AI and law
AI and law
AI and law
Contributing Editors
SlrgeIvi mgrEle and yEi CIplG le
The Cantellus Group
In Depth: ArticLial IntelligenLe wav is a perLeptife global oferfiev o( the (ast-efolfing state o(
lav and praLtiLe surrounding articLial intelligenLe )AIy smste.s and appliLationsF ,oLusing
on reLent defelop.ents and their praLtiLal i.pliLationsx it eka.ines Bem issues inLluding
legislatife initiatifesx gofern.ent poliLmx AI risB .anage.ent prinLiples and standardsx
en(orLe.ent aLtions and .uLh .oreF
The in(or.ation Lontained in this report is indiLatife onlmF wav Rusiness esearLh is not responsible
(or anm aLtions )or laLB thereo(y taBen as a result o( relming on or in anm vam using in(or.ation Lontained
in this report and in no efent shall be liable (or anm da.ages resulting (ro. relianLe on or use o( this
in(or.ationF 0 Copmright 2664 - 262 wav Rusiness esearLh
en ls(rtfy tmg vrstgltisn sh vgrfsnaIitu riLmtf aLainft pif(fg Nu (fgrf sh Lgngrati,g Ae tssIf
maf taRgn lgntrg ftaLg s,gr tmg vaft ugarW Pmg G(diliaru maf aIfs sNfgr,gd tmat Lgngrati,g
Ae tssIf f(lm af omat3qP lannst Ng tmg Nafif sh adG(dilatisn sh IgLaI sr halt(aI iff(gf in
a ls(rt sh Ia|W
endi,id(aI adsvtisn and (fg sh Ae psdgIf maf Nggn rsN(ft in endiaW 2tatiftilf hsr 010–
vrgdiltgd tmat 01 vgr lgnt sh dggv tglm Ae and palming IgarninL avvIilatisnf |grg in tmg
l(ftspgr anaIufif cgIdW en tmg IgLaI fgltsry Ae tssIf arg sn tmg rifgy |itm a hsl(f sn
inlrgafinL vrsd(lti,itu V dsl(pgnt anaIufify dsl(pgnt f(pparifatisny lsntralt drahtinL
and IgLaI rgfgarlmW
Pmg 2(vrgpg os(rt sh endia and fspg miLm ls(rtf ma,g ftartgd ts ipvIgpgnt ,aris(f
Ae tssIf af vart sh a paffi,g diLitaI dri,g ts gnmanlg vrsd(lti,ituy allgffiNiIitu and
tranfvargnluW 2spg sh tmgfg initiati,gf inlI(dg 2TKA2 )2(vrgpg os(rt KidmiR An(,aad
2sht|argby |milm tranfIatgf dsl(pgntf hrsp tmg UnLIifm IanL(aLg ints ning ,grnal(Iar
IanL(aLgfy and ,ilg ,grfay and ASTKASMeSey |milm tranfIatgf ls(rt dglifisnf hsr tmg
HgraIa 6iLm os(rt hrsp UnLIifm ints ’aIauaIapW Af sh A(L(ft 010.y psrg tman –7y111
dglifisnf sh tmg 2(vrgpg os(rt ma,g Nggn tranfIatgd ints 6indi and psrg tman 8By111
dglifisnf ma,g Nggn tranfIatgd ints 87 rgLisnaI IanL(aLgfW Pmg a(tmgntilitu sh f(lm
tranfIatisnf if s,grfggn Nu Ae Affiftgd wgLaI PranfIatisn Ad,ifsru osppittgg sh tmg
2(vrgpg os(rt sh endia af |gII af fipiIar lsppittggf sh ,aris(f miLm ls(rtfW Pmg
JspNau 6iLm os(rt maf ipvIgpgntgd ArticliaI entgIIiLgnlg Affiftgd PranfIatisn kaliIitu
ts tranfIatg rgIg,ant and IandparR G(dLpgntf sh tmg 2(vrgpg os(rt and tmg JspNau 6iLm
os(rt ints ’aratmiW Pmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt if aIfs (finL 2TKA2 ts tranfIatg dglifisnf
ints 6indi and tmg tmg Priv(ra 6iLm os(rt maf intrsd(lgd a fgvaratg taN in itf szliaI
|gNfitg ts inlsrvsratg Ae tranfIatgd dglifisnfW Pmgfg tranfIatisnf arg lsnfidgrgd ts
Ng a fiLniclant ftgv ts|ardf rgd(linL IanL(aLg Narrigrf in allgffinL G(ftilgW Pmgfg
tranfIatisnf arg pgant ts snIu vrs,idg LgngraI inhsrpatisn aNs(t tmg dglifisnf and arg
nst ts Ng rgIigd (vsn hsr anu IgLaI lspvIianlg sr gnhsrlgpgntW
2TqAoU )2(vrgpg os(rt qsrtaI hsr os(rt Uzlignlu Affiftanlgb if anstmgr gFapvIg
sh a(Lpgntgd intgIIiLgnlgy af it affiftf G(dLgf Nu anaIufinL lafg cIgf and gFtraltinL
inhsrpatisn hrsp tmgpW PU4U2 )PglmnsIsLu UnaNIgd 4gfsI(tisnb mgIvf tranfIatg ls(rt
arL(pgntf ints tgFt d(rinL Ii,g vrslggdinLfW
Adsvtisn sh Ae maf aIfs fvrgad ts tmg diftrilt ls(rtfW en :(Iu 010.y tmg Pif 6aOari Miftrilt
os(rt in MgImi intrsd(lgd itf crft AeDg-(ivvgd jqiIst 6uNrid os(rtj hgat(rinL a fvgglmDtsDtgFt
haliIitu ts rglsrd g,idgnlg and a diLitaI ls(rt avv ts allgff gDcIgd lafgfW Ae |iII Ng (fgd ts
gnaNIg diltatisnf )rglsrdb and tuvinL )lsn,grt ints tgFtb hsr G(dLgf at tmg tipg sh rglsrdinL
Jstm tmg Ls,grnpgnt and tmg vri,atg fgltsr arg (tiIifinL Ae in tmg mgaItmlarg ind(ftruW Jstm
diaLnsfif and trgatpgnt ma,g ipvrs,gd tmrs(Lm Ae lavaNiIitigfW Pmgfg inlI(dg;
Ae aIfs Ngngctf tmg aLril(It(raI fgltsrW Pmg vIathsrp 2partkarp vs|grf data anaIutilf |itm
Ae tmrs(Lms(t tmg lrsv Iihg lulIg Nu (finL LgstaLLinLW Eitm all(ratg pgaf(rgpgntf and
infiLmtf vrs,idgd Nu Aey tmif vIathsrp aIIs|f harpgrf ts paRg -(ilRgr and psrg inhsrpgd
dglifisnfW en tmg vri,atg fgltsry ’ilrsfsht maf dg,gIsvgd an AeDvs|grgd fs|inL avv hsr
harpgrf tmat mgIvf tmgp idgntihu tmg svtipaI tipg hsr fs|inL fggdf and ipvrs,inL lrsv
uigIdf and aLril(It(raI vraltilgfW
Karis(f litiOgn lgntril fgr,ilgf (finL Ae arg aIfs vrs,idgd (ndgr tmg SatisnaI oIs(d
enitiati,g Nu SatisnaI enhsrpatilf ogntgr (ndgr tmg ’iniftru sh UIgltrsnilf and enhsrpatisn
PglmnsIsLuW Pmgfg litiOgn lgntril fgr,ilgf mgIv in gFvgditinL adpiniftrati,g vrslgff in aII
,grtilaIf sh tmg Ls,grnpgntW 2spg sh tmg initiati,gf inlI(dg;
8W Ae 2atuaviRaanan )hsr haliaI rglsLnitisn and ,griclatisnb‘
0W Ae KASe )lsn,grfatisnaI Ae in tmg hsrp sh ,irt(aI affiftantfy lmatNstf and
–W Ae qanini )tgFt tranfIatisn AqeDNafgd fgr,ilgfb‘
.W Ae 2mr(ti )tgFtDtsDfvgglmb‘ and
9W Ae 2aranfm )dsl(pgnt f(pparifatisnbW
k(rtmgr in 2gvtgpNgr 010.y tmg Mgvartpgnt hsr qrspstisn sh end(ftru and entgrnaI Pradg
aIfs intrsd(lgd an AeDNafgd tradgparRf fgarlm h(nltisny |milm if adsvtgd |itm a ,ifisn
ts sNtain Ngttgr rgf(Itf and gFvgditg vrslgd(rgfW Pmg Ls,grnpgnt maf aIfs Ia(nlmgd
tmg YJmarat3gn' initiati,gy |milm if tmg |srId'f crft Ls,grnpgntDh(ndgd p(ItipsdaI ww’
initiati,gy aipgd at dg,gIsvinL ja f(itg sh hs(ndatisnaI psdgIf in IanL(aLgy fvgglm and
lspv(tgr ,ifisnjW
Mg,gIsvpgntf in IgLifIatisn
endia gnaltgd itf vgrfsnaI data vrstgltisn Ia| in A(L(ft 010–W Pmg lsrg vrinlivIg sh tmg
ng|Iu gnaltgd MiLitaI qgrfsnaI Mata qrstgltisn Alty 010– )MqMqAb if ts alRns|IgdLg tmg
riLmtf sh data vrinlivaIf and fahgL(ard tmgir diLitaI vgrfsnaI data Nu pandatinL tmat diLitaI
vgrfsnaI data Ng vrslgffgd hsr Ia|h(I v(rvsfgf snIuW
Matay |milm pau inlI(dg vgrfsnaI datay if gffgntiaI hsr anu Ae fuftgpW Pm(fy it if vsffiNIg
tmat a data vrinlivaIjf diLitaI vgrfsnaI data pau Ng (fgd ts train an Ae fuftgp and ts ds
tmify tmg (fgr |s(Id ma,g ts lspvIu |itm ,aris(f vrs,ifisnf sh tmg MqMqAW Jgla(fg sh tmg
s,grIav Ngt|ggn Ae and vgrfsnaI datay tmg MqMqA if tmg rgIg,ant IgLaI hrapg|srR |itm
|milm aII ftaRgmsIdgrf dg,gIsvinL and dgvIsuinL Ae fuftgpf in endia p(ft Ng lspvIuW Pmg
MqMqA if aIfs rgIg,ant ts (ndgrftand ms| vgrfsnaI data pau Ng (tiIifgd in ,aris(f ftaLgf
sh Ae dg,gIsvpgntW
en tgrpf sh flsvgy tmg MqMqA avvIigf snIu ts vgrfsnaI data tmat if in diLitaI hsrp sr
ts vgrfsnaI data in nsnDdiLitaI hsrp tmat maf Nggn diLitifgd f(Nfg-(gntIuW qgrfsnaI
data padg sr la(fgd ts Ng padg v(NIilIu a,aiIaNIg Nu tmg data vrinlivaI sr Nu anu stmgr
vgrfsn |ms if (ndgr an sNIiLatisn (ndgr anu Ia| ts paRg f(lm vgrfsnaI data v(NIilIu
a,aiIaNIg if Ngusnd tmg flsvg sh tmg AltW Pmg MqMqA vgrpitf tmg vrslgffinL sh tmg data
vrinlivaIjf vgrfsnaI data gitmgr sn tmg Nafif sh ,aIid lsnfgnt sr hsr lgrtain IgLitipatg (fgfWD
’srgs,gry tmg data cd(liaru maf ts idgntihu tmg v(rvsfg sh vrslgffinL tmg vgrfsnaI datay
and tmg data vrinlivaIjf lsnfgnt maf ts Ng Iipitgd ts tmat v(rvsfgW Pmg tgrritsru in |milm
tmg vgrfsnaI data if LsinL ts Ng vrslgffgd if aIfs rgIg,anty af tmg Alt rgftriltf tmg tranfhgr
sh vgrfsnaI data ts lgrtain tgrritsrigf tmat ma,g Nggn fvgliclaIIu vrsmiNitgd Nu tmg lgntraI
Ls,grnpgntW en tmif lsntgFty tranfhgr sh vgrfsnaI data if vgrpittgd (nIgff fvgliclaIIu
rgftriltgd Nu tmg Ls,grnpgntW
Pmg Alt Iauf ds|n sNIiLatisnf hsr data cd(liarigf )iWgWy gntitigf tmat gitmgr aIsng sr in
lsnG(nltisn |itm a data vrslgffsr Iau ds|n tmg v(rvsfg and pganf ts vrslgff vgrfsnaI
databW Pmgrghsrgy ih vgrfsnaI data if NginL (fgd hsr Ae fuftgpfy tmg MqMqA Iauf s(t tmg IgLaI
sNIiLatisnf hsr tmgfg data cd(liarigf fggRinL ts (fg tmg data vrinlivaIjf vgrfsnaI dataW ksr
inftanlgy tmg data cd(liaru maf ts vrs,idg a nstilg ts tmg data vrinlivaI inhsrpinL tmgp
aNs(t tmg vgrfsnaI data and tmg v(rvsfg hsr |milm tmg vgrfsnaI data if vrsvsfgd ts Ng
vrslgffgdy aIsnL |itm tmg panngr in |milm tmg data vrinlivaI pau gFgrlifg tmgir riLmtfW
Pmg MqMqA tm(f aIfs vrs,idgf lsrrgfvsndinL riLmtf ts data vrinlivaIfy f(lm af tmg riLmt
1x]- 1x0
ts sNtain a f(pparu sh data (tiIifgd and ts lsrrglty lspvIgtgy (vdatg and grafg 5
f(lm dataW Mata cd(liarigf arg rg-(irgd ts adsvt avvrsvriatg tglmnilaI and srLanifatisnaI
pgaf(rgf ts gnf(rg tmat tmg data if (tiIifgd |itm largy and tmg Ia| ipvsfgf mga,u
vgnaItigf in lafgf sh data NrgalmW Pmg MqMqA maf gftaNIifmgd a Ls,grnanlg ftr(lt(rg
|itm |milm tmsfg |ms nggd ts (fg vgrfsnaI data hsr Ae dg,gIsvpgnt ma,g ts lspvIuW
Mg,gIsvpgntf in vsIilu
endian os(nliI sh ’gdilaI 4gfgarlm; UtmilaI 3(idgIingf hsr AvvIilatisn sh ArticliaI entgIIiLgnlg in JispgdilaI
4gfgarlm and 6gaItmlarg
Pmgfg ,sI(ntaru L(idgIingf ma,g Nggn v(NIifmgd ts gnf(rg gtmilaI lsnd(lt and ts addrgff
AeDrgIatgd gtmilaI lsnlgrnf in NispgdilaI rgfgarlm and mgaItmlargW 2taRgmsIdgrf
in,sI,gd in NispgdilaI rgfgarlm and mgaItmlargy f(lm af lrgatsrfy dg,gIsvgrfy rgfgarlmgrfy
dsltsrfy gtmilf lsppittggfy srLanifatisnfy fvsnfsrf and h(ndinL Nsdigfy arg tmg tarLgt
a(dignlg hsr tmgfg L(idgIingfW Pmg L(idgIingf Iau s(t 81 vrinlivIgf sh gtmilaI Ae and arg
intgndgd ts avvIu tmrs(Lms(t tmg Iihg lulIg sh tmg Ae fuftgpW Pmgfg arg af hsIIs|f;
8W a(tsnspu; m(panf s(Lmt ts ma,g lspvIgtg lsntrsI s,gr tmg AeDvs|grgd fuftgp and
pgdilaI dglifisnf‘
0W fahgtu and rifR pinipifatisn; |mgng,gr an Ae tglmnsIsLuDNafgd fuftgp if |idgIu
(fgdy it p(ft Ng vrs,gn tmat it |iII r(n fahgIu and rgIiaNIu‘
PgIglsp 4gL(Iatsru A(tmsritu sh endia; 4glsppgndatisnf sn wg,graLinL ArticliaI entgIIiLgnlg and JiL Mata
in PgIglspp(nilatisn 2gltsr
en a ft(du gFapininL tmg svvsrt(nitigf and lmaIIgnLgf in tmg adsvtisn sh Ae and tmg
gnaNIgrf hsr adsvtisn sh Ae in endiay tmg PgIglsp 4gL(Iatsru A(tmsritu sh endia )P4Aeb in
:(Iu 010– vrs,idgd itf ,sI(ntaru rglsppgndatisnf rgLardinL tmg Ae rgL(Iatsru IandflavgWD
P4Ae rglsppgndgd tmat ts gnf(rg tmg dg,gIsvpgnt sh rgfvsnfiNIg Ae in endiay tmgrg
if an (rLgnt nggd ts adsvt a rgL(Iatsru hrapg|srR tmat if avvIilaNIg alrsff fgltsrfW
k(rtmgrpsrgy in tmg vrsvsfgd rgL(Iatsru hrapg|srRy fvglicl Ae (fg lafgf s(Lmt ts Ng
rgL(Iatgd sn a rifRDNafgd hrapg|srR |mgrg miLmDrifR (fg lafgf tmat dirgltIu ipvalt
m(panf arg rgL(Iatgd tmrs(Lm IgLaIIu NindinL sNIiLatisnfW k(rtmgrpsrgy tmg f(LLgftisnf
vrsvsfg tmg gftaNIifmpgnt sh an a(tsnsps(f ftat(tsru gntitu Rns|n af tmg ArticliaI
entgIIiLgnlg and Mata Untitu sh endia )AeMAebW Pmif a(tmsritu |s(Id Ng rgfvsnfiNIg hsr
gnf(rinL tmg dg,gIsvpgnt sh rgfvsnfiNIg Ae and tmg rgL(Iatisn sh (fg lafgf in endiaW
AdditisnaIIuy tmg rglsppgndatisnf vrsvsfg lgrtain h(nltisnf hsr |milm tmg AeMAe |s(Id
Ng alls(ntaNIgW Af tmgfg rglsppgndatisnf arg ,sI(ntaru in nat(rgy it lannst Ng aff(pgd
tmat an a(tsnsps(f gntitu |s(Id Ng lrgatgd ts rgL(Iatg AeW
Ulsnspil Ad,ifsru os(nliI ts tmg qripg ’iniftgr; A ospvIgF Adavti,g 2uftgp krapg|srR ts 4gL(Iatg
ArticliaI entgIIiLgnlg
en :an(aru 010.y tmg Ulsnspil Ad,ifsru os(nliI ts tmg qripg ’iniftgr v(NIifmgd a
,sI(ntaru hrapg|srR hsr Ae rgL(Iatisn in endia tmrs(Lm a lspvIgF adavti,g fuftgp
avvrsalmW Pmg hrapg|srR f(LLgftf tmg ipvIgpgntatisn sh c,g Rgu vrinlivIgf;
Pmg v(rvsfg sh tmif hrapg|srR if ts gnf(rg tmat tmg dg,gIsvpgnt and dgvIsupgnt sh Ae arg
larrigd s(t in a panngr tmat if fahgy gtmilaI and tranfvargntW Pmg hrapg|srR if L(idgd Nu
tmg infiLmtf Laingd hrsp tmg rgL(Iatisn sh cnanliaI parRgtfW
Pmg 3(idgIingf hsr qrg,gntisn and 4gL(Iatisn sh MarR qattgrnfy 010– )tmg MarR qattgrn
3(idgIingfby |milm arg ,sI(ntaru in nat(rgy fvgliclaIIu vrsmiNit lgrtain vraltilgfy f(lm af
haIfg (rLgnluy NafRgt fngaRinLy lsncrp fmapinLy hsrlgd altisn and f(Nflrivtisn travW
Pmgfg rgL(Iatisnf nggd ts Ng lsnfidgrgd Nu Ae dg,gIsvgrf ts a,sid tmg Ae fuftgp IgadinL
ts anu vrsmiNitgd s(tv(tfW
Pmg SatisnaI Affsliatisn sh 2sht|arg and 2gr,ilg ospvanigf; 4gfvsnfiNIg Ae; 3(idgIingf hsr 3gngrati,g Ae
):(ng 010–b
en :(ng 010–y tmg SatisnaI Affsliatisn sh 2sht|arg and 2gr,ilg ospvanigf )nafflspb
v(NIifmgd 4gfvsnfiNIg Ae; 3(idgIingf hsr 3gngrati,g AeW Pmgfg |grg sng sh tmg crft
L(idgIingf ts lsntgFt(aIifg rgfvsnfiNIg Ae vrinlivIgf hsr Lgngrati,g AeW Pmg L(idgIingf
gftaNIifm Gsint sNIiLatisnf hsr rgfgarlmgrfy dg,gIsvgrf and (fgrf sh Lgngrati,g Ae fuftgpfW
Pmg L(idgIingf lmaraltgrifgd Lgngrati,g Ae af a hsrp sh Ae tmat if lavaNIg sh lrgatinL
artghaltf f(lm af ipaLgfy tgFty a(dis and ,idgsy af |gII af dihhgrgnt Rindf sh p(ItipsdaI
patgriaIy Nafgd sn a ranLg sh inv(tfW Pmg latgLsrifatisn sh rgfgarlmgrfy dg,gIsvgrf and
(fgrf Nu tmg L(idgIingf if nst p(t(aIIu gFlI(fi,gW Pmif ipvIigf tmat a ftaRgmsIdgr )|milm
pau inlI(dg tglm N(fingffgfy ftartD(vfy svgnDfs(rlg dg,gIsvgrf and rgfgarlmgrfb pau
Ng aNIg ts ct ints aII tmrgg latgLsrigf sh rgfgarlm sn Lgngrati,g Aey dg,gIsvpgnt sh
Lgngrati,g Ae and avvIilatisn sh Lgngrati,g AeW Pmg iII(ftrati,g sNIiLatisnf ipvsfgd (vsn
tmg rgfgarlmgrfy dg,gIsvgrf and (fgrf inlI(dg tmg hsIIs|inL;
:(diliaI intgr,gntisn in tmg Ae fvalg if in naflgnlu in endiaW Pmg dgNatg in tmg ls(rtrssp
l(rrgntIu if dspinatgd Nu intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu iff(gfW A hg| dglifisnf Nu ls(rtf arg |srtmu
sh pgntisnW
en tmif lafgy Pmg vIaintihhy an gFtrgpgIu rgns|ngd finLgr in endiay Nrs(Lmt an altisn ts
vrstglt halgtf sh mif vgrfsnaIitu and v(NIilitu riLmtfy inlI(dinL mif ,silgy ,slaI ftuIg and
tglmni-(gy ,slaI arranLgpgntf and intgrvrgtatisnfy and mif panngrifp and panngr sh
finLinLW Pmg dghgndantf |grg (finL Ae ts lrgatg a(dis and ,if(aI lsntgnt pipilRinL sr
rgvrsd(linL tmg hgat(rgfy f(lm af tmg vIaintihh'f ,silgy panngrifp and panngr sh finLinLy
and ipaLgW ogrtain dghgndantf |grg aIfs svgratinL vIathsrpf |itm rgaI ,silg lIsninL
pgtmsd traingd sn a IarLg n(pNgr sh fsnLf f(nL Nu tmg vIaintihhy |milm aIIs|gd (fgrf
ts lsn,grt anu ,silg ts a ,silg IiRg tmat sh tmg vIaintihhW Pmg dghgndantf mad (vIsadgd
t(tsriaIf sn ,aris(f snIing vIathsrpf tmat aIfs ta(Lmt (fgrf ms| ts paRg f(lm lsn,grfisnfW
Pmg dghgndantf' vIathsrp aIfs lsntaingd IinRf tmat vgrpittgd tmg ,silg sh anu ,idgs hrsp
“s(P(Ng ts Ng lsn,grtgd ts tmat sh tmg vIaintihhjf ,silgW 2spg sh tmg dghgndantf mad aIfs
fmargd a t(tsriaI NIsL vsft sn ms| tmg vIaintihh'f ,silg lan Ng lrgatgd (finL f(lm vIathsrpfW
Pmg JspNau 6iLm os(rt mgId tmat paRinL tmgfg Ae gnaNIgd ,silg lsn,grfisn tssIf a,aiIaNIg
ts tmg v(NIily |itms(t vrisr vgrpiffisn sh tmg vIaintihh if a ,isIatisn sh tmg vIaintihh'f
vgrfsnaIitu riLmtfy af tmgu haliIitatgd (na(tmsrifgd avvrsvriatisn and paniv(Iatisn sh a
lgIgNritujf ,silgW et |af h(rtmgr mgId tmat dghgndantf arg lavitaIifinL sn tmg vsv(Iaritu sh
tmg lgIgNrituy |milm (ndgrpingf tmgir aNiIitu ts vrg,gnt lsppgrliaI and dglgvti,g (fgf sh
tmgir idgntituW Pmg os(rt sNfgr,gd tmat f(lm vrsd(ltisn sh ls(ntgrhgit fs(nd rglsrdinLf
ls(Id vstgntiaIIu Ggsvardifg tmg vIaintihh'f larggr and Ii,gIimssd and tmat aIIs|inL f(lm (fg
ts Ng lsntin(gd |iII aIfs vrs,idg svvsrt(nitigf hsr pif(tiIifatisn sh f(lm tssIf hsr iIIgLaI
v(rvsfgfW AllsrdinLIuy tmg os(rt rgftraingd tmg dghgndant hrsp ,isIatinL tmg vIaintihh'f
riLmtf in anu panngry inlI(dinL |itm tmg mgIv sh AeW
en tmif lafgy tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt rgftraingd |rsnLdsgrf |ms |grg (finL Ae tssIf ts
dg,gIsv lmatNstf tmat pipilRgd tmg vIaintihhy a rgv(tgd JsIIu|ssd altsrW Pmg lmatNst
|af lrgatgd ts rgfvsnd in a panngr tmat g,sRgd tmg traitf and (ni-(g ftuIgf sh tmg
vIaintihhy |milm Nglapg ilsnil s,gr panu ps,igfW Pmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt Lrantgd an intgrip
inG(nltisny rglsLnifinL tmg lmatNst ts Ng (nIa|h(IW
Pmg vIaintihhy a |gIIDRns|n JsIIu|ssd altsry Nrs(Lmt a f(it aLainft dghgndantf |ms |grg
pif(finLy intgr aIiay mif ipaLg and IiRgngff ts vrsd(lg dggvhaRgfy fspg sh |milm |grg
vsrnsLravmilW 5ng sh tmg dghgndantf |af (finL a Lgngrati,g Ae tssI ts lrgatg dggvhaRg
Ae s(tv(tf and vsrtrau tmg vIaintihh in a lartssnifm fgttinLy |miIg stmgr dghgndantf pif(fgd
tmg vIaintihhjf ipaLg and vgrfsna ts fgII pgrlmandifg and garn rg,gn(gW Pmg ls(rt mgId
tmat tmg lrgatisn sh dggvhaRgf in tmif panngr |af lIgarIu (na(tmsrifgd and in ,isIatisn sh
