{2- Vob)
Graduate Recital
Timothy J. Sanborn
t2 Six Studies in English
Folk Song (1927)
. . .0..'! ?. ... . Ralph Vaughan Williams
(1872 -19 ~3)
Nancy Totten, Piano
Recital Hall
Friday Bvening
NOTE: Thi r~or g September Twenty-First
crowd ambi Tr'Ombone (8601) Seven O'Oock
Program -;nf
leader tape. (Radto e
removed for conttnuity of cone rt
lo • r Place before returning to r
ilbt•ry.) .
school of mJJSI~ feCOfO,ing 335-2020 ~
recordist l:r K eo.;tt ~ tape----~---
assistant # reels---"'• 2....- - - --
2 track stereo @ 7112 ios unless specified. - - -
Fantasy-Paul Creston
Paul Creston's music has ~een called brash, vital,
s pon t aneous, in tense, a nd fla rr b•:•yant. The Fantas y , op 42,
'""ritten in 1'347, is all of the s.e . Long, lush, moti vically
generated melodies combine with driving rhythmic sections
and lus h ha r mony in this work.
As in most of Creston's works, rhythm is one o f the
v er y import ant focuses of the Fa n t asy, especially the
co mple xi t y o f sh i f ti ng subdivisions in a regular me ter.
This trea tment of r hythm lea ds to r hythmi c ambiguity, within
the melody as well as between the trombone and
ac c ompc:~n i ment.
Concerto for Alto Trombone-Leopold Mozart
Leopold Mozart moved to Salzburg in 1 737 and spent the
rest of hi s life there. He was a v iolinist in the court
orchestra, a teacher of violin and piano, and later court
composer and Kapellmei s ter. At the ag e of 37, Leopold
Mozart published a musi c theory treatise which earned him
grea t fame in European music circles .
Between 1760 and 1762, Mo za rt gave up both violin
instruction and music composit i on to de v ote time to the
edu c a t ion of his two chil dren. In 1768 he wrote in a le tter
that he felt it wa~ his duty to co nvince the world of the
tn i l' a : : l c: :3·:•d had wc·r· ke-d in n · s .,._n, Wt:•l-f g·c:frTg - Amadecrs i·iozart.
The secon d period of his life is understood best as the time
in which Leopold wholeheartedl y devoted himself to
furtheri ng his son's career.
The Alto Trombone Concerto is part of a larger, nine-
movement work, a Serenata, in which are included numerous
solo movements for various instruments. The three
mo v ements, Allegro, Adagio, and Minuet-Trio were originall y
numbers eight, six, and five o f the Serenata.
Six Studies in English Folksonq-Ralph Vaughan Williams
Six Studies in English folksong, written in 1927 by
Ralp h Vaughan Williams, was set originally for violoncello
and piano, but works very well for Trombone. Vaughan
Williams recognized that his musical goals were best met not
in imita ting foreign models, but in regenerating native
resources. One of the most logical steps to take was his
interest in English Folk Song, an interest he shared with
Gusta v Holst. Their close friendship lasted from 1895 until
Holst's death in 1934, and they would often share each
other's in-progress wc•rk for mutual criticism.
That English Folk Sonqs were such an important part of
Vau ghan Williams' music is-an example of his outlook on
l i f e - a very human and social man, music to Vaughan
Williams was for people, for situations, however hum~le.