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ID: 1305597



JUN. 2024
Debre Markos University, Ethiopia


Table of Contents Page

List of figure ..................................................................................................................................v

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background of the practical attachment.................................... 1
1.1 Objectives of Internship..........................................................................................................
1.3 Background of the institution (Tsehay bank) .........................................................................2
1.4 Organizational structure..............................................................................................................3
1.5 Mission, vision, and core values of the organization....................................................................4
1.5.1 Mission...................................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Vision......................................................................................................................................5
1.5.3 Core values..............................................................................................................................5
1.6 Major activities of the department................................................................................................6
1.7 SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, and threat) Analysis of the organization....................8
1.7.1 Strengths of the organization.................................................................................................9
1.7.2 Weaknesses of the organization............................................................................................9
1.7.3 Opportunities of the organization........................................................................................10
1.7.4 Threats of the organization..................................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO: EXPERIENCE..................................................................................................................12
2.1 Duties and responsibilities............................................................................................................12
2.2 New knowledge or learning skills from my duties and responsibilitiy..........................................14
2.2.1 Learning skills from my duties/responsibilitiy........................................................................14
2.2.2 New knowledge from my duties/responsibilit.......................................................................15
2.3 Level of accomplishment of the duties/responsibilities assigned ................................................15


2.4 Things enjoyed most from practical attachment 16
2.5 Things enjoyed least from practical attachment 17
2.6 Problem experienced and how handled 17
2.6.1 Major Problems Faced During Practice 17
2.6.2 Solutions to handle the problems 18
2.7 Major benefits derived from practical attachment program 18





1.1 Background of the practical attachment

Internship means formal program to provide practical experiences for beginners in an
occupation or profession. It is working and learning that provide hands on way for students to
confirm choices of major and/or career in a way they may be linked to an academic department
or academic theories. The report includes the detail description of the assignment that I was

handling, mission, vision, core value, challenge that encountered during the attachment period
and their respective solutions and finally conclusion and recommendation.


1.2 Objective of practical attachment

1.2.1 General objective
The general objective of practical attachment program at Debre Markos University is to
produce practically oriented graduate that to meet the required job related competence of their
future employers. It also to connect students with potential employers and provides
opportunities to explore the variety of career objectives that are often available within in the
hosting company. Such opportunities also help students relate theories and knowledge acquired
in the academic year with the skills and attitudes found in the company and develop idea
appreciate business area and provide experience that many employers value.

1.2.2 Specific objective

 To provide an opportunity to the student to apply principles and techniques theoretically.
 To get hand on experience in real life station that they are expected to work in when they
graduate or after accomplishing the degree.
 To expose students new knowledge through another issues in the working filed.
 To expand student’s awareness of the world beyond the classroom by exposure to a
variety of careers, cultures, disciplines lifestyles and environments.
 To provide students with the opportunity to test their interest in a particular career
 before permanent commitment are made.
 To provide an opportunity for students and academic staff to interact with the stack
holders and potential employers
 To develop students understanding of work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities
and duties, and opportunities.

1.3 Background of the institution (Tsehay bank)

Tsehay Bank is one of a succession of fourth-generation private banks that have recently
launched operations. It is preceded by Ahadu and Amhara banks, the former only a week older.
It is also one of a handful of banks that managed to lock in paid-up capital above the threshold
of half a billion Birr, before it was raised 10-fold. Promoters began the journey almost two years

ago and have since managed to raise 734 million Br in equity from 373 shareholders. It pales in
comparison to Amhara Bank’s record-breaking 186,000 shareholders. Tsehay Bank has 2.9


billion Br in subscribed capital, with each shareholder contributing close to eight million Birr on
average when all capital subscriptions are paid up.
Tsehay Bank S.C established by 734 million birr paid up capital and 2.8 billion birr subscribed
capital. The Bank held its first general assembly in Sheraton Addis Hotel on Feb 18, 2021.
Tsehay bank has 373 shareholders, and compared to other industry actors, this is the smallest
number of shareholders for any bank in Ethiopia. Tsehay Bank is planning to open 30 branches
in Addis Ababa and other regional cities in the budget year. Tsehay Bank S.C. founders have
envisioned filling the financial service gap and contributing to the development of the country.
The Bank will strive to satisfy stakeholders’ by ensuring service excellence that appeal to the
ever-diversifying and growing needs of customers. The term, “Tsehay" is an Amharic word that
denotes "The Sun," and our motto is "For All," referring to our financial inclusion objective.
The Bank was established following the Shareholders' General Assembly on February 18, 2021.
The bank was established as a private individuals’ share company, with 373 shareholders and a
paid-up capital of Birr 734.7 million and a subscribed capital of Birr 2.8 billion. In comparison to
other industry participants, the Bank has the fewest shareholders among Ethiopian Banks.
Institutional shareholders account for 35% of total share value. These shareholders have
extensive experience and success in the country's various business segments, including,
agriculture, manufacturing, domestic trade, import, export and other services. This
demonstrates the Bank's ability to collaborate in order to create a successful business venture
and commercial Banking service. The shareholders, on the other hand, promised to complete
the payment of the remaining subscribed capital within a short period of time.

1.4 Organizational structure

All departments in this organization are related to each other. The other department can control
the activity of other. Also on their daily activities they must report to the body which controls
each department. Also they control each other to minimize the problem on job, to be fair and
acceptable by every department. To achieve the objective and vision they obey responsibility
for the job given to all departments. Let we see to how they control each other. The customer

service officer reports the daily activity to the A/senior customer service officer. Also pass all
physical tickets done on transaction daily to the branch controller to ensure their activity by

comparing the recorded transaction on the system. A/senior customer service reports his or her
activity to the customer service manager. Customer service manager reports to branch
manager. Branch controller passes all tickets to senior branch controller after ensured the
balance on physical counted tickets and on system became equal. Then senior branch controller
again checks and report to branch manager. So finally all activity in bank is controlled by the
manager of the Tsehay bank.

structure of Tsehay Bank S.C in Debre Markos branch

1.5 Mission, vision, and core values of the organization

1.5.1 Mission
We are dedicated to deliver sustainable value to our stakeholders by efficiently providing
Banking service that ensures best customer experience using qualified employees and cutting
edge technology.
Tsehay Bank mission statement describes what the Bank does, who it does it for, why it does it
and how it does it. The mission statement is an enduring statement of purpose. It is a guide and

inspirational tool for what the Bank is striving to become in the future. It is the bank's reason for


existence. The major missions of Tsehay Bank are:

 To safeguard price stability.
 To ensure financial stability.
 To guarantee safe cash and efficient payment system.
 To provide economic and financial data analyze.

1.5.2 Vision
Tsehay Bank assessed and described its vision in the manner of aspirational description of what
the Bank would like to achieve in the future. It serves as a clear guide for choosing current and
future courses of action.
➢ To become one of the best private Banks in East Africa by the year 2040.

1.5.3 Core values

Core values are the ideals and enduring principles that underpin the bank’s performance,
culture, customer service and all interactions with its stakeholders. Tsehay Bank’s actions and
responses in relation to its various stakeholders will be guided by the following seven core
A. Integrity: Maintain confidentiality and privacy of information, taking into account legal
and ethical obligations, in order to inspire confidence from our customers and other
external stakeholders. Communicate openly and honestly in order to build trust.
B. Costumer experience: Strive to create the best customer perception of their overall
interaction with the Bank. Address the needs of the customer and increase customer’s
satisfaction. Offer the highest quality service to our customers with best accessibility. Be
preferred brand in service quality in the minds of customers and the general public.
Place effective customers’ feedback that will help to improve service. Build long lasting
relationships with customers
C. Teamwork: Respect one another and co-operate in our work. Recognize the importance
of teamwork for our success. Collaborate and support one another to ensure process
integration and minimize external business challenges.

D. Empowerment: Distinguish employees as valuable organizational resources. Promote

decentralization and delegation of duties and responsibilities. Maintain an atmosphere


that inspires confidence and take ownership. Encourage employee to take responsibility
and support to each other and serve customers in a courteous and respectful manner.
E. Professionalism: Demonstrates professional expertise in all aspects of work. Consults
appropriately, always seeks to understand the broader organizational context and
informs decisions with data. Maintain objectivity and independence.
F. Learning organization: Anticipate and respond to internal and external changes through
constant improvement and adjustment. Establish a culture that nurtures individual and
group learning. Retain and disseminate tacit knowledge across the bank.
G. Corporate citizenship: Abide by the laws of Ethiopia. Care about society's welfare and
the environment. Believe that the sustainability of our business depends on our ability
to maintain and build public confidence

