Pete r Scholtz
Additional artwork:
Ye ron i m & Apte rus
We lcom e to
E n dless City
a be h e moth of Concrete an d
ste e l an d fadi ng n eon that
swallows th e cracke d,
barre n lan dscape.
M etropolis
Th e fracture d powe r
struggles with i n E n dless
City are re flecte d i n its
ve ry bon es. M egacorporate
domai ns create H igh ly
guarde d, forti fi e d borde rs,
di fficult to cross for th e
ave rage citize n.
Rumors pe rsist of
m egacorporations de fyi ng
th e taboo, e m ployi ng those
outcasts for un knowable,
maybe n e farious, purposes.
You'll need at least five six-sided
dice (5D6). More is always better.
The number before the "D6" tells
you how many dice to roll (for
example, 3D6 means roll three
six-sided dice). Certain effects
allow you to reroll a die. You can’t
reroll the same die multiple times
unless the game rules or special
effects allow it.
Accessori es
h e ist turn I’m ch i ppi ng i n…
Action Roll
Roll 5 six-sided dice (5d6). These
dice form your Action Dice Pool
for the turn. You may reroll any
number of Action Dice twice per
turn (Yatzee style). The new
results are final.
Pe rform actions
Check your Character Sheet for a
complete list of available Actions.
Each action has a minimum Action
Die Cost, requiring you to spend at
least one die from your Action
Dice Pool.
Basic Actions
Th is chapte r cove rs all avai lable basic actions. Som e
Gear or Leve l objects may offe r additional special
actions; detai ls for th ese wi ll be provi de d i n th e
re levant sections.
Move Attack
Move your character a number of 1. Determine Attack Type:
squares based on your Move Rate:
• Melee: Can be used when
• Single: Move 1 square. adjacent to an enemy.
Increases Alertness by 1.
• Pair: Move up to 3 squares.
• Ranged: Requires Line of Fire
• Triple: Move up to 5 squares. and a Ranged Weapon. This
Action automatically raises
• Five-of-a-kind: Move Alertness to maximum. Within
anywhere on the map. 2 squares is Close Range,
This Action increases Alertness more than 4 is Long Range.
by 1. • 2. Check Line of Fire (Ranged):
Draw an imaginary line from
Sli de
the center of your square to
Single: Move you your Character the center of the target
up to 2 squares. square.
Who's Jon es? Your Turn
Un ique Actions
You can pe rform a vari ety of un ique Actions with i n
th e gam e, offe ri ng tactical options an d strategic
advantages. Exam ples i nclude "si le nt ko" or uti lizi ng
special map objects li ke a "H eali ng Station."
Follow th e wh ite rabbit Your Turn
Ski lls
Before setting up your first Heist Level, you can spend Credits to acquire Equipment from the list
below. Pay the listed Cost and mark the Equipment you bought. You cannot have more than one
Re i n force m e nts
copy of the same Equipment except those enlisted twice. Some Equipment has a Usage Value,
indicating the number of times it can be used during the Heist. You always have a Sidearm.
HP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S
Ale rtn ess
Ale rtn ess is a tracke r that i ncreases as you
progress th rough H e ist, escalati ng dange r.
Ski ll poi nts
Ski ll Poi nts allow you to re roll dice or disrupt
e n e my actions.
E n e m i es
Each Enemy has a unique
profile found in this chapter.
E n e my turn
Once you have fi n ish e d all your characte r's actions,
th e E n e my Turn begi ns.
I'll split h is fricki ng h ead ope n! H e ist rules
Th e H e ist
Th e H e ist is th e tactical h eart of th e gam e. It's wh e re
you put your plan i nto action, usi ng m i n iatures an d
te rrai n to create a visual story. But fi rst, you n e e d
to set up som e detai ls about th e H e ist's backgroun d.
More h uman than h uman H e ist
Pre paration
Pre paration is a storyte lli ng phase wh e re you
com plete a se ri es of e ncounte rs calle d M issions.
Th ese m issions dete rm i n e how we ll-pre pare d you
wi ll be duri ng th e H e ist.
Pre paration
H e ist Leve ls
At th e start of each H e ist leve l, reset Ale rtn ess to 0
an d roll 2D6 to dete rm i n e th e layout of th e n ext
leve l. You always begi n each H e ist i n th e Lobby.
D6 Feature objects
2 C 2 C C 2 I
3 I 3 X X 3
4 4 4
5 5 C C 5 C
6 E 6 E 6 X
2 2 2 I X
3 3 C 3
4 4 4
5 C 5 5 C
6 E 6 X I 6 E
2 2 2 C C C I
3 C 3 X 3 C C
4 C 4 C 4
5 C 5 C 5 C C
6 E 6 E 6 E
2 2 2 C
3 I 3 C 3 X
4 4 C 4
5 5 5 C
6 E 6 X E 6 E