Physics 10 (PBA QIB)

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Ser SLO Questions Answer

1. To study the effect 1.What factors could cause Discrepancies can arise from:
of the length of discrepancies in the value • Air resistance affecting the pendulum's motion.
simple pendulum of 'g' compared to the • Errors to measuring timing or length.
on time and hence standard value (9.81 m/s²)? • Very large amplitude of vibrating pendulum (the
find “g” by formula of time period of simple pendulum is
calculation. derived with assumption of small angle of
• Incorrectly assuming the mass of pendulum
which has no effect on the time period.

2.If the length of a If the length L is doubled, the period T increases

pendulum is doubled, how by a factor of √2.
does it effect on the time T′ = √2 ( 2 )
3.Define frequency and In a simple pendulum:
amplitude in the context of the Frequency is the number of oscillations per
motion of a simple pendulum. second.
How are they related to the Amplitude is the maximum displacement from the
periodic motion of the equilibrium position.
pendulum? They are related to the periodic motion, with
frequency determined by the pendulum's length
and gravity, while amplitude affects the swing
height but not the period.
4.How we can calculate the Percentage Error
percentage error in this = [(Calculated Value - True Value) / True value] ×
experiment? 100
5.Why should the amplitude of The amplitude of a simple pendulum should be
simple pendulum be small? small to ensure that the motion remains
approximately simple harmonic. For larger
amplitudes, the motion becomes non-linear, and
the restoring force no longer follows Hooke's Law,
causing deviations from ideal simple harmonic
6. Write the formula for time
period and frequency of simple
7.How does a change in mass For a simple pendulum, the period T is
affect the period T at a specific independent of mass. It is determined by the
length? length L of the pendulum and the acceleration due
to gravity g.
8.What happens to the kinetic At the extreme positions in simple harmonic
energy of a particle in simple motion (SHM), the kinetic energy of the particle is
harmonic motion (SHM) at the zero because its velocity is momentarily zero. The
extreme positions? particle has maximum potential energy at these
9.Why is the time for more than The time for more than one period is measured in
one period measured in simple a simple pendulum to reduce errors and obtain a
pendulum? more accurate average value for the period.
2. To verify the laws of 1.What is the objective of using The objective is to measure the angles of
refraction by using a glass slab in verifying the law incidence and refraction, and verify that they
a glass slab. of refraction? satisfy Snell's law: ( ) = ( ), where
are refractive indices of air and glass,
and are angles of incidence and
2.How do you measure the Using a protractor to measure the angle between
angle of incidence and the incident ray and the normal to the glass
refraction in the experiment? surface (angle of incidence, ), and the angle
between the refracted ray and the normal (angle
of refraction ).
Ser SLO Questions Answer
3.What is the significance of The normal to the surface is an imaginary line
the normal Line to the surface perpendicular to the surface at the point of
in the law of refraction? incidence. It serves as a reference line for
measuring angles of incidence and refraction.
4.How can you verify Snell's n1Sinθ1=n2Sinθ2
law using the measured values Calculate the sine of , and check if the
of ? ratio : = ( )/ ( ), is approximately
equal to the refractive index of glass.
5.How does the angle of When light passes from air into glass, the angle of
incidence relate to the angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence.
refraction when light passes This happens because the light slows down as it
from air into glass? enters the denser medium (glass), bending toward
the normal.
6.How would increasing the Increasing the angle of incidence in a glass slab
angle of incidence affect the will cause the angle of refraction to increase as
angle of refraction in a glass well, but at a slower rate, since light bends less
slab? when moving into a denser medium. Eventually, if
the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle,
total internal reflection will occur and no refraction
7.What do you mean by The phenomenon of change in the direction of
refraction? light when it passes from one transparent medium
to another is called refraction.
8.What factors could affect the Factors that could affect the accuracy of refraction
accuracy of the refraction measurements using a glass slab include the
measurements? precision of angle measurements, the quality of
the glass slab (e.g., imperfections or uneven
surfaces), and inconsistencies in light sources or
3. To find the 1.What is the refractive index The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of
refractive index of of a medium? light in vacuum to the speed of light in the medium.
water by using
concave mirror. 2.What does refractive index The refractive index does indicate how much the
indicate? light bends (refracts) when entering a material. A
higher refractive index means that light travels
slower in that material and bends more.
3.Why do we use a concave Primary reason for using it in many experiments is
mirror in this experiment? its ability to focus parallel rays to a single point,
making it easier to observe and measure light
4.What is parallax? Parallax is the apparent shift in the position of an
object when viewed from two different viewpoints.
It is used to measure distances, especially in
astronomy and when estimating the depth of
5.How is parallax removed? Parallax is removed by using a single viewing
position or by aligning the object with a fixed
reference point, ensuring the object appears in the
same position from both perspectives. In
instruments, parallax is eliminated by adjusting
the viewing scale to match the object’s image.
6.Is there any effect of Yes, the refractive index varies with wavelength;
wavelength on refractive shorter wavelengths (e.g., blue light) typically
index? have a higher refractive index than longer
wavelengths (e.g., red light). This variation leads
to dispersion, causing different colors of light to
bend at different angles when entering a medium.
7.How does refraction affect Refraction causes the apparent image of the
the apparent image of the needle to shift when viewed through a different
needle in this experiment? medium, such as water or glass. The light rays
bend at the interface between the two media,
changing the position of the image. This makes
the needle appear to be at a different location than
Ser SLO Questions Answer
it actually is, depending on the refractive index of
the medium.

