unit-3 PH23111
unit-3 PH23111
unit-3 PH23111
The tangent at any point of this curve gives the direction of resultant intensity at that point. All
the molecules of a material contain electrons rotating around the nucleus. These orbits are
equivalent to circulating currents. So they produce a magnetic motive force (MMF). MMF is a
force which produces the magnetic effect.
In most of the molecules, each MMF due to an individual orbit is neutralized by an opposite
one. But, in the magnetic materials like iron and steel, there are number of unneutralized orbits.
Then, the resultant axis of MMF produces a magnetic dipole.
In unmagnetized specimens, the molecular MMF axes lie along continuous closed paths.
Therefore, no external magnetic effect can be found.
In magnetic specimens, the magnetic dipoles will line up parallel with the exciting MMF. When
the exciting MMF is removed, the magnetic dipoles may remain aligned in the direction of the
external field. Thus it produces permanent magnetism.
B 0 ( H I )
(or) B 0 H (1 )
(or) 0 (1 )
(or) 0 (1 )
(or) (1 )
(or) r 1
(or) r 1
Consider an electron revolving in an orbit with radius ‘r’ moving with linear velocity ‘v’ and
produces a constant angular velocity ‘ω’. Let T be time taken for one revolution and ‘e’ be the
magnitude of charge on the electron.
Charge of electron (-e)
The current across any point in the orbit is I = (1)
Time (T)
But T (2)
Any electron revolving around orbit produces magnetic field perpendicular to its plane which
produces an orbital magnetic moment given by
0 IA (3)
e 2
But v = rω and (4)
mvr eL
= -e 0 (5)
2m 2m
where L = m v r
Equation (5) represents the expression for the magnetic moment associated with the orbital
motion of the electron.
The negative sign indicates that the orbital magnetic moment and angular momentum lie in
opposite direction.
Bohr magneton
The magnetic moment contributed by an electron with angular momentum quantum number n
= 1 is known as Bohr magneton.
We know that
According to quantum theory, orbital angular momentum is L n
nh h
(or) L since and n is the orbital angular momentum quantum number.
2 2
Substituting the above values and considering the electrons in ground state ( n = 1 )
The magnetic moment in terms of Bohr magneton is given by B
4 m
By substituting the values of h, m in the above equation, we get Bohr magnetron given by
B = 9.27 x 10-24 Am2
In an atom, every two electrons will form a pair with opposite spins. Thus the resultant spin
magnetic moment is zero. But in magnetic materials, the unpaired electrons spin magnetic
moments interacts with the adjacent atom’s to form unpaired electron spin magnetic moment
which is responsible for ferro and paramagnetic behaviour of materials. Accordingly to
Quantum theory, spin magnetic moment S = S
The mass of the nucleus is larger than that of electron by a factor of the order of 103. Hence,
nuclear spin magnetic moment is of the order of 10-3 Bohr magnetron.
When the magnetic field H is zero, the atom possess zero magnetic moment as shown in figure.
But, when the magnetic field is applied in the direction as shown in figure, the atoms acquire
an induced magnetic moment in the direction opposite to that of the magnetic field.
The strength of induced magnetic moment is proportional to the applied field and hence the
magnetisation of the material varies directly with the strength of the magnetic field.
The induced dipoles and magnetization vanish as soon as the applied magnetic field is removed.
The susceptibility of the diamagnetic material is negative. Due to this, the material is weakly
repelled in the magnetic field.
The diamagnetism is the phenomenon by which the induced magnetic moment is always in the
opposite direction of the applied magnetic field.
(1) Diamagnetic materials repel the magnetic lines of force.
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(2) There is no permanent dipole moment. Therefore magnetic effects are very small in these
(3) The magnetic susceptibility is negative and it does not depend on temperature and applied
magnetic field strength
Example: Gold, germanium and silicon.
In certain materials, each atom or molecule possesses a net permanent magnetic moment (due
to orbital and spin magnetic moments) even in the absence of an external magnetic field. The
magnetic moments are randomly oriented in the absence of an external magnetic field as shown
in figure. This makes the net magnetic moment zero and hence the magnetisation of the material
is zero.
But, when an external magnetic field is applied, the magnetic dipoles tend to align themselves
in the direction of the magnetic field as shown in figure and the material gets magnetised. This
effect is known as paramagnetism.
With an increase in temperature, increase in thermal agitation disturbs the alignment of the
magnetic moments. It tends to randomize the dipole direction thus leading to decrease in
magnetization. This indicates that the paramagnetic susceptibility decrease with increase in
temperature. It is noted that the paramagnetic susceptibility varies inversely with temperature
This is known as Curie’s law of paramagnetism. C is a constant called Curie’s constant.
The Paramagnetism is the phenomenon by which the orientations of magnetic moments are
largely dependent on temperature and applied field. If the applied magnetic energy is greater
than the thermal energy, the magnetic moment of the material is finite and large.
The paramagnetic materials attracts the magnetic lines of force.
They possess permanent dipole moment
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The value of susceptibility is positive and it depends on temperature.
The spin alignment of paramagnetic materials is like
Certain metals like iron (Fe), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni) and certain alloys exhibit high degree
of magnetisation.
These materials show the spontaneous magnetisation. i.e., they have magnetization (atomic
magnetic moments are aligned) even in the absence of an external magnetic field. This indicates
that there is a strong internal field within the material which makes the atomic magnetic
moment align with each other. This phenomenon is known as ferromagnetism.
Ferromagnetism is a phenomenon by which spontaneous magnetization occurs when T Tc and so
even in the absence of applied filed, the magnetic moments are enormous. Here Tc is the curie
temperature of the material.
All the dipoles are aligned parallel to each other due to the magnetic interaction between
the dipoles.
They have permanent dipole moment. They are strongly attracted by the magnetic field.
They exhibit magnetisation even in the absence of magnetic field.
They exhibit hysteresis (lagging of magnetization with the applied magnetic field).
On heating, they lose their magnetisation slowly.
The dipole alignment is as shown in figure
The magnetic susceptibility is very high and it depends on temperature which is given
by for (T > θ, paramagnetic; T < θ, ferromagnetic). Here C is Curie’s
3.6. Origin of ferromagnetism and exchange interaction
The ferromagnetic property is exhibited by transition elements such as iron, cobalt and nickel
at room temperature and rare earth elements like gadolinium and dysprosium.
3d orbital 4s orbital
These four unpaired electrons contribute a magnetic moment of 4μB. This arrangement shows
the parallel alignment of four unpaired electrons. The parallel alignment of dipoles in iron is
not due to the magnetic interaction. It is due to the Pauli’s exclusion principle and electrostatic
interaction energy. The Pauli’s exclusion principle and electrostatic interaction energy are
combined together and constitute a new kind of interaction known as exchange
interaction. The exchange interaction is a quantum mechanical concept. The exchange
interaction between any two atoms depends upon the interatomic separation between the two
interacting atoms and the relative spins of the two outer electrons. The exchange interaction
between any atoms is given by Eex = -Je S1 S2
Where Je is the numerical value of the exchange integral, S1 and S2 are the spin angular
momenta of the first and second electrons. The exchange integral value is negative for the
number of elements. Therefore, the exchange energy value is negative when the spin angular
momentum S1 and S2 are opposite direction. Hence antiparallel alignment of diploe is favoured.
This explains the antiparallel alignment of dipoles in antiferromagnetic materials.
In some materials like iron, cobalt and nickel the exchange integral value is positive.
The exchange energy is negative when the spin angular momentum is in the same direction.
This will produce a parallel alignment of dipoles. A plot between the exchange integral and the
ratio of the interatomic separation of the radius of 3d orbital (r/rd) is shown in figure.
Co Ni
+ Mn Fe Gd r / rd
- Cr
For the transition metals like iron, cobalt, nickel and gadolinium the exchange integral is
positive, whereas for manganese and chromium the exchange integral is negative. The positive
value of the exchange integral represents the material is ferromagnetic and the negative
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exchange integral value represents the material us antiferromagnetic. In general, if the ratio,
r/rd > 3, the material is ferromagnetic, otherwise it is antiferromagnetic.
The maximum magnetization in a ferromagnet when all the atomic magnetic moments are
aligned is called the saturation magnetization Msat.
When temperature is increased, lattice vibrations become more energetic which leads to a
disruption of the alignments of the spins. The spins cannot align perfectly with each other. The
lattice vibration may be sufficient to disorientate the spin of the atom. The ferromagnetic
behaviour disappears at a critical temperature called the Curie temperature denoted by TC. At
this temperature the thermal energy of lattice vibrations in the crystal can overcome the
potential energy of the exchange interaction and hence destroy the spin alignments. Above the
Curie temperature, the ferromagnetic materials behaves like paramagnetic.
The saturation magnetization Msat therefore decreases from its maximum value Msat (0) at
absolute zero temperature to zero at the Curie temperature. Figure shows the dependence of
Msat on the temperature when Msat is normalized to Msat (0) and temperature is the reduced
temperature, that is T / TC when T / TC =1, Msat = 0. Since at the Curie temperature, the thermal
energy kTc is sufficient to overcome the exchange energy Eex , then Eex = kTc
The Curie temperature (Tc) depends on the substance and it is well above the room temperature.
The susceptibility of ferromagnetic material is given by Curie-Weiss law:
Magnetic susceptibility
Where C is Curie constant.
The group of atomic dipoles (atoms with permanent magnetic moment) organised in tiny
bounded region in the ferromagnetic materials are called magnetic domains.
Thus, it behaves like a magnet with its own magnetic moment and axis. In a demagnetized
ferromagnetic material, the domains are randomly oriented as shown in figure. So that the
magnetization of the material as a whole is zero. The boundaries separating the domains are
called domain walls. These domain walls are analogous to the grain boundaries in a
polycrystalline material.
However, the domain walls are thicker than the grain boundaries. Like grain growth, the
domain size can also grow due to the movement of domain walls. When a magnetic field is
applied externally to a ferromagnetic material, the domains align themselves with field as
shown in figure. This results in a large net magnetization of the material.
Origin of domains
We know that according to thermodynamics, the free energy of a solid tends to reach a
minimum. It is found that the domain structure occurs in order to minimise the total energy of
ferromagnetic solid.
Magnetostatic energy or magnetic potential energy is the energy present in any ferromagnetic
material when the material produces an external field. The magnetic energy of the specimen
can be reduced by dividing the single domain into two domains as shown in figure (b). Further,
subdivision into N domains (figure c) reduces the magnetic energy to 1/N of the magnetic
energy of the material with single domain.