tmg vIaintihhjf vgrfsnaIitu riLmtfW osLnifant sh tmg NaIanlg Ngt|ggn tmg hrggdsp sh fvgglm
and gFvrgffisn and tmg ,isIatisn sh tmg vIaintihhjf vgrfsnaIitu riLmtf tmrs(Lm tmg (fg sh tmg
Lgngrati,g Ae tssI ’idGs(rnguy tmg ls(rt nstgd tmat tmg Ia| gFgpvtgd larilat(rgfy fatirg and
tmg IiRgW 6s|g,gry tmg ls(rt aIfs sNfgr,gd tmat tmg gFgrlifg sh hrgg fvgglmy ih nst vgrhsrpgd
lsrrgltIuy pau tranflgnd ints dapaLinL ,aris(f riLmtf sh a vgrfsny inlI(dinL tmg riLmt ts
Ii,gIimssdy tmg riLmt ts vri,alu and tmg riLmt ts Ii,g |itm diLnitu in a fsliaI ftr(lt(rgW Pmg
MgImi 6iLm os(rt aIfs mgId tmat tmg stmgr inftanlgf sh ,isIatisn la(fgd rgv(tatisnaI Isff
af |gII af tmg Isff sh tmg riLmt ts gndsrfgpgnt sh tmg vIaintihhW AllsrdinLIuy tmg dghgndantf
fgIIinL pgrlmandifg |grg aIfs rgftraingdW
en tmif lafgy tmg vIaintihhy tmg vrsd(ltisn ms(fg Ngmind sng sh endia'f psft vsv(Iar
PK fms|fy PaaraR ’gmta Ha 5sItam omafmpamy cIgd a f(it hsr tmg inhrinLgpgnt sh tmg
riLmtf sn tmg lmaraltgrf in tmg fms|W et |af lIaipgd tmat tmg fms| |af a vrstgltaNIg
|srR (ndgr lsvuriLmt Ia| and tmat tmg vIaintihh mad sNtaingd lsvuriLmt rgLiftratisnf hsr
,aris(f lmaraltgrf in tmg fms|W Pmg dghgndantf |grg v(NIifminL Ae Lgngratgd lsntgnt
sn tmg lmaraltgrf sh tmg fms|y tmrs(Lm “s(P(NgW PaRinL lsLnifanlg sh tmg vIaintihh'f
f(Npiffisnf tmat tmg dghgndantf |grg nst a(tmsrifgd ts vrs,idg anu fgr,ilg (tiIifinL tmg
vIaintihh'f intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu and tmat f(lm (fg pau Igad ts tmg vIaintihh'f irrgvaraNIg
cnanliaI and rgv(tatisnaI Isffy tmg ls(rt rgftraingd tmg dghgndantf hrsp vrsp(ILatinL
f(lm Ae Lgngratgd lsntgnt in anu panngrW
en sng lafgy tmg JspNau 6iLm os(rt gFvrgffgd itf lsnlgrn s,gr tmg vrgfgnlg sh dggvhaRg
Nstf tmat aIIs|gd (fgrf ts lrgatg gFvIilit lsntgnt sn tmg pgffaLinL vIathsrpy PgIgLrapW
Pmg os(rt sraIIu sNfgr,gd tmat tmg lgntraI Ls,grnpgnt s(Lmt ts taRg avvrsvriatg ftgvf sn
idgnticlatisn and NIslRinL f(lm tssIfW
en a lafg |mgrg dggvhaRg ,idgsf |grg lirl(IatinL dgviltinL a Ia|ugr NginL affa(Itgd hsr
rgvrgfgntinL a lIignty tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt rgftraingd tmg diffgpinatisn sh f(lm dggvhaRg
,idgsf msIdinL tmat f(lm ,idgsf |iII marp tmg rgv(tatisn sh tmg Ia|ugr and tmat tmg ,idgsf
|grg a vgrfiftgnt tmrgat sh NginL (fgd aLainft tmg Ia|ugr in tmg h(t(rgW et |af h(rtmgr
sNfgr,gd tmat aIIs|inL f(lm ,idgsf ts gFift in tmg v(NIil dspain |iII la(fg irrgvaraNIg Isff
and inG(ru ts tmg Ia|ugrW
Pmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt maf aIfs rgftraingd tmg diffgpinatisn sh dggvhaRg ,idgsf sh a Rns|n
N(fingffpan in endia Nu (nRns|n vgrfsnfy |ms |grg hra(d(IgntIu (finL tmg vIaintihh'f
idgntitu ts d(vg tmg v(NIil ints paRinL in,gftpgntf in (nrgIatgd alls(ntf and tmgrgNu
lsppittinL cnanliaI hra(df at tmg lsft sh tmg vIaintihh'f Lssd|iII and rgv(tatisnW
en tmg lripinaI Ia| rgaIpy ls(rtf ma,g dgnigd NaiI in fspg lirl(pftanlgf in,sI,inL tmg
diffgpinatisn sh dggvhaRg ,idgsfW
JginL a|arg sh tmg puriad |auf in |milm dggvhaRgf lan Ng lrgatgdy tmg ls(rtf ma,g
sNfgr,gd tmat tmg a(tmgntilitu sh tmg dsl(pgntf (vsn |milm vartigf rgIu in a difv(tg pau
ma,g ts Ng vrs,gd tmrs(Lm g,idgnlgy ts a(tmgntilatg tmat tmgfg dsl(pgntf arg Lgn(ing and
nst dggvhaRgfW
Pmg TttaraRmand 6iLm os(rt rgh(fgd ts -(afm a crft in,gftiLatisn rgvsrt )ke4b aLainft an
all(fgdy |ms |af tmrgatgninL tmg inhsrpant tmat a dggvhaRg ,idgs sh tmg inhsrpant |s(Id
Ng |idgIu diffgpinatgd ih tmg inhsrpant lsntgftgd tmg gIgltisnfW Pmg 6iLmt os(rt |af sh
tmg svinisn tmat finlg tmg ke4 diflIsfgd tmg lsppiffisn sh tmg aNs,g shhgnlgy tmg fapg
nggdf ts Ng in,gftiLatgdW Pmgrghsrgy tmg all(fgd'f vgtitisn ts -(afm tmg ke4 |af rgGgltgdWD
4gLardinL vsIitilaI dggvhaRgfy tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt |af sh tmg svinisn tmat tmg UIgltisn
osppiffisn sh endia |iII Ng tmg avvrsvriatg Nsdu ts taRg altisn rgLardinL tmg lsnlgrnf sn
tmg diffgpinatisn sh tarLgtgd dggvhaRgf d(rinL tmg LgngraI gIgltisnf in endia in 010.W
At tmg fapg tipgy Li,gn tmg IalR sh avvrsvriatg rgL(Iatisnf tmat |iII l(rtaiI tmg pif(fg
sh dggvhaRgfy tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt maf aIfs afRgd hsr tmg Ls,grnpgntjf rgfvsnfg in
v(NIil intgrgft IitiLatisnf tmat fggR ts NIslR |gNfitgf tmat aIIs| tmg pif(fg sh tglmnsIsLu
and hsr tmg Ls,grnpgnt ts paRg tmgfg |gNfitgf alls(ntaNIg and ts lrgatg avvrsvriatg
en a lafg |mgrg (nRns|n vgrfsnf |grg lrgatinL and fvrgadinL dggvhaRg ,idgsf sh tmg
panaLinL dirgltsr and lmigh gFgl(ti,g szlgr sh tmg SatisnaI 2tslR UFlmanLg sh endia
wtdy a crftDIg,gI parRgt rgL(Iatsr in endiay tmg JspNau 6iLm os(rt dirgltgd fsliaI
pgdia intgrpgdiarigf ts taRg ds|n ,isIati,g lsntgnt and ts alt vrspvtIu in rgfvsnfg ts
lspvIaintf rglgi,gd hrsp tmg vIaintihhW Pmg ,idgsf |grg (finL Ae ts ipitatg tmg ,silg and
haliaI gFvrgffisnf sh tmg vIaintihh and afRinL pgpNgrf sh tmg v(NIil ts Gsin EmatfAvv
Lrs(vf hsr ftslR vilRinLW
en tmif lafgy tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt rgitgratgd tmat tmg tgft sh tglmnilaI ghhglt fms(Id Ng
avvIigd |mgn aflgrtaininL tmg vatgnt gIiLiNiIitu sh a lspv(tgr vrsLrap vgr fgW et |af
mgId tmat ih an inns,ati,g inv(ty in tmg hsrp sh a vrsLrapy aIIs|f tmg mard|arg ts vrslgff
tmg s(tv(t haftgry tmgn it |s(Id aps(nt ts a YtglmnilaI ghhglt'W et |af h(rtmgr sNfgr,gd tmat
a |gIIDdgfiLngd inns,ati,g inv(t in tmg hsrp sh a vrslgffy fuftgp sr pgtmsd tmat gnmanlgf
tmg lspv(tatisnaI aNiIitu sh tmg vrslgffsr and Lsgf Ngusnd tmg (f(aI Y(fgr intgrhalg'
|s(Id (nds(NtgdIu rgf(It in a tglmnilaI ghhgltW Pmg in,gntisn rgLardinL tmg pgtmsd sh
data vrslgffinLy |milm in,sI,gd fsht|argy |af lsnfidgrgd vatgnt gIiLiNIgy af tmg fapg
inlrgafgd tmg fvggd sh h(nltisnaI dgvgndgnlu anaIufify fa,gd tmg aps(nt sh lspv(tatisny
and lrgatgd a psrg gzlignt ftsraLg fuftgp and Ngttgr vrslgffinLW
en tmif lafgy tmg in,gntisn in,sI,gd a pgtmsd rgIatgd ts a(ts fgIgltisn sh a IarLg ,arigtu
sh pgdia cIgfW Pmg lspp(nilatisn Ngt|ggn a (fgr dg,ilg and qo sr fgr,gr |af triLLgrgd
Nu a lspNinatisn sh aILsritmpf |itm lspv(tgr vrsLrapf tmat tmgrgahtgr Lst ipvIgpgntgd
Nu fsht|argW Pmg fuftgp |af aIfs lavaNIg sh pgaf(rinL tmg IiRaNIg nat(rg sh lsntgnt
hsr a (fgr Nafgd sn vrg,is(f (faLg and tmg fuftgp aIfs psnitsrgd v(NIilIu a,aiIaNIg
inhsrpatisn sn tmg intgrngt Nafgd sn tmif IiRgngffW Pmg fuftgp aIfs lrgatgd ,aris(f
hgat(rgf f(lm af lgntraIifgd cIg panaLgpgnt and pgtadata snIu cIgfW Pmg MgImi 6iLm
os(rt mgId tmat tmgfg hgat(rgf Ls Ngusnd tmg (ndgrIuinL vrsmiNitisn hsr lspv(tgr vrsLrapf
Yvgr fg' sr aILsritmpf and tmat tmg hgat(rgf mad a dgcniti,g ipvalt sn tmg (fgr gFvgrignlg
and gnmanlgd tmg h(nltisnaIitu af |gII af tmg lavalitu sh tmg fuftgp in an (nIipitgd
panngrW 3i,gn tmg inlrgafg in lavaNiIitu sh tmg dg,ilgy tmg os(rt mgId tmat tmg in,gntisn
|af vatgnt gIiLiNIgW
en fspg inftanlgfy ls(rtf ma,g (fgd Lgngrati,g Ae tssIf hsr rgfgarlm v(rvsfgfW Pmg
q(nGaN and 6aruana 6iLm os(rt (fgd omat3qP hsr rgfgarlm v(rvsfgf ts dglidg sn a
NaiI avvIilatisnW 6s|g,gry tmg os(rt aIfs lIaricgd tmat f(lm (fg |af pgrgIu hsr tmg
v(rvsfg sh vrs,idinL a psrg lspvrgmgnfi,g (ndgrftandinL sh NaiI Ia| and |af nst ts
dglidg tmg NaiI avvIilatisn sn pgritfW Pmg ’aniv(r 6iLm os(rt aIfs (fgd omat3qP ts
sNtain gFvIanatisnf sh lgrtain tgrpfW k(rtmgr lIarihuinL tmg ,aI(g sh Lgngrati,g Ae af an
affifti,g tssIy tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt ftatgd tmat tmg all(ralu and rgIiaNiIitu sh AeDLgngratgd
data if ftiII (nlgrtainy and tmat Ae lannst rgvIalg m(pan intgIIiLgnlg sr m(pang gIgpgntf
in tmg adG(dilatsru vrslgffW Sg,grtmgIgffy tmgu pau Ng (fgd hsr vrgIipinaru (ndgrftandinL
sr rgfgarlmW
Pmg ls(rtf in endia ma,g in p(ItivIg lafgf sNfgr,gd tmat Ae lan Ng (fgd af a tssI ts gnmanlg
tmg gzlignlu sh vrslgd(rgf in,sI,gd in tmg G(ftilg dgIi,gru fuftgpW 2(lm (fg inlI(dgf
dgvIsupgnt sh Ae ts;
8W vrg,gnt rgvgatgd inhrinLgpgntf and ,isIatisnf in dspain napg difv(tgf‘
0W fipvIihu tmg vrslgffgf in,sI,gd in tmg fgIgltisn sh a landidatg Nu tmg 2tahh 2gIgltisn
