JICA Seismology Earthquake Engineering and Tsunami

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Jalan Veteran No. 17-18, Jakarta 10110, Telepon (021) 3845627, 3442327
Faksimile (021) 3813583, Situs: www.setneg.go.id

Nomor : B-105/S/KTLN/LN.03.00/02/2024 19 Februari 2024

Sifat : Segera
Lampiran : -
Hal : Penawaran Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang
(JICA) Seismology, Earthquake Engineering,
and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation (JFY2024)

Yth. 1. Kepala Biro Perencanaan Anggaran dan

Kerja Sama Luar Negeri, Kementerian
Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat
2. Kepala Biro Hukum dan Organisasi, Badan
Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika
di tempat

Sehubungan dengan surat Chief Representative, JICA Indonesia Office

nomor 096/GI/01/2024 tanggal 25 Januari 2024, dengan hormat kami sampaikan
bahwa Pemerintah Jepang/JICA menawarkan beasiswa bagi 1 (satu) orang peserta
dari Indonesia untuk mengikuti pendidikan program Magister pada bidang
Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation (JFY2024)
yang akan diselenggarakan mulai tanggal 26 September 2024 s.d. 13 September
2025 oleh JICA Tsukuba Center, Ibaraki, Jepang.

Ada pun persyaratan calon peserta untuk mengikuti program tersebut di atas
tercantum dalam General Information (GI) terlampir.

Kesempatan ini hendaknya dapat dipergunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya dan

selanjutnya kami harapkan agar Instansi Saudara dapat menyampaikan 1 (satu)
orang calon peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan kepada kami melalui tautan
https://ktln.setneg.go.id/id/beasiswa/detail?id=307 selambat-lambatnya tanggal 25
Maret 2024, dengan melampirkan dokumen (dalam format pdf) sebagai berikut.
1. Surat Pencalonan dari Kementerian/Lembaga pusat dimana calon peserta bekerja;
2. JICA Application Form yang telah diisi lengkap disertai pasfoto (ukuran 3x4 cm)
dan disahkan Instansi Saudara;
3. Dokumen tambahan berupa Inception Report, Application Material for GRIPS/BRI
Master’s Program, dan salinan paspor sesuai dengan GI terlampir.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik, kami sampaikan terima kasih.

Kepala Biro Kerja Sama Teknik

Luar Negeri,


1. Sekretaris Kementerian Sekretariat Negara
2. Chief Representative, JICA Indonesia Office

Dokumen ini telah ditandatangani secara elektronik menggunakan sertifikat elektronik

yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Sertifikasi Elektronik (BSrE).
JICA Indonesia Office
Sentral Senayan II, 14th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Jakarta 10270, INDONESIA
Tel: (62-21) 5795-2112 (hunting) Fax: (62-21) 5795-2116

No. 096/GI/01/2024 Jakarta, 25 January 2024

Ms. Noviyanti
Head of Bureau for Foreign Technical Cooperation
Ministry of State Secretariat



Dear Madam,
We are glad to inform you that Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is planning to hold a
following program course:

1. Name of the Course : Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, and Tsunami Disaster
Mitigation [Master Degree] (On-site Program) [202311699J001]
2. Period of Program : September 26, 2024 ~ September 13, 2025
(In the context of the COVID-19, please note that there is still a
possibility the course period will be changed, shortened, or the
course itself will be cancelled)
3. Number of Candidate : One (1) person from Indonesia
4. Training Institution : JICA Tsukuba Center
5. Deadline : March 25, 2024
(JICA Indonesia must receive all required documents through the
Ministry of State Secretariat)
6. Documents for submission : a. JICA Application Form : 1 set
b. Photocopy of Passport* : 1 set
c. Inception Report* : 1 set
d. Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program* : 1 set
*Should be submitted together with Application Form

7. Proposed Target Institution : 1. Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR)

2. Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency

8. Target of Applicant :
Applying Institutions are requested to select appropriate nominees who meet the following essential
qualifications, by consultation with JICA Expert(s) /Project(s) who are being assigned:
1) be nominated by their governments in accordance with the procedures described in III-4.
2) be technical officials, engineers or researchers who have university degrees in seismology,
earthquake engineering, tsunami or equivalent.
3) be an employee of governmental organizations, research institutes or universities having public
interest in seismology, earthquake engineering or tsunami disaster mitigation. (More than 3 years
of working experience are recommended). If a nominee has to resign from his/her job in order to
participate in the program, he/she is expected to return to work at the belonging organization

JICA Indonesia Office
Sentral Senayan II, 14th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Jakarta 10270, INDONESIA
Tel: (62-21) 5795-2112 (hunting) Fax: (62-21) 5795-2116

after the program.

4) be well versed in advanced mathematics such as differentiation and integration, partial
derivatives, differential equations, matrix, vector algebra, Fourier analysis, etc.
5) be proficient in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
6) be able to write research reports on the individual study in English.
7) have a competent command of spoken and written English. Admission priority will be given to
applicants who have a TOEFL iBT score of 79 or higher, or an IELTS Academic score of 6.0 or higher.
(This program includes active participation in discussions and development of the action plan and
research report, thus requires high competence of English ability both in conversation and
composition.) It is mandatory for applicants to GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program to submit the above
mentioned English certificate. (See ANNEX II).
8) be between the ages of twenty-five (25) and forty-two (42) years as of October 1, 2024. Those
who are not fit into the age qualifications may be considered as eligible applicants, depending on
the circumstance in the applicants’ countries.
9) Health: must be in good health to participate in the program in Japan. To reduce the risk of
worsening symptoms associated with respiratory tract infection, please be honest to declare in
the Medical History (QUESTIONNAIRE ON MEDICAL STATUS RESTRICTION of the application form)
if you have been a patient of the following illnesses: Hypertension / Diabetes / Cardiovascular
illness / Heart failure / Chronic respiratory illness.
*Women are encouraged to apply for the program. JICA is committed to promoting gender
equality and women’s empowerment and provides equal opportunities for all applicants
regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In order to satisfy selection criteria, which have become stricter than before, we would like to inform
the following important points:
- Please strictly adhere to the deadline of application submission. In case of any delayed submission
and missing or incomplete documents, there is a strong possibility that such applications would be
disqualified in the selection processes, regardless of multiple or single quota of participant.
- Please understand that final acceptance is decided based on the result of examination process by
each JICA Domestic Center in consultation with implementing organizations in Japan. In case that
applying nominees do not meet the required qualifications, there is a strong possibility that such
nominees would be rejected in the selection processes, regardless of multiple or single quota of
- When the number of qualified applicants exceeds the quota, there is a strong possibility that some
of them would be rejected even if they satisfied the qualification.

JICA will provide the following costs based on JICA’s regulation:

- Round trip international airfare from/to the designated airports
- Accommodation and Daily Allowance in Japan during the program
More details of the course are described in the General Information (GI) attached hereto.

Please be informed that the original JICA Application Form should be submitted to JICA Indonesia

JICA Indonesia Office
Sentral Senayan II, 14th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Jakarta 10270, INDONESIA
Tel: (62-21) 5795-2112 (hunting) Fax: (62-21) 5795-2116

Office through Ministry of State Secretariat.

The Document can be downloaded through the following address:
{Application Form for Knowledge Co-Creation Program GRF and CF (November 2023) in WORD/PDF}.

It would be appreciated if you could convey the above information to the authorities concerned.
Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

Takehiro YASUI
Chief Representative
JICA Indonesia Office

1. Ministry of Public Work and Housing
- Head of Bureau of Budget Planning and International Cooperation
- Head of Human Resources Development Agency

- Director General for Human Settlements (DGHS)

- Director for Engineering Affairs of Human Settlements and Housing, DGHS
- Director of Building Management Development, DGHS
- Head of Implementation Unit for Building Materials and Structures

- Director General for Water Resources (DGWR)

- Director for Water Resources Management System and Strategy, DGWR
- Director for Rivers and Coasts
- Director for Technical Engineering
- Head of Experimental Station for Coastal Engineering

- Director General for Highways (DGH)

- Director for Road and Bridge Engineering Development, DGH

2. Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency (BMKG)

- Head of Bureau for Legal and Organization
- Head of Education and Training Center
- Deputy of Geophysics
- Head of Center for Earthquake and Tsunami
- Head of Center for Technical Seismology, Potential Geophysics and Time Signs

3. Embassy of Japan
- Minister for Economic Development Affairs

Knowledge Co-Creation
(Group & Region Focus)


JFY 2024
NO. 202311699J001
Course Period in Japan: September 26th, 2024 to September 13th, 2025

This information pertains to one of the JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Programs (Group
& Region Focus) of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) implemented as
part of the Official Development Assistance of the Government of Japan based on
bilateral agreement between both Governments.
JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (KCCP)
The Japanese Cabinet released the Development Cooperation Charter in June 2023,
which stated, “In its development cooperation, Japan has maintained the spirit of
jointly creating things that suit partner countries while respecting ownership, intentions
and intrinsic characteristics of the country concerned based on a field-oriented
approach through dialogue and collaboration. It has also maintained the approach of
building reciprocal relationships with developing countries in which both sides learn
from each other and grow and develop together.” JICA believes that this ‘Knowledge
Co-Creation Program’ will serve as a foundation of mutual learning process.

I. Concept
Earthquake and Tsunami disasters frequently take human lives, destroy houses
and devastate social properties instantly and enormously. In general, natural disasters
have difficulty of preparedness and precaution due to unpredictability as well as difficulty
of immediate response to damage for sudden occurrence, and often cause heavy
economic losses. Moreover, earthquakes and tsunamis may accelerate human losses
by fires, collapse of man-made structures and/or inundation of coastal areas.
Although the studies related to earthquakes and tsunamis are developed, people
are seriously suffered from earthquakes and tsunamis in many countries. The 2011 off
the Pacific coast Tohoku Earthquake still lives in the people.
In order to improve technologies in seismology, earthquake engineering, and
tsunami disaster mitigation in developing countries located in earthquake/tsunami-prone
areas, it is important to develop those technologies applicable to each country by its own
efforts, taking conditions and systems of the respective countries into consideration as
well as to transfer their latest knowledge and technology from developed countries.
To achieve this aim, it is indispensable to train experts as human resources to be
highly capable of planning, instructing, and extending earthquake and tsunami disaster
mitigation technologies, by combining relevant advanced technologies with
administrative capability to utilize and disseminate those technologies.

For what?
This program aims to increase capacities of officials, engineers or researchers who
are conducive to earthquake and tsunami disaster management. In this course,
participants will acquire Japan’s leading knowledge and technologies on seismology,
earthquake engineering and tsunami disaster mitigation.

<Examples of Japan’s leading knowledge and technologies>

(See ANNEX I and IV for details)
Seismology: Earthquake source, Microtremor exploration and Strong ground motion
Earthquake Engineering: Non-linear seismic response evaluation, Performance-based
seismic design, Seismic diagnosis and retrofit, Energy dissipation system and
Seismically isolated system;
Tsunami Disaster Mitigation: Tsunami early warning system, Tsunami simulation and
Tsunami hazard and risk assessment.

For whom?
This program is provided to those who are technical officials, engineers or
researchers of governmental organizations, research institutes or universities having

public interest in seismology, earthquake engineering or tsunami disaster mitigation, and
who have university degrees in seismology, earthquake engineering, tsunami or
equivalent and 3 years working experience.

Participants shall have opportunities in Japan to acquire knowledge and
technologies of earthquake or tsunami disaster mitigation through lectures, discussions,
exercises, on-site-visit, etc.
Participants will also formulate a research report and a course report describing
what the participant learned and what the participant will do after they go back to their
home countries by putting the knowledge and ideas acquired and discussed in Japan
into their on-going activities.

The curriculum of this course is approved as a master’s degree program by the National
Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) and Building Research Institute (BRI). In order
to enroll in the master’s degree program, applicants must fulfill all the requirements listed in
ANNEX II. After enrolling the master’s program and completing all graduation requirements
during the program, the participants will be awarded a Master’s degree, “Master of Disaster
Management” by GRIPS and BRI. Accordingly this program is very demanding. Applicants,
with an excellent demonstrable educational and professional background and proficiency in
English, should be highly motivated and confident enough to pursue and attain the
requirements of the program so that they can obtain the degree.