8. Which two distances are d1: distance of real image of the needle without
measured in this experiment? water.
d2: distance of apparent image of the needle with
water inside mirror.
9.What is the unit of refractive The refractive index is a dimensionless quantity. It
index? has no units.
10.What is the significance of The refractive index determines how much light
the refractive index in optical bends when passing through a material. It is
devices? essential for designing optical devices like lenses
and prisms, as a higher refractive index allows for
better light focusing and magnification in cameras
and telescopes.
11.When light enters from air to When light enters a denser medium from air, its
a medium, what is the effect on wavelength decreases, while its speed and
wavelength of light? frequency remain constant. This is because the
refractive index of the medium affects the
12.Can angle of refraction be The relation between incidence and refracted
greater than the angle of angle depends upon the refractive index of the
incidence? medium. If a light ray passes from denser medium
to rarer medium, the refracted angle is greater
than incidence angle and vice versa.
13.How does placing the Placing the object in water rather than air
object in water rather than in decreases the observed image distance because
air change the observed image water has a higher refractive index, causing light
distance? to bend more and the image to form closer to the
4. To determine the 1.What is meant by the critical The critical angle is the minimum angle of
critical angle of angle in optics? incidence at which total internal reflection occurs
glass using prism. when light passes from a denser medium to a
rarer medium. At this angle, angle of refraction
becomes 90°, meaning the refracted light travels
along the boundary between the two media. At
angles larger than the critical angle, total internal
reflection occurs.
2.What is the relationship The critical angle is inversely related to the
between the refractive index of refractive index, with a higher refractive index
glass and the critical angle? resulting in a smaller critical angle as by relation: n
= 1/sinC
3.How would you measure the The angle of incidence is measured using a
angle of incidence in the prism protractor or circular scale Measure the angle
during the experiment? between the incident light ray and the normal to
the surface at the point of incidence on the prism.
4.What is the role of the normal The normal line is an imaginary line perpendicular
line in this experiment, and to the surface of the prism, and angles of
how is it used? incidence and refraction are measured relative to
5.What are the conditions of Total internal reflection occurs when light travels
total internal reflection? from a denser medium to a less dense medium,
and the angle of incidence exceeds the critical
angle. Additionally, the refractive index of the first
medium must be greater than that of the second.
6. What is totally reflecting A totally reflecting prism is a prism designed to
prism? reflect light completely through total internal
reflection. It usually has angles that ensure light is
reflected internally without passing through the
prism's surfaces.
7.How does varying the angle Varying the angle of incidence affects total internal
of incidence affect the reflection in the prism by changing the conditions
observation of total internal under which it occurs. If the angle exceeds the
reflection in the prism?
Ser SLO Questions Answer
critical angle, total internal reflection is observed;
if it's below, light refracts instead.
5. To trace the path of 1.Why does light deviate when Light deviates because it undergoes refraction
a ray of light it passes through a glass twice, once when light enters from air to the prism
through glass prism prism? and then emerge out from the prism to air
and measure the
angle of deviation. 2.What measurements are To determine the angle of deviation, you need to
required to determine the measure the angle of incidence and the angle of
angle of deviation in this emergence as the light enters and exits the prism,
experiment? along with the prism angle (the angle between the
two faces of the prism).
3.How would you measure the The angle of deviation is measured as it is the
angle of deviation on the angle between the extended incident ray and the
traced path? emergent ray on the traced path.
4.Why does the emergent ray The emergent ray deviates due to the second
deviate from its original path refraction from the prism, and the difference in the
after passing through the refractive indices of air and glass.
5.Name the factors on which Factors: angle of incidence, refracting angle of the
the angle of deviation prism, refractive index of the material used in the
depends. prism and wavelength of the light ray.
6.What do you mean by angle The angle of deviation is the angle between the
of deviation? direction of the incident ray and the direction of the
emergent ray after passing through a prism. It
quantifies how much the light has been bent.
6. Verify Ohm’s law 1.Enlist the apparatus and The materials include a wire (conductor), a
(using wire as materials needed to verify voltmeter, an ammeter, a rheostat, a battery,
conductor). Ohms connecting wires, and a switch.

