20 Cultural Policy for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

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Icheke Journal of the Faculty of Humanities Vol.17. No.3 October, 2019 www.ichekejournal.


Cultural Policy for Sustainable Development in Nigeria


Ayibadeinyefa A. Timi-Ekubo
Department of Fine/Industrial Arts
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Niger Delta University
Wilberforce Island
Bayelsa State
Email: deinyefa@gmail.com
Phone: 08034427236

Several countries around the world operate with a cultural policy
document to accelerate their cultural development. Nigeria is not
left behind on this developmental stride; although over the years,
there has been a gap in the implementation of the Nigerian Cultural
Policy. This study focuses on how the Nigerian cultural policy helps
to protect the Nigerian Cultural Heritage. It further provides
information on all aspects of the cultural policy, with an end to
making recommendations to help improve on the cultural policy
document where necessary. The paper examines; the focus and
methods of implementation of the cultural policy, the impact of the
policies on values, practices and standards and lastly the policy and
its provision for the preservation of culture. The qualitative research
method was used. The secondary data from libraries, books and the
internet were valuable and crucial to the research. The Cultural
Policy document as provided by the Federal Government of Nigeria
was analysed in detail. This method was necessary as it enabled the
researcher to identify and collate relevant data for the description of
findings and results in this paper. The researcher proffers informed
conclusions and recommendations.

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Keywords; Cultural Policy, Culture, Policy, Heritage

It is quite common that every society, whether developed or developing,
face the challenges of preserving their cultural practices. This struggle for
cultural preservation is to make use of the cultural practices to enhance
growth in the face of threatening modern cultural trends.
For many societies, the crucial question has been how to preserve and
extend indigenous traditions which root them strongly in the past and
provide parts of their deepest sources of energy and inspiration; and at
the same time, to take what is more appropriate for their development
from the industrialized world without being inundated by it.
Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa with over two hundred and
fifty ethnic groups including Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw, Kanuri,
Ibibio, Urhobo, Benin, Tiv among others, faces these challenges on a daily
basis as it has over the years.
In the wake of this continuous challenge, it is study worthy to take
a critical look at the “Cultural Policy” document of Nigeria.
Without doubt, every society must build upon its past. It is history,
traditional values and norms that make for a present and a future. In this
case, Nigeria as a whole stands to gain a great deal from the discussion of
its cultural policies and for the light it can shed on how to keep the
multiplicity of our cultural traditions alive, yet acquiring modern
knowledge for continuous development.

This paper seeks to address the following

 To study carefully the cultural policy of Nigeria

 Discuss the focus and method of implementation of the cultural

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 Analyze the impact of the cultural policies on cultural values and

 Discuss the cultural policy for the preservation of culture.

The method employed in gathering the necessary information was
qualitative. This involved Library and Archival research where valuable
information was unearthed.The Archives at the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism, Abuja was helpful in that data collected from there proved useful.
The Cultural Policy document of Nigeria was obtained from the Public
record section of the Department of Archives at the National Council for
Arts and Culture, Abuja.
Literature about Cultural Policies and the need for them in developing
Africa was sought for and information retrieved from books and the
internet were interpreted in an analysis of the Cultural Policy of Nigeria.

History and Theory of Cultural policies.

People often do not realize that cultural policies exist, when in fact we have
many- we just do not realize that they are cultural policies. Cultural policies
then, are part of our everyday lives. All the choices and decisions we take
concerning our daily activities amount to some form of policy making that
usually brings about improvement.
Cultural policy is connected to all major issues of our societies: economic
stratification, race relations, international relations, technology, education
and community development (Atlas, 1985, P.7).
It happens at different places, ranging from the family house to the board
rooms of national foundations, corporations, places of worship and public
agencies. Altas (1985) maintains that the choice of a family to educate their
child(ren) in the language, traditions and history of a particular ethnic
group is cultural policy a grant maker’s criteria for quality and excellence
is cultural policy, a community development corporations decisions to
focus on cultural tourism or historic preservation is cultural policy, the