II. Description
1. Title (Course No.):
Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation

2. Course Duration in JAPAN:

September 26th, 2024 to September 13th, 2025

3. Target Regions or Countries:

Bangladesh, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Philippines and Timor-

4. Eligible / Target Organization:

This program is designed for governmental organizations, research institutes or
universities having public interest in seismology, earthquake engineering or tsunami
disaster mitigation.

5. Capacity (Upper Limit of Participants):

12 participants

6. Language:

7. Objective(s):
This course aims to increase capacities of technical officials, engineers, and
researchers in the fields of seismology, earthquake engineering, and tsunami
disaster mitigation who are conducive to earthquake and tsunami disaster
management and disaster recovery policy.

8. Overall Goal:
The capacity of the earthquake / tsunami disaster mitigation in target countries is
strengthened and the damage of earthquake / tsunami disaster is reduced.

9. Output and Contents:

This program consists of the following components. Details on each component are
given below;

(1) Preliminary Phase in a participant’s home country

Preparation for the program
Basic mathematics for Seismology group and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation group

(2) Phase in Japan (See ANNEX I for the detail)
September 26th, 2024 to September 13th, 2025

Participants are expected to achieve the following outputs;

(1) To acquire basic concepts and theories on Seismology, Earthquake Engineering,
or Tsunami which are essential to establish the Earthquake Disaster Mitigation
(2) To acquire basic concepts and theories on Seismic / Tsunami Hazard Estimation,
Disaster Management and Disaster Recovery Policy in the fields of Seismology,
Earthquake Engineering or Tsunami Disaster Mitigation.
(3) To complete a research report for solving problems in participant's country
applying techniques and knowledge acquired in the course.

*It is mandatory for the applicants to select one of the topics of Individual Study listed
on the ANNEX I and write it in the face page of Inception Report. For those who select
‘others’ it is mandatory to describe a concrete plan of Individual Study including the
expected supervisor's name and affiliation.

III. Eligibility and Procedures
1. Expectations to the Applying Organizations:
(1) This program is designed primarily for organizations that intend to address
specific issues or problems identified in their operations. Applying organizations
are expected to use the program for those specific purposes.
(2) In this connection, applying organizations are expected to nominate the most
qualified candidates to address the said issues or problems, carefully referring to
the qualifications described in section III-2 below.
(3) Applying organizations are also expected to be prepared to make use of
knowledge acquired by the nominees for the said purpose.

2. Nominee Qualifications:
Applying organizations are expected to select nominees who meet the following
1) be nominated by their governments in accordance with the procedures
described in III-4.
2) be technical officials, engineers or researchers who have university
degrees in seismology, earthquake engineering, tsunami or equivalent.
3) be an employee of governmental organizations, research institutes or
universities having public interest in seismology, earthquake engineering or
tsunami disaster mitigation. (More than 3 years of working experience are
recommended). If a nominee has to resign from his/her job in order to
participate in the program, he/she is expected to return to work at the
belonging organization after the program.
4) be well versed in advanced mathematics such as differentiation and
integration, partial derivatives, differential equations, matrix, vector algebra,
Fourier analysis, etc.
5) be proficient in MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
6) be able to write research reports on the individual study in English.
7) have a competent command of spoken and written English. Admission
priority will be given to applicants who have a TOEFL iBT score of 79 or
higher, or an IELTS Academic score of 6.0 or higher. (This program includes
active participation in discussions and development of the action plan and
research report, thus requires high competence of English ability both in
conversation and composition.)
It is mandatory for applicants to GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program to submit the
above mentioned English certificate. (See ANNEX II).
8) be between the ages of twenty-five (25) and forty-two (42) years as of
October 1, 2024. Those who are not fit into the age qualifications may be
considered as eligible applicants, depending on the circumstance in the

applicants’ countries.
9) Health: must be in good health to participate in the program in Japan.
To reduce the risk of worsening symptoms associated with respiratory tract
infection, please be honest to declare in the Medical History
application form) if you have been a patient of the following illnesses;
Hypertension / Diabetes / Cardiovascular illness / Heart failure / Chronic
respiratory illness.
*Women are encouraged to apply for the program. JICA is committed to
promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment, and provides equal
opportunities for all applicants regardless of their sexual orientation or gender

3. Required Documents for Application:

(1) Application Form: The Application form is available at the JICA overseas
office (or the Embassy of Japan).
Applicants should mention their choice (Seismology group, Earthquake
Engineering group or Tsunami Disaster Mitigation group).
* If you have any difficulties/disabilities which require assistance, please specify
necessary assistances in the QUESTIONNAIRE ON MEDICAL STATUS
RESTRICTION (1-(c)) of the application form. Information will be reviewed and
used for reasonable accommodation.

(2) Inception Report:

Each applicant is required to originally write and prepare a typewritten Inception
Report by him/herself in accordance with the Instruction for the Preparation of
Inception Report (see ANNEX III).
The Inception Reports are used for screening applicants and for presentation.
Each participant is required to make a 20 minutes presentation on Inception
Report within about two weeks after the course begins. It is mandatory to bring
these materials in digital forms.

(3) Photocopy of Passport:

You should submit it with the application form if you possess your passport which
you will carry when entering Japan for this program. If not, you are requested to
submit its photocopy as soon as you obtain it.
*The following information should be included in the photocopy:
Name, date of birth, nationality, sex, passport number and expire date

(4) Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program:

A part of curriculum of this course is approved as a master’s degree program by

GRIPS and BRI. It is required to prepare and submit all of the materials written
in ANNEX II for admission to GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program.

4. Procedures for Application and Selection:

(1) Submission of the Application Documents:
Closing date for applications: Please confirm the local deadline with the
JICA overseas office (or the Embassy of Japan).
(All required materials must arrive at JICA Center in Japan by April 5, 2024)

(2) Selection:
1) After receiving the document(s) through due administrative procedures in the
respective government, the respective country’s JICA office (or the Embassy
of Japan) shall conduct screenings, and send the documents to JICA
Tsukuba, which organizes this program.
2) JICA Tsukuba will carry out the screening jointly with BRI and select the
qualified applicants out of those who fulfill the set qualifications described
above in III-2.
3) Some of the applicants may be requested to take an oral interview by
telephone, via online meeting system, or TV conference system.
・The cost of transportation to the respective country’s JICA office for receiving an
interview will be paid by applicants in case an interview is held at the JICA
4) Procedure of screening for admission to GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program is
explained in ANNEX II.

In case the number of applicants is more than the capacity of this course,
some applicants may not be accepted due to the limited number of seats even
though they fulfill the requirements.

The Government of Japan will examine applicants who belong to the military
or other military-related organizations and/or who are enlisted in the military,
taking into consideration of their duties, positions in the organization and other
relevant information in a comprehensive manner to be consistent with the
Development Cooperation Charter of Japan.

(3) Notice of Acceptance:

Notification of results shall be made by the respective country’s JICA office (or
the Embassy of Japan) to the respective Government by no later than July 26,
2024. (*Acceptance Agreement will be sent from GRIPS together with the official
admission letter soon after this notice of acceptance.)

5. Additional Document(s) to Be Submitted by Accepted Candidates:
Basic Mathematics for Seismology
(Only for applicants who select Seismology group or Tsunami Disaster
Mitigation group)
An accepted applicant will be given Basic Mathematics for Seismology material
by BRI. The result of Basic Mathematics for Seismology material (homework)
should be sent to BRI by September 25, 2024.

6. Conditions for Participation:

The participants of KCCP are required
(1) to strictly observe the course schedule,
(2) not to change the air ticket (and flight class and flight schedule arranged by
JICA) and lodging by the participants themselves,
(3) to understand that leaving Japan during the course period (to return to home
country, etc.) is not allowed (except for programs longer than one year),
(4) not to bring or invite any family members (except for programs longer than one
(5) to carry out such instructions and abide by such conditions as may be
stipulated by both the nominating Government and the Japanese Government
in respect of the course,
(6) to observe the rules and regulations of the program implementing partners to
provide the program or establishments,
(7) not to engage in political activities, or any form of employment for profit,
(8) to discontinue the program, should the participants violate the Japanese laws
or JICA’s regulations, or the participants commit illegal or immoral conduct, or
get critical illness or serious injury and be considered unable to continue the
course. The participants shall be responsible for paying any cost for treatment
of the said health conditions except for the medical care stipulated in (3) of “5.
Expenses”, “IV. Administrative Arrangements”,
(9) to return the total amount or a part of the expenditure for the KCCP depending
on the severity of such violation, should the participants violate the laws and
(10) not to drive a car or motorbike, regardless of an international driving license
(11) to observe the rules and regulations at the place of the participants’
accommodation, and
(12) to refund allowances or other benefits paid by JICA in the case of a change in

7. Certificate:
(1) A participant who has successfully completed the course will be awarded a
certificate by JICA.
(2) A participant, who has successfully fulfilled requirements given by International
Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IISEE), will be awarded
another certificate and a diploma by IISEE.
(3) A participant, who has enrolled in master’s program and successfully completed
all graduation requirements, will be awarded a Master’s Degree, ‘Master of
Disaster Management,’ by GRIPS and BRI.

IV. Administrative Arrangements
1. Organizer(JICA Center in Japan):
(1) Name: JICA Tsukuba
(2) Contact: Ms. McGOEY Sachie (tbicttp@jica.go.jp)

2. Implementing Partner:
(1) International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IISEE) at
Building Research Institute (BRI)
1) URL: https://iisee.kenken.go.jp
2) Address: 1 Tachihara, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0802, Japan
3) TEL: +81-29-879-0679
4) FAX: +81-29-864-6777

5) E-mail: iisee@kenken.go.jp
6) Remark: IISEE is a research department of BRI that trains participants from
earthquake-prone developing countries on seismology, earthquake
engineering and tsunami disaster mitigation. The course is
implemented at relevant places including BRI and GRIPS.
(where “81” is the country code for Japan, and “29” is the local area code)
(2) National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
1) URL: https://www.grips.ac.jp/en/
2) Address: 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-8677 Japan
3) TEL: +81-3-6439-6046
4) E-mail: admissions@grips.ac.jp
5) Remark: GRIPS is a graduate school and research institute established in
October 1997. GRIPS aims to be an international center of excellence
for the education of future leaders in policy arena, advancement of
policy research, and collection and dissemination of policy-related
(where “81” is the country code for Japan, and “3” is the local area code)

3. Travel to Japan:
(1) Air Ticket: In principle, JICA will arrange an economy-class round-trip ticket
between an international airport designated by JICA and Japan.

(2) Travel Insurance: Coverage is from time of arrival up to departure in Japan.
Thus traveling time outside Japan (include damaged baggage during the arrival
flight to Japan) will not be covered.

4. Accommodation in Japan:
Basically, JICA will arrange the following accommodations for the participants in
JICA Tsukuba Center (JICA Tsukuba)
Address: 3-6 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan
TEL: +81-29-838-1111, FAX: +81-29-838-1776
(where “81” is the country code for Japan, and “29” is the local area code)

Please refer to facility guide of JICA Tsukuba at its URL:


If there is no vacancy at JICA Tsukuba, JICA will arrange alternative

accommodation(s) for the participants

5. Expenses:
The following expenses in Japan will be provided by JICA:
(1) Allowances for meals, living expenses, outfit, shipping and stopover.
(2) Expenses for study tours (basically in the form of train tickets)
(3) Medical care for participants who become ill after arriving in Japan (the costs
related to pre-existing illness, pregnancy, or dental treatment are not included)
(4) Expenses for program implementation, including materials
(5) For more details, please see “III. ALLOWANCES” of the brochure for
participants titled “KENSHU-IN GUIDE BOOK,” which will be given before
departure for Japan.
*Link to JICA HP(English)

The curriculum of this course is approved as a master’s degree program by GRIPS

and BRI. The application fee, admission fee and tuition for the Master’s Degree
Program will be provided by BRI.

6. Pre-departure Orientation:
A pre-departure orientation will be held at the respective country’s JICA office (or the
Embassy of Japan), to provide participants with details on travel to Japan, conditions
of the course, and other matters.

*YouTube of “Knowledge Co-Creation Program and Life in Japan” and “Introduction
of JICA Center” are viewable from the link below.
Image videos of 'Introduction of JICA Center (YouTube)' show the following
information of JICA Centers: Location, Building, Entrance, Reception (Front desk),
Lobby, Office, Accommodation(Room), Amenities(Hand dryer), Bathroom(Shower
and Toilet), Toiletries, Restaurant, Laundry Room(Washing machine, Iron), ICT
Room(Computer for participants), Clinic, Cash dispenser, Gym, Neighborhood
Part I: Knowledge Co-Creation Program and Life in Japan
Part II: Introduction of JICA Centers in Japan
JICA Tsukuba https://www.jica.go.jp/tsukuba/english/office/index.html

V. Other Information
1. Computer:
The participants are recommended to bring their own laptop/notebook computers to
prepare a report, presentation slides and to communicate by e-mail.

