acupuncture 2
acupuncture 2
acupuncture 2
e Flabby to gue A
co lo
an d wnrt1sh n
ind ca tes .<U defJC en cy
oo rd er,
ph leg m- da mp n
ret en tio n of
r nd ,ca tes p•
deep red m colou
io, and hypera
heat in t he mter
heart .
cra ck s on the
ton gu e. Irreg ula r str eaks or
f . Crac ke d
umpt on of bo dy
fluid by excessrve
ica te co ns t\:
1ongue ind ne y and hyperactM
los s of the es sence of th e ktd
he at .
(deficienc y) or yin
of fire du e to xu
t to ngue. wi th ou t
tongue or a cracked
.' Congenital cracked
:±J! any morbid signs.
are considered no
(J ~-. .~~ ~ ov er the surfac
The papillary buds
.,-. K g. Th
of the tongue sw
orn y ton gu e.
elling up like tho
rns and usually red
n c he at.
: ),
ica te hy pe ra cti vity of pathoge
colour, ind
t is fl9 J
I ' .... _ - ,.,,.6'"
This is usually due to damag e of the vocal c
by overuse of the voice. Those in the speaking s
tra de
as polit icians, teachers, lawyers are spe
cially pro ne o t s
disorde r.
Baihui (Du 20 .).
Local points:-
Lianquan (Ren 23 .).
Neck-Futu (L.I. 18.).
- Tianrong (S.I. 17 .).
Dazhui (Du 14.).
Distal points:-
Tongli (H. 5.)-
Hegu (L.I. 4.).
If the hoarseness persists, the possibility of
the presence
of a neoplasm must be investigated by lar
dIti n I
SpecH1c points:-
Tolxl (K. 3.).
Licque (Lu. 7.).
Distal pol nts :--
Hegu (L.I. 4.) (for front of head).
Walguan (S.J. 5.) (for side of head).
Llcque (Lu. 7.) (for back of head).
This is a non••infectlous skin disease characterized by
irregularly shaped, sllghtl)' raised red eatches with a scaly