Gratitude Talk 2
Gratitude Talk 2
Gratitude Talk 2
I am grateful:
1. To have a story that hopefully got your attention
2. I am grateful over the past 8 ½ years that I have been married to
Zach that this is the first shiner he has ever given me.
In all seriousness what a great time to look for things to be grateful
during a time when I could be stressed or to look for an excuse of not
wanting to go and not wanting to give a talk.
We can be grateful!”
The quote Zach and I have lived by this year is from Elder Sabin from
his recent general conference talk, “you will never be happier than
you are grateful.”
Any time that we are not in the best mood or we are really struggling
with something we will remind each other of this. It has helped a lot
and has helped us slowly but surely develop and attitude of gratitude.
As disciples of Christ, we are commanded in D&C 59:7 to “thank the
Lord [our] God in all things,”1 , in Ephesians 5:20 we are told to “sing
unto the Lord with thanksgiving,”2 and in Thessalonians 5:18 “ In
every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
concerning you.”
Have any of you ever been invited, challenged, or just decided to only
say prayers of gratitude? My mission president would often challenge
us for one day of the week to only say prayers of gratitude. I am not
say that you have to do this but I know there is power when the
attitude of gratitude is happening through prayer.
Zach and I have tried to teach our boys to do the same- of course we
aren’t perfect at it but it warms my heart when I sometimes only hear
a prayer of gratitude.
I have since had days when I only offer prayers of gratitude but it’s still
a very eye opening experience. For example, If I normally would pray
for my mother to get the help she need to heal her back I would pray
instead, I am grateful that she has doctors who are willing and positive
in her treatment to help her. I am grateful that she is able to get it
looked at now instead of putting it off from not thinking its important. I
am grateful that she is in thy capable hands. I am grateful for the
opportunity I have to by thy hands and serve her in anyway that I can.
These are just a few ways that I can think of where gratitude
completely changes a prayer, its more specific, and not repetitive, and
helps me see that she is still being blessed.
I want to invite you to try giving prayers more often of only gratitude.
Elder Uctdorf said, “Our loving Heavenly Father knows that choosing to
develop a spirit of gratitude will bring us true joy and great happiness.”
15 “And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back,
and with a loud voice glorified God,
“And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a
“And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where
are the nine?
“There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this
“And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee
I have asked myself which one I thought I would be and of course I
would like to think that I would have been the one and not of the 9.
Are there things though that we might have forgotten about that the
Lord has blessed us with?
The times in life when I have struggled the most is when I forgot the
things that I have been blessed with and focus more on the negative
happening in life and what I am currently going. I came across sign
this past year that said, “ I still remember the days I prayed for the
things I have now." How true is that?! Zachs last year of dental was
the hardest but when I saw that quote I thought wait a minute; I
remember being in undergrad and praying about career options, I
remember praying that Zach could get a good DAT score, I remember
praying that he would be accepted into the U of U dental school… All of
those prayers had been answered and I had forgotten all the blessings
that had led to that point. Since then I have tried harder to look for the
blessing that I might have forgotten about in the past.
I actually love that I get to talk about gratitude because this year Zach
and I have made it a goal to work on our attitude of gratitude. I
started a gratitude journal back in March and the happiness and peace
that I felt from it has made such a different each day and now almost
year. I have been able to be happier, get more done, and have more
energy to spend with my family.
I want to share a story that you might have heard about Gordan