2.How do you set up the circuit Connect the wire in series with an ammeter, a
to verify Ohm’s Law? rheostat, and a battery and connect the voltmeter
in parallel across the wire to measure voltage.
3.What precautions should be Precautions include ensuring good electrical
taken during the experiment? connections, using a wire with constant
resistance, and not allowing the wire to overheat,
which could affect resistance.
4.What happens to the current If the voltage increases, the current through the
if you increase the voltage wire increases proportionally, as long as the
across the wire? resistance remains constant.
According to Ohm's law (I = V/R).
5.What role does the rheostat The rheostat is used to vary the current by
play in this experiment? adjusting the resistance in the circuit, letting
different voltage and current readings to be taken
and allowing precise control over the deflection in
the galvanometer for accurate measurements.
6.State ohms law and write its Ohm's Law states that the current (I) flowing
limitations. through a conductor between two points is directly
proportional to the voltage (V) across the two
points V=IR
1. Does not apply to non-linear materials.
2. Resistance may change with
3. Fails at high voltages/currents.
4. Does not apply to superconductors.
7.What are ohmic conductors? An ohmic conductor is defined as one which
Give two examples. obeys Ohm's law that is V ∝ I where V is the
voltage and I is the current. There must be a linear
graph. Silver and copper are some examples of
ohmic conductor.
Ser SLO Questions Answer
8.What are non-ohmic The resistances which do not obey ohm's law are
resistance? Give two called non-ohmic resistances. Thermistor, diodes
examples. and filament of a bulb.
9.Why the ohm’s law is not Ohm's law is not verified in case of filament lamp
verified in case of filament because its resistance changes with temperature.
lamp? As the current increases, the filament heats up,
causing its resistance to increase, which makes
the relationship between voltage and current non-
7. To study resistors 1.How can potential difference The voltage across each resistor is proportional to
in series circuit. across each resistor in a series its resistance. According to Ohm's law, V = IR.
circuit measured? Since current (I) is constant and same in a series
circuit, voltage (V) varies directly with resistance
(R). For different resistor in a series
V1 = IR1, V2 = IR2, V3 = IR3 ……
2.What happens to the The current flowing through each resistor is the
magnitude of the current flows same. In a series circuit, there is only one path for
through each resistor in a current flow, so the current (I) is remain constant
series circuit? throughout the circuit by using formula:
I = V/Req
3.Can a series circuit with No, in series same current flows through each
different resistors be operated resistor and there is only a single path for current.
if one resistor is disconnected Series circuit will not operate if one resistor is open
or fused? or disconnected, because the circuit is broken,
and no current will flow.
4.What are the characteristics In a series combination, the same current flows
of a series combination. through all components, and the total voltage
across the combination is the sum of the individual
voltages across each component.
5.In which type of combination, The total resistance of the circuit increases in a
the total resistance of circuit series combination because the resistances add
increases? up, resulting in a higher overall resistance than
any single resistor.
6.How resistors are combined Resistors are combined in series by connecting
in series? them end-to-end, so the current flowing through
one resistor also flows through the next without
7.If the resistors were light If the resistors were light bulbs, adding more bulbs
bulbs, how do you expect the in series would decrease the brightness of each
brightness of the bulbs to be bulb. This is because the total resistance of the
affected by adding more bulbs circuit increases as more bulbs are added in
in series? series, reducing the overall current. Since
brightness is directly related to the current passing
through the bulbs, a lower current results in
dimmer light bulbs.
8.Why does the voltage drop In a series circuit, the current flowing through each
differ across resistors in a resistor is the same, but the voltage drop across
series circuit if the resistors each resistor depends on its resistance value.
have different values? According to Ohm’s Law, V=IR, the voltage drop
across a resistor is proportional to its resistance.
Therefore, a resistor with a higher resistance will
have a larger voltage drop, while a resistor with a
lower resistance will have a smaller voltage drop.
This difference in voltage drops occurs because
each resistor resists the flow of current to a
different extent, causing varying amounts of
electrical potential energy (voltage) to be used up
across each one.
8. To study resistors 1.How does the total current The total current is the sum of the currents
in parallel circuit. in a parallel circuit compare through each resistor.
with the currents through I =I +I +I +⋯
each resistor?
Ser SLO Questions Answer
2. What is the formula for The following formula is used for calculating
calculating equivalent equivalent resistance in a parallel
resistance in a parallel combination of resistors in circuit.
combination of resistors in 1 1 1 1
= + + +⋯
circuit? R R R R