From the figure, it is clear that, BCC iron require much greater fields to produce magnetic
saturation in [111] direction as compared to the field required in [100] direction. Here the
difference in magnetic energy to produce magnetic saturation in an easy [100] direction and
[111] direction is called crystal anisotropic energy.
The magnetic induction B increases along the curve OA with the magnetic field H.
Beyond the point A, even if the magnetic field is increased, the magnetic induction does
not increase and it remains constant. At this point, the specimen is saturated with
magnetization.(Saturation Magnetization - Bsat)
The value of magnetic field is decreased, but the magnetic induction does not decrease
at the same rate at which it is increased. When H=0, B ≠ 0, the magnetic induction has a
definite value represented by OB and it is known as retentivity.
The applied magnetic field H is reversed and increased gradually till the point C is
reached. The magnetic induction B becomes zero at the point C and it is known as
Further increase of magnetic field H, the magnetic induction increases along CD in
the reverse direction as shown in the graph. If the magnetic field is varied backwards,
the magnetic induction follows a curve DEFA.
This will complete one cycle of magnetization. The loop ABCDEFA is called hysteresis loop.
From the above fact, it is clear that the magnetic induction B will not become zero, when the
magnetic field strength H is zero. It shows that the magnetic induction lags behind the applied
magnetic field strength.
This lagging of magnetic induction behind the applied field strength is called magnetic
When a Ferromagnetic is subjected to external field, there is an increase in the value of the
resultant magnetic moment due to
(i) The movement of domain walls
(ii) The rotation of domains
When a weak external field is applied, the domain walls are displaced slightly in the soft
direction of magnetization. This gives rise to small magnetization corresponding to the initial
portion of the hysteresis curve (OA) as shown in figure .Now, if applied field is removed, then
the domains return to its original state and it is known as “Reversible Domains”.
When a strong external field is applied, large number of domains contributes to the
magnetization and thus the magnetization increases rapidly with “H”↑
3.11. Antiferromagnetism
Antiferromagnetic materials are magnetic materials which exhibit a small positive
susceptibility of the order of 10-3 to 10-5. The variation of susceptibility with temperature shows
a peculiar pattern in these materials. The susceptibility increases with increasing temperature
and it reaches a maximum at a certain temperature called Neel temperature TN. With further
increase in temperature, the material reaches paramagnetic state. The material is
antiferromagnetic below TN. The transition temperature TN lies far below the room temperature
for most of the materials.
In the paramagnetic state, the variation of inverse susceptibility (1/χ) with temperature is linear
as shown in figure. The extrapolation of the paramagnetic line in figure to 1/χ = 0 yields a
negative θ. Therefore, the variation of susceptibility with temperature obeys modified Curie-
Weiss law.
antiferro when T > TN
T ( ) T
Where θ – paramagnetic Curie temperature
C – Curie’s constant.
In antiferromagnetism, the magnetic moments of sublattices in unit cell are equal in magnitude
but opposite in direction, so they cancel out each other. This gives net zero magnetization.
The adjacent dipoles align antiparallel and hence the net magnetic moment is zero
The antiparallel alignment of adjacent dipoles is due to exchange interaction between
The magnitude of susceptibility is small an positive
The susceptibility (χ) increases with increase in temperature upto Neel temperature
(θN), Beyond the Neel temperature, the susceptibility decreases with temperature
In antiferromagnetic materials, Neel temperature (θN) is the temperature at which
susceptibility of the material is maximum.
Example: Ferrous oxide, Manganese oxide and chromium oxide.
3.12. Ferrimagnetism
There are some magnetic materials in which the magnetic moments of two sub lattices are
opposite in direction but not exactly equal in magnitude (because of two different types of ions
in the lattices). Such crystals possess spontaneous magnetization and exhibit most of the
properties of ferromagnetic materials. This uncompensated antiferromagnetism is known as
Materials which are easy to magnetize and demagnetize are called soft magnetic materials.
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These magnetic materials do not retain the alignment of magnetic domains after the removal
of the external magnetic field.
Cast iron is sued in the structure of electricity machinery and the frame work of DC
Carbon steel has high mechanical strength and it is used in making motor of turbo
Silicon steel is used for the construction of poles of motor and dynamo and core plates
of transformer
Manganese and nickel steel is used for making cable boxes, meter cases and end rings
of turbo alternators
Permalloy is used as thin tape wrapped around the conductors of loaded submarine
Mumetal is used for making cores of transformers.
Perminar is used in armatures of motors, transformer cores, etc.,
The hard magnetic materials have low permeability and strongly repel the magnetic
They have high retentivity and coercivity
They require high magnetising force to attain magnetic saturation
They have large hysteresis loop area and large energy loss.
The value of B – H product is high.
Tungsten steel: it contains 4.5 to 6% tungsten, o.5 to 0.7% carbon and the
remaining is iron.
Carbon steel: It contains 34% cobalt, 5% chromium, 3.5 to 6% tungsten and
remaining is iron.
Alini: it contains 10 – 15% aluminium, 25-30% nickel and 65-75% iron.
Alinco: It contains 18% nickel, 10% aluminium, 5% copper, 15% cobalt and
remaining is iron.
