Heroic Handbook Warlock Feats

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Blessings of the Forbidden Lord

HEROIC HANDBOOK: You are gifted with a metabolism that
responds better than most to healing.
A feat represents a talent or an area of Whenever you regain hit points, you
expertise that gives a character special may also spend a number of hit dice up
capabilities. It embodies training, to your proficiency modifier.
experience, and abilities beyond what a
class provides. Dual Pactblade
Your eldritch mastery allows you to fight
At certain levels, your class gives you with two weapons.
the Ability Score Improvement feature.
Using the optional feats rule, you can Prerequisite: Must have a pact weapon
forgo taking that feature to take a feat (such as with the warlock pact of the
of your choice instead. You can take blade).
each feat only once, unless the feat’s
description says otherwise. • You have a second pact weapon. You
can replace this with a magic weapon in
You must meet any prerequisite the same way that you can your main
specified in a feat to take that feat. If weapon. When you summon your
you ever lose a feat’s prerequisite, you weapon, you may summon one or both
can’t use that feat until you regain the of your pact weapons.
• You may make an attack with both
For example, the weapons when using your reaction to
Grappler feat take an opportunity attack.
requires you to
have a Strength of • Your pact weapon counts as an
13 or higher. If arcane focus.
your Strength is
reduced below 13
somehow—perhaps Precision Cantrip
by a withering Your mastery of a specific cantrip
curse—you can’t
allows you to more consistently cause
benefit from the grave wounds.
Grappler feat until
your Strength is • Choose a cantrip when you take
restored. this feat. Your crit range on the
chosen cantrip is 19-20.

• Whenever you make a critical hit

with any attack, you may cast the
chosen cantrip as a reaction.


Soldier of the Eternal War Landsworn Pact
You understand the nature of your Many druid circles have intimate ties to
patron on an intimate level. As such the fey. Your patron has gifted you with
those who share a type with your patron druidic spells.
are more cautious around you (Fey for
Archfey, Fiends for Archfiend, Prerequisite: Must have the Archfey
Aberrations for Great Old One, or Otherworldly Patron.
Undead for the Undying).
Choose one circle from the Druid’s
Prerequisite: Must have the Circle of the Land list. When you reach
Otherworldly Patron class feature. the appropriate levels, you know the
bonus spells from that circle. These
You gain the following benefits: spells count as Warlock spells and
don’t count against your spells known.
• You have advantage on Charisma You also add one druid cantrip to
(Intimidate) and Wisdom (Insight) rolls your known spells.
for the affected type.

• You have advantage on saves against

abilities of the affected type.

• You have advantage on attack rolls

against creatures with the affected type.

Soulbound Corruption
Your patron has decided to collect on
your soul, fundamentally changing how
you interact with death.

Prerequisite: Must have the Undying

Otherworldly Patron.

You are immune to necrotic damage.

Any damage prevented this way is
healed instead.

Because of your patron's claim on your

soul, you are no longer capable of being
resurrected or reincarnated.


Versatile Arcanum
Your control of difficult magics is
more complete than most other

Prerequisite: You must have

the Mystic Arcanum class

You may select an

extra spell for one of
your Mystic Arcanum
class features. When
you use the feature,
choose which one you
use. This doesn’t increase
the number of times a day
that you can use this feature.
You can select this feat
multiple times. Each time that
you do, select a new spell and
which Mystic Arcanum it can be
used for.

Improved Familiar
Your familiar takes on a more
arcane nature than most other

Prerequisite: You must have a


Add your proficiency bonus to your

familiar’s AC, attack rolls, and damage
Prerequisite: Must have the Pact of the
rolls, as well as to any saving throws
Tome class feature.
and skills it is proficient in. You may
cast spells through your familiar. You
• Increase your Charisma or
must still take the appropriate action to
Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum
cast the spell.
of 20.

Occult Scholar • You can understand any written (but

not spoken) language.
Your tome contains the secret knowledge
of your patron. As long as you are in • You have advantage on Intelligence
possession of your tome, you have the (Arcana) and Intelligence (History) skill
following benefits: checks.


Extra Invocations Gift of the Spider
Your patron grants you more powers You are given the ability to scale walls
than most of its warlocks. and even ceilings.

Prerequisite: You must have the You have a climbing speed equal to
Eldritch Invocations class feature. your walking speed. You can move up,
down, and across vertical surfaces and
You may select 2 additional upside down along ceilings, while
invocations. leaving your hands free.

Void-body Servant of the False God

Your body begins to take on aspects of You are adept at impersonating clergy.
your patron, better enabling you to
survive the Far Realms. • Increase your Charisma score by 1, to
a maximum of 20.
You gain the following benefits:
• You have advantage on Wisdom
Prerequisite: You must have the Great (Religion) and Charisma (Deception)
Old One Otherworldly Patron. checks to pretend to be a cleric.

