire the getaway driver with a vehicle. Savvy
4. Steal a prototype gear from the contraband smugglers. Tech
5. Hijack a military vehicle in a high security convoy. Combat
6. Pose as a official, and get into a restricted area to get Intel. Stealth
7. Stole weapons from a cargo ship at the port. Tech
8. Interrogate a target in downtown to receive the important codes. Savvy
9. Infiltrate the gang’s hideout, and stole their goods and plans. Stealth
10. Hijack a pickup truck full of experimental samples. Combat
11. Observe security at the target area. Stealth
12. Steal important data from highly guarded area. Tech

2D6 Fixed Reward (Mission Number)

2. Gain gear with a total cost of 4 or less.
3. You can leave Heist at any time.
4. Gain either an Experimental Gun or an Optical Camouflage.
5. KO all enemies in any single Level, raise the Alertness to Alert. Usage (1).
6. Your Move actions will not raise Alertness during the Heist.
7. Gain Weapons with a total cost of 4 or less.
8. You start with +3 Intel.
9. Gain 1 Savvy or 1 Tech Skill Point at the start of each of your turns.
10. Gain “Experimental Gun”.
11. You can choose the order of Levels in a Heist, including the Starting Level.
12. Gain 1 Combat or 1 Stealth Skill Point at the start of each of your turns.

2D6 Random Complication (Narrative) Effect

2. Your loyal comrade was murdered. Your Savvy Points capacity is reduced by 1.
3. A loved one was kidnapped. The minimum Intel necessary to pass a Heist is 15.
4. You was ambushed by a rival crew. You suffer 1 Wound.
5. Your hit alerted an unexpected faction You do not gain the Client benefit.
6. A corporate hunter was dispatched after you. Your Combat Points capacity is reduced by 1.
7. Unexpected reinforcements arrived. You suffer 1 Wound.
8. Your mission endangered innocent bystanders. Your Stealth Points capacity is reduced by 1.
9. An enemy from your past seeked revenge. You suffer 1 Wound.
10. Your toys critically malfunctioned. Your Tech Points capacity is reduced by 1.
11. Corp goons raided your safehouse. You loose 3 Credits.
12. Your crucial contact was arrested. You start the Heist with -1 Skill Point in each Skill.

H e ist Leve ls
At th e start of each H e ist leve l, reset Ale rtn ess to 0
an d roll 2D6 to dete rm i n e th e layout of th e n ext
leve l. You always begi n each H e ist i n th e Lobby.

Leve l structure • 'I' squares represent Intel,

your main Goal in the Heist.
Refer to the diagram on opposing
page to set up your grid. Look for Feature Objects
these specific markings:
Some maps have special objects.
• "E" marks your Entrance To see if this Level has one, start
square, where you start each by rolling a D6 twice (skip in 1st).
new level.
If you roll a 5 or 6 on either roll,
• "X" is the Exit square; reach it the level has a special object.
to leave the level and advance Next, check the "Feature Objects"
to the next. table to figure out what kind of
special object it is.
• Arrows represent squares
where you place Enemies. Once you know what it is, roll 2D6
Make sure they face the to determine its location on the
direction the arrow indicates. grid. These dice give you the
Set their Initiative Pairs in column and row coordinates. If
descending order as desired that square is already occupied,
(e.g., 5/6, 4/3, 2/1). Maintain re-roll or switch the numbers.
this descending Initiative Here are some special rules for
order for any additional two particular Feature Objects:
Enemies that appear. Do this
only if none of the established • Healing Station: UA(5+) Heal 1
Initiative Pairs are available. Wound. You can then spend
additional dice UA(5+) to heal 1
• Black squares are walls, additional wound per die
pillars, and other impassable spent.
obstacles that block Line of
Sight (LoS) and provide Full • Random Enemy: Roll to
Cover. determine a random Enemy
type and give it an Initiative
• "C" squares provide Partial number in the established
Cover. You can move through order. Face the Enemy as
Partial Cover but you can’t end closely as possible towards
your Action standing there. the Exit (orthogonally).

D6 Feature objects

1. Partial Cover 2. Full Cover 3. Healing Station

3. Another Exit 5. Another Intel 6. Random Enemy

Lobby (Starti ng) 2. Offices 3. Se rve r Room

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 X 1 X I 1 E

2 C 2 C C 2 I

3 I 3 X X 3

4 4 4

5 5 C C 5 C

6 E 6 E 6 X

4. Research Lab 5. Factory 6. Boardroom

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 I X 1 E 1 C

2 2 2 I X

3 3 C 3

4 4 4

5 C 5 5 C

6 E 6 X I 6 E

7. Parki ng Garage 8. M e dbay 9. Cafete ria

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 X I 1 I 1 X

2 2 2 C C C I

3 C 3 X 3 C C

4 C 4 C 4

5 C 5 C 5 C C

6 E 6 E 6 E

10. Tun n e ls 11. Control Room 12. Ware house

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 X 1 I 1 I

2 2 2 C

3 I 3 C 3 X

4 4 C 4

5 5 5 C

6 E 6 X E 6 E

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