under the guidance of Ms.SUMATHI, our school's Biology teacher during the
The project work is original and has been executed at Vel’s Vidhyalaya Senior
I thank the Almighty God who helped me to choose this project wisely.
Mrs. S. Murugeswari for their encouragement, help and service in performing the
project's success,
Medical termination of pregnancy or (MTP) is a medical procedure
to end the pregnancy. It is also known as Medical Abortion. The
pregnancy is terminated either by taking medicines or by
performing a surgical procedure.
Miscarriage is the ending of the pregnancy naturally before the 20th week.
Miscarriages are also called spontaneous abortions. The majorities of
miscarriages are unavoidable and happen when the fetus stops developing.
Miscarriages are very common in the first trimester of pregnancy. The most
common signs of miscarriage include bleeding of tissues and clots,
abdominal cramps and lower back pain.
Abortion is a legal procedure by which a woman can end her
pregnancy deliberately. It can be done till the 24th week of
gestation. A pregnant woman can abort her pregnancy using
medicines or surgery if she doesn't want to deliver the baby.
If a woman's health is under danger because of pregnancy.
If a woman is pregnant because of rape.
If it is known that the fetus will be unwell or handicapped
after birth.
Pregnancies that happen despite contraception.
If a girl under the age of eighteen or a 'lunatic' (a person
who is not in his/her senses) is pregnant
1.Vaginal examination is done to note the size and
position of the uterus and to note the state of cervix. USG
should be performed when there is any doubt about the
gestational age.
2. Posterior vaginal speculum is introduced and an
assistant is asked to hold it.
3.The anterior lip of the cervix is to be grasped by an Allis
4. The cervix may have to be dilated with smaller size
graduated metal dilators up to one size less than that of
the suction cannula. Feeling of "snap" of the endocervix
around the dilator is characteristic. Instead laminaria tent
12 hours before (osmotic dilator) or misoprostol (PGE1)
400 µg given vaginally 3 hours prior to surgery produces
effective dilatation.
5. Intravenous methergine 0.2 mg is administered.
6. The appropriate suction cannula is fitted to the suction
apparatus by a thick rubber or plastic tubing. The cannula
is then introduced into the uterus; the tip is to be placed
in the middle of the uterine cavity.
7. The pressure of the suction is raised to 400–600 mm
Hg. The cannula is moved up and down and rotated
within the uterine cavity (360°) with the pressure on. The
suction bottle is inspected for the products of conception
and blood loss. The suction is regulated by a finger
placed over a hole at the base of the cannula
The end point of suction is denoted by:
a. No more material is being sucked out
b. Gripping of the cannula by the contracting smaller size
c. Appearance of bubbles in the cannula or in the
transparent tubing.
8. After being satisfied that the uterus is remaining firm,
and there is minimal vaginal bleeding, the patient is
brought down from the table after placing a sterile vulval
Second trimester termination of pregnancy:
They act on the cervix and the uterus.
The PGE (dinoprostone, sulprostone, gemeprost,
misoprostol) and PGF (carboprost) analogues are
commonly used
PGEs are preferred as they have more selective
action on the myometrium and less side effects.
1. Misoprostol (PGEı analogue)
400-800 µg of misoprostol given vaginally at an
interval of 3-4 hours is most effective as the
bioavailability is high.
Alternatively, first dose of 600 µg misoprostol given
vaginally, then 200 µg, orally every 3 hours are also
found optimum.
Recently 400 µg misoprostol is given sublingually
every 3 hours for a maximum of five doses.
This regimen has got 100% success in second
trimester abortion.
2. Gemeprost (PGEı analogue):
1 mg vaginal every 3-6 hours for five doses in 24
hours has got about 90% successes.
The mean induction-abortion interval was 14-18
4. Prostaglandin F2 (carboprost): -
-250mg IM every 3 hours for a maximum 100 dose can be
High dose oxytocin as a single agent can be used for
second trimester abortion.
It is effective in 80% of cases.
It can be used with intravenous normal saline along
with any of the medications used either intra-
amniotic or extra-amniotic space in an attempt to
augment the abortion process.
Mode of action:
Myometrial oxytocin receptor concentration
increases maximum (200-300-fold) during
Oxytocin acts through receptor and voltage
mediated calcium channels to initiate
myometrial contraction.
Surgical Methods:
It is difficult to terminate pregnancy in the second
trimester with reasonable safety as in first trimester.
Between 13-15:
Dilation and Evacuation in the mid trimester is less
commonly done.
Pregnancies at 13 to 14 menstrual weeks are
In all mid trimester abortion cervical preparation
must be used (WHO 1997) to make the process easy
and safe.
Intracervical tent (Laminaria osmotic dilator),
mifepristone or misoprostol are used as the cervical
priming agents.
The procedure may need to be performed under
ultrasound guidance to reduce the risk of
Simultaneous use of oxytocin infusion is useful.
Between 16-20 weeks:
Intra-amniotic instillation of hypertonic saline (20%) is
less commonly used now. It is instilled through the
abdominal route.
Mode of action: There is liberation of prostaglandins
following necrosis of the amniotic epithelium and the
decidua. This in turn excites uterine contraction and
results in the expulsion of the fetus.
Preliminary amniocentesis is done by a 15 cm 18-
gauge needle.
The amount of saline to be instilled is calculated as
number of weeks of gestation multiplied by 10 ml.
The amount is to be infused slowly at the rate of 10
Extra-amniotic instillation of 0.1% ethacridine lactate
done transcervically through a number 16 Foley's
The catheter is passed up the cervical canal for
about 10 cm above the internal os between the
membranes and myometrium and the balloon is
inflated (10 mL) with saline.
It is removed after 4 hours. The success rate is
similar to saline instillation but is less hazardous.
It can be used in cases contraindicated for saline
Stripping the membranes with liberation of
prostaglandins from the decidua and dilatation of the
cervix by the catheter are some of the known factors
for initiation of the abortion.
Hysterotomy is an operative procedure of
extracting the products of conception out of the
womb before 28th week by cutting through the
anterior wall of the uterus.
The operation is usually done through the abdominal
route. The operation is rarely done these days for the
purpose of MTP.
I Hemorrhage and shock
II Peritonitis
III Intestinal obstruction
Complications of MTP:
- Injury to the cervix (cervical lacerations)
- Uterine perforation during D and E
-Hemorrhage and shock due to trauma, incomplete
abortion, atonic uterus or rarely coagulation failure
-Thrombosis or embolism
The complications are grouped into:
Gynecological complications include:
I menstrual disturbances
II chronic pelvic inflammation
III scar endometriosis (1%)
Obstetrical complications include:
I ectopic pregnancy (three-fold increase)
II preterm labor
III dysmaturity,
IV rupture uterus