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convergence of television, internet and other digital media is cultural

Girard (1985) discusses that courts, churches, legislatures and patrons
have for many centuries made decisions about whether, why and how to
support work in the arts and cultural facilities; about the language and
religion of a society; and about such issues as proper dress and behavior.
Philosophers and historians have had a good deal to say about the conduct
of a society with respect to culture. In every society and every period of
history, people have made choices about the culture they would build, how
to express their aspirations and fears how to embody their values in
rituals and celebrations. But the concept of a special socio-cultural
Responsibility for democratic governments is a relatively new invention.
The cultural policy as such came into currency after World War II.
Atlas (1985) stated “In the discourse which has since ensued, the idea of
cultural democracy has emerged as the major innovation in cultural policy.
Cultural ministers throughout the world became interested in the idea
because of their alarm over social trends that are being felt globally: the
proliferation of electronic mass media, urbanization, “modernization”,
along with the individual alienation and deracination which
accompanied them. Taken together, these phenomena have come to be
known internationally as the “Americanization” of cultural. These factors
coalesce to breed a pervasive social passivity dangerous to democracy
eroding traditional cultural activities’.
Miller and Yudice (2002) noted that a cultural policy refers to the
institutional supports that channel both a static creativity and collective
ways of life – a bridge between the two registers. The cultural policy is
embodied in systematic regulatory guide to actions that are adopted by
organizations to achieve their goals of an all-round development. Girard
(1983) supports this as it is stated that “ the ideas which have informed
cultural policy came from many sources – from traditional practices in
diverse societies, from philosophers and theoreticians, from accounts of
history and utopian speculations.

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The following statements further buttress the researcher’s point that

with proper implementation of cultural policies, a nation can thrive while
maintaining its roots. Cultural Policy remains a process that provides for
the preservation of the arts and culture of a people which is foundational of
their history and of utmost importance for growth and development.
(Towse, 1999, P. 143).
A Cultural Policy remains important for the preservation of culture not just
for Africa, but for the world at large (Singh, 2010, P. 21). Based on these
statements, one can safely suggest that every country needs a cultural
policy. As a matter of fact, more and more policies should be made not just
in culture but also on education, agriculture, health among other aspects of
the society as long as they provide a solid support for continuous
growth and development. Furthermore, the rules and decisions made for
the purpose of preserving the cultural history of a people (cultural policy)
should be considered as a document for further and sustainable
development in every society.

The Influence of Cultural Policies on Development in West Africa.

Just as culture is all encompassing, cultural policy incorporates a broad
range of measures taken to develop cultural life. Many policies with
profound cultural impact are made by decision makers who have given
cultural consideration a thought.
In recent times, most policy makers have not made the paradigm shift
that would bring culture freely to their consciousness when government
agencies in the industrialized world define cultural policies. For instance
they generally limit themselves to the most specialized expressions of
culture; media and communications, the arts and education and in
some countries, sports. The measures taken to implement policy are quite
varied. Grants to artists and institutions are common approaches as are
public service employment programmes, building and maintaining
cultural facilities, encouraging financial historic preservation for
posterity (Girard, 1983, pp. 171 – 172).

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With efforts from organizations such as the United Nations Educational,

Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Economic Community
of West African States (ECOWAS) several conferences and workshops
have been held in the last three decades in West Africa. These meetings
have been brought about cultural policies, and reviews of these polices but
ultimately it has led to an analysis and understanding of the cultural life,
cultural values and cultural needs and expectations of the people of West
African Countries, the affirmation of the authentic cultural values and
cultural heritage, the building up of international cultural identity and
parallel affirmation of cultural infrastructure and introduction of
new technologies in cultural activities and an establishment of links
between culture and education as well as between education and different
cultural industries among West African Countries.

