Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania,
3401 Walnut St., Suite 400A, Philadelphia PA 19104 (address for correspondence)
Baltimore MD 21218
In press, Language Acquisition
1. Introduction
implicature (SI):
Even though some is semantically compatible with all, it is used in (1) to communicate ‘some
but not all’. According to the traditional Gricean account of such examples, given that B
could have used a more informative term (all), and since it would have been relevant to use
all if it were true, A is entitled to infer that B is not, in fact, in a position to offer a statement
containing all - most probably because such a statement is not true. Similar interpretations
arise with logical connectives (“A or B” -> not A and B), modals (“possibly x” -> not certainly
x), and a variety of other terms which can be seen to fall on an informational scale (see
Grice, 1989; Horn, 1972, 1984; for varying perspectives, see Gazdar, 1979; Carston, 1988,
Several studies show that preschool children have difficulties computing SIs. Chierchia,
Crain, Guasti, Gualmini and Meroni (2001) and Gualmini, Crain, Meroni, Chierchia and
* We thank two anonymous reviewers and the Squibs editors for very useful comments. This research was
partly supported by NIH grant # F32MH066020-02 to the first author.
In press, Language Acquisition
Guasti (2001) discovered that, in scenarios which made a statement containing the stronger
term on a scale true (e.g. “Every boy chose a skate-board and a bike”), five-year-old children
- unlike adults – failed to reject a statement containing a weaker scalar term (e.g. “Every boy
chose a skate-board or a bike”). In a related set of studies, Noveck (2001) found that 7-9-
year-old children are more likely than adults to accept statements such as “Some giraffes
have long necks”, again presumably because they fail to generate the implicature Not all
giraffes have long necks (cf. also Smith, 1980; Braine and Rumain, 1981).
More recent work by Papafragou and Musolino (2003) showed that children’s
included a training phase during which children were introduced to a puppet which
occasionally said things which were ‘silly’ (i.e. true but infelicitous). In the main phase,
children were asked to judge descriptions of acted-out stories given by the puppet: in one
critical trial, a bunny completed a puzzle as part of a contest but the puppet said that “the
bunny did some of the puzzle”. The introduction of training and of clear informativeness
expectations in the critical trials made children more likely to judge underinformative
children generally showed sensitivity to SIs only about half of the time1 (cf. also Papafragou,
So far, the conclusion that children have limited sensitivity to scalar inferences has
mainly relied on studies of logical expressions (e.g. quantifiers, connectives, modals) ordered
in terms of entailment. However, it has long been known that scalar inferences can be
Certain scalar expressions seem to give rise to higher success with SIs: numerals are one such case
(Papafragou and Musolino, 2003), the degree modifier half is another (Papafragou, 2003b). There are good
theoretical reasons for treating such ‘exact’ numerical and degree modifiers differently from other scalars,
which may explain children’s exceptional performance (see Carston, 1988; Horn, 1992; Papafragou, 2003b
for discussion).
In press, Language Acquisition
arbitrary (ad hoc) partial orderings - cf. (2) and (3) respectively (Hirschberg, 1985; cf.
Fauconnier, 1975):
A psycholinguistic account of ordinary implicature needs to extend to cases such as (2) and
(3) alongside the more familiar cases of entailment scales. At present, however, nothing is
Furthermore, studies which document children’s limited awareness of SIs have primarily
stronger term is warranted. However, these tasks are different from the actual circumstances
in which SIs are computed during naturalistic conversations in several respects. First,
experimental conditions do not make it clear whether (or why) SIs should be considered as
part of what the speaker actually intended to communicate. In ordinary cases of intentional
communication such as (1), the speaker intends the addressee to conclude that he doesn’t
like all California wines (and he also intends the addressee to recover this intention on the
basis of what is said; cf. Grice, 1989). But in experimental designs used so far, the
Gualmini et al. (2001) and Chierchia et al. (2001) take scalar inferences to contribute to truth conditions
(following Chierchia, 2001). They therefore interpret their subjects’ rejections of the weaker statements as
truth-value judgments. We cannot go into the details of this theoretical approach here (see Horn, 2003 for a
defense of the Gricean, non-truth-conditional treatment of SIs). But we take our discussion of judgment
tasks to apply also to truth-value judgment tasks, since they are partly designed in this case to detect effects
of pragmatic inferencing.