2. Relevant Data for Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, and/or Tsunami

Disasters in Participants’ Country:
The participants are strongly recommended to bring the relevant data in their
countries on their laptop/notebook computers for preparing presentation slides and
reports requested in this course including a research report.

3. Introduction of Participants’ Country:

The participants may have opportunities to join cultural exchange events or visit
Japanese school. It is recommended to bring something to introduce their countries
such as photographs, drawings, traditional goods, clothes, instruments or ornaments.

4. For the Promotion of Mutual Friendship:

JICA Tsukuba encourages international exchange between JICA participants and
local communities, including school and university students as a part of development
education program. JICA participants are expected to contribute by attending such
activities and will possibly be asked to make presentations on the society, economy
and culture of their home countries.

5. Bring Some Cash:

Allowances, such as for accommodation, living, clothing, and shipping, will be
deposited to your temporary bank account in Japan after 2 to 5 days after your arrival
to Japan. It is highly advised to bring some cash in order to spend necessary money
for the first 2 to 5 days after your arrival.

6. Exchange to Japanese Currency (YEN):

It is very important that your currency must be exchanged to Japanese Yen at any
transit airport or Narita International Airport or Haneda Airport, Japan soon after your
arrival. It is quite difficult to exchange money after that, due to no facility or time during
the program.


VI. Annex
ANNEX I: Curricula of Phase in Japan
ANNEX II: Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program
ANNEX III: Instruction for the Preparation of Inception Report
ANNEX IV: Syllabus of the Training Program (Tentative)

For Your Reference
JICA and Capacity Development
Technical cooperation is people-to-people cooperation that supports partner countries in
enhancing their comprehensive capacities to address development challenges by their
own efforts. Instead of applying Japanese technology per se to partner countries, JICA’s
technical cooperation provides solutions that best fit their needs by working with people
living there. In the process, consideration is given to factors such as their regional
characteristics, historical background, and languages. JICA does not limit its technical
cooperation to human resources development; it offers multi-tiered assistance that also
involves organizational strengthening, policy formulation, and institution building.

Implementation methods of JICA’s technical cooperation can be divided into two

approaches. One is overseas cooperation by dispatching experts and volunteers in
various development sectors to partner countries; the other is domestic cooperation by
inviting participants from developing countries to Japan. The latter method is the
Knowledge Co-Creation Program, formerly called Training Program, and it is one of the
core programs carried out in Japan. By inviting officials from partner countries and with
cooperation from domestic partners, the Knowledge Co-Creation Program provides
technical knowledge and practical solutions for development issues in participating

The Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group & Region Focus) has long occupied an
important place in JICA operations. About 400 pre-organized course cover a wide range
of professional fields, ranging from education, health, infrastructure, energy, trade and
finance, to agriculture, rural development, gender mainstreaming, and environmental
protection. A variety of programs is being customized by the different target organizations
to address the specific needs, such as policy-making organizations, service provision
organizations, as well as research and academic institutions. Some programs are
organized to target a certain group of countries with similar developmental challenges.

Japanese Development Experience

Japan, as the first non-Western nation to become a developed country, built itself into a
country that is free, peaceful, prosperous and democratic while preserving its tradition.
Japan will serve as one of the best examples for our partner countries to follow in their
own development.

From engineering technology to production management methods, most of the know-

how that has enabled Japan to become what it is today has emanated from a process of
adoption and adaptation, of course, has been accompanied by countless failures and
errors behind the success stories.
Through Japan’s progressive adaptation and application of systems, methods and
technologies from the West in a way that is suited to its own circumstances, Japan has
developed a storehouse of knowledge not found elsewhere from unique systems of
organization, administration and personnel management to such social systems as the
livelihood improvement approach and governmental organization. It is not easy to apply
such experiences to other countries where the circumstances differ, but the experiences
can provide ideas and clues useful when devising measures to solve problems.

JICA, therefore, would like to invite as many leaders of partner countries as possible to
come and visit us, to mingle with the Japanese people, and witness the advantages as
well as the disadvantages of Japanese systems, so that integration of their findings might
help them reach their developmental objectives.
For enquiries and further information, please contact the JICA office or the Embassy of
Japan. Further, address correspondence to:

JICA Tsukuba Center (JICA Tsukuba)

Address: 3-6 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan
TEL: +81-29-838-1111 FAX: +81-29-838-1776

ANNEX I: Curricula of Phase in Japan
Details of Subjects are explained in ANNEX IV
Earthquake Engineering Tsunami Disaster
Outputs Seismology group Methodology
Category group Mitigation group
(S group) (E group) (T group)
(1) To acquire Orientation Orientation Lecture
basic Basic Subjects Information Technology Structural Analysis Information Technology Lecture,
concepts and Related with Related with Earthquakes related with Earthquakes Practice and
theories Earthquake and and Disasters and Disasters Seminar
(general) Disasters Earthquake Ground Vibration and Earthquake
Phenomenology Structural Dynamics Phenomenology

Advanced Earthquake Circumstance Seismic Structures Earthquake Circumstance Lecture,

Subjects Related Practice and
with Earthquake Characteristics of Seismic Evaluation and Theory of Tsunami Seminar
and Disasters Earthquake Disasters Seismic Design Code
Special Topics (S) Special Topics (E) Special Topics (T)

(2) To acquire Earthquake/ Earthquake Hazard Assessment A Tsunami Hazard Lecture,

basic Tsunami Hazard Assessment Practice and
concepts and and Risk Earthquake Hazard Earthquake Risk Tsunami Countermeasures Seminar
theories Assessment Assessment B Assessment
(3) To Case Studies Practice for Earthquake Disaster - Recovery Management Policy I, II Lecture,
understand Practice for Earthquake Disaster - Recovery Practice for Tsunami Practice,
new Management Policy III Disaster Mitigation Policy Seminar and
countermeasu Presentation
(4) To Individual Study Menu for the topics of Individual Study Practice,
complete a - Determination of - Nonlinear Earthquake - Tsunami Simulations: Seminar and
research Earthquake Source Response Analysis and Propagation and Presentation
report Parameters Damage Prediction Inundation
- Earthquake Source - Seismic Isolation and - Tsunami Source
Process Response Control Modeling due to
Techniques Earthquake

- Seismotectonics (e.g., - Seismic Performance- - Tsunami Hazard

Stress field estimation, Based Design Assessment from
seismicity analysis) Tsunami Simulations

- Earthquake Generation - Seismic Evaluation and - Tsunami Risk

and Forecasting Retrofitting Techniques of Assessment
Existing structures
- Crust and Upper Mantle - Post-Earthquake Damage - Tsunami Database for
Structure Determination Inspection and Damage Tsunami Early Warning
using Seismic Classification System (TEWS)
Tomography, Receiver
Function, Ambient Noise,
- Site Effect Studies using - System Identification and - Rapid Determination of
Strong Ground Motion Health Monitoring Earthquake Parameters
Records for TEWS
- Geophysical Prospecting - Effects of Surface - Real Time Usage of
using Microtremors and Geology on Seismic Observed Tsunami Data
Surface Waves Motion and Soil-Structure for TEWS
- Strong Ground Motion - Geotechnical - Tsunami Earthquakes
Simulation Engineering and
Foundation Structures
- Earthquake Early - Others (e.g., Strategies - Non-tectonic Tsunami
Warning for Earthquake Disaster (Volcanic Eruption,
Mitigation) Landslide)
- Others (e.g., Crustal - Others (e.g., Tsunami
Deformation, Volcano Evacuation Planning)
Seismology, Application
of Machine Learning)
(5)(for Master Disaster Disaster Management Policies A: from Regional and Infrastructure Aspect Practice,
Program) Management Disaster Management Policies B: from Urban and Community Aspect Seminar and
Policy Presentation
* It is mandatory for the applicants to select one of the topics listed in this table and to write it explicitly in the face page of Inception
Report. For those who select ‘–Others’, it is mandatory to describe a concrete plan of Individual Study including the expected
supervisor's name and affiliation.
ANNEX II Check List
Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program

This information is for those who apply for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program.

The curriculum of this course is approved as a master’s degree program by the National Graduate Institute for Policy
Studies (GRIPS) and Building Research Institute (BRI).

Completing all graduation requirements during the program, the participants will be awarded a Master’s degree, “Master
of Disaster Management” by GRIPS and BRI. Accordingly this program is very demanding. Applicants, with an
excellent demonstrable educational and professional background and proficiency in English, should be highly motivated
and confident enough to pursue and attain the requirements of the program so that they can obtain the degree.
Each applicant is required to prepare and submit all of the materials for admission to GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program as
written in “2. Supporting Documents”, ANNEX Ⅱ. Please review it carefully.
Please note that an applicant will NOT be accepted as an applicant until GRIPS has received all of the requested

English competency
Applicants are required to submit an official report of their TOEFL iBT or IELTS scores unless applicants apply for a
waiver of the English language proficiency requirements. Admission priority will be given to applicants who have a
TOEFL iBT score of 79 or higher, or an IELTS Academic score of 6.0 or higher. (This program includes active
participation in discussions and development of the action plan and research report, thus requires high competence of
English ability both in conversation and composition.)

Applicants themselves need to cover expenses for obtaining and shipping the application documents, such as official
TOEFL/IELTS scores, official transcripts of academic record and graduation/degree certificates from university, official
English translations etc.

Procedure of screening by GRIPS/BRI

A committee, which consists of GRIPS and BRI, will screen the above-qualified applicants academically with the
application materials such as official transcripts.
The applicants who are accepted to participate in this program will be decided by the Academic Council of GRIPS
finally by the middle of July 2024.

Important Dates
(1) Submission of the Application Documents:
Please inquire at the JICA office (or the Embassy of Japan) for the closing date for applications.
After receiving applications, the JICA office (or the Embassy of Japan) will send them to the JICA Center in JAPAN
by April 5, 2024. Please note that all of the supporting documents must be submitted with the Application Form.
(2) Telephone or TV conference system interview by BRI staff:
The interview will be set between April 8 and April 30, 2024. The interview schedule will be informed to you by
the JICA office (or the Embassy of Japan).
(3) Communication with GRIPS:
By May 24, 2024, GRIPS may e-mail you to request or clarify information and they often need a quick response.
You may be required by GRIPS to submit additional documents if your supporting documents are missing or
incomplete. Provide an e-mail address that you will check regularly and continue using it until you enroll. Update
your spam filters to ensure that all GRIPS communications go to your inbox.
(4) Final deadline for Submission of Complete Supporting Documents: June 28, 2024, 17:00 (JST).
If you are requested to submit additional documents by GRIPS, please send them directly to GRIPS. Documents
must reach GRIPS by the above mentioned deadline. You are responsible for the timely delivery to GRIPS of all
required documents. We strongly recommend that you send the documents by registered mail or courier service (e.g.,
FedEx, DHL) well ahead of the deadline.
Mailing address
Admissions Office
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-8677 Japan
TEL: +81-3-6439-6046
E-mail: admissions@grips.ac.jp
(5) Notice of Acceptance by JICA: No later than July 26, 2024. Acceptance Agreement from GRIPS will be sent by e-
mail together with the official admission letter soon after the notice of acceptance.
ANNEX II Check List

1. The Application Process

Selection for admission is based on the evaluation of supporting documents that you submit. Before initiating your
application, please carefully review the following details of the application process.

You will NOT be registered as an applicant until we have received a complete set of your required supporting documents
by post.

If you have applied to GRIPS in previous years and wish to reapply this year, any supporting documents you submitted
previously cannot be used for this year’s application.

Please note that if you provide any false or misleading statement or incomplete or inaccurate information in your
application, your application may not be screened, you may be denied admission or, if you have been admitted, you may
be dismissed from GRIPS.

Ensure that all supporting documents meet our requirements (see Section 2, Supporting Documents).

All of your supporting documents must reach the JICA office (or the Embassy of Japan) by the designated deadline.
Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Applicants are responsible for the timely delivery to the JICA office (or the Embassy of Japan) of all required documents.
We strongly recommend that you send the documents by registered mail or courier service well ahead of the deadline.