–W gnf(rg pinip(p m(pan intgr,gntisn ts NrinL tranfvargnlu and gzlignlu‘
.W dgtglt Iigf and anaIufg tmg lrgdiNiIitu sh a |itngffy d(rinL lrsffDgFapinatisn‘
9W idgntihu shhgndgrf and gFtrgpift gIgpgntf hsr tmg fahgtu and fgl(ritu sh viILrip
7W psnitsr tmg all(fgd rgIgafgd sn NaiI ih tmgrg if a miftsru sh #gginL hrsp G(ftilg‘
BW ts taRg ds|n tmg difvsfitisn sh |itngffW
Pmgfg sNfgr,atisnf dgpsnftratg tmg endian ls(rtfj n(anlgd and vraLpatil avvrgliatisn
sh Aey |milm |iII snIu NsIftgr tmg adsvtisn sh Ae ghhglti,gIu in endiaW
Pmg l(rrgnt endian IgLifIati,g and rgL(Iatsru hrapg|srR dgaIf |itm Ae iff(gf in vartfW Ss
hrapg|srR if gftaNIifmgd ts lsnfidgr tmg Ae fuftgp in itf gntirgtuy N(t it if dgaIinL |itm
fspg sh itf lsnftit(gnt gIgpgntfW
ksr Ae in,gntisnf ts Ng vatgnt gIiLiNIgy tmgu |iII ma,g ts at Igaft vaff tmg tmrgfmsId sh
2gltisn –)Rby |milm latgLsrifgfy intgr aIiay patmgpatilaI sr N(fingff pgtmsdfy aILsritmpf
sr lspv(tgr vrsLrapf vgr fg af NginL gFlI(dgd hrsp vatgnt vrstgltisnW
Pmg Ferid Allani lafgfy fvgliclaIIu tmg dglifisnf Nu tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt in MglgpNgr
018& and tmg entgIIglt(aI qrsvgrtu AvvgIIatg Jsard )eqAJb in :(Iu 0101y ma,g vrs,idgd
p(lmDnggdgd lIaritu sn tmg intgrvrgtatisn sh 2gltisn –)RbW Pmif intgrvrgtatisn gnmanlgf
vrstgltisn hsr Ae vatgntf af sn datgW en Ferid Allaniy tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt and eqAJ mgId
tmat ih an in,gntisn dgpsnftratgd jtglmnilaI ghhgltjy tmg fapg |s(Id Ng vatgnt gIiLiNIgW
Pmg eqAJ h(rtmgr mgId tmat |miIg tmg ftr(lt(rinL sh tmg -(gru |af in tmg rgaIp sh lspv(tgr
vrsLrappinLy tmg lIaipgd in,gntisn |af nst Iipitgd ts tmg ftr(lt(rinL sh tmg -(gruW 4gIuinL
sn tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt dglifisny tmg eqAJ mgId tmat tmg pgrg halt tmat a lspv(tgr vrsLrap
|af (fgd hsr ghhglt(atinL a vart sh tmg in,gntisn did nst paRg tmg in,gntisn ingIiLiNIg hsr
189- 18s-
vatgnt vrstgltisny and tmat tmg in,gntisn p(ft Ng gFapingd af a |msIgW ’srgs,gry
rgIuinL sn tmg 3(idgIingf hsr UFapinatisn sh ospv(tgr 4gIatgd en,gntisnf )o4efb iff(gd
Nu tmg endian qatgnt 5zlgy tmg eqAJ mgId tmat indilatsrf f(lm af jmiLmgr fvggdy psrg
glsnspilaI (fg sh pgpsruy psrg gzlignt data lspvrgffisn tglmni-(gfjy apsnL stmgrfy
|s(Id -(aIihu af tglmnilaI ghhgltW Af tmg in,gntisn in Ferid Allani pgt galm sh tmgfg
indilatsrfy it |af mgId ts ma,g tglmnilaI ghhgltW
4glgntIuy tmg 6iLm os(rt sh MgImi maf aIfs sNfgr,gd tmat jg,gn ih tmg inns,atisn if a
patmgpatilaI sr g,gn lspv(tgrDNafgd avvrsalmy it lan ftiII lspvIu |itm tmg vatgntaNiIitu
rg-(irgpgntfy f(lm af tmg tglmnsIsLilaI ghhglt sr g,gn lsntriN(tisn rg-(irgpgnty and tm(f
Nglspg gIiLiNIg hsr vatgnt vrstgltisnWj en anstmgr pattgry tmg os(rt maf aIfs sNfgr,gd
tmat Li,gn tmg panngr in |milm tglmnsIsLu if ad,anlinL and tmg nat(rg sh ftaRgmsIdgrf
in,sI,gdy it if tipg ts rgDgFaping tmg lritgria tmat pau vrsmiNit fsht|arg and aILsritmpf
hrsp NginL vatgntgdW Af a pattgr sh halty in tmg lsntgFt sh aILsritmpfy in tmg 878ft 4gvsrt
v(NIifmgd Nu tmg Mgvartpgnt 4gIatgd qarIiapgntaru 2tandinL osppittgg sn osppgrlg in
:(Iu 0108y it maf Nggn rglsppgndgd tmat hsr endia an javvrsalm in IinRinL W W W aILsritmpf ts
a tanLiNIg tglmnilaI dg,ilg sr a vraltilaI avvIilatisn fms(Id Ng adsvtgd W W W hsr haliIitatinL
tmgir vatgntf af NginL dsng in tmg UT and T2jW
Pm(fy l(rrgntIuy hsr vatgntf sn AeDrgIatgd in,gntisnfy s,grlspinL ftandard vatgnt gIiLiNiIitu
lritgria (ndgr 2gltisn – sh tmg qatgntf Alty 8&B1 vgrtaininL ts lspv(tgr vrsLrapf vgr
fgy and aILsritmpf gtlWy aIsnL |itm fatifhuinL tmg trinitu tgft sh ns,gItuy in,gnti,g ftgv and
ind(ftriaI avvIilatisny rgpainf tmg nsrpW
et if vgrtingnt ts pgntisn mgrg tmat endia maf |itngffgd tmg v(NIilatisn sh 8–91 vatgnt
hapiIigf in rgIatisn ts Lgngrati,g Ae psdgIf and 818. vatgnt hapiIigf in rgIatisn ts
Lgngrati,g Ae avvIilatisnf Ngt|ggn 018. and 010–W Pmgrghsrgy it if avvargnt tmat tmg
l(rrgnt vrs,ifisnf sh tmg qatgntf Alt arg NginL ghhglti,gIu (fgd ts cIg hsr Ae inns,atisnfW
endia maf nst ugt lsnfidgrgd tmg -(gftisn sh vatgntaNiIitu sh in,gntisnf lrgatgd Nu sr
tmrs(Lm tmg affiftanlg sh Ae fuftgpfW AvvIilatisn rgIatinL ts tmg in,gntisn lrgatgd Nu
MAJT2y an Ae fuftgpy |milm maf Laingd vsv(Iaritu ars(nd tmg |srId s|inL ts tmg -(gftisnf
sh nsnDm(pan in,gntsrfmivy if l(rrgntIu (ndgr gFapinatisn Nu tmg endian vatgnt szlgW
Pmg qatgntf Alt sh 8&B1 rg-(irgf an in,gntsr ts Ng a jvgrfsnj vgr 2gltisn 0x sh tmg qatgntf
Alty 8&B1W endian Ia| maf intgrvrgtgd tmg lsnlgvt sh a G(riftil vgrfsn in a ,gru Nrsad fgnfg
and maf inlI(dgd nsnDm(pan altsrf |itmin itf apNit sn fg,graI sllafisnfW et rgpainf ts
Ng fggn ms| tmg in,gntsrfmiv iff(g |iII van s(t in endiaW
5riLinaI jIitgrarujy jdrapatiljy jartiftilj and jp(filaIj |srRf arg ls,grgd |itmin tmg dspain sh
lsvuriLmt Ia|W en ,ig| sh tmg fapgy tmg iff(g sh lsvuriLmt a(tmsrfmiv sr s|ngrfmiv sh anu
tgFty art|srRy ,idgsy p(fil sr anu lrgati,g |srR lrgatgd Nu an Ae fuftgp lsntin(gf ts Ng
ls,grgd (ndgr tmg osvuriLmt Alt sh 8&9BW Pmg a(tmsr in rgIatisn ts anu jIitgraruy drapatily
p(filaI sr artiftilj |srR tmat if lspv(tgr Lgngratgd maf Nggn idgnticgd af jtmg vgrfsn
|ms la(fgf tmg |srR ts Ng lrgatgdjW Pmgrghsrgy tmg osvuriLmt Alt if lIgar tmat af har
af lsvuriLmt a(tmsrfmiv sh anu lrgati,g |srR if lsnlgrngdy tmg fapg p(ft nglgffariIu
in,sI,g a m(pan NginL |ms la(fgf tmg |srR ts Ng lrgatgdW endia mad initiaIIu Lrantgd
lsvuriLmt rgLiftratisn ts a |srR V 4A36AK V lIaipgd ts Ng lsDa(tmsrgd Nu AeW 6s|g,gry
tmg dglifisn ts Lrant lsvuriLmt rgLiftratisn |af Iatgr |itmdra|n Nu tmg osvuriLmt 5zlgW
’srgs,gry |itm rgfvglt ts s|ngrfmivy tmg ls(rtf ma,g mgId tmat s|ngrfmiv in a |srR |iII Ng
Lrantgd snIu in fit(atisnf |mgrg a m(pan lrgatgf f(lm |srRy and a G(riftil vgrfsn if
inlavaNIg sh NginL an a(tmsr sh a |srRW o(rrgntIuy af Ae maf nst g,gn Nggn ,gftgd |itm
IgLaI vgrfsnaIituy it dsgf nst -(aIihu af a G(riftil vgrfsn af |gIIW
osvuriLmt inhrinLgpgnt
Pmg (fg sh lsvuriLmtDvrstgltgd patgriaI af vart sh tmg traininL data fgt sh an Ae fuftgpy
|milm maf Igd ts p(ItivIg lsvuriLmt inhrinLgpgnt Ia|f(itf ma,inL Nggn initiatgd in tmg
Tnitgd 2tatgfy avvgarf ts Ng G(fticgd Nafgd sn tmg T2 jhair (fgj vrs,ifisnW Pmg osvuriLmt
Alt dsgf nst hsIIs| tmg Nrsad avvrsalm ts hair (fg tmat if vrg,aIgnt in tmg Tnitgd 2tatgfW
enftgady endia maf a jhair dgaIinLj tgfty and tmif vrs,ifisn if Iipitgd ts 2gltisn 90)8b)ab sh
tmg osvuriLmt AltW 2gltisn 90 sh tmg osvuriLmt Alt inlI(dgf an gFma(fti,g Iift sh aNs(t
anstmgr –0 fit(atisnf |mgrg tmg (fg sh lsvuriLmtDvrstgltgd patgriaI dsgf nst lsnftit(tg
inhrinLgpgntW Pmgrghsrgy in endiay hsr an alt ts nst -(aIihu af a lsvuriLmt inhrinLgpgnty tmg
fapg p(ft haII |itmin tmg –– gFlgvtisnf ftatgd in 2gltisn 90 sh tmg AltW o(rrgntIuy tmg (fg
sh lsvuriLmtgd vrstgltgd patgriaI af traininL data hsr Ae fuftgpf sr tssIf dsgf nst cnd
gFvIilit pgntisn in anu sh tmg –– fit(atisnf pgntisngd in 2gltisn 90 sh tmg osvuriLmt AltW
Ps intgrvrgt hair dgaIinLy (ndgr 2gltisn 90)8b)ab sh tmg osvuriLmt Alty endian ls(rtf ma,g
IssRgd ts dglifisnf hrsp T2 ls(rtf sn hair (fg and ma,g lsnfidgrgd tmg hs(rDhaltsr tgft
hsr hair (fgW ksr a |srR ts -(aIihu af hair dgaIinL (ndgr tmg osvuriLmt Alty tmg v(rvsfg sh
tmg |srR fms(Id Ng hsr;
osppgrliaI (fg sh tmg lsvuriLmtDvrstgltgd |srR if nst ls,grgd |itmin hair dgaIinLW eh anu
lsvuriLmtDvrstgltgd |srR if ts Ng (fgd hsr traininL Ae psdgIfy tmg endian Ls,grnpgnty in
a rgfvsnfg ts a -(gftisn in qarIiapgnty maf lIaricgd tmat avvrsvriatg vgrpiffisnf nggd
ts Ng sNtaingd hrsp tmg intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu riLmtf )eq4b msIdgrW An gFlgvtisn |mgrg
tmif vgrpiffisn piLmt nst Ng nggdgd if |mgrg tmg alti,itu if ls,grgd Nu tmg hair dgaIinL
vrs,ifisn sh tmg Ia|W et if vgrtingnt ts nstg tmat endia aIfs dsgf nst rglsLnifg a tgFt and
data pininL gFlgvtisn ts lsvuriLmt inhrinLgpgnt‘ tmgrghsrgy Ae dg,gIsvgrf ds nst ma,g a
tgFt and data pininL gFlgvtisn lsvuriLmt inhrinLgpgnt dghgnlg (ndgr tmg l(rrgnt rgLipgW