1.6 Major activities of the department

Each department of the organization has their own duties and responsibilities. The manager
responsible to supervise all activities in the Bank including supervising employees, assisting
customers to provide excellent customer service. Cashier is responsible to all cash transaction of
the organization, checking daily cash accounts, and maintaining monthly, weekly and daily
report of transaction. Accountant is responsible to assists during preparation of financial
statements. The statements prepared include the balance sheet, income statement, a
statement of retained earnings and cash flow statement. The accountant also holds the
responsibility of closing the books of accounts of a branch at the end of every month. In case
mistakes occur, he/she is prepares and post the adjustment entries.
Customer service department is basically the front desk of bank, as this is the department
where customer first contacts with the bank. The reputation and image of bank is highly
determined by this department. This is department where the bank delivers its product and
services to the customer. The staff of this department should have fair knowledge of all
departments so, that they can answer the customer queries. Customer service department
intends to attract the new potential customer and retaining the existing ones. All the activities

of this department are to satisfy the customer. Customer department is also concern with
revenue generation which means to increase the profit. If the old customer are unhappy with

this department or with bank then the bank should bear loss. The bank should find new
customer which incurred expense for bank as well as the reputation and image will be damage
of bank. This rtment is also known as bridge for bank as this department is link between
customer and other department. So, this department is crucial for bank. The intern serve
customer by providing product and service information.depa
Internet Banking
You can now use Tsehay Internet Banking Service anywhere, anytime. Easy to Use and Reliable!
Mobile Banking
Wherever you are, Tsehay Mobile Banking brings banking service much closer to you through
your mobile device.
International Banking
Tsehay Bank S.C offers various international banking services to its valued customers. It also
facilitates international payments and handles import and export of transactions. Tsehay Bank’s
swift code: TSCPETAA has been crucial to make exchanges with our Correspondent Banks.

Deposit Products & Services

Tsehay Bank provides different domestic banking services for local customers. Using these
services, customers can process their banking activities locally.
Credit Products & Services
The Bank provides commercial or business loans to eligible customers to meet their day-to-day
working capital requirements and/or for investment purposes.
Fajr Interest Free Banking
Tsehay Bank offers different Fajr products and services in compliance with acceptable Sharia
principles. Our valued IFB customers can enjoy quality banking services at our full-fledged IFB
branches -Fajr Quba and Fajr Amana as well as window services at all our branches.
Fajr offers different product features and benefits for customers:
● Financing Services
● Interest-Free Export Financing

ousing Finance for Diaspora

● PreH


● -Shipment Export Financing

● International Business Support

Tsehay Bank special offers

 Women Saving Account (Kibirt)
 Youth Saving Account (Gubil)
 Minors Saving Account (Eshet)
 Elders Saving Account (Tila)
 Teenagers Saving Account (Tesfa)

1.7 SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, and threat) Analysis of the

A SWOT analysis of a bank formally evaluates the financial institution's strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. This analysis identifies these four main elements to help upper
management better leverage its strengths to take advantage of future business opportunities
while better understanding its operational weaknesses to combat threats to potential growth. A
SWOT analysis can also address many other scenarios, such as new business initiatives,
marketing budgets or even advertising campaigns, and is a valuable tool in bank management.

1.7.1 Strengths of the organization

● High service levels
● Highly automated systems
● IT/software expertise
● Easy access to capital and funding

● Effective sales and service culture
● Focus on internal marketing
● Team-based culture
● Clear segments targeted effectively

● Clear value proposition

1.7.2 Weaknesses of the organization 12


 Poor cost efficiencies

 Mixed quality staff
 Targeting price elastic markets
 No distinct product features
 Undifferentiated products
 Limited engagement from marketing communications
 Have to price under the market
 No consumer connection to the brand
 Limited online advertising experience

1.7.3 Opportunities of the organization

● Leverage our big data
● Develop a customer relationship culture
● Attract new customers through special offers
● Shift to a customer-centric marketing outlook
● Target more price inelastic markets
● Expand our product mix

1.7.4 Threats of the organization

 Becoming a market laggard or a me-too player
 Declining unit margins
 Rising fixed costs
 Consumers becoming more price sensitive
 Becoming a me-too player, due to product mix
 Excessive cost of big data
 Inability to grow the customer base long-term
 Poor ratings on review website




2.1 Duties and responsibilities

The attachment is on the job training in which the trains has to perform various roles and duties
in organization which creates values to the customer and during my attachment period i worked
various activities in the bank with various bank employees. Before I started training in the bank,
I worked with the bank's branch manager and customer service manager to get advice on the
organizational structure and About activity of the bank, Where I work, When I work, What is
the relationship between the bank and the organization and How the organization run.
And the branch manager told me to work with the customer service officer because many of the
customers were contact with the customer service officer. During my attachment period I
worked and learnt various activities in the bank with customer service officer and sometimes
with branch manager and customer service manager those are as follows:
 Opening account
Opening account is the first phase that makes contact between the bank and the customer. The
customer service officer will be fill up the account opening form in the written formant to the
customer and the detail is recorded in the system and then approved by the branch manager or
customer service manager in order to active the account. During my attachment period I helped
for the customer service officer in preforming this activity. Procedures of opening account are:

a. The account opening from should contain account name, account holder number,
nominee name and signature.
b. Account number is given as per registered sequence following computer system rule to


open the account in computer.

c. If there is any discrepancy of document found by the manager or operation in charge
then the customer is informed about that and is asked to clear the discrepancy.
d. The manager or Operation in-charge approve the document
e. Then the customer is requested to deposit the minimum rebalance prescribed in the
assigned account number.
f. Then, documents are checked as per details given in Account Opening Rules according to
the nature of the account.
g. The documents are returned to CSD after the authorization.
h. If there is any discrepancy of document found by the manager then the customer is
informed about that and is asked to clear the discrepancy.
i. Signature is scanned for the computer access
 Filing and Documentation
Filing and documentation are very important task that staff of Customer service has to do. The
entire paper work has to be done simultaneously to the computer work. There are different
types of file for filing documents.
 The account holder’s form
 Debit card request form
 SMS alert form
 Mobile banking request form
 Internet banking form
 Check requisition form, those things are filed in their respective files.
2.2 New knowledge or learning skills from my duties and responsibilities
2.2.1 Learning skills from my duties/responsibilities
It is an opportunity for me to learn various activities preformed in the bank. During internship
period I have worked in customer service officer and sometimes with the customer service
manager and branch manager of Tsehay bank. The practical attachment program helps me to

learn the banking environment. It creates some change in my behavior the following are some
of the skilled learned.


 Communication Time skill

Every day we need to communicate with many people and use the most formal language in
banking sector. Only good communications is not enough but listen to others. Control our
emotion and understanding them is most important in banking.
 Management skill
Time management is an important skill that everyone should know. It was very difficult to
attend the class on time, submit of assignment on the dead line and going to internship at the
same time. In the bank also finishing the work assigned in allocated time does much matter.
Internship teaches me importance of time in one’s life.
 Tolerance and working to gather skill
In the organization we have to work in a group of people who are different from each other in
terms of culture, language, altitude, beliefs, ethics and their thinking pattern. Do to those
difference they have different behavior at work place.
 Self-confidence skill
At the work place we have to deal with many customers who have various attitude and
behavior. The work in different department of bank improves the ability to work. It increases
the fluency (need) of working.

2.2.2 New knowledge from my duties/responsibility

From the attachment program I gained the following lessons
➢ Deposits Customer being the essential part of the success of the bank. They
provide and loans are the major work of the bank and should be used properly
by the bank for higher returns.
➢ A staff with a better communication skill and inter-personal skill are crucial in
customer service officer in order to mention a healthy relationship with
➢ The importance of the time management and punctuality.
➢ The role of employee satisfaction along with the customer satisfaction for the
success of the bank.

➢ The role of the competition for survival and effectiveness of the bank.



2.4 Level of accomplishment of the duties/responsibilities assigned

This subsection mostly discusses my contribution to the organization in terms of fresh insights
and competencies. In other words, it conveys the contributions I made to the organization
throughout my one week stay there. Here is discussions of a few of them are:
▪ I have promoted the products and services that the organization provides.
▪ I assisted the customer service facilitator by accepting the clients request and fill the
deposit, withdrawal and new book opening applications forms. And also I helped in
mobilizing resources and other documents.
Additionally, we assisted with the mobilization of resources and other papers. We verified that
client applications and documentation were complete and gave them advice on what needed to
be completed.

flourishes. I am truly grateful for the experiences and lesson I have gained from
working alongside these remarkable individuals.

2.6 Things enjoyed most from practical attachment

The workers coordination or collaboration and their quality of customers’ service and customers
handling mechanism are among the things that enjoyed me most. I enjoyed most in this
internship program because it helps to enhance and develop my skill, abilities and knowledge. I
am happy to try and see what we learned in the classroom in real work environment. It was a
good experience and a good memory, as not only have I gained experience but also new friends
and knowledge, and in the company, I show efficacious customer treatment, teamwork, and
hard work.

2.8 Problem experienced and how handled

2.8.1 Major Problems Faced During Practice
There are various problems and challenges faced which hinders the proper completion of this
practice. Most of these problems were arising from the technical problems and other problems

of the bank where the practical attachment program take place. These problems hinders not
only the practice, it hinders also the day to day activities of the host company or the office.
Most of the time the employers of the organization are busy as a result, there is no time for them to

communicate with me and to share their experience for me (not give proper assistance).
Some of these problems are:
 Lack of written document in English language.
 Shortage of different working material e.g. Paper and computer.
 The organization has the fear student on the key position of work place.

 Lack of computer in the organization is other problem

 There were much trainee but there were few computers in the organization
 The problem of short practical attachment period: my practical attachment period was
so short.
 Lack of time: The employees of the bank are always in work or they are busy, and then
there is lack of time that experiences me.

2.8.2 Solutions to handle the problems

During my attachment period that encountered the above problems were overcome by using
the following mechanisms.
➢ By experience me at the free time of the employees means when the CSO (Customer
Service Office) are busy that I practice with branch manager or customer service
manager and by the same means when branch manager are busy I practice with CSM.
➢ I solved the problem of transport service by paying to Bajaj taxi from my pocket.

2.9 Major benefits derived from practical attachment program

A practical attachment, also known as an internship, is a program where students gain practical
work experience in a professional setting related to their field of study. It's essentially a bridge
between the theoretical knowledge learned in classrooms and its real-world application. Practical
attachment has various advantages/ benefits to the students, the organization which let us to
make my training in the organization and to the campus or to the university. The following is a
discussion of some of its advantages;

● Bridging the theory-practice gap: Education often focuses on theoretical knowledge. Field
attachments allow students to apply those concepts in real-world scenarios, solidifying their
understanding and making them more effective learners.


● Developing practical skills: Students gain hands-on experience with the tools, technologies,
and techniques used in their chosen field. This makes them more attractive candidates for
future jobs.
● Building professional networks: Field attachments provide opportunities to interact with
professionals in the field. Students can make valuable connections that can lead to job
recommendations or even future employment.
● Enhancing career clarity: Field attachments allow students to explore different career paths
within their field of study. This helps them confirm their interests or identify a better
direction for their future.
● Improving soft skills: Students develop important soft skills like communication, teamwork,
problem-solving, and time management through practical work experiences. These skills are
highly sought after by employers.


This practical attachment contains information; include Introduction, background of the
organization, basic issues, vision, mission, core values, goals of the organization, organization’s
structure. It covers background of Tsehay Bank Debre Tabor Branch. The office is standing to
satisfy its customers, women empowerment and respecting women and child right. I observed
some issues like the professional status of the staff members, punctuality of the staff members
and gender in the organization. The twelve days practical attachment period exposes students to
hands of approach to the skill learnt in the university that learn in theoretically and prepares them
to the work environment or that learnt how to work in practically in real world environment it is
a good way of practices and the practical attachment period also learned the students how to
solve the challenges or problem that faced during the working environment and performing tasks
and interacting with fellow employees and the student works in different organization then based
on these attachment experience. It is a good opportunity to test one’s preparedness to undertake

the demand of the chosen career and to shape them up and to work easily when hired after
graduated. There for every student should practice the attachment and help me to obtained


different knowledge and skills that is important in my life cycle.

While I doing my practical attachment, I observe some issue by my eyes. Therefore, I would like
to suggest on some issues that I observed during accomplish my practical attachment in Tsehay
Bank Debre Markos Branch.
Firstly, the Tsehay Bank should have to expand its branch around small town in order to service
competition from external or its competitor. For example Debre Markos town is a wide and big
town, but there is only two branch in the town. So, if Tsehay Bank can add another branch in
this town, it can compute its competitor.
Secondly, Customer’s satisfaction is the most important in any organization but it was seen that
some of the costumer of the bank was not satisfied with the long time taken to render service.
This taken to consideration the bank should focus more on providing fast and satisfactory
service to its customers. Tsehay Bank should have to expand ATM service or increase new ATM
machine and pose machine to facilitate/ maintain customer service. Increase the number of
employees and computers in order to give better and fast service to its customer and the
customers will satisfy with the short period of time.

● The annual reports of the company (2023).
● The interview; information from the employers of the organization.
● https://tsehaybank.com.et.

● Field attachment work practice.



First and for most I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty “GOD” for his
valuable cares, supports, charity, forgiveness, willingness and kindness who helped me
throughout my life. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made
that was made, and i am very grateful to thank my family for everything they have done for me
up to this moment. Secondly I would like to highly thankful for staffs Tsehay bank to give
appropriate information,





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