Applicants must send all required supporting documents together in one package.

All materials submitted by an applicant become the property of GRIPS and will not be returned. Please make sure to
keep one copy of your application for your records.

Protection of personal information

All personal information that we receive from applicants will be used solely for the purposes of admissions screening,
collecting statistical information, student registration, educational affairs, and collection of tuition. All information
provided by applicants in their applications and supporting documents will remain confidential.

2. Supporting Documents

Important notes
➢ All documents must be in English.
➢ Digital copies sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
➢ Do not attach any additional documents apart from the items listed below.
➢ If your name as written in your application is different from that on the document(s) you submit, please submit a
copy of the relevant pages of your passport. If there is some reason (e.g. marriage) for the difference, please also
submit official documentation of that reason (e.g. marriage certificate).
➢ Supporting documents to be prepared solely by the applicant, should be typed on computer wherever possible (A4
size paper and single-sided printing are preferable). If circumstances require, documents legibly handwritten with a
ballpoint pen are acceptable.

◆Please check  whether you have submitted all the necessary documents
1. Application for admission to GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program (use the designated form)
Please paste the photograph or insert the digital image (e.g., JPEG) onto the Application for

2. Two (2) letters of recommendation (use the designated form)

Your letters of recommendation must be written by faculty members or job supervisors who are
familiar with your academic and/or professional abilities. Ideally, one recommendation letter should
come from a former professor or academic supervisor.

ANNEX II Check List
You are required to obtain the letters from your recommenders using the designated form and submit
them. Each of your letters must contain both of the two A4 pages provided. Letters submitted that do
not use our designated forms will not be accepted. They must be submitted in sealed, unopened
envelopes signed across the flap by the recommender.

3. Certificate of employment (use the designated form)

4. Official transcripts of academic record and graduation/degree certificates

You are advised to show the instructions below to registrars at each of the universities that you
attended when you request issuance of transcripts/certificates in accordance with our requirements.

You must submit official transcripts of academic record and graduation/degree certificates from all
undergraduate and graduate institutions that you attended/graduated from. These must be documents
issued by the university and bearing the seal or signature of the registrar, and they must be submitted
in sealed, unopened envelopes with the university logo and address noted; the envelopes must be
signed or stamped across the flap by the issuing school authorities.

• Official transcripts of academic record

Official transcripts should contain the following information:
- Name of the degree program/course
- Enrollment period
- Names of all courses taken and grades received
- Grading scale including the maximum grade point/score
If you are currently attending a university, please submit your most recent transcript.

• Official graduation/degree certificates

Official certificates should state the name of your degree and the date the degree was awarded.
Provisional or temporary graduation/degree certificates are not acceptable. DO NOT send your
original diploma, as documents will not be returned.

If you are currently attending a university, you must submit an authorized statement certifying the
specific date of graduation and the title of the expected degree.

Important notes
➢ Photocopies of transcripts/certificates that have been verified by a notary public are not acceptable.
➢ If a university has a policy not to issue more than one official transcript/certificate, you may submit
official photocopies verified by the university. To be official, these must bear the institution’s
official stamp or the signature of the registrar. They must be submitted in sealed, unopened
envelopes with the university logo and address noted; the envelopes must be signed or stamped
across the flap by the issuing school authorities.
➢ If a university cannot issue an official English version of your transcript/certificate, you are
required to submit both:
- The official transcript/certificate (photocopies are not acceptable), written in its original
language and bearing the institution’s stamp or the signature of the registrar, and
- An official verbatim English translation of the document, prepared by an accredited

5. Official evidence of English ability

You are required to submit an official report of your TOEFL iBT or IELTS score. Admission
priority will be given to applicants who have a TOEFL iBT score of 79 or higher, or an IELTS
Academic score of 6.0 or higher.
Please note that English test scores are valid for two years from the test date, and therefore, tests
must have been taken within two years of the time of enrollment at GRIPS.
TOEFL PBT, revised TOEFL Paper-delivered Test and TOEFL ITP scores are not acceptable.
How to apply for a waiver of the English language proficiency requirement

ANNEX II Check List
(There are two categories in our English test exemption policy.)
Category 1: Applicants who have completed or expect to complete an undergraduate or a graduate
degree at an accredited institution located in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, or Ireland will be automatically exempted from submitting an English test
Category 2: Applicants who have completed or expect to complete an undergraduate or a graduate
degree at an institution where the language of instruction is English may request a
waiver of the English language proficiency requirement.
If you wish to apply for such a waiver, you must submit official documents issued by
the educational institution you attended, certifying that your undergraduate or graduate
education was conducted entirely in English. If the official transcript of your academic
record or graduation/degree certificate includes that information, you need not submit a
separate document.
This document must bear the seal or signature of the registrar, and it must be submitted
in a sealed, unopened envelope with the university logo and address noted; the
envelope must be signed or stamped across the flap by the issuing school authority.
You are advised to show these instructions to the registrar at the university that you
attended when you request issuance of the document in accordance with our

6. Statement of purpose (use the designated form)

3. After You Apply

Notify the JICA office (or the Embassy of Japan) of any changes
You must notify the JICA office (or the Embassy of Japan) by e-mail as soon as possible of any changes in your personal
data (e.g. address, phone number) or in your employment information (e.g., promotion, transfer) that may occur after you
have completed your application.

Details regarding the graduate program may be obtained at the following websites:

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program

Disaster Management Policy Program by GRIPS and BRI

In Co-operation with JICA, Japan
For GRIPS Use: Application ID


Paste your photograph or
insert your digital image
taken within the last three
(Please type or print, and use normal text, NOT “ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.”) months, providing a
Please complete each section as fully and accurately as possible. Please respond to all questions. The information you provide is clear, front view of your
essential in reviewing your application. entire face.
Please note that if you provide any false or misleading statement or incomplete or inaccurate information in your application, your
application may not be screened, you may be denied admission or, if you have been admitted, you may be dismissed from GRIPS. (30 mm wide x 40 mm

1. Full name:
As written in your passport, from left to right, top to bottom (English alphabet only)

2. Date of birth: 3. Age (as of October 1st, 2024):


4. Gender: Male Female

5. Nationality:
As written in your passport

6. Present employer (name of organization):

(Does your organization belong to a central or regional authority? Central Regional Neither)
(Upon admission to GRIPS, I will be given study leave by my employer. I will quit my job.)

7. Present position, department/section:

8. Work address:

Postal code: Country:

Phone: -
Country code - complete number

9. Residential address:

Postal code: Country:

Phone: -
Country code - complete number

10. Preferred mailing address: Work Residence Other, namely (Fill in the following fields.)


Postal code: Country:

Phone: -
Country code - complete number

11. E-mail 1:

E-mail 2:

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program

12. Education History

Tertiary Education
- List the names of the undergraduate and graduate institutions you attended or are currently attending in chronological order.
- Enter the names of the degrees you received and dates of enrollment at each institution.
- If your official transcript of academic records or graduation/degree certificate states your GPA, honors, class, or rank, enter this information as it is
shown in your transcript or certificate. If your GPA is 2.9 and the maximum GPA is 4, you should enter 2.9/4. If your GPA is 1.25 and the maximum
GPA is 1, you should enter 1.25/1. If your university does not use a GPA system, provide the graduating evaluation in the system used by your
university (e.g., A:55, B:3, C:0, Excellent:3, Good:10, etc.). If nothing is available, enter N/A. Please note that we will verify it with the official
transcripts that you will send us by post.
- The field(s) “Year & month of graduation” must be completed in accordance with the date(s) on which your degree(s) was (were) awarded/conferred,
as stated in your official graduation/degree certificate(s).
- If there is insufficient space for entering all the institutions you have attended, please add new rows as needed.

Year & Year & Duration Honors/class/

Tertiary Full name of institution & Name of
month of month of of GPA rank/ division
education location (city & country) degree
enrollment graduation schooling (if available)



level years
(Master’s/ and
Doctoral) months


From Primary to Secondary Education (Before Tertiary Education)

- If there is insufficient space for entering all the institutions you have attended, please add new rows as needed.

From primary to Period of attendance Duration

secondary Full name of institution of
(from) (to)
education schooling
Month, year Month, year

Elementary years
school and
high school

(Senior) High years

school and

Total number of years and months of education * years

(from elementary education to undergraduate/graduate education inclusive) and
*Calculate and write the total number of years and months of education you will have completed at the time of your enrollment at GRIPS, based on your total
time as a student (as detailed above, including extended leaves such as summer vacation).

13. English proficiency:

One of the following test scores is required. Please note that English test scores are valid for two years from the test date, and therefore, tests must have
been taken within two years of the time of enrollment at GRIPS.

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program
Score Month/Day/Year
IELTS Academic:
Score Month/Day/Year

Other information: Undergraduate education instructed in English

Graduate education instructed in English

Location of the accredited institution where you have completed or expect to complete an undergraduate/graduate degree:
The USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Ireland

Other country

14. List below two persons familiar with your academic and/or professional abilities, from whom you have requested letters of recommendation.

Name Position and affiliation

Name Position and affiliation

15. List your current and previous employment (up to five positions) in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Exclude part-
time work and internship.

Organization, type, & city Job title and description (maximum 20 words) (from) (to)
Month, year Month, year

I certify that to the best of my knowledge all information given above is correct and complete, and I understand that any omission or misinformation may
invalidate my admission or result in dismissal.

Signature of the applicant Month/Day/Year

Please submit this form along with other supporting documents by courier or registered mail.

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program
Disaster Management Policy Program by GRIPS and BRI
In Co-operation with JICA, Japan
For GRIPS Use: Application ID


TO THE APPLICANT: Please complete this section (“Your name” and “Recommender’s name”), and give this
form to your recommender who knows you well. Have your recommender complete the form, put it in an envelope,
seal the envelope, sign it across the flap, and return the letter to you. Include this letter with your application and
all the other application materials when sending in your application.

Your name:
As written in your passport, from left to right, top to bottom (English alphabet only)

Recommender’s name:

TO THE RECOMMENDER: Please write a recommendation letter for the above applicant, sign it, enclose it in
an envelope, seal the envelope, and sign it across the flap. Return the sealed envelope to the applicant. This
recommendation letter will remain confidential and will be used for application screening purposes only. You may
attach additional sheets if the space provided is insufficient.

1. How long have you known the applicant? years months

2. In what capacity have you known the applicant?

3. How often have you interacted with the applicant?

Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely

4. In comparison with other students/staff whom you have known in the same field, how would you rate
the applicant’s overall academic ability?

Outstanding (top 5%)

Excellent (top 10%)
Good (top 20%)
Average (top 50%)
Below average (lower 50%)
Unable to comment

5. In comparison with other students/staff whom you have known in the same field, how would you rate
the applicant’s overall professional ability?

Outstanding (top 5%)

Excellent (top 10%)
Good (top 20%)
Average (top 50%)
Below average (lower 50%)
Unable to comment

6. Please evaluate the applicant in the areas below as excellent, average, poor, or unable to comment.
Unable to
Excellent Average Poor
Academic performance
Intellectual potential
Creativity & originality
Motivation for graduate study

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program
7. Discuss the applicant's competence in his/her field of study, as well as the applicant's career possibilities
as a professional worker, researcher, or educator. In describing such attributes as motivation, intellectual
potential, and maturity, please discuss both strong and weak points. Specific examples are more useful
than generalizations.

8. Discuss the applicant's character and personality. Please comment on his/her social skills, emotional
stability, leadership skills, and reliability.

9. For university professors and instructors only

Is the applicant’s academic record indicative of the applicant's intellectual ability? If no, please explain.

10. Additional comments, if any.

11. How would you evaluate the applicant's overall suitability as a candidate for admission to a graduate
program at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies?

Outstanding Good Average Poor

Name of person completing this form:


Name of organization:


Phone: E-mail:
Country code - complete number

Signature: Date:

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program
Disaster Management Policy Program by GRIPS and BRI
In Co-operation with JICA, Japan
For GRIPS Use: Application ID


This form must be completed by, or under the authority of, the applicant’s employer or equivalent official. Please
note that the official stamp or seal of, and signature by, any person other than the above persons will be
considered as invalid.
This certificate must contain the same information (e.g., position, department/section, name of organization) as
that stated in the applicant’s Application for Admission.


