And thank you for purchasing our AZ-Delivery ESP8266 microcontroller with
integrated 0.91" OLED display. On the following pages, we will take you through the
first programming steps.
We wish you a lot of fun!
This board with an ESP8266 chip and an integrated charging interface, for one
battery pack, can be programmed under NodeMCU and Arduino.
We cover the programming process in Arduino in this eBook.
The board has 32MB flash memory, WLAN and 12 I/O pins (i²c, SPI, PWM and Analog
Input). The display is 0,91“ and has a resolution of 128 x 32 pixels.
This ESP8622 compared to ESP8266-01, has more flash memory and more GPIO
Preparing the software:
The Arduino software seen and used in this step has already been installed. If,
however, you do not have it, then please download and install it on your PC from
this web address:
Additionally, the driver for the CP210x should also have been installed. If not, then
you should know that it comes with the Arduino software.
After all of the basic requirements have been met, we can now start with the
installation of the software. The Arduino software will firstly need all of the
information about the ESP8266, which we can do by entering the following web
address, under the „Preferences“ > „Additional Board Administrators-URLs“:
If you have already entered the link, click on the button and add a new line
in the window.
Confirm the entry by clicking on „OK“.
Once this is completed, go to „Tools“ > „Board“ > „Board Administrator“ and
install the ESP8266 library. Search for „ESP8266“, in the board administrator, in
the search engine, located in the top right. As a result, you will get the package
from ESP8266 Community. Select this one and click on install.
After a successful installation, next to the package INSTALLED will be now shown.
To do this, select under File > Examples > ESP8266Wifi > WifiScan.
After the code has been displayed, we click on and verify our program:
After a short period of time, the program will be loaded onto the chip:
Once the 100% has been reached, then the program has been completely
transferred. Open the Serial Monitor in the Arduino software:
Tools > Serial Monitor
scan start
scan done.
After the package has been selected, click on install, located on the bottom
Now a longer code will be opened. In the first lines, a lot of display types
are registered. These, however, have the “//” characters at the beginning of
the line. For our display, we now have to search for and activate this line, by
removing the “//” characters, placed at the beginning of the line:
U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/
U8X8_PIN_NONE); // Adafruit ESP8266/32u4/ARM Boards + FeatherWing OLED
After the transmission the display will now show demo texts and images.
For a smooth playback, we should change the CPU frequency to 160MHz and the
SPI memory to 3MB (3M SPIFFS).
Note: if you would like to make a longer scrolling text, then you have to activate the
16-bit support in the u8g2.h file. The file can be found in the Arduino directory:
You did it! You can now program and actualize your
projects with ESP8266-OLED!
And for more hardware, our online store is always at your disposal: