Received: 11 September 2023 / Revised: 14 November 2023 / Accepted: 22 November 2023 / Published online: 21 December 2023
© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2023
We propose a method to determine the optimal capacity of a photovoltaic generator (PV) and energy storage system (ESS)
for demand side management (DSM) and review its economic revenues. The calculation procedure for determining the opti-
mal capacity of PV-ESS is complicated because it includes the estimation of load and power generation patterns, selection
of candidate capacities, simulation of PV-ESS operation, calculation of revenue and cost, economic analysis, and selection
of optimal capacity. Therefore, we address and generalize the methods which are the entire procedure for selecting the
optimal capacity of PV-ESS, the method for selecting the initial candidate capacity of PV-ESS and the method for selecting
the optimal capacity of PV-ESS. In numerical simulation, we applied this methodology to four real industrial customers in
South Korea. When we analyzed the optimal capacity results calculated for customers with different load patterns, the ESS
c-rate differed depending on the load pattern. Under the simulation conditions, the economic efficiency tended to improve
when there was a peak reduction, the ESS capacity was small, and the PV capacity was large. This is because the peak rate
is high, and the cost of PV-ESS is expensive compared to the electricity rate. Under the current electricity rate and PV-ESS
cost conditions, we determined the optimal capacity of PV-ESS for DSM of actual industrial customers. We confirmed that
it is an effective method that can be applied generally.
Keywords Energy storage system · Photovoltaic generator · Optimal sizing strategy · Economic analysis
2860 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
are increasing. Therefore, studies have been conducted Based on the comprehensive analysis of the previous stud-
on the capacity selection methods of various distributed ies, we have found a non-convexity problem in finding the
resources according to the load type of the customer where optimal capacity considering the trade-off between operating
they are to be installed. revenue and total cost in resource design, and candidate capac-
A previous study examined ESS capacity design for edu- ities are selected by calculating all combinations or assum-
cational service customers [6]. Here, candidate capacities ing several scenarios. However, there is no clear rationale for
were selected based on savings targets to design the capacity. selecting these scenarios. To overcome these weaknesses, this
A study was also conducted on the calculation of the optimal study includes a method for selecting the initial and candidate
ESS size, including reliability constraints of microgrids [7]. capacities that can maximize the operating profit.
Another study investigated the optimal capacity determi- The PV-ESS capacity design procedure proposed here
nation of EV and PV for residential loads [8]. A study on differs from the previous studies in the following ways.
the estimation of optimal PV-BESS capacity was conducted First, the PV-ESS optimal capacity design procedure
from an economic and environmental perspective [9]. A includes load pattern forecasting, PV modeling, operation
study was conducted on the optimal design of distributed scheduling optimization functions for demand side manage-
resources considering local energy networks [10]. Previous ment (DSM), and economic index calculation. Furthermore,
studies have investigated optimization methods to find the each concept is explained, and the overall flow is introduced.
optimal point between the operating revenue generated by Therefore, the procedures and formulas can be organized for
the installation and the overall cost required when designing universal application.
resources. MIP, MILP, and PSO algorithms were mainly Second, we proposed an algorithm for selecting an initial
employed as optimization functions. Candidate capacities capacity and candidate capacities of PV-ESS, which is the
were selected based on savings targets or scenarios. most important for optimal capacity design. This algorithm
Furthermore, there are studies on how to solve non-con- has a step-by-step process: the initial capacity selection
vexity problems in optimization. A study proposed a meth- algorithm, followed by the ESS and PV capacity selection
odology for jointly optimizing the sizing and power man- algorithms. In other words, this study introduces a method
agement of PV household-prosumers, namely, PV power, for designing the capacity in sequences to maximize profit
electric vehicle charging load (EVCL), household consump- when designing a combination of two or more resources.
tion load (HCL), battery bank (BB), and power converters Third, we simulated the optimal capacity selection for
[11]. The total cost and revenue were calculated with the each load pattern utilizing the proposed strategy for four real
teaching–learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm, industrial (manufacturing) sites and analyzed the economic
assuming the expected scenario. efficiency results.
There was a study that provided a methodology to assess The reason for applying to industrial (manufacturing)
the techno-economic performance of PV household-pro- sites is that industrial electricity usage accounted for 53% of
sumers that jointly provide self-consumption/sufficiency the total electricity usage in South Korea in 2021, of which
enhancement (SCSE) and frequency curtailment reserve manufacturing usage accounted for 49%, the highest share
(FCR) [12]. The optimal capacity for the converter-BESS [15].
configuration is determined based on the techno-economic Section 2 describes the procedure and necessary tech-
assessment. For all combinations, the capacity that mini- niques for estimating the optimal capacity of the PV-ESS.
mizes the levelized cost of the PV household prosumer was In Sect. 3, numerical simulation is performed with the pro-
determined while considering the household electric load, posed procedure and equations. The optimal capacity is
state-of-charge (SOC), and life cycle. calculated with actual loads and conditions in four manu-
There is a study on the optimal selection of capacitor facturing sites, and the economic efficiency of PV-ESS is
banks in electrical AC distribution systems for minimiz- analyzed according to customer load patterns and changes
ing the cost of energy losses based on a discrete version of in local conditions. Section 4 discusses the contributions of
the vortex search algorithm (DVSA) [13]. The initial value the proposed method and suggests improvements to promote
of the DVSA is the center of the minimum and maximum the widespread utilization of PV-ESS.
bounds of the decision variables, and a Gaussian distribution
is employed to generate candidate values.
A study addressed the optimal reconfiguration problem 2 Methodology
of DC distribution networks by proposing a novel mixed-
integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation [14]. 2.1 Optimal Sizing Procedure of PV‑ESS
The general algebraic modeling system (GAMS) software
was utilized to analyze the power loss and voltage for several This study proposes an optimal sizing procedure for PV-
scenarios to select the optimal scenario. ESS for customers who use the time-of-use electricity tariff
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874 2861
Fig. 1 PV-ESS system for DSM Fig. 3 Optimal sizing procedure of PV-ESS
2862 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
2.2.2 Photovoltaic System Modeling can be reduced using the PV supplying load to consum-
ers, and the ESS can be charged during off-peak hours
PV modeling predicts PV power generation using the PV and discharged during peak hours to earn a profit differ-
specifications to be installed and the operational data in ence. The ESS output has a negative value when the ESS
the presence of the PV. In general, the rated output, panel is charging and a positive value when discharging. The
inclination angle, and power conditioning system (PCS) profit difference is calculated by adding the total charge
efficiency can be set for the PV specifications. By setting and discharge hours.
the amount of solar radiation, wind speed, cloud speed, and Additionally, peak reduction profits can be obtained by
south-central altitude, which are the meteorological informa- discharging the ESS or generating power using a PV sys-
tion of the installation [17], the amount of PV power genera- tem during peak hours. Therefore, the PV-ESS revenue is
tion can be predicted following (1) and (2): calculated by adding the PV energy charge saving, ESS
Meteorological information can be collected directly energy charge saving, and ESS peak reduction revenues.
using sensors, or measurement information from a nearby Each revenue can be determined using (3)–(5).
meteorological agency may be used.
( ) ∑
( )
PPV = CPV × SRdh × cos 𝜃 × 𝜂PV (1)
m = PPV
mh × 𝜌mh × Nm (3)
∑ ∑
Nm 24
∑ ∑(
Nm 24
m = mdh × 𝜌mh
mh dh
d=1 h=1
d=1 h=1
[ ]
where SRdh : Solar irradiance at d-day at h-hour W∕m2 ; 𝜃 :
Declination angle of PV panel [°]; ηPV ∶ PV PCS efficiency RPeakcut
= PPeakcut
×𝜀 (5)
[%]; CPV ∶ Capacity of PV[kW]; PPV dh
: Generation power of
PV at d-day at h-hour [kW]; PPV : PV average generation at where RPV m : Revenue of PV at m-month [KRW]; 𝜌mh: Energy
m-month at h-hour [kW]; Nm : Number of days in m-month. charge unit price at m-month at h-hour [KRW/kWh]; RESS m :
Revenue of ESS at m-month [KRW]; PESS mdh
: ESS output
power at m-month, d-day and h-hour [kW]; 𝜀 : Demand
2.2.3 Optimization of PV‑ESS Scheduling for DSM charge unit price [KRW/kW]; PPeakcut
m : Peak-cut at m-month
[kW]; RPeakcut
m : Peak-cut revenue at m-month [KRW].
The schedule optimization function for the PV-ESS opera- The PV energy charge-saving revenue is calculated by
tion simulation can be expressed as follows [18]: multiplying the electricity rate unit price by the power
generation forecast value described in Sect. 2.2.2. The ESS
• Objective function: Minimize electricity rate energy charge-saving revenue is calculated by multiplying
• Variable: ESS charging and discharging schedule the ESS charging and discharging amounts by the electric-
• Constraint: PCS output range, power consumption limit, ity rate unit price, assuming that it is actually operated
SOC range using the operation plan values simulated in Sect. 2.2.3.
The peak reduction revenue is calculated by multiplying
The objective function maximizes the PV-ESS operating the peak reduction amount by the demand rate unit price.
profit, and the constraints include the PCS power range of Here, the peak reduction revenue can be obtained even
the ESS, which is a controllable resource, the SOC upper with the amount of PV generated. However, the amount
and lower limits, and the load upper and lower limits. of solar radiation, which is a supply resource, cannot be
The optimization was performed using a nonlinear gen- adjusted. Therefore, PV is excluded from the peak reduc-
eralized reduced gradient method owing to the nonlinear tion revenue.
nature of the ESS charging and discharging efficiencies. Monthly revenue can be calculated by adding the hourly
revenue of the day and multiplying it by the number of
monthly days, yearly revenue can be calculated by adding
2.2.4 DSM Revenue and Cost Calculation all the monthly revenues. For the economic analysis for
20 years, considering the capacity degradation rate using
In this section, a method for calculating the PV-ESS revenue the first-year revenue, revenues for 20 years are calculated,
and DSM costs is described. as shown in (6) and (7). In general, the PV capacity deg-
The structure of electricity tariffs in South Korea com- radation rate was calculated as 0.7% per year, and the ESS
prises demand charge and energy charge. Electricity bills capacity degradation rate was calculated as 2% per year.
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874 2863
( PV ) ∑
RDSM = Rm + RESS Peakcut
m + Rm (6) 0= − ECtotal (10)
m=1 n=1
(1 + IRR)n
where RDSM : DSM revenue for the first year [KRW]; RDSM : 2.2.6 Optimal Capacity Selection
1 n
DSM [ revenue] for n years [KRW]; DF : PV degradation
rate %∕year ; DF ESS : ESS degradation rate [%∕year]. The most challenging part of the PV-ESS optimal sizing
Subsequently, a method for calculating the PV cell and strategy is the algorithm for selecting the appropriate ini-
ESS costs is described. The cost is divided into facility and tial and candidate capacities and searching for the optimal
installation costs. Moreover, the cost is calculated by multi- capacity. We have encountered various load patterns through
plying the capacity by the unit price, assuming that the cost several years of design experience and designed PV-ESS.
is proportional to the capacity. The unit price per MW for the Therefore, based on this experience, we summarize the fac-
PV, PCS, and battery (BAT) is shown below. Here, the unit tors that must be considered to calculate the optimal capacity
price of BAT uses lithium-ion batteries. For DSM facilities, of a PV-ESS and explain how to select the initial capacity
operation and maintenance (O & M) costs are assumed to and candidate capacity algorithmically. In addition, we pro-
be 1% of the total cost. pose a method for determining the optimal capacity using
the calculated candidate capacities. In this paper, when
• ECPV = 1,200,000,000 [KRW/MW] selecting the initial capacity, the PV is not considered and
• ECESSPCS = 230,000,000 [KRW/MW] is calculated using the ESS. The reason is that the PV system
• ECBAT = 400,000,000 [KRW/MWh] cannot control its supply resources, so its output is uncertain.
When selecting the ESS candidate capacity, an appropri-
Total cost is calculated that the unit price per MW for PV, ate capacity must be selected considering the load pattern of
PCS, and BAT multiplied by the capacity is shown in (8). In the customer. The ESS can shift the load from off-peak load
addition, maintenance costs can be added as 1% of the total times to peak-load times through charging and discharging
cost for demand management facilities. and can enable peak shaving by discharging at peak loads.
( ) ( Thus, the amount of load shifting or peak shaving may vary
total CPV × ECPV + CESSPCS 𝛼 depending on the load pattern.
EC = × 1+
100 For example, when analyzing high-voltage option (A) for
(8) industrial use among Korea’s electricity rates, the revenue
where ECPV : Equipment cost of PV [KRW/MW]; CESSPCS : price obtained when shifting the load is up to 135 KRW/
Capacity of PCS[kW]; ECESSPCS : Equipment cost of ESS kWh per hour. Moreover, the revenue price obtained when
PCS [KRW/MW]; CBAT : Capacity of battery[kWh]; ECBAT : reducing the peak load is 8320 KRW/kW per month. The
Equipment cost of Battery [KRW/MWh]; α : Management Korean electricity rate system has a large revenue unit price
cost rate [%]; ECtotal : Equipment cost of PV-ESS [KRW]. when the peak load is reduced, and the rate is applied for one
year. Therefore, the initial capacity is calculated by maxi-
2.2.5 Economic Analysis mizing the amount of peak reduction possible. The initial
capacity calculation method of ESS to maximize peak reduc-
The internal rate of return (IRR) was calculated to compare tion is shown in Fig. 4.
and analyze the capacity of each economic feasibility. The Monthly peak load(PL) refers to the highest load during
IRR is determined by calculating the pre-commercialization load pattern, and the yearly PL refers to the highest load
revenue for each year using (9) and subsequently incorporat- among the monthly PLs. The yearly PL can be calculated
ing the total cost into (10). In other words, the IRR index using (11).
refers to the annual rate of return and is used as a standard ( )
for determining optimal capacity. PLy = max Lm,h
m = 1 ∼ 12 (11)
CFn = RDSM × (1 − p)n (9) h = 1 ∼ 24
where PLy : Yearly peak load [kW]; Lm,h : Load of peak day
2864 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
If Lm,t > PUL
Fig. 5 Calculation process of upper limit capacity
( )
CESSPCS,ini = max Lm,t − DPUL
m = 1 ∼ 12 (14)
t = 9 ∼ 22
( 22 )
∑ ( peak )
CESSBAT,ini = max Lm,t − DPUL ∕DOD (15)
Where DPUL: Upper limit of demand power
[kW]; CESSPCS,ini : Initial value of PCS capacity[kW];
CESSBAT,ini : Initial value of battery capacity[kWh];
DOD = SOCmax − SOCmin[%].
If the yearly PL is low and no peak reduction capacity
exists, there may be no initial capacity of ESS. In this
case, the maximum capacity of the ESS can be calculated
to maximize load shifting. Therefore, the upper limit of
Fig. 6 Check algorithm of upper limit of capacity
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874 2865
2866 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874 2867
Fig. 13 Customer 3 load pattern (August) Fig. 16 Customer 4 load pattern on peak days each month
Fig. 14 Customer 3 load pattern on peak days each month This section describes the photovoltaic specifications,
ESS parameters, unit price of an electricity bill, and unit
cost of equipment for installing PV-ESS to be entered dur-
ing operational simulations. The PV generation patterns
are calculated by assigning the specifications for the PV
system type, PCS efficiency, and angle of inclination as
shown in Table 2. A target area is selected, and the past
solar irradiance data is stored [20]. Using the specifica-
tions in Table 2 and historical data from the target area, the
daily and average monthly power generation are predicted
and used in operational simulations.
ESS specifications vary according to the type of bat-
tery. This paper focuses on lithium-ion batteries, and the
specifications of the entered lithium-ion batteries are sum-
marized in Tables 3 and 4. Here, the lithium-ion battery
cycle efficiency indicates that the battery decreases to 80%
Fig. 15 Customer 4 load pattern (August) of its rated capacity when charged and discharged 3,500
times. The charge/discharge efficiencies of the lithium ion
batteries in Table 4 were linearized and applied during
The workday load pattern of customer 4 in Fig. 15 charge/discharge.
shows that the load during working hours is high, imply- The DSM revenue was calculated using the electricity
ing that some work is performed on Saturdays, and almost unit price and considering the industrial (B) high-voltage
no work is performed on holidays. As shown in Fig. 16, (A) option (II) type commonly used by the target consum-
the peak load is 1460 kW, higher than 930 kW, which is ers in Table 1.
30% of the contract demand. Therefore, this customer can The energy charge unit price of the industrial (B) high-
receive peak reduction revenues. voltage (A) rate type is shown in Table 5, and the seasonal
2868 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
energy charge unit price graph for Option II is shown in Value Unit
Fig. 17 [18]. PV cost (included PCS cost) 1200 KRW/MW
Here, industrial (B) indicates that the contract demand of ESS battery cost 400 KRW/MW
the customer is 300 kW or more. Similarly, high-voltage (A) ESS PCS cost 120 KRW/MW
indicates that the supply voltage of the customer is greater
than or equal to 3300 V and less than or equal to 66,000 V
[16]. Additionally, the basic unit price of the industrial (B)
high-voltage (A) rate plan is shown in Table 6. rate, electric unit price increase rate, power degradation
The DSM revenue was calculated by applying the energy rate per resource, and O & M cost rate.
charge rate and demand charge rate unit prices in (3)–(5). Additionally, the PV-ESS investment cost was calcu-
The parameters used for calculating the economic feasi- lated using the cost unit price per resource in Table 8. The
bility index are shown in Table 7. The parameters used to unit cost is the unit price including the installation and
calculate the NPV and IRR include the currency discount facility costs, and is assumed to increase with capacity.