Name of organization:


Postal code:

Phone: E-mail:
Country code - complete number

This is to certify that
Full name of applicant (as written in his/her passport)

has been employed by this organization from to

Month/Day/Year Month/Day/Year
Please write “Present” above if the
person is on a permanent contract.

Present position, department/section:


Civil servant qualification (e.g., BCS, IAS, IRS, CSS), if applicable:

This applies to applicants from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.


Please tick only one box below.

□ I will approve a leave of absence for the above employee to study at GRIPS if
he/she is admitted for a period of one year.

□ I will not approve a leave of absence for the above employee to study at
GRIPS if he/she is admitted.

Authorized person completing this form: Please put an official

stamp or seal in this
Name: space.
If the official stamp or
Position/title: seal is in your local
language and an
Signature: English version is not
available, please write
Date: its English translation in
the margin of this form.

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program

Disaster Management Policy Program by GRIPS and BRI

In Co-operation with JICA, Japan
For GRIPS Use: Application ID


(You can change the size of the boxes.)

1. Describe what you have learnt as a college or graduate school student (could be academic contents, your
thesis, or any other experiences). (Up to 300 words)

2. Summarize your present duties and responsibilities, and your accomplishments at work. If you are still in
school or do not currently work, summarize your accomplishments either at prior work or at school. (Up to 300

ANNEX II Application Materials for GRIPS/BRI Master’s Program

3. State your purpose for studying at GRIPS. In particular, describe what you wish to study or investigate, what
social problems and/or policy issues you wish to tackle, and how your studies at GRIPS might contribute to your
future career. (Up to 300 words)

ANNEX III: Instructions for the Preparation of Inception Report
The Inception Report should be originally written by the applicant herself/himself and typewritten
including items listed below. Applicants are requested to follow strictly the technical instruction
shown in the next page of this General Information. It is mandatory to record the Inception
Report on the electronic medium such as CD or USB memory and bring it to Japan.
IISEE will request the accepted applicants to revise Inception Report, if necessary, by adding the
missing information etc. At the early stage of the course (Oct. 2024) these applicants will be
requested to conduct a presentation about Inception Report. Therefore, it is necessary for these
applicants who receive the notice of acceptance to start preparing PowerPoint file for presentation.

Inception Report should include all of the followings:

for Seismology (S) group

1. Geographic, geophysical and geological information of your country with maps (tectonics,
active faults, seismicity, macro-zoning studies etc.).
2. Damaging earthquakes or tsunami (hypocenter, magnitude, isoseismals, surface faulting,
damages, casualties), catalogs, photographs etc.
3. Responsibilities of your organization in the national government or country.
4. Internal structure of your organization with the organization chart.
5. Equipment and personnel of your organization (seismic network, research activities).
6. Capacities of your organization for earthquake monitoring, seismological data analyses,
hazard and risk estimations, micro-zoning studies, disaster mitigation planning, etc.
7. Other organizations collaborating with your organization in the fields of seismology and
earthquake disaster mitigation.
8. Your own responsibility in your organization.
9. Your expectations for the course: What do you expect to obtain and achieve in the course?
10. The subject of your individual study in the course. Please select one of the topics in
"Menu for the topics of Individual Study" in ANNEX I.

for Earthquake Engineering (E) group

1. Past damaging earthquakes (occurrence date, magnitude, etc.) and characteristics of
building damage due to them in your country.
2. Seismic Design Code for buildings of your country*.
3. Ongoing national projects or some countermeasures for earthquake disaster mitigation in
your country (e.g. promotion of seismic retrofit of vulnerable structures, publishing
hazard maps, research for revision of seismic codes, etc.) **.
4. Responsibilities of your organization in the national government or country.
5. Internal structure of your organization with the organization chart.
6. Your own responsibility in your organization.
7. Examples of your achievements through your works***.
8. Your research subjects which you want to study deeply in the course and the reason why
you think so.
9. Your expectations for the course: What do you expect to obtain and achieve in the course?
* Applicants who do not have any seismic design code in their countries are requested to
present practical measures to secure the seismic safety of buildings.
** If nothing, you are requested to present projects which you think necessary in the future.
*** You are requested to present some materials, e.g., drawings or pictures of structures you
designed, managed or researched, figures or pictures of specimens which you tested and
analyzed, hazard maps which you contributed to publishing, etc.

for Tsunami Disaster Mitigation (T) group
1. Tsunamis, earthquakes, and tsunami mitigation in your country
1.1. Geographic and geoscientific information with maps
(tectonics, seismicity, tsunamigenic earthquakes, etc.)
1.2. Destructive tsunamis and earthquakes
(tsunami damage, tsunami height, casualties, tsunami catalogs, photographs, etc.)
1.3. Tsunami mitigation (tsunami hazard assessment, tsunami awareness activities, etc.)
1.4. Tsunami countermeasures (tsunami early warning system, tsunami observation system,

2. Regarding your organization

2.1. Role in the national government or country
2.2. Internal structure along with the organization chart
2.3. Equipment and systems (tsunami early warning system, tsunami observation system,
2.4. Analysis of tsunamis (tsunami modeling, tsunami forecasting, tsunami hazard maps,
real-time determination of earthquake parameters, etc.)
2.5. Analysis of your organization's and country's capacity (strengths and weaknesses)
(Tsunami disaster mitigation plan, responsible organization, tsunami hazard maps,
tsunami early warning system, etc.)
2.6. Other organizations collaborating with yours for tsunami activities

3. Your responsibilities and interests

3.1. Your own responsibility in your organization
3.2. The potential target of your study in the course, the difficulties or obstacles in obtaining
your target, and a list of your strengths and weaknesses.
3.3. Your expectations of the course: What do you expect to derive from it?
3.4. A concrete plan of individual study. Please select the topics of individual study from
"ANNEX I. Curricula of the Phase in Japan (4) To complete a research report, Menu for the
topics of Individual Study".

The cover page of Inception Report should include:

(1) Name of Applicant
(2) Name of Organization to which Applicant belongs, namely, the affiliation
(3) Choice of Group (Select one of (S), (E), or (T))
Note: Ambiguous expression for the selection of group will cause a severe disadvantage
in the screening process.
(4) Choice of Topic for Individual Study selected from the topics' list in "ANNEX I. Detail of
the Phase in Japan, (4) To complete a research report, Menu for the topics of Individual Study
Note: Ambiguous expressions or null answers will cause a severe disadvantage in the
screening process.)

The first page of Inception Report should include:

(5) Title and Author's Name
(6) Abstract
The abstract should be informative and include the principal findings and conclusions.
References to formulas or figures are not necessary. It should not be consist of more than 200
(7) Introduction
(8) Affiliation of the Author.
Note: Affiliation should appear as a footnote on the first page as the following sample


The main part of Inception Report that starts from the second page should include:
(9) Topic mentioned above
(10) “Acknowledgement” and “Appendix” after the topic if necessary
(11) References
Applicants are requested to submit the attached documents including 3 or 4 items,
(12) Attached Document
・Information about the structure of Organization, for example, Organization Chart,
・ Research activity of Organization related to Seismology, Earthquake Engineering, or
Seismic Hazard/Risk Analysis,
・ A list of governmental or private organizations related to Seismology or Earthquake
Engineering in the country of Applicant, and,
・(If you select ‘others’ for the topic of Individual Study) a concrete plan of Individual Study.
IISEE may inquire about the plan during the selection process.

(13) Format
1. The manuscript must be carefully prepared and should be submitted with the JICA Knowledge
Co-Creation Program Application form and GRIPS application materials. The total pages of
the Inception Report should not exceed 15 pages including tables and figures.

2. Page Format: Use A4 white paper sheets (21 cm x 29.7 cm). Leave 2.5 cm margins at the top,
right and left sides of the text and 3.5cm margin at the bottom. Special attention has to be paid
in preparing papers using US letter-size paper. It should be appropriately arranged so that it
conforms to the above requirements in appearance, namely, the manuscript should occupy
16cm x 23.7cm in each page. All main text should be single-spaced, Times New Roman types.
Use 18pt in capital letters and boldface for TITLE, 12pt for authors, and 11pt for the rest,
including affiliations, abstract, main text, headings, sub-headings, sub-subheadings,
acknowledgement, appendix, references, and captions for figures, photos and tables.

3. Organization of the papers: Write the TITLE of your paper, centered and in 18pt capital
letters and boldface types at the top of the first page. After two more line space, write your
names in 12pt. The last names should be in capital. Affiliations should be cited by superscripts.
Leave two lines, and then write abstract in 11pt. “ABSTRACT” should be in capital letters
and boldface and be followed by the text of Abstract. After three lines, start main body of your
paper in 11pt. The ordinary pages, starting from the second page, contain the main text from
the top line. Avoid footnotes and remarks. Explain in the main text, or in Appendices, if
necessary. Affiliation itself should be put at the bottom of the first page, cities, countries and
e-mail addresses of all authors, as indicated above.

4. HEADINGS: Use at most three levels of headings, i.e., headings, subheadings and sub-
subheadings. Headings shall be written in capital letters, boldface types, and centered of your
text. Leave two lines space before headings and one after them. Do not indent the first line
after headings, subheadings and sub-subheadings. First lines of the other text paragraphs
should be indented as indicated here. Do not leave blank lines between paragraphs.
Subheadings: Subheadings shall be written in lower-case letters and boldface types, right
against the left side of your text, as indicated here. Leave one line space before and after
subheadings. Use the above-mentioned rules for indentation. Sub-subheadings: The only
difference with respect to subheadings is that sub-subheadings shall be in Italic and no lines
space shall be left after sub-subheadings. Don’t put numbering to heading of any level.

5. EQUATIONS AND SYMBOLS: Use high quality fonts for both mathematical equations and
symbols. Papers with hand-written mathematical equations and symbols are not accepted.
Equations should be centered and numbered. Leave one line above and below equations. The
equation number, enclosed in parentheses, is placed flush right. Equations should be cited in
the text as Eq. (1).

6. FIGURES, TABLES AND PHOTOS: Figures and tables shall be legible and well
reproducible, and photos shall be clear. Colored figures, tables and photo will be printed in
Black and White. Captions shall be written directly beneath figures and photos and above
tables, and shall be numbered and cited as Figure 1, Table 1 or Photo 1. They should be written
in 11pt, and centered. Long captions shall be indented. Do not use capital letter or boldface
types for captions. Figures, tables and photos shall be set possibly close to the positions where
they are cited. Do not place figures, tables and photos altogether at the end of manuscripts.
Figures, tables and photos should occupy the whole width of a page, and do not place any text
besides figures, tables and photos. Leave one line spacing above and bottom of figures, tables
and photos. Do not use small characters in figures and tables. Their typing size should be at
least 9pt or larger.

7. UNIT: Use SI unit in the entire text, figures, and tables. If other units are used, provide it in
parentheses after the SI unit as 1MPa (10.2 kgf/cm2).

8. CONCLUSIONS: Write a CONCLUSIONS section at the end of your paper, followed by


9. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Acknowledgment should follow CONCLUSIONS.

10. APPENDIX: Appendix should be placed between Acknowledgment and References, if any.

11. REFERENCE: All references should be listed in alphabetical order of the first author’s
family name. They are referred in the main text like "(Gibson 1995)" or "(Aki 1957; Okada
2003; 2006)"
when cited at the end of phrase and "Gibson (1995)" or "Aki (1957) and Okada (2003; 2006)"
cited in phrase. Write the reference list as

Gutenberg, B., and Richter, C. F., 1954, Seismicity of the Earth and Associated Phenomena,
2nd ed. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
Richter, C. F., 1935, An instrument earthquake magnitude scale, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 25, 1-32.
Web site: F-Net, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NEID)

(14) Sample for Inception Report

Sample for the cover sheet Sample for the first page


2024 – 2025
(COURSE ID: 202311699J001)
1. Name of Applicant

2. Name of Organization
*The Author’s organization and occupation
3. Choice of Group (S), (E), or (T) are to be written here.

