Rhyme Scheme
Rhyme Scheme
Rhyme Scheme
Rhyme Scheme
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a
line or stanza. Rhyme schemes can change line by line, stanza by
stanza, or can continue throughout a poem. Poems with rhyme
schemes are generally written in formal verse, which has a strict
meter: a repeating pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
In the octave, line one (ways) rhymes with lines four (grace), five
(everyday's) and eight (praise). Line two (height) rhymes with line
three (sight), line six (candlelight) and seven (Right). So, the rhyme
scheme of the octave is abba abba.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
The rhyme scheme of the sestet is –cdcdcd
In the sestet, line one (use) rhymes with three (lose) and line five
(choose). Line two (faith) rhymes with line four (breath) and six
(death). So, the rhyme scheme of the sestet is cdcdcd. The rhyme
scheme of the poem is connected to the form of the poem. The
rhyme scheme, abba abba cdcdcd, makes the poem
Petrarchan sonnet.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Style of Shakespearian/English Sonnet
(3 Quatrain+1 couplet)
Here,lines one and three (sun and dun), and lines two and four (red
and head) rhyme with each other. The rhyme scheme of the second
quatrain is different from that of the first quatrain.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
In the second quatrain, lines five and seven (white and delight)
rhyme, and lines six and eight (cheeks and reeks) rhyme with
each other. So the rhyme scheme of the quatrain is cdcd. The
rhyme scheme of the third quatrain is different from those of
the first and second quatrains.
Here line nine (know) rhymes with the line eleven (go)
and line ten (sound) rhymes with line twelve (ground).
So, the rhyme scheme of the third quatrain is efef. The
sonnet ends with two rhyming lines (rare and compare).
It is gg.
So, the rhyme scheme of the poem is abab cdcd efef gg.
The three quatrains of the poem establish an idea that
the speaker's mistress is less beautiful than different
objects of nature. But the closing couplet presents a
surprising ending as the speaker declares that his
mistress is as extraordinary as any beloved described
with false comparisons.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Stanza অেুযাবে রাইম বিম ব েলত হে।এক Stanza রেষ হল েতু ে
কলর রাইম বিম করলত হে।
To Daffodils lyric
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
On His Blindness
Write the rhyme scheme of the poem.
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a
line or stanza. Rhyme schemes can change line by line, stanza by
stanza, or can continue throughout a poem.‘On His Blindness” is a
Sonnet .It is written in petrarchan sonnet .This sonnet is divided
into two parts : octave and sestet.The rhyme scheme of the poem is
abba abba cddcdd .
The rhyme scheme of the sestet is –cdd cdd.In the sestet, line one
(need) rhymes with four (speed).Line two (…………) rhymes with
line three (………..) ,line five (…….)and six (…………). So, the rhyme
scheme of the sestet is cddcdd. The rhyme scheme of the poem is
connected to the form of the poem. The rhyme scheme, abba abba
cdd cdd, makes the poem Petrarchan sonnet.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Rhyme Scheme:
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end
of a line or stanza. Rhyme schemes can change line by line,
stanza by stanza, or can continue throughout a poem.‘Shall I
Comnpare thee to a Summers Day” is a Sonnet .It is written in
Shakespearian sonnet . This sonnet is divided into three
quatrains (stanzas of four lines) and a final couplet.The Rhyme
scheme of the poem is abab cdcd efef gg.