Cunife: It contains 50% copper, 30% nickel and 20% iron
Hypernic: It contains 50% of nickel and 50% of iron.
Tungsten steel is used in making permanent magnets for dynamos and motors.
Cobalt steel is used in motors, fans and heavy duty instruments.
Alini is used in the design of portable and light weight instruments
Alnico is used for the production of permanent magnets in smaller size
Cunife is useful in producing small size magnets.
Energy product
The product of retentivity (Br) and coercivity (Hc) is known as energy product. It represents the
maximum amount of energy stored in the specimen. Therefore, for permanent magnets the
value of energy product should be very high as shown in figure.
In general memory units are the devices used to store the information in the form of bits. [8 bit
=1 byte]
Main Memory:
The memory unit of CPU is called main memory. Thus data’s are write and finally be erased
if necessary.
Auxiliary Memory:
This type of memory is also referred to as back-up storages because; it is used to store large
volume of data on permanent basis. This date can be accessed or recopied if necessary.
Eg: Magnetic tapes, Magnetic disk, Ferrite core memories and Bubble memories.
1. Magnetic Tape:
The tape is a plastic ribbon with metal oxide material coated on one side which can be
magnetized, in this information can be written and also can be read by write/read heads.
Information recorded in the tape is in the form of tiny magnetized and non-magnetized spots
on the metal oxide coating. The magnetized spot represents ‘1’ sun magnetized spot represent
‘0’ in binary code. The information can be accessed, processed, erased and can be stored again
in same area.
21 | P a g e Physics for Information science
Storage capacity is large
Easy to handle
Loss expensive
Erased and reused.
It consumes lot of time.
It is the direct access storage device made up of hard aluminum platters. This platter surface
is carefully machined for flat. This surface is coated with magnetic oxides and built in to a bar.
Similar such disks are mounted on a vertical shaft, forming a disk pack as shown in figure. The
drive mechanism drives the disc pack with the spindle. The data is written can read by the R/W
heads in the horizontal sensing arms by moving in and out between the platters with the
precaution that the R/W head doesn’t touches the surface instead, it fly over the disk surface
by a fraction of a mm.
Sensing arm
Surface of the floppy disc is divided into a number of concentric circles known as tracks where
the information is recorded. The tiny magnetic spots are used to record the logic 1 (or) 0 state.
The spot magnetized in one direction are ‘1’ state and in other direction are called ‘0’ state.
Each track has number of sectors
When the floppy is put in drive unit. When drive is operated. The floppy disc is rotated which
makes physical contact with read/write head. This magnetic material movement is controlled
by serve mechanism.
Floppy Disc:-
Metal shield
Write protect notch
Drive spindle hole
Index hole
Read/ Write slot
Figure (3)
We know that the ferrites have square hysteresis loop and low coercivity as shown in
figure. Such hysteresis is used for making core memory as a different form of magnetic
The magnetic cones of the memory are arranged in a matrix interlaced thought fine metal wires
both horizontally and vertically as shown in figure (3)
A change in the state only occurs during reinforced magnetization i.e. both the horizontal
current and vertical current pass through the core in same direction. The current passing
through one of the wires will not induce a change in the magnetization of the cores reading of
the magnetic cores is achieved using a third sense wire threaded through the core. It will pick
up an induced voltage, if the core changes state. To facilitate a fast response for a high speed
memory, soft magnets are always used in the core.
In hard disk drives, the binary data in terms of zero’s (0) an one’s (1) are stored by inducing
magnetic moment in a thin magnetic layer and GMR effect is used as the principle to read the
data in HDD. Here zero (0) represents missing transition and one (1) represents transition in
the medium.
The HD consists of recording medium madeup of thin layer of magnetic garnets grown over
the substrate. The GMR sensor, which is made up of ferrites and antiferromagnetic materials
is used as reading element. The writing element is madeup of inductive magnetic transducer.
The writing element and the GMR sensor shall be made to slide over the recording media in
the longitudinal direction as shown in figure. Hence this method is also called as longitudinal
recording. The flow of current through the GMR sensor and writing element shall be adjusted
and in turn the magnetization is sensed (or) controlled in the recording media.
Writing / Storing
1. Initially the current is passed through the writing element and a magnetic field
is induced in between the gap of the inductive magnetic transducer.
2. During writing, the amplitude of current is kept constant, and the direction of current
is reversed.
4. When the induced magnetic field is greater than the coercivity of the recording media,
then data is recorded in the form of 1.
5. Thus one (1) is stored as data in the recording medium as a magnetic transition.
7. In this way the zero’s (0’s) and one’s (1’s) are stored in the recording medium.
Read Write
GMR sensor
Reading / Retrieving
1. Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR) effect is the principle used to read / retrieve the data
from the recording medium.
2. When the GMR sensor is made to move near the recorded medium, then the resistance
of the GMR sensor varies with respect to the orientation of the magnetic moments as
3. When the layers are magnetized in parallel manner, then the resistance in the GMR
sensor is minimum and therefore maximum current flows through the sensor, which
represents the data as one (1)
4. When the layers are magnetized in antiparallel manner, then the resistance in the GMR
sensor is maximum and therefore minimum(or) almost no current flows through the
sensor, which represents the data as zero (0)
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5. Therefore with the help of the reading current, the zero’s (0’s) and one’s (1’s) can be
retrieved from the magnetic hard disk drive.
