11 Account
11 Account
11 Account
1.The characteristics of accounting are;
A. Recording
B. Classifying
C. Summarising
D. All of the above
2. Current assets do not includes;
A. Stock
B. Short term investment
C. Prepaid expenses
D. Unearned income
3. Book keeping is a wider concept than accounting .
A. True
B. False
C. Partially true
D. Partially false
4.Given below are two statements,one labelled as Assertion (A)
and other labelled as Reason (R):
Which one of the following is correct?
Assertion (A)
Expenses is the cost of use of things or services for the purpose
of generating revenue.
Reason (R)
Cost of goods sold and depreciation are expenses.
A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R)is the correct explanation of
B.Both (A) and (R) are true but (R)is not the correct explanation
of (A).
C. (A) Is true ,but (R) is false.
D. (A) Is false ,but (R) is true
5.As per dual aspect concept
A. Assets - liabilities - capital
B. Assets - capital - liabilities
C. Assets - liabilities+ capital
D. Capital - assets + liabilities
6.Accounting standards are useful;
A. For investors
B. For outside parties
C. For Auditors
D. For all of the above
7. As a result of the following transaction,the total of
accounting equation will be..........
i. Started business with cash Rs.2,00,000
ii. Purchased furniture Rs. 25,000
iii. Purchased goods on credit Rs.60,000
A. Rs. 2,85,000
B. Rs. 2,25,000
C. Rs. 2,35,000
D. Rs. 2,60,000
(B)What is the difference between capital expenditure and
revenue expenditure?
(B)Open "T' shape account of our creditor 'Sanjay' and write the
following transactions on the proper side:
1. Purchased goods from Sanjay on Credit for Rs.40,000.
2.Paid to Sanjay ₹25,000
3. Again purchased goods from Sanjay on Credit for ₹16,000.
4. Goods returned to Sanjay for ₹2,000.
5. Paid to Sanjay ₹20,000.
Paid rent
June 20 700
Bank charges
June 25 100
Withdrawn from bank for personal use
June 30 1,500
June 30
Purchased goods on credit from Vinay
21. Prepare a trial balance from the following information:
Prepaid expenses 5000
outstanding rent 2000
Bad debts recovered 4000
interest on investment 1000
due to Mohan 5000
bank overdraft 2000
discount allowed 800
due from Vinod 1200
investment 15000
patent 4,000
machinery 6,000
capital 18000
(B)Record the following transactions in the Sales Book of
Ganesh Electronics, Kolkata (West Bengal) assuming CGST @
9% and SGST @9%:
Jan 3 Sold to Ruchika Electronics, Kolkata, Vide Invoice No. 431
5 Colour T.V. Sets @ ₹20,000 each
Less: Trade Discount 20%.
12 Sold to Raghav & Sons, Kolkata, Vide Cash Memo No. 2510
6 Colour T.V. Sets @ ₹18,000 each
Less Trade Discount 15%.
16 Sold to Nitin Trading Company, Ranchi (Jharkhand) Vide
Invoice No. 433.
8 Music Systems @ ₹15,000 each
10 Colour T.V. Sets @ 22,000 each
Less: Trade Discount 20%
24.(A)Rectify the following errors assuming that a suspense
account was opened. Ascertain the difference in trial balance.
(a) Credit sales to Arun ₹7,000 were posted to the credit of his
(b) Credit purchases from Brij ₹9,000 were posted to the debit
of his account as ₹6,000.
(c) Goods returned to Charu ₹4,000 were posted to the credit
of her account.
(d) Goods returned from Deepika *1,000 were posted to the
debit of her account as ₹2,000.
(e) Cash sales 2,000 were posted to the debit of sales account
as ₹5,000.
Goods destroyed by fire ₹15,000.
27 Payment made of balance amount of GST.
Following transactions took place during April 2023:
April 2 Bought goods from Kailash for 20,000 at a trade
discount of 10% and cash discount of 2%. Paid 60% amount
Sold goods to X for ₹9,000.