In press, Language Acquisition
computation of SIs was not similarly constrained by the speaker’s intention. In some
statement probably out of incompetence and may not have noticed it carries the potential
for conveying a SI (cf. the ‘silly’ puppet); in others (Noveck, 2001), underinformative
statements were presented out of context and therefore invited participants to reconstruct a
Second, experimental scenarios in previous tasks did not raise specific enough
In an exchange such as (1), A’s question sets up relatively clear expectations of cognitive
gains (i.e. to obtain information about B’s opinion of California wines in general) which B’s
response then fails to meet. But such expectations were not consistently provided in test
situations (e.g. the puppet was simply asked to report “what happened”; Gualmini et al.,
2001; Papafragou and Musolino, 2003). In fact, when expectations of cognitive gains were
made clearer, and hence a stronger alternative became more salient, children’s peformance
scalar term (e.g. “Some of the Xs Ved”) semantically conveys a true proposition (e.g. Some
and possibly all of the Xs Ved) but carries a (potential) implicature which is false (Not all of the Xs
Ved). In order to perform correctly in these tasks (i.e. reject the statement), hearers should
take the implicature (rather than simply the proposition expressed) as the basis for their
assent/dissent with the original statement. To do so, participants had to estimate the
experimenter’s goals in setting up the task. This can be subtle: adults - who are otherwise
In press, Language Acquisition
able to compute SIs - when presented with underinformative statements (e.g. “Some
airplanes have wings”) without supporting linguistic or extra-linguistic context agree with the
statements about half of the time (Noveck, 2001).3 More importantly, such judgments are
removed from naturalistic conversations, where what is said and what is implicated are not
normally pitted against each other but are taken to jointly contribute to what is meant by the
speaker. Putting together the above observations, we conclude that the family of judgment
tasks, however useful as an initial tool in exploring awareness of SIs, may in fact
comprehension. Our investigation focuses on preschoolers’ performance with SIs that are
licensed by the familiar quantificational scale <all, some>, as well as by encyclopedic and ad
hoc partial orderings. Unlike previous studies which have relied on truth value/pragmatic
judgments, we introduce a new method which directly tests for the computation of SIs. This
method reproduces, to the extent possible, the textbook environments for SIs given in (1)-
(3). Our study has two main goals: first, to collect data about certain kinds of SIs which have
so far escaped experimental attention; second, to explore possible reasons for failures in
with SIs are (at least in part) due to the specific character of judgment tasks, there is an open
possibility that children will be successful with scalar inferences from quantificational,
encyclopedic and ad hoc scalar orderings if a different method is used; in that case, there
might be no difference in children’s performance across the three types of scalar inference.
The training task in Papafragou and Musolino (2003) was designed to overcome this difficulty by
In press, Language Acquisition
2. The experiment
2.1 Participants
Thirty Greek-speaking children participated in the study. They ranged in age from 4 years 1
month to 6 years 1 month (mean age: 5 years 3 months). All children were recruited in a
Children were presented with a set of animals and were told that they would play a game.
Each animal would be assigned a certain job. If at the end of the game the animal performed
the job, children should give the animal a prize, if not, the animal should get nothing.
The quantificational condition included the familiar <all, some> scale (Gr <oli, meriki >).
