ChemWell 2910 ELISA - Catalogue 2022
ChemWell 2910 ELISA - Catalogue 2022
ChemWell 2910 ELISA - Catalogue 2022
com ChemWell®
The Ultimate
In Flexibility
ChemWell® Automated ELISA Analyzer
Field-proven with over 10,000 Analyzers in use globally, ChemWell is a reliable and solid platform for the
automated processing of a wide variety of ELISA based assays.
The ChemWell Automated ELISA Analyzer in addition to having the flexibility of programming custom assays
using the provided ChemWell Assay Editor, also offers pre-programmed test parameters for ReQuest® ELISA kits.
This provides the advantages of ease of use, improved lab to lab uniformity, and reduces the opportunity for
operator error as the programming, optimization, and validation for these tests has already been done.
u Announcing FDA cleared ReQuest® HSV II ELISA kit for use on the ChemWell platform
u ChemWell now offers a partially closed system with options for FDA Cleared ELISA kits
u ChemWell includes an assay editor which allows for the programming of custom assays
u Ease of operation
In addition ChemWell offers custom reporting options, QC/Levey-Jennings, password protection, multiple
calculation modes, additional filter options, and the ability to export to an LIS system
With it’s open programming architecture ChemWell is as versatile and flexible as the user needs it to be, offering
something that most analyzers just can’t deliver, the flexibility on how you wish to use it.
Automated ELISA Programmable Analyzer