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874 2869
3.3 Results of PV‑ESS Sizing From initial capacity, the ESS candidate capacity was cal-
culated by randomly gradually reducing the peak reduction
In this section, we describe the results of calculating the amount. The economic feasibility determined by operational
optimal PV-ESS capacity using the proposed algorithm. simulations is shown in Table 9. Assuming the lifespan of
The initial and candidate capacities were selected for each the ESS to be 10 years, the candidate capacity in Case 1–5
customer using the algorithm in Figs. 4, 5, 6 and 7, and the was not economically feasible. Therefore, PCS and battery
economic feasibility was calculated using (3)–(10). of 50 kW and 230 kWh, respectively, were determined as the
First, the economic results according to the calculated optimal capacity of ESS and bold in the Table 9. Computa-
candidate capacity for Consumer 1 are shown in Table 9. tion time for Case 6 is 71 s.
According to (12), the maximum APC for Customer 1 was In the case of Customer 1, economic feasibility was not
2464 kW and the DPUL calculated using (13) was 1830 kW. when there was no peak reduction or when there was large-
The initial capacity calculated using (14) and (15) was PCS peak reduction. Even if the peak cut is reduced, a smaller
2292 kW. BAT was 41,633 kWh. According to calculations ESS capacity indicates better economic feasibility. This may
of the upper limit of the ESS capacity using (16) and (17), be attributed to the fact that DSM revenues are small com-
PCS and BAT were 2455 kW and 28,059 kWh, respectively. pared to ESS unit prices.
A comparison indicates that the initial capacity that satisfies The maximum APC for Customer 2 was calculated
the maximum APC exceeds the upper limit of ESS capacity; as 142 kW, which required a battery capacity of at least
thus, the peak reduction amount cannot be satisfied. 660 kWh. The minimum ESS candidate capacity required
Therefore, when the APC was lowered to 1000 kW and for reducing the peak was calculated and selected as the
DPUL was increased to 3294 kW while calculating the ini- candidate capacity. An economic feasibility analysis was
tial capacity, the PCS and BAT capacities were estimated as performed, as shown in Table 10. In the case of Customer
2156 kW and 18,500 kWh, respectively, which were satisfied 2, peak reduction was required for economic feasibility.
below the ESS upper limit. Smaller peak reduction amounts corresponded to better
2870 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
economic efficiency, and a peak reduction by 40 kW was For Customer 4, economic feasibility comes out when the
the most economical. Bold in the Table 10 means optimal peak reduction is decreased. According to IRR of case 4–6,
capacity by analysis. Computation time for Case 5 is 74 s. the optimal capacity was determined as PCS 100 kW and
For Customer 3, the peak load remained within 30% battery 250 kWh which was bold in the Table 12. Computa-
of the contract demand. Therefore, there was no peak tion time for Case 4 is 90 s.
cut amount, and the peak cut revenue of (5) could not be The optimal ESS capacity was selected in Tables 9, 10, 11
obtained. In this case, profits may be obtained from reduc- and 12, and the optimal PV capacity for each customer was
ing electricity bills as much as possible by load shifting calculated according to the proposed algorithm in Fig. 8.
that moves the load during the off-peak load time to the For all the customers, the economy improved considerably
peak load time. when PV was included.
Therefore, the PCS capacity was fixed at 40 kW, which is The results of the economic feasibility analysis while
10% of the average load of 396 kW, and the battery capacity increasing PV capacity for Customer 1 are shown in
was increased to 2 to 7 times the PCS capacity. During eco- Table 13. A higher PV capacity corresponds to higher IRR,
nomic feasibility analysis, there was no economic feasibility but lower increasing rate of IRR. The graph of IRR change
for all candidate capacities. PCS 40 kW-Battery 75 kWh was according to PV capacity increase is shown in Fig. 18.
arbitrarily selected as the optimal capacity and bold in the Therefore, Case 2, which had the highest increase rate, was
Table 11. Computation time for Case 3 is 52 s. determined as the optimal capacity and bold in the Table 13.
