Liability of State in Contract and in Torts Dr Mohd Imran
Liability of State in Contract and in Torts Dr Mohd Imran
Liability of State in Contract and in Torts Dr Mohd Imran
The first judicial interpretation of State Liability during the East India
Company was made in -
John Stauart’s case, 1775. - It was held for the first time that
Governor-General in Council had no
immunity from Court’s jurisdiction in cases involving the dismissal of
Government Servants. In Moodaly v. The East India Company
1775 (1 Bro-CC 469), the Privy Council expressed the opinion that
Common law doctrine of sovereign immunity was not applicable to India.
Some judgments during British Rule India, do tell us, how the law of
administrative tortious liability
evolved in Indian conditions.
Other Case Laws
• P.and O.Steam Navigation Co.v.Secy.Of State for India [(1861) 5 Bom HC Report, Appendix ‘A’]
• State of Rajasthan v.Vidyawati (Mst.) [AIR 1962 SC 933]
• State of India-in-Council v. HariBhanji. [(1882) ILR 5 Mad 273].
• State of Rajasthan v.Vidyawati (Mst.) [AIR 1962 SC 933]
• Kasturi Lal v. State of U.P. [AIR 1965 SC 1039]
• Khatri (II) v. State of Bihar [AIR 1981 SC 928]
• Rudul Shah v.State of Bihar, [AIR 1983 SC 1086],
• Nilabati Behra v.State of Orissa [AIR 1993 SC 1960]
• Bhim Singh v.State of J.K.[1985 4 SCC 677],
• Mahavir Singh v.State of Rajasthan [1987 2 SCC 342]
• SAHELI,AWomen’sResource Centre v.Commr.Of Police [1990 1 SCC 422]
• N.Nagendra Rao& Co.v.State of A.P.[1994 6 SCC 205],
• Lucknow Development Authority v.M.K.Gupta[1994 1 SCC 243]
• Chairman Railway Board v.ChandrimaDas [2000 2 SCC 465]
• For Details of the case laws,
please refer the supplementary
Part XIII of the Indian Constitution deals with the trade, commerce
and intercourse with in the territory of India
Trade, commerce and intercourse can be of domestic and
international nature.
The provisions relating to trade, commerce and intercourse in the
Indian Constitution relates to the Domestic trade and commerce
alone which is restricted to the territory of India.
Domestic trade and commerce hence includes :
1. Intra – state
2. Inter - state
Aim of any federal structure is to minimize the inter-state
barriers so that people may feel they are residents of any
units of the Union.
All states are not self- sufficient. Some may be depending
solely upon agriculture or industry.
Some states may have the raw materials and hence they
may enter into transactions with other states which have
cheap labour, better energy resources ad facilities.
In cases like this some states due to their narrow and
parochial view may impose restrictions through legislations.
Due to this there is a trade barrier.
Such legislations hamper the national economy also.
Hence it was held that the legislation was void as it was against
the purpose of the Art. 301
Atiabari Tea Co v. State of Assam AIR 1961 SC 232
2.Art. 303 (1) – Neither Parliament nor the State legislature shall
have power to make any law
1. Art. 301 also keeps certain reservations by using the terms ‘Subject
to the other provisions of this Part’to the free trade, commerce and
intercourse. These reservations were borrowed from the American
3 Art. 303 (2): Discriminatory/ preferential provisions may be
made by Parliament for the purpose of dealing with a scarcity
of goods arising in any part of India.
Supreme Court held that gambling not trade but res extra