Analysis of the Cultural Policy of Nigeria

The Federal Government of Nigeria shall recognize, for a meaningful
achievement of the objectives of the cultural policy, traditional, religious
and chieftaincy institutions, guilds, age grades, voluntary associations,
craft guilds and co-operatives as agents for cultural preservation,
presentation, promotion and development.
The Government shall promote and encourage the active collaboration of
these agencies and ensure their creative interaction within the nation’s
economic and political circumstance.
The establishment of national associations of the various cultural and
artistic interests, to assist it in the preservation, presentation and
promotion of arts and culture shall be encouraged by the Government.
Through the Ministry of Culture, The Nation Council for Arts and
Culture, National Commission for Museums and Monuments and the
Centre for Black and African Arts and civilization, national bodies
specializing in specific areas of preservation, presentation and
promotion including galleries, film development, film censorship,
tourism, museums and monuments, theatres, archives shall be established.

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The cultural policy shall be expressed in four broad categories of state

action, as follows:
(a) Preservation of culture,
(b) Promotion of culture,
(c) Presentation of culture and
(d) The establishment of administrative structure and the provision of
funds for its implementation.

The impact of the Cultural Policies on Cultural Values and Standards

The cultural policies are in place to project national culture, pride,
solidarity and consciousness. Cultural values and standards are
important parts of history; therefore the cultural policy incorporates
them into our general national development process. This incorporation
is achieved through the involvement of all agencies and individuals
both traditional and contemporary in cultural activities which remain
bedrock of national identity. The cultural policies with the set of rules,
requirements and priorities, set out to retrieve and restore history and
heritage, cultural values and standards by protecting and projecting them
for posterity.
It is noteworthy that traditional standard and processes are not in any way
tampered with and no attempt has been made to change them or do away
with them in the entire write up of both cultural policies. The policies are
proposed to give direction to give direction and pave way, for the
promotion of culture in nation building.
It is important also to note that the cultural policies provide for the
awareness of the traditional values and generate respect and appreciation
for each nation’s heritage. Besides, the fact that our culture gives us our
distinct identity as peoples of various places, it is the values and standards
which are practiced in cultural activities and are also observed in day to day
activities that provide for sustenance and maintenance of what is referred
to as culture.

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The performing arts, visual arts, mass media, educational institutions,

government and non- governmental agencies, traditional rulers inter-alia
have been taken up as vehicles for the promotion, protection,
preservation, and projection of cultural standards and values in the
Nigerian society. The culture in terms of food, clothing, language, economic
activities, rites of passage activities amongst others.
Finally, the cultural policies serve as a platform and elevation for culture.
These policies put the spotlight on the very important foundation of
every nation, its culture alongside the standards and values that guide
it. The result of this is a never ending acknowledgement of the relevance of
culture for sustainable growth and development of Nigeria, Africa and the
world at large.

The Cultural Policies and the Preservation of Culture

The preservation of culture as provided for in the cultural policy of
Nigeria relates to the promotion of cultural property whether of concrete
or non-concrete nature, past or present, written or oral in so far as it relates
to the values and facts of history.
The objective of cultural preservation is to ensure harmony with
contemporary realities and the demands of change and development
and to prevent a mindless sweeping away of the cultural heritage, as if
this is allowed to happen, the situation will only result in disorderly change,
societal instability and a people completely cut off from its cultural roots.
To this end, special attention shall be given to the preservation of traditional
sacred groves, monuments, mausoleums, artistic treasures belonging to the
state and to individuals, private homes and all objects of high artistic value.
Also, collaboration with concerned institutions, agencies and individuals
by the government to initiate research, into the various traditional and
customary rules and laws of Nigeria and the research will be aided by
documentation on audio and video tapes, film, e.t.c.
The important role which certain individuals, play in the society
including chiefs, elders, women leaders, youth leaders shall be recognized

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and utilized in the unearthing, preservation and conservation of cultural

assets. The above stated measures have been documented in the cultural
policies and serve as steps through which culture can be kept over time.

Based on the research data available, the following conclusions were made.
A constant implementation of the measures in the cultural policy by
the relevant agency would see a country that boasts of a sound history and
rich cultural heritage.
A sound historic and cultural background is a solid foundation to build the
future upon.

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