Pmg enhsrpatisn PglmnsIsLu Alty 0111 )tmg eP Altb rgad |itm tmg enhsrpatisn PglmnsIsLu
)entgrpgdiaru 3(idgIingf and MiLitaI ’gdia Utmilf osdgb 4(Igfy 0108 )tmg eP 4(Igfb if
tmg IgLaI hrapg|srR tmat Ls,grnf Ae l(rrgntIuW Pmg eP Alt vrs,idgf hsr tglmnsIsLilaI
pgaf(rgf tmat pau affift in tmg tralgaNiIitu sh tmg dglifisnf taRgn at dihhgrgnt ftaLgf sh Ae
dg,gIsvpgnt and dgvIsupgntW Pmgfg tglmnsIsLilaI pgaf(rgf inlI(dg a(tmgntilatisny
1s8- 1s9-
attriN(tisn and diLitaI fiLnat(rg )ts gnf(rg tmat tmg rglsrd if fgl(rgbW Pmg eP 4(Igf
vrs,idg hsr lgrtain additisnaI sNIiLatisnf tmat arg nglgffaru hsr gntitigf tmat -(aIihu af an
intgrpgdiaru (ndgr tmg AltW
Pmg Ia| vrsmiNitf lirl(Iatisn sh gFvIilit lsntgntW ksr inftanlgy tmg alt sh v(NIifminLy
tranfpittinL sr la(finL ts Ng v(NIifmgd sr tranfpittgd anu fgF(aIIu gFvIilit alt in gIgltrsnil
hsrp if lsnfidgrgd an shhgnlgW ’srgs,gry tmif vrsmiNitisn aIfs inlI(dgf tranfpiffisn sh
fgF(aIIu gFvIilit altf tmat dgvilt lmiIdrgnW
Pm(fy tmg eP 4(Igf vrs,idg h(rtmgr L(idanlg ts intgrpgdiarigf |itm rgfvglt ts tmg rgafsnaNIg
ghhsrtf tmat tmgu p(ft taRg ts inhsrp tmgir (fgrf in srdgr ts rgtain tmg fahg marNs(r
vrs,ifisnfW 2vglicl and rgIg,ant ts Aey tmgfg rgafsnaNIg ghhsrtf inlI(dg paintaininL lgrtain
d(g diIiLgnlg rg-(irgpgntfW Af vgr 4(Ig –)8b)Nb sh tmg eP 4(Igfy tmg r(Igf and rgL(Iatisnfy
vri,alu vsIilu sr (fgr aLrggpgnt sh tmg intgrpgdiaru p(ft inhsrp tmg (fgr nst ts msfty
difvIauy (vIsady psdihuy v(NIifmy tranfpity ftsrgy (vdatg sr fmarg anu inhsrpatisn tmaty
intgr aIiay inhrinLgf anu eq4y ,isIatgf anu Ia|y if marph(I ts lmiIdrgn sr ipvgrfsnatgf anu
stmgr vgrfsnW Pm(fy intgrpgdiarigf arg gFvgltgd ts lspvIu |itm 4(Ig –)8b)Nb andy in tmif
lspvIianlgy AeDLgngratgd lsntgnt s(Lmt ts Ng psnitsrgd Nu intgrpgdiarigfW ’srgs,gry ih
tmg intgrpgdiaru -(aIicgf af a fiLniclant fsliaI pgdia intgrpgdiaruy and ih f(lm an
intgrpgdiaru (fgf tglmnsIsLuDNafgd pgaf(rgfy inlI(dinL a(tspatgd tssIfy ts lspvIu |itm
itf d(g diIiLgnlg sNIiLatisnfy 4(Ig .).b sh tmg eP 4(Igf pandatgf tmat avvrsvriatg jm(pan
s,grfiLmt pgaf(rgfj p(ft Ng dgvIsugdW AdditisnaIIuy ih anu f(lm a(tspatgd tssI if (fgd Nu
a fiLniclant fsliaI pgdia intgrpgdiaruy tmgfg tssIf |iII nggd ts Ng g,aI(atgd hsr;
8W all(ralu‘
0W hairngff‘
–W vrsvgnfitu sh Niaf and diflripinatisn‘ and
.W tmg ipvalt sn vri,alu and fgl(ritu sh f(lm tssIfW
et if rgitgratgd tmat tmg eP 4(Igf and tmg sNIiLatisnf hsr AeDLgngratgd lsntgnt and
tglmnsIsLuDNafgd pgaf(rgf )tmat inlI(dg a(tspatgd tssIfb tmgrgin arg avvIilaNIg snIu ts
an gntitu tmat -(aIicgf af an intgrpgdiaru (ndgr tmg eP Alt rgad |itm tmg eP 4(IgfW Pmg
sNIiLatisnf (ndgr tmg eP Alt and tmg eP 4(Igf s(Lmt nst ts Ng lsn#atgd |itm sNIiLatisnf hsr
gntitigf tmat ds nst -(aIihu af intgrpgdiarigf af vgr tmif Ia|W
Pmg MqMqA -(aIicgf af sng sh tmg rgIg,ant IgLaI hrapg|srRf hsr Ae fuftgpfy and rghgrgnlg
pau Ng padg ts tmg fgltisn j“gar in rg,ig|j aNs,gW
Pmg oqA ls,grf tmg lsnlgvt sh vrsd(lt IiaNiIituW Tndgr tmg oqAy a lsnf(pgr pau paRg a
lIaip hsr lspvgnfatisn hsr anu marp la(fgd Nu a dghglti,g vrsd(lt;
8W pan(halt(rgd Nu a vrsd(lt pan(halt(rgr‘
0W fgr,ilgd Nu a vrsd(lt fgr,ilg vrs,idgr‘ sr
1]49- 1]4s-
–W fsId Nu a vrsd(lt fgIIgrW ,
6arp in rgIatisn ts vrsd(lt IiaNiIitu if dgcngd NrsadIu ts inlI(dg anu vgrfsnaI inG(ru sr
pgntaI aLsnu sr gpstisnaI diftrgff attgndant ts vgrfsnaI inG(ruy iIIngff sr dgatmW et dsgf
nst inlI(dg anu marp la(fgd ts tmg vrsd(lt itfgIh sr anu dapaLg ts tmg vrsvgrtu itfgIh sn
alls(nt sh Nrgalm sh |arrantu lsnditisnf sr anu lsppgrliaI sr glsnspil Isffy inlI(dinL
anu dirglty inlidgntaI sr lsnfg-(gntiaI Isff rgIatinL tmgrgtsW
jMghgltj pganf janu ha(Ity ipvgrhgltisn sr fmsrtlspinL in tmg -(aIituy -(antituy vstgnluy
v(ritu sr ftandard |milm if rg-(irgd ts Ng paintaingd Nu sr (ndgr anu Ia| hsr tmg tipg
NginL in hsrlg sr (ndgr anu lsntralty gFvrgff sr ipvIigd sr af if lIaipgd Nu tmg tradgr in
anu panngr |matfsg,gr in rgIatisn ts anu Lssdf sr vrsd(lt and tmg gFvrgffisn •dghglti,gQ
fmaII Ng lsnftr(gd allsrdinLIujW
Af vgr tmg oqAy a vrsd(lt pan(halt(rgr if IiaNIg hsr vrsd(lt IiaNiIitu ih;
Pmg IiaNiIitu pau Ng ipvsfgd (vsn tmg vrsd(lt pan(halt(rgr g,gn ih it if vrs,gd tmat tmg
vrsd(lt pan(halt(rgr |af nst ngLIiLgnt sr hra(d(Ignt in paRinL tmg gFvrgff |arrantu sh
a vrsd(ltW
A vrsd(lt fgr,ilg vrs,idgr |iII Ng IiaNIg in a vrsd(lt IiaNiIitu altisn ih tmg -(aIituy nat(rg and
panngr sh vgrhsrpanlg arg nst in allsrdanlg |itm rg-(irgpgnt sh Ia| sr a lsntraltW Pmg
IiaNiIitu pau aIfs arifg hsr spiffisn sr lsppiffisn sh ngLIiLgnlg sr hsr nst ma,inL anu
|arninL rgLardinL anu marpW
2ipiIarIuy a vrsd(lt fgIIgry |ms if nst a vrsd(lt pan(halt(rgry pau aIfs Ng IiaNIg hsr
a vrsd(lt IiaNiIitu altisnW eII(ftrati,gIuy a vrsd(lt fgIIgrjf IiaNiIitu pau arifg ih tmgrg if
f(NftantiaI lsntrsI s,gr dgfiLninLy tgftinLy pan(halt(rinLy valRaLinL sr IaNgIIinL sh a
vrsd(lt tmat la(fgd marpy sr ih tmg vrsd(lt fgIIgr aItgrgd sr psdicgd tmg vrsd(lt and
f(lm aItgratisn sr psdiclatisn |af tmg f(NftantiaI haltsr in la(finL tmg marpW
6s|g,gry f(lm IiaNiIitu |iII nst arifg ih tmg vrsd(lt |af pif(fgdy aItgrgd sr psdicgd
Nghsrg la(finL tmg marpW ’srgs,gry tmg oqA Iauf s(t lgrtain gFlgvtisnf |mgrg a
vrsd(lt pan(halt(rgr pau nst Ng IiaNIg hsr itf haiI(rg ts vrs,idg adg-(atg |arninLf sr
Pmg gnhsrlgpgnt hsr anu lIaipf Nu lsnf(pgrf (ndgr tmg oqA taRgf vIalg tmrs(Lm tmg
ogntraI osnf(pgr qrstgltisn A(tmsrituy |msfg vs|grf arg vrgflriNgd in omavtgr eee sh
tmg oqAy sr tmrs(Lm tmg osnf(pgr Mifv(tgf 4gdrgffaI osppiffisny |msfg dgtaiIf arg in
omavtgr eK sh tmg oqAW
o(rrgntIuy |miIg tmif rgLipg gFiftf hsr vrsd(lt IiaNiIitu altisnfy itf (fg hsr Ae fuftgpf maf
ugt nst Nggn in,sRgdW
2gltsraI rgL(Iatisnf
Pmgrg arg lgrtain fgltsraI rgL(Iatisnf tmat arg rgIg,ant Ngla(fg tmgu vrs,idg L(idanlg in
rgIatisn ts tmg (fg sh AeW Pmgfg rgL(Iatisnf arg a lspNinatisn sh ,sI(ntaru hrapg|srRf and
NindinL sNIiLatisnfW
3(idgIing 9W. sh tmg PgIgpgdiling qraltilg 3(idgIingf 0101 (ndgr tmg endian ’gdilaI
os(nliI )qrshgffisnaI osnd(lty Uti-(gttg and Utmilf 4gL(Iatisnb 0110 vrsmiNitf tmg (fg
sh Ae ts ls(nfgI vatigntf sr vrgflriNg pgdilingfW 6s|g,gry Ae lan Ng (fgd af a dglifisn
f(vvsrt fuftgp ts affift a rgLiftgrgd pgdilaI vraltitisngr in vatignt g,aI(atisny diaLnsfif
sr panaLgpgntW
en tgrpf sh IgLaIIu NindinL sNIiLatisnfy a fsht|arg tmat if (fgd hsry intgr aIiay tmg diaLnsfify
psnitsrinLy trgatpgnt and in,gftiLatisn if latgLsrifgd af a dr(L (ndgr tmg Mr(Lf and
osfpgtilf Alty 8&.1W Pmgrghsrgy tmif fsht|arg pau aIfs nggd ts Ls tmrs(Lm avvrsvriatg
tgftinLy IilgnfinL and parRgtinL rg-(irgpgntf (ndgr tmg ’gdilaI Mg,ilg 4(Igfy 018B )|milm
if gnaltgd (ndgr tmg Mr(Lf and osfpgtilf Alty 8&.1bW Pmg ’gdilaI Mg,ilg 4(Igf aIfs
latgLsrifg tmg dihhgrgnt tuvgf sh fsht|arg ints dihhgrgnt rifR latgLsrigf f(lm af Is| rifRy
Is| pgdi(p rifRy psdgratg rifR and miLm rifRy dgvgndinL (vsn tmg (fg lafg hsr |milm tmgu
arg adsvtgd andy allsrdinLIuy vrs,idgf fgvaratg lspvIianlg rg-(irgpgntf hsr galm rifR
latgLsru tmat ma,g ts Ng hsIIs|gd hsr (finL tmg fsht|arg in tmg mgaItmlarg fgltsrW
2gl(ritigf parRgt
Pmg 2gl(ritigf and UFlmanLg Jsard sh endia )2UJeby tmg ftat(tsru Nsdu tmat Ls,grnf tmg
dg,gIsvpgnt and rgL(Iatisn sh tmg fgl(ritigf parRgt in endiay maf vrs,idgd hsr diflIsf(rg
1]06- 1]07-
rgLardinL (fg sh tmg Ae Nu parRgt intgrpgdiarigfy ’arRgt enhraftr(lt(rg enftit(tisnf
and p(t(aI h(ndfW Pmgfg vartigf arg rg-(irgd ts diflIsfg tmg (fg sh Ae sn a -(artgrIu
Nafif ts nsdaI affsliatisnfy |milm |iII lsIIatg and f(Npit a rgvsrt ts 2UJe sn tmg nat(rg
sh f(lm (fgW Pmg in,sI,gd vartigf arg rg-(irgd ts diflIsfg inhsrpatisn f(lm af tmg arga
|mgrg Ae if (fgd )gWLWy hsr srdgr gFgl(tisny Rns| us(r l(ftspgry antiDpsngu Ia(ndgrinLy
f(r,giIIanlg and lspvIianlgby ms| tmg Ae if NginL ipvIgpgntgd )iWgWy intgrnaIIuy tmrs(Lm a
fsI(tisn vrs,idgr sr GsintIu Nu Nstmy sr tmrs(Lm a tmird vartub and ms| Ae if NginL vsrtraugd
in vrsd(lt shhgrinLW
endia maf v(NIifmgd a hair n(pNgr sh fshtDIa| Ae hrapg|srRfy and |miIg nsng sh tmgfg
hrapg|srRf lrgatgf anu NindinL IgLaI sNIiLatisnfy tmgu arg inftr(lti,g and rgIg,ant ts Ngttgr