4. Choice of Topic for Individual Study

Download: the template file that may make your editing task easier from

ANNEX IV: Syllabus of the Training Program (Tentative)
S-Group (Seismology Group)
Category Title Subtitle Contents
Orientation Orientation Overview of Introductory lectures for seismology and tsunami are
Earthquake, Tsunami, given by staff members of IISEE. Basic concepts and
and Disasters general scope of seismology, earthquake phenomena,
strong motion study, seismic hazard and risk, and
tsunami, etc. are described.
Ethics and Literacy We provide explanations on subjects to learn about
for Scientific Studies research ethics and literacy required for scientific
Basic Subjects Information Computer Practices on FORTRAN programming for scientific
Related with Technology computing and on UNIX and GMT are given using PC
Earthquake and Related with and Linux server. The basic of Python 3 programming
Disasters Earthquakes and is provided.
Disasters Theory of Seismic Basic expressions for strain and stress relations are
Waves induced from the fundamental concept of the property
of elasticity. Mathematical background of the theory of
elasticity is discussed from the standpoint of specific
problems such as equilibrium conditions, strain energy
and transmissions of elastic waves. Reflection and
refraction of plane waves are explained. P and S waves
velocity distribution is discussed.
Surface Waves Crust and upper mantle structure inferred from surface
wave analysis, including its analogies with tsunamis
(surface gravity waves in the ocean) is explained.
Scattering and Stochastic modeling and measurement of small-scale
Attenuation heterogeneities and intrinsic attenuation of seismic
waves in the crust are explained.
Earthquake Earthquake Basic theory of seismometers is explained. A method
Phenomenology Observation (1), (2) for calibration of conventional type of short period
seismometer is presented with a practical training. Data
acquisition and seismic telemetry systems are
Local Earthquake Analyses of seismograms obtained by local networks,
Analyses (1) e.g., Wadati diagram, particle motion, apparent
velocity, hypocenter determination, and magnitude.
Local Earthquake Practical analyses of seismograms obtained by local
Analyses (2) network, e.g., Earthquake location for a homogeneous
medium, location errors, iterative weighting, and
Teleseismic Phases Teleseismic phases and typical magnitude scales are
and Magnitudes explained. The Earth’s normal modes and their
relations to seismic phases are introduced.
Earthquake Early The methodologies of Earthquake Early Warning
Warning (1) (EEW) are explained, and then actual operation of the
system is discussed. Experience of actual operation of
nationwide EEW system by the Japan Meteorological
Agency is also given.
Earthquake Early This lecture introduces the general concept of an
Warning (2) earthquake early warning (EEW) system and its
practical examples. This lecture also has an exercise
using PC. We will determine the P-wave arrival time
and compute amplitude and period parameters which
will be used for EEW system.
Seismicity and This course aims to give a basic introduction to
Statistics statistical techniques that are useful in the study of
seismicity. Several statistical techniques and models
are introduced and discussed alongside the well-known

empirical laws. This course also provides hands-on
practical sessions using computer software to analyze
seismic activity data.
Crust and Upper Crust and upper mantle structure inferred from
Mantle Structure explosion seismic and surface methods are explained.
Crustal Deformation Introductory course of crustal deformation including
geodetic survey and continuous measurement with
special references to the problems on modeling of
earthquake and volcanic events and earthquake
Seminar of Basic Seismology Discussion, presentation and practice for the topics of
Basic Seismology
Advanced Subjects Earthquake Earthquake Generation Earthquake dynamics and scaling laws are explained.
Related with Circumstance and Forecasting (1) Earthquake preparation processes and research on
Earthquake and short-term prediction are introduced.
Disasters Earthquake Generation Earthquake cycles and long- and intermediate-term
and Forecasting (2) prediction are introduced.
Mathematics for Basic concepts and technique of applied mathematics
Seismology used often in the field of seismology are explained.
Subjects include linear differential equations, Fourier
analysis, matrix algebra and vector analysis. Practice
of applied mathematics is also given.
Focal Mechanism Basic knowledge and practice for determination of
focal mechanism by P-wave first motion method.
Moment Tensor Analysis Basic knowledge and practice for determination of
focal mechanism by moment tensor inversion method.
Earthquake and Plate The basic concept of plate tectonics is presented.
Tectonics Methods to obtain plate motions are described.
Earthquake Source The main purpose of this lecture is to provide you with
Process basic earthquake source models and conception of
earthquake source process, showing techniques to
synthesize seismic waves from the source models and
to determine the parameters that can describe
earthquake source process.
Characteristic Data Processing Theory and practice of the least squares method used
s of for seismological analyses and those of Discrete
Earthquake Fourier transform, and digital filter are introduced.
Disasters Study Tour of Earthquake Study tours to institutes which have observational
Monitoring networks to monitor earthquakes are conducted.
Real Time Determination Real time determination of source parameters (local
of Source Parameter event) is introduced.
Determination of Broadband moment magnitude (Mwp) is a magnitude
Broadband Moment determined by processing of first arriving P-waves, and
Magnitude has been adopted by tsunami warning centers. First,
this magnitude scale is explained in the lecture. Then,
computer practices to determine this magnitude are
Effect of Surface Geology Effects of surface geology on seismic motion (ESG)
on Seismic Motion (1) are explained by showing results of ground motion
case studies: amplification mechanisms of seismic
waves, actual examples of site amplifications at sites
with various site conditions, relations with earthquake
Effect of Surface Geology Subsurface explorations and strong motion synthetic
on Seismic Motion (2) techniques are explained in detail.
Seismic Tomography Theory and application of seismic tomography in local,
regional, and global scales are explained. Practice on
computer is also given.

Numerical Simulation of Basic theory of seismic wave propagation and
Seismic Wave Propagation numerical methods for solving the elastic equations are
explained. Seismic wave propagation is demonstrated
by animation made by computer. Practice on the
numerical simulation is given by using PC.
Special Observation Visits Observation tour to the institutes that have notable
Topics activities in the field of Earthquake and Tsunami
Tsunami and Earthquake Basic concept and overview of tsunamis, including
tsunami generation, propagation and tsunami warning
and hazard reduction systems.
Earthquake Geology Geological subjects related to earthquake prediction,
hazard assessment and countermeasures.
Japanese ODA Policy and Japanese ODA policy and implementation and the
Development Assistance international trend of development assistance related
Related with Disaster with disaster management activities including poverty
Management and gender issues are explained.
How to write a Scientific Lecture for effective writing research reports (papers)
Report will be given by an English native editor.
Study Tour of Earthquake Observation tour to the institutes that have notable
Monitoring activities in the field of Earthquake and Tsunami
Study Trip Study trip to western part of Japan (Kansai) etc.
Seminar of Applied Seismology Discussion, presentation and practice for the topics of
Applied Seismology
Earthquake Hazard Earthquake Soil Test and Survey Geotechnical field investigation and laboratory testing
and Risk Hazard methods are discussed in this lecture. An emphasis is
Assessment Assessment placed on providing the information about currently
A used practical methods.
Strong Earthquake Motion General procedures and system of a strong-motion
Observation earthquake observation are presented. Participants are
introduced to the principle of strong-motion
accelerometers (SMAC), data acquisition systems and
data analysis procedures. Application of strong
earthquake ground motion to seismic-resisting design
is explained.
Soil Dynamics Fundamental properties of soil such as non-linearity
and constitutive law are reviewed. Dynamic behavior
of soil deposits and analytical method are explained
with evaluation of material constants. Liquefaction of
sand deposits is discussed and countermeasures against
liquefaction are introduced.
Strong Ground Motion Seismic Hazard Assessment is discussed, that is an
Study I (Probabilistic estimation of the likelihood of an earthquake
Seismic Hazard Analysis) occurrence and its magnitude in and around the
location of interest and of the severity of strong ground
motions expected for a certain return period.
Strong Ground Motion Strong-motion seismology is concerned with high
Study II (Strong Motion frequency seismic waves from large earthquakes. Its
Seismology) ultimate goal is to predict strong ground motion from
the basic understanding of fault mechanics and seismic
wave propagation in the Earth.
Earthquake Microtremor Observation Practice in the field and analysis are introduced for
Hazard (1) microtremor that is one of the useful information to
Assessment evaluate the characteristics of earthquake ground
B motion.
Microtremor Observation Field practice of microtremor array observation.
Simulation of Seismic Method to estimate the strong ground motion at the
Ground Motion engineering bedrock based on the empirical formulas is
Geophysical Prospecting Principles of seismic refraction and reflection and their
applications to the real field are discussed.
Seismic Micro-zonation This lecture gives an introduction to seismic micro-
zoning technique by presenting the methods to
estimate the distribution of the local and regional
seismic hazard, explaining the preparation process of
seismic scenarios, describing the applications of micro-
zoning results, and discussing the future of micro-
zoning. Various examples of actual studies are also
Case Studies Practice for Study trip Study trip to north-eastern part of Japan (Tohoku)etc.
Disaster –
Policy I, II &

Practice for the topics of Three colloquiums are planned: 1) for the report on the
Earthquake Disaster seismic observation and its results in the countries of
Management each participant, 2) for the practice of reading
scientific papers, and 3) for explaining the plan of
individual study.
International Seminar for Observation Visit to Life Safety Learning Center, Edo-
Disaster Management Tokyo Museum etc.
Individual Study Individual Study During individual study period, each participant makes
a research on a specific subject and writes a paper
under the direction of an instructor. The subject is
selected in the list shown in ANNEX I.
Disaster Disaster Management Policies A: from This course deals with the various aspects of disaster
Management Regional and Infrastructure Aspect management policies from the viewpoint of nation-
Policy wide or wide range regional and Infrastructure
(for Master development. The course consists of five parts: 1) bird-
Program) view lectures to overlook the philosophies and
principles of disaster management policies, 2) field-
wise specialized lectures on practical measures against
natural disasters, 3) a one day site-visiting in central
Tokyo, 4) presentations of student groups and overall
discussions, and 5) joint fieldwork and Integrated
Student Seminar with Japanese students. The 3rd to 5th
are jointly managed with the course of DMP(B)..
Disaster Management Policies B: from This course aims to provide a broad understanding of
Urban and Community Aspect disaster risk management, policies related to urban,
housing and community aspects. It emphasizes
application of appropriate and practical measures,
reflecting social, economic and environmental
conditions of each country. This course also attempts to
discuss the following issues:
- Basic issues of the disaster management policies
- Lessons from the past large disasters in the world
- Urban Disaster risk management policy in Japan
- Politics and regulations to secure building safety

E-Group (Earthquake Engineering Group)
Category Title Subtitle Contents
Orientation Orientation Ethics and Literacy for We provide explanations on subjects to learn about
Scientific Studies research ethics and literacy required for scientific
Introduction to Basic concepts and damage aspects by past
Earthquake Engineering earthquakes in Japan are presented as an introductory
lecture for engineering course.
Introduction to Seismology for earthquake engineers is introduced
Seismology focusing on the feature of strong ground motion and its
generation, propagation and amplification process.
Computer The lecture introduces the computer environment at
Building Research Institute (BRI) and International
Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
(IISEE). Usage and instructions of the provided laptop
PC and the preinstalled software are also given in the
Basic Subjects Structural Structural Analysis Fundamental concepts and principles which are
Related with Analysis utilized in the current structural analysis are introduced
Earthquake and in the matrix algebra language. The displacement
Disasters method and the force method with some extension to
the finite element method and the elastic-plastic
analysis of structures are discussed in some detail.
Also, fundamental theories for non-linear analyses of
building structures are introduced. Some member
models and basic concepts of the direct stiffness
method are discussed. These theories are also learned
with some exercises using available software in IISEE.
Finite Element Method I The lecture covers 1) Basic concepts of finite element
method, 2) Procedures for static linear analysis, 3)
Formulation of some elements’ matrices and 4)
Example programs.
Finite Element Method II The lecture covers 1) Aims and Material Modeling, 2)
Cracks width analysis and 3) Dynamic Analyses of RC
Limit Analysis Fundamentals of limit analysis (plastic analysis) as
well as plastic design of structures are presented. Basic
theorems in the limit analysis, safe and unsafe
theorems, are introduced, and how to use them when
computing the load carrying capacity of a framed
structure is illustrated.
Soil Mechanics This lecture covers an introduction to fundamental soil
mechanics which gives the basis for understanding
dynamic behaviors of soil and foundation.
Seminar of Structure Analysis Discussion, presentation and practice for the topic of
Structural Analysis

Ground Structural Dynamics I, II The objective of this subject is to study the behavior of
Vibration and structures by dynamic loadings. The lecture covers the
Structural SDOF (single-degree-of-freedom) system to the
Dynamics MDOF (multi-degree-of-freedom) linear elastic
system. The deterministic procedure is discussed in
detail with exercises.
Furthermore, the lecture introduces computer
programming and provides some practices in
programming of typical structural dynamic
calculations. Participants compute dynamic response of
a Single-Degree-Of-Freedom system and response
spectra using Fortran 95. Fourier spectrum analysis is
also introduced in the lecture.