• You no longer need to breathe. • You may use holy symbols as an

arcane focus for your warlock spells.
• You have resistance to cold and
Touch of the Ice Queen
•You gain proficiency in Constitution Your ice magic freezes the ground
saving throws. around your foes, binding them in
Coldfire Patron Whenever you
You are adept with the extremes of fire deal cold
and ice of the fiendish realms. As such, damage to a
your spells leave your opponent open to creature with a
the variations. spell, that
creature is
Prerequisite: You must have the grappled until the
Archfiend Otherworldly Patron. end of your next
Whenever you deal cold damage to a
creature, it gains vulnerability to fire for
1 minute. Whenever you deal fire
damage to a creature, it gains
vulnerability to cold for 1 minute.
Whenever you deal cold or fire damage,
you may reroll the damage and use
either total.


Infinity Orbs Infusible items (DM’s Option): To
limit the power of Infinity Orbs, you
Wondrous item, artifact can restrict what kind of items can
History: The Infinity Orbs were be infused. Option one is to only
created by an ancient group of allow non-magical items to be
magical beings that were enslaved infused. Option two is to only allow
within the Inyatee Kingdom. The non-attuned items to be infused.
slaves created the Orbs for their
masters, who used them to equip Attunement (DM’s Option): To
their soldiers and reward their further restrict the power of the
nobles. Infinity Orbs, items that are infused
now require attunement to properly
The slaves revolted and used their function.
combined powers to lay waste the
kingdom, open a portal, then go Infused Weapons (clarification):
home. Hundreds, possibly Unless otherwise noted, powers and
thousands of Infinity Orbs were lost abilities granted to infused weapons
in the uprising; the majority of their will work with any melee weapon.
current owners are completely Infused Ranged weapons will have
unaware of the powers contained its powers and abilities work on
within. fired ammunition (or if the ranged
weapon is used in a melee attack).
Description: These small artifacts
are about the size of a large marble,
and have an ancient word inscribed Infinity Orb of Armor All
within it. These orbs can be infused
(infuses light armor)
by pressing the orb up against the
Common Name: Dampening Stone
item and speaking the inscribed Word of Infusing: Lopra
ancient word [of command]. This When this black orb with blue lettering
causes the orb to permanently is infused into a light armor, the armor
infuse with the item. The newly becomes hardened without becoming
infused item will keep all of its heavier. The armor gains resistance to
original properties, with additional bludgeoning damage.
There are several types of this orb, each
Once infused, the Infinity Orb one infuses into a light armor, and each
cannot be removed from the item. one grants resistance to a different
damage type (piercing, slashing, etc).
Only one Infinity Orb can ever be
infused into a specific item, and
Infinity Orbs can never be infused
with artifacts.


Infinity Orb of Darkvision Web (2nd level) conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
(infuses any ring or amulet)
Range: 60 feet
Common Name: Night Stone
Components: V, S, M (a bit of
Word of Infusing: Joalo
This gold orb with silver lettering may
be infused into any ring or amulet.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
When worn, the infused item grants
You conjure a mass of thick, sticky
you Darkvision up to 60 feet.
webbing at a point of your choice within
range. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from
Darkvision: Many creatures in fantasy
that point for the duration. The webs
gaming worlds, especially those that
are difficult terrain and lightly obscure
dwell underground, have darkvision.
their area.
Within a specified range, a creature
with darkvision can see in darkness as
If the webs aren’t anchored between
if the darkness were dim light, so areas
two solid masses (such as walls or
of darkness are only lightly obscured as
trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or
far as that creature is concerned.
ceiling, the conjured web collapses on
However, the creature can’t discern
itself, and the spell ends at the start of
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
your next turn. Webs layered over a flat
surface have a depth of 5 feet.

Infinity Orb of Light Each creature that starts its turn in the
(infuses weapon) webs or that enters them during its
Common Name: Fire Stone turn must make a Dexterity saving
Word of Infusing: Kulawa throw. On a failed save, the creature is
This red orb with maroon lettering is restrained as long as it remains in the
rectangular in shape and very rough. webs or until it breaks free.
When wielding the infused weapon, you
can command the weapon to illuminate A creature restrained by the webs can
an area as if it were a lit lantern. Those use its action to make a Strength check
bathed in this light feel confidence – against your spell save DC. If it
gaining advantage to all checks vs fear succeeds, it is no longer
restrained. The webs are flammable.
Any 5----foot cube of webs
exposed to fire burns away in 1 round,
Infinity Orb of Webbing dealing 2d4 fire damage to any creature
that starts its turn in the
(infuses weapon) fire.
Common Name: Web Stone
Word of Infusing: Yuk
This black orb with purple lettering
may be infused into any weapon. As an
action, the infused weapon lets you
cast Web, as per the spell, once per
long rest.


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About the Cover Art: HEROIC HANDBOOK: WARLKOCK FEATS © 2016 The Le, written by
Storn A. Cook is an alum of Matthew Carlson (carlson0626@email.com)
Columbus College of Art
and Design and an INFINITY ORBS © 2016 The Le
professional illustrator over
two decades. Storn's IMAGES, USED WITH PERMISSION:
website is Image Portfolio © Louis Porter, Jr. Design., used with permission.
Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art (c) Rick Hershey / Fat Goblig

© 2005 Ronald Smith and Trent Troop / Octavirate Entertainment,

used with permission.

© Fat Goblin Games / Standard Stock Art: Issue 1 - Places and

Locations, used with permission.

© Clipart.com

© Gifny Richata, http://www.oraystudios.com/



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