avvrgliatg Ls,grnanlg sh Ae hrsp tmg endian lsntgFtW
endia v(NIifmgd itf SatisnaI 2tratgLu hsr ArticliaI entgIIiLgnlg in 018xy |milm idgnticgd
endiajf fgltsraI hsl(f argaf hsr AeW ki,g fgltsrf |grg idgnticgd ts Ngngct hrsp Ae in
addrgffinL fsligtaI nggdf;
4gfvsnfiNIg Ae; $Aek54Aww; Avvrsalm Msl(pgnt hsr endia; qart 8 D qrinlivIgf hsr
4gfvsnfiNIg Ae
5n tmg Nafif sh tmg aNs,g lsnfidgratisnfy tmg dsl(pgnt s(tIingf fg,gn vrinlivIgf sh
rgfvsnfiNIg Ae hsr endia;
SePe AausL; 4gfvsnfiNIg Ae; $AeksrAII; AdsvtinL tmg krapg|srR; A Tfg oafg Avvrsalm sn
kaliaI 4glsLnitisn PglmnsIsLu
Pmif difl(ffisn vavgr gFapingf tmg MiLi “atra vrsLrappg r(n Nu endiajf ’iniftru sh oi,iI
A,iatisn and shhgrf f(LLgftisnf hsr h(t(rg (fgf sh haliaI rglsLnitisn tglmnsIsLu )k4Pb in
tmg ls(ntruW Pmg difl(ffisn if lsntgFt(aIifgd |itm tmg vrinlivIgf sh rgfvsnfiNIg Aey
f(lm af fahgtu and rgIiaNiIituy g-(aIitu and inlI(fi,ituy and nsnDdiflripinatisnW Pmg rifR
affsliatgd |itm Ae fuftgpf maf Nggn di,idgd ints t|s Nrsad latgLsrigf;
ulelLieLIAnIrif fIle:IiEGlatf
Pmg hsIIs|inL rifRf affsliatgd |itm Ae ma,g Nggn idgnticgd in gitmgr mardDIa| sr fshtDIa|
hrapg|srRf s(tIingd in tmg fgltisnf j“gar in rg,ig|j and jwgLifIati,g and rgL(Iatsru
hrapg|srRjW Af lgrtain hrapg|srRf arg ,sI(ntaru in nat(rgy tmg IgLaI sNIiLatisn ts pitiLatg
galm rifR maf ts Ng fggn in tmg haltf sh galm lafgW
A Niaf rifR in an Ae fuftgp pau arifg hrspy apsnL stmgr haltsrfy tmg IalR sh di,grfitu
in tmg tgap in,sI,gd in dg,gIsvinL tmg Ae fuftgp sr hrsp tmg inadg-(aligf in tmg data
(fgdW Jiaf pitiLatisn in tgap dgfiLn sr inadg-(atg data pau rg-(irg gnf(rinL tmg
rgvrgfgntatisn sh Lrs(vf f(lm af gtmnil pinsritigfy parLinaIifgd Lrs(vf and rgpstgIu
Islatgd vsv(IatisnfW k(rtmgrpsrgy srLanifatisnf pau aIfs nggd ts lsnfidgr in,sI,inL
vartilivantf NgIsnLinL ts dihhgrgnt Lrs(vf in fsligtu ts rgd(lg tmg rifR sh Niaf affsliatgd
|itm tmg vgsvIg |srRinL sn tmg Ae vrsGgltW Pmgfg Niaf pitiLatisn pgaf(rgf arg vrs,idgd
in tmg eo’4 3(idgIingf )|milm arg difl(ffgd in tmg fgltisn j“gar in rg,g|jb and arg v(rgIu
,sI(ntaru in nat(rgW
Pmg J(rga( sh endian 2tandardf )Je2by tmg natisnaI ftandardf Nsdu sh endiay maf
adsvtgd and rgIgafgd endian ,grfisnf sh ,aris(f ftandardf lrgatgd Nu tmg entgrnatisnaI
5rLaniOatisn hsr 2tandardiOatisn )e25b in rgIatisn ts AeW k(rtmgrpsrgy Je2 if aIfs in tmg
vrslgff sh adsvtinL an e25 ftandard hsr rgfvsnfiNIg dg,gIsvpgnt and (fg sh Ae fuftgpfy
|milm if gFvgltgd ts Ng adsvtgd Nu :an(aru 0109W et if lIaricgd tmat fspg sh tmgfg
ftandardf arg l(rrgntIu in difl(ffisn and ds nst lrgatg anu IgLaIIu NindinL sNIiLatisnf hsr
-(aIitu and vgrhsrpanlgW
Pmgrg arg ns IgLaIIu NindinL sNIiLatisnf in endia l(rrgntIu hsr tranfvargnlu and
alls(ntaNiIitu sh Ae fuftgpfW o(rrgntIuy tmgrg arg artil(Iatisnf sh tmgfg lsnlgvtf in
,sI(ntaru hrapg|srRfW
Pmg eo’4 3(idgIingf f(LLgft pitiLatinL tmg rifR sh alls(ntaNiIitu Nu idgntihuinL tmg
rsIg sh ftaRgmsIdgrf hrsp tmg pan(halt(rgr ts tmg (fgr lsnngltgd |itm IgLaI IiaNiIitu
sh tmg ftaRgmsIdgr sn alls(nt sh f(lm dapaLgW eo’4 aIfs f(LLgftf tmat intgrnaI
gtmilf lsppittggf pau Ng lsnftit(tgd ts s,grfgg dgfiLninL and dg,gIsvpgnt sh AeW A
hggdNalR rgdrgffaI pglmanifp pau aIfs Ng adsvtgd in ,aris(f ftaLgf sh tmg Ae Iihg lulIg
hsr vrsvgr rgvsrtinL sh iff(gf and paRinL nglgffaru lmanLgf in tmg Ae fuftgp ts lsntrsI
tmg idgnticgd rifRW
Pmg ospvIgF Adavti,g krapg|srR ts 4gL(Iatg ArticliaI entgIIiLgnlg )fgg tmg fgltisn
jentrsd(ltisnjb h(rtmgr f(LLgftf IauinL ds|n lIgar rgfvsnfiNiIitigf apsnL dg,gIsvgrfy
svgratsrf and gnd (fgrf sh Ae fuftgpf aIsnL |itm gpNgddgd tralRinL pglmanifp ts
affsliatg IiaNiIitigf |itm ,aris(f vartigfW
entgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu
4ghgrgnlg pau Ng padg ts fgltisnf j“gar in rg,ig|j and jwgLifIati,g and rgL(Iatsru
hrapg|srRjy aNs,gW
4ghgrgnlg pau Ng padg ts tmg fgltisn jwgLifIati,g and rgL(Iatsru hrapg|srRjy aNs,gW
Eitm rgfvglt ts hra(d and Aey endiajf ogntraI JanR )iWgWy 4gfgr,g JanR sh endia )4Jebb
maf svingd tmat Ae pau gnaNIg cnanliaI inftit(tisnf ts taRg vrsalti,g pgaf(rgf aLainft
vstgntiaI hra(dfy ipvrs,inL tmg all(ralu and gzlignlu sh tmgir hra(d dgtgltisn fuftgpf
and ftrgnLtmgninL tmgir s,graII rifR panaLgpgnt hrapg|srRW At tmg fapg tipgy tmgrg
if a nggd hsr ghhglti,g Ls,grnanlg hrapg|srRfy data intgLritu and tmg gtmilaI (fg sh Ae ts
N(iId tr(ft and tranfvargnlu in cnanliaI fuftgpfW
Pmg 4Je 3s,grnsr maf h(rtmgr svingd tmat |miIg cnanliaI inftit(tisnf lan (fg Ae aIsnL |itm
MiLitaI q(NIil enhraftr(lt(rg )Mqeb ts apvIihu lavaNiIitigfy tmgu fms(Id Ng gFvIainaNIg in
nat(rgy af tmg tglmnsIsLu lan aIfs Ng (fgd hsr fvrgadinL pifinhsrpatisny la(finL fg,grg
dapaLg and hsr tmg difr(vtisn sh MqeW Pm(fy inftit(tisnf s(Lmt ts;
Pmg 2(vrgpg os(rt sh endia maf aIfs sNfgr,gd tmat |itm tmg ad,anlgpgnt sh Aey glsnspil
shhgnlgf ma,g Nglspg a rgaI tmrgat ts tmg h(nltisninL sh tmg cnanliaI fuftgp sh tmg
ls(ntru and tmgfg vrgfgnt a Lrgatgr lmaIIgnLg ts tmg in,gftiLatisn aLgnligf ts dgtglt and
(ndgrftand tmg nat(rg sh tranfaltisnf and vgrfsnf in,sI,gdW
et if lIaricgd tmat tmgfg arg snIu ftatgpgntf sr sNfgr,atisnf and tmat ns IgLaIIu NindinL
hrapg|srRf ma,g Nggn lsnlgvt(aIifgd ts addrgff tmg iff(g sh hra(d dgtgltisn and AeW
Eitm rgfvglt ts tmg rifR sh lsnf(pgr vrstgltisny rghgrgnlg pau Ng padg ts jtmg osnf(pgr
qrstgltisn Alty 018&j in tmg fgltisn jwgLifIati,g and rgL(Iatsru hrapg|srRjy aNs,gW
5|inL ts tmg aNfgnlg sh a NgfvsRg Ia| sn Ae fuftgpf in endiay tmgrg if ns Ia| tmat Ls,grnfy
sr diflIsf(rg and nstilg sh (fg rg-(irgpgntfy sr pandatgf it hsr tmat pattgrW Pmg hsIIs|inL
r(Igf and ftat(tgf addrgff tmif afvglt at a Nrsad Ig,gI;
q(NIil gnhsrlgpgnt
Ss v(NIil gnhsrlgpgnt maf fs har taRgn vIalg in endia |itm rgfvglt ts AeW Af ftatgd aNs,gy
tmg endian lspvgtitisn a(tmsritu )tmg lspvgtitisn Ia| rgL(Iatsrb if l(rrgntIu lsnd(ltinL a
parRgt ft(du sn AeW Ss lgntraI rgL(Iatsr hsr Ae maf l(rrgntIu Nggn fgt (vy and tmgrg if
ns inhsrpatisn l(rrgntIu rgLardinL tmg lsnts(rf sh v(NIil gnhsrlgpgnt in tmg lsntgFt sh Aey
ih it pau lspg (v at aIIW
qri,atg IitiLatisn
qri,atg IitiLatisn maf Nggn initiatgd |itm rgfvglt ts Aey and psrg fs in tmg lsntgFt sh
vgrfsnaIitu riLmtfy intgrpgdiaru IiaNiIitu and lmiId fahgtu iff(gfW 4ghgrgnlg pau Ng padg
ts tmg fgltisn j“gar in rg,ig|jW
endia maf a ,gru rsN(ft vri,atg IitiLatisn gnhsrlgpgnt pglmanifpW Pmg endian ls(rt
ftr(lt(rg lspvrifgf sng avgF ls(rt )iWgWy tmg 2(vrgpg os(rtbW Pmg 2(vrgpg os(rt psnitsrf
0. miLm ls(rtfy and tmg miLm ls(rtf lsnfg-(gntIu f(vgr,ifg avvrsFipatgIu 711 diftrilt
ls(rtfW Pmgrg arg c,g miLm ls(rtf tmat gFgrlifg srdinaru sriLinaI li,iI G(rifdiltisny |milm
ipvIigf tmat a vri,atg IitiLatisn lan Ng dirgltIu inftit(tgd Nghsrg tmg miLm ls(rt itfgIhW Pmgfg
arg tmg 6iLm os(rtf sh MgImiy ’adrafy JspNauy oaIl(tta and 6ipalmaI qradgfm )2mipIabW
Pmg vri,atg IitiLatisn tmat maf Nggn initiatgd l(rrgntIu |itm rgfvglt ts Ae maf Nggn Nghsrg
tmg 6iLm os(rt sh MgImiW Pmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt if aIfs lsnfidgrgd ts Ng sng sh tmg vrgpigr
ls(rtf in endia hsr tmg gnhsrlgpgnt sh eq4 iff(gf and itf intgrrgIatgd tglmnsIsLu Ia| iff(gfW
Ps h(rtmgr NsIftgr endiajf gnhsrlgpgnt rgLipgy in 5ltsNgr 0189y tmg osppgrliaI os(rtf
Alt lapg ints ghhglty |milm gpvs|grgd tmg gftaNIifmpgnt sh fvgliaIifgd ls(rtf in endia
hsr adG(dilatinL lsppgrliaI difv(tgfy |milm inlI(dgd intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu Ia| difv(tgfW
Af vgr tmg osppgrliaI os(rtf Alty a lsppgrliaI di,ifisn |af fgt (v at tmg miLm ls(rtfy
|milm gFgrlifgd srdinaru sriLinaI li,iI G(rifdiltisn tmrs(Lm tmg avvsintpgnt sh sng sr psrg
finLIg G(dLgfW en f(lm tgrritsrigfy a lsppgrliaI avvgIIatg di,ifisn |af fgt (v at tmg Ig,gI
sh tmg di,ifisn Ngnlm sh f(lm miLm ls(rt )|milm inlI(dgd tmg 6iLm os(rtf sh MgImiy JspNauy
oaIl(ttay ’adraf and 6ipalmaI qradgfm )2mipIabbW osn,grfgIuy in tgrritsrigf |mgrg tmg
miLm ls(rtf did nst gFgrlifg srdinaru sriLinaI li,iI G(rifdiltisny tmg osppgrliaI os(rtf Alt
gpvs|grgd tmg ftatg Ls,grnpgnt ts fgt (v lsppgrliaI ls(rtf at tmg Ig,gI sh tmg diftrilt
ls(rty |itm a lsppgrliaI avvgIIatg ls(rt in tmg rgIg,ant miLm ls(rt lsrrgfvsndinL ts tmg
faid diftriltW Pmg G(rifdiltisn ts avvrsalm gitmgr a lsppgrliaI di,ifisn sr a lsppgrliaI
ls(rt |af idgnticgd in vgl(niaru tgrpfW ksr gFapvIgy l(rrgntIuy ts in,sRg tmg G(rifdiltisn sh
tmg lsppgrliaI di,ifisn sh tmg 6iLm os(rt sh MgImi )|milm gFgrlifgf srdinaru sriLinaI li,iI
G(rifdiltisnby tmg Ia|f(it maf ts Ng ,aI(gd aNs,g T2 091y111W
Avart hrsp G(rifdiltisny in tgrpf sh vrslgd(raI lmanLgfy tmg osppgrliaI os(rtf Alt
gnaNIgd adsvtisn sh Ngft vraltilgf ts rgd(lg tmg Iihgfvan sh a lsppgrliaI difv(tg altisn
and fip(Itangs(fIu inlrgafg tmg LgngraI valg sh adG(dilatisn at ,aris(f ftaLgf sh a
Ia|f(itW ksr inftanlgy ih tmg dghgndant haiIf ts cIg tmgir |rittgn ftatgpgnt |itmin 801 daufy
tmgir riLmt ts cIg tmgir |rittgn rgfvsnfg if hsrhgitgdW 2ipiIarIuy ih tmg vIaintihh haiIf ts cIg tmgir
rgvIilatisn |itmin .9 dauf sh tmg dghgndantjf |rittgn ftatgpgnt lspinL sn rglsrdy tmg fapg
pau Nar tmg vIaintihhjf rgvIilatisn hrsp NginL lsnfidgrgd Nu tmg ls(rtW AdditisnaIIuy tmg MgImi
6iLm os(rt h(rtmgr apgndgd itf vrslgd(raI r(Igf in 018x ts vgrpit fgr,ilg Nu EmatfAvv
and tmg rglsrdaI sh ls(rt g,idgnlg Nu |au sh ,idgslsnhgrgnlinLW AII sh tmgfg lmanLgf ma,g
ftrgapIingd tmg vrslgd(raI afvgltf sh IitiLatisnW
’srgs,gry in 0108y tmg entgIIglt(aI qrsvgrtu AvvgIIatg Jsard )tmg triN(naI tmat altgd af tmg
crft avvgIIatg Nsard hrsp ,aris(f eq4 rgLiftrigf f(lm af tmg qatgnt 5zlgb |af aNsIifmgdW
Pmg grft|miIg eqAJ |af vrgfgnt in c,g Islatisnfy and tmif maf Igd ts tmg lrgatisn sh
intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu di,ifisnf at tmg rgIg,ant miLm ls(rt sh tmsfg tgrritsrigfW eII(ftrati,gIuy
tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt lrgatgd an intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu di,ifisn in 0100 and gnaltgd tmg
MgImi 6iLm os(rt entgIIglt(aI qrsvgrtu 4iLmtf Mi,ifisn 4(Igfy 0100 ts h(rtmgr rgL(Iatg tmg
vrslgd(rg sh tmif di,ifisnW Pmgfg fvglicl Ngnlmgf sh tmg MgImi 6iLm os(rt ns| mgar
snIu eq4 difv(tgfW Pmg tipg vgrisd sh tmg IitiLatisn maf lspg ds|n ts ars(nd sng ts
sngDandDaDmaIh ugarfW
Pmg Ae difv(tgf tmat ma,g Nggn IitiLatgd fs har and s(tIingd in tmg fgltisn j“gar in rg,ig|j
ma,g Nggn adG(dilatgd (vsn Nu tmg intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu di,ifisnW Pmgfg difv(tgf ma,g
Ngngctgd hrsp tmg lmanLgf Nrs(Lmt aNs(t Nu tmg osppgrliaI os(rtf Alty tmg MgImi
6iLm os(rt 4(Igf and tmg intgIIglt(aI vrsvgrtu di,ifisnW Pmif dgpsnftratgf tmat endiajf
gnhsrlgpgnt rgLipg if rsN(ft hsr gnhsrlgpgnt sh vri,atg riLmtfy g,gn hsr Ae difv(tgfW
Af nstgd aNs,g in fgltisnf j“gar in rg,ig|j and jwgLifIati,g and rgL(Iatsru hrapg|srRjy
ls(rtf in endia ma,g ftartgd (finL Ae fuftgpf ts aid in tmgir tafRf in tmg G(ftilg dgIi,gru
fuftgpW osntin(gd rgfvsnfiNIg and ghhglti,g (fg sh Ae Nu tmg G(diliaru maf tmg vstgntiaI ts
fiLniclantIu gnaNIg G(ftilg dgIi,gru in a haft and ghhglti,g panngrW Af Ae if aIfs (fgd hsr
tranfIatisn fgr,ilgfy itf (fg aIfs affiftf in NridLinL IinL(iftil Narrigrfy inlrgafinL allgff
ts G(ftilgW
Ae if aIfs a lspvsngnt sh tmg IarLgr diLitaI initiati,g adsvtgd Nu tmg endian G(diliaruW Pmg
endian Ls,grnpgnt rglgntIu avvrs,gd qmafg eee sh tmg gos(rtf qrsGglty |milm |iII fvan
s,gr hs(r ugarfW MglgntraIifgd tmrs(Lm tmg rgfvglti,g miLm ls(rtfy tmif initiati,g intgndf
ts haliIitatg tmg adpiniftratisn sh G(ftilg Nu rgndgrinL it psrg allgffiNIgy ahhsrdaNIgy
dgvgndaNIgy vrgdiltaNIg and tranfvargnt hsr aII vartigf in,sI,gdW Pmg vstgntiaI s(tlspg
sh tmg flmgpg aIfs inlI(dgf tmg (fg sh Ae and itf f(Nfgtf hsr a fpsstmgr (fgr gFvgrignlg
and fpart flmgd(IinLW k(rtmgrpsrgy it if aIfs intgndgd hsr gpgrLinL tglmnsIsLigf ts Ng
(fgd ts paRg ls(rt vrslgffgf psrg gzlignt and ghhglti,gy rgd(linL vgndgnlu lafgfW
Eitm Ae vIauinL a vi,staI rsIg in tmg Lrs|tm ftsru sh tmg endian glsnspuy tmg IgLifIat(rg
and tmg G(diliaru ma,g vIaugd an ipvsrtant rsIg in rgL(IatinL and l(rNinL tmg pif(fg sh
Ae tglmnsIsLuW endia maf gnaltgd tmg MqMqA and lIaricgd ms| tmg eP Alt and tmg eP 4(Igf
pau gnaNIg in tmg rgL(Iatisn sh AeW 5n eq4y tmg varIiapgntaru ftandinL lsppittggf ma,g
rglsLnifgd Ae af a diflivIing sh lspv(tgr flignlgy lIarihuinL tmat Ia|f and lafgf rgIatinL
ts lspv(tgrDrgIatgd in,gntisnf pau lsntin(g ts Ng avvIilaNIg hsr Ae fuftgpfW ’srgs,gry
tmg nglgffaru ipvgt(f hsr Ae in,gntisnf maf Nggn vrs,idgdy af it maf Nggn rglsppgndgd
tmat ts haliIitatg Ae vatgntfy endia pau IssR at vatgntinL aILsritmpf Nu IinRinL tmg fapg
ts a tanLiNIg tglmnilaI dg,ilg sr a vraltilaI avvIilatisn af adsvtgd in tmg U(rsvgan Tnisn
and tmg Tnitgd 2tatgfW osnfiftgnt |itm tmg l(rrgnt LIsNaI vsfitisny it maf Nggn sNfgr,gd
tmat Ae if nst a G(riftil vgrfsny |milm pau gntitIg it ts vatgnt in,gntsrfmiv sr lsvuriLmt
a(tmsrfmivW kinaIIuy puriad fshtDIa| hrapg|srRf ts artil(Iatg an Ae Ls,grnanlg hrapg|srR
hrsp an endian Ignf ma,g Nggn hrapgd finlg 018xy fms|inL tmat endia maf Nggn amgad sr
at var LIsNaIIu |miIg tminRinL sh rifRf gpanatinL hrsp Ae fuftgpfW
Pmg endian G(diliaru maf aIfs taRgn tmg Igad in AeW Sst snIu if Ae NginL (fgd af an affifti,g
tssI Nu tmg G(diliaruy an initiati,g tmat if Igd Nu tmg avgF ls(rty N(t rgIighf arg aIfs NginL
Lrantgd sn alls(nt sh tmg marp la(fgd Nu Ae tssIfW Pmg Arijit Singh, Neela Filmy Anil
Kapoor, and Jackie Shroff lafgf dgpsnftratg tmifW 6arp tmat maf Nggn l(rNgd Nu tmg
ls(rtf gFtgndf hrsp marp la(fgd Nu Lgngrati,g Ae tssIfy Ae lmatNstf ts pif(fg sn snIing
vIathsrpf in tmg lsntgFt sh lmiIdrgnW
Pmg aflgnt and rgfs(ndinL ipvalt sh Ae in endia maf Nggn an gFtrasrdinaru ,suaLgy
vrsvgIIgd Nu a tmri,inL ngt|srR sh ftartD(vfy gd(latisnaI gftaNIifmpgntfy Ls,grnpgnt
initiati,gf and LIsNaI gntgrvrifgfW Ae if fiLniclantIu in#(gnlinL p(ItivIg ind(ftrigfy shhgrinL
tmg vstgntiaI hsr dg,gIsvpgnty gnmanlgd vrsd(lti,itu and Lrs(ndNrgaRinL ad,anlgpgntfW
Af Aejf spnivrgfgnlgy gfvgliaIIu Lgngrati,g Aey in endia lsntin(s(fIu g,sI,gfy tmg hsIIs|inL
|iII rgpain vi,staI hsr anu gntgrvrifg;
’srgs,gry in srdgr ts h(IIu marngff tmg vrspifg sh Ae |itmin endiajf fslisDglsnspil Lrs|tmy
it if ipvgrati,g ts ftriRg a NaIanlg Ngt|ggn inns,atisn and rgfvsnfiNIg dgvIsupgnt sh AeW
Pmg |srR lsppgnlgd Nu Je2 sn Ae ftandardf if sng gFapvIg sh ms| f(lm a NaIanlg pau
Ng ftr(lRy and tmif pau ,gru |gII Ng tmg ngFt hrsntigr hsr endiajf lsntin(s(fIu g,sI,inL Ae
xI Information Technology Act, 2000 read with the Information Technology (Intermediary
Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. Back to section
6I The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 read with the Consumer Protection
(E-Commerce) Rules, 2020. Back to section
8I PTI (2023) 'Digital India Act will deal with ill effects
of AI: Mos Chandrasekhar', Business Standard. Available at
al-with-ill-effects-of-ai-mos-chandrasekhar-123112401136_1.html. Back to section
sI ET Team (2024). 'ET Startup Awards 2024 | Chips to AI... India’s moving up
the digital value chain: Ashwini Vaishnaw'. The Economic Times. Available at:
naw/articleshow/113991859.cms?from=mdr. Back to section
]4I Christian Louboutin SAS v. Shoe Boutique - Shutiq, 2023 SCC OnLine Del 5295. Back
to section
]]I Deep tech AI and machine learning use cases in India in 2023, by type;
use-cases-by-type/. Back to section
]6I See: Answer to Question No. 262, by Shri Manish Tewari, Uncorrected
Lok Sabha Debates, 9 August 2024, pp. 6 and 7. Available at:
24_Fullday.pdf. Back to section
]7I See Bombay High Court implements Artificial Intelligence Assisted Translation
Facility, Circular No.: RG/1611/55/2023 dated 19 August 2023. Available at:
pdf. Back to section
04I See the disclaimer provided by the High Court of Telangana, available at: Back to section
0]I Tewari, M. (2023) 'Is artificial intelligence the next big thing in the field of law?', Live
Law. Available at
-thing-in-the-field-of-law-222787. Back to section
00I 'Supreme Court of India uses AI to transcribe live proceedings', (2023) INDIAai.
Available at
be-live-proceedings. Back to section
,xI PIB Delhi (2024). 'Shri Piyush Goyal unveils AI and ML-based
Trademark Search Technology', IP Saarthi Chatbot. [online]
Available at:
. The platform is available at:
-public-search. Back to section
,9I Section 4 of the DPDPA read with Sections 6 and 7. Back to section
xxI Section 8(5) and 8(6) read with the Schedule of the DPDPA. Back to section
xsI Annexure I, Guidelines for Prevention and Regulation of Dark Patterns, 2023. Available
pdf. The guideline has provided details of specific scenarios that need to be avoided.
Back to section
64I nasscom, Responsible AI: Guidelines for Generative AI, June 2023. Available at
df. Back to section
6]I Arijit Singh v. Codible Ventures LLP and Ors, COM IPR
SUIT (L) NO.23443 OF 2024. Order of the court available at:
c9WSZpbnRlcmZhY2U9Tw==. Back to section
60I Jaikishan Kakubhai Saraf v. Peppy Store, 2024 SCC OnLine Del 3664. Back to section
6,I Anil Kapoor v. Simply Life India & Ors, 2023 SCC OnLine Del 6914. Back to section
67I Gaurav Bhatia v. Naveeen Kumar and Ors. CS(OS) 274/2024. Court judgment available
t/16-04-2024/&name=NBK16042024S2742024_171330.pdf. Back to section
68I Akshay Tanna v. John Doe & Ors CS(COMM) 92/2024. Order of the court available at:
25571707228983632_50920_922024.pdf Back to section
69I See PTI (2024). 'Court denies relief to man over deepfake
videos of Amitabh Bachchan'. The Times of India. Available at:
-man-over-deepfake-videos-of-big-b/articleshow/111562061.cms. In this case, the
accused was creating and disseminating deepfakes videos of well-known
Bollywood star, Amitabh Bachchan, as promoting products of the company
owned by the accused. See also: Vikash Kumar Ravi v. The State of
Jharkhand B.A. No. 8661 of 2023. Order of the court available at:
nxmtg&caseno=B.A./8661/2023&cCode=1&appFlag=. In this case, the accused was
blackmailing a woman with sexually explicit image created using deepfakes
technology. Back to section
70I See Chaitanya Rohilla v. Union of India W.P.(C) 15596/2023, Order of the court available
1701785455000_27500_155962023.pdf and Nupur Thapliyal (2024).
'Journalist Rajat Sharma Moves Delhi High Court Against
Non-Regulation Of Deepfake Technology', Available at:
epfake-videos-rajat-sharma-pil-257393, the case is Rajat Sharma v. Union Of India
W.P.(C) 6560/2024. Back to section
7,I National Stock Exchange of India Ltd v. Meta Platforms, Inc & Ors-
, COM IPR SUIT (L) NO.21111 OF 2024, Order of the court available at:
Back to section
76I Reference was made to Guidelines for Examination of Computer Related Inventions
(CRIs) 2013, which provides that a computer program may be patentable in
circumstance in which it results in technical effects such as higher speed, reduced
hard-disks access time, more economical use of memory, more efficient database
search strategy, more effective data compression techniques and improved user
interface. Back to section
78I Jaswinder Singh v. State of Punjab & Anr., 2023: PHHC:044541. Back to section
79I Md. Zakir Hussian v. The State of Manipur & Ors., WP (C) No. 70 of 2023. Back to
7sI Christian Louboutin SAS v. Shoe Boutique - Shutiq, 2023 SCC OnLine Del 5295. Back
to section
84I See Tata Sky Limited v. National Internet Exchange of India and Ors CS(COMM) 1202/
2016. Back to section
8]I See Vinayak Ishwar Bhise v. Union of India, W.P. (C) 6191/2020. Back to section
80I See SK Srivastava v. Central Board of Direct Taxes and Others, W.P.(C) 4845/2022.
Back to section
8,I See State of Himachal Pradesh v. Sunil Kumar @ Sonu & Another, Cr. Appeal No. 13 of
2011. Back to section
8xI See Suo Motu v. Travancore Devasowm Board, DBP No. 13 of 2021. Back to section
87I See Vaisakh @ Hari v. State of Kerala WP (CRL) No. 1011 of 2024. Back to section
88I See Allani Ferid v. Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, OA/17/2020/PT/DEL,
Intellectual Property Appellate Board, decision dated 20 July 2020 at paragraph 24.
Back to section
94I See Allani Ferid v. Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, OA/17/2020/PT/DEL,
Intellectual Property Appellate Board, decision dated 20 July 2020 at paragraph 33.
Back to section
9]I Microsoft Technology Licensing v. Controller of Patents & Designs, 2023 SCC OnLine
Del 2772. Back to section
90I Opentv v. Controller of Patents & Designs, 2023 SCC OnLine Del 2771. Back to section
98I M Siddiq (D) Thr Lrs v. Mahant Suresh Das & Ors, (2020) 1 SCC 1. Back to section
9sI See ROC No. A-135120/2020 for the work titled Suryast. However, the Copyright Office
subsequently took a stance to withdraw this registration. A challenge to such stance of
the Copyright Office is yet to be decided. Back to section
s4I Rupendra Kashyap v. Jiwan Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1994 (28) DRJ 286. Back to
s]I Tech Plus Media Private Ltd v. Jyoti Janda, (2014) 60 PTC 121. Back to section
s,I India TV Independent News Service (P) Ltd v. Yashraj Films (P) Ltd, 2012 SCC OnLine
Del 4298. The four factors are (1) purpose and character of the use, (2) nature of the
copyright-protected work, (3) amount and substantiality of the portion used and (4)
impact of the use on the potential market. Back to section
sxI Shri Som Parkash, Answer to Question on Copyright Infringement By Generative AI,
Unstarred Question No. 845, Rajya Sabha, 9 February 2024. Back to section
s9I Rule 3, the Information Technology (Security Procedure) Rules, 2004. Back to section
]4,I Section 2(33) of the CPA defines 'product' to mean 'any article or goods or substance
or raw material or any extended cycle of such product, which may be in gaseous,
liquid, or solid state possessing intrinsic value which is capable of delivery either as
wholly assembled or as a component part and is produced for introduction to trade or
commerce, but does not include human tissues, blood, blood products and organs'.
Back to section
]4xI Section 2(42) of the CPA defines 'service' as the following: 'service of any description
which is made available to potential users and includes, but not limited to, the provision
of facilities in connection with banking, financing, insurance, transport, processing,
supply of electrical or other energy, telecom, boarding or lodging or both, housing
construction, entertainment, amusement or the purveying of news or other information,
but does not include the rendering of any service free of charge or under a contract of
personal service'. Back to section
]46I Section 2(7) of the CPA defines 'a consumer'. It includes a person who '(i) buys any
goods for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly
promised, or under any system of deferred payment and includes any user of such
goods other than the person who buys such goods for consideration paid or promised
or partly paid or partly promised, or under any system of deferred payment, when
such use is made with the approval of such person, but does not include a person
who obtains such goods for resale or for any commercial purpose'. The definition also
includes a person who 'hires or avails of any service for a consideration which has been
paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised, or under any system of deferred
payment and includes any beneficiary of such service other than the person who hires
or avails of the services for consideration paid or promised, or partly paid and partly
promised, or under any system of deferred payment, when such services are availed
of with the approval of the first mentioned person, but does not include a person who
avails of such service for any commercial purpose'. The term 'commercial purpose'
does not include 'use by a person of goods bought and used by him exclusively for the
purpose of earning his livelihood, by means of self-employment'. Goods and services
include both online and offline transactions. Back to section
]47I Section 2(36) of the CPA defines a 'product manufacturer'. A product manufacturer is
defined broadly and includes a person who makes a product, assembles a product,
puts his own mark to a product made by others and is involved in placing the product for
commercial purposes, and includes a product seller if the said seller also manufactures
the product. Back to section
]48ISection 2(38) of the CPA defines a 'product service provider' as a person who provides
any service in respect of such product. Back to section
]49I Section 2(37) of the CPA defines a 'product seller' very broadly and includes a person
who is involved in placing the product for commercial purposes. A product seller can
thus include a product manufacturer as well as a service provider. Back to section
]]4IFor greater detail for the definition of harm, reference may be made to Section 2(22).
Back to section
]]0I Reference may be made to Section 2(10) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
Back to section
]]xI Section 84(1) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Back to section
]]6I Section 84(2) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Back to section
]]8I Section 86(a) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Back to section
]]9I Section 86 (b) of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Back to section
]0,I See Sections 12 and 33 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, read with Section
3(b)(iv) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rule 2(iii) of the Medical Device
Rules, 2017. Back to section
]0xI See Rule 4 of the Medical Devices Rules, 2017 read with Classification of Medical
Devices Pertaining to Software, File No. 29/Misc./03/2020-DC (198), available at:
/download_file_division.jsp?num_id=NzY1OQ==. Back to section
]06I Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications
and systems offered and used by market intermediaries, available at:
ffered-and-used-by-market-intermediaries_41546.html. Back to section
]07I Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications
and systems offered and used by Market Infrastructure Institutions, available at:
ffered-and-used-by-market-infrastructure-institutions-miis-_41927.html. Back to
]08I Reporting for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
applications and systems offered and used by Mutual Funds, available at:
ffered-and-used-by-mutual-funds_42932.html. Back to section
]09I'National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence', NITI Aayog, June 2018. Available at
or-AI-Discussion-Paper.pdf. Back to section
],xI'NITI Aayog: Responsible AI: #AIForAll: Adopting the Framework: A Use Case
Approach on Facial Recognition Technology', NITI Aayog, November 2022. Available
df. Back to section
]x6I See inaugural address by Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, RBI at the
Annual Conference of RBI Ombudsman, 15 March 2024, Mumbai. Available at
BA8342329BF45D97C9869C37.PDF. Back to section
]x7I See Inaugural Address by Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, Reserve Bank
of India at the RBI@90 Global Conference on 'Digital Public Infrastructure
and Emerging Technologies', 26 August 2024, Bengaluru, available at: Back to section
]x8I Id.; See also Innovations in Banking - The emerging role for Technology
and AI (Remarks delivered virtually by Shri M. Rajeshwar Rao, Deputy
Governor, Reserve Bank of India - 22 December 2023 - at the 106th
Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association in Delhi), Available at:, which recommends that
financial institutions looking to deploy AI based models shall keep 10 things in mind
for striking a balance between innovation and responsible use of technology, namely
(1) fairness, (2) transparency, (3) accuracy, (4) consistency, (5) data privacy, (6)
explainability, (7) accountability, (8) robustness, (9) monitoring and updating and (10)
human oversight. Back to section
]x9I See Tarun Kumar v. Assistant Director, Directorate of Enforcement 2023 SCC Online
SC 1486. Back to section
]6]I'Cabinet approves eCourts Phase III for 4 years', Phase-III: Department of Justice:
India. Available at Back to section