Structural Response Inelastic earthquake response analyses are explained
Analysis using SDOF systems with various kind of hysteresis
models and some applications of inelastic earthquake
response analyses are introduced.
Also, member models and structural idealization which
are utilized in the current nonlinear structural analysis
of buildings are outlined. Examples of dynamic and
nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures are
presented. Methods for the theoretical interpretation on
the results from the numerical analysis are introduced.
Shaking Table Testing General concept of structural dynamic test is
introduced. Simple shaking table test and free vibration
test are practically performed using a small single mass
model. Data processing technique is also discussed
through the practice.
Effect of Surface Geology Effects of surface geology on seismic motion (ESG)
on Seismic Motion I, II are explained by showing results of ground motion
case studies: amplification mechanisms of seismic
waves, actual examples of site amplifications at sites
with various site conditions, relations with earthquake
Dynamic Soil-Structure In case a structure is founded on soft site, its structural
Interaction behavior is strongly affected by underlying soil with
each other. This phenomenon is called “Dynamic Soil-
Structure Interaction (SSI)”, and is recognized as being
very important for the earthquake resistance design of
structure. The physical meaning of the SSI and the
influence of SSI on dynamic behaviors of structure are
Microtremor Observation Practice in the field and analysis are introduced for
I microtremor that is one of the useful information to
evaluate the characteristics of earthquake ground
Microtremor Observation Among many techniques for investigating subsurface
II shear wave velocity structure, microtremor (or ambient
vibration) observation is efficient and cost-effective
approach for exploration of soils and sediments. In this
lecture, basics of microtremor observation techniques
and data processing procedures are introduced. Field
exercises on single and multiple observations are
Seminar of Ground Vibration and Discussion, presentation and practice for the topic of
Structural Dynamics Ground Vibration and Structural Dynamics
Advanced Seismic RC Structures I The structural performance from cracks to collapse
Subjects Related Structures about the RC members is predicted by using some
with Earthquake equations. The prediction is made by the equations for
and Disasters designs.
RC Structures II Detailed structural design procedure of reinforced
concrete members for flexure, shear and bond is
lectured. Design practice of RC members according to
the presented design procedure is conducted.

RC Structures III Design of Box-Shaped Wall building and evaluation of

seismic performance of RC wall buildings are lectured.
RC Structures IV Outline of the seismic design procedure in accordance
with the Japanese codes is presented. The related codes
in U.S. and New Zealand and the design guidelines
currently proposed in Japan are also introduced.
Steel Structures Outline of the design procedure for steel building
structures in Japan is explained.

PC Structures General principles of prestressed concrete and several
examples of precast prestressed concrete buildings are
introduced. Performance of precast prestressed
concrete buildings during recent earthquakes is
summarized with current seismic design procedure of
prestressed concrete buildings in Japan. Prestressing
methods, and calculation of cracking moment and
flexural strength of a beam section are lectured with
employing a computer program. New seismic design
methods being discussed, for example performance-
based design, are also introduced with some design
Masonry Structures I The lecture presents structural performance and
seismic design of Confined Masonry structures, which
has been researched in BRI. The lecture also discusses
housing construction conditions in the Third World
Countries comparing with those of Japan.
Masonry Structures II First, the concept and the method of seismic design of
masonry structures are reviewed for several
representative design codes in the world. Also, the
“AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan) Standard for the
structural design of reinforced concrete hollow
concrete block masonry structures” is introduced as
part of the Japanese codes. Second, the seismic
behavior of masonry buildings is explained from the
aspects of “seismic evaluation of existing masonry
buildings” and the “modeling of restoring force
characteristics of masonry wall members”.
Foundation Engineering I, Design concept and design procedures for static and
II, III earthquake loads for several types of foundation i.e.
pile, spread and caisson foundations are presented.
Furthermore, their characteristics, construction
methods, selection procedures, repairing methods, etc.
are explained.
Underground Structures The lecture covers 1) Buried structures and soil
and Large Soil deformations in earthquakes, 2) Key parameters
Deformations governing performances of buried structures in
earthquakes, 3) Earthquake resistant design of buried
structures and future problems and 4) Other topics.
Bridge Engineering I, II Overall view of steel and concrete bridges and
historical development are presented. Essential
engineering issues for steel and concrete bridges are
Port & Harbor Structures Earthquake resistant design for port and harbor
and Tsunami Engineering structures is explained with some examples of actual
earthquake damage.
Structural Testing I, II Objectives, testing techniques, loading and measuring
techniques are presented with some examples of the
previous tests. Static tests for RC members are also
conducted to observe structural performance.
Seminar of Seismic Structures Discussion, presentation and practice for the topic of
Seismic Structures
Seismic Seismic Design Codes I, Participants investigate the design concept and
Evaluation and II, III methods of the selected seismic codes in the world.
Seismic Presentation and discussion are given for comparison
Design Code of the surveyed codes. Differences in each code are
discussed. Also, recent advanced concepts of seismic
design codes are introduced.
Design Earthquake Seismic design code of Japan is introduced. Some
Ground Motion and international seismic design codes are also introduced
Seismic Force and compared with each other.

Simulation of Seismic Methodology of how to generate design earthquake
Ground Motion ground motion for engineering purpose is explained. In
general, the earthquake load is considered as design
seismic force. However, some buildings for special
purposes are required to examine structural safety
using design ground motions in time domain. A
conventional methodology used for actual seismic
design works is introduced.
Seismic Micro-Zonation This lecture introduces to seismic micro-zoning
technique by presenting the methods to estimate the
distribution of the local and regional seismic hazard,
explaining the preparation process of seismic
scenarios, describing the applications of micro-zoning
results, and discussing the future of micro-zoning.
Various examples of actual studies are also presented.
Dynamic Aseismic Dynamic aseismic design procedure is introduced.
Design I, II Problems which frequently occur during the design of
nuclear power plants and high-rise buildings are
presented with some examples.
Seismic Isolation I, II Seismic isolation system is explained as one of
structural response control methods. The Seismic
isolation system is most effective to reduce the
response and improve safety of a superstructure.
Principles of the seismic isolation, merits and demerits
of the seismic isolation, and behaviors of buildings
with the seismically isolated buildings during
earthquake are discussed.
Structural Response Basic theory on structural seismic response control and
Control its practical applications in Japan are presented.
Seismic Design and This lecture introduces concepts of seismic design
Retrofit of Bridges method of highway bridges in Japan. The lecture starts
from lessons learned from damage experiences in the
past extreme earthquakes. Outline and concept of
seismic design specifications of highway bridges in
Japan are followed. Seismic assessment and retrofit
design of existing bridges are presented.
Seminar of Seismic Evaluation and Seismic Discussion, presentation and practice for the topic of
Design Code Seismic Evaluation and Seismic Design Code
Earthquake Earthquake Soil Test and Survey Soil investigation has become an important component
Hazard and Risk Hazard of construction from the viewpoint of safety. Soil test
Assessment Assessment A helps to determine physical characteristics in order to
design foundations for structures. Outline of
Geotechnical investigation method is introduced in this
Strong Earthquake Strong motion observation plays important role in the
Motion Observation fields of earthquake engineering and building
engineering. This lecture explains history and the
current situation of the strong motion observation in
Japan. The strong motion network of Building
Research Institute and the recent research works are
also introduced. Moreover, the application of the
research results using strong motion data for the
seismic design and the earthquake disaster mitigation
are described.
Soil Dynamics Fundamental properties of soil such as non-linearity
and constitutive law are reviewed. Dynamic behavior
of soil deposits and analytical method are explained
with evaluation of material constants.

Strong Ground Motion Seismic hazard assessment is discussed, that is an
Study I (Probabilistic estimation of the likelihood of an earthquake
Seismic Hazard Analysis) occurrence and its magnitude in and around the
location of interest and of the severity of strong ground
motions expected for a certain return period.
Strong Ground Motion Strong-motion seismology is concerned with high
Study II (Strong Motion frequency seismic waves from large earthquakes. Its
Seismology) ultimate goal is to predict strong ground motion from
the basic understanding of fault mechanics and seismic
wave propagation in the Earth.
Seminar of Earthquake Hazard Assessment Discussion, presentation and practice for the topic of
A Earthquake Hazard Assessment
Earthquake Structural Reliability The lecture covers 1) Introduction to reliability
Risk concept, 2) Probability of failure as a measure for the
Assessment safety degree, 3) Extreme value distributions as
probability model for load intensity, 4) Load and
resistance factor format based on the second moment
reliability and 5) Target safety degree due to the
optimum reliability.
System Identification in This subject introduces several system identification
Vibration Analysis methods to determine structural characteristics such as
natural periods and damping ratios from measuring
data of buildings.
Seismic Evaluation and Seismic capacity evaluation and seismic rehabilitation
Rehabilitation (retrofit) of existing buildings are introduced with
emphasis on our practice after the 1995 Hyogoken-
Nanbu Earthquake (Kobe Earthquake).
Urban Earthquake Mechanism and various impacts of earthquake damage
Disaster Mitigation in urban areas are analyzed considering the problems
System generated by urbanization of the area. Based upon the
analysis above, issues for establishing proper
countermeasures for disaster mitigation are discussed.
Post-Earthquake Quick Post-earthquake quick inspection for risk evaluation of
Inspection, Damage secondary disasters is introduced with basic concept of
Evaluation and evaluation methods in Japan, U.S. and Europe, and
Rehabilitation detail procedure and criteria of Japanese method
including application example in Turkey. Post-
earthquake damage evaluation for decision of
rehabilitation strategy, and rehabilitation technique
examples for damaged buildings are also introduced.
Seminar of International Observation Visit to Life Safety Learning Center, Edo-
Disaster Prevention Tokyo Museum etc.
Seminar of Earthquake Risk Assessment Discussion, presentation and practice for the topic of
Earthquake Risk Assessment
Special Topics Tsunami Load and Structural Design of The lecture covers 1) Observed Buildings Damage
Tsunami Shelter Pattern by Tsunami in Great East Japan Earthquake, 2)
Introduction of Design Tsunami Loads in Past
Guidelines and New Design Guideline, and 3) A Study
on Design Flow and an Example of Tsunami Shelters.
Lessons from the Great East Japan Disaster prevention for millennium earthquakes-
Earthquake of March 11, 2011 tsunamis and characteristics of the 2011 Great East
Japan earthquake – tsunami are introduced.
Japanese ODA Policy and Development Japanese ODA policy and implementation and the
Assistance Related with Disaster international trend of development assistance related
Management with disaster management activities including poverty
and gender issues are explained.
How to Write a Scientific Report Lecture for effective writing research reports (papers)
will be given by an English native editor.
Study Trip Study trip to western part of Japan (Kansai) etc.