So, the rhyme scheme of the poem is abab cdcd efef gg. The
three quatrains of the poem establish an idea that the speaker's
compare the beauty of his friend with the summer season.But
the closing couplet presents a surprising ending as the speaker
declares that his friends beauty will be everlasting by reading
his poems.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
The Good-Morrow
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Rhyme Scheme
In the first stanza, line one (…………) rhymes with line three
(……………),line two (…………) and four (………..) rhymes with each
other and line five(……….)rhymes with line six(………..) and line
In the seceond stanza, line one (…………) rhymes with line three
(……………),line two (…………) and four (………..) rhymes with each
other and line five(……….)rhymes with line six(………..) and line
In the third stanza, line one (…………) rhymes with line three
(……………),line two (…………) and four (………..) rhymes with each
other and line five(……….)rhymes with line six(………..) and line
seven(……………..).So the Rhyme scheme of the poem is ababccc.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Rhyme Scheme:
A rhyme scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end
of a line or stanza. Rhyme schemes can change line by line,
stanza by stanza, or can continue throughout a poem.‘She Dwelt
among thr Untrooden Ways” is a Lyric . The rhyme scheme of
the poem is abab. There are three stanzas in the poem. Each
stanza is of four lines.
In the first stanza, line one (ways) rhymes with line three
(praise), and line two (Dove) and four (love) rhymes with each
other. In the second stanza, line one (stone) rhymes with line
three (one), and line two (eye) and four (sky) rhyme with each
other. In the final stanza, line one (know) rhymes with line
three (oh); and line two (be) and four (me) rhyme with each
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
The Piano
Softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me;-a
Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see-a
A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings-b
And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
When You Are Old
Launch Audio in a New Window
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
from The Princess: Sweet and Low
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Song: “Blow, blow, thou winter wind”
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Holy Sonnets: Death, be not proud
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
*Compleynt into City,
*The ABC,
*Queen Anelida
*Complete of Mars.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
The chief work of the second or Italian period is Troilus and
Criseyde, a poem of 8000 lines. The immediate source of
Chaucer's poem is Boccaccio's II Filostrato. But he uses his
material very freely to reflect the ideals of his own age and
society. The House of Fame, one of Chaucer's unfinished poems
belongs to this period. It has the rare combination of lofty
thought and simple homely language. The great poem of the
Italian period is the Legend of Good Women. Chaucer wrote
nine legends of which Thisbe is perhaps the best.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Canterbury Tales he has been able to give us a picture of
contemporary English life, its work and play, its deeds and
dreams, its fun and sympathy and hearty joy of living. The
Canterbury Tales covers a wide range of stories including
stories of love and chivalry,of saints and legends, travels,
adventures, beast fable, allegory, satires and the coarse
humour of the common people.
Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the greatest poets in England. He is
known to be the father of English poetry. This does not mean
that there was no poet or poetry in England before him. There
was other poets also in his time. But there poetry is little read
and enjoyed. But the poetry of Chaucer is famous all over the
world. According to John Dryden -"Chaucer is the father of
English poetry."
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
★There are three reasons to call him the father of English
poetry. These reasons are-
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
*Chaucerian Stanza:
Chaucer was the first poet who introduced a stanza of seven
lines having octosyllabic metre. Its rhyme scheme is aba bb cc.
This type of stanza is now known as known a Chaucerian
*Realistic poet:
the Age of Chaucer most t of the poets used to compose
allegorical poetry which had almost no relationship with the
reality of the time. Chaucer realized that any piece of literature
must deal with real life. The Canterbury Tales deals
directly with life as it was in his age.
*Humoristic poet:
Chaucer is the first humorist of English literature. As most of
the Middle English poems and prose works are based on
religious, and didactic materials or love and chivalry, there is
no element of humour in those pieces. But Chaucer's gift of
humour and wit and the flash of his diverting irony have
breathed into his poetry. His poetry is famous for his use of wit,
satire and rude humor of the common people. Chaucer's poetry
enjoys the genre of story, drama novel, etc.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
3. Contribution to the development of the English language in
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
The Hundred Years' War
Ans. The term the Hundred Years' War has been used by
historians since the beginning of the nineteenth century to
describe the long conflict between France and England from
1337 to 1453. It lasted about 116 years.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
The English continued to capture land in France until Joan of
Arc led the army to success at the Siege of Orleans and the
Battle of Patay in 1429, She regained many cities but she did
not recover Paris. She was convicted of heresy and burned at
the stake. After her death, the French continued to take back
territory, although more slowly. France had a diplomatic win in
1435 with the Treaty of Arras. Ultimately the long war stopped
for ever after 1450 .