In a typical trial, an elephant was given a set of four paper stars and was told by the
experimenter that he had to color them. The elephant then went into a dollhouse to do the
coloring in quiet. After a while, he came out of the house and the following conversation
took place:
In press, Language Acquisition
After hearing the animal’s response, children had to decide whether the animal should
receive a prize or not and justify their response. We hypothesized that, if children were able
to compute SIs, they should refuse to award a prize to the elephant; furthermore, their
justifications should reflect their sensitivity to the presence of the implicature. If children
ignored SIs (e.g. if, in the above example, they interpreted some as being compatible with all),
The encyclopedic condition included a set of orderings which were licensed by world
knowledge (and supported by the visual context). For example, a bear had to eat a sandwich
which consisted of bread, cheese and ham. She decided to go into a nearby dollhouse so as
not to litter the place with crumbs. When she came out of the house, the experimenter
orderings. In one of the scenarios, a cow was assigned the task of wrapping two gifts, a toy
parrot and a doll. Since she was too embarrassed to wrap them up in front of everyone, she
decided to go into the dollhouse. When the cow re-appeared, the experimenter asked:
sophistication by making a certain behavior (here, the refusal to give a reward) contingent on
are part of what the animals intended to convey and their recovery is set off by the fact that
In press, Language Acquisition
the animals failed to observe the required level of informativeness in answering the
experimenter’s question. Notice that the choice of the weaker alternatives in (4)-(6) has a
natural motivation: animals which were unable or unwilling to complete their task chose to
report their partial progress (and only imply that the task was not completed) in the hope of
getting at least some reward.5 For these reasons, the present method is an improvement on
Children also received a number of control trials (which were identical across conditions
and did not involve scalar expressions). In control items, the animal characters always
performed the action they had been assigned. Control items ensured that children could give
positive (alongside negative) responses when asked whether an animal should be rewarded.
ranged from 4 years 1 month to 6 years 1 month (age mean: 5 years 3 months); in the
encyclopedic group, children’s age ranged from 4 years 10 months to 6 years (mean: 5 years
4 months); in the ad hoc group, children ranged from 4 years 11 months to 6 years (mean: 5
years 2 months). In each condition, subjects received four control trials and four test trials
In the words of Larry Horn (2003), “it’s safer to implicate the bad news rather than to assert it as part of
what is said”.
One could argue that children in the test trials might choose not to award a prize simply because animals
did not respond with a simple ‘Yes’. We have two reasons to doubt that this could be true. First, we took
care to ensure that animals never answered the experimenter’s ‘Yes/No’ question with a simple ‘Yes’ or
‘No’ but always offered a complicated/long response. In test trials that response was equivalent to a ‘No’
while in control trials it was equivalent to a ‘Yes’. Second, we have pilot evidence from similar
experiments in English which shows that children can successfully reward the animals if completion of the
desired action is part of an entailment (“Did you color some of the stars?” – “I colored all of them”). Both
In press, Language Acquisition
The overall result from the test trials is that children overwhelmingly refused to give a
prize to the animal. Specifically, children correctly withheld the prize 77.5% of the time in
the quantificational cases, 70% in the encyclopedic cases and 90% in the ad hoc cases. There
was no reliable difference among these means (F(2, 27) = 0.72, p=0.49). Overall, children’s
performance in test trials was reliably different from chance responses (p<.0001).
In control trials, children were successful 97.5% in the quantificational condition, 100%
in the encyclopedic condition, and 92.5% in the ad hoc condition. Again no significant
difference was found among these means (F(2, 27) = 2.1, p = 0.14). Children’s performance
in control trials was significantly different from chance (p<.0001). Results from the test and
Table 1
these pieces of evidence show that children do not treat all indirect responses to ‘Yes-No’ questions as
being equivalent to a ‘No’.