Case Study Practice for Colloquium Three colloquiums are planned:
Earthquake 1) for seismic codes and past seismic damage of
Disaster – buildings in the countries of each participant, 2) for the
Recovery practice of reading scientific papers, and 3) for
Management explaining the plan of individual study.
Policy I, II & III Study Trip Study trip to northern part of Japan (Tohoku) for a
week .
Visiting various types of structures Participants discuss earthquake disaster
countermeasures for various structures at the visiting
Individual Study Individual Study During individual study period, each participant makes
a research on a specific subject and writes a paper
under the direction of an instructor. The subject is
selected in the list shown in ANNEX I.
Disaster Disaster Management Policies A: from This course deals with the various aspects of disaster
Management Regional and Infrastructure Aspect management policies from the viewpoint of nation-
Policy wide or wide range regional and Infrastructure
(for Master development. The course consists of five parts: 1) bird-
Program) view lectures to overlook the philosophies and
principles of disaster management policies, 2) field-
wise specialized lectures on practical measures against
natural disasters, 3) a one-day site-visiting in central
Tokyo, 4) presentations of student groups and overall
discussions, and 5) joint fieldwork and Integrated
Student Seminar with Japanese students. The 3rd to 5th
are jointly managed with the course of DMP(B).
Disaster Management Policies B: from This course aims to provide a broad understanding of
Urban and Community Aspect disaster risk management policies related to urban,
housing and community aspects. It emphasizes
application of appropriate and practical measures,
reflecting social, economic and environmental
conditions of each country. This course also attempts to
discuss the following issues:
- Basic issues of the disaster management policies
- Lessons from the past large disasters in the world
- Urban Disaster risk management policy in Japan
- Politics and regulations to secure building safety

T-Group (Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Group)
Category Title Subtitle Contents
Orientation Orientation Overview of Introductory lectures for seismology and tsunami are
Earthquake, Tsunami, given by staff members of IISEE. Basic concepts and
and Disasters general scope of seismology, earthquake phenomena,
strong motion study, seismic hazard and risk, and
tsunami, etc. are described.
Tsunami and Basic concept and overview of tsunamis, including
Earthquakes tsunami generation, propagation and tsunami warning
and hazard reduction systems.
Ethics and Literacy for We provide explanations on subjects to learn about
Scientific Studies research ethics and literacy required for scientific
Basic Subjects Information Computer Practices on FORTRAN programming for scientific
Related with Technology computing and on UNIX and GMT are given using PC
Earthquake and Related with and Linux server. The basic of Python 3 programming
Disasters Earthquakes and is provided.
Disasters Theory of Seismic Basic expressions for strain and stress relations are
Waves induced from the fundamental concept of the property
of elasticity. Mathematical background of the theory of
elasticity is discussed from the standpoint of specific
problems such as equilibrium conditions, strain energy
and transmissions of elastic waves. Reflection and
refraction of plane waves are explained. P and S waves
velocity distribution is discussed.
Surface Waves Crust and upper mantle structure inferred from surface
wave analysis, including its analogies with
tsunamis (surface gravity waves in the ocean) is
Earthquake Earthquake Observation Basic theory of electro-magnetic seismometer is
Phenomenology (1), (2) explained. A method for calibration of conventional
type of short period seismometer is presented. Practical
training for the calibration is also planned. Data
acquisition and seismic telemetry systems are
Local Earthquake Analyses of seismograms obtained by local networks,
Analyses (1) e. g., Wadati diagram, particle motion, apparent
velocity, hypocenter determination, and magnitude.
Local Earthquake Practical analyses of seismograms obtained by local
Analyses (2) network, e.g., Earthquake location for a homogeneous
medium, location errors, iterative weighting, and
Teleseismic Phases and Teleseismic phases and typical magnitude scales are
Magnitudes explained. The Earth’s normal modes and their
relations to seismic phases are introduced.
Earthquake Early The methodologies of Earthquake Early Warning
Warning (1) (EEW) are explained, and then actual operation of the
system is discussed. Experience of actual operation of
nationwide EEW system by the Japan Meteorological
Agency is also given.
Earthquake Early This lecture introduces the general concept of an
Warning (2) earthquake early warning (EEW) system and its
practical examples. This lecture also has an exercise
using PC. We will determine the P-wave arrival time
and compute amplitude and period parameters which
will be used for EEW system.

Seismicity and This course aims to give a basic introduction to
Statistics statistical techniques that are useful in the study of
seismicity. Several statistical techniques and models are
introduced and discussed alongside the well-known
empirical laws. This course also provides hands-on
practical sessions using computer software to analyze
seismic activity data.
Crust and Upper Mantle Crust and upper mantle structure inferred from
Structure explosion seismic and surface methods are explained.
Crustal Deformation Introductory course of crustal deformation including
geodetic survey and continuous measurement with
special references to the problems on modeling of
earthquake and volcanic events and earthquake
Seminar of Basic Seismology Discussion, presentation and practice for the topics of
Basic Seismology.
Advanced Earthquake Earthquake Generation Earthquake dynamics and scaling laws are explained.
Subjects Related Circumstance and Forecasting (1) Earthquake preparation processes and research on
with Earthquake short-term prediction are introduced.
and Disasters Earthquake Generation Earthquake cycles and long- and intermediate-term
and Forecasting (2) prediction are introduced.
Mathematics for Basic concepts and technique of applied mathematics
Seismology used often in the field of seismology are explained.
Subjects include linear differential equations, Fourier
analysis, matrix algebra and vector analysis. Practice of
applied mathematics is also given.
Focal Mechanism Basic knowledge and practice for determination of
focal mechanism by P-wave first motion method.
Moment Tensor Basic knowledge and practice for determination of
Analysis focal mechanism by moment tensor inversion method.
Earthquake and Plate The basic concept of plate tectonics is presented.
Tectonics Methods to obtain plate motions are described.
Earthquake Source The main purpose of this lecture is to provide you with
Process basic earthquake source models and conception of
earthquake source process, showing techniques to
synthesize seismic waves from the source models and
to determine the parameters that can describe
earthquake source process.
Theory of Tsunami Simulation Hands-on practices to calculate tsunami waveforms and
Tsunami tsunami height are given by using Windows PC. In
order to help the interpretation of simulation results,
visualization technique using mapping software are
also introduced.
Data Processing Theory and practice of the least squares method used
for seismological analyses and those of Discrete
Fourier transform, and digital filter are introduced.
Practice for Theory of Specific tasks and subjects on Practice for Theory of
Tsunami Tsunami are given considering interests and
backgrounds of participants.
Tsunami Magnitude History of large tsunamis in the world is explained and
and Catalogue discussed. Existing tsunami catalogues are also studied.
The size of tsunami is described by various magnitude
scales. Mechanisms of tsunami earthquakes are also
learned. Various tsunami generated by non-earthquake
origins, such as landslides or volcanic activities, are
also studied.
Mathematics for Practices on applied mathematics used often in the field
Tsunami of tsunami are given.
Hydrodynamics for The basic equation of fluid dynamics, general ocean
Tsunami wave theory, tsunami generation theory, and non-linear
wave theory of tsunamis are explained.

Tsunami Source To calculate travel time of tsunami some computer
practices are given. Basic concept to estimate a tsunami
source area from arrival times of observed tsunami is
explained. Hands-on practices to estimate tsunami
source are also given.
Geology for Tsunami Basic techniques for detecting geological and
geomorphological evidences of paleo-tsunami and
paleo-earthquake are explained. Subjects include
coastal sedimentology, coastal geomorphology and
Quaternary geochronology.
Tsunami Hazard Tsunami Hazard Tsunami Disaster Tsunami disaster prevention schemes by local
and Risk Assessment Prevention government are introduced. We visit several cities
Assessment Administration along the Sanriku coast and learn about governmental
approaches for tsunami disaster prevention.
Lessons from the Great Disaster prevention for millennium earthquakes-
East Japan Earthquake tsunamis and characteristics of the 2011 Great East
of March 11, 2011 Japan earthquake – tsunami are introduced.
Tsunami Disaster A visit to the Port and Harbor Bureau to study tsunami
Mitigation Policy and disaster mitigation policy and risk management in
Risk Management in Japan is conducted.
Introduction of Various features of tsunamis are explained with
Tsunami Disaster hydrodynamic principles. Many kinds of tsunami
Mitigation disasters are shown by examples in the past, and
possible disasters in the future are also estimated.
Tsunami Hazard Basics on the tsunami hazards assessment is introduced
Assessment and the by reviewing historical and recent tsunami
Sendai Framework for hazard/disaster and providing the idea of the risk
Disaster Risk analysis. Records of tsunamis in the documentation and
Reduction geological evidences are examined to estimate the
Tsunami Damage Characteristics of tsunami damages are introduced
Survey through examples of post-tsunami survey results.
Survey method is explained with the theory. After
explanations for matters to be attended in field survey,
survey exercise is conducted.
Theory of Tsunami This class aims to understand the logic of source
Propagation and program of the TUNAMI (Tohoku University's
Inundation Simulation Numerical Analysis Model for Investigation) code.
Numerical Simulation A finite difference method for the long-wave model is
of Tsunami Inundation explained. Simulation exercises for tsunami
and its Application propagation and inundation are given.
Tsunami Hazard Basic concepts and outline of tsunami hazard map,
Mapping, Evacuation method of making tsunami hazard map, use of tsunami
Planning and hazard map.
Simulation Overview of tsunami evacuation planning and tsunami
evacuation simulation. Hands on concepts, definitions,
steps and issues for tsunami evacuation planning.
Review of methodologies used on tsunami evacuation
Scenario Earthquakes You learn a method for setting Scenario earthquakes for
tsunami situation.
Study Trip to Kansai Study trip to western part of Japan.
Education of Tsunami UNESCO lecturer introduces educational activities for
Disaster reduction and tsunami disaster reduction and international tsunami
International Tsunami warning system.
Warning System

Tsunami Tsunami Protection A field study, in which the tsunami protection facilities
Countermeasures Facility are observed, is included in the course. A field trip to
observe the tsunami trace and to understand the
damages due to tsunamis is also conducted along the
Sanriku coast.
Tsunami Damage and Observation of tsunami damage caused by the Great
Reconstruction I and II East Japan earthquake disaster and reconstruction
Tsunami Observation Sea level observation method and tide gauge data
analysis are introduced. A tour to visit tide gauge
station is also conducted.
Tsunami Early Warning Outline of tsunami warning service and tsunami
System and estimation are explained.
Practice for Tsunami Each participant has practices so that he/she can
Countermeasures improve understanding on the subject “Tsunami
Countermeasures.” IISEE staff members decide
specific tasks and subjects considering interests and
backgrounds of participants.
Tsunami Force and Design formulas of tsunami force are introduced and
Tsunami Resistant some examples to computation of tsunami force are
Structure lectured. An experiment to evaluate the tsunami
impulsive force is demonstrated during the course. As
tsunami resistant structures, breakwaters and tidal
barriers are shown as well as greenbelt techniques.
Tsunami Deposit Observation of tsunami damage caused by the Great
Survey East Japan earthquake disaster and reconstruction
Tsunami Load and Observation of buildings damage pattern by tsunami in
Structural Design of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Introduction of design
Tsunami Shelter tsunami loads in past guidelines and new design
guideline. A study on design flow and an example of
Tsunami shelters.
International Seminar Observation Visit to Life Safety Learning Center, Edo-
for Disaster Tokyo Museum etc.
Special Topics Study Tour of Observation tour to the institutes that have notable
Earthquake Monitoring activities in the field of Earthquake and Tsunami
Japanese ODA Policy Japanese ODA policy and implementation and the
and Development international trend of development assistance related
Assistance Related with with disaster management activities including poverty
Disaster Management and gender issues are explained.
How to Write a Lecture for effective writing research reports (papers)
Scientific Report will be given by an English native editor.
Case Studies Practice for First, Second, and Three colloquiums are planned: 1) for the report on the
Earthquake Third Colloquiums seismic observation and its results in the countries of
Disaster – each participant, 2) for the practice of reading scientific
Recovery papers, and 3) for explaining the plan of individual
Management study.
Policy I & II
Practice for Real Time Real time determination of source parameters (local
Tsunami Disaster Determination of event) is introduced.
Mitigation Source Parameter
Policy Determination of Broadband moment magnitude (Mwp) is a magnitude
Broadband Moment determined by processing of first arriving P-waves, and
Magnitude has been adopted by tsunami warning centers. First,
this magnitude scale is explained in the lecture. Then,
computer practices to determine this magnitude are

Study Tour of Observation tour to the institutes that have notable
Earthquake Monitoring activities in the field of Earthquake and Tsunami
Practice for Seminar of Tsunami Disaster Practice for the topics of Tsunami Disaster Mitigation
Mitigation Policy Policy.
Individual Study Individual Study During individual study period, each participant makes
a research on a specific subject and writes a paper
under the direction of an instructor. The subject is
selected in the list shown in ANNEX I.
Disaster Disaster Management Policies A: from This course deals with the various aspects of disaster
Management Regional and Infrastructure Aspect management policies from the viewpoint of nation-
Policy wide or wide range regional and Infrastructure
(for Master development. The course consists of five parts: 1) bird-
Program) view lectures to overlook the philosophies and
principles of disaster management policies, 2) field-
wise specialized lectures on practical measures against
natural disasters, 3) a one-day site-visiting in central
Tokyo, 4) presentations of student groups and overall
discussions, and 5) joint fieldwork and Integrated
Student Seminar with Japanese students. The 3rd to 5th
are jointly managed with the course of DMP (B).
Disaster Management Policies B: from This course aims to provide a broad understanding of
Urban and Community Aspect disaster risk management policies related to urban,
housing and community aspects. It emphasizes
application of appropriate and practical measures,
reflecting social, economic and environmental
conditions of each country. This course also attempts to
discuss the following issues:
- Basic issues of the disaster management policies
- Lessons from the past large disasters in the world
- Urban Disaster risk management policy in Japan
- Politics and regulations to secure building safety


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