1 0 1 0 1 0
Part – A
When the atom is placed in a magnetic field, the orbital magnetic moment of the electron is
quantized. A quantum of magnetic moment of an atomic system is known as Bohr
3kT T
volume; μ0 is the permeability of free space; μm – Induced dipole moment
6. On the basis of spin how the materials are classified as dia, para, ferro, antiferro &
ferri magnetic?
Materials which does not possess any permanent dipole moment are known
as diamagnetic materials
If the permanent dipole do not interact among themselves and are align in
random direction, then those materials are paramagnetic.
If the permanent dipole are strong and align themselves in parallel, then those
materials are called diamagnetic.
If the permanent dipole are strong and align themselves antiparallel with
equal magnitude, then those materials are called antiferromagnetic
If the permanent dipole are strong and align themselves antiparallel with
unequal magnitude, then those materials are called ferrimagnetic.
Certain materials like iron, cobalt, nickel and certain alloys exhibit spontaneous
magnetization. i.e., they have amount of magnetization (atomic moments are aligned) even
in the absence of an external magnetic field. This phenomenon is called ferromagnetism.
Permanent dipoles are absent. Therefore the magnetic effects are very small
When placed inside the magnetic field, magnetic lines of forces are repelled
The magnetic material have negative susceptibility
Magnetic susceptibility is independent of applied field strength and temperature
Relative permeability is slightly less than unity
Example: Gold, Bismuth and Organic materials
Materials which are easy to magnetize and demagnetize are called soft magnetic materials
14. What are the essential differences between hard and soft magnetic materials?
1. They have large hysteresis loss They have small hysteresis loss
3. They have small values of permeability They have large values of permeability
& Susceptibility & Susceptibility
5. The coercivity & retentivity are large The coercivity & retentivity are small
6. Eg: Carbon steel, Tungsten Steel, Eg: Iron, Ferrites, Silicon Alloys
Chromium Steel.
The ratio of the intensity of magnetization produced in the sample (I) to the magnetic field
intensity which produces the magnetization (H). i.e., I
Cast iron is used in the structure of electrical machinery and frame work of DC
Carbon steel has high mechanical strength used in making motor of turbo alternators.
Materials that retain their magnetization and are difficult to demagnetize are called hard
magnetic materials.
Any materials having the magnetic interaction between any two dipoles align themselves
antiparallel to eachother are called antiferromagnetic materials.
Ferrites are modified structure of iron with no carbon atoms in which the adjacent magnetic
moment are of unequal magnitudes aligned in antiparallel direction.
It is the memory made up of a ferrite core in the form of rings used for random storage of
data ‘0’ & ‘1’ by magnetizing the ring in any of the two opposite direction.
It states the data in the form of magnetization pattern as a sequence of binary magnetization
states in the magnetic medium because the ferromagnetic material produces the magnetic
dipoles align themselves parallel to each other.
It is very costly
If data is once corrupted, there is a heavy loss of data
The fundamental reason for the response of a material to an external magnetic field is that the
atoms possess magnetic moments. That is, each atom acts like a tiny magnet. There are two
source that contribute to atomic magnetic moment.
(i) Magnetic moment due to the movement of electrons in orbits around the nucleus, i.e., due
to orbital angular momentum. This is called the orbital magnetic moment.
(ii) Magnetic moment due to spin of the electrons, i.e., due to spin angular momentum . This
is called spin magnetic moment.
(iii) in addition to the above two contribution, there is a small contribution due to spin angular
momentum of the nucleus called the nuclear magnetic moment. But the nuclear magnetic
moments are very much smaller and so their interaction of the electronic magnetic moment.
2. Explain the domain theory of ferromagnetism. Using that explain the phenomenon of
Hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials.
Weiss proposed the concept of domains in order to explain the properties of ferromagnetic
The group of atomic dipoles (atoms with permanent magnetic moment) organised in tiny
bounded region in the ferromagnetic materials are called magnetic domains.
Ferromagnetic materials contains a large number of domains. In each domain, the magnetic
moments of the atoms are aligned in same direction. Thus, the domain is a region of the
ferromagnetic material in which all the magnetic moments are aligned to produce a net
magnetic moment in one direction only.
Origin of domains
We know that according to thermodynamics, the free energy of a solid tends to reach a
minimum. It is found that the domain structure occurs in order to minimise the total energy of
ferromagnetic solid.
The magnetic induction B increases along the curve OA with the magnetic field H. Beyond
the point A, even if the magnetic field is increased, the magnetic induction does not
increase and it remains constant. At this point, the specimen is saturated with
magnetization.(Saturation Magnetization - Bsat)
The value of magnetic field is decreased, but the magnetic induction does not decrease at
the same rate at which it is increased. When H=0, B ≠ 0, the magnetic induction has a
definite value represented by OB and it is known as retentivity.
This will complete one cycle of magnetization. The loop ABCDEFA is called hysteresis loop.
From the above fact, it is clear that the magnetic induction B will not become zero, when the
magnetic field strength H is zero. It shows that the magnetic induction lags behind the applied
magnetic field strength. This lagging of magnetic induction behind the applied field strength is
called magnetic hysteresis.
Hysteresis loss
When a specimen is taken through a cycle of magnetization, then there is a loss of energy in
the form of heat. This loss of energy is known as hysteresis loss. The area of the loop represents
energy loss per cycle per unit volume of the specimen.
