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Strictly as per new revised 'T Scheme

W.e.f. academic year 2019-2020

Semester VI- Mechanical Engineering Group (ME)
(Code: 22660) (Elective I1)

S. D. Ambatkar
Model Question Papers as per Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.
Solved Latest MSBTE Question Papers upto Sunmmer 2019,

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Refrigeration and Air
(Elective-II) (Code : 22660)


ahras hraSuteBoard of Technicalkducation MSBTE

Semester VI - Mechanical Engineering Group (ME)

Sirictly as per new reviscd
t Scheme w.e.f.academic year 2019-2020

S. D. Ambatkar
ME (Heat Power), B.E. (Mechanical)
Senicr Lecturer in AISSMS Poly.
(All India Shri Shivaji Memorial
Society's Polytechnic)

MDE68A Price 180/-

F TechKnouledge
Public ations
(Book Code : MDE68A)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Refrigeration 1-1 to 1-20


1.1 Necessity of Refrigeration, Unit of Aelrigeration, concept of

COP (actual and Theoretical)

12 Reversed Camot cycle-and its represenlaion on P-V and T

S diagramn

1.3 Boll colemen cycle and its represenlation on P-V and T-S
diagram with simple numerical.

| 1.4 Air refrigeration system, component of air refrigeration

system, 1ts applicationsS
1.1 Introducticn of Rofrigeration... * 1-1
1.1.1 Necessity ol Refrigeration. *... 1-1

1.1.2 Themodynamic Law Related to Religeration ...12

1.1.3 Relrigeralion Effect . 1-2

1.1.4 Unit of Relrigeration.. ***** 1-2

1.1.5 Coetficient of Feriormance.. ..1-2


Difference between Heat Pump and Refrigerator..1-3

Reversed Camat Cycle...

Limitation of Camot Cycle
. .. 1-3

1.3 Bell Coleman Air Refrigerator Cycle. ... 1-5

1.3.1 Advantages ofBell Coleman Cydle.

. . 1-7

1.3.2 Disadvantages of Bell Coleman Cycle . 1-7

1.4 Air Refrigeration system 1-7

1.4.1 Aeversed Brayton Cycle. 1-8

1.4.2 Actual Analysis . 1-9

143 Necessity of Cooling Aircraft... .1-10 Various Air-Crat Refrigeraton Systems .. 1-10

Solved Examples.. sess pasaaaaunse 12

Introduction to Refrigeration

1.1 Necessity of Refrigeration, Unit of Refrigeration, concept of COP
(actual and Theoretical)
1.2 Reversed Camot cycle and its representation on P-V and T-S diagram
1.3 Bell colemen cycle and its representation on
P-V and T-S diagram with simple numerical.
1.4 Air refrigeration system, component of air refrigeration
system, Its applications

1.1 Introduction of Refrigeration.

Refrigeration is the science of producing and maintaining temperature
below that of the surrounding atmosphere. Heat
always passes from hot body to cold body until the thermal equilibrium achieved.
By refrigeration we save the food from spoiling, The foods are spoiled
by bacteria and their growth can be stopped if
temperaue is lowered than 5°C. Before invention of refrigeration the food or substances
was kept at neair cooler place
like block of natural ice or in cold well, pond or lake.

Definition of Refrigeration:

FASBTE W15 5-1S 18.S-19

O Defne Berdealion WI5,517S18S19
An American Society of refrigeration engineer define as "The science of providing and maintaining temperatüre
that of surounding atimosphere".
It means that continuously extraction of heat from a body whose temperature is already below the teroperature
of its

1.1.1 Necessity of Refrigeration

For normal functioning of human beings sufficient, protein, carbohydrate, vitamin and salts are requires which
accomplished by balance diet or pills. The people with normal health and their, peculiar habits prcfer tasteful diet for
fulfill the normal functioning of body organ requirement.
But, our habits or fascination for particular commodities calls for conservation of the commodities even for those
periods during which they are not naturally available. Therefore an artificial environment has to be created which most
suitable for the commodities with minimum spoilage occur. This necessitates the prodaction of artificial refigeration.
Another necossity of refrigeration is in the development of certain scientific equipment and their operation under
controlled environment to get reliable result. Mainy industries like chemical, milk dairy, oil-refinery, étc. require low
temperature to cary various processes.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTESm
1.1.2 Thermodynamic Law Related to Refrigeratio
Q Statethalaw.relatedto refrigeration.
it 1s mpossible to constme
Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics that
pump) to transfcr heat energy from lower tcmperature to higher temperature without the aid of xtemal
rcfrigcration obeys the Clausius statemcnt. So
temperature, this machine is known as Ts
C which pumps heat from lower temperature to higher
tne procesSs of ator
removal of heat is known as refrigeration process. and

1.1.3 Refrigeration Effect


a.Define Refrigeration.eifect/desire
ltis defned as the amount of cooling produced by a system. In short, it is the amount of heat removed from the anmi
by the refrigerant. The unit of refrigeration pplication
effect is kJ.
1.1.4 Unit of Refrigeration
MSBTES-14 S-15.S-17,W-17.W-18.SSt
at is one ton okrefrigeration 2 Haw is calculated
Sfate the unit of refrigeratior
Q Deine One ton.ot.rerigerations
The standard unit of refrigeration is 1 Ton. S155A7S19
One ton of refrigeration:
One ton of refrigeration is defined as "the quantity
of heat required to remove from one
initial condition of water is zero degree centigrade", ton of ice within 2A hours wtan
because the same cooling
effect will be given by melting the same ice.
Taking latent heat of fusion of ice =335 kJkg

One ton of refrigeration 1000x Latent heat of ice

0232.6 kJ/min
In actual practice, one tonne of refirigeration is
taken as equivalentto
210kJ/min or 3.517 KW.
1 Ton = 3.517 kW
=210 kJ/min
1.1.5 Coefficient of Performance:

0Dfines:COP MSBTE:S-15. W-17.S

COP a dimensionless quantity and usuauy

cOP 1718
grcater thban unity that 5E
refrigerating machine. characterizes operation o
Tt is defincd as the ratio of
of the
the efficiency or u
reingeraung eirect to the work
input required
to achieve that refrigerating
coP effec
If we express the refrigerating capacity (TR)
in tons of refrigeration
and power (P)
in kilowatt, we ge


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Introduction to Refrigeration
RRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-V)13
theoretical COP and the actual COP of a refrigerating machine.
A distinction is made between the
the reverse Camot cycle is
In particular, the theoretical cOP of an ideal vapor compression machine operating on
independent of the type of refrigerant used.and is given by the

is the
is, the boiling point of the refrigerant) and T
where To is the absolnte temperature of the object to be cooled(that
temperature of the refrigerant) But in actual machine
absolute temperature of the environment (that is, the condensation
and discharge valve and heat transfer
there is a irreversibility causes pressure drop in Evaporator, condenser, ät suction
incompressor, hence The actual COP of real refrigerating machine is always less than the theoretical COP.

1.1.6 Difference between Heat Pump and Refrigerator

Difference Hlal Puimo nd Feinoerier
(0 Application

When heat transfer is from low temperature- When heat transfer is from low temperaure (refrigeraor
(atmiospheric temp.) to high temperature (pom temp).| temperature) to high temperature (atmospheric temp).

2 Used for heating purpose. Used for cooling purpose.

(1) Efficiency

Efficiency is denoted by COP and COP of heat pump is

Heat absorbed
Heat rejectedL Net work done
Network done

2. COP is greater than refrigerator by one. COP of refigerator is less than the COP of heat pump
ie. (CO.P =(COP)aut1 ielC0Pha

1.2 Reversed Carnot Cycle

ot Re ie creo 119

et eone
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Refrigeration and

Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)

Reversible isothermal

Heat rejedion

Heat absorpuon
Introduction to Refrigeration

(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

Fig. 1.2.1: Representation of Carnot cycle
In refrigeration systems the Camot
cycle considered is the reversed Carnot cycle, so it becomes heat pump
cycle. or refrigeration

The p-V and T-S diagrams of Carnot

cycle using air as refrigerating medium as shown in Fig. 1.2.1(a) and (b).
Carmot cycle consist of two reversible
isothermal process and two reversible adiabatic Isentropic process).
T Temperature maintained in the refrigerator.
T2 Temperature of the atmosphere to which
the heat is rejected.
Process 1-2 The air (gas) is compressed isentropically from l
to 2 during this internal energy of gas increases.
Process 2-3 The air is compressed isothermally, during this heat is rejected atmosphere.
Process 3-4 The air is expanded isentropically, thus internal energy decreases.
Process 4-1> The air is expanded isothermally, during this process heat is absorbed.
Heat rejected from the system =
Heat absorbed by the system =
Net work done = Q-Q
Efficiency= Touno

But from T- S diagram S=S, and S,=S,


Heat absorbed bythe system

. Coefficient of performance =
Work done on the system
Heat absorbed
(CO.Camot refrigrmtor Heat rejected- Heat absorbed


OP1S improved by lowering the higher temperature or raising the lower temperature.
Heat rejected
(C.O.P)carmot heat pamp
York done
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Refrigeration Refrigeration
and Air Conditioning Introduction to
T, (5-S)-T, S-S)
(C.O.Pct tetpurmp
From Equations T-T
(a) and (b) we conclude
(C.O.P)petigrntr t+1
1.2.1 Limitation of Carmot
the reverse Camotcycleis considered as theareticalone COYcle forretngeraiion in pracice.

KeverSible isentropic and isothermal

processes are impracticable because 10r u
CTperature difference has to be maintained
between two substance for heat transfer and both the internal and extema
friction exist in any

esS Equires a very slow speed of operation and it is extremely difficnlt to design such a mechanism.
a vapour is used asa refrigerant and
phase change is allowed during heát absoption and heat rejection proesS *

compression would result, which

is dificult to achieve.

1.3 Bell Coleman Air Refrigerator Cycle

MSBTE W-15. W-16. S-1z W.17. S-18.W18

Show BelkeColeg
5 diagrumaionina
eSs. Aso state coP oflis reirgeratorin teuns W15
emanarrefigeraioncycle.in and
epresem BeHColemaincy on PandES dagr
Draw pand TSdeuranoi FarColeman tefngier GYce wi
Ketciel colemna SdlagramEstprocesses involved

panDeIKe narreiigeratorovc.a gram

Cold storage chamber (evaporainy)

r Ar compressor

rat amospheig
Pressure odenser. Cooling water at
Cooing water in

LAir molor (expande)

Fig. 1.3.1:Flow diagram of Bell Coleman cycle

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 1-6 Introductionto Hefigeration


.This machine consists of a air compressor, condenser, and an expansion cylinder (Air motor), evaporator (cold stonge

The work obtained firom the air motor is used for air compression. Extermal work required is reduced.

In condenser (cooler) contained number of pipe through which air passes and the pipe is immersed in circulating
cooling water. The cold air in the cold chamber come in direct contact with the chamber and pressure is also

In expander cylinder (Air motor) reduction in temperature takes place. This system of refrigeration is also called open
air refrigeration system.



Fig. 1.3.2:P.V and T-S diagram
Let represent the specific volume at suction the
6-1 to compressor. Il is then compressed isentropically to point 2. Thus
temperature and pressure is increased. Process 5-2 represent the specific volume
at delivery from compressor process 2-3 is
the cooling in the air cooler. Due to cooling the specific volume reduces from
(5-2) to (5-3). The temperature of air falls, to
that of cooling water. Air at cooling expanded isentropically (process 3 4) to the cold chamber pressure (atmospheric
pressure). The isentropic expansion results in a fall in temperature, specific volume
changes to 6-4 at the catry to cold
chamber. Due to heat absorbed from cold chamber, specific volume increases to
6-1. By this method, heat is being abstracted
and rejected.

Let T,. T2T, and T, be absolute temperature at points 1,2,3 and 4

Consider mass of air = 1kg

Heat absorbed by the system from the surroundings per kg of air,

Heat rejocted by the system per kg of air,

Net work done on the system = Heat rejected - Heat absorbed

G-1)-CM-TJper kgof air

As compresion and expansion processes
are isentropic, so no heat transfer.

Coeficient of performance Heat absorbed

[CoP= Network done

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI)
Introduction to Refrigeration
Process 1-2 is isentropic :

Similarly, process 3-4 is iscntropic:


Processes 2-3 and 1-4 are constant pressure process:

P2P and p4=Pi

From Equations (a) and (b).

rom Equation (1.3.1),



EUTT rafio.

1.3.1 Advantages of Bell Colenan

1. The refr deasilyavailable

2. Thert s to leakage of air.

weig of air refrirrnt aitern of refrigeration capacity is lecs is Citapacd vith other efrigeration system.
aigi speed oa innpress t-craft where large
compressor is aireacy 2vailabl

Disadra.laar fGei uiei.

. The dis greater than other refrigeration system.
2. CO Lem is low compared with other refrigeration system therefore running cost of the system is high.
Danger of frosting at the expander valve is more as atmospheric
air is taken into the system always contain water
vapour. This diffculty is removed using closed system instead open
of system.
In case of open system difficulty of frosting can be reduced
partly by passing air through water vapour absorber or silica

1.4 Air Refrigeration system

In air refngeration, air is used as refrigerant

a for the cooling medium. No change of phase through out system

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 1-8 Introductionto Refngeratio

Heat carying capacity/kg of air is very samall with other refrigeration system. High pressure air radially available in the
aircraf. The air rcfrigeration can be divided into a closcd cycle and open cyclo.
In open cycle air used in refrigerator is thrown out to atmosphere. When coolcd
i) air from the turbine enters the
cabin and comes in physical contact with the occupants. It is not much in use because
of moisture added to air in
the cabin.

ii) Closed air refrigeration cycle OR densc cycle: When cooled air from the turbine passes through the coil and fan
circulates and recirculates cabin air over it. The pressure of cooled air in such systems is much higher than in the
open system. Because of high pressure, volume is less and hence density of air is high. It is therefore also called a
dense system. It reduccs compression ratio and hence COP is high. There no moisture problem too.In closed
cycle Air is re-circulated.

Advantages of open cycle:

Eliminates a heat cx-changer and makes it compact and light.

ci) Cabin pressurization and air conditioning can be combined into one operation.

Disadvantages of open cycle:

) Increases volume to be handled both by compressor and turbine and thus increases
the size of the compressor and the
cooling turbine.

i) Causes fog formation at the outlet of turbine because of moisture addition

in the cabin. Therefore a drier mast be used
before the turbine. But the size and capacity of the drier puts limitations
on the use of this method.

Advantages of closed cycle:

) Increases pressures in the cycle and reduces volume
to be handled both by the compressor as well as by the turbine.
The sizes of compressor and turbine are reduced. Thus makes the
it system compact and reduces capital cost.
i) Reduces compression ratio. Thus reduces work input. Increases
COP. Operating cost reduces.
Practically, therefore, It is the closed air refrigeration
cycle which is employed in actual practice.

Components of air rerigeration system:

The basic elements of air refrigeration system are.

1. Compressor 2. Heat Exchanger.
3. Expander 4. Refrigerator.

14.1 Reversed Brayton Cycle:

Cookant in Cookart out

urbine) ompress
ou Wokin mover

ww. Evaporator

Fig. 14.1:Flow diagram

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and Air Conditioning Introductionto



Fig.142:P-V and T-S diagrams for Reversed

It is same as Bell Coleman
Brayton cycle
centrifugal compresšor and gas
cycle. Here the compression and expansion are taking place in
and expansion aut
urDIneS Tespectively instead
of reciprocating compressor and expander. So in
posible. This cycle finds its application for air-conditioning tis eramt
of wnet
Theoretical cycle:

Heat rejected from the system

= Q=C(Th-19
Work done by the expander (Turbine) W, =
Work done on the compressor = W=CT-19
Heat absorbed by the gas=Q=C(T-T)
Net work done on the system = W-W
Refrigeration efect
Theoretical coP Bayian
Net work done

1.4.2 Actual Analysis

As the mass flow rate and velocities of flow trough compressor are very high. Due to the friction, is ireversible
adiabatic and hence entropy increases so are all the points 2, 3, 4 will deviate to 2,3,4' as shown
in P-V diagram by dotted

Actual C.O.P of the plant=

Work doneby compressor

Work doneby
expander=W,- P-PV)


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Introduction to Hefngeraton
(MSBTE Sem-V) 1-10
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Considering mass of air, m, =1 kg.

R I(T,-T)-(T-T)]
Net work done =

We know that,
G-C, R


w,x -T)--T)
COeficieit of performance
Net work of compression

, IT,-T)-(7,-TJI
For perfect inter coling T=T
CoP 1
( T-T_1
a-1 T1-7,4)
1.4.3 Necessity of Cooling Aircraft:
Therc is no necd of cooling aircraft as temperature at high attitude is low. But there are other sources that added beat inside
the air craft and comfortable temperature is to be maintained inside the aircraft.

1. Heat added due to extemal sources

(a) Heat due to solar rays, which heat the outer surface and this heat enter
nside the cabin. Also heat enter through
windows of aircraft.

b) When plane moves with high velocity, it cuts, air and raises its
2. Heat added due to intermal sources:

(a) Human body generate heat due metabolic

to activity and is dissipated to the surrounding.
b) Electrical equipment in the aeroplane.

)The engine part of the aeroplane are also heated

up during flight. Various Air-Craft Refrigeration

MSBTE S15.516538
Drawaneat labelled schematic.diagram of. simple
air-craftcooling system.iepres.entit
Xplain worgingoSmpe a coolng system used
oni Stiagtram 15}
aircratts, with a neatsketch(blockdiagram)
00Siagramand findout its COP Plbtthe cyce
EA Draw.tne tiow dagram.of.simple
ai. craftcooing system.

P alig

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and Air Conditioning
1-11 Introduction to Refrigeration
2. Boot-strap
air refrigeratiön
Re-generative system
4. Reduce

a) Simple Cooling

mpreso Rammed Amospheic

thaust fan -

Cold air to cath ci taircrat

Fig. 1.4.3: Simple alr craft cooling system

It is used for ground cooling when air craft is not moving.
It consists of air to air heat exchanger and a cooling turbine.
The air required for refrigeration system is bleed-off from the main comp :or as shown in Fig. L43 and this high
pressure, high temperature air is cooled in the heat exchanger and sen
ling turbine for furtier cooling by
expansion along with work extraction. The air discharge from turbine at a
pres ightly above cabinpressure.The
heat sink for this system is ram air. The fan is put air on the down steam side thus av additicial temperature rise
of the cooling air.

1-2 Ramming acßon

2-3-Compression in main
3-4Coolingin hestechanger
4-5 Epansion in
he cooling

Flg. 14.4:TS diagram ofsimple air craft

cooling system
T is used for ground cooling since tne 1an s uveL Dy WO OT Expansion
turbine is a source
for the heat exchanger when air craft is not moving
ofproviding cooling air

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Hefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 1-12 IntroductiontoRetngerat

1.5 Solved Examples

1Aactual COP
Camot refrigeratlon system has working temperaturo of-30°C and 40°C hat is the maximum COP OSsitley
tho is of
75% the maximum, calaulata tho actual refrigerating effect produced per kW-r.
Reversible isothermel
Compression 40° C

Expansion 30° C

(e) p-V diagram b) T-S diagram

Fig. P.1.5.1

T= -30+273 =243 °K
T = 40+273 =313° K
Maximum posible C.O.P
Actual C.0.P = 0.75x maximum
= 0.75x34714=2.60355
Actual C.0.P = ACual Refrigerating effect
Work done
Actual refrigerating effect
= Actual COPx Work done

I tonne of refrigeration
3.517 kW

S17.6 0.739 tonnes

E:152500 itres of wateris to be cooled from initialtermperature
3 hours "Speciio heat water,
of latent specina heat
of 359C tofinal temperature
crculated at
12 C, ind power of ice are 42k/kgK,
Find capacity of.refrigeration
perc .of8wihin a
requiredbythe system system:tbme
Soln. assuming system.wotkon
m, = 500 it=500 kg (Sp. gv.
of water = 1)
35°C, t=-8°C
Cp, 4.2kJkgK, LHof
ice = 335 kJkg.
Re 2.1 kJ/kgK

Brine temperature
Source temperature
= 35+273 = 308°K = T,
Sink temp
T = -12+273=261°K

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(MSBTE Sem-VI)
1-13 Introduction to Refrigeration
The amount of heat required to
remove from water/kg

Ga-)+LH ice +
(h keta pie
4.2 (35-0)+335+ [(0--8)]21
= 147+335+16.8
=498.8 kJkg
The amount of heat required for 500 kg of water

500x 498.8 =249400 kJ

The heat is removed in 8 hrs

.RE. = 8x60x60 kJ/sec or kW.

Compressor power

5.553 8.6597
Compressor power

Compressor power required

S.55 1560kW

EX. 1.5.3:A refrigerator using Camot cycle require 1.25 kW per tonne of refrigeration to maintain a temperature of-30°C.
1. C.O.P. of Camot refrigerator.
2. Temperature at which heat is rejected..
3. Heat rejected per tonne of refrigeration.
W. = Compressor work=125 kW

T= -30+273 243°K
Refrigerating effect = 1 tonne =3.517 kW

1. CO.P. of refrigerator= 2.8135

2. (COP)hT,-T
2.813 243
Ta 243 243=329.36"K or 56.36°C

The heat rejected at a temperature =329.36°K ,

-Reversible isothemal

Compression 40° C


Expansion -30' C

(a) P-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

Fig. P.1.5.3


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Rafrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 1-14 Introduction to Refrigerati

3. Heat rcjected/tonne of refrigeration:

, = W+1 TR

1.25 kJ/secx60+211
75+211=286 kJ/min
E 154A capacity of refnaeratoriao0.tannaswan wonking beiween
prodtkced per day (24 hours) at 0?0 fom water 1590Also
i5Detemtne the masS of
at at frnd the work done per minuteAssume that the cca
0perates.on reVerse.camot cycle anid atent heat.of ice is 335kJkg: for wateris 4187. kJkg.
Soln.: Capacity of refrigerator=300 tonnes

T -4+273 =269°K,
T2 =T, = water temperature = 15 +273 = 288°K

Cp 4.187 kJ/kg°K, Latent heat= L=335 kJkg

COP = 269
Capacity x 211 = Refrigeration effect

300x211 = RE. (Actual)

63300= RE.
Heat extracted from ice

C(uo-tu)+ Latent heat + Cre lcantaltetia

= 4.187 (15-0)+335+0
= 397.80 kJkg
Mass of ice produce per day in tonnes
Heat extracted capacity in kJ/kg
in 24brs
Heat extracted in kJ/ton of ice
63300 60XA
397.80x1000 -
229.14 tons

Work produced per minute

work of compressor (W
W = 4471.28 kJ/min.
E155:15kW perton geration is reduired to maintain the
Camor cycle Detemine 40 Cin he refrngeration cycle works o

0GioP orcycle

KUD22Heatrejected per ton af
Given data: W. = Compressor work = 1.5 kW

T=40+273 =233 °K
Refrigeration effect =
1ton = 3.517 kW.
(1) COP.of cycle =
= 2.344

7Y l

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RRefrigeration and AirConditioning Hetrngereution
1-15 Introduction to

(2) (C.O.P.he T1
2.344 233
Temperature of sink = T=332.40"K
(3) Heat rejected/ ton of refrigeration

Q We+1 TR
(1.5x60)+211=301 oGan
ng betweer
74 wnen wO
55An hventor has claimed t0 have manutacired COP
COP 1.4,
Carnot cycle
-10+273 =263° K
30+273=303 °K
T =
cOP =s0526575

Fig. P. 1.5.6
which is less
correct because the COP.of the refrigerator is found to be 6.575
Comment : The Manufacturet claim is not
than claim COP 74
to a cold storage at 20°C. The cold storage is maintained at-5°C and the
Ex. 1.5.7:Five hundred kgs of fruits are supplied
temperature in 10 hours. The latent heat of freezing is 105 kJkg, and specific heat of fruit is
fruits gets cooled to the storage
1.256 k/kg °K. Find the refrigeration capacity of the

Given data m
500 kg. T2=20°C+273 =293°K

T -5°C+273=268K

h L=105 kIkg. C, =1.256 kJ/kg °K

The heat absorbed from the fruit in 10 hours.

500x 1.256 (293-268)=15700 kJ
Total latent heat of freezing

mh=S00 x 105 =52500O

Total heat absorbed in 10 hours

= 15700 +52500 = 68200


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Retrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 1-16 Introduction to Reltio

Total heat removed in one minute

Refigeration capacity of the plant
2110.5388 TR

Ex 1504000 kg; cfleanbeat enter a tchiller at a temperature.of 5Gandisirozen andrchilsdt

150foralstoragem12the Cacuatethe píoductload n Kpe 24hre Folcdag aa
Kkg K
SP heatofleanbet abov froozing-3.22
SPheat of loan hea tb
Tpetro 22 C
Given data
M 4000 kg; T,=5+273=278 °K
T -15 +273=258°K
hgL=167.5 kikg
CRhedo167 kIkg °K; Cpabone=3.22 kJkg
T freezing temperature of beaf

= -2.2+273=270.8°K

CoP T 278-258-129
H Heat removed from beaf above freezing point

mxCai X(T,-T
H 4000 x3.22x(278-270.8)=92736k
H = Heat removed from beaf below freezing point

= 4000x 1.67 x (270.8-258)= 85504 kT
H Latent heat removed from beaf

= mxL=4000 x 167.5 =670000 k

H Total heat removed from lean beaf in 12
92736+85504+670000 =848240 kJ
Totaltimerequired for coolng H
Refigeration effect
Qtime Hofcooling 12
x 60
= 1178.111 kJ/min
The product load in 24 hrs = 2x848240
= 1696480 kJ/24hrs

. The product load =

210 8078.476 tons

Scanned with Camscanner

and Air Conditioning
(MSBTE Sem-VI) Refrigeration
5 ngerator operating om
1-17 Introduction to
cydehasprossure eraiure in
AR.capac andtcTespectivaly,Massflowrate ratio.of
ato 16, minimumand
ot 1.6 mni maxdiU
powe co
diEORof.retigarator. of aitcircuated circuft
in is O.0 ko/sec Datomine
Soln.: Bell Coleman
Camotrefrigeratór. is.09 MSBTE
m = Mass flow rate
of air = 0.09 kg/sec.

T Minimumtemperature=-3°C+273
T2 Maximumtemperature =
47+273 320°K
R=Pressure ratio =1.6
Find power, TR capacity,
and COP

Fig. P.1.5.9a)

= (R,


= 279.79°K

T Tax(R)
= 270x(1.6) 308.7589 K

Work compresor = W=mxxR(T,-T).

= 0.09xx0287 (320-279.79)

3.63518 k/sec.

(W, Workofexpander = mxRx (T-T)

- 009x0.287xx(308.75-270)

= 35031 kJ/sec.

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 118 Introductionto Refrigea

Net workdone = We-We=3.63518-3.5031

= 0.13208 kJ/sec.

Power required = 0.13208 kW

2. Capacity in TR = Gl-T) 211

0.09x 1.005 (279.79-270)


0.8855 x60 =02518025

0.09x 1.005 (279.79-270)
RE 0.13208
3. We


Carnot COP >Bell Coleman COP

Fig. P. 1.5.9(b): T-S diagram for Camot cycle

chine working venyeen emperanre ims u

E 10Renoerat 13and7 and hs 904eaiverO
conatnes3 W pOer Determine TR caraciy For same aaciy hoW much poWer De cOTiSmedby
rangerator A6o tor tsame power consumpon pacioKCam nenn

temperaueizas MSBTE:W1
Given: Temperature = T=-13+273=260°K

T = 37+ 273=310°K
Relative COP 0.90
Power consume = P=4.8 kW

T 260
T-T, 310-2602
Actual COP
Relative COP Camot COP

Actual COP = Relative COP x Carnot COOP

= 0.90x5.2=4.68

COP = geration effect (RE)

Work of compressor (W)
Acthal RE = 4.68 x 4.8 = 22.464 kJ/sec.

1347.84 kJ/min.

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 1-19 Introduction toRefrigeration

. Capacity in TR
211 6.387

Carmot COP

For same capacity i.e. RE=6.387 ton = 1347.84 kJ/min

RE= Carnot COP X W.

1347.84 =5.2xW
We 259.2 kJ/min. =432 kW (kJ/sec.)
For same capacity power consume will be 4.32 kW

For same power (P=4.8 kW given)

TR capacity of Carnot refrigeator


Carmot RE = 5.2x4.8 =24.96 kJ/sec.
1497.6 kJ/min.

1.097 tons
TR. capacity 21
betvesn10G and s0O Find.C tonofrelngere@

-Reversible isothemal
ompresSon, 40 C

Expansion -30° C

(a) p-V diagram (b) T-S diagram

Fig. P.1.5.11

Minimum temperature T = -10+273 =263 K

Maximum temperaturet T= 30+ 273=303° K
Maximum possible C.O.P
TT 303-265
= 6.575

Power required per ton

1TR = 3517 kW
Refrogeration Eiect
COP Power input

6.575 - 7
Power required per TR =0.5429 kW


Scanned with CamScanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE _Sem-V) 1-20 Introduction to Refrioen

1E12Atefrigeration s engaran
rates on itihe reversed Camot.cycle The higher temperatTeone
ne capacity.ofihe machine is 1utomes of eingerationNegleomg afosses
nd.co MSBTE
SKDNorh suppled
Reversible isothemal


30" C

(b) T-S diagram

(a) P-V diagram
Fig. P. 1.5.12

T 15+273 =258 °K

= 40+ 273=313°
Maximum possible CO.P =T313-258
Refrigeration effect = 10 ton

10x3.517 kW

COP. of cycle =
R.E 35.17
Work supplied = c.O.P.

= 7,49 kW

Review Questlons

a.1 Define the term refrigeration and state its unit.

a.2. State the law related to refrigeration.

a.3 Define Refrigeration effect/ desire

Q.4 Plot Reverse Camot cycle on P-V
and T-S diagram. Mention all the processes involved in the cycle.
a.5 Define: C.O.P.

.5 Draw schematic diagram

of Bel-Coleman air refrigeration
cycle with P-V and T-S diagram.
Q.7 Advantages
and disadvantages air refrigeration
a.8 State the Limitation
of Camot Cycle.

DraW a neat labeled

schematic diagram of
simple ait-craft cooling system. Represent it on
T-s diagram.

Scanned with Camscanner

2.2.2 Simplo Vapour Absorption Rotrigeraton
UNIT11 Syatem
(Aqua-nmonla Vapour Absorption 8yotem) . 2-13
Chapter 2: Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigorants 22.3 Practical Vapour Absorptlion Rotigoration
2-1 to 2-62 (Practical Aqua-Ammonla Vapour Abaprption
PRefrigoration Systom).
Syllabus 214

2.1 Principle of Vapour Cornpression Cycle, Main components, Coticlont of Per.omance lr Vapoar tsoction
Representation on P-h and T-S dlagram, condtions- dry rodfrigerafion Systermama woeo.25
cormpression, offect of superhoating, oftecd of undercooling
2.25 Advantages d Vapran Atsaupfion
Calculation of Retrigeration capadity and Power roquired.
Rtofigoraton Systam Over
Mutistage-Vapour compression Reftrigoration aystorm, its
necesslty, advantages and applications.
Vapeiu Comprosslon Patigeraton System 216
Dfforencs tetnen Simplo arnd
22 Practical g Ateorption System 27
2.2 Vapcur Abecrptiorn Cyclo, prinaliple, Its component, working
of Aqua Aunontu Vapour absorption systom, working of 227 Difloroncs botunsn Vspour Coanpression
Br absorption system, Eloctrolux rotrkgorator- working,
main nod Vapor Absorpion &ystem 217
cornponents, applications. Comparison botwoon Vapour
Eletrokox (Domostic) Atsapon
Comprosaion systom and Vapour absorption oystom 228
letrigeriticn 9ystem or Thres Fiud Absorption
2.3 Refrigerants, dosirablo proportios, classification, dosignalion Ftetrigeration Systern earerenrevoerirncersteustt resuuvevee
of refrigorant, solection o refrgerant for rolovant
applications, System vaccurmisation Charging procossos, 229 Lmium Bromido Absorptionm &ystom msinnnmsur1G
leak testing mothods and procoss. 2.3 lefrigerarsrn
cerevussitaturvatirowlraunvvaetruntnaiae errrtirtr il244
2.4 Montreal protocol, Kyoto protoool. Concopt of Ozone
Layor 2.3 Classificatienn of refngorart tuennerontteretenwouatiard
Depletion, Groen House offect, Global warming. Eco friendly
Relrigerants. 2.311 Piary Ftotrigorants taenndnatetn teto neurmunetuoretrntrerereeeeli

2.5 Applications of Refrigeration, House hold rofrigorators, 2.31.2 Secondary Rofrigorantusriteineletanwteeee awtuereorrarerel

coolers, name of Manufacturers and thoir producto with
2.32 Difforerce betwoen Primary
nol Scondary Rofngorat
. rete tia
2.1 Simplo Vapour Compressor Cycle..
21 233 Dnsirable Properiss of Refigerant reavarrerreesrauttaurnk
2.1.1 Components of Vapour Comprosslon
Retrigeration Cycle 2.34 Dosigruatiorn (Moanonclaturo) of Rfigorants 249
2.1.2 Roprosontatlon of P-h and T-S diagrarm 2.36 Solootion of Rofigorant tor Rolevant Application 2-0
according to
Condition of Cycle
236 Applications of Hofigerat mnu251

2.1.3 Pressuro-Enthalpy and Tomporaturo-Entropy

Rofrlgerant &ystom Vacoumisation,
Diagram for Simple Vapour Comprosolon
Rofrigoration Oycto
24 2 Charging Proo6sses .u wwen21
2.14 Suporheating
Movtreal proloool
20 and Kydo protocol mamuuu53
21.5 Subcooling (Undorcooling).
2.0.1 Conoapt of Ozone layer Dopletion
2.1.6 Comparison of Dry und Wot Compro9slon
2.1.7 Difforonce botwoon ldoal
s 28 264 Concept of Green House Eifact
Actual Vapour Comprosslon Eoo Friondly Refnigorant.
20 nurauaunnnnl9
2.1.8 Calculation oft Rofrigeration
271 A
134 a (FG 134a)(Totrafluoroethane) 2-50
and Power Roquired .
.2-9 Hydrooarbon Flafrigerants
2.1.9 Methods of tmproving C.O.P
Major Applioatlonis of Rofnigoration
2.1.10 Muatistago Vapour Compresslon raseetutenunaenl0
Rofrigeration System 74 Domestio Arelrigorator
tRRRRRRenkEERRRereitkutERRI eni7
22 Vapour Absorplion System. B741 Walor 6ooer
*2Es 12 u nu ngeauneeunieuwerdnd 0
2.2.1 Principle of Absorption System.
** 212 Maufaoturer thelr produdt arnd oapacily.neewul261
GHAP Refrigeration Cycles

Gycle, Main components, Heprasentation on P-h and T-S diagram, conditions.
2.1 Principle of Vapour Compression
undercooling, Calculation of Refrigeration capacity and Power
effect of supeheating, effect of
dy compression,
Refrigeration system, its necessity, advantages and applications.
required. Multistage-Vapour compression
principle, its component, working of Aqua -Ammonia Vapour absorption system,
22 Vapour Absórption Cycle,
refrigerator- working, main components, applications. Comparison
working of Li-Br absorption system, Electrolux
Vapour absorption system
between Vapour Compression system and

Retrigerants, desirable properties, classification, designation of

refrigerant, selection of refrigerant for relevant
applications, System vaccumisation Charging processes, leak testing methods and process.

24 Montreal protocol, K'yoto protocol. Concept of Ozone Layer Depletion, Green House effect, Global waming, Eco

friendly Refrigerants.

2.5 Applications of Refrigeration, House hold refrigerators, Water coolers, name of Manutacturers and their products

with capacity.

2.1 Simple Vapour Compressor Cycle

MSBTE S-15, S-17.W18

Drawa neatlabeled SYometric.gramotaSimple S5

apourcompression refigeraion cycle on P1g rOcesses,ASE7AWH


The wet vapour (fairly dry vapour) leaves the evaporator and enters the compressor at point l.,
to 2.
This low pressure, low temperature vapour refirigerant is compressed isentropically point




Throtdle valve
vapour compression refrigeration eycle
Fig.21.1a) : Flow diagram of simple

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration Cycles and Ret
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-2



.*. Compressor


L Evaporatpr

diagram of simple vapour

compression cycle
Fig. 2.1.10b): Block
temperature at point 2 should be greaterthanthe
pressure and temperature increases. The
Dunng compression the
temperature of the condenser cooling
superheated and enters the condenser.
is dry saturated or
the end of compression
The vapour at latent heat of condene
of phase takes place 1.e.
The vapour is condensed in
the condenser and
hence change
removed by the cooling medium.
expansion valve at point 3.
refrigerant leaves the condenser and enters the
High pressure saturated liquid
a narrow opening of the expansion
a valne
liquid refigerant passed through
expansion of the high pressure saturated
from point 3 to4.
pressure, high temperature t
is to throttle the liquid refrigerant from high
The function of expansion valve
pressure, low temperature kecping the enthalpy constant

point 4, the wet vapour enters the evaporator where it absorbs the latent
heat of evaporation and further evapirh
then change of phase takes place, producing the refrigerating effect.

The refrigerant will thus leaves the evaporator is fairly dry vapour and will enters the compressor at point 1. Te
coumpletes the cycle.

2.1.1 Components of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle:

Components of Vapour
Compresslon Refrigeration Cycle

1) Compressor


3) Receiver

Bpansion valve

(5) Evaporator
6) Drer-strainer

) Accumulator

(8) Relay and temperature

device ar
of Vapour Compressio
Retrigeration Cycle

Scanned with Camscanner

Refigeration and Air Conditoning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 23 Refrigeralion Cycles and Refrigerants

(1) Compressor:

fe ealled the heart of refrigeration cycle. The low pressure and temperature vapour refrigerant from evaporator IS
compressor through suction valve then it compressed
drawn into the to high pressure and high temperature.

.So that it is casily discharges to condenscr hrough discharge valve.

(2) Condenser

Ttconsist of a coil pipe in which the vapour refrigerant from the compressor come in the condenser where it 15 cooled
from high pressure and temperalure to low pressure and temperature by rejecting the latent heat to cooling medhum and
change of phase occur from vapour to liquid. To increase the heat transfer rate of the condenser, finned extemaly
be provide for air cooled condenscr.

(3) Receiver
where it is suppied to the
The condensed liquid refigerant from condenser is stored in a vessel known as receiver from
according to neca in tne
evaporator through expansion valve or refrigerant control valve callèd throttle valve,

(4) Expansion valve or the capillary

the liquid refrigerant under high
pressue n
It is also calledthrottle valve. The function of this valve is to allow
pressure and temperature, while passing the liquid
to pass at a controlled rate by reducing
temperalure vapourzed
but greater portion is
small quantity of liquid refrigerant flashes or evaporates due to friction
through valve a
in evaporator at low pressure and low

The throttling process is irreversible process.

(5) Evaporator: evaporates and

pressure and temperature is
pipe in which liquid vapour refrigerant at low to
An evaporator is a coils of from the medium which is
liquid to vapour by absorbing latent heat of vaporization
refngerant phase changes from
be cooled.

(6) Drier-strainer
system. It is a tubular metal
remove moisture and impunties. from the refrigeration
function of the strainer is to
container arranged in circuit. performed filtering and
with an addition of cup
shape inlet screen, which
purifying agent is silica gel
The drying and
drying function."

Accumulator: entry of the compressor which

which traped the liquid refrigerant droplet and avoid to the
cylindrical shell
It is a large
may damage the
control device or thermostat:
(8) Relay and Temperature is of
achieved by starting relay. The relay.
required for the compressor. This torque is
During startup high torque is flow through relay and
main winding. During starting high curent
electromagnetic type, connected in series with
into circuit.
contact closed putting the start winding
connected to the evaporator. 1The
refrigerator there is thermostat, whose sensor is
To control the temperature inside the temperaturecis
inside the refrigerator compartment. When the set
thermostat setting can be done by the round knob
compressor stops and when
electric supply to the compressor and
reached inside the refrigerator the thermostat stops the
the supply to the compressor.
the temperature falls below certain level it restarts

Scanned witn camScanner
Refrigeration ycies and Refrigeran.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 24
according to Condition of
T-S diagram
21.2 Representation of P-h and MSETE:S-4

Xpaln bypes of VCC on the basis of släte of

cyclc. Some of them are as
the cocfficient of performance of the
There are many cycles used to incrcase
() Cycle with dry saturated vapour after

(2) Cycle with wet vapour after compression.

before compression.
3) Cycle with superheated vapour
after compression.
(4) Cycle with superheated vapour
subcooling of refrigerant
6) Cycle with under cooling or
Vapour Compression
Temperature-Entropy Diagram for Simple
2.1.3 Pressure-Enthalpy and
Refrigeration Cycle:
MSBTE W-15W-18.S-19

ordfigerant and piatton P.hand TS diagran (any three

slon cyele wtL me sate
Case I: Vapour entering the compressor is dry saturaled (Dry compression).

The P-h and T-S diagram for the simple vapour compression refrigeration
cycle is shown in Fig. 2.1.2 (a) and

(b) for vapour entering the compressor is in dry saturated condition.

Critical point
Critical Subcooled
point reglon

Wet region
Boby Superheated
Supsrheated pageniss
region Saturated
Wet region
y (h) Entropy
(a) (6)
Fig. 2.12
The dry saturated vapour entering the compressor at point 1 that
vapour compresses isentropically from point 1 to 2
which increases the pressure from evaporator pressure
to condenser pressure.
At point 2 the superheated vapour enters the condenser
where heat is rejected at constant pressure, due to rejecthon or
heat decreases the temperature and change
of phase takes place i.e. latent heat is removed and reaches to qu
saturaion temperalure at point 3 then this liquid
refigerant passed through expansion valve where liquid refigerant s
throttle keeping the enthalpy
constant and reducing the pressure.
Fig. 2.1.2 (a) and (5) shows P-h and T-S diagram
for vapour compression system when vapour entering
is dry and saturated. the compresu

This wet vapour passes through

evaporator at point 4 where
and cycle is completed. it absorbs latent heat and convert it into saturated vapo

Rcfrigerating effect = RE =m, (h,-h,)

Scanned with Camscanner
Retrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 2-5 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

Where, Mass flow rate of refrigerant = m,

Compressor work = W=m, (h-h)
Cocfficient of performance of vapour compression system is,
Rcfrigerating clfcct
Compressor work


C.O. h-h
h, h, h, are the enthalpy at respective point and h, calculatod as,
Capacity mxRE
Work done by compressor (W)
Power consumption = 60

(Wet compression).
Case I: Vapour entering the compressor is wet and dry at the end of compression
neat le
dh dlagamdor Dg and gaura
Me C.0 eguations tortheb ondito
FromFig. 2.1.30) and (),
Process 1-2 is isentropic compresion.

Process 2-3 is condensation or heat rejection.

or throttling."
Process 3-4 is cxpansion
Process4-1 is heat absorption or evaporation.



Fig. 2.1.3:P-h and T-S for wet compression

Letx be the dryness fraction.

S = S2

Sy+ S
SS+, S-S)=S=S
In wet compression, the vapour contain some liquid particle
of refrigerant after compression it became dry salurated.

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration Cycles and igeranta
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 26
may damape.
the compressor and ags
liquid droplet in the refrigerant enters ti
compression is not desired hecause
compressor moving parts and valve. transfer rate s
oil and pass to
condenser and decrease heat
with the lubricating
Also this liquid droplet mix
is shown in Fig.
2.1.3(a) and (b).
refrigerant to condcnsing mcdium. This process

2.1.4 Superheating:
MSETE NM5NMA16, S-17, W-17. S.a

vapour.compression cycle he refrigerant absorbsheat i

healed. state ap
n the condenser Draw Ph andSdiagrams tor
this cyclea
ate jfis
C Dehne 'superheating of refigerant S

aExplin in briet syperheating withthe relgotaNag

Sand Ph dagram
DIEWInesupermeated.compressio processes.o

Suction vapour and liquid refrigerant heat exchanger.

the thermostatic expansion valve.
Superheating the section vapour in the evaporator by using
is generally used.
Heat exchange with the surounding. Superheat of about 5°C

compression refrigeration cycle with superheating is shownin

The P-h diagram and T-S diagram of simple vapour

Fig 2.14@) and).

Superheating of the suction vapour of compressor is advisable in practice because it increase the life of compressor.

In this cycle, the evaporation starts at point 4 and continues upto point 1, when it is dry saturated.
now superheated before entering the compressor upto the point 1 by pasing the vapour through
The vapour is

In this cycle the heat is absorbed in two stages. Firstly from point 4 to 1 and secondly from point 1 to 1.


Endhalpy (h)
Entropy (S)
(a) P-h diagram
(b) T-S diagram
Fig. 2.1.4:P-V and T-S for
Effect of superheating:

1. Increases in specific volume

of suction vapour and
due to this decrease capacity.
2. Increases inrefrigeratingeffect
3. Increase in specifie
from (h-h) to(h -b).
work of compressor
from(h-h) to (h,-h) from the Fig. 2.14 it should
greater than be noted that (h-aya
(h-h). This is because
the pressure ratio
than t. is same for both lines but the initial
temperature t, is gre
It may be noted that superheating
outside the evaporator
or cold space results in a lossS.

Scanned witn camScanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-7 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

4. Superheating increases the refrigerating effect and amount of work supplied to the compressor. Since the increase in
refrigerating efcet is less as comparcd to increase in work supplied net of superheating is to reduce C.óP.
The superheat of about 5C is gonerly used in suction superheat to avoid wet compression.
coefficient of perfomance may be found out:
C.O.P.= egeraling cifect h-
Work done

Effect of suction superheat:

The cnergy for compressIon of the refrigerant vapour per unit mass increases because of the diverging nature of the
isentropic lines.

21.5 Subcooling (Undercooling):

ISBTE S-13. W-16

imate eftec ng an coR2 Show



(a) P--dlagrem (6) T-S diagram

Fig. 2.1.5: Theoretical vapour &ompresslon eyelo utth eubeoaling aor undercoling of the refrigerant
3 -3 is shown in
The P-h and T-S diagram of simple vapour compression reinigeration system with subcooling
Fig. 2.1.5a) and (b).

passible to reduce the temperature of the liquid refrigerant by fow degree of ths temperature of water entering the
condenser by installing a subcooler between a condenser and the expansion valve,

Effects of subceoling:

The effect of subcooling of the liquid from t, to t, as shown in Fig. 2.15.

It will bé seen that subcoling educes Ilashing of the liquid during expansion and increases the efigerating effc
consequendy the piston displacement and power per ton are reduced for all efrigerant.

The ultimate effect of undercooling or subcooling is to increase the value of coficient of perfomance under the same
set of conditon.
Refrigerating efect (R.E.) =
W = Work done = ha-hy

COPby subcooling W
cOP.without subeooling =
Tec ede

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-8
Cycles and
a neat ábelled TS and P-H diagram Retin.
aRepiesent forWetrefrngerat atthe endofCompreSSONE
Wet refrigerant at the end of compression. ssion


X0.8 268
(a) P-h diagram
(b) T-S diagram
Fig. P.2.1.1
Enthalpy at 1,

Enthalpy at 2
Enthalpy at 3 and H hp+ l2
RE m,(H1-Hi)
Work done by compressor
= W
= (H-Hi) m
2.1.6 Comparison of
Dry and Wet Compression:

ST No Dy mpression
No liquid refrigeratt present.
Some liquid refrigerant
L. Superheating not
required Superheating is required.
More efficient.
Less efficient
4. Input compressor power is
= low. Compressor power input
is high.
5. C.o.P is higher for entire system.
| C.O.P is lowerforthe entire system.
2.1.7 Difference between
Ideal and Actual Vapour
St No deal Vapour comp siom
Actual vapöurcompresgo
1. More efficient vwith high C.O.P.
Less efficient with low C.o.P.
2. Vapourleaving evaporator not
superheated. Vapour leaving evaporator superheated
3. Noheat loss in delivery line.
Heat loss in delivery line.
4 No pressure drop in condenser and evaporator. | Pressure drop in condenser and evaporalor.
Compression is isentropic
in compressor. Compressor is not isentropic compressor.


Scanned with Camscanner

(MSBTE_Sem-VI) 2-9 efrigeration Cycles
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Refrigerants
Power Required:
2.1.8 Calculation of Refrigeration Capacity and

according to given the condition of vapour,

.First draw the P-H and T-S diagram

Find the values of enthalpy and

entropy at the point in P-H and T-S diagram

1 :
Enthalpy at

h = hat (ha-bn) = hn +XL

b hatDegreofsupechea
Capacity x 21l = Actual Refrigeration Effect (R.E.)

Power required to drive compressor

Work done by compressor
in kJ/min

2.1.9 Methods of Improving C.0.P

MSBTE W-16; S-18

O mgrovng EOP and aKplaranyone meth

0Sale OPof/VOHS SystemxrdraWIton

proving ieoPor
In order to improve the C.oP of the system this is the ratio of refrigerating effect
(RE) to the work of compression. The
COP can be increases by increasing the RE and decrease in work of compression.
CO.P of the system can be improve by following methods: .
(1) By providing superheated at the suction compressor.
(2) By subcooling.

(3) By multistage compression.

4) By providing suction liquid heat exchanger.

2.1.10 ultistage Vapour Compression Refrigeration System:

in a simple vapour compression refrigeration systenm low pressure low temperature vapour refrigerant is compressecdl to
hugh pressure, high temperature. Multistaging
is also referred to as compounding. In multistage systems the compressors an

ted n senies and the dischänge from the low

stage compresor is admited to the suction side of the high sage
compressor. The compressor may have two or more stage of compression contained in a single conpreSo nter ly

ODpo undea) and one or more cylinders may be isolated from the other so that they may acts ás an ndepenr
compression. This system
also uses an intercooler with air.

w geEmperafure and pressure differences exist between the evaporator and the condenser, nus
compression systems are
employed accordingly.
0 CAImplc,f the desired temperature of a refrigerator (i.e. freezer) is below 30°C, a several sag
sysem is required in'order disadvantages Or a g
to prevent the occurrence of high compression ratios. Some
compression ratio are:

Techou led
Scanned with Camscanner

Hefngeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTESem-v) E


Expansion Higf-pressure
vave Comressor

refrigeration system.
mulüstags compression

Fig. 2.1.7: T-S and P-h diagram

1. decrease in the compression
refrigerant vapor from the compressor, and
2. increase in the temperature of the
refrigeration production.
3. increase in energy consumption per unit of
desuperheated by a
is compressed in the first stage(1-2) and, after being
In the two-stage unit showa, the refrigerant
intercooler,(2-3) is further compressed in the second stage (34).
An intercooler is used between the two

stages for reducing the compression work.

The intercooler subcools the refigerant liquid supplied to the evaporator by vaporizing a portion of the refrigeraut t
tho finst throtling stage. The flash gas returms at an intemediate point in the compression process in order to ige
the compression effciency by cooling the superheated gas.

a)Necessity of Multistaging:

For low temperature application refrigerant is required

to be compressed over a large pressure range giving nise eb
compression ratio and high discharge temperature which
produce adverse effects on the performance of the reug fngas
In such application, the refigerating
effect per Kg decreases,
the work done is increases and the power / ton inera
Generally it can be said that
if the compression ratio
is beyond 6 to 7(9 in extreme case) and if the evaporation E
isbelow- 40C, is not possible by single
stage. So this condition can be achieved by multistaging. get
perfomance[C.OP] a multistage is needed. Hence

Scanned with Camscanner

Sem-V) 2-11
Refrigeration and Air onCycles
Advantages of
vapOLur cu ression oycle
otmulistagingin S09515A6S17
Siate advanlages
Advantages of Multistaging

(1Compressor work

2) Low discharge temperature

(3) Vokurmetric etficlency

Leakage across piston

5) Fywheel sire

(6) Saving in materlals


Flg.c22: Advantages of Multistaging

1) Compressor work
Multistage reduce the work of compressor and hence increases
the C.O.P. This reduce operating cost of the plant.

(2) Low discharge temperature:

With multistaging and inter cooling, the discharge temperature

of the vapour can be decreased and following adverse
effects on the plant can be avoided

Single stage compression with high pressure ratio

increases the compressor discharge temperature which
may cause the
lubricating oil breakdown, valve carbonization and
maintenance problem, it will give high temperature stresses
and in
extreme cases may shorten the life of the compressor.
The discharge temperature should not be allowed to exceed
140PC as for as possible.

3) Volumetric efficiency:

High compression ratio decrease volumetric efficiency

and hence the capacity per unit displacement of compressor
becomes smal with multistage, compressor displacement
can be reduced, which may bring down compressor cost

4) Leakage across piston


sgie slage the pressure diference is high, but in multistaging the pressure difference in stage is low. So leakage
loss is reduces.

5) Fywheel size:

the crank for HP and LP side may be arange at different angle. Hence the torque may be made more
Cven ensuring lighter flywheel
due to less fluctuation in energy compare with single stage
(6) Saving
in materials

PhESTC Tatio in single stage in high, the cylinder wall thickness move to withstand the stress, ou
is Iess wa
Pessure ratio is less, as cylinder wall thickness less, for same diameter cylinder, so material required
reduce the cost
of materials.

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Refigeration Cycles and Ret
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-12 erants
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

(7 the displacement of the Second
vapour by inter cooling reduce
Desuperheating of compressor discharge stae
analysis of the increascdcapital
cost and one must do a proper cconomic costand
Inter cooling will add to the capital
before taking a final a decision.
reduce operating cost of multstaging

1. Increases the initial cost

2. Increases the cost of maintenance

3. Size of plant increases due to intercooler

of Multistaging:

miaton oi mutstagng ihacoucou AE

stage of compressor and cm
Compressor cylinder are isolated from each other and acts as a independent npressor

temperature should not allow to excecd 140°C which create maintenance problems

e) Applications:
1. In cold storage

2. In liquefaction of gases

3. Chemical industry

2.2 Vapour Absorption System


The principle of vapour absorption was first discovenred by Michaecl Faraday in 1824.

.The first vapour absorption refrigeration machine was developed by

rench scientist Ferdinand Care in 1860.
This system used in both the domestic and large
industrial refnigerating plants. The refrigerant
commonly used ina
vapour absorption system is ammonia.

The vapour absorption system uses heat energy instead

of niechanical energy as in vapour compression system in ordkr
to change the conditions of the refrigerant required for the
operation of the refrigeration cycle.
In the vapour absorption system, the
compressar is replaced by an absorber,
reducing valve. These components a pump, a generator and a pressur
in vapour absorption system perform the
vapour compression system.
same function as that of a compresor a

2.2.1 Principle of Absorption System


0State the principiedt vapourats
There is a peculiar property
of certain substances
pressure conditions to have greater
and less affinity afinity for another substances at some atue a
system. In 1824
at another condition.
This idea geaerated
Michael Faraday
was performing
set of experiments
i the working principle of a vapour absamg
Also some liquid to liquefy certain gases.
has a greater affinity
reduces the total of absorbing
volume significantly. large quantity
chemical process Due to this
of certain vapour and reducing them to liquefy,
for the purely mechanical differential is uce. Thus absorption cycle substitutesphyi
produce pby
process a compression.

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(MSETE Sem-VI) 2-13 afrigeration Cycles
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Refrigerant
Absorption Refrigeration System
2.2.2 Simple Vapour
(Aqua-Ammonia Vapour Absorption System):


simple vapour absorption

system Is as shown in Fig. 221. t consists of an rber, a pump, a generator
.The condenser, evaporator, receiver.
expansion valves and also
aqua ammonia solution. The ammonia acts as refrigerant and aqua (water)
.The working (fluid) liquid is acts as a

In this system, the low

pressure ammonia vapour leaving the evaporator, enters the absorber where it is absorbed
by the
weak solution which contain less
very largc quantuty ol ammonia vapour and the strong aqua
The water (aqua) has the ability to absorb ammonia solution

is formed.
The absorption of ammonia vapour in water lowers the presure in the absorber which draws moe ammoi
temperature of solution.
from the evaporator and thus raises the
provided in the absorber to remove the heat of solution evolved there. This is
Some form of coling arangement is
necessary in order to increase the ahsopticn capacity of water because at higher temperature water absorbs less
ammonia vapour.

The strong solution formed in the ahsorber is pumped to the generator by the liquid pump which increases pressure of
the solution.

The strong solution of aqua ammonia in the generator is heated by some cxternal source.

.During the heating ammonia vapour rises at high pressure leaving behind the het wenk aqua ammonia
proce, te
solution in the generator. This weak solation flows back to the absorber at low pressure afer passing through expansion

.The high pressure ammonia vapour from the generator is condensed in the condenser to a high presure liquid ammonia

This liquid ammenia is pacsd through expansion valve and raciver and then to evaporator. This completes the simple

vapour absorption cycle.