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
In general the character Chaucer, who narrates the frame story and tells
his own tales on the road to Canterbury, is considered separately from
Chaucer the author. He is a keen observer, providing detailed
descriptions of the other pilgrims. He has a flair for satire and
characterizes the pilgrims in unflattering ways while maintaining an
earnest, even admiring, tone.
Harry Bailey
The Host, Harry Bailey, is a cheerful and impulsive man. He is so taken
with the assembled pilgrims at the Tabard Inn that he decides to
accompany them. He is the one who suggests the storytelling contest and
sets the rules; he also plans to judge the stories and provide the winner's
reward. He is quick to make peace when a quarrel breaks out, and he
often steers the stories away from the overly somber and toward
Chivalrous and wise, the Knight has achieved great honor for his noble
deeds and success in many battles. He is the ideal knight in every way:
courteous in his manners, heroic in battle, and polite and gentle in
speech. Chaucer describes the knight as if he has no flaws. He is not even
arrogant or proud because of his success; rather, he is modest and
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
The Miller, a strong, brawny man with a large nose and wide mouth,
sports a red spade-shaped beard and a hairy wart. He loves telling filthy
stories and playing the bagpipes. He's also a thief—He hijacks the Host's
role as master of ceremonies simply because he wants to tell a rude
story about a carpenter.
Wife of Bath
The Wife of Bath is a middle-aged woman with a gap between her front
teeth, a large hat, and red stockings. She's no stranger to pilgrimages,
having gone on several. She's no stranger to sex, either, having had five
husbands and talking freely about her prowess in bed. As a successful
seamstress with her own business and as a woman who gets what she
wants from men, she's used to being in charge.
The Pardoner is a dishonest man who sells indulgences, which were
intended to take years off a person's stay in Purgatory, as well as various
items he says are saint's relics but are mostly fake—animal bones and
other substitutes for real bones or pieces of cloth. He is good at his job
but freely admits his only motive is profit.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Literature reflects the tendencies of an age. Here a literary artist,
through his literary work, becomes the mouthpiece of his age. Pope
represents the eighteenth century, the Age of Neoclassicism, Tennyson
to the Victorian era, and Wordsworth the Romantic age. Like
Wordsworth, Pope and Tennyson, Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)
represent his own age through his authentic literary work The prologue
to The Canterbury Tales. His poetry reflects fourteenth-century England
not in fragments but as a complete whole.He presents the picture of the
corruption in the Church, the religious hypocrisy, woman, materialistic
outlook, political condition, trade, and so on.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Medieval Chivalry:
Chaucer's England was predominantly medieval in spirit, and the most
outstanding feature of the Middle Age was chivalry and knighthood. In
"General Prologue" Chaucer reflects very clearly the chivalric spirit of
the medieval times. The fading chivalry of the Middle Age, represented
in the character of the Knight, and the rising chivalry of his times
reflected in his young son, the Squire. The Knight is a true representative
of the spirit of medieval chivalry which was a blend of love, religion, and
bravery. He has been a champion of fifteen mortal battles in the defence
of religion. The Squire is a lover and a lusty bachelor. He is singing and
fluting all day.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
★Representation of the lower class :
Chaucer faithfully represents the voice of the lower class that they made
for better conditions of life. And he also represents the rise of the lower
classes. In the Clerk's Tale, Chaucer refers to the "stormy people", and
their untruthfulness and fickleness. The labourers clamored for their
★Situation of Woman :
Chaucer represents the situation of a woman by The Wife of Bath.
Woman of 14th century was so much passionate and serious about love.
They were also hard-working. They were associated with household
chores and cloth making. They were a little bit shy and careful about
chastity. They were fond of fun and merry-making. That is revealed
through The Wife of Bath in Prologue to The Canterbury Tales.
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain
Fb Group:English Department All Universities Of Bangladesh
Prepared by:Tahmid Hossain