3. What are reversible and irreversible domains? Based on that explain the
phenomenon of hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials.
4. What are the different types of energies involved in domain theory of ferromagnetism?
To study the domain structure clearly, we must know four types of energy involved in the
process of domain growth. They are:
Exchange energy
It is energy associated with the quantum mechanical coupling that aligns the individual atomic
dipoles within a single domain. It arises from interaction of electron spins. It depends upon the
interatomic distance. Figure (a) shows a cross section through ferromagnetic crystal having a
single domain structure established by exchange energy with a saturation.
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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Magnetostatic energy
Magnetostatic energy or magnetic potential energy is the energy present in any ferromagnetic
material when the material produces an external field. The magnetic energy of the specimen
can be reduced by dividing the single domain into two domains as shown in figure (b). Further,
subdivision into N domains (figure c) reduces the magnetic energy to 1/N of the magnetic
energy of the material with single domain.
It is the energy of magnetization which is the function of crystal orientation. In the below figure
magnetization curves for iron with applied field along different crystallographic direction and
different crystal structure are shown (BCC & FCC)
From the figure, it is clear that, BCC iron require much greater fields to produce magnetic
saturation in [111] direction as compared to the field required in [100] direction. Here the
difference in magnetic energy to produce magnetic saturation in an easy [100] direction and
[111] direction is called crystal anisotropic energy.
Magnetostrictive energy
Definition The material with no The material with The material with strong
permanent dipole permanent dipole moment permanent dipole moment and
moment. The external but do not interact among interact among themselves.
field decreases the themselves. The external The external field increases a
magnetic induction magnetic field increases large magnetic induction in
present in the specimen the magnetic induction the specimen.
present in the specimen
Susceptibility It is negative and It is always positive and It is always positive and large
and its independent of small and it is inversely and depends on temperature in
temperature temperature and proportional to absolute complex manners.
dependence applied magnetic field. temperature of material
Behaviour of The magnetic lines of The magnetic lines of The magnetic lines of forces
material in forces are repelled forces are attracted are highly attracted towards
magnetic field away from the towards the centre of the centre of material. Bin >>
material. Bout > Bin material. Bin > Bout Bout
Spin on No spin (or) magnetic All spins (or) magnetic All spins (or) magnetic
magnetic moment moments are randomly moments are orderly oriented.
moment oriented
Materials which are easy to magnetize and demagnetize are called soft magnetic materials.
These magnetic materials do not retain the alignment of magnetic domains after the removal
of the external magnetic field.
Cast iron is sued in the structure of electricity machinery and the frame work of DC
Carbon steel has high mechanical strength and it is used in making motor of turbo
Silicon steel is used for the construction of poles of motor and dynamo and core plates
of transformer
Manganese and nickel steel is used for making cable boxes, meter cases and end rings
of turbo alternators
Permalloy is used as thin tape wrapped around the conductors of loaded submarine
Mumetal is used for making cores of transformers.
Perminar is used in armatures of motors, transformer cores, etc.,
Materials which retain their magnetism and are difficult to demagnetize are called hard
magnetic materials. These magnetic materials retain the alignment of the magnetic domains
permanently even after the removal of external magnetic field
The hard magnetic materials have low permeability and strongly repel the magnetic
They have high retentivity and coercivity
They require high magnetising force to attain magnetic saturation
They have large hysteresis loop area and large energy loss.
The value of B – H product is high.
Tungsten steel: it contains 4.5 to 6% tungsten, o.5 to 0.7% carbon and the remaining
is iron.
Carbon steel: It contains 34% cobalt, 5% chromium, 3.5 to 6% tungsten and remaining
is iron.
Alini: it contains 10 – 15% aluminium, 25-30% nickel and 65-75% iron.
Alinco: It contains 18% nickel, 10% aluminium, 5% copper, 15% cobalt and remaining
is iron.
Cunife: It contains 50% copper, 30% nickel and 20% iron
Hypernic: It contains 50% of nickel and 50% of iron.
Tungsten steel is used in making permanent magnets for dynamos and motors.
Cobalt steel is used in motors, fans and heavy duty instruments.
Energy product
The product of retentivity (Br) and coercivity (Hc) is known as energy product. It represents the
maximum amount of energy stored in the specimen. Therefore, for permanent magnets the
value of energy product should be very high as shown in figure.
3d orbital 4s orbital
These four unpaired electrons contribute a magnetic moment of 4μB. This arrangement shows
the parallel alignment of four unpaired electrons. The parallel alignment of dipoles in iron is
not due to the magnetic interaction. It is due to the Pauli’s exclusion principle and electrostatic
interaction energy. The Pauli’s exclusion principle and electrostatic interaction energy are
combined together and constitute a new kind of interaction known as exchange
interaction. The exchange interaction is a quantum mechanical concept. The exchange
interaction between any two atoms depends upon the interatomic separation between the two
Co Ni
+ Fe Gd
Mn r / rd
- Cr
For the transition metals like iron, cobalt, nickel and gadolinium the exchange integral is
positive, whereas for manganese and chromium the exchange integral is negative. The positive
value of the exchange integral represents the material is ferromagnetic and the negative
exchange integral value represents the material us antiferromagnetic. In general, if the ratio,
r/rd > 3, the material is ferromagnetic, otherwise it is antiferromagnetic.