Statistical comparison showed that children were better on control than on test trials (p=.02). A closer
look at incorrect responses in test trials reveals that certain children consistently failed the task, while
others consistently passed. Specifically, ‘failers’ include 4 children who failed all 4 test items and 2
children who failed 3 out of 4; ‘passers’ include 3 children who passed 3 out of 4 test items and 21 children
who passed all 4. Children who respond incorrectly in test items may be genuinely unable to detect SIs;
In press, Language Acquisition
After providing their response, children were asked to justify their answer. In cases
where children decided that a prize should be awarded, they justified this answer by stating
that the animal had completed the action (or “had done its job”, “had done what we told it
to”, etc.). More interestingly, in cases where children refused to award a prize, they always
did so for the right reason, namely because they had inferred from the use of a ‘weaker’
scalar term that a stronger term did not apply. Specifically, in the quantificational case,
children in the majority (72%) of cases justified their negative responses by invoking the
strong quantifier all: to use an example mentioned in the previous section, children refused
to give a prize to an elephant who colored some of the stars because he didn’t color all of
them. In the encyclopedic case, children’s justifications were more varied, with the most
popular one involving the use of only (which surfaced 43% of the time). Finally, in the ad hoc
condition, variability in children’s justifications increased (since the scalar ordering in these
cases was neither as stable nor as transparent as in the previous two conditions), but their
form again showed evidence for the successful retrieval of a scalar implicature. A full list of
alternatively, they may be overly lenient, awarding prizes even for incomplete actions. Our data do not
In press, Language Acquisition
Table 2
3. General discussion
These results provide compelling evidence for children’s early ability to compute implicated
aspects of the speaker’s meaning. Specifically, we show that, in contexts which approximate
built during a talk exchange and derive SIs when these expectations are not met by the
In press, Language Acquisition
stimulus (e.g. some) and other possible stimuli the speaker could have used in order to
produce the cognitive effects s/he intended (e.g. all.). This comparative ability is
regularly make reference to stronger alternatives (“He shouldn’t get a prize because he didn’t
do ALL of X”). The massive success of children in our study contrasts with results from
previous studies which have reported children’s difficulties with SIs on the basis of truth-
value/appropriateness judgment tasks and, in that sense, confirms the importance of task
demands for children’s performance with SIs (cf. Papafragou and Musolino, 2003). 9
The structure of critical trials in our experiment included salient expectations of cognitive
gains (set up by the experimenter’s question), and highly accessible stronger alternatives to
the weak scalars used by the animals. It would be worth investigating children’s pragmatic
sensitivity in circumstances where the cost of computing SIs becomes higher (e.g. where
alternatives become less accessible by changing the structure of the experimenter’s question,
or are altogether inferred from context). At present, the extent to which children can
different contexts remains an open question. Nevertheless, other evidence suggests that the
ability to consider contrastive alternates is not only within young learners’ reach but is, in
fact, very active in language acquisition. For instance, it is well-known that observations of
lexical contrast are instrumental at very early stages of word learning, where the fact that an
adult used a novel word a rather than a (related) known word b in a certain context can be
Based on our results, one may expect that children should stop short of computing SIs when
informativeness expectations are satisfied by the lower scalar term. For some evidence in this direction, see
Papafragou (2003a).
In press, Language Acquisition
used by young learners to restrict the denotation of a to an appropriate non-b range (Carey,
A striking aspect of the present results is the finding that children’s computations of
informativeness are sensitive not only to logical entailment but also to stable (‘encyclopedic’)
or arbitrary (‘ad hoc’) orderings. This is important because a large number of SIs in everyday
conversation are of this more idiosyncratic variety. More generally, these findings raise the
question of how children come to grasp a variety of other, non-scalar implicatures whose
computation relies on idiosyncratic assumptions tied to specific contexts (cf. A: “Do you
want to go to the movies?” - B: “I’m tired” → Implicature: B doesn’t want to go to the movies). The
calculation of such inferences is a core task of the utterance interpretation device, and an
account of how it is achieved is crucial for understanding how this device functions and
provide some insights into the architecture of the utterance interpretation system in adults. It
has recently been proposed that certain types of scalar implicature belong to a class of
default inferences which are supported by the presence of stable, contrastive alternates in the
lexicon (Levinson, 2000). Such generalized conversational implicatures (GCIs) include the
familiar quantificational, modal, etc. scales and are assumed to arise by default, context-
are differentiated from particularized implicatures which depend on more circumstantial scalar
orderings and hence rely heavily on context (cf. our encyclopedic and ad hoc scales). Even
though this line of reasoning was not directly concerned with language development, one
might expect that generalized SIs would prove easier for children to derive than
particularized (context-specific) ones, other things being equal. For instance, it might seem
In press, Language Acquisition
plausible that the inference from some to not all, for the same reasons that it becomes
generalized for adults, should be less computationally intensive for children compared to
more ad hoc SIs. However, the results reported in this paper do not offer evidence for such
a split.10 On the contrary, the present findings can be used to support a unified view of
implicature, according to which all implicatures are ‘particularized’ and rely on context-
Quantifier Tiger has to eat 4 oranges ‘Did you eat the oranges?’ ‘I ate some’.