Received 14,800 from X in full settlement of his account.
5 Cash deposited into bank 10,000.
6 Cheque received from Y for ₹7,850 in full settlement of his
account. This cheque was immediately deposited into bank.
Received a cheque from Z ₹2,000.
Cheque received from Z deposited into bank.
Cheque received from Y dishonoured.
Cash sales ₹15,000; Out of this amount ₹12,000 deposited
into bank.
Amount due to Ajay paid by Cheque.
Old newspapers sold ₹50.
Old furniture sold ₹750
Z became insolvent and 40 paise in a rupee could be
20 received from his estate by cheque which is deposited into
20 bank.
Purchased goods from Gopal and paid by cheque ₹8,000.
Sold half of the above goods to Chanderkant at a profit of
30% on cost.
Proprietor withdrew for private use ₹2,000 from office and
₹3,000 from bank.
Paid salary to Motilal by Cheque ₹2,000.
Paid Rent by cheque ₹1,500.
25 Paid trade expenses ₹500.
27. Current liabilities are expected to be paid ;
A. Within 3 months
B. Within 6 months
C. Within 1 year
D. Within 2 year
28. Outstanding salary is ;
A. Real account
B. Personal Account
C. Nominal account
D. None of these
29. Single entry system of book keeping is ;
A. Inaccurate
B. Unsystematic
C. Unscientific
D. All of these
30. When closing capital is more than opening capital,it
A. Profit
B. Loss
C.No profit no loss
D. Profit ,if there is no introduction of fresh capital
31. Draw up the Balance Sheet of Kesri & Sons as at 31st March,
2023 from the lowing information in the order of liquidity.
Cah in hand 11,200; Sundry Creditors 28,800; Bills Payable
₹3,500; Bills receivable 5,300, Sundry Debtors 18,000.
Machinery as on April 1, 2022 Rs.85,000 and Depreciation
provided for the year Rs.8500 Furniture and Fixtures as on 1
April, 2022 ₹21,000 and Depreciation provided Ithe year 2,100,
Closing Stock ₹15,400.
Proprietor's Capital Account ₹90,000, His drawings during the
year ₹8,000. Net profit as per profit and loss account 31,000.
32. Anurag keeps incomplete records of his business. He gives
you the following information:
Capital at the beginning of the year. 8,00,000
Capital at the end of the year. 6,20,000
Drawings made during the year. 2,50,000
Additional Capital introduced during the year. 30,000
You are required to calculate profit or loss made during the
33. (A)Kavish ,who keeps his books on single entry system,
Started his business on 1st April 2016, with a capital of
Rs.3,00,000. At the end of the year i.e.,on 31 St March 2017,
the position of assets and liabilities was as under;
Particulars Amount
Cash at bank 25,000
Furniture 2,20,000
Machinery 75,000
Debtors 40,000
Stock 60,000
Creditors 70,000
Bills payable 20,000
During the year ,he introduced Rs. 40,000 as additional capital
and withdrew Rs. 15,000 for his personal expenses.
Prepare a statement of profit and loss to calculate profit or loss
for the year ended on 31 March 2017.
(B)From the following particulars, prepare a profit & loss
account for the year ending 31 St March 2023;
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Gross profit 10,52,50 Discount allowed 15,000
Trade expenses 10,000 Lighting 3,900
Carriage on sales 50,000 Commission received 4,200
Office salaries 79,000 Bad debts 6,000
Postage 3,600 Discount cr. 3,000
Office rent 37,500 Interest on loan 11,000
Legal charges 2,000 Stable expenses 7,000
Audit fee 8,000 Export duty 11,500
Donation 5,500 Miscellaneous income 2,500
Sundry expenses 1,800 Unproductive expenses 20,500
Selling expenses 26,600 Traveling expenses 12,500
Salaries 11,000
Rent 4,000
Plant 72,000
Capital 1,00,000
Cash 19,500
3,00,000 3,00,000