In the paramagnetic state, the variation of inverse susceptibility (1/χ) with temperature is linear
as shown in figure. The extrapolation of the paramagnetic line in figure to 1/χ = 0 yields a
negative θ. Therefore, the variation of susceptibility with temperature obeys modified Curie-
Weiss law.
43 | P a g e Physics for Information science
T ( ) T when T > TN
In antiferromagnetism, the magnetic moments of sublattices in unit cell are equal in magnitude
but opposite in direction, so they cancel out each other. This gives net zero magnetization.
Any materials having the magnetic interaction between any two dipoles align themselves
antiparallel to eachother are called antiferromagnetic materials.
The adjacent dipoles align antiparallel and hence the net magnetic moment is zero
The antiparallel alignment of adjacent dipoles is due to exchange interaction between
The magnitude of susceptibility is small an positive
The susceptibility (χ) increases with increase in temperature up to Neel temperature
(θN), Beyond the Neel temperature, the susceptibility decreases with temperature
In antiferromagnetic materials, Neel temperature (θN) is the temperature at which
susceptibility of the material is maximum.
Example: Ferrous oxide, Manganese oxide and chromium oxide.
There are some magnetic materials in which the magnetic moments of two sub lattices are
opposite in direction but not exactly equal in magnitude (because of two different types of ions
in the lattices). Such crystals possess spontaneous magnetization and exhibit most of the
Substance which possess a spontaneous magnetization in which the magnetic moments of the
two sub lattice are opposite in direction but not exactly equal in magnitude are called
In general memory units are the devices used to store the information in the form of bits.
[8 bit =1 byte]. The memory units are classified as (i) Main memory (or) internal memory (ii)
Auxiliary memory (or) External memory
Main Memory:
45 | P a g e Physics for Information science
The memory unit of CPU is called main memory. Thus data’s are write and finally be erased
if necessary. Eg: EPROM, ROM, RAM etc.,
Auxiliary Memory:
This type of memory is also referred to as back-up storages because; it is used to store large
volume of data on permanent basis. This date can be accessed or recopied if necessary. Eg:
Magnetic tapes, Magnetic disk, Ferrite core memories and Bubble memories.
1. Magnetic Tape:
The tape is a plastic ribbon with metal oxide material coated on one side which can be
magnetized, in this information can be written and also can be read by write/read heads.
Information recorded in the tape is in the form of tiny magnetized and non-magnetized spots
on the metal oxide coating. The magnetized spot represents ‘1’ sun magnetized spot represent
‘0’ in binary code. The information can be accessed, processed, erased and can be stored again
in same area.
It is the direct access storage device made up of hard aluminum platters. This platter surface
is carefully machined for flat. This surface is coated with magnetic oxides and built in to a bar.
Similar such disks are mounted on a vertical shaft, forming a disk pack as shown in figure. The
drive mechanism drives the disc pack with the spindle. The data is written can read by the R/W
heads in the horizontal sensing arms by moving in and out between the platters with the
precaution that the R/W head doesn’t touches the surface instead, it fly over the disk surface
by a fraction of a mm.
Sensing arm
Floppy is made of a very thin and flexible plastic materials coated with magnetic materials.
This disc is inserted in floppy disc drive for read/write operation by the read/write head in the
disc. Size: 5.25” called mini floppy, 3.25” called micro floppy.
Surface of the floppy disc is divided into a number of concentric circles known as tracks where
the information is recorded. The tiny magnetic spots are used to record the logic 1 (or) 0 state.
The spot magnetized in one direction are ‘1’ state and in other direction are called ‘0’ state.
Each track has number of sectors
When the floppy is put in drive unit. When drive is operated. The floppy disc is rotated which
makes physical contact with read/write head. This magnetic material movement is controlled
by serve mechanism.
Floppy Disc:-
Metal shield
Write protect notch
Drive spindle hole
Index hole
Read/ Write slot
Figure (3)
Here the magnetic core consists of a ferrite core in the shape of a torrid ring as shown in figure.
We know that the ferrites have square hysteresis loop and low coercivity as shown in figure.
Such hysteresis is used for making core memory as a different form of magnetic recording.
The magnetic cones of the memory are arranged in a matrix interlaced thought fine metal wires
both horizontally and vertically as shown in figure (3). A change in the state only occurs during
reinforced magnetization i.e. both the horizontal current and vertical current pass through the
core in same direction. The current passing through one of the wires will not induce a change
in the magnetization of the cores reading of the magnetic cores is achieved using a third sense
wire threaded through the core. It will pick up an induced voltage, if the core changes state. To
facilitate a fast response for a high speed memory, soft magnets are always used in the core.
10. Describe the working of magnetic hard disc based on Giant Magneto Resistance
sensor (GMR).
In hard disk drives, the binary data in terms of zero’s (0) an one’s (1) are stored by inducing
magnetic moment in a thin magnetic layer and GMR effect is used as the principle to read the
data in HDD. Here zero (0) represents missing transition and one (1) represents transition in
the medium.
The HD consists of recording medium madeup of thin layer of magnetic garnets grown over
the substrate. The GMR sensor, which is made up of ferrites and antiferromagnetic materials
is used as reading element. The writing element is madeup of inductive magnetic transducer.