Elephant has to color 4 stars. ‘Did you color the stars?’ ‘I colored some’.
Horse has to clean 4 toys. ‘Did you clean the toys?’ ‘I cleaned some’.
Pig has to feed 4 frogs. ‘Did you feed the frogs?’ ‘I fed some’.
Encyclopedic Bear has to eat a sandwich. ‘Did you eat the sandwich?’ ‘I ate the cheese’.
Frog has to paint a house. ‘Did you paint the house?’ ‘I painted the roof’.
Bunny has to clean a wagon. ‘Did you clean the wagon?’ ‘I cleaned the wheels’.
Elephant has to wash himself. ‘Did you wash yourself?’ ‘I washed my ears’.(lit.)
For further arguments against GCI theory, see Carston (1995), Hirschberg (1985), Geurts (1998).
In press, Language Acquisition
(starting with cow). ‘Did you put the animals in a row?’ ‘I put the cow’. (lit.)
(a toy parrot and a doll). ‘Did you wrap the gifts?’ ‘I wrapped the parrot’.
yellow seat). ‘Did you clean the merry-go-round?’ ‘I cleaned the yellow seat’.
(its food: a lollipop and a sausage). ‘Did you give the snake its food?’ ‘I gave it the lollipop’.
All conditions Bear has to drink some milk ‘Did you drink the milk?’ ‘I drank it and liked it’.
Worm has to read a book. ‘Did you read the book?’ ‘I read it. It was a nice story’.
Frog has to fix a broken chair. ‘Did you fix the chair?’ ‘I fixed it but it was hard’.
Starfish has to put flower in vase. ‘Did you put the flower in ‘In the beginning I couldn’t
Braine M. and B. Rumain (1981). Children’s comprehension of ‘or’: Evidence for a sequence of
In press, Language Acquisition
Carey S. (1978). The child as word learner. In M. Halle, J. Bresnan and G. Miller (eds.), Linguistic theory
Carston R. (1990). Quanity maxims and generalised implicature. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 2: 1-
Carston R. (1998). Informativeness, relevance, and scalar implicature. In R. Carston and S. Uchida (eds.),
Carston R. (2002). Thoughts and utterances: The pragmatics of explicit communication. Oxford:
Chierchia G. (2001). Scalar implicatures, polarity phenomena, and the syntax/pragmatics interface. University
of Milan-Bicocca ms.
Chierchia G., S. Crain, M. T. Guasti, A. Gualmini and L. Meroni (2001). The acquisition of disjunction:
Evidence for a grammatical view of scalar implicatures. In A. H.-J. Do et al. (eds.), BUCLD 25
Fauconnier G. (1975). Pragmatic scales and logical structure. Linguistic Inquiry 6: 353-375.
Geurts B. (1998). Scalars. In P. Ludewig and B. Geurts (eds.), Lexicalische Semantik aus kognitiver sicht, 95-
Grice P. (1989). Studies in the way of words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Gualmini A., S. Crain, L. Meroni, G. Chierchia and M. T. Guasti (2001). At the Semantics/Pragmatics
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Horn L. (1972). On the semantic properties of the logical operators in English. Doctoral diss. UCLA
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(ed.), Meaning, form, and use in context, 11-42. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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Horn L. (1992). The said and the unsaid. In C. Barker and D. Dowty (eds.), Proceedings of SALT II, 163-192.
Horn L. (2003). Grisotto Milanese. Talk delivered at the Workshop on Scalar Implicature and Polarity,
Noveck I. (2001). When children are more logical than adults: Experimental investigations of scalar
Papafragou A. (2003a). Aspectuality and scalar structure. To appear, Proceedings from the 27th Annual Boston
Papafragou A. (2003b). Scalar implicatures in language acquisition: Some evidence from Modern Greek. To
appear, Proceedings from the 38th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. Chicago: University
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Papafragou A. and J. Musolino (2003). Scalar implicatures: Experiments at the semantics-pragmatics interface.
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In press, Language Acquisition
Filename: Children's_computation_of_implicatures.doc
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Title: Spontaneous computation of implicatures by young children
Author: anna4
Creation Date: 22/4/2003 12:28 PM
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