Parallelizing/optimizing a program
What part(s) should be parallelized/optimized?
• Measure times of parts to decide
• When optimizing (after parallelizing), can measure times
of GPU activities quickly:
• nvprof --print-gpu-trace ./a.out
1. Analyze
chỗ nào cần song2 hóa • Each loop will create a
new version based on
previous versions
• We should go step by
song2 hóa như thế nào
step, from sequential to
parallel, from parallel to
4. Evaluate 2. Design optimized parallel
How to parallelize/optimize?
Does the idea work?
If not, do you know
why? 3. Implement
Parallelizing/optimizing a program
What part(s) should be parallelized/optimized?
• Measure times of parts to decide
• When optimizing (after parallelizing), can measure times
of GPU activities quickly:
• nvprof --print-gpu-trace ./a.out
Some advices:
• Keep the mind still
• Keep the code clean
• Code fast or slow?
4. Evaluate 2. Design • Use a good editor and learn
how to use it efficiently
How to parallelize/optimize?
Does the idea work?
If not, do you know
why? 3. Implement
General optimization guidelines
Expose enough independent tasks to utilize
GPU hardware resources
Expose enough blocks to utilize SMs
In each SM, expose enough independent instructions
(coming from the same warp, or from different warps)
to utilize execution pipelines, hide latency
Access DRAM efficiently
Don’t let threads in the same warp access scattered
addresses in DRAM
Use SMEM to reduce DRAM accesses, as well as to
access DRAM efficiently
Reduce warp divergence
Final project - Contents of Colab notebook
1. Application description
What is your chosen application?
đưa ví dụ vào (ảnh) input gì output là gì
Input? Output?
Use cases?
Does it need to speed up?
Final project - Contents of Colab notebook
2. Sequential implementation
Design: Describe steps to go from input to output
(don’t show code) chi tiết nhất có thể
Describe your experiment setup testing trên bộ gì, train/test bnh, sài GPU gì
Final project - Contents of Colab notebook
Final project - Contents of Colab notebook
Final project - Contents of Colab notebook
5. Reflection
Each member: What difficulties have you encountered?
Each member: What have you learned?
Your team: If you had more time, what would you do?
Final project - Contents of Colab notebook
6. References
To finish this project, what materials have you
Final project - Code files
Final project - Teamwork
Final project - Submission & presentation
x = presentation day
x will be one day from xxx to xxx (I will decide and let you
know later)
Before 23:55 day x-1: upload your team’s project to a link in
Moodle, include:
Team plan file and work distribution
Colab notebook file
All source code file and an instruction file on how to set up and run
your project
A presentation video about 15-20min. Upload on YouTube with
Unlisted option
Day x: present offline in classroom (use Colab notebook file
to present, no need to prepare slides)
Each team will have ~15 minutes to present (each member will
present ~1/2 contents, and I will decide who will present which)
and ~10 minute to Q & A
Thank you