The writing element and the GMR sensor shall be made to slide over the recording media in
the longitudinal direction as shown in figure. Hence this method is also called as longitudinal
recording. The flow of current through the GMR sensor and writing element shall be adjusted
and in turn the magnetization is sensed (or) controlled in the recording media.
Writing / Storing
1. Initially the current is passed through the writing element and a magnetic field is
induced in between the gap of the inductive magnetic transducer.
2. During writing, the amplitude of current is kept constant, and the direction of current is
3. Due to reversal of current, the magnetization orientation is reversed in the recording
medium i.e., from south → North as shown in figure
4. When the induced magnetic field is greater than the coercivity of the recording media,
then data is recorded in the form of 1.
5. Thus one (1) is stored as data in the recording medium as a magnetic transition.
6. When there is no magnetic transition, then it is referred as zero (0).
7. In this way the zero’s (0’s) and one’s (1’s) are stored in the recording medium.
Read Write
GMR sensor
Reading / Retrieving
1. Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR) effect is the principle used to read / retrieve the data
from the recording medium.
2. When the GMR sensor is made to move near the recorded medium, then the resistance
of the GMR sensor varies with respect to the orientation of the magnetic moments as
3. When the layers are magnetized in parallel manner, then the resistance in the GMR
sensor is minimum and therefore maximum current flows through the sensor, which
represents the data as one (1)
4. When the layers are magnetized in antiparallel manner, then the resistance in the GMR
sensor is maximum and therefore minimum(or) almost no current flows through the
sensor, which represents the data as zero (0)
5. Therefore with the help of the reading current, the zero’s (0’s) and one’s (1’s) can be
retrieved from the magnetic hard disk drive.
49 | P a g e Physics for Information science
1 0 1 0 1 0
HDD is slower than soli state drives
Consume large power
Data may be corrupted due to thermal radiation
HDD has bulkier form factor
GMR noise ratio is high for nano size recording
Used as storage devices in cloud applications
Used in coding and signal processing units
Used in control systems, Nano electronics,
1. The magnetic field strength of copper is 106 ampere / metre. If the magnetic
susceptibility of copper is – 0.8 x 10-5, calculate the magnetic flux density and
magnetization in copper (May 2014)
Formula(s): (i) I = H
(ii) r = 1+
(iii) B = 0 r H
Calculation(s): (i) -0.8 x 10-5 x 106 = -8 Am-1
(ii) 1 - 0.8 x 10-5 = 0.999
(iii) 0.999 x 4 x 10-7 x 106 = 1.26 Wb m-2
(i) Magnetization in copper (I) = -8 Am-1
(ii) Magnetic flux density (B) = 1.26 Wbm-2
2. A magnetic field of 1800 ampere / meter produces a magnetic flux of 3 x 10-5 weber
in an iron bar of cross sectional area 0.2 cm2. Calculate magnetic permeability (May
Given data(s):
Magnetizing field (H) = 1800 Am-1
Magnetic flux () = 3 x 10-5 weber
Formula(s): B = / A
3 105
B 4
1.5 Wb/m2
0.2 10
8.33 104 Hm-1
B = 1.5 Wb/m2
= 8.33 x 10-4 Hm-1
3. The saturation magnetic induction of nickel is 0.65 Wb/m2. If the density of nickel
is 8906 kg/m3 and atomic weight is 58.7, calculate the magnetic moment of the nickel
atom in Bohr magneton (December 2016).
Given data (s):
Magnetic induction (B) = 0.65 Wb m-2
Density () = 8906 kg m-3
Atomic weight (M) = 58.7
Permeability of free space (0) = 4 x 10-7 H/m
Avagardo number (N) = 6.023 x 1026
Bohr magneton (B) = 9.27 x 10-24 Am2
Formula (s):
(i) B = n 0 m (or) m B
n 0
(ii) No. of atoms per unit volume n
5.66 1024
m 0.61 B
9.27 1024
n = 9.14 x 1028 atoms/m3
m = 0.61 B
4. A paramagnetic material has bcc structure with a cube edge of 2.5 Å. If the saturation
value of magnetization is 1.8 x 106 ampere / meter. Calculate the average
magnetization contributed per atom in Bohr magneton (December 2016).
Given data (s):
a = 2.5 Å = 2.5x 10-10m
M = 1.8 x 106 Am-1
e = 1.6 x 10-19 C
h = 6.626 x 10-34 Js
Formula (s):
No of atoms / unit volume = No. of atoms in an unit cell / volume of unit cell
Average magnetization = Magnetization / No. of atoms per unit volume
No. of atoms per unit volume = 1.28 1029 m3
(2.5 1010 )3
1.8 106
Average magnetization per atom = 1.406 1023 Am-1
1.28 1029
1.406 1023
Average magnetization per Bohr magneton = 1.52 B
9.27 1024
Average magnetization per Bohr magneton = 1.52 B.
5. Prove that r = 1+ .
When the magnetic material is kept in an external magnetic field, then the flux density can
be written as B = 0 (H+I) (1)
In the absence of magnetic field, we know that B = H (2)
Sub (1) in (2), we get
H = 0 (H+I)
(or) 0 r H = 0 (H+I) (since = 0 + r)
(or) r H = H [1 ]
(or) r = 1+
Hence proved.