Because the maximum peak reduction of Consumer 4 was Likewise, in the case of Customer 2, the economy
530 kW, the battery candidate capacity was calculated using improved considerably when PV was included. Table 14
the algorithm of Fig. 5 while randomly gradually decreasing shows the results of analyzing the economic feasibility while
the peak reduction at 500 kW. The results of the economic increasing PV capacity.
analysis according to the candidate capacity are presented The graph of IRR change according to PV capac-
in Table 12. Cases 1 to 3 were not economically feasible. ity increase of customer 2 is shown in Fig. 19. The IRR
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874 2871
4 Conclusion
increases with the PV capacity, but decreases when it
exceeds 300 kW. Therefore, the IRR was the highest when This paper proposes a strategy for designing capacity for
the PV capacity was 300 kW, and it was determined as the consumers who want to install PV-ESS for DSM.
optimal capacity and was bold in the Table 14. The PV-ESS optimal capacity design procedure includes
Table 15 shows the results of analyzing economic fea- load pattern forecasting, PV modeling, operation schedul-
sibility as the PV capacity of Customer 3 increased. As ing optimization functions for demand management, and
Fig. 20, the IRR increases with the PV capacity, attains economic index calculation. Furthermore, each concept is
its highest value at 500 kW, and then IRR falls. However, explained, and the overall flow is introduced. Therefore,
the increased rate of IRR was the highest when the PV the procedures and formulas can be organized for universal
2872 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
Fig. 19 Plot of IRR according to the PV capacity of Customer 2 Fig. 20 Plot of IRR according to PV capacity of Customer 3
And we proposed an algorithm for optimal sizing entire • When economic feasibility analysis was conducted by
procedure of PV-ESS, calculation process of initial capacity, adding PV resources to the optimal ESS capacity, eco-
upper limit capacity and candidate capacities, procedure for nomic feasibility improved in most cases. As PV candi-
selecting the optimal PV capacity, which is the most impor- date capacity increases, economic feasibility improves,
tant for optimal capacity design. In other words, this study but the increase rate is low. Therefore, the IRR of the
introduces a method for designing the capacity in sequences optimal PV-ESS candidate capacity was calculated to be
to maximize profit when designing a combination of two or 10.01–17.99% according to customer load pattern.
more resources. • In conclusion, for DSM economic feasibility, using pro-
The results of the numerical simulations performed using posed method is need to find the minimum ESS capac-
the proposed method for four actual industrial customers in ity accompanied by peak reduction and PV capacity of
the Republic of Korea are summarized below. maximum increase rate according to customer load pat-
• The optimal capacity and economic index varied accord-
ing to the characteristics of the consumer load pattern. Therefore, if the government wants to revitalize the sup-
In most simulation results, the larger the peak reduc- ply of renewable energy and reduce output volatility with
tion amount, the larger the ESS candidate capacity, and ESS, it is judged that investment cost support projects or
the high cost of ESS made it uneconomical. Therefore, incentive rate systems for PV-ESS will be necessary.
economic feasibility is good when peak reduction was Future work is planned to extend the current study and
achieved by lowering the ESS capacity as possible. In implement a stochastic model for solar power generators
the result analysis, the IRR varied from 2.36 to 10.33% to more perfect the peak-saving profit calculation method.
according to customer load pattern.
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874 2873
Case Candidate capacity Investment cost [100 Million Revenue [100 Million KRW] Economic index
Number KRW]
PCS [kW] Battery [kWh] PV [kW] Equipment cost O&M cost Load shifting Peak shaving IRR [%] Payback
time [year]
2874 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (2024) 19:2859–2874
Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds Gilsung Byeon He received B.S
exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the and Ph.D degrees from the
author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted School of Electrical Engineer-
manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of ing, Korea University in 2006
such publishing agreement and applicable law. and 2012. Currently, he works as
a principal researcher with the
energy platform research center,
Kyeong‑Hee Cho She received KERI.
B.S. and M.S. degrees from the
Gyeongsang National University
in 2010 and 2012. She received
Ph.D. degree from Pusan
National University in 2023. She
has been with Korea Electrotech-
noloty Research Institute
(KERI), since 2011. Her research
interests are renewable energy, Wanbin Son He received Ph.D.
energy storage system and in computer science from
microgrid design. POSTECH, South Korea. Cur-
rently, he works as a senior
researcher with the energy plat-
form research center, KERI. His
research interests are PV fore-
Jongyul Kim He received B.S., casting and digital twin of dis-
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Elec- tributed resources.
trical Engineering from Pusan
National University. He has been
with the KERI, since 2001. Cur-
rently, he works as a director
with the Energy Platform
Research Center. His research
interests are the DERs and
design & operation of microgrid
and smart grid.