3.Give any one example of A common example of a parallel combination is

parallel combinations household electrical wiring, where multiple
appliances (like lamps and TVs) are connected
across the same voltage source, allowing them to
operate independently.
4.How can we compare the In a parallel circuit, the power dissipation in each
power dissipation in each resistor varies depending on its resistance.
resistor in a parallel circuit? Resistors with lower resistance dissipate more
power, while those with higher resistance
dissipate less.
P1 = I12R1,
P2 = I22R2,
P3 = I32R3 ...
5.Which type of combination is Parallel combination of electrical wiring is used in
used in buildings for electrical buildings as it allows devices to operate
wiring? independently and ensures consistent voltage
across all appliances.
6.What are the characteristics 1. Voltage: Same across all components.
of parallel circuit? 2. Component Independence: Components are
independent. If one fails, others still work.
7.How is the resistance of a Adding additional pathways (resistors) in parallel
circuit affected by adding decreases the total resistance of the circuit, as the
additional pathways? current has more paths to flow through.

8.How does the voltage drop In a parallel circuit, the voltage drop across each
across each branch in a branch is the same and equal to the total voltage
parallel circuit compare? supplied by the source.

9.What is the advantage of The advantage of resistors connected in parallel

resistors connected in is that the total resistance decreases, allowing
Parallel? more current to flow through the circuit while
maintaining the same voltage across each
resistor. They are independent of each
component. If one of them fails or is disconnected,
the rest of the circuit still works.
10.What happens to the In a parallel circuit, the brightness of bulbs
brightness of bulbs in a parallel remains the same when more bulbs are added, as
circuit when more bulbs are each bulb gets the full voltage of the power
added? source.
9. To find the 1.What are the key The key components include galvanometer, high
resistance of components of the resistance box, resistance box (shunt), battery or
galvanometer by experimental setup for the half- power source, key/switch, connecting wires and
half deflection deflection method? two key plug.
2.Why is a known shunt The known shunt resistance is connected in
resistance connected in parallel to divert some current away from the
parallel with the galvanometer galvanometer, reducing deflection. By carefully
during this experiment? selecting the shunt value, the deflection can be
halved, allowing for calculating the
galvanometer's internal resistance.
3.If the deflection does not If the deflection does not reduce to exactly half,
reduce to exactly half, what check for errors such as incorrect shunt
steps would you take to correct resistance, faulty connections, or calibration
this? issues. Adjust the shunt resistance or recheck the
setup to ensure proper alignment and accuracy.
Ser SLO Questions Answer
Fine-tune the current using the rheostat until the
deflection is precisely halved.
4.Why this half deflection The half-deflection method is important because
method is important for the it helps accurately determine the shunt
measurement. resistance needed to extend the range of a
galvanometer, ensuring proper calibration of the
ammeter without overloading the instrument.
5.What happens if shunt If the shunt resistance is too high, it will allow less
resistance is too high? current to bypass the meter, leading to inaccurate
measurements or a significant reduction in the
meter's range.
10. To verify the truth 1.What is the output of an AND The output of an AND gate is 0 if one input is 1
table of OR, AND, gate if one input is 1 and the and the other is 0.
NOT, NOR and other is 0?
NAND gates. 2.What is the output of an OR The output of an OR gate is 0 if both inputs are 0.
gate if both inputs are 0?

3.What is the purpose of a A logic gate is a basic building block of digital

logic gate? circuits that performs a basic logical operation on
one or more input signals to produce a single
output, used in digital circuits for tasks like
computation, decision-making, and control.
4.Write Boolean expression for OR: A+B
gate? NAND: .
NOR: +
5.Draw the symbol for NOT,
AND and OR gate.

6.How is the NAND gate differ The NAND gate produces the opposite output of
from the AND gate? an AND gate. It gives 0 only when both inputs are
7.How many outputs must be An AND or OR gate must provide one output,
provided to AND and OR gate? regardless of the number of inputs. The output
depends on the logic of the gate (AND or OR) and
the combination of inputs.
8.What does the binary logic 0 0 means OFF or open circuit.
and 1 represents? 1 means ON or close circuit.

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