Cootng Waor at
Heet rmjcded

Hoh preear


Expansion veat

Heat absorted

Low pressure
Srng amon
souion Hour Epanson vatve
Heat repced
Fig 221: Simple vapour abeorpton refrigeraton system

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration Cycles and rigeranta

geration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Som-V2+

Refrigeration System
2.2.3 Practical Vapour Absorption Refrlgeration System):
Aqua-Ammonla Vapour MSBTE WA2S-17W-18S
refrigeratlon system and
explainins yorking. 1
vapour absorption
neat sketoh of practical syStem
EXPRih working of
Aqua ammonia


practical, the system

absorption refnigeration

is fitted with
components. Fig.
accessones as an analyser, a
2.2.2 shows the
rectifier and
flow diagram ofpractical

to makc the system performance of all

order help to improve the
hesc accessories
exchange. Thee
system. Liqud o vapour
Aqua-ammonia vapour absorption Oe
Drip HE


EV=Epansion vave
HE= Heat exchanger
Aga (watej=Absorber
SoWLdon er
Cooing water for reducing the
vapour absorption system
Fig. 2.2.2:Practical

generator where heat is supplied externally.
aqua-ammonia solution in the
vapour rises from the strong
The with small quantity of
water vapour.
ammonia vapour
The vapour consists of in the analyser to produce stmn
dehydration of this aqua takes place
vapour passed through analyser where the
These is water particle separated in
rectifier and the water azan
is not complete then this
ammonia vapour if dehydration aqua ammonia solution fom
ammonia vapour passed through the condenser. Thus weak
reback to generator and strong
in generator.
valve where they freeze and

particles are not removed this will be entered into expansion

If the complete water

the pipe line. later

change the phase rejecting the
ammonia vapour passes through the condenser where it is cooled and
The strong first heat exchanger (HIE,).
heat to cooling water. This liquid ammonia send
is to expansion valve EV, through

using low temperature ammonia

vapour. This subcooled refrigerand
The liquid refrigerant (ammonia) is subcooled by
passed through expansion valve (EV,) to the evaporator.

refrigerant absorb heat in evaporator and pass to absorber through heat

exchanger HE
of the refrigerant takes place by weak solution from
generator which absorb more amnonia
In absorber the cooling
Teduce the pressure.
aqua has greater affinity to absorh ammonia. Also by indirect contact of cooling water which
Ted Tn

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-15
Cyclesand Refrigera
The .
mixturcif rom the generator
steong aqua-ammonia
and the strong ammonia are
soluion is pump to the generalor
mixed in absorber to form
strong aaqua-ammonia
through heat cxchanger solution.
fnction of this heat exchanger (HE,) is to provide cooling of weak solution
of strong solution
hic oncration save the amount of cooling nceded
for the absorber and the
amount of heat
eronomy of the plant increases. Theretore cocificient needed to generator
of períormance of the system
is given by
Heat absorbed evaporator
COP Workdone pump in
by + Heat supplied in generator

a9A Coeficient of Performancefor Vapour

Absorptilon Refrigeration
Tn order to find the C.O.P. of this system we are
neglecting the pump work as well as heat
process of absorption in the absorber itself and so net heat balance. which is rejected during

Q is heat given to the refrigerant in the

Q. is heat rejected to thc atmosphere
or cooling water from the condenser
and absorbet.
Q.is heat absorbed by therefrigerant
in evaporator.
the .

TTemperatureatwhich heat (Q) is givento the generator.

TTemperature at which heat (Q) is rejected to the atmosphere
or cooling water from the
condenser and absorber.

TTemperature at which heat (Q) is absorbed in the evaporator.

Since the vapour absorption system can
be considered as a períectly reversble system,
system must be equal to entropy of the system after the change therefore the initial entropy
in its condition. of the
According to first law,

Q +0 .A)

heat absorbed intheevaporator
C.OP heatsupplied to the generator

= Eficiency'of Heat engine x (CoPatijgza


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FRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-16 Refrigeration Cycles and

C.O.P NCnet cngine X(CO.P)Cmot refrigerntor

"hECamctT.(CO.PRetigerata RE

, (C.O.PRerigriT-T.
LJo. L

Fig. 2.2.3

System Over Vapour Compression

2.2.5 Advantages of Vapour Absorption Refrigeration
Refrigeration System:

Q Sate two advantages and two disadvantages

over vapour compressi eratlon System. 10

to vapour compresSion system. So minimum
(1) No moving part, no noise, lessS wear, pump motor is small as compared
maintenance required.
other processes.
low cost steam in many cases waste steam from
(2) Saving in operating cost by using low pressure
(3) Elimination of heavy electrical loads.
controls systems that often require litle
(4) Simplicity of operation and
(5) Automatic starting and stopping.
reduced load or to effect of load.
(6) Full efficiency at all ranges of
(7) Economy of floor space
required for large tonnage.

essential to ensure that ammonia vapour leaving the

evaporator is slightly superheat so to
(8) In vapour compression, it is
the reducing the
in absorption not have any detrimental effect except
liquid refrigerant enter in compressor. But
refrigerating effect

(1) COP is low.
(2) Required more space.

3) Difficult in charging of the refrigerant.

4) Required more time for cooling effect.

Functions of components of Aqua ammonia absorption refrigeration
aqua ammonia absorption retrigeralionsystem.
Sate the function of thë following compohents in practical
0 Absorber
()Rectifier (S15
(i)Analyzer (iv) Heat exchangers

: In
absorber the cooling of the refrigerant takes place by weak solution
from generator which absorbs u
cooling waler which reduce
indirect contact of
aninonia as aqua has grealer affinity to absorb ammonía. Also by


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-17
Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

2. Rectifier:1f dehydration is not complete in analyzer then this is water particle separated in
rectifier and the water again
re-back to gcncrator.

3. Analyzer: The dehydration of this aqua takes place to produce strong ammonia vapour.
4. Heat exchanger : The function of this heat exchanger (HE) is to provide cooling of weak solution
and heating of
strong solution. Also ammonia vapour lcaving the cvaporator are absorb the heat from the liquid ammonia coming

2.2.6 Difference belween Simple and Practical NH3 Absorption System:

ST No Simple NHAhurption System

racticalNHApSpIption System
It consists
of basic componcnt as an absorber, a Along with basic components, system is fitted with an
pump, a generator, expansion valves and also accessories as an analyzer, a rectifier and two heat
condenser, evaporator, receiver. exchange.
2 C.O.P. is lower. C.O.P. is higher.
3. Its capacity is small. Its capacity is large.

Energy saving is not possible. Energy saving in generator is possible.

5. For desire cooling effect more time is required.
|For desire cooling efect less time is required
D. After prolong application, the chocking in After prolong application, the chocking in expansion valve
expansion valve or evaporator may be occur due or evaporator is avoided as water vapour are completely
to water vapour. removed in rectifier.

2.2.7 Difference bebwreen Vapour Compression and Vapour Absorption System:

MSETEES:15W-17. W18
EC ompRR VaROL COmpession. and vapourabsorptiontefigeration.system e 615 W17,W-18

Vapour CompressionSyste apourAAbsorption Syst

Energy input is mechanical energy. Energy input is mainly heat energy.

2. C.OP.is higher than vapour absorption system. C.O.P.is lower than vapour compression system.
Tt takes less time for the production of It takes more time to produce refrigerating effect
refrigerating efcct.

4. The system haš more wear and tear and noise due The system has less number of moving part i.e. -

to moving parts of the compressor. pump. So less wear and tear and less noise.
5 Liquid droplets in a suction line may damage the Liquid droplet of refrigerant have no effect or no
6. There is chance of leakage of refrigerant from the As there is no compressor moving part or
system. reciprocating component to cause leakage.
7. II can be only in place where electric power is
It can be used in place where electric power is hard
present. to obtain or is very expensive.
Prime-mover like engine or motor is required. II required gas or kerosene flame or electric heater.
9. Itis compact required less space. It needs more space.
10. Charging of refirigerant is easy.
Charging of the refrigerant is difficult.
11. Capacity less
Capacity more

Tech Kaeuledgi

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Refrigeration Cycles and Refrines
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-18
System or Three Fluid
2.2.8 Electrolux (Domestic) Absorption Refrigeration
Refrigeration System:

neat skelch of 'Electrolux' refrigeration
system and explain its working in deta
Draw 18:W18g
EXplain' with neat sketch, Electrolux Refrigeration System.
threce fluid absorption system.
is also callcd as
This type of refrigeration system absence of moving parts,
the machine ber
eliminate the pump so that in the
purpose of this system is to
he main
noiscless. water (aqua).
(NH,), hydrogen and
The three fluids used in this
system arce ammonia
due to absene
properties. It is toxic, but Sence
possesses most desirable
ammonia used as rcfrigerant because it
moving part very less chance of the liquid ammonia pas
the rate of evaporation of

lighter gas acts as a catalyser which increase

Hydrogen being the water.
non-corrosive and insoluble in
through the evaporator. It also (absorber) because ith
is used as a solvent
the system and the water (aqua)
side of
This is used in the low pressure
ability to absorb ammonia redially. Rectifier
Liq. NH


Solution o
NH Agua NHH2
Weak solution

Gas bumer

Strong soluãon
Heat exchanger

Fig. 2.24:Domestiç electrolux type refrigerator

Working or operation
in the generator by external source usually a gas
The strong aqua-ammonia solution is heated
place theaf
analyser where dehydration of aqua takes
heating process aqua-ammonia vapour rises up through
During the strong ammona
through a rectifier where complete water particles are removed and reback to generator and
vapour are send to condenser.
phase vapour to liquid. Condensation of ammonia vapour is done
In condenser the ammonia vapour change its
external cooling source.
the bydrogea gs
evaporator where it meets with
liquid refrigerant leaving the condenser flows under gravity to the
The process of evaporalion
hydrogen gas which is in the evaporator increase the ratè of evaporation. During the
produces cooling effect.
latent heat from the refrigerated space and thus vapou
is passed to the absorber
where ammonia
vapour and hydrogen from evaporator
The mixture of ammonia
complets the cycle.
back to the evaporator. This
absorbed in water while the hydrogen rises to the top and flows

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Refigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-19 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

The cocfficient of performance of this refrigerator is given by,

Heat absorbed in the evaporator
C.O.P Heat supplicd in the generator

2.2.9 Lithium Bromide Absorption System:

MSBTE S14:S:16 S18

OEXplain working
ofLithiumBromide Ansorplian tetrigeralion anea sketch (block diagramy
Draw with làbelled, sketch;: LÉBrabsorpion system.
In this system water acts as a refrigerant and lihium bromide (Li-Br) acts as a absorbet.
The Li-Br used in the system is highly hydroscopic salt. It has a strong affinity for water vapour because of its very low
vapour pressure, since Li-Br is corDsive, therefore inhibitors should be added in order to proteict the metal part of the
system againt corrosion.

This system is used for Air Conditioning in which low refrigeration temperature (not below 0' C) are required.

he pare water vapour rises in the generator due to external heat supplied in generator, since the lithium bromide (salt)
does not evaporate hence it eliminates analyzer and rectifier.
Further purging of wáter from the evaporator in the Li-Br water system is eliminated.
The overall working presure of the system is barely above 0.15 bar (100 min of Hg absolute)
The pressure inside the system is below
atmosphere,tbere is absolutely no fear of brusting, tozication, ete.
Non-toxicity of watcr helps us the ithium-bromide water system direcly for ctiling coil for the air conditioning.
Simce, the difference between the iworking pressure between the evaporator and generator is
very small, there is
negligible energy requirement for the pumping system.
The small pressure diference leads to elimination of pumping mechanism by appropriate adjustrment of the elevation of
absorber, generator and evaporator.

The evaporator can be located at about 1 meter above the 'generator while the absorber should be litle below the

uonsincdor A
0oooaea panson valve)





Fig. 2.2.5:Lithium-bromide system without pump
The vapour from the evaporator is absorbed by the strong Li-Br solution.
The weak solution of lithium bromide flows dowa due to gravity effect.

The weak solution is heated up a vertical heat exchanger (generator) using steam
of waste heat.
The strong liquid mixture is separated in the separator.


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Hefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Refrigeration Cycles and Refrnne
Sem-VI) 2-20 gerant
Lne strong solution heats
the weak lithium bromide solution rcturning from the absorber i.e. the vapour moves
condensed in the condenser. a n

nercatter watcr expands down to the evaporator pressure through constrictor, A.

The vapourization of vapourizatin
water in the cvapora produces refrigeration effect. There should be enough
prevent re-crystallization of lithium-bromide.

as the temperature falls below saturation line, the re-crystallization may takes place resuung in Separaion
Ssalt. This is not desirable. The vapour again return back to absorber, completing the cyele.

uSual practice to sub-cool condensate from the condenser using the evaporator vapour. Thereby
the refigera
cifect is increased resulting in the improvement in C.O.P.

AS the lithium-bromide watcr system does not incorporate a pump, it is a vibration and noise iree system.
absent, the leakage is automatically eliminated
There is no need to have strong foundation. Since the shaft seal is

In absence of moving parts, valves, gland, etc., the maintenance cost is negligibly smal.
limitation of the tower temperatume
The main disadvantage of the lithium-bromide water absorption system the

notbelow about 275 K (=2'c) and the large volume flow.

Ex. 2.2.1:An ammonia refrigerating plant works between 268 K and 298'K
temperature limits. he refrigerant is 60%
quantity of ice formed at 0'C rom wate
the entry of the compressor. If the plant has relative efficiency of 50%, estimate the
kJikg'K and latert
20'C during 24 hours. Ammonia circulated per minute is 6 kg. Assume specific heat water as 4.187

of ice 335 kJ/kg.

Following properties of ammonia should be used

emperature Liouid heat kJgLatent heat knkoLiguidentiopy klkg

298 298.9 1167.1 1.124

268 1582 1280.8 0.630




(a) P-h diagram (b) T-S diagram

Fig. P.2.2.1
Considering isentropic compression,

Entropy betfore compression =Entropy after compression

S = S2

L =
h= Latent heat.
3.49567 1.124+3.91642


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-21 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

X2 = 0.6055

Enthalpy at 1,:

H =
h+ xiL= 158.2+0.6x 1280.8
= 926.68 kJkg

Enthalpy at 2,

Hh = ha+X L4= 298.9+0.6055 x 1167.8

= 1006.0029 kJkg

H H=298.9 kJkg
RE m(H-H)
R.E = m, (H1-H)=6x (926.68-298.9)

627.78 x6
Refigerating effect = 3766.68 kJ/min

Work done by compressor W=(H-H) m, .

= (1006.0029-926.68) x6

475.93 kJ/min

Theoretical C.O.P = 150=7.9143

In given problem, relative efficiency is S0% conidered as relative CO.P

Actual C.0.P
Relative C.O.P = Theoretical
Actual C.0.P
0.50 7.9143.

Actual C.0.P = 7.9143 x 0.50 3.9571.

Heat absorbed per kg of ice produced (Refrigerating effect)

= (oo-t) xCw +(LE)« + (t a a

= (20-0) x4.187+335=418.74 x kikg.

Mass of ice formed in tonns in a day (24 hour)

Heat extraction capacity in kJ in 24 hous
Heat extraction in kJ per tonn. of ice
12.95 tonn per days.
418.74x 1000
nSystem uSese ant andorks Detween ineAaDAratore
edynassracion re compression is 0.6 and ECO4indout cO oftne systerm
ession endin the wetregion
o liquid refngeran usefolowing tableas properteso CO MSBTE:S-1
ginreis nosub
Enthapy kJKG Entropy kUkg
H4urdVapourhhLguid S Vapour
6477282.2305978 019918
25 32133 0288212
F atitss

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Refrigeration Cycles and



(a) P-H diagram (b) T-S diagram

Fig. P.2.2.2

Given data: Ta T=25 +273 =298°K,

T = T=-5+273 = 268 °K
Dryness fraction at inlet = =0.6
Considering isentropic compression entropy before compression =Entropy after compression.


0.2862 +0.6x = 0.5978+Xg208

= '0.5978+0.3941

0.8431 x2

The dryness fraction at 2 is 0.622
The enthalpy at 1 = hg t+X, L
H 72.57+0.6 (248.76) 221.83 kJkg

Enthalpy at 2

H= ha+Xl2
= 164.77 + (0.622 x 11746)

= 237.83 klkg

H H= 164.77 kikg
= 3.57

compression refrigeration cycle with the following data works on

saturaled JFreo 12

SUnplo gE

Eranorator npetu

erefhgerant entering tre

essorisdry Saturated. Takë Cp forFreon 12 in superheated region
Fanddlagramand calculate

iWelghtofrefigerant for 1ton.capacty,

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-23 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants


2areas to|OwS MSBTE W-17

Enthalpy (kJkg)|Entropy (kkg)
Temperature (e gid Vapour gud Vapour

2) (6)


C.O.P. , Refigeration
Work of compressio
H = 342.5 kJkg,: S=1566kJkg K
= 363.56 kJkg, S=1.543 kJkg K
= 228.54 kJkg,; Hy=181.76 kJkg K

= 1.543 (T
+0.165 n 303


Ty= 1.149x 303 =348.32 K

363.56+0.165 (348.32-303)
H +C(T,-T/)=
= 371.04 kJkg

Refrigerating effect,

R.E'= m(H-HL)
3.517= m (342.5-228.54)
m = 0.03086 kg/sec

Power required per ton of refrigeration =m(Hh-H)

0.8795 kW
= 0.03086 (371-342.5) =

R.E 3.51=4
W 08795


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Refrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTESem Refrigeration ycles and Refrigera
2-24 eranis

ER224 efrigeraling machneusing Re12 a religerant opetates between the prepures 250r an 80 bar
vapour is dry andsaturated conditi
in the condenser. The
entroplc and there Is, no undercoolingC.O,P
If the actual C.OPis 0.65 of theoretical CoP
ng the compression Estimate tha theoretical
properties of refrigerant are
9produced per hour. The refrigerant ilow is 5ko/nin. The
sat vapour kulkgK
Pressure Sat Temp Enthalpy, kiikgEntropy of

6 70.65
2018 0.6836
29.62 1845
Co for superheated.yapour at 9 bar as.0.54 MSETE
ake KJko K WO

(a) (b)

Fig. P. 2.2.4
Refrigeration effect
C.0.P. Work of compression H-H
H = 184.5 kJkg
S= S2


0.7001 0.6836 + 0.64 ln 309

T2 1.0261 x 309 =317.
06 °K
H Hy +C,(t-T/)
= 201.8+0.64 (317.06-309) =206.96
Theatrical C. 0. P. 184.5-70.55
= 5.07238
.Actual C. 0. P. = 065 (C. O.
P.)emiel0.65 x 5.07238=3.291
Actual C. ACtual RE
W actual
. ActualRE =
C.O.P. x W
3.297 x (206.96-184.5) = 74.05 kJkg.
Net cooling produce =
5x 74.05 370258 kJ/ min
1.72 TR.


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Ar Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 2-25 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

EX 2.25 he lemperature umus otan ammonia refrigerating systern. arg25 and10 C gas is dry at ne
COmpressioncalcue necycleraSSuming no under-cooling of the iquid ammonia Using tolgwIggPap
peries MSBTE :W
TemperatureoLiguidKD Heat kikgLatent heat h (kikgLiquid Entopy Si(kJkg





(a) P-h (6) T-S

Fig. P. 2.2.5
Given data: Ti -10+273=263 K
Ta 25+273 =298 °K
Find C.0.P.
From T-S diagram:

asby clapyrion equation S

Vapour is dry at the end of compression,

1.1242+ 1166,94
S 298=5.040106

5.040 0.5443 T.297.68

= 0.9111 or 91.144 % dry

H = ba+X1h= 135.37 +0.91x 1297.68
1316.2588 kJkg
H = ha+h=298.9+1166.94 = 1465.84

Hy H=298.9 from given table

= engerating effect (R.E)
C.OP= Work of compressor (W H-HH
1465.84-1316.25= 0.8

Scanned with Camscanner

2-26 RefrigerationNcles
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V)

Ex. 2.2.6: An ice plant produces 8 tonnes

of ice per day at
o ,
using water at room
are of 25 cC.Esimale
C.O.P of the pant is 3 and overall
power rating of the compressor motor if the nical eficiency
arñd specific heat of water is 4,186 kJ/kg. s 926.TakA
latent heat of freezing of water is 335 kJkg
= 8 tonns/day, C.0.P=3,
Soln.: Giren data: Capacity
Capacity x 211 = Refrigerating cffeet
211 x8 RE(Actual)
1688= RE
Work done by compressor
We 562.66 kJ/min
Heat cxtracted from ice
= Cex (two-i) + Latent heat of
= 4.186 (25-0)+335+0 439.65 kJ/kg
Mass of ic formcd per day in tonnes
Heat extracted capacity
inRJkgin 24 hours
Heat extracted in ki/tonn
of ice
1688 x 60x 24
439.65 x 1000.28 tonnes per
Power required to drive compressor

Work done by compresSor

in kJ/min

kJ/sec or kW.

2274 BetigerantRi84a enters the compressor of a

ati398 kikgatarate of0.076kg/s and leaves.at1MParefrigeratoras superheated vapour at 0.14 MPa and
änd70 c
to 0.15MPa(atha255ath450
condenser.to3690 1kJkg) Therefngernt úndercöolei
and 1MPa andis throtled is
kikg) Assuming compfessionas neary.isentop
rew PeHfand
Sdiagram of cycle: Show all he given pressüres and temperatures
Opraie p0inis on ths
abulate tie coeftficiënt
Refrigerant R134a

mPa 36'C

0.14 mPa

-12°C 12'C

Fig. P.2.2.7


Scanned with Camscanner

RRefrigeration and Air Condltioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-27
Cycles an Refrigerants
Enthalpy at compressor inlet= H = 398 kJkg
Enthalpy at compressor outlet =H,=450 kJkg
aftcr throtling = Hh=H, =255 kJ/kg

COP ofcycle H-H

450-30R 275

22.8ATeligeratony ushg n:12 operaing 4019and evaarator temperature
CdevelopsA5ioNe eigeraion

s80Kand pOwer



Fig. P. 2.2.8: P-h diagram

From P-h diagran,

h 185.4kJ/kg h=208.0kl/kg-
hy hym 74.6kIkg V0.065 m' Ikg
1. Refrigerating effect = h1-h4
RE = 185.4-74.6
= 110.8 kJkg
Capacity = mxRE.
15x 211
m= 28.6 kg/min
Massflow rate of refrigerant = 28.6 kg/min
2. Theoretical piston displacement of compressor,

Vp = m, Vs=28.6x 0.065
= 1.855 mhmin
Piston displacement per tonnes,

1.855 m'min (TR)


Work done by compressor

5. Power consumption = " (W
P tles
Scanned with Camscanner
Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigeran
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-28 tans

= 10.77 Kw
kW/TR =

. 0.72 kW/tonns

Heat rejected in condenser,

28.6 (208-74.6)
60 60

= 63.59 KW

4. Camot COP T
(273-5) 1.657
COP of cycle =
-h-h 208.0-1854 5 49

Ex. 22.9:An ammonia vapour compression refrigeration system produce 20 tons of ice at o'C from water at oC in a da
24 hours. The temperature range in compressor is from-15C to 25C. The.vapour leaving the compressor is dy satuate
The liquid leaves the condenser at 25C and is expanded in a throttle valve. Asguming actual coefficient of d'ts
plant as 75% of the theoretical. Calculate the power of the compressor. Take latent enthalpy of ice as 335 kUkg. Use

properties of ammonia given in table:

Entropy kkg K
auraton temparatureG
Liguid Vapour h iquid s;
25 298.8 1463.6 1.1234 5.0355

-15 112.3 1425.7 0.4568 5.5452



-15 C

(a) P-h diagram (D) T-S diagram

Fig. P.22.9
Entropy before compression
= Entropy after compression

S = S2

Sy+S)= Sa
= 5.0355

X 0.9

Scanned with Camscanner

Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-u
Refrigeration and Ar V) 2-29
Enthalpy at1:
H = h+ (h-hn)
= h+(ziL)
= 112.3+0.9 (1425.7-112.3)
= 1294.36 kJ/kg
Ha = 1463.6 from given table
H = H=298.8 from given table
Refrigerating eífect = RE=H-H,
= 1294.36-298.8=995.56 kJkg
Conmpressor work = W=H;-H
= 1463.6-1294.36 = 169.24 KI/kg
RE 995.5 5,885
Theoretical coP = W.16924=5.885

Actual C.O.P = 0.75x theoretical C.O.P

= 0.75x 5.885=4414

perkg ofice
Heat abstracted = (n-to) Cew +(LHL)J:e + (eaital die-tad) Cra
= 0+335+0=335 kJ .
Capacity 20 tons per day
Heat abstractedkg of ice X mass of
Actual R.Eper seçond z
20x1000 7155kJisec.
= 335X 2Ax 3600

Actual R.E. per second

Actual C.OP = Actual work done by compressor per second

Actual R.Esec
work spend (We)
per second Actial COP

. T155 17.57 Isec.


17.57 kw.
Power required to drive the compressor= as retngerat ing
refrigeration system with ammonia
operating the is throtte.
food storage plant requires 10 kW for to +6'C before î
2210:A temperature 25°C the refrigerant
is subcooled
eraureis-10 Ccondenser
TTha quality of vapour leaving the evaporator is 0.98 dry determine:
1. Condition of vapour entering the 'condenser and evaporator

2 C.O.Pofthe plant.

Capecity of the plant in tonns of refrigerant.

Usethe value of
ammonia from table given
EnthalpyEntopy Sp
thEnloySedi 2.8
25 1465.0 5.0355
298.8 1.1234 4.6
-10 135.2 0.5440 1432.0 54730


Scanned witn camScanner

Refrigeration Cycles and Ret
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_ Sem-V) 2-30.


(a) (6)
Fig. P. 22.10

Ti = -10+273 263 °K
T= 25+ 273=298 °K
X = 0.98 dryness fraction at entryY
Degree of subcooled (undercooled) = AT= 6'C
Eatropy before compression = Entropy after compression

Si = S
Sa +a (Sa-Sn) = Sa+ClogT
0.5440+0.98 (54730-0.5440) = S.0355 + 2.8
Tap Ta= 336 °K
. The condition of vapour eatering the condenser is superheated

= 336-298=38°C
Enthalpy at 4 Enthalpy at 5

Hy-C(Degrec of Superheat)
= H3-C,(T-T)= 298.8-46x6

271.2 kJkg

271.2 135.2+ xs (1432-135.2)

= 0.1049 dary or 1049 %
H = h+KLy=135.2+0.98 (1432-135.2)
= 1406.1 kJkg

H = ha+C,Degree of superheat)
= 1465+2.8 (38)

Refrigerating effect H = 15714 kJkg

= 134.9 EJkg
Workdoneby compressor
= H2-Hj= 15714-1406.1
= 164.9 kJkg
Theoretical C.oP 1134.9
164.9 6.882

Scanned with Camscanner

RRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-31
Refrigeration Cycles and HetnigeranisS
Power required to drive the unit= 10 KW

W. = 10x60 = 600 kl/min


R.E =
6.882 x600
= 19.617 tonnes of refrigeration
Capacity of the plant is 19.617

Ex. 2.2.11:A vapour compression refrigeration

system operates between temperature limits
the compressor, tne refrigerant is dry saturated and of-10'C and 45C. At entryto
after compression it aquires temperature of 60
system. The relevant properties
of refrigérant are as follows
a C, find C.O.P at ithe


-10 45.4 460.7 0.183 1.637

+45 133.0 483.6 0.485 1.587



Fig. P.2.2.11

T= 10+273 =263 KK
, Ta= 60+273 333 K
T T-45+273=318°K

Degre of Superheat = Ts-T=T1-T=33-318=15 °c

Let Co = Specific heat åt constant pressure for superheated vapour.


Sa = 1587+G,loge
But entropy before ompression = Entropy after compression


1.637 = 1.587+C,log13

1.637=1.587+0.046 C
C 1.09 kikg°'K
1.09x 15= 500 klkg
Hh = H+C,x degrec of superheat =483.6+
P tieis

Scanned witn camScanner

Refrigeration Cycles and Refrige

etigeration and Air Conditioning from table
460.7 kJ/kg
H= 133.0 kJkg
from table
H = H =
460.7-1350 8.338
co.P -H variOUs poins
are. given ho
Enthalpies at
vapour compression cycle.
system works on
ompressor.inletpressi460 kJkg
ompressor dutlet 1796 kKg
etto expansion valve 322
ROwerreguiredfor 1kg of
refigerant clirculated
per min
compres ed by 3 Cbetore expansion Kelch
A Cbeforetenters the MSBTE: S-18.8 Mark
by 15
ne refngerantis superheated
CYclaon.IsSand.R-h diagram.a
Given data : 1796 kJ/kg
= 1460
kJ/kg, h=322 kJkg; h,=
m, = 1 kg;h,

Fig. P. 2.2.12

1. C.O.P
Refrigerating effect
Work of compressor
b-hy D

From P-h diagram, h, =hy

C.OP 1796-1460 336
Work of compressor m, (b-hi)_ I(1796-1460)
Power required = 60 60 60

336 kJ/sec =5.6 kW


vapour compressjon refrigerator uses -12 as refrigerant and the liquid

evaporate in the evaporator a 15
22i3A compressor is 15 C When the vapour is condensed at 106im
he temperature oi this refrigerant at the delivery from the by throtuirg
ecoeiicienotperiormance if (A) There no under is cooling (B) The liquid is cooled by 5°C before expansion
BkeorsUpeheatedvapour 0.64 kJkg KMars
MSBTE W-16,8
Calor liauid aS0.4KJkg3
emperature Enthalpy kJ/kg Specific Entropy in kJkg
in apour
Liquid Yapour S Liquid

22.3 0.0904 0.7051

-15 180.88

10 45.4 0.1750 0.6921


Scanned witn camscanner

Retrigeration and Alr Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V)
2-33 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigeranis

-15 C

Fig.P. 2.2.13
T1-15+273 =258
T = 15+273=288
T, 10+273=283 °K
Entropy before compression (Si) = Entropy after compression

0.0904+a (0.7051-0.0904) = 0.6921 +0.64n

= 22.3+1 (180.88-223) = 180.88 kI/kg

Case A: h = 180.88

b ha+G (Degree of superheat)

= 191.76+ [O0.64 (15-10)1
= 194.96kJkg
0P= R
194.96-180.88 9.02
Case B:Under cooled by 5°C.

h h=hy-CG Degree ofsubcooled)

454-(0.94 x5) =40.7
Ex 2214:Anammonia.rerngerating machine fited wih expansionva
and30C Tne vapour is 95% dy at therend ofcompression Ogs penWeen the temperai
and fuidieaving the conderseris
AsSLming actual C.O.P at30 G
as 604 of atheoretical o.0FLCacuatemass
oflee produced per kW ho
10'0 1átent heat of ice is 335 KIkg ant speciia heat of walter is
Anmoniahas foilowing properles
Temp."CLquid Heat kdkgLatent
Heatkakg LiguidErtrogY MSBTE : W-06. S-09
Kg Napour Entropy kikg
135.37 97.68

Scanned with tamscanner

Refrigeration Cycles and Refniger
Sem-VI) 2-34
FRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE




Fig. P.2.2.14

H = hg+x (Latent heat)= bg+ (7xL)
323 +0.95 (1145.80)= 1411.51 kikg
Entropy at inlet of compressor = Entropy at outlet.

S = S

0.5443 +X x (5477-0.544) = 1.2037+0.95 (4.9842-1.2037)

X 0.8617
Enthalpy at entry of compressor (H,)
H ha+Xhgt
135.37 +0.86 (1297.68-135.37)
= 1134.9566 kJkg
H, H^= 323.08.from table
Theoretical Cc.o.P =
1134.95-323.08 2.9356

Actual C.O.P=60 % of theoretical C.0.P

Heat absorbed per kg of ice produced

(10-0)x 4.187 +335 +0

376.87 kJkg
1.76 RE
Refrigeration effect = 1.76x 1 kl/sec
376.86 3kg-356kgmin
Ice produced
1.16x 60 kJ/min
214.125 kg/hr

Scanned with Camscanner

(MSBTE Sem-vi) 2-35 Retngeration Cycles and Herngerans
Retrigeration and Air Conditioning

ammonia vapour
enters at 15 cm diameter
and 14 cm stroke twin cylinder, single acting compressos
B2216: Saturaled
efficlency and spepd 250 rpm. ahe relrigerant bolls in
evaporator af159C and condenser.in condenser
having volumetic
30 C liquidenters the axpansion
valve at210 Find tor
Refñgerating capacity of plant. are
0 K The.propedies ofrefrnigerant
Assume C, ot liquid rolrigerantis 4.6 KJKg K and C o1 vapour refrigerant is 276kg
MSBTE S-06.8 MarksS
Entropy kukg?K
VolLiquid Vapour LiguidVapour
F0309 1123 1426047
3 1204

bore =15 cm, Cp=46 kJikg°K
Given data: d'
= Stroke = 14 cm, Cp=2.76 kJ/kg°K
80 %=0.8, Speed = N=250 rpm


Fig. P. 2.2.15
T= T=-15+273
T,=30°C+273= 303°K
.I= 294°K
T 21°C+273

Actual voIume
mxV 2xdiNxT,

,x0.509 = 2x015 x(0.14) x 250x0.8

m 24302 x0.8 = 194416 kg
Degrcc of subcooled (T-T)
323.1-4.6 (9)= 281.6 kJkg

Net refrigerating effect = (b-h)-

R.E = 1144.6 kJikg


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigerai Cycles and Refin
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 236
1. Rcfrigeration capacity of the plant = mx R.E.
= 1144.6x 1.94416
= 2225.285 kJ/nin = 10.596 tons

2 CO.P
Work of compression

But, S, =
5.549 Sg+CT
5.549 = 4.984 +2.76 ln303
Tsup 1.22 x 303 =371.83°K

= 1469 +2.76 (371.83-303)

1658.97 k/kg


E 2216:asimple VCC oowing are he properties of R-134a al varaus pait:

Location aí refrigera thalpy (KJkgSpecific volume (kg
ressor inlet 3t 1832 0076
Ssorischag 2
Condenser exit
Ane piston ementvolume for the compressor is 115:iter perstorke 63peed o

compressor is rpm Find

(9Compressor poWer
Fefrigeration cap 1SBTES


Fig.P.2.2.16:p-h diagram of VCR Cycle


Volume of refgigerant, V = 15 lit/stroke

Volumetric efficiency,

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-37
Speed, N = 1600 rpm
Given, h = 22 kJkg, hy = 183 kJkg,

ha h= 84 kJikg

COP of cycle if given by,

COP h-h

in per min = 1.5x 1600 x 0.80

Volume of refrigerant admitted
lit / min= 1.9
Mass of refrigerant = m=y

(222-84)=3418.51369 kJ/min
Refrigeration capacity = m(hi-h) =24.77 x
nits nas


SBIEWF128 Mark


(293) +20


Fig. P.2.2.17
m = 0.24 kg/s.
h =1419.05 kJkg
From given table
h h +CT-Tau)=by +C, (TT¥)
Sn +X Sgt F SgatCpnT

P tations

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigeran
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 2-38
= se* g+ G,h
= 1.04341+

0.3682+905-89.72) (Tarp
253 293

5.622 = 5.09323 + 2.1 n|

T 02518

Tsup1.28 xTsat
Tsp1.28 x 293 =376.9 °K
ba = 1461.58+ 2.1 (376.9-293)
= 1637.7 kJ/kg
From p-h diagram,
hy h=274.98
COP ofthe plant
plant = =1419.05-274.98
2218 NH, refrigerationunt prodüces
10ton of icein a day at 0gC.from
to 258 KThe vapour dy and sat 20Cwater Thetemperature range 108
calculate,pOwer reguired.to.dnye end of e
compression. Assume actual cOR as
he compressor. AsSume Cp of water 55oot ihe thé
The is 4187 kJ/kgK latentheat of iceis 33
W-12.8 Marks
Liquid VapourLiquid Vapour
100.00 0.347 A0

54.6 306
Soln.: Given 0.2135.060
Actual COP =
0.55 theoretical COP
Cp 4.187 kJkg°K,L=335

From T-S, Fig.P.2.2.19

S= S
StS S,S,*z,-S,)=S
Scanned with Camscanner
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-39 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

0.213+, 5.060-0213) = 4.491

H,= b,+xhg
-54.6+ 0.86 (1306-(-54.6)
H 1126 kJkg

Theoretical cOP=
H = 1320 kkg
H H=100 kikg
..Given in table

Actual COP 0.55x theoretical COP.
= 2.908
055x 5.288 =
Capacity x 211 = Actual Rcfigeration Effect (R.E)
Actual =
RE. 10x211=2110 kJ/kg
Actual RE
Actual COP =
Actual WD.

Actual work done = 2110 g 725.58 kJhmin

. Power required to drive the compresor

= 601209KW

egiesipetWeen saturaio
Coong the end of compra
of se olowingKdat
ifratio EnhalhyinKK
MSBTE: S-12. 8 MarkS



at inletofcompressor
Fig.P. 2.2.20
Enhalpy atthe
=H= 397.51 kJkg
end of compression=
Enthalpy H=444 kJkg


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VM 2-40 Refrigeration Cycles and Reth


R.E. = 1TR=3.517 k\W


R.E. = m(tH1-H)
3.517 = m(397.51-24747)
m = 0.02344 kg/ sec

Power required per ton of refrigeration capacity = m(H-H)

0.02344 (444-397.51) =1.089 kW.

2.2.21An NHsS temp limit 25 C and15°C vapour is 95%
The dry as enters
Pres$or it te

ODegree of superhea
Condition ofvapoursattheend ofexpansion valve

SSUme speciic heatof superheated vapor IS 2.29 kJ/kg Ki

Properties are MSBTE
Enthalpy (kJkg) Eritropy
lemp:G kJ/lkgK)
Liquid Vapour LiquidVapour

Soln. :
13 42604575549
Vapour is 95% dry at the eatry
of compressor (, =0.95)

Fig. P.2.2.21
2.29 kJkg °K

T T, = 273+25=298°K
T 273-15=258°K
Entropy before compression=
Entropy after compression

S -5)- s+,a|
0457+0.95 (5.549-0.457)=
5.039 +2.29 In (sup


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 2-41 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

Tp1.117 x 298 =333°K

0 Degrec of superheat = Tup sat
= 333-298 = 35.15° superheat.
Condition of vapour at the end of expansion valve (x)

113+ (1426-113) = 299

=0.14166 = . 14.16% dry

() b+CTT
1466+2.29 (35.15) =1546.49 kikg

113+0.95 (1426-113)= 1360.3 kJkg.

COP 1360.3-299 5.1

H-H 1546.49-1360.3

UEOnnesneapourisndn Saturatea
nrassiop Kand iconden

S13. S-15. 8 Marks

308 K-


Given Load = 10
Ftg. P.2.2.22
tones.= 10x3.517-35.17 kJ/sec.
A5SUIme, there
is no under
coling and all values of enthalpy àre given H1
Totalrefrigeration i.e H2 H\=Hy

RE m(H,-H,)
35.17 = me (185-70)
m 15 0.3058 kg/sec
Total Power = m(H-H)
Tech Keedi

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration Cycles and Refriges

Retrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTE

Sem-V 24 as
(206-185)=6.4218 kJIsec. = 64218 KW
cOP = = 6.4218

refrigerator works
befween the
cooled10 283K
betoreE ur
EX 212.23A vapour COpressiOn
compresSionaei temperatura berng298
298K uhe quids
calcUae lhe C0P
coimpréssion:is below tor-12,
suparneatedatMe endof
thas given in tietable
compression, Using the data
k3kOK and for ihe liquid is
ds kkgt
vapour 0.645
%dy 4914KPa
forsuperheated is
IiqyjdEvaporation enthalp
turation 1em


Fig. P.2.2.23

Ti = 258 °K TTp298°K, T3=288 °K

X1 = 0.95
Degree of subcooled (undercooled) AT =288-283 =5°c
Enthalpy H = ha+1(hgi)
22.31+095 x 158.53 =172.91 kJkg
H h+C, (Degree of superheat)

(50.06+ 143.59)+ 0.645 (298-288)

200.1 klkg
H Hs-hp-C,Degrec of subcoled)
= 50.06-(0.963 x 5) =45.245 kJkg

COPH-H 200.1-172.91

ER 2.2.24Anmonia reirigerating.machine unit produces 10 Ton of ice in a day at 0°C. The temperature range of wo
e 198 2CThe Yepors dy and sntuated al the endoicompression. Assuming actual COPas 5% dt
heretca Calcicte pover reuiedbdive the compreson Taka spectie heat of waler as 157 KRgK tanthdd
Ce as 335 kJKg The properies of refrigerant are as S-14.8 Ma

Temp. Enthalpy kJkg Entropy klkg PK

Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour

258 100.081319.840.347 4.491
198 54.581305.61 0213 5.060

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 2-43 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants


298 -
283 K

(b) T-S
(a) P-h
Fig. P. 2.2.24

Given data

Capacity = 10 tones,

Actual COP = 0.55 theoretical COP

4.187 kJkg °K, L=335 kJkg
T = 198 K
Ta 258°K
Entropy betore compression = Entropy after compression

Sn+ S,>Si +M,-S,)=Sa

0.213 +X1 (5.060-0.213) = 4.491

X1= 0.8825
Enthalpy, H = ha +X1(hg

54.58+0.8825 (1305.61-54.58)

= 1158.6139 kJ/kg

Enthalpy, H2 = 131984 kJkg

Enthalpy, Hg =H4 = 100.08 kJkg

Theoretical HH1158.6139-100.08
COP= H-H 1319.84-1158.61


Actnal COP = 0.55x theoretical COP

= 0.55x6.565=3.610

Capacity x 211 = Actual Refrigeration Effect (RE.)

Actual R.E 10x21l =2110 kJikg

Actual COP Actual RE

Actual work done = 2 Š84.487 kJ/min

to drive the compressor= 584.487
= 9.74 kW


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 2-44 nd
Refrigeration Cycles and Reinigerarts

2.3 Refrigerant
oDefine the term Refrigerants

Definition Refigerants are tuorlungfluid whict abso ect to arother

REuclly throughuaporatior ond condonoation
In both, the vapour compression and vapour absorption cycle, phase change occur due to condensation and
such phase changes do not ocurs in gas cycle refrigeration which uses air as warking luid. The design of the refhi
equipment depends strongly on the properties of the rcfrigerant sclected for use. The use of a refrigerant for a certainapplication
is determined by its physical, themodynamic and chemical properties and by various practical factors. There isn
no idel
refrigerant A refrigerant is selected which has greater advantages and les disadvantages.

2.3.1 Classification of Refrigerant:


cation af.refiger
aleast one refñgeramt.name.neach refigerantype
The refrigerant mainly classified into twO groups:

Classificaion of

(A) Primary rerigerant

H4) Halo-Carbon refrigerants

(2) Azeotrope refrigerants

(3) Inorganic refrigerants

14) Hydro-carbon refrigerans

(B) Secondary refrigerant

Fig. C2.3: Classification of

Refrigerant Primary Refrigerants:

The refrigerant which direcdly extracts camies

or the heat from heat generating
evaporator of refrigeration system called source in the refrigeration system m ur
is as the primary refrigerant.
Primary refrigerant directly
heat generating source and rejects this absorbs or extracts beat ID
heat to afmosphere in the
compression systems of Domestic refrigerators, condenser. Primary Refrigerants
Window air conditioners. are used in vapu
Examples are R134a, R22.
The primary refrigerants are classified
as follows:
(1) Halo-carbon refrigerants:

The American Socicty of Heating, Refrigeration

and Air Conditioning dentihes
42 halo-carbon compound as refrigerants but only Engineers (ASHARAE) En
a few of them are commonly
The halo-carbon compounds are all synthetically
produced and were
developed as Freon family refrigerant.
now available under the various names such as Genetron, of 1
Isotron etc.
The first halo-carbon refrigerant i.e. R-12.
Most of the refrigerants areuscd 1ordomestic, commercial
and industrial

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Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-45
nineration and Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

halo-carbon refngerants are mentioned in following tablc.


Refrigerann Chemical name Chemical formula

R-11 Trichloromonofluoromethane CCLF

R-12 Dichlorodifluoromethane CCLP

R-13 Monochloratrifluoromethane CCIP

R-14 Carbontctrafluoromethane CF

R-21 Dichloromonofluoromethane CHCLF


R-22 Monochlorodifluoromethane CHCE

Methylene Chloride CHLC


Methyl Chloride CHLC


R-100 Ethyl Chloride CHCI

Trichlorotrifluorocthane CCLFCCIF3

R-114 Dichlorotetrafuoroethane CCIFCCF,


R-115 Monochloropentafluoroethane CCLE CF

(2) Azeotropa iefrlgerants

term 'azeotrope' refers to a stble mixture of refngerants whose vapour and liquid phase retain identical
composition over a wide range of temperature,
These refrigerants have properties that differ from either of their
These are as follows:
Beigermtnimber Azeofopicnrure retrgeranit mieal ormuh
R-500 73.8% R-12 and 26.2% R-52CLF,/CHCHE,|

R-502 48896 R-22 and 51.256 R-115 CHCIE /CCIECP,|

R-503 40.1% R-23 and 59.9% R-13 CHF,/CCR5

R-504 48.29% R-32 and 518% R-115 CHE,/CCICF;

) Inorganlc refrigerants:

eC Tefigerants were exclusively used

before the introduction of halo-carbon refigerant.
gerant like R-717 (Ammonia, NH,),
R-729 (Ai), R-744 (Carbon dioxide), R-764 (Sulphur dioxide), etc.
0s Tefrigerants
are successfully used
in industrial and commiercial purposes
inused. ammable and explosive. These group with ethylene and propylene based. These arc not ommonly


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Refrigeration Cyclesand
and Reingetants
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-46
Refrigeration and Air Condlitioning Secondary Refrigerant: MSBTEW15:3A

are used State its any tvoapplicaticns

any two situations or conditions when secondary relrgeranis
O Dschbe

tefrigerants? State ils application

What are dilerent secondaty
is to be cooled directly by refrioe.
In many applications it is not desirable to
carry the heat from place which
carried away by secondary refrioo
Air, Waler, or Brinc. The heat
caicd by using the secondary refrigerant such as
refrigerant is circulated again and again. The secondary refiperant
to pnmary refrigerant in evaporator and secondary ant
advantages like different temperatures
maintenance of different is
Used in all commercial and industrial rcfrigeration plants. It has tem
temperatures etc. They are .
different zones by varying circulation of sccondary refrigerant, maintenance of lower safet
refrigerants are,
generally suitable for refrigeration systems. Commonly used types of sccondary

1. Water: Used in Air conditioning systems for cooling, Dehumidification etc.

2. Brine or glycol: Uscd in Ioe plants to maintain temperatures lower than atmospheric temperatures.

Brincs are often chosen as secondary refrigerants for large refrigeration systems, such as those supplying supematien
the most common brines being water-glycol solutions, water-ethanol solutions and acetate solutions.

Applications: 1) Ice plants 2) Cold storage 3) In big Installation.

2.3.2 Difference between Primary and Secondary Refrigerant:


C14Differentiate béween primary and secondary.rerngerant

St. No Pma Vre

COnary reirigeranta
).Ttis capable of higher refrigerating efect. | It capable
of lower refrigerating efect.

i)|Leakage is a problem. Leakage is not harmful.

ii) It is expensive.
It is cheap.
Gv) Less quantity of refrigerant required.
More quantity of refrigerant required.

(v) No need of anti-frecze solution.

( Required anti-freeze solution.

(vi) May or may not be corrosive.

Usually coTosive.

2.3.3 Desirable Properties of Refrigerant:

MSBTES-14.W-15. W16,W-175
Slate desirable propertes.of
rergerant S14W 16,W
Comment on what is desirable in following
properties of refngeránt
Latentheatofyapourizatipn (-153
Q Whatarethe desireable propertlies
of refrigerant?


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-47
Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

Idcal refrigerant should possess thrce types of properties:

Desirable Properties of

1. Themodynamic properties

(a) Boiling temperature

(6) Freezing temperature


(c) Evaporator and condenser pressure

(d) Critical temperature and pressure

(e) Latent heat of vapourization

.Chemical (safe working) properties of refrigerant

(c) Solubility af water

(d) Effect on stored materlal

Physical properties of refrigeran

(a) Stabilty

(b) Corrosive properiy

(c) Viscosity

) Leakage tendency

Fig. C2.4:Desirable
Properties of Refrigerant

1. Thermodynamic properties:

a) Boiling temperature
temperature affects the
atmospheric pressure should be low. The boiling
temperature of the refrigerant at
The boiling the system.
capacity and operating cost of

following table shows the boiling

temperature at atmospheric pressure.
Rérikecantlig paint"C
R-11 +23.77

R-12 -29

R-22 -41

R-113 +3.6
R-717 (NH) -33.3


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Refrigeration Cycles and p
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V)

(b) Freezing temperature:

should not freeze under working
low because refrigerant evapone
should be
The freczing point of refrigerant
temperature refrigerant.
the freezing
he following table shows
Retrigerantreezingtemperattire m

R-11 -111



R-717 (NH) -71.8

c)Evaporator and condenser pressure:

should be positive i.e. above atmospheric and it
should be as near
Both the evaporator and condenser pressure
atmospheric pressure as possible.

(d) Critical temperature and pressure

The crtical temperathure of a refrigerant is high at which it can be

condensed to a liquid.

the citical temperature of the refnigerant is too near the desired condensing temperature, the power consumptoni

eLateat heat of vaporization:

A refrigerant should have high latent heat of vaporization at the evaporator temperature. Higher the latent heat hig
refrigerating effoct.

2. Chemical (safe working) properties of refrigerant

(a) Flammability:

The ideal refrigerants are neither flammable nor explosive.

b) Toxieity :

The toxicity of refrigerant may be of prime or secondary importance.

Some non-toxic refrigerant when mixed with certain percentage of air became toxic.
These refrigerants. affect the human comfort or human body because it causes strong imitant. Thereroe
refrigerants are not used in domestic refngeration and comfort air conditioning.

(c) Solubility of waterr:

The soluble refrigerant causes the corrosion on the metal and also chock the expansion device ie. capilay,
throttling in the system.

(d) Effect on stored material

enal w
These refrigerants should not affect the material. There will be no change in colour, taste or texture of the maiena
exposed to Freon.

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Refrigeraion and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

Physical propertles of
refrigerant should not decompose at any temperature in the refrigeration system. So it should be
Cablitr: An ideal
amsive property: The ideal refrigerants are non-corosive. Freon group of refigerants are non-corosive with
Ammonia is used only with iron or steel.
practically all metal.
in the liqud and vapour state should have low viscosity. Low viscosity is desirable
Viscosity: The refrigerant
thoug liquid and suction line are smal. It also improve heat transfer rate through
the pressure
drops in passing,
condenser and

The leakage tendency of ideal refrigerant should be low. Lcakage

refrigerant should be easily
Teakage tendency:
flaws in material used for construction.
detectable. The leakage ocurs joints or
a halide
Ammonia leakage is easily detected
by pungent odour. Fluorocarbon refrigerant dctected by soap solution,

detected by burning sulphur candle which forms whitc fumes of ammonium sulphite.
Ammonia refrigerant can also be

2.3.4 Designation (Nomenclature) of Refrigerants:

methane and ethane seres are known by their numbers instead of chemical names. To simplify the
The refrigerants of
and it is more commonly used today. Each refrigerant cariers a specific
erminology, a mumber of system was developed
number is proceeded by word "Refngerant' Ior by a manufactures tradc name as Freon-12.
numbers and this
methane and three digit numbers are derived from ethane base. The last digit gives
wo digit numbers are derived from
fluorine atoms in the molecules. Tbe digit next to the last digit equals one more
than the number of hydrogen
the mumber of
atoms not accounted for in the methane or ethane series are
atoins. Any

Forhydrocarbon, the mumbering is decided as follows:

The first diit stands for the mumber of carbon atom minus one.

The second digit stands for the number of hydrogen atorms plus onc.

The third digit stands for the mumber of halogen atom like fluorinc, bromine, iodine.

Where 'n' indicate the number of carbon, hydrogen or halogen atom.

Using the formla,

First digit = n-1=2-1=1

Second digit = 0+1=01
Third digit 4
The mmber is 114 or E 114 or R-114

C Hgit number, it is derived from
bydrogenatom ethane base. The digit 4' represent number of fluorine atom. The mumber of
mla C
formla uane, six monoatoms are required, therefore
CCLE, the number of chloine atom will be 6 - 4 =2. Chemical

CH-C= 2c2H 4CI

willbe mumbered as,

C2-1 = 1

Tech Lseuledgi

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Refrigeration Cyces and
Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
Relrigeration and Air
H+2+1 z 3

F/Br/I 0
category are as follows:
refrigcrant, which do not under HC
The nomenclature for other
digit 3 after R.
compounds with carbon atoms are numbered using
(W) The cyclic organic
R-316-Thichloro hexalyo cyclobutane. (C,CLF)
R-317-Monochloo heptafuiro cyclobutane. (C, CIF)

(i) Azeotropes are numbered with digit 5 after R.

-500 CCL, F,/CH,CHR



OGive thedesignation 10dichlorodfluoro-methames

The chemical fomula is CCLF
The geaeral fonmula used to designated the number either for melhane or ethane is

Using the formula,

First digit = n-1=1-1=0

Second digit 0+1=01 as n =1 as there is no hydrogen atom in the chemical formula
Third digit = 2, as the number of fluorine atom, n=2
The number is 012 orR--012

2.3.5 ction of Refrigerant for Relevant Application

The selection of refrigerant is done by studying the propertics

like thermodynamic, physical and safe working propertis
for a particular purpose.

There is not a single refrigerant which can be uscd for all

refrigeration purpose. Different applications
required difteret
More attention is given to the following properties
before selecting a refrigerant and compressor.
(1) Corrosiveness: The refrigerant should
be non-corrosive to ferrous and
other construction materials.
(2) Flammability: The refrigerant should
be nop-flammable and non-explosive
will not result in case of fire or ovetheated condition. even mixed with air so that dang

(3) Space limitation: The refrigerant should

have low specifíc volume to allow
the use of small machine.
(4) Oil miscibility : "The refrigerant should mix
well with oil in the compressor from od
before the vapour enters the condenser. The miscibility and should be able to separale rou
of refrigerant with lubricating oil is advantageoussin tha
oil is returned to the compressor by the refrigerant

(5) Temperature required in condenser

and evaporator: The vapour pressure condec
should not be high. High pressure in the refrigerating coresponding in
system increase the cost of the plant.
Also other factors considered as,

(6) Boiling point and freezing point.

(7) Leakage tendency.
(8) Non-toxic and chemically stable -Toxicity may cause
irritation, suffocation and poisoning.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-51 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

Applications of Refrigerant:
Name the reingerantSseonornE
Domestic retrigerajor
Ar condhtioner (
C0lco plaht
Reigerant ised eauo
For air conditioning the theatres, office, factories and auditoriums, equipment for cooling
F-I1,EI13, H_0, CH,C
and distillation.
F-S0), CHLCl and For domestic purpose as household refrigerator, water coolers and small air
F-12, S0, conditioners.
For commercial purpose chemical storage, refrigerated carriers..
cold storage plants, ice-
For domestic and commercial freezers. For industrial purposes as
NHL, F-12, R22 and CO,
Cream factories.
operations and in
Ethylene For industrial purposes as liquification of gases, metallurgical
F-13, P-14, CH, and tunnels.
aerodynamic wind

ce plant.

24 Refrlgerant System Vaccumisation

proper evacuation is necessary before it can be safely resealed. It

Whenever a refnigeration system is opened 1or service,
non-condensable and other contaminates be removed from the
is critical that
microns or lower, must be connected to both the
. vacuum pump is used which is capable of blank-off to at least 300
high and low sides of the
refrigeratior'system. The siže of the connecting hosés should be such that they will not
from the system to the vacum
the flow
A vacuum gauge that reads in microns should be connected to the
farthest point in the system away' from the

refrigeration system to
evacvation process is strongly recommended. For triple evacuation, pump down. the
break the vacuum using.dry nitrogen. At 1,500 microns any moisture or ice trapped in
1,500 microns, and then

system will outgas.

After backilling with dry nitrogen to atmospheric pressure, operate the vacuum pump a second time to 1,500 microns
and again backfill with dry nitrogen. Finally, operate the vacuum pump the third time to 300 microns, but no lower.

Close all valves and isolate the vacum pump, then turn the vacuum pump' off.
A loseof vacumi to above 1,500 microns during the hold test indicates a system leak. System leaks must be repaired
can be
before the refigeration
system safely operated. Any system leak required to go through the necessary steps to
ensure there has been
no contamination of the refrigerant

25 Charging Processés
Befor Cnarging
it is necessary to remove the air from refrigeration unit and vacuum created in the system.
e ine diagram for churging of efrigeration system is showa in FHg 2.51. Fist the valve Va is clased and
an 2 and vacuum gauge V are fitted as shown in Fig. 2.5.1. The valve Vs is closed and valve V1 and v

is dh lOr j5 started. Thus air form the evaporator condenser, receiver is sucked through the valve Vj and
through the valve Vg afier compressing into compresor. The vacuum gange V indicates
low vacuu
the air is removed from the system. After removing the air, the
compressor is
t Or

P atiess

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Refigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-52 Refrigeration Oycles andRetigeranms

stopped and valve V1 and Vs closed and valves Vs, V2 and V7 of the refrigeant cylinder open and the comr
started The sufficient quantity is noted on in spring balance shown in Fig. 2.5.1, the compressor stopped,
is The
V and Vs are closed and valve Vi is opened. The valves Vj. V2 Vs and Vs are the integral parts of the comn
which are removed.

Connector gauge
V2 Condense


Expansion valve

Spring balance


Fig.2.5.1:Charging ofretrigeration
The air leaks inside the system
occurs. It is necessary
air present in high side which to remove the air for
increase waler consumption maintaining the efficiency
normal it is necessary of the condensers arc increased. of the system. The
to remove the air from Wben it increases 10 percent above
outside. the system which is known as
purging. During
the refrigerant is added fom
Lealtage testing method and process:
After charging the refrigeration
system, it is necessary
necessary because to test all the joints
minor leakage will cause to make sure that they
Leakage testing method a complete loss of refrigerant are leak-proot. Ths B
in a relative short period.
The following are u
1. Test of S02:
If a small piece of ammonia soaked
cloth fastenced to
leak may occur, it will the end of stick
be noticeable by a thick and placed adjacent
white snoke forming to the joint or place wher
2 at the place of leak.
Test for NHg:
Two methods are used for
testing the leakage
candle flame gives a thick of NHy either in
white smoke if it come compression system
or in absorbing system. A > ulphur
paperis brought near the leaking in contact with leakage
place îts colour changes ammonia. If a phenolphthalein paper(limus
rapid and accurate. instantly coming
in contact with ammonia. BothtEstanare very


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Sem-VI) 2-53
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants

tested with a halide (alcohol) torch. If the intake tube of the halide toreh is brought
T7 of above refrigerant are
r the lcak point,
then the leaking gas enter into the intake tube of the torch and gives green hue which indicate the
To light the rch, the flame chamber must he preheated and the aîr intake tube must be stopped with
Icakage of gas.
used natural gas, acetylene gas or propane
lamc is burning well. The halide leak detector may also
until the flam
the figure
as a fuel.
a thick soap solution is used near the joint. If the bubbles are formed then it gives
mcthyl chloride and isobutene
For leakage.The halide gas is not uscd for these refrigerant as gas is explosive in some concentration.
sure indicati

Electronlc leak
4. the refrigerant vapour is tested then the current
clectronic resistance oI gas sample and if air containing
t measures indicated on a millimetre or it ring a bell.
changes. The change
in curent ilow is
Kyoto protocol
Montrealprotocol and
substance within a
out consumption and production of ozone depletion
protocol was established
to phase all review from time to time
.The time frame. The time frame for both developed and developing countries is to be
Specified UN Eavironmental programme.
Montreal on 16" sepember 1987 under the auspices of
was signed in 50%
The protocol issue. The original schedule contain
most successful international agreement on technical
stillrated as the for developing countries. The
reduction of emission of
CFC by develop countries with a 10 years grace period
current provisions are as
änd oZone depleting refrigerant were added in 1997. The
protocol was modified in
developed countries by 01/01/1996.
phase out of CFC in
fllows. The total phase out of
reduced phase out of CFC. Completely
10 years for developing countries to gradually
period of
The grace countries and 2030 for
year 2020 in developed
depleting refrigerant. India which
qualifes as a developing
address the non-ozone
protocol does not
The Montreal decade.
banned CFCs at the end of this
country is required to

Kyoto protocol: change in

parties, on the framework convention of globe climate
This protocol was adopted at the third
conference of
contributing to global warming namely
protocol has put HCFC's together with the five gases
Kyoto in 1997. The emission. The develop
Kyoto protocol aims at reduction and control of greenhouse gas
CON,0,CHL,SPg and PFCs. Kyoto protocol not been ratified by
countries have obligation to cut down their emission
by 5.2 % below 1990 level.
all countries.

Kyoto protocol comprises three part.

0) Clean development mechanism

2) Emission trading
3) Joint implementation
protocol is considered biased by
countries have obligation to cut emission under the protocol and thus the
the develop countries.

261. Concept of Ozone

layer Depletion

airin br 5
ANtheconcaptororone.derle 16 18
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Refrigeration Cycles and iRefrigeranh
FRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-54

is well known that ozone layer present in the lower part of the stralosphere (about 11 km above the earth surface)acts
as a protective umbrella for the earth by considerably reducing harmíul ultraviolele radiation from the sun reachine
earth's surfacec. The ozonc depletion was first obscrved in 1970 and later on Antarctic ozone hole was found in 1980
CFC and HCFC refrigerants Ieaking into the atmosphcre during manufacturing or at the time of servicing equipme

The ultraviolatc rays from the sun release chlorine (C) atom from the molecules of CHC rctngerant
otierwise mixed with surounding air and may rise up into tropasphere and then into stratosphere due to wind or or
such as CCLE.
Uv. Sunlight

C+0 0,+CIO

CIO+0 l+0, .(i)

The result of reaction (i) and
(ii) is that chorine atom destroys O, molecules
destroy a large number of and is set free to enter into
O, molecules present in air. As large number a chain reactiom
of CFC refrigerants are released ionto
cause considerable amount into
of ozone depletion and destroy
rays from reaching the earth. the protective ozone layer which
considerably reduce ultraviles
they t
Hence CFCs has banned
since 2000. avok

1. Use of eco-friendly refrigerant

e.g. R134a at which having
2. Use of CFC refrigerants zero ODP.
are banned and development
ofnew refrigerant substitute for CFC.
Use of radio-waves
to produce negative chlorine
ion in the stratosphere.
4. Plugging ozone hole
with balloons.

2.6.2 Concept of Green

House Effect:

GreenHouseeffectand'Global MSBTE WAT SAT8V13

onceptof oreen house
effect& globalwam (17 W-141
Earth is known as Green
because it looks green
is necessary to maintain
the earth temperature
due to trees and plantation
as well as oxygen and keeps everything
absorbed by trees in equilibrium.Täis
and released O,. Once level also. All
the mass balance leaving on the earth released CO, wich
rapid development of O, and CO,
in industrialization and is disturbed, it affect
destroy stratospheric cut of forests bas increased atmospheric condiion. Duw
ozone (03) layer CO content in b
thickness of stratosphere which protects the earth the atmosphere. The excess
from entering of Ch
reduces creates excess of heat from
disturb the green void, so solar the sun.
earth atmosphere. rays directly fall
on earth which
As ozone y
This effect of reducing incrèase the earth temperabie
Refigerants having O, layer as Green house 3
higher ODP, effect.
1. R-11 (CCiF) having
ODP 1.00
2. R-12 (CClF) having
ODP 093.
Reasons to phase outhigh ODP refrigerants:
1. To protect ozone
layer as they contain
chlorine as
2. Protect the life on earth it affect ozone depleting
by keeping the element.
mass balance of
O, and CO,


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Sem-v) 2-55
Conditioning (MSBTE 2312731031TMSBTE S-15
Refrigeration and Air

Global Warming:
batooh a aft 15
wavelength by
infrared radiation and
OZOna layereffects
on global waringk Surface is re-
emitted at
absorb this
QExplaIn ere and earth's
atmosphere house
the solar energy absorbcd by the atmosphere
CH, present in the lower
warming due to Green
The part of and Global
gases such as CO, Og. No, known as
rcfrigerants along with mosphere. This is
TheCFC the earth
.heat. So this increase the temperature on the uture and
trap the
agricultural cultivation in
effect rainfall, distribution
waming will be on wind circulation,
global the polar regions.
he impact o1 and melting of ice and glaciers in
level, due to thermal expansion of water
on the sea

2.7 Eco-Friendly Refrigerant

MSBTE W-10.W-12

M10 M2H
is meant
O.What on
Considered to inflict minimum harm
Bco-fnendly oOr to refer to goods and services.
natiural friendly are synonyms use
involvement. The global reduction of greenhouse
the eavironment. Eco-miendly
refrigerant crub the negative impacts of human
gases is dlependent on the adaption of refrigerant at
industrial level as well as this clean energy generation.

27.1 R-134-a (HFC - 134 a) (Tetrafluoroethene):.

DiSCuss 134a refp Oeran
R - 134a, a partially halogenated hydrocárbon is considered as an alternative refrigerant for the fully halogenated

I does not contain chlorine, the ozone depleting element and thus zero depletion potential. R - 134a has a miscblity
probdlen with mineral oil. However whea the mineral, oil are replaced with ester based synthetic Inbicant, the miscibility
problem is eliminated. R 134a is non-flammable and non explosive. There is no refrigerant loss through
purging as it has
positive pressure both in evaporator and condenser
and hence there is no necessity of purge unit and vacuum prevention system.
I has zeio ODP
I has low GWP which is less than 0.1.
thas a good system efficiency.
thas a good availability because of its widespread applications.


lis not compatible with conventional

mineral lubricating oil and needs polyester based
ygroscopic and hence synthetic oil, which are highly
almost care is required while charging
and servicing.
() ls theoretical eficiency
is less than that of many refrigerant.
27.2 Hydrocarbon

DA This
ORREIBAa,and hyero.carbon
rerigeranis instead.dtFrongroup retigerants
h consists of colorless
fuid normally in the gaseous form

oonly ae
a few hydrocarbot
implies. They
arbon refrigeran
are obtained from several söurces
made up by varying combination of elements
such as petroleum products, natural
of carbon
gases, etc.
refrigeralo are employed as common refrigerants.
Isobutane has been found
geralors. Most of the refigerants of quite suitable
this category are suitable for very low-temperathure

P atiess
Scanned with Camšcanner
Refrigeration ycles and igerants
_Sem-V) 2-55
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE These are non poisonone
cxplosive when mixcd with
air. but are
refrigerants are flammable and highly are his respect, to ethylene, a gás note
oted for its
The hydrocarbon propanc, which mild in
degrees, varying from cthene and All hydrocarbon refrigerant affect boiling
anesthetic in varying solution. hydron
by the soap The larger number of ogen and
characteristics. This is detected and carborn nlom. carbon
nghly anesthetic number of hydrogen
with chemical fom
according to the drocarbon
hydrocarbon relngerant
refrigerant with chemical formula given in tal
POInt of each gas varies increascs. The table
boiling point
aom, the gas became heavier and
below. RefrigerantChemical forminla

Ethylene CH
Propylene CH
Propane CH
Butane CHo
Applications of Refrigeration
2.7.3 Major
manufacturing iCe, preservation of foods and
air condiion
refrigeration applications in
These ae
many as
There are

1. Domestic Applications:
refrigeration includes the household
refrigerators used for storing food. yeoetail.
The domestic applications of
refrigerator for storage hae
vapor compression cycle. Temperatures maintained in household of0to4
This uses
degrees centigrade's.
to maintain tCmperaures Delow zero degree centigrade which used for
A freezer compartment is also provided
of frozen food for a short duration. For storing of frozen food, ice creams, meat, milk, for a longduraton.
Compression cycle as well as Vapour Absorption cycle.
House hold refrigerators works on Vapour

Generally R134a is used as refrigerant. Typical other applications includes Room air conditioners or Spit ti
conditioners, Water coolers for cooling water.

2 Industrial Applications:

Sata ri apkcaltonsol retigeialiontnirduslnal seclorandexplahanyoneindelais

(A) The refrigeration is used in many industries for economical and quality products and it is also unavoidable pats ia
many industries.

a) Printing industries for quality printing : Control of humidity is very necessary because high humidity p
por dying of ink and spot may be printed and cffcct of low humidity will cause curling and buckting ofpapu.
(6) Pharmaceutical industries: In this the production of granular product require dry and low temperiire Or
its preservation and Pill and tablets requires low temperature for its preservation.
() Oil-relinery: The refrigeration is used throughout IS proces
the refinery process for its producuou.
is to chill at various
stages to remove wax from
deparation and liquification of gases
constituents. It is
also necessary
Refrigeration is used for the liquidification of u temperatune

150'C is
for the separation of gases in petrochemical pla
0 Air-conditioning
for comfort
of workers

Scanned witn camscanner

Sem-VI) 2-57
and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Refrigeration Cycles
and Refrigerants
production of quality textile products,
textile industrices for
(For For manufacturing
process in photographic industry.
) paper.
production of
paper industries for
In preservation of food in food
Chemleal Industry:
use refrigeration in the following ways:
Modem chemical processes
the rate of chemical reaction.
(1) To control
control the rate of
(2) To
gas and vapour and of solidification of liquid
) To liquidification of
(4) To prevent loss of
petro-chemical industry.
(C)Preservationof Goods:

Storage of blood in blood bank, medicines.

(2) Storage and
transportation of fruit, meat, poultry product, dairy product.

Commercial Applications:

.Commercial Applications involves the Deep freezers.

are used to store firozen food, Fish, cold drinks, ice creams, milk for a long duration.

.Temperatures up to- 15 degree centigrade's can be maintained here.

work on Vapour compression system and uses generally R1342, as refrigerant,
.Refigerated trucks and railway wagons äre also used for transportation of Gases, Milk, Food at a low temperahure
Ice plants are used for manufacturing of Ice.
( ts used for
work on Vapour compression cycle with Ammonia as primary refrigerant and Brine as secondary refrigerant.

of air conditioning hospital, hotel, offices, ete. for comíort.

(2) Inice factory.

() In adistrict milk dairy, for pasteurizing or worth cooling in brewery.

4, Marine Applications

Ar conditioning of passenger ships is done for comfort of passengers

Aircondioning of cargo ships is done for preservation of food and perishable products.
R22 is used as refnigerant
re in the range of-23 to 12 degrees centigrade is maintained in the atmosphere.

274 Domestic
MSBTE W-18.S-19

ki domestic retigeratorwith.
sketci ofdomesiceuge
are manufactured 380 litres.
in various sizes 165 litres, 200 litres, 300,
Space. maintainedat low
the refrigerator size but it is a volume of co
Used to specify
B primaryfunction stored in space
of refrigerator or from
Emperaure freezer is to protect the food
atmosphere TechKoealed

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration Cycles andRetinprant
Sem-VI) 258
Refrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTE consumption.
formation oficc
essential secondary function is the about 0 C to
15 preservation of fresh food is
The satisfactory temperature for the

Components of Refrgerator :
refrigerator system Condenser
he main components of 2)
Evaporator or
1) Compressor 4)
capillary as an
capansion device Defrost system
3The devise or
Temperature control 8)

7) Drier-strainer

9) Refrigerant




Aevaporator E themostat and cold control H compressor control box

B condenser F interior light Jfilter drier
C compressor Gdoor switch K mains electrical supply
D capillary

Fig. 27.1 :Actual Domestic refrigerator diagram with electric circuit


The domestic refrigerator works on vapour compression refrigeration

system because of its compactesS and n
efficicnt use of electrical energy.

The refrigerant used is R-134a.

The evaporator used in the donmestic refrigerator

is plate and tube type
as a frezer for the storage of frozen or pressed sheet type in the form ot bor.
food as well as for
making ice.
It is located at the top or
above the general food
storage space. The temperature in evaporator is maintau
-10° C. d an

The evaporator is constructed

in the form of a box
and the refrigerant
portion of the box for efñicient
so that vapour refrigerant
heat transfer. The
tubes are brazed to the side wall and
a he
is mounted at the bottom and refngera
wil be suck by compressor back side or n
due to gravity.

Scanned with CamScanner

Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-Vi) 2-59 Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants
and Air
arc cquipped witlh push button defrost
rinig ntars thermostat.
Presentday nrovidcd in the center of the thermostat
button knob which break and keep the electrical contact ofthe
push enuntil the cvaporator temperature rises
above freerzing point and defrost takes place and after completion
relngerator comes to l functioning automatically.
of fabricatcd of steel, properly
outer shellis usually treated and finished with a synthetic baked enamel to prevent
which does not require
liner is of plastic any extra process
The inner comer. In between outer forCorrosion prevention and acts as smooth finish
es and and inner linet insulation
without shan is provided.
gasket is provided r und the throat lip of the cabinet.
A door
gasket ofsoft n
vinyl compoundcan
The be compressed, thereby sealing cabinet
closed.1This prevents any air leakage. the door joint effectively when
thedoor is
magnetic wire is embedded in the gasket folds help
The to keep the door tightly closed
and pressed to the cabine. Au
automatic button is provided which switches on the bulb
as soon as door opens.

The domestic refngerator woINS On vapour compression refrigeration system
because of its compactness and more
ent use of clectrical energy. Moderm refgerator
uses R-134a as ecofriendly
The nrefigerant
The vapour irom tne evaporaior
is at low pressure is sucked
by the hematically sealed compressor and
npressed to high pressure and high temperature
which easily discharge
to fin type condenser where reject latent heat
toatmospheric air.

The condensate form stored

is in receiver and according to need
it is allowed to pass through capillary tube which
as an expansion device, s0 the pressure and temperature are lowered.
Capillary device acts as a throttling unit keeping
the enthalpy constánt.

pressure of the refrigerant, when leaves t

The capillary is maintained above atmospheic pressure. The drier, stainer
the moisture or impurities from the refrigerant.

.During startup high torque is required

for the compressor. This torque is achieved by starting relay. The relay is of
electromagnetic type, connected in seies with main winding. During starting
high curent flow through relay and
contact closed putting the start winding into cireuit.
. To control the temperature inside the refrigerator there is thermostat, whose sensor is con to the evaporator. The
thermostat setting can be done by the round knob inside the refrigerator compartment. When the set temperature is
reached inside the refrigerator the thermostat stops the electric supply to the compressor and compressor stops and when
the temperature falls below certain level it restarts the supply to the compressor.


8 Fiter

Evaporaior ier



Fig.2.7.2: Line diagram of domestic
substance which are kept for coling
absorb the heat from the
evaporator also called as freezer. Here the refrigerint
The is epeated.
sucked by compressor and cycle
its phase to vapour form and these vapour is
and changes Tedfenlei

Scanned witn camScanner

Reffgeration CyclesandRetgers
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 2-60
Refrigerntion and Air Conditioning geranta

refrigerator will be morc and cold air has high density morc down due due to
rature at bottom of natual
The temperaturc control is obtained by thermostat.
difference. The
convection and density
froczer cabinct, a tray is provided below thefreeet
water due to condensation over the fmo.
To prevent tricking of bon.This
drops dluring defrosting.
nlso collect water
accomplishcd by providing an clectric heater consisting of conventional
Automatic Defrost system is nicresistor
various control melhod, supplies the heat necessary to prevent excessive
encascd in tubing, which by moisture
operates on cyclic manner. The defrost system of the
accumulation on cvaporator. The defrost heater the refrigerator

removing the cxcess ice from the suface of the

evaporator. The defrost system can be operated rated manually hely
comprising of the electric heater and the timer. by
thermostat button or therc is automatic system

Tvation of
essential part of the household for preservation
The refrigcrator, once considered a luxury, has foo.also
hospital, chemist, laboratories and thereby reducing wastagc.

274.1 Water cooler:

WhichtyperorcuupLSSOryoU wileoted
or aleccoo Why?
cine comPonents andr
and used in school. off.
water 7°C to 15°C used for drinking
Water coolers are used to produce cold factories
There are two types of water coolers:
. Instantaneous type,

2. Storage type.
type consists of two separaie cylindncal wound coil made of coDmeror
The evaporator of the instantaneous o. staáinless

steel tube.
bounded together by soldering. Thc evaporating refrigerant is in one coilandwa
The two coils are entwined and to
cooled by the refrigerant evaporator by conduction.
be cooled in the other. The water is
To drnking
Water coil

Water flow

Water filter
Evaporator coil

To compressor


Fig.2.7.3:Cooling coil and evaporator coil of instantaneous

types water cooler

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Refrigerahion and Air Conditionino (MSBTE_Sem-V
e cooler
The storage type
has an
coolecr has an evaporator
eva Refigeration Cycles
coil soldered and Refrigerants
outside surfac of the walls. on the walls
galvanizedl of the storage tank
The tank could be galvanized steel or stainle
of the cooler, generaly
stainless on to ne
stecl sheets
To minimize t refrigerated water level
water, is maintainedin
both the types a pushtype thetankby a float
water taps valve.
Themostats control the opcration provided for drawing
of the refrigeration cold waterin
imit or set point. compressors
to maintain
ln instantancous cooler, the fccler bulb
the waterT temperature
of the thermostatl within the desired
In storagetvpe
type thebulb
bulb is
is kept
k is clampedon
immerscd the water coil
inwater in just at outlet end.
.Equipment required: thetankor
to the wall ofstorage
1. Hermctically sealed compressor tank.
2. Capillacy tube. the capacity
ofwater cooler.
3. Flooded type evaporator.

4. Air cooled comdenser

with fan and
coil fin

2.8 Manufacturer their product

and capacity
The following are the manufacturer
of refrigerator.
Whirlpool FrostFree Multi-Door
Refrigerator avacity
4S inverter Triple
Godre DoorRefrigerator
RB EON NXW 380 390Litres
SD Double Door
SingleDoor Refrigerator 380Litre
Direct Cool 190 and
Whirlpool 185litres
3 Star Single Door Refrigerator.
Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator 190L

Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator
Samsung 245L
2 Star Direct-Cool Single-door
4 Star Frost Frec Double DoorRefrigerator(RT28M3424S&/HL)
| 253L
Inverter Frost Free Side-by-Side Refrigerator
700 L
Life Good (LG) 4 Star Direct
Cool Single Door Refrigerator
Frost Froe Side-by-Side Refigerator
687 L
4 Star Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator

a neat labelled symmetric diagram of a simple vapour compression refrigeration system.

6Draw Vapour compression refrigeration cycle on P-H and T-S chart and label the diferent prooesses

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Refrigeration Cycles andRe

Refrigeration and Air Condlitioning

(MSBTE Sem-VI) 262
Fefrigernlion Gyclo
Vapour Compression
.3 State the Components of
Q.4 Stale tho function of Relay and
refrigeration system.
Drier-strainer in T-S diagram (any thro
Q.5 Stato the function of and plot it on P-H and
w.r.t. the state of refrigerant
Q. vapour compression cyclo
*iassifly and T-S
super heating on COP wilth pH of comprestie
reingerant at the end
.7State the effect of diagram for Dry
and salurated and
and P-H
Represent a ncat labeled T-S
.8 conditions.
for the bolh
write C.0.P, eqvations refrigeralion system.
of Two stage
a neat sketch
.Draw ?State advantages and
limitations of i.
What is need of refrigeration system
.10 absorption
Draw neat sketch of
practical retngeration system.
Q.11 vapour compression
disadvantages over refrigeration syvstem"
advantages and two ammonia absorption
Q.12 State two aqua
components in practical
function ofthe
a. 13 State the exchangers
(v) Heat
Rectifier (i) Analyser
Absorber )
its working
refrigeration system and explain
a. 14 Draw neat sketch of

Q.15 Define the ten
Q.16 Clasify the
desirable propertiesof ideal
Q.17 State
designation to
Q.18 Give the
Describe Charging
processes of refrigeraion
Q.19 system.
of Leakage testing in refrigeration
a.20 Describe any two method
Explain in brief Ozone
.21 sketch
domestic refrigerator with neat
a. 22 Explain the Working of
industrial sector.
applications of refrigeration in
Q.23 State the

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UNIT 111 33.5 Comparison between Air
and Water Cooled Condenser..
Chapter3 Berigeration System Components
3-1to 3-33 Evaporators and Chillers 3-16
3.4.1 Classification of Evaporators -16
3.1 Redgadon onpressos, dassitcations, oonstnuction and
Extended Surface Evaporator
woting henicaly seaes compressa, open ype
cornpresson, tday coangressas certrhuga, Screm and
(Finned Evaporator)
. ...3-17

Sccl orngressns and their applicasion Bare-Tube Evaporator -3-18
32 Condeasers dassiicasions, woring ot air and water
.3-18 Plate Sheet Type Evaporator *******-*-
cdd cndensers, eragosive condersers, comparson
and apicatios nooded Evaporalor -3-19
3.3 Evaponaos Cassicaion wring d finned type, bared
1ute, pade type, fiorded, shl and tube type evaporators, Dry Expansion Evapurator 3-20
their aulicaticns. Chilers Direa expansion and tiooded
type tillers, woking and apphications Shell and Tube type Evaporator -20

34 Espasin device dassificaions, capitary tube, automatic 3.5 Classification of Chillers. 3-21
epension vatve, Thermostatic expansion valve, selecion,
3.5.1 D-XChillers . 3-21
woring and agpication.

Other components Drie:, Senid

3.5.2 FloodedChilers **** 3-222
a.5 vabre, Themostatic
Swtch,derosing devces, workáing and applications 3.6 Expansion Devices.. 3-23
3.1 Congressors 3.6.1 Capillary Tube .J-24
3.1.1 Claosification od Compressors 3.6.2 Thermostatic Expansion Vave.. 3-24

3.1.2 Hemetically Sealed Compressor.

3-2 3.6.3 Automatic Expansion Valve or

3.1.3 Open Type Reciptocating Compressor

Constant Pressure Valve **** ** 3-25
3.14 Oiference betwoen Open Typ
and Hermetically Sealed Compressor . 3.6.4

Comparisons .

Selection Criteria for Vapour Compression


3.2 Rotary Comprossor. Refrigeration System Components.. ..3-27


3.2.1 Contritugal Comprassor. 3.7.1 Selection of Condenser for lce Plant 3-28
3 6 ******m amom.**-**

3.2.2 Screw Compressor 3.7.2 Selection of Evaporator for lce Plant ****
reerene sesma
3-7 3-28
3.2.3 Scroll Compressor. Rnaressane 3.7.3 Selection of Compressor for
Domestic Refrigerator Working of Scroll Comprossor 3-28
3.74 Selection of Expansion Device (Capillary Tutbe)
3.3 Introduction to Condensers
***** forDomestic Retrigerator .3-29
8.3.1 Clasaification of Condenser 3-10
3.8 Other components. ..3-29 Alr CoolodCondenser
3-10 Drier-strainer
3.3.2 Type of Air Cooled Condenser
3.8.1 ******n ****s
3.9 Solenoid Vave . *** 3-29

3.3.3 Types of Water Cooed (ondercar. *********** .I-12

3.10 Themastatic Switch.. ************************ 2

3.3.4 Evaporative Condenser 3-14 3.11 Themostatic (Control).. *********************** J-c

3.12 Defroat Device (Heater)..

Refrigeration System

Refrigeration Dressor, classifica
compressor, classifications, construction
and working of hemitically
3.1 Cormpressors- centrifugal, sealed compressor, open type
compressor, rotary Scew and Scroll compressors
classifications, working ot andtheirapplications.
Condensers air and water-cooled
32 condensers, evaporative
applications. condensers, comparison
Classification- working
s. of ftinned type,
33 re their applications. Chillers-
bared tube, plate
type, flooded, shell
and tube type
Direct expansion
and flooded type chillers,
device- classifications, capillary working and applications.
Expansion device
34 fube, automatic expansion
valve, Themostatic expansion
selection, working and application. valve,

components-Drier, Solenord
3.5 valve, Ihemostatic swrtch,
defrosting devices, working and applications.

3.1 Compressors ,
Comoressor is most
important component
out of the four-componet viz. evaporator,
condenser, compressor,
enansjon valve. This is the only component, and
which is dynamic and therefore
it is called the heart, of the refrigeration
If we had infinite amount of a refrigerant available,
there would be no need for compressor.
a We can go on using the
refigerant and letting it off into the amosphere
without recapturing, The compressor
is used to suck the vapours
evaporator and from the
raise the pressure to a suitable level (depending
on type of ocondenser used whether or
it water-cooled air-cooled)
so that the heat picked up the evaporator and
heat of compression can be easily rejected
to atmosphere (waler or
air, where it is
not objectionable. Vapours are condensed
and liquefied and the same refngerant can
be used again and again in a closed cycle
3.1.1 Classification of Compressors:

MSBTE W-16.S-17. S-18, W-18

GaSsty co


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EFRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)3-2 conPOnerMa
as shown below:
Compressors can be classified into vatious categories

Non posilivo


Rolling Trochoidal
rotary croi Screw
Vano piston wankel

Rotating Mono Duel


According to According to
Hemetically Semi
Open construction working side
sealed hemetically

Vertical Horizontal Single Double

Crank Swash Wobble
acting acting
ype plate plate
type type

Dual swash Single swash

plate type plate type

3.1.2 Hermetically Sealed Compressor:

SETE: -18.SA

Sketch and explain hermeticaly.sealed


GWhat arë the applications of .
the compressor housing and is connected to the drivina
.In ordinary compressor, the crankshaft extends through molor, g
A sealed must be provided at the place where the
shaft comes out through the compressor housing. This is nece.
outside or leakage of air inside for this to avoid the complete leatam
prevent the leakage of refrigerant of te

i is a unit in which the compressor and motor operates on the same shaft and are enclosed in a common single
which is knowa as Hermetically sealed compressor. These compressors may operate on either reciprocating orTOary

principal and may be mounted with the shaft in eilher the vertical or horizontal position.

Service valves are used for suction, discharge refrigerant to compressor.1he suction and discharge line come out fgn
housing and a service line is also provided for charging of refrigerant and lubricaing oil.

An anti-slug device consisis basically of two assemblies, one is the centrifugal, and pressure fiting on the crank
rotates at the speed of compressor.

The refrigerant is drawn in through the tube in the top. Any liquid or oil is expelled through the siots on the site

catilugl force and gases being lightcn in drawn through the slots in the hub. The second asembly collcts te g
and directs it into the cylinder head. muffler is used
a to educe the noise that is creatcd by the suction process.lis
fitted between the suction connector and the suction
side of the pump unit
The winding of motor in the housing is exposed
to the suction vapour refrigerant which helps for cooling also.


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
The power is supplicd to three terminals of Heigoration System
the starting and
startingwinding after start up lecaving running running the motor through
the relay. of
winding in circuit. 1n
vdration of the unit
The relay acts as an overload
ad fprotector also.
The belorc charging is cssential as
the moisture in
hermetic units uscd cxcessively in domestic refrigerants. the system may damage tne u

volls power supply is givCn to the stator through

A 230 relay. The rotor which
shafn through cccentric shatt rolates.
crank shaft has crank shaft generally rou The
The refrigerant is
sucked and discharge through suction head
and 11appaa
valve platc.
startor Freon.

Low temperature
low pressure
freon gas


Compression Suction
area side



High temperature
high pressure Crankcase heater
freon gas (often clamped
onto the outside of
he compressor)
Fig. 3.1.1(a): Hermetically sealed


Vapour eriers

Fig.3.1.1(b): Block dlagram

Advantages of hermetically sealed
less noisy than ordinary system.
(2)The leakage of refirigerant is completely avoide

Being more compact unit require less space. oil.

sealed space with the lubricating
(4) The lubrication compréssor operate in a
u Simple as the motor and
s simp


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Refrigeration system Comne
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-4
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Disadvantages of hermetically sealed
are inaccessible.
because the moving parts
(1) The maintenance is not casy
evacuation and charging of
2) Separate pump is required for
compressor :
Applications of hermetically sealed
and even package air conditioner
deep freezer, window / split air conditioner
In Refrigerator, water cooler,
3.1.3 Open Type Reciprocating
stroke and delivery stroke
reciprocating compressor consists of two stroke ie. suction
The working cycle of

Suction stroke:
Top Dead Centre (TDC) to Bottom Dead Centre
.During this stroke the piston start moving from
piston start moving dowaward, the pressure inside s
When piston at TDC, both the valve closed. As the theoyi
than evaporator pressure so suction valve open and high pressure vapour erant enters in tha
dccreases in the cylindet
piston reaches at BDC and the suction valve closed. a

-Cylinder 3 Delivey 2




(a) Single acting reciprocating compressor (b) P-V diagram

Fig. 3.1.2:Reciprocating compressor

Compression stroke
When the piston start moving from BDC to TDC (from Fig. 3.1.26), 1-2). The compression
of vapour refigerant sat
At this time both valve closed. As the piston reaches at near to 'TDC, the delivery valve open
and air is discharged bt
condenser. During compression, the pressure and tewperature of vapour refrigerant increases.
The cylinder and cylinder head of high capacity compressors are cooled by means
of water jackets, and low capacy
compressor are air cooled.
These are classified as

(1) Single acting vertical reciprocating compressor

(2) Double acting horizontal compressor

(1) Single Acting Reciprocating Compressor:

Vapour in-

Single acting reciprocating compressor are always vertical.

The piston is directly driven by connecting rod and crankshaft

in a crankcase which is high pressure tight.

There is only one dclivery for high

pressure refrigerant for every
revolution of crankshaft.
It requires less floor space for their installation.
Hg.3.1.3:Single acting reciprocating

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tion and AirConditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI)
Refrigeration System Componenis
Double Acting Reciprocating Compressor
Dou acting compressor are always horizontal
deliveries from bothsides of the piston for
each revolution of crankshaft.
more space as
This compressor require compared to single acting
vertical compressor.

Piston rod

Fig.3.1.4:Double actingreciprocating
As both the side of the piston are exposed to rapid
change in temperature
Considerably large stuffing box is used and pressure, there is a.chance of leakage
to prevent the leakage. The discharge
on piston od side is slightly less than
other side because of the volume occupied by piston rod.

Application of Reciprocating Compressor:

) Reciprocating compressor are used for refrigerating
plant rànging
in size from 0.25 tonnes to 1000 tonnes capacity.
(C)These compressor are satisfactorily used refrigerants are
NH, S0,, CHCI and most Freon and preferable for high
compression ratio and low specific volume refrigerant.

3) These compressors are built in sizes ranging from a fraçtion of horse power
to several hundred of HP.
3.1.4 Difference between Open Type and Hermetically Sealed

JDCost olse to

Dilferentiaté pe
ompare oper ualy SE

pen type compressor Hermeticaly.sealed

Used for large capacity plant. Used for low capacity plant.

Noise is the problem. No noise.

. Leakage of refrigerant occur so large No leakage of refrigerant.
stuffing box required.
4 More space required. Less space required or compact size.
Auired lubrication for motor and Lubrication is simple as motor and compressor are operate in single
compressor separately. sealed space with lubricating oil.

6 Maintenance is easy. Maintenance is difficult.

No need of evacuation pump Required evacuation pump.


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Refrigeration System
5 Con
Conditioning (MSBTE
Refigeration and Air

Rotary Compressor
3.2 are classified
refrigeration system
Compressor used in Rotary
y Types of
Roller lypa
(1) compressor
Rotating vane
ype rotary
(3) Screw
C3.1:Types ofrotary

Centrifugal Compressor: MSBTE

Centiiugal compresSoa
are he appications ot Willis Carier in 1920
was made by Dr.
hat for refrigeration
vanes, impeller
centrifugalcompressor consist of an impeller
disc and vanee aftached
The use of The inpeller on
consist of impeller and diffuser. shown in Fig. 3.2.1. t
. It mainly
forming radial
diverging passage as
impcller disc radially vapour is drawn into the impeller eye i
speed and refrigerant
The impeller
rotates with the
shaft at high
outwards through the
impeller passages due
to centrifugal force, and a
direction and flows pressure rise.
vapour with some static
imparted to the refrigerant diffuser which is stationary, consist of a muumber
rise is obtained in the diffuser, The «
remaining pressure velocity and enters the
The vapeur leaves the impeller tip with high difire
diverging passages. The refrigerant refrigerant Vanons
the high velocity thus by
difusion process or deceleration of pour
diffuser in which reduces
.The converted into pressure enerEy.
diffuser, kinetic energy is
collected in a spiral passage from which
it is discharged from the compressor.
The flow from the diffuser is
small pressure ratio with a single stage
reciprocating compressor theref
Single stage compressor can develop a t
high compression ratio multi-stage
centrifugal compressor is required.
Diffuser blade
Difuser ing
Impeller P



Volute casing

a) (b)
Fig. 321
The following point
must be noted with centrifugal
compression refrigeration system.
) The baities must be
provided in the suction
path of refrigerant to prevent the flow of liquid reingerant
vapour, which damage
the impeller. uy

Scanned with Camscanner
Refrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTE
3-7 Refrigeration System Componentis
power requirenent or
The ne COmpressor drastically
he pressure increases may be due to
The (gradually) increase
with increase in the pressure n the sys
the leakage of air or
non-condensable gases
Advantages of Centriugal Compressor into the system.
Over Reciprocating
Since Centrifugal Compressor has no valve,
piston cylinder
therefore working
2) No vibration as there is no unbalance masses. life is more.

3The efficiency of the compressor is high

Less floor space requirea nan
SBecause of high speea, tnese can handle
large volume of vapour
refrigerant than reciprocating
Disadvantages: compressor

11 The main disadvantage 15 Surging It oceurs

when the refrigerant load
cause several stress condition decrease to below 35%
in the compressor. of the rated capacity and
2) The increase pressure per stage is less.

The refrigerant used with these

compressors should
have high specific volume.

Used extensively for air conditioning

in large structures.
refrigerant without compressor dámage Becoming more popular
Centrifugal compressors for their ability to handle
Advantages of Rotary Compressor Over Reciprocating
(1) Rotary compressors are more
silent in operation and free from vibration.
(2) These compressor are satisfactory
used with refrigerant having specific
volume at low suction pressure.
() Itis prefemed for low temperature application.

3.2.2 Screw Compressor

aOraWaneat sketch of screv týpe compressOFUSEd in
engerat ur advantages ofit W 15
In screw compressor, the suction and discharge
valve is repláce by port in the housing and piston
rotor. a by helical screw

It consists of two helical grooved rotors which are

mesh with each other in a housing. An electric
motor drives a male
rotor shaft and female follows it but in some design the metallic cylindrical
rotor. Male (lobes) and female (lutes or
gullies or antilobe).

Compression process:
Compression process is obtained by direct volume reduction with pure rotary motion.
For clarity the following description
of the three compression phase is limited rotor
to one make lobe and one female rotor interlobe space.

(a) Suction

A rotors begin to unmesh, a void is created on both male side and female side and refigerant vapour is drawnin
through thie inletport.

COntimue to tum interlobe space increase in size, and refrigerant vapour flow continuously into the compressor,
ror to the point at which the interlobe space leaves the inlet port, the eatire length of the interlobe space
completely filled with refrigerant vapour.


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration System omponentea
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-8
FRefrigemtion and Air Conditioning

(b) Compression:
fcmalc interlobe spacc on the suction
of another malc lobc with another
Further rotation start the meshing end
direction of the discharge port.
progressively compresses the air in axial
interlobe space is decreased And
and the
the refrigerant
trapped refrigerant vapour within the
Thus occupicd volume of the
vapour presure consequently

(c) Discharge:
port uncovered and
in volume ratio, the discharge the
and the
1s r
At a point determined by the designed built

lobe and interlobe space.

refrigerant vapour is discharged by further meshing of the

Helcal rotary screw


Fig. 3.2.2 : Screw compressor

to intake and discharge cycle overlap.
It gives smooth and continuous flow of refrigerant vapour due

Advantages of Screw Compressor

(1) Less maintenance due to few moving part.

(2) Smaller size, lighter weight.

3) Steeples capacity control.

(4) Less starting torque.

(5) No need of balancing, less wear and tear and less

Disadvantage of Screw Compressor:

Performance can be affected by the presenoe moisture in suction refrigerant vapour.

3.2.3 Scroll Compressor:


a What are the applications of Scroll type compresst

A scroll compressor is also known as scroll pump. Scroll compressors are orbital motion, positive displaceen. natus

uses two interleaved spiral like vanes to pump to compressor (gases) vapour.
in resiccm
The vane geometry may be involute, Archimedean spiral or hybrid curves. They are recently used
commercial air conditioning, efrigeration and heat pump application as well as in automotive air condiuoning


Scanned with Camscanner

Conditioning (MSBTE
Relrigeration and Air Sem-VI)
Refrigeration System Components
Scroll Gas
in the scroll s created by the
an orbiting spiral and a ationary
ton of
outer opening as one of the
ènters an
spiral. Gas of the spirals orbits
ropening as the one

The open passage is sealed of as gas is

drawm into the spiral.:

As sp continues to orbit, the gas is

cniral By the time the gas amives
at Achually, during operaion,
allsb gas
Compressed into an increasingly smaller pocket the center port, discharge passages are in yanious stageso.
pressure has been reached. compression af all imes, resuting in nearly
corntinucus suction and discharge.

Fig. 3.2.3: Scroll compressor Working of Scroll Compressor:

insertecd together from crescent shaped
around two identical spirals or scrolls that, when
The scroll compressor is designed
while the other orbits round the first. As this motion occurs,
packets. During a
compression cycle, one scroll remains stationary
center. At this point, the gas, now compressed
gas drawn into the scrolls and moved in
increasingly smaller pocket toward the
is ratio
in Fig. 3.2.8. It is constant olume
discharged from a part in the center of the fixed scroll shown
to a high pressure is
aspect and continuous flow gives high volumetric effciency,
compressor. It has no valve. This continuous compression.
simultaneously creating smooth nearly
gas are compressed
pockets of
During each orbit, several

Advantages of Scroll Compressor:

conventional compressor.
quietly and reliable than
)Operates more smoothly,
(2) Continuous discharge of gas.

)Minimum vibration, low noise.

(4) Fewer moving parts, less maintenance.
into a
and found
Application of Scroll Compressor: variety of sizes up
to 25 tons
Manufatured in a truck
compre milk cooling,
refrigerators bulk
Primarily in domestic successfully used for systems,heat
I bave been (rooftop)
applications. unitary
applications in
variety of geration and HVAC commercial HVAC transportation indisiy
cases. Heavy also used in
marine co andgrocery display units and
system condensing
large split
water chillers for pro building cooling,

Scanned with Camscanner

Rofigerntion and Ar Conditoning (MSBTE Scm-VI) 3-10 Refrigeraion
3.3 Introduction toCondensers

What isthefunction of acondenser in a refrigeration cycle
Iis an important device uscd
in the high pressure
side of the refrigeration sysiem.
It's function is to desuperheat
and condense therefrigerant vapour from the discharge
First heat is transfered
to the wall of the conduction and then fromcondenser
condenser tube by o
0r cooling mcdium by tube
convection. The cooling medium may be air, waler Or
combinaion of two, tothe
3.3.1 Classificalion of

Classity thecondensers.used MSBTE:S-15.

stem. WA
he condenser are mainly
classified into thre maintypeS
(0) Air cooled
condenser-use air as the cooling
Water cooled condenser-use
water as acondensing media.
Evaporative condenser - use both air and water as condensing media.

Air cooled Water cooled

condensers Condensers Evaporative

Natural Force
convection type
convecion type Induced
ype Forced
Chassis Remote
Shell and
ype tube type
Shell and
coil type
ype Cleanable
Plate type
Finned and ype
ype Platetype
Parallel flow AirCooled ype
Condenser ype
The condenser
is usually made
tuberanges of copper
from 6 to or steel tubing
18 mm. outside with fins attached
The refrigerant
lows inside
upon the size
which assist
in rapid heat transier.
the tubes of condenser. Sa: ot
These condensers and air flow
arepreferred is circulated outside.
because forsmall capacity
of excellent
heattransfer refrigeration
The steeltube
ability. or air-condiioning
system. Generauly
used for tubes Dsed

Scanned with Camscanner
and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem.
n and
Refrigeration System Components
made of
aluminium because
of light in wcight.
The fins arc
cnser is that
disadvantageofthis conde it operates at a higher condensing
.The condensing
tempera causes tempe
mperature than a water cooled condenser.
Higher the compressor to
work more.
oled Condenser:
Type of Alr

Enistdifferent 1ypes o Condenser MSBTE :W18

Convection AirCooled Condenser:
Natur i
transferfromthe condenser coil
this the heat to the air by natural convection.
contact with the warm condenser
. As dhe density of
tube, it absorbs
heat from the refrigerant
crease. So the air is decreased and
rises up and the and thus temperature or
condenser. cold atmospheric ar
absorb the heat from the air from bottom moves
r is slower thereIore
rarisfer rate
The heat required large surface
domestic area compared
used for small capacity plant as refrigerator, to force convection condenser.
water cooler, These are
2. Forced Convection Air Cooled Condenser

In this type fan is used to force the air the coil to

increase heat transfer rate.

These are of two types:

(a) Base mounted air-cooled type.'

air -cooled type.

(b) Remote

Vapour refrigerant
from compressor




IILLLL iquid rerigerant

to evaporator

Fig. 3.3.1,:Air cooled condenser

Water Cooled Condenser

In this water is used as cooling medium.

temperature of these condensers are 5 to 15°C above the temperature of entering

water. These, a
sing azvailable. These are
ys prefered where adequate supply of clear inexpensive water and waste disposal facilities
suitable for large capacity refrigerating

Scanned with Camscanner
Refrigeration System Components

reuon and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V)

These ae of following two types

(1) Waste water system
2) Recirculated water system

(1) Waste water system : does its workin he

off in a sewer, after it h.
main water
supply and is disposed
nis system water is
taken from the available and it disposed
quantity of water is cheaply
Condcnser. This system is suitable

(2) Recircnlated water system: water again recycled

cooled and this cooling
water cooling water where it again
After condensation, this is send to

condensation of refrigerant.

3.3.3 Types of Water Cooled

classified intor
The water cooled condenser again
Types of Water Cooled

1. Shell and Tube Condenser

2. Shell and Coil Condenser

A Double Pipe Condenser (Tube-in-Tube)
Hla) Counter fiow tube in tube condenser

Y6) Parallel flow tube in tube condenser

Fig.C3.2:Types of Water Cooled Condenser

1. Shell and Tube Condenser:

The shell and tube coadenser coasist of shel, ube shets and tubes, water boxes and refrigerant conection. In the
smaller size the shell may be standard pipe but welded shell are used for larger size.

Fig. 3.3.2 shows two pass horizontal shell and tube condenser is equipped with enclosed
water box and mouated in
horizontal position.

The tube sheet usually 1 inch thick are welded to the shell and drilled
to receive tube.
The tubes are inserted through their respective tube sheet hole and
welded to provide gas tight joint.
The refrigerant vapour from the compressor enters the top
of the condenser and around the tube while the cooling wadter
flows through the tube.

vapour from compressor

Wom wa

Coofing wateT- o0000
-Back plate

liqud to receiver
Fig. 3.3.2:Schematic representation of a
two-pass water-cooled shell and tube condenser
Ted lt

Scanned with Camscanner

efrigerationand AirConditioning ISBTE
vapour geIs condcnsed as it comes Refrigeration
The in contact System
with the watcr Componen
condensateflowsbottom of theshell. tubes by rejecting
heat to flowing
water. These
frigerant from condenser flow directly
Theliqu to ancxpansion
Disadvantages of horizontal shell and
of tube condenser:

must be taken out of service for


pumping, friction head may be high.


may be neededt intain efficiency
because of smaller
(0) tube.
increase power requiredto circulate the water.


in cold
storage boxés and freezers.
( Iis
These are
used in chemical and food processing industries.

Shelland Coil
3.3.3 shows shell and coil
coil in the shell instead of straight tube and a welded-steel shel.
tuses a helical water
connection for taking out condensed liquid refigerant is so made that it dips in the liquid refigerant at the bottm
position which acts as a receiver.

The refrigerant vapour from the compressor. enter from top of the shell As vapour comes in contact with coil it

Cocing Coctrg
aher irdet
waler outiet

Fig. 3.3.3:Shell and coil condenser

on low pressure side.
EnSer is ftted on high pressure side and the evaporator pressure to low presure) so no need of exira receiver
d refrigerant flow to expansion valve by siphon (high
iube is diffcalt to brushed but can be cleaned only
is in the form of coil, the water side of the
chemically. .
A Double Pipe
Condenser: (Tube-in-Tube):
water iowing ne inncr pip

L consistsof
concentri tubes with refrigerant. condensing in the annular space and the
Popular because to be cooled.
it can be easily made to fit the size of the unit


Scanned with Camscanner

RefrigerauOn ystem Comnn
Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V)
Refrigeration and
vapourin Retigerant

Water oud

Waler in

refrigerarnt oud

water-cooled condenser
Fig. 3.3.4: Double-pipe
cfficient operation.
surrounding air providing an
The outside tube is also cooled by
because the poor drainage of
of the
the condensing
condenser if the tubes are long

Heat transfer rates are low in this type of

contact with water tube.
refrigerant keeps the vapour from coming in

These are of two types:

(a) Counter ffow tube in tube condenser:

bottom side and flow in opposite direction of refnigerant flow which
er lrom
In this type, cooling water flow from the
top side.

(b) Parallel low tube in tube condenser:

In this the cooling water and refrigerant vapour flow in same
Counter flow condenser are preferred because it gives high heat
transfer rate since cold water is used to final coline
the hottest vapour, therefore the temperature differre
the liquid refrigerant and warmest water absorbs heat from
between water and refrigerant remains faily constant throughout the condenser

In parallel flow, the temperature difference between them increase thus ability of water to
absorb heat decrease at
passes through the condenser.


(1) In this large number of joints and connections needs in large installation inciease chance of leakage.
(2) These are difficult to clean and do not provide enough space for separation of vapour and water. For this reasons teay
are not much used in large installation, but they must be cleaned chemically.
(3) In case of a leak, the entire unit must be replaced.

3.3.4 Evaporative Condenser:

MSBTE-14 S-17 W7S9

eserwatanesfs (S14, W-
Eplanhe principleof operatio (17
Eplainin bret.evapoEus nsers with ar S19
An evaporative condenser combines the functions
of a cooling tower and condenser. It is of two types forceu
type and induced circulation type.
It consists of a casing enclosing a fan or blower, water eliminator, oat va
refrigerant condensing coil, water,
and a spray pump outside the casing.


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditoning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-15 Refrigeration System Componenis
The spray pump Circulaic Lue water irom water tank at the bottom
of the unit to the spray nozzle over the rergera

The fan pull or forces the air through the coil and through the water being sprayed
over the coil
The heat from the refnigerant is transmitted through the metal
coil to the water passing over the coil. The air removes
the heat from the water by evaporating
a portion of it
The drift eliminator (water eliminator) prevent the water droplets from beings caried out with the air. The float contro
valve maintain a constant level of water in tank.
As water evaporate, the level of water in tank falls down and float
valve open and make up water enter in bottom tank
A bleed-off line is a small line leading from the pump discharge directly to the sewer.
Since an evaporaivc condenser evaporates large quantity
of water, remaining water becomes increasing concentration
in salts and solid. If these are allowed to build up, the problem
of scale formation increased.

The bleed-off line assures that enough water will be puimp to the sewer to prevènt the concentration from becoming 100


r Spray nozzles Spray nozies

Refrigerant Refrigerant
vapourin AA vapour in

Refrigerant Refrigerant
liquid out liquid out
Condensing coil Condensing coil
Air in

Pump Pump

. (a) Forced Circulation (b) Induced Circulation

Fig. 3.3.5: Evaporative Condensers
3.3.5 Comparison between Air and Water Cooled Condenser:
MSBTE W-15. S-16.S-17. W17.S18

16 S17S
1. It is simple in construction.
It is complicated in construction.

L2. Heat transfer capacity is less. Heat transfer capacity is more.


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration System Con
Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 3-16
Refrigeration and Air

Afr cooled condenser

NO problem.
ST producc noisc. There is no noise
3. Force convention type
plant. These are used for high capacity
. Used for low capacity
These condenser have corrosion problem
. These have no corrosion
Waste water cooled condenser have
disposal r
disposal of uscd air.
6. Therc is no problem of used water.
It's maintenance cost is
N's maintenance cost is per 1R capacity
capacity Lower power consumpuoln
8 Higher power consumption per TR
COP higher
9. COP lower
performance consister
performance Day night and seasonal IstencyVery
night and seasonal
10 Day
consistency Very poor

3.4 Evaporators and
refigerant is evaporated. It is sometimescaled
the refrigeration system where the liquid
The evaporator is that part of
freczer coil, liquid coolers,
the cooling coil, unit cooler, vapour by the absorption of hetdis
where the liquid refrigerant is changed into a
the system
As the name, it is a part of
on low pressure side in
the circuit.
an evaporator. It is fitted refrigerant covers all b
type and dry type depending upon whether liquid all tea

Evaporators are classified as flooded

is having gas vapour
being superheated,
transfer surfaces or some portion float vahe
designed dry evaporator whereas evaporator with
thermostatic expansion valve can be
The evaporator with
will be flooded type.

3.4.1 Classification of Evaporators


two other ypes pf evaporalors
M st evaporator, these are classified as:
There are many types of
(1) According to the type of
(a) Bare tube coil evaporator.
b) Finned tube or extended surface type

(c) Plate type evaporator.

(d) Shell and tube evaporator.
e)Shell and coil
(0 Tube in tube evaporator.
in which liquid refrigerant is fed:
(2) According to the manner
(a) Flooded evaporator.

(b) Dry-expansion evaporator.

heat transfer:
(3) According to mode of the
(a) Natural convection evaporator.

b) Forced convection evaporator.

Scanned witn camScanner

Conditioningg(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-17
Air RefrigeratiorSystem
Reigeration and Componen
According to
(4) evaporator.
Non-frosting evaporato.
According to
() expansion evaporator.
(a) Direct
Indirect expansion
Extended Surface Evaporator (Finned

med evaporator witfa neat CA

. Finned coils are bare-tube coils upon which metal plate or fins have been installed.
The fins servicing as secondary heat absorbing Suraces, have the etfect of increasing the outside surface
area of the
evaporator, thereby improving its efficiency for cooling air and other gases.
To Siction inea


ILILLIIliiiimnip Tube

Fig.3.4.1: Finned evaporator
ha circnlates over the coil passes through the open space between the
With bare-tube evaporators, much of the air that
tubes and does not come in contact with coil surface.
When fins are added to a coil, the fins extended out into the open space between the tubes and acts as a heat collector.

Thése fins remove heat from the portiqon of the air that would not ordinarily come
in contact with the tube surface. In
some cases fins are soldered directly to the base tube.
Fin size and spacing depend upon the particular type
of application for which coil is designed.
The size of tube determine the size
of fin.
Small tube require smallfins.

Fin spacing varies from 1 to 14 fins per inch depending upon opérating temperature of the cou.
nC evaporator designed for low temperature application must have wide fin spacing in order to minimize the 0anger o
restricting air circulation.

may actually reduces the evaporator capacity over thecoil

by restricting the air circulation

are best suitble for air conditioning

application where refrigerator temperafure above U'
rapid cooling
COmpact, occupy less space than bare
tube or plate evaporator for same capaciuy
S vaporator is a finned
coil type because of rapid heat transfer rate during the ont ey
s loss.
sufuce area to maie up a
nas latve
a disadvantage
humidity of about 90 to
when installation at the
95%. It requires larger evaporator
down the evapord
surface. of evaporator,
top of evaporator, may defrost and moisture flows
L der
Ted ale

Scanned with Camscanner

ReirgerationSystem Componente
and Air Conditioning (MSBTE
Sem-V *18
Refrigeration evaporator.
temperature of the or to-
compressor lowers the -7C
sufficient time to escape before which results in bloeu
This moisture will not get
at the lower part of the evaporator n block
accumulate fins
the frost
to-6°C range when this occurs, rcduces the effectiveness of the evaporator.
coil, thus
circulation of air around the
Bap and so frec Bare-Tube Evaporator:

clean and defrost.
is very casy to
It is simple in construction hence it
pipe or copper
These are constructed from steel
ammonia refrigerant
evaporator and are applicable for
used for larger
Stccl pipe refrigerant other than ammonia
for smallerevaporator for use with
The copper tubing is
number of size and shape.
Bare-tube coil are available in a
bare-tube coils are ilat
The common shape for
employed for liquid chilling
Spiral bare tube coil are often
contact as compared to
evaporator provides less surface
This length of the tube.
arca may be increased by extending the
The contact surface superheating at the
completely vapourized carly leading to excessive outlet
the tube is too long, the liquid
If causes greater pressure drop
between inlet and outlet of the
evaporator. This reduce suction pre



refnigera Bpansian va

Fig. 3.4.2:Bare tube condenser

refrigerant will be grcater, to the surice
tube is large, refrigerant velocity is low and specifc volume of
If diameter of
to suction line of compressor with
vapourization. This may allow liquid refrigerant
of the tube to allow complete
possible damage to the compressor.
friction and reduce efficiency.
diameter is too small, causes pressure drop due to
If Plate Sheet Type Evaporator:

These are of several types.

embossed and welded together to provide path for refrigerant
Some are constructed of two flat sheets of metal so
between two sheets.
refrigerators and home freezers because of
easy to clean, economical to
This type is widely used in household

. Another type, of evaporator consists of formed coil

installed between two metal plates that are welded
together a the


This provides good thermal contact between the welded plates and coil carrying the refrigerant.

Plate type evaporator may be used singly or in bank.

The plate can be grouped together for ceiling mounting in holding room, freezer.


Scanned with Camscanner

Hetngerato7 ad Air Condrüoning (MSBTE Sem-V)
Sys tem
Plate Components



Fig. 3.4.3:Plate
surface condenser
emay be manifold for parallelflow or series flow of refrigeränt.

These are
used for smaller capacity equipment required for
peak load.

anbo woikog dype evaporatoryith peat sketch
nencoicigevaporator.and explainanvan iype ot.evaporators S14 W15S16
GOtking o iboded evaporator Wiit neatsketch.
State its:applicatio S15
Kecr ioodedDpeevaporato W-16
a fooded evaporator,
as shown in Fig. 3.44 a constant liquid refrigerant S18, W13
level is always maintained
control valve is used as an
A foat expansion device which maintains
constant liquid level in the evaporator.
A aceumlator placed between the evaporator and the compressor.
II catches any liquid droplet that
passes over and
drins it back to the bottom of the evaporator.

Due to the heat supplied by the substafce to be cooled, the liquid refrigerant in
the evaporator coil vapourizes and thus
iquid level falls down.

An accumulator supplies more liquid to evaporator to maintain the liquid level in evaporator. So the level in the
accumlator falls down and so the float falls
down and open float valve. Hence liquid level from receiver is entered into
he accumulator. As liquid level in the accumulator
rise float rise up and float valve closed.
As the refngerant
absorb heat from warmer substance, the vapour formed by vaporizing the liquid in the coil being
gater, ises up' and passes on to the top of the accumulator from where it is supplied to the suction
side of the

Ucbon ine
FIoar Bafie iquid-vapour
refrigerant mbhre

Float contol


Float chamber

Liquid LEoling kquid

refrigerant retrigerat

The baffle Fig. 3.4.4: Flooded evaporator

plate arrests
arrests any 1liquid droplets or particles present in the vapour.

Scanned witn camScanner

Refrigeration System
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-20 Components
Refrigeration and Air Conditoning
is that the whole surface
of the evaporator coil is in contact with
The advantage of the flooded evaporator theTiqid
refrigerant under all the load conditions.
evaporator of the same size.
than dry expansion
Thus, it gives high heat transfer rate

food processing industriës.
1. These are used in the chemical and
cooling installation.
2 These are used in comfort and process air
3. These are found in cold storage boxes and Dry Expanslon Evaporator:

evaporator coil or pipe is limited and
evaporator the liquid refrigerant passes through the
In dry expansion should be enter in the suet
the end of the evaporator so that only vapour lineof
vapourized when it reaches to
or capillary is used.
compressor hence thermostatic expansion valve
loss. These are simple in
design and tube not subject to freezing a rupture
Dry expansion coolers have low frictional
Overall heat transfer is low and low initial cost.
halo-carbon refrigerant
Dry-expansion coolers are generally used
(Vapour Suction line Feeler bulb
Out Compressor
Evaporator coil

Expansion valve
(thermostatic valve)

Fig. 34.5: Dry expansion evaporator

Comparison between flooded type evaporator and Dry expansion

Diteremiatetooe ded iyrerevaporatorand Dry expanslon ev -18

expansion eyaporator
excess amount Or
Limited amount of refrigerant is feed to Evaporator coil is filled with
evaporator refrigerant

i) Rate of heat transfer is less Rate of heat transfer is very high

i) Itis used for small capacity installations It is used for large capacity installations
iv) It is used with constant load applications It can be used with fluctuating load Shell and Tube type Evaporator:
and ub
The shell and tube evaporator is similar as shell and tube condenser. It consist of shel, tube sheets langa
boxes and refrigerant connection. In the smaller size the shell may be standard pipe but welded she at u l

Fig. 34.6 shows two pass horizontal shell and tube evaporator is equipped with enclosed water Dox
horizontal position.

The tube shet usually 1 inch thick are welded to the shell and drilled to receive tube.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-21 Refrigeration System Components

The tubes are inserted through their respective

tube sheet hole and welded to provide gas tight joint
The rcfngerant vapour from the compressor
expanded in the tube and chilled water is circulated through the shell.

If the evaporator is operated flooded then water

is circulated through the tube and liquid refrigerant is circnlated througn
the shell.

.The height of liquid refrigerant in the

shell is controlled by float valve.
vapour from compressor

Coofing water 00000
LBadk plale
iquid to recelver

Fig. 3.4.6
. Many times liquid refrigerant spray through the nozzle
into the shell and water is circulated through the tobe
.The liquid refrigerant is collected at the bottom
of the shell and is re-circulated by pump
The heat transfer rate is less and used for small unit

3.5 Classification of Chillers

The chillers are classified as :

1. Directexpansion chilles.
2 Direct expansion cooling coil for air with forced convection.
3. Direct cxpansion coil for air blast freezer.

4. Flooded chillers.

3.5.1 D-X Chillers:

MSBTE S10. S-15. W-16

Dandyexpansionypeoichilers wih neat 's ketch -10 S15
xplain working af dryeXpar chillers with ske

The number of passes on refrigerant side have unequal tube distrbution. The first pass will have minimum number
.tubes and last pass the maimum.

The number of tube goes on increasing progressively in each pass.

The liquid enter the D-X chiller has minimum volume and hence required minimum space. The liquid progressively
converted into vapour and volume increases.

The number of tube in successive passes therefore goes' in increasing. The total pressure drop on refrigerant
side is
normally limited to 1°C.

The second fiuid passes through the shell which is water or brine travels through mumber of bafles in
azig-zag manner.
The bafTle spacing has to be properly design to achieve required heat transfer and pressure drop
side has to
on the fluid
be within allowable limit about 8m of w.g This type of chiller uses tube of thinner gauge compared to flooded

7 Ted

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Refrigeration System Componentg
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-22
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Water out
Water outlet

fqud In
Relrigerant inlet
vanej Parffons Headers
Rerigerat Tube sheet

vapour out
Batiles Shell TubesS-
| Water in
Water inlet
3.5.1:Direct-expansion chiller
Head to tubes
sheet gasket
suction connecions/ Fuid Bafle Segmental Fluid outlet hemowell
spacer baliles


Tube sheet Refrigeration tubes

Fluid drain
Front head
Fquid connecions

Slar aluminium insert or plan

Fig. 3.5.2:Chillers
displacement system
lower than flooded system. D-X
chiller are like positive
The total charge in D-X type is much
is positively forced out to the
since all the refrigerant entering the inlet
refrigerant vapours back to te
through the suction pipe along with the
refrigerant is mixed with oil and oil returned
limit The
sizes for suction and discharge have to be designed within allowable velocity
For proper oil retum, the pipe
to 10000 TR capacity.
D-X chiller are used right from about TR

3.5.2 Flooded Chillers:

halocarbon mainly far
refrigeration although they are also used with
chiller are mainly used in ammonia
petrochemical application.
water or brine passes through the tubes.
.In this type the refrigerant is in shell and
tubed. A surge drum is used in conjunction with the
flooded chillers.
The flooded chillers are not fuly
is approximately hal *
length of the chiller and diameter of the surge drum
The length of the surge drum is 3/4 of the
shell diameter of the flooded chillers.
normally finned.
The tube used are of thicker gauge as they are
in halocarbon refrigerant. The
tube distnbuu
Integrally finned tubes from 19 fpi to 41 fpi are commonly used
various passes on the secondary fluid side is equal.

A Fig. 3.5.3 shows flooded chiller.

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Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 3-23
and Ai
rafion and
Refngeration Refrigeration System Componen
Refrigerant vapour

liquid 1o Compressor
Float valve space relrigerant
Shell Refrigerant outlet
Refrigeranl leve
Water inlet


liquid line water in
Header Chilled
water out
L Water
TDrain Tubes Outlet

Fig. 3.5.3:CIS of flooded chiller

nded chiller oil retum became a problem. On the shell side 23 outlets are provided with
shut off valve for taking
h mixture through oil rectificatiOn system and reurning the vapour td the suction side and oil being returned to the
oil rich n
compressor crank case

ce of ammonia flooded coolers, the oil gets accumulated at the bottom of the shell
as the same is heavy and can be
drained while the system is in running condition.

The oil
return in the halocarbon system became more serve when evaporating
he temperature became lower. The oil
rectification system must be ncorporated even in case of water chilling application.
. These are designed for liquid level of about 60 to 70 % of the shell diameter.
The tube are submerged in a bath of liquid refrigerant and hence achieve a high
'u' value thereby giving a compact
In ammonia system, pump recirculation methods are commonly adopted for low temperature job such
as blast freezers
frozen storage, ice hardening Tooms, and many dairly application.
CLRS.header rEsucion
DLRS 34 FP.T. r

F-dran Head drain

1/2 FP.T. Gquid intet1FPT.

Oi b'hed ()

Fig.3.5.4:Flooded chiller
The gravity feed system are commonly
used for standard cold storages for fruit, vegetable, potatoes, etc.

3.6 Expansion Devices

pansion devices play very important role in the vapour compression

refrigeration system.


an expansion Device?Which type af expansion device is used. in all domeste refnigerator

auslon deVIces and give classification of same W 16


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efrigeration System
(MSBTE Sem-V Comoneth
condenser and tempert
Refilgeration and Air from the
also a per the
pressure ofthe
reduce the
system. the load on the
the refrigerant as per
regulate the flow of
t must
clasined as follows:
These are tube,
(1) Capillary
cxpansion valve,
Thermostatic valve,
expansion or constant pressure
(3) Automatic
float valve.
high pressure
(4) Low and

3.6.1 Capillary Tube:

applanoas ion device y

in domestic al
Wiycapilkryubeis used aivantages S15,H-T
oacapillarytube and sateis
tne woicing
OEplain expansion devce
pplances asan
a Wy capilerytubeis úsed al don
the working prinicple pf
O,Sata 0.5 m to 5m long.
from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm of about
extremely small diameter tube ranging
Itis is a pressure drop due f
the capillary tube and during the tlow, there eto
th friction
In its operation, liquid refrigerant enters
refrigerant flow through the tube.
Some of the liquid flashes into vapour as
modification is possible to adjust itself to variation in dirh
Once the size and length of tube is selected, no
pressure, suction pressure and load care must be taken
to prevent the plugging of the tube by ice or ay ohe
decomposed material.
length oft
The capillary tube is substitute for the conventional liquid line from the condenser and soldered to a
suction line to form a single heat exchanger.

Advantages of Capllary Tube:

() The cost of the capillary tube is less than other expansion devices
(2) Since refrigerant charge in the capillary tube system is critical, there is no receiver is necessary.

G) Wben the compressor stops, tho refrigerant continue to fRow into the evaporator and equalizes the pressure betsea
high side and low side of the system. This considerably decreases statiy
the starting load on the compressor. 1hus 0N
torque motor can be used to drive the compressor, which
is great advantages.

Disadvantages ofCapllaryTube :
(1) t cannot be used for high fluctmating load plant.
(2) fthe refrigerant contains some moisture and dirt,
it will choke the tube and stop
the flow of reing
3.6.2 Thermostatic
Expanslon Valve
W 74S
onydray SBTE W-13, S-16, WT6 S17
the neallabelled.diagram
O painworking oMiermiostatio valve
Expansion Valve (S
with a neat sketch.
cuonang workingO hemostatic
Drawlabelked expansion valye
diagram ot themostatic with neat sketci.
expaision valvë
paln wtn pearsketch and explainits working9 H-17,S
1abelied sketchthemoStanc
expansion valve

Scanned wiun
Refrigeation and Afr Condiioning (MSBTE_ Sem-VI) 3-25 Refrigeration System Components

This is most popular and very efficient type of cxpansion devicc.

operation of this valve is based on the principle of constant degree
The of superheat for the evaporator exit i.e. by
controlling the flow of liquid refrigerant through the evaporato.

The thermostatic cxpansion valve as shown in lig. 3.6.1 consists of a needle valve and a seat, a metallic diaphragm,
spring and adjusting screw.
Bufb press

Needa -Evagoratr pressure (P)

prng pressiuran
Stather P
Adjusing Evaporator

-310 kPa
Remore buld

Fig. 3.6.1:Themostatic expansion valve

In adition to this it has a fceler or thermal builb which is firmly clamped on the sucion line of compressor near the
outlet of the evaporator coi

The filler bulb is partly illed ith the same liquid refigetant as usod in refrigeration system

The opening or closing of valve is depend upon the forces acting on the diaphragm.

remote bulb is charged with fluid which is open on one side of the diaphragm through capillary tube is clamped
firmlyto the evaporator outlet
The pressure () of the fluid ia the bulb tends to open the valve. This pressure is balancezd by pressure due to spring (o)
and in the evaporator (p).

If the cevaporator temperature is high or the load on the evaporator increase, more fluid from fecler bulb will be
vapourised and bulb pressure will rises which exert this force on diaphragm

This wrill widen the valve opening and the refrigerant flow will increase to met load demand and if load on evaporator
decrease reverse action takes place. Thus, it automatically maintain the degree of superheat of refrigerant vapour after
coming out of evaporator.

3.6.3 Automatic Expansion Valve or Constant Pressure Valve:

This valve simply works on the principle of maintaining a set pressure in the evaporator by adjusting the spring.

The constant pressure in the evaporator is maintained by two opposing forces namely evaporator pressure and spring

The evaporator pressure acting on the diaphragm tries to close the valve and the spring pressure tries to open the valve
Suppose evaporalor pressure falls below the set value for which spring is set.
The valve will open more and increase the liquid (refrigerant) flow to the evaporator resulting in flooding more
evaporator surface.

When more evaporator surface effective, the refrigerant vaporizes more result in rise in evaporator pressure till it again
balance the spring pressure.


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RRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-26 Refrigeration System Components

If the evaporator pressure rises above the set value, the valve tends to closed, less refrigerant
flow into the evaporator
This leads to reduction in pressure in evaporator till again it is equal to spring pressure.
When the plant is shut off, the evaporator pressure will built up and keep the valve also firmly
On starting the plant the suction from the evaporator start resulting in the fall in pressure into the evaporator below
spring pressure to resume the flow of liquid through the valve
Adjusing screw


Bellows or Spring pressure


Neede vavea
and seat EVaporator

Refrigerant in


Fig. 3.6.2: Automatic expansion valve

Itis imperative that rate of vapourisation should keep constant to maintain the evaporator pressure unaltered.
. It is used with dry expansion evaporator where load is relatively constant

3.6.4 Comparisons:

Comparison between Thermostatic expansion valve and capillary tube :

hermostaticexpansion y2 ye apillary

Itis used in large refrigeration capacity system Itis used in small refrigeration system

Pressure drop is high. Pressure drop is low.


Efficiency is low.
3. Efficiency is high.

Complicate in construction Simple in construction.

. | Receiver is required Receiver is not required.

Cost is high. Cost is low.

7. Starting torque of motor driving compressor is Starting torque of motor driving compressor is
high. low.

(I) Comparison between thermostatic expansion valve and automatic expansion valve:

Automatic expansion yalve

1 Work on constant degree of superheat. Work on constant pressure of refrigerant

Pressure drop is large. Pressure drop is small.

3. External equalization is required. Equalization not required

4.Used infloodedtypeevaporator. Used in dry expansion evaporator.


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-27
Refrigeration System Components

rmostatic expansion valve

AomatiC expansion yalve
Frictional losses are mor.
Frictional losses are less.
6. Flow patterns can affect due to change
in pressure:
Eiiciency and degree of superheat can affect due
to change in load.
Valve functioning is controlled by spring,
evaporator Valve functioning is controlled by spring pressure
pressure and feeler bulb pressure.
and evaporator pressure only.

3.7 Selection Criteriafor Vapour Compression

Refrigeration System Components
There is no universal refrigeration system
which can be used for all type of application. There are number
which must be studied. of factos
While selecting specific type
of refrigeration system and equipment therefore
to meet a given cooling duty and
Selection of refrigeration system
and equipment

Absorption cycle
a) Lithium bromide+ water
Above 0C) Vapour compression cycle Cryogenic cyde
b) Water+ Ammonia (Upto-100) (Below 100"C)

Compressor Condenser
-Reciprocaing -Water cooled
Rotary (ScrEw) Ar cooled
Centrifugal -Evaporative

Direct system Indírect system

Dx-type Gravity Fooded Pump recirulation Liquid chiller

Ice manufacture
-Shell and tube Block
Shell and hube Shell and tutbelcol Shell and tube
Finned col Finned coil Finned coil Finned coll Flake
PHE PHE PHE Tube and ice bank

These factors include:

a Refrigeration load with expected variation.

b. Temperature level to which process fluid must be cooled.
C. Energy sources.
d Condensing media.
. Space available.
more than one type of equipment may be technically suited for a given application.


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 3-28 Refrigeration System Components

In such cases, following points are considered for sclection of proper equipment from practical point of view:

a. Unit size or capacity available.

b. Capital and operating cost.

c Operational flexibility.

d Maintenance cost.
e. Reliability.
f. Durability and safety.

3.7.1 Selection of Condenser for lce Plant:

1. Corosion free and Fouling should be low.

2 The material sclected for tube should withstand design temperature and pressure.
3. Leak proof

4. Capacity should be suitable for purpose.

5. Surface area must have suficient heat transfer rate, which gives required temperature drop, and phase change.
6. High temperature difference should be maintained between refrigerant and cooling medium.
7. Easy for scale removal and maintenance.

3.7.2 Selection of Evaporator for lce Plant

1. The material selected for tube should withstand design temperature and pressure.
2. Leak-proof
3. Capacity should be suitable for purpose.

4. Expose maximum suface area heat transfer

5. No chemical reaction or Corrosion on the material selected for tubes.
6. Removal of oil from tube must be easy.
7. Replacement of tube should be possible.

3.7.3 Selection of Compressor for Domestic Refrigerator:

(a) Compact size:

As the space in residence is less, the appliance ar in turn the compressor should have compact size.

(b) Less welght

The compressor should be of less weight. The appliance in residence should be light, as it can be moved in the house
per requirement.

(c) Compatibility with eco-frlendly refrigerant:

Nowadays the R-12 is not allowed for refrigeration. So the domestic refrigerator compressor will be using the exo
friendly refrigerants like R-134.

(d) Sealed construction

For domestic use the total refrigeration cycle must be sealed. So that no leakage will be there. It is difficult for freqe
gas charging to system.


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
3-29 Refrigeration System Components

(e)Low power loss and consumption:

The appliance should be affordable for users. So, less power
consumption in necessary. Considering above points t Is
advantageous to use hermetically sealed compressor in domestic

1. Noiseless and Vibration free in funetion.

2. Compact in size and durable for longer time

3. Lowmaintenance cost and Operates at 230V which is

4. Leak-proof and Eco-friendly.

5. Should work within the required pressure limit.

6. Required low power Consumption.

3.7.4 Selection of Expansion Device (Capillary Tube)

for Domestic Refrigerator:

1. Simple in Construction and required less space.

2 Leak-proof. 3. No maintenance.

4. Fexible in operation. 5. Can be shape in coil form.

3.8 Other components

3.8.1 Drier-strainer:

A fiter-drier in a refrigeration or air conditioning system has two essential functions: one, to adsorb system

contaminants, such as water, which can create acids, and two, to provide physical filtration.

It is a tnbular metal container arranged for connection into the refrigeration circuit. The drying and puriíying agent is
sieve, activated alumina and silica gel with an addition of cup shape inlet šcreen, which performed fitering and drying
function. Both alumina and silica gel show a wide range of pore sizes. Due to the varying pore sizes, they can co-adsorb

the much larger refrigerant, Iubricant and organic acid molecules, eliminating the surface area available to adsorb water.

Silica gel is a non-crystalline material with a molecular struchure formed by bundles of polymerized silica (Si0). Gel-
type desiccants are indicative of the weaker bond formed between water and the desiccant. Silica gel is the old type of

desicant aind is not widely used in today's filter-driers.

3.9 Solenold Valve

In many refrigeration system, the system is kept off when temperature in the evaporator increases or decreases below
the required temperature and restored again when the equired temperature is attained in the evaporator.

This control is done by using solenoid valve. This valve controls the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator or stops the
flow. This valve is placed in the liquid line between condenser and evaporator.


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Refrigeration System Components
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 3-30

Solenokd Solenold


EZZZEvaporato Eyaporator

zn igh
rengerant Liquid refrigerant
n n trom

Temperature sensive Condenser

below Temperature sensitive

(a) Operation of solenoid valve for low temperature in (b) Operation for high temperature in evaporator

The operation of magnetic valve for every low pressure (under low load) is shown in Fig. (a)
and every high pressure
(under high load) is shown in Fig. 3.9.1(6). In both cases, temperature sensitive bellows are used.
Fig.3.9.1 (6): When the temperaure in the evaporator becomes
to high then bellow will expand and electric contact
will close and curent flows through the solenoid
valve and energized solenoid pulls the plunger up allowing the
maximum area for the refrigerant to flow. The contact
will release when original condition will be maintained again.
Fig3.9.1 (a): When the temperature in the evaporator
goes too down the bellow. again closes the contact to energies
solenoid. The plunger is pulled up and
the path to the refrigerant flow is closed. The contact will be released
when the
original condition is achieved.

This valve is also used for variable flow

of refrigerant liquid according to load on evaporator.

(1) Solenoid valve is also used to control the flow
of water to condenser.
(2) Solenoid valve used is to control the flow
of refrigerant in the evaporator or to stop the flow
make automatic control. in refrigeration system to

3.10 Thermostatic Switch

Thermostat there this small resistor used in refrigeration
and air conditioning system for heating
This heat anticipator is adjustable and located or cooling anticipator.
right on the bimetal sensing coils.
Its use mainly to cut the heating unit
early before it reaches the set point temperature.
Temperature adjustment lever is a sinall hand
is mounted on a pivot inside the thermostat
the temperature. This lever is inside the thermostat assembly used to set or turn
assembly. This adjustment lever also
selector switching lever. It rotates left or right increase known as set point adjustor or
to and decrease the room temperature.
The heat anticipator is a resistor that given off small
amount of heat to the bimetal.
This small amount of heat prevents the temperature
from rising above the thernmostat
set point. It causes the bimetal to
be warmer than the room temperature.
The mercury thermostat has a bimetal strip
that acts as thermometer which send
or not. These bimetal strips consist of brass and stecl as a command the air handling unit to run
the metal with two thermal different
coefficient of expansion.
These two metals are laminated or bonding
together. This metal strip sense the temperature of the surrounding air nears
the air conditioner thermostat.

Each metal react differently to

hot and cold air and each metal expand and
contract at different rate. This bimetal stnp
in a mercury thermostat is coiled
into a circle.

Tech Kaleds

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Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning(MSBTE
Sem-VI) 3-31
.One end of bimetal strip the circle is attached to mercury Refrigeration System Components
adjustment lever. bulb switches and
the other end is in a pivot withtemperdu re
The mercury bulb has three thin
wires inside it.
vertical position. The three themostat
wires that are attach to the mercury
buld s
The first thin wire goes across
all the way to the
with this wire. This second wire other end of the
mercury bulb and the mercury is
from mercury bulb always in cOnla
is permanent attach heating
The third wire also goes across to anticipate.
to the end of the mercury
terminal of the air conditioner bulb and it's in the bottom wire. This
thermostat. Thus wire is sCrew
according to temperature
stop the system. of system the thermostat operates to start and

3.11 Thermostatic (Control)

.In any refrigeration plant,

a particular temperature is required
to be maintained to perform particular
The temperature of the system a job.
should not increase or decrease
accomplished by a thermostat. above or below a predetermined temperature.
This can De
This can be accomplished by thermostat
a which start the compressor
rises above predetermined maximum when the temperature of the refrigerated space
which is known as "cut
temperature of the efigerated in temperature' and stops the compressor
spaces decreases below predetermined
when tne
minimum which is known as.
temperahure'. 'cut out
The differencebetweenthe cut out and
cut in temperature is known as differential'.
By turning the range adjusting screw
as shown in Fig. 3.11.1 clockwise direction increases
counteract the pressure in the bellow in order the spring tension to
to close the contact and rise both cut
out and cut in temperature

Similarly the cut out and cut in temperature decrease by turning range adjusting screw in
A bar moves towards screw head.by turning differential
increases the travel of pin B in the slot shown. This lowers
adjusting screw
anticlockwise direction.
in clockwise direction which in effect
the cut out temperature.

Diferental adaustnet

A magnet
Movable cortac

Range adustment

Fig. 3.11.1:Thermostat control

Similarly the cut out temperature can be raised by turning a diferential adjusting screw in anticlockwise
direction. The
permanent magnet is provided to avoid the burning or welding of the point contact.

the rise temperature of the
movable contact point to travel
refrigeratod space, the pressure inside the bellows
towards the stationary contact point.
(s shown in Fig, 53.2) increases


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Refrigeration System Components
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 3-32 nts
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
movable contact point travels towa..
and the armature increase as the
between the magnet
magnetic field strength counteract the opposing spring tensinn
.The point and when the strength of
magnctic field is able to
the stationary contact the compressor.
towards the magnct and rapid is contact made which starts
the armature is
rapidly pulled
tension acts to open the
in the refrigcrated space
decreases below cut out temperature, the spring
If the tempcrature
in the spring. This helps to open the cont
will not be opened untill a sufficient force iš developed
.The contact
quickly to avoid the arcing.

3.12 Defrost Device (Heater)

back panel of the freezer section.
the evaporator coil or It can be located behind the
Itis a heating element located on
evaporator coil, then the defrost button is pressed freezer switches the defrost
When the icelfrost is accumulate on
cycle, the defrost heater is turned on to melt the frost in
the evaporator compartment.
to melt any frost that
into defrost mode and upplies power to the defrost heater
The defrost timer eventually switches
the defrost heater causes failure to defrost.
has accumulated on the evaporator (cooling) coil. Failure of

Defrost limit thermostat Evaporator with defrost heater

Fig. 3.12.1:Defrost Heater of domestie refrigerator

Applications : It is used in various type of refrigerator as whirlpool, Samsung., godrej etc.

Revie ouestions
Q.1 What are the applications of Centrifugal compressor.

Q.2 sketch and explain Hemetically sealed compressor.

Q.3 Compare the open type and hermetically sealed type compressors with respect to:

Construction i) Sealing i) Costiv) Noise level v) Applicaion vi) Maintenance

a.4 State Advantages of Rotary Compressor Over Reciprocating Compressor.

a.5 What ae the applications of Scroll type compressors.

a.6 Slate the function of a condenser in a refrigeration cycle.

Classifty the condensers used in refrigeration system.

a.8 Describe shell and tube condenser with neat sketch.

Q.9 Explain the principle of operation of evaporative condenser with neat sketch.

a.10 Compare air cooled condensers with water cooled condensers on the basis of folowing points with justification.

Scanned witn camscanner

Refrigeration and A Conditioning (MSBTE
Sem-VI) 3-33
Refrigeration System Components
(1)Power Consumption per TR capacity (2) cOP
of refrigeration
(3) Noise level (4) Day-night and seasonal
perfomance consistency.
a.11,Explaln the working finned evaporatorwith a neat
Write the Classification of
the working of boded evaporator with
a. 13 Eplain neat sketch. State tis applications.
wortking of dry expanslon type chillers with skatch
o.14 Bplain
hrctify, the capillary tube is used în all domestic appliances as
a. 15 an expansion devica.
0.16 Explan wilh neat sketçh Themostaic expansion

0.17 Compare themostatic expansion valve and automatic expansion valve.

Criteria for Vapour Compression Retigeration System Companents
0.18 Justity,the Selecton
0.19 Explain flow control device used in refrigeration system.

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UNIT 1V 4.6.7 Dew Point Temperature .4-7

4.6.8 Dew Point Depression 48

Chapter 4: Basics of Air Conditioning 4-1 to 441
4.6.9 Specific Humidity (W) or Humidity Ratio

Sylabus: 4.6.10 Degree of Saturation or Percentage Humidity (Gu) 9

4.1 Air conditioning- necessity, types of air ronditioning- comfor 4.6.11 Relative Humidity () 4-10
air conditioning, industrial air conditioning, applications. 4.6.12 Absolute Humidity or Vapour Density () +10

4.2 Principle of Psychrometry, Dalton's

aw of parial pressure
4.6.13 Enthaipy (loal Heat) of idoist Air . **** 4-11
air properties.
4.6.14 Pressure of Water Vapour (Vapour Pressure). 11
4.3 Psychometric processes, Representation of processes
4.7 Psychrometric Charts. 4-12
Psychrometric chart Types and construction of ********.

Psychrometers. 4.8 Psychrometric Processes. **** 4-13

4.4 Components used for air conditioning-Humidifiers, 4.9 Description and Representation

dehumidifiers, ilters, heating and cooling coils of Psychrometric Processes. ******* 4-14

4.9.1 Sensible Cooling 4-14

4.1 Air Conditioning. ********* *** .4-1

4.9.2 Sensible Heating 4-15

4.2 Types of Air Conditioning Systems. ** 4-2 **** *******

4.9.3 Bypass Factor (BF) 4-15

4.2.1 Industrial and Commercial
Air Conditioning Systems ********** .4-2 4.9.4 Humidification and Dehumidification.
4.3 Applications Areas of Air Conditioning Systems.43 4.9.5 Hcating and Hurmidification 4-17

4.3.1 Application of Commercial Air Conditioning.

43 4.9.6 Cooling with Dehumidificatio *******
4.3.2 Applications of Industrial Air Conditioning. .44 4.9.7 Cooling with Adiabatic Humidification
Evaporative Cooling)
4.3.3 Automobile Air Conditioning ***.45 4-19
Railway Air Conditioning 4.9.8 Heating and Dehumidification
4.3.4 --.. *** ******** 4-5
or Adabatic Chemical Dehumidification
4.3.5 Air CraftAir Conditioning *********4-5 4-20
4.10 Components used for Air-conditioning
4.4 Special Application of Air Conditioning. ********s************
like Hurnidifier, Dehumidifier, Filter, Heating
4.4.1 Air Conditioning for Computer Centre ************************4-5
and Cooling Colils.****ss******* ****** .4-22
4.4.2 Air Conditioning of Television Centre ************************4-6 4.11 Introduction of Humidifiers. 4-25
44.3 Air Conditioning of Automatic Telephone
Exchange Building
411.1 Humidfication byInjection of Steam.
***************** 4-6 ..4-25
4.11.2 Humidification by Atomizing the Water into
4.5 Principle of Psychrometry ********** 4-6 the Air ...4-25
4.5.1 4.11.3
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures *****.4-6 Revolving Wicks Type Humidifier
4.6 Properties ot Air. 411.4
*** ********
4-6 Humidification by Evaporating the

4.6.1 Dry Waterintothe Air

Air-. 46 ********* 4-26
4.6.2 Moist Air 4-7 411.4.1 Pan and Col Type Hunidifier ***************************4-27

4.6.3 Saturated Air

.. *** .+7 Humicification by Air Washing 4-27

4.6.4 Dry Bulb Temperature ****** 4-7 4.12 Dehumidifiers. . 4-28

Wet Bulb Temperature 4.12.1 Spray Type Dehumidifier - 4-28

4.6.5 * ********************* 4-7 a-************* *********

Wet Bulb Depression. 4.12.2 Cooling Coil Type Dehumidifier 4-29

4.6.6 *****
******** .4-7 **************************
4 Basics of Air Conditioning

4.1 Air conditioning- necessity, types of air conditioning- comfort air conditioning, industrial air eonditioning,

4.2 Principle of Psychrometry, Dalton's lawof partial pressure, air properties.

4.3 Psychrometric processes, Representation of processes on Poychrometric chart. Types and construcion of
4.4 Components used for air conditioning-tHumidifiers, dehumidifiers, fiters, heating and cooling cols

4.1 Air Conditioning

Definition of Air Conditioning


DetnesA COndOnnak W15)

Definerair conditioning and stats tha pumose.of alt condioning

Air conditioning is defined as the science which deals with supply and maintaining desirable internal atmospheric
condition irespective of external condition.

Air conditioning may be defined as simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, motion of air and puirity of air within
the enclosed space.

Necessity of Air Conditioning:


OWhat arethe pupose ofalr.conditoning. S06

The purpose of air conditioning is to provide human comfortable under working condition, such as worker either in
industry or office or in research work. So as to improe the quality of wonk and productivity. Therefore air condiioning
may be provided for sense of comfort human beings.
.This human comfort may be needed either in summer or winter condition because the Indian atmospheric conditions
varied in different part of the country.

Also air conditioning will become a necessity for Indian for the rapid Industrial development and with the economc
growih of the country.

Air conditioning may be necessary for accuracy of instrument for precise measurement and testing.

Air conditioning may be necessary for many plant for controlling the various manufacturing process and matena,
thereby improve the quality of product.

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 4-2 Basics of Air condioning

4.2 Types of Air Conditioning Systems

OClassIy aih condiioing system.

The air conditioning systems may be broadly classified as follows:

(1) According to purpose

(a) Comfort air conditioning system

ne purpose Or Sucn a system is to create atmospheric conditions conductive to human health, commort and
efficicncy. This system is used for homes, office, shop, restaurants, hospitals, school, etc.

b) Industrial air conditioning system

The pupose of these air conditioning system is to control the atmospheric conditions primarily for the propEr
conduct of Tesearch and manufacturing process. This type of air conditioning used in textile mills, paper mils,
machine parts manufacturing plant, tool rooms, printing, photo processing plant, etc. .

1. The main purpose to provide comfort to human beings. The main purpose is to inmprove the quality and
efficiency of product.

Temperature and R.H. maintain which are suitable for. The temperature and RH are maintain which is
human comfort which vary from person to person. suitable for Industrial process.

. In general, the conditions art 22 to 25°C DBT, 30 to 60 % The condition very from process to process.
RL and 5 to 8 m/min air motion.,
Applications Office restaurant, building etc. Applications -Textile industries chemical plant,
photographic industry etc.

4.2.1 Industrial and Commercial Air Conditioning Systems:


0Diferentate jnduStnat and canuercia.appcations ofaicondrtronin

The purpose of industrial air conditioning is to control the atmospheic condition primarily for the proper conduct of
research and manufachuring processes. This type of air conditioningg used in textile mills, paper mills, machine parts
manufacturing plant."
The purpose of commercial has separate consideration. In commercial air conditioning prime importance is given is human
comfort The degree of comfort maintain is diferent from application to application. Also temperature and humidity will be
differ as a per the requirement for example in restaurant, auditoriums, h0spitals and in shops.

Sr orA WC mmereia1

II provide comfort to few occupant for larger It provide comfort for short period to mumber of person.
period of time.

2 The stay period of occupant is long. The stay duration of occupant is short.

3 Small ton capacity and less mass 'flow rate of air | Large ton capacity and more mass flow rate of air.

4 Recirculation of air is done. For supplying purify air fresh.

Tec sesledga

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Basics of Air conditioning
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 4-3
Refrigeration and Air CommercialAyC

Comtort AC? less cooling effect

because of
SR NO More lcakage of air and
and more cooling cffct.
Less leakage of air frequent opening of door

Conditioning Systems
Applications Areas of Air
4.3 in transport.
and in commercial or
the field of industry
application of air conditioning in or product requirement. The
are number of motion for human
There the temperature, humidity and air
to control
The main aim is is different from application to application.
degree of comfort
Commercial Air Conditioning:
4.3.1 Application of MSBTE:S:19

otlrcondioning5ystom S19
the aoarcal
abplications conditioning.
State consideration than Industrial air
has separate
conditjoning used for commercial purpose is díferent from
application to
Air comfort. The degrce of comfort maintain
given to human air-conditioned spàce.
The prime importance is stay time of the person in the
temperature and humidity also differ as per
application. Also
restaurants and hotels:
(a) Air conditioning for problems encountered in comfort air
restaurants, bars, clubs present all of the usual
Air conditioning system of
gas, steam, electric
High sensible and latent heat gain due to
1) adequate ventilation with proper
exhaust facilities.
concentration of food, body and smoke odour require
(2) High
have the follówing features
So for good restaurants should
ceiling, ceiling diffuse, and side wall
distribution to keep air motion well so it must provide perforated
) Proper air
with outdoor air in sufficient quantity.
) Full capacity to handle the peak load
the ceiling for the removal of smoke and odor.
(i) Air should be exhausted at
(b) Theatres and auditoriums:
outdoor air used 1or
system in theatres and auditorium consist of occupancy and
The main load on the air conditioningg
air conditioning.
fan, moor,
heat produced by electric equipment like light,
Also it depends on infilirated air through the roof, walls and
night shows. The com
The capacity of air conditioning system required for the day shows is higher than the
comfort condition for this air conditioning is 26°C DBT and 55% RH.
practice ue
required capacity of air conditioning plant is nearly one ton of refrigeration per 15 persons. In
fresh air.
volume of air of theatre conditioned space is generally replaced three times per hour by outside

(c) Alr conditioning of hospital: sufficient

there must DE
The major problem in the hospital air conditioning is the rapid infection. To avoid this
circulation of air to remove the dust, bacteria and other forcign particle to outside atmosphere.
Air conditioning of hospital is necessary for comfort and also for patient's recovery
reducing ne n

increasing the efficiency of recovery.

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Refigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE
Sem-VI) 4-4
Basics of Air conditioning
The requirements or the
diferent sections of the hospital
as operation theatres, delivery room, recovey
nurseries are varies in nature.
The basic diferences are the restriction
of air movement and to maintain required
in different section of the hospital. temperature and humidity condiuou

4.3.2 Applications of Industrial Air


MSBTE:SHS37:W17, S:18
O pan siodifcance. dtoninginhefolowing
nMachine ool indust
appication ofAG
Enisany touindustrialapplication
Theair conditioning is applied
in industry for following purpose.
(1) To provide comfort to industrial worker.
(2) To provide proper condition
of temperature and humidity for the manufacturing
process in industries.
(3)For dryving the products.
(4) To preserve food during storage
and transport.
(5) To maintain clean atmosphere
required for precision work.
(1) Airconditioningin textile industry:

Air conditioning used in textile industry

for the production of quality materials. Maintenance
humidity is möst important factor case
in of specific relative
of cotton, nylon, silk, rayon and woolen industries.
The humidity maintain effect on the strength,
quality and rate of production. Low R.H.
department to avoid sticky action of coton to is required in spinning
leather apron. High R.H. in weaving department to
the cotton threads. increase the strength of

(2) Photographic Industry:

Many processes in photographic industries
required control of temperature and humidity
condition are essential in
manufacturing of photographic materials and in the exposed
Air fltration is important in photographic industry where dust particles must
be kept minimüm.
Air is first passed through a pre-flter and then after a fan passes through
an absolute filter.
(3) Transport air conditioning:

Air conditioning is very much used in automobiles, railway, aeroplanes,

and ships.
The use of liquid nitrogen and liquid Co, for cooling transport vehicles is increasingg.

The two systems are available cold plate type and spray type:
In cold plate type, the cooling range
is-30 to 20°C.The liquid refrigerant is pump into an insulate container.
The unit is provided with a temperature sensor. When temperature
inside the vehicle inreases the valve
ligquid nitrogen flow through opens and
the liquid line into the plate along the periphery.

The liquid refrigerant evaporates while passing through the plates.

vapour is exhausted
The to atmosphere. When desire tempèrature is reached the valve is shut off.
(4) Machinetool industry:

Itprovide comfort to industrial worker.

The temperature during machining should be increses
to keep the temperature within the range for the tool
is most

Ted ele

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(MSBTE Sem-V) 4-5 ofAirConditioninn
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
4.3.3 Automobile Air Conditioning:

ain autbmobile air-conditioning

system S
the conditioned
adequate comfort cooling to tne pasSengers in space
The auto-air conditioner must provide undez
the greater amount of infliration into the car and
variation of ambient condition. Faster the car motion, better vide
coefficient betwcen the outdoor air and car surface.
the unit design to match the cooling
The variation in the car speed from idle to high speed, complicale load.
driven directly from the engine
engine power
The unit capacity is lowest at idle speed because compressor is power and
cooled in the condenser at a minimum rate which is fitted in front of the ofin

A small receiver is used in the system to compensate the variable refngerant and a expansion valve is
the receiver which reduce the pressure on the refrigerant to cause evaporation and evaporator
evaporator is
is placed
plac where
refrigerant cvaporate and absorbs heat from the air passed over it. te

4.3.4 Railway Air Conditioning:

In railway both winter and summer air conditioning is used.

The motor compressor and condenser are located under the roof
and evaporator and air distributors are located
cciling and the roof. betweea

The compressor will be open type with D.C. driven

motor, the condenser fan being mounted on a
shaft extension
be D.C. motor driven or belts may be used. Evaporator
fans are also D.C. driven. ati may
The air distribution system is a centre line supply
duct running the length of the coach and
ceiling and roof. located in the space betwen

.The normal refrigeration capacity required

for each coach (85 long) is 8 tonnes
of refrigeration requiring 10 HP power.
4.3.5 Air Craft Air Conditioning:

Air conditioning in air-craft is more

difficult compared with the
conditions at high altitude and moving vehicle on the
rapid changes of the surrounding ground because of extreme cod
The temperature and pressurization system must be
capable of responding
and pressure as acroplane climbs for rapid change of atmospheric temperaui
and descends.
The air-cycle or vapour cycle
refrigeration system
and vapour compressor is driven can be used for aeroplane
by gas-turbine. air conditioning because it light
is eg
4.4 Special Application
ofAir Conditioning
4.4.1 Air Conditioning
for Computer
One irement remains common
eavironment for its
for all computer
successful installations
application. irrespective
of its applicatio
cations and that is the conb
The heat generalion rate
of computer elements
component decreases is considerably
if the generated heat high and localized. the
The working cíficiency is not removed, The working e of
and life,of
conditioningg a computer depends
upon its surrounding
environments. byait


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and Air Conditioning(MSBTE
= Sem-VI)
Basics of Air conditioning
AA.2 Air Conditioning
of Television Centre:
Television stadio have to
be seated all against
Occupant as well as protccting extenal noises, making air conditioning essential
sensitive equipment for the comiort OT
against the effect temperature
Three absorption type refrigeration. of variation.
(using lithium-bromide
the cooling load. solution) with a capacity of 230 tonmes of
refrigeration take
.The temperature inside the
studio is 18°C DBT
and humidityin between
30 to 65%.
4,4.3 Air Conditioning
of Automatic Telephone Exchange Building
The controlled atmosphere is always
necessary when all
The specific temperature and the machinery operations are made
humidity condition in automatic.
building because dry atmosphere are required to be maintained
in antomatic telephone exchang
atmosphere cause always ill cause the trouble of making contacis
contact irespective of the closing point and more humia
of all calls.
High temperature cause excessive
expansion and low temperature cause
So theroom must be provided with excessive contraction
18°C to 26°C DBT and
50 to 60% R.H with 3 to 5m/s air velocity
4.5 Principle of Psychrometry

The term psychrometric means pertaining

to the measurement of cold. The
science which deals with the study psychrometry is that branch of engineening
of moist air i.e. dry air mixture with vapour.
dry air and water vapour mixture along with their water It also includes the study of bebaviour of
measurement and control is known as psychrometry.
4.5.1 Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
. MSBTE W-15,S-16. W-17. S-19
law.otpata pressures
sFani Rressure law
te Dalton oiparna p2 16
It states that "The total pressure éxerted by the mixture
of air and water vapour is cqual to the sum of the pressures,
each constituent would exert, if it occupied the same space by itselfP. which

P, P,+P,
P = Barometric pressure or total pressure exerted by an afr-vapour
mixture ;

P Partial pressure of air

", P,= Partial pressure of water vapour

4.6 Properties of Air

4.6.1 Dry Air:

Pure dry air is a mechanical mixture of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon diotide, Hydrogen, Argon, Neon, Helinm,
etc. Bat
the Oxygen and Nitrogen have the major portion of the combination.
Dry air is considered to be a mixture of oxygen 20.91% by volume (23.15% by weigho) together with nitrogen 79.09
by volume (76.85% by weight) pure dry air does not ordinarily exist in nature because water vapour in varying amounis
is always diffused in it.

Air being one of the perfect gas, it follows the law:

=constant or PV= mRT

P atuess

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Basics of Ar conditioning
RRefrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 4-7

4.6.2 Moist Air:

upon the absolute
in the air, depenas
water vapour. The amount of water vapour present
t 1s a mixture of dry air and
pressure and temperature of the mixturc.

4.6.3 Saturated Air: pressure and

depends upon the absolute
water vapóur which can be mixed with dry air,
ne maximum amount of
temperature of the mixture.
amount of water vapour through
The air is saturated when it has diffused the maximum
gas, when safturated air is cooled to a
occurs in the form of superheated steam as an invisible
The water vapour usually in the form of mist or fog oras
temperature water vapour in the air starts to condense and may be visible
certain the
condensation on cold surfaces

4.6.4 Dry Bulb Temperature

MSBTE:S-17, W-18, S-18,S-19

S17W-18:S18 59
CDafine: DEU generally denoted by
thermometer with a clean, dry sensing element. It is
tIs the temperature of air recorded by ordinary
4.6.5 Wet Bulb Temperature:

Deline WET W18B

air. It is generally
It is the temperature recorded by a thermometer when its bulb is covered by a wet cloth exposed the

denoted by t, or tw

4.6.6 Wet Bulb Depression

tis the difference between dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature at any point. The wet bulb depression
relative humidity of the air.

If the RH of the air is high, less evaporation will occurs and gets less cooling effect and when RH of the air is low, then
cooling effect.
more evaporation will occurs and thus get more
thermomefer has is blb covered w a
piece of sot dlah wihicb is exposed to the ar The over pant o hi
basin of water. The watcr from the basin rises upin the cloth by. the capillary action and ges then
ed na he.relative humidiy.or air is high.le,
t more water vapour, there will be ue
Smal cooling effect ittne relative tn
ay.orair is low there will be more evaporafion, a
ETuS iere wil

4.6.7 Dew Point Temperature:

MSBTE: S-14, S-18. S-17, W-18
Define the tem dewp
point: te jis signiidand
enine Dewpolni
tomporatire. 14
(W17, S18S17, W18)
temperature of air recorded by thermometer, when the moisture (water
vapour) present in its, begins to condens


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n and AirCondiioning
The dew int temperafure is tne sanuraion
temperature Basics of Airconditionin9
denoted by td, (t) coresponding
It is
to the partial pressure
pressure of water vapour (Py.
shown in Fig. 4.6.1 o
Fom T-S diagram at point A.
The water vapour
the superheated
andthe moist
air. When the partial pressu of water air containing
vapour moisture in such a form is said be unsaturated
condition the air will be saturated air.
(P) is equal to thesaturation to
(P), the water vapour is in dry,

A td /

-Dew pointtemperature

. Fig.4.6.1:T-S diagram
If unsaturated air, containing superheated water vapour, in cooled at constant pressure,
the partial pressure (Py) ot eacC
constituent remains constant till the water vapour reaches the saturated
state at point B, the first drop of dew will be
formed and hence the temperature at point B is called
dew point temperature.

btemperaturavaing dew pointtemperatire

4.6.8 Dew Point Depression:

MSBTE W:16 S-13

Define. DeWpointdepiESSIO

Itis the difference between the dy bulb temperalure and dew point temperature of air.

4.6.9 Specific Humidity (w) or Humidity Ratio:


E1S defined as the mass of water vapour in a unit mass of dry ar.
air-vapour mixture.
mass of dry air in agiven volume of the
uIs the ratio of mass of water vapour to the

Where, m, Mass of water vapour.

m = Mass of dry air. respectively for dry air.

temperature, mass and gas constant
LetPV Pressure, volume, absolute
m and R, = and gas constant for the water
volume, absolute temperature mass
Tm, and R,
a periect gas,
dry air will behave like
g that the water vapour and 4.6.1)
PV, = m,RT,
P,V, = m,R,T;

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Basics of
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 4-9 Aircondition

Also from dcfinition,

V, = V,and

T, T,=T
T is dry builb temperature
from Equations (4.6.1) and (4.6.2), we haveC,


Humidity ratio = W =

R, = 0.287
kJkg °K for dry air.

R, = 0461 kJikg °K for water vapour.

41X= 0.622
Since P, = P,+Py

P = Ps-P
W 0.62 x for unsaturated air.
For saturated air (i.e. when the
air is holding maximum amount of water vapour),
humidity. the humidity ratio or maximum specifie

W, = 0.622 x P-P,
where, Ps = Partial pressure
of air corresponding to saturation temperature (i.e. dry bulb
4.5.10 Degree of Saturation Percentage
or Humidity (4):
It is the ratio of actual mass of water
vapour in a unit mass of dry air
dry air when it is saturated at to the mass of water vapour in the same mass of
the same temperature (dry bulb temperature).

Degree of saturation
== i 0.622

Note -P/Past=
(aJhe partialptessure.ofsaturated
air is obtainedfrom the steam
tables coresponding dry bulb temperature
bIfthe relatve humidiny
PPS equal to zero, then the hurmidity IOing to
ratio W=0ie. for
1he relatve humicdity,
Psequalto1; then W W and=1.Thus uvanesbetween
dry air


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Refigeration and Air Conditio
ioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI)
46.11 Relative Humidity Basics ofAir conditioning
() :

2 Define RalathveHumidily MSBTEHS-16.W16,W17,S17,S:16

tis defined as the ratio ol aclual mass water S16, W-16,:17,SA7, S18
of vapour (m,)
) in the ame
sam volume of saturated air at the in a given volume of moist air tothe mass
same temperature of water vapour
and pressurc. It is denoted o.
t ratio of the actual partial pressure
It is the of the water vapour
water vapour at the saeE ary bulb temperature
of the air-vapour mixture to pressure
the of the sauraleu
of the air.

P,V, = m,R,T,
P,V, =
as V, = V, and T, =1,

4.6.12 Absolute Humidity or Vapour Density (p,):

.Ttisdefined as the weight of vapour in a unit volume ofdry air.

W=a V,-V,
and V, asmass (m,)=1kg
P Wp
m,= 1kg



PRTas T-T=4
p, WRT
P, W R,T

Partial pressure of air in kN/m.

Gas constant of air= 0.287 KJ/Kg °K.
Ta Dry bulb temperature
Teci Ravsdi
Scanned with Camscanner
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 4-11 Basic ofAirConditior

4.6.13 Enthalpy (Total Heat) of Molst Air:

Sometimes the air conditioning water vapour is not saturated. Under such condition its total enthalpy consists o
air 0°C and dry bulb temperature (1).
(1) Sensible heat of dry (Cx t) betvween

(2) Total enthalpy of the contained watcr vapour (W, H,) at the
saturation or dew point temperature.

vapour with (4-td) °Cof superheat.

(3) Heat of superheat [W, CP, (4-td,)] of the containcd wáter

Thus the total enthalpy of the air-vapour mixture,

H (C+(W,H)+ [W,C(G-td)]
= (C)+W, H,+G% (4-t4

Specific heat of air = 1.005 kJ/kg °K.
C Specific heat of water vapour
= 1.884 kJkg °K.
specific humidity.
W, Weight of water vapour per kg of air i.e.
dew point temperature ie. td
H = Enthalpy the water vapour per kg of dry air at

= 418 td, +LA, (C* hd,=C, td,
Substituting these value in Equation (a)
= 1.005 t,+w, [4.18 td, +Lap+1.84 (-td
to the dry bulb temperature nt
[4.18 td, + Ld,+ 1.884 (u-td)] is the enthalpy of saturated vapour at a temperaiure equal
the moist air.
Now Equation (a) may be witen as,
H = G+W,CDL+W,4,-t4)
= C+W,C4+W,4.18 td, +Ld,-1884 td)
H C+w.cJ4+W,(La,+2296 td)
The tem (C+w,cJ is called humid beat. At low tomperature of the air
conditioning rmge the value of
small that humid heat difers from (C) by a small margin. The general value of the humid heat in air conditioning range is

H 1.022+W,(L4+2.296 tá)
The enthalpy of moist air,
H 1.0224+W,Td, +23 td,)
Where, Li, is latent heat at dew point temperature.

4.6.14 Pressure of Water Vapour (Vape Pressure):

According to camier's equation, the partial pressure of water vapour,

Saturation pressure corresponding to wet bulb temperature (from steam table).
P, = Baromelric pressure.
4 Dry bulb temperature.
Wet bulb temperature.


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Air Conditioning (MSBTE
and Air
and 4-12
Basics ofAir conditioning
Psychrometric Charts
47 the various thermodynamic
representation ofthe
graphical properties of
moist air.
very uscful fo finding out the properties
is of moist air, which
This chart enlculations.
calculati are required in the field
The psychromeinc of air condiioning
celiminate lot of
chart is
and normally drawn
1.01325 bar for standard atmospheric
760 mmof
Hg or pressure of
sychrometric chart, Irv bulb is taken is abscissa
In and specific
humidity as ordinate.
dted on the psychrometric chart are
various lines discussed
The below : [The
chart gives the following
temperature lines information
(1) Dry bulb
nd iniformly spaced line and parallel
vertical and
These are to ordinate.
Th values of dry bulb temperature
on safuraion curve. are also shown

temperature lines:.
2) Wetbulb
inclined straight lines and non-uniiormly
These are inclined spaced. At any point on
the saturation curve,
temperature are equal the dry bulb andwet

(3) Dew pointlines :

These are horizontal straight and uniformly spaced. These lines are parallel to
the abscissa. The dew point temperature
in °Cis read on the saturation

(4) Specific humidity or molsture content lines

These are the same as dew point temperature ines. The moisture contents in kJ/kg of dry
air are marked on the ordinate.
(5) Relative humldity curves

These are curved lines and shown in thick dark lines, These lines shows
the relative humidity from 10% to 100%, Any
point on the saturation curve shows 100% of relatiye humidity."

(6) Specific volume lines

These lines are thick and inclined and are uniformly spaced. These lines shows the volume of dry air in mkg

Enthalpy (total heat) lines

the wet bulb temperature lines,
These lines are inclined straight lines and uniformly spaced. These lines are parallel to

and are drawn up to the saturation curve. Some of these lines coincide
with the wet bulb temperature lines also.

The vahues of total enthalpy are given on a scale above the saturation curve.

8)Vapour pressure line :

in the
spáced. Generally, the vapour pressure lines are not drawn
uV4pour pressure lines are horizontal and uniformly
main chart.

extreme left side of the chart.

But a scal vapour pressure in mm of Hg is given on the

9Enthalpy deviation lines:

nese lines are curve shown in dark thick line from top to bottom.

Scanned with Camscanner

Basics of Air conditioning
Sem-VI) 4-13
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE

kg of moist.r
devhtion Iines
per kg of dry a
3800 Psychrometric chart
3600 oom40.0
3200 0.50
3000 0.020
Constart moisture fine 0.018 -0.60
2600 -0.65
2400 0.016-0.70
2200 c wel
bud B 0.014 0.80
2000 ina O.5
1800 o.0120.s
760 0.010
1400 Dry bulb temperatre-

bub- 15 30 s5 43
temperature 'C


Fig. 4.7.1 Psychrometric chart (S.I. units)

4.8 Psychromeiric Processes

Ui istpsychirometric procast

In order to achieve the conditioned air for buman comfort and Industrial purpose, certain processes
are to be carried out
on the atmospheric (moist) air to change the propeities of air
The processes of changing and affecting the psychrometric properties
of the surrounding (moist) air are called
psychrometric processes.
Some important psychrometric processes are listed below :
(1) Sensible heating

(2) Sensible cooling

(3) Humidification

(4) Dehumidification
(5) Heating and humidification (Adiabatic
chemical dehumidification)
6) Heating and dehumidification
() Coling and de-humidifñication
(8) Cooling with adiabatic humidification
(Bvaporative cooling)
(9) Adiabatic mixing
of two air stream
Bcfore discuss the above
process we must know about
sensible heat and
latent heat.


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efrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
= Basics of Air conditioning
Sensible heat:
causcs a change in the
Tthe heat which temperature
of a substance
ctracted froma body, In both cases the tcmperaturc
extracted or body is called sensible
heat. When heat is
of the body changes. addea or
amount of heat added or extracted is called
The scnsible heat.
thermometer. change in the state It is called sensible as
sensed' by of a substance. the change is due to heat can D

the state of a
sired to change the
The heat required substance is called
unchanged latent heat.
substance remains hence latent heat cannot
be measured.
During change state, temperature
of of tne
Latent heat e evaporation (vaporization)
(a) : This is the amount
and vice-versa. of heat required to change
the liquid into vapour
heat of
of fusion:
fusion: This is the amount
) Latent of heat required
to change the solid into
state. liquid state or liquid into
Total heat
is the sum of sensible and latent-heat
The total heat

Description and Hepresentation of Psychrometric Processes

4.9.1 Sensible Cooling:

MSBTE S15 S319

te 9s actor iomalafor sonsiblo ccoling pros
pShow the followIDg psychrometic properies on chart S15
. The cooling of air, without any changen its speciic humidity is known as sensible cooling.
,Let air at temperature td, passed over a cooling coil ot temperature td, as shown in Fig. 4.9.1(a) and the
td, is the
temperature of air coming out.
Refrigerant out


Ai Ar
n W

Refrigerant in

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.9.1
Eperature of air leaving the cooling coil is more than cooling coil temperature (t,> t4
on psychrometric chart by horizontal liné i-2 extending to 3, point, 3 is the coll surfact
emperature OWn
of cooling coil.
Thebeat rejected Dy ne cuu
by e air during sensible cooling may be obtained from psychrometric chart

Heatrejected = h^-bh
specific humidity is constant.
W= Wa

Scanned witn camScanner

Basics of Airconditioninn
Conditioning (MSEBTE
Sem-VI) 4-15
Refrigeration and Air

4.9.2 Sensible Heating MSBTE:S-19

propeitles on chart Sensible
following psychrometric
OShowthe specific humidity is known as
sensible heating.
temperature td, as sho
heating of air, without change in its and leaves at shown
The temperature td,
the hcating coil of
temperature td, pased over
Let air at
the surface
coil temperature.
point 3 represent process but ¢ chanpee
(b). The during this Heat
ig. 4.9.2a) and
curve. W remains constant
from saturation
line moving away
t i5 a horizontal calculated as difference
in enthalpy.
heating is
added in the process of
Heat added = H=H-H,
Mass ofairsuplied
(H,-H tonnes
coil = 211
Capacity of heating


Enthap /
Air Coil Out


Steam in

Fig. 4.9.2

4.9.3 Bypass Factor (BF): MSBTE S-15:S16W-18

xolain By-pass tactór of acoolin
coll and coolfng
tem By-pass fzctor ofieaung

UUU td2

Fig. 4.9.3
temperature = td, Temperature of air
kg is passed over the heating coil or cooling coil having its
Let us consider air of
contact with coil, *
Temperature of cooling/heating coil = td, (1-x) air comes in direct
coming out of the apparatus = td,
(non contacting air).
amount of air is by-pass from the coil

The by-pass factor depends on:

(1) Velocity of air flow.

(2) Number of row of coil come in contact with air.

3) The number of fins provided in a unit length balancing the enthalpy,

x tdh+(1-) tdy = 1xtdh

x td+ td-x tdy = td_ Tedi


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Refrigeraion and Air (MSBTE Sem-VI)
Basics of Air condiionin9
x(td-tdh) =
td-td forcooling coil
cooling coil
= Actual temperature
Ideal temperature
Similarly for heating coil,

is called the by-pass-actor 1or
where the conl (1-BPF) is known
as efficiency ofcoil.
Efficiencyof coolingcoil
. .
= n,=1- ,

Efficiency ofbheatingcoil
T=1- - td^-tdh

4.9.4 Humidification and Dehumidification:

e addition of moisture to the air, without change in its dry bulb temperature
The is known as humidification similarly,
removal of moisture from the air, without change in its dry bulb temperature.

.Fig. 4.94(a) shows the humidification and dehumidification on psychiormeticchart.

. The heat of vaporization for humiditication mast be súpplicd from some soure otber than air and for dehumidifcation
heat must be removed.

Latent heat

Humidification and dehumidiication
Flg. 4.9.4(a): heat. But it afects only
these processes does not involve any change in sensible
The enthalpy change (H-H) dehumidification processes are not
found in practice. These
may be
humidification or
latent heat. Absolute
accompanied by heating or cooling moistue
of vaporization of
humidification. This is equal to latent heat
given by (H, -H) for
0e change in enthalpy is
adedin air due to increase in humidity (W-W. humidification
Hh-H, = (W,-W) removal from air due
equal to latent heat
dehumidification. This is
g in enthalpy is given by (H, - H) for
decrease humidity (W-W,).
H-H = Humidification can be direct
the stream of
water or steam in
amidification is achieved by spraying hot water, cold
Humi not
atomization. 1his is
or indirect after
injected in air stream
is directdly
humidification, hot water, cold water or steam
CV. In indirect method an air washer is used
to humidity ar.
Scanned with Camscanner
Basics o
(MSBTESem-V) 4-17
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

by using
washer can humidify air
(1) Heated spray watcr.
heating of air.
By ecirculating spray water with
without heating of
By recirculating spray water
Dehumidification can be doneby two

(1) Using air washer.

dchumidification. The coolino
(2) Chemical moisture Is condensed. done is
its DPT, duc to which bysyraja
cooled below
In air washer method,
air is
Fig. 4.9.4(6).
chilled water as shown in which absorbs moisture
passing air over a bed of chemicals from air.
also be done by
Dehumidification can used.
activated alumina are
chemicals are silica gel and
Spray ozze

Water tow

Make up WGE


Fig. 4.9.46):Air washer

4.9.5 Heating and

Q Draw Heating and Humidication process

on psychromefric
chart 18 S
properue chart Heätingand Bumidification
a Show the folloying pshchromeric
generaly tod
specific humidity of incoming air increases. 'This process is
In this process the dry bulb temperature and
humidity of the air. The heating and humidilication process shown by ine
in winter air conditioning to warm and

1-3 in Fig. 4.9.5.




Fig. 4.9.5: Heating and humidification

d eati

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Refrigeralion anuAIT COnditioning
The heat added
ed during
the process
is (H,-H,). Basics of Air conditioningg
dded (H,-H,), split
heat added The process may
is up into two parts. be shownn direct
i.e. (H,-H)represent
o from l to 3 or 1 to 2 and 2 to 3. The
sensible heat and
4.9.6 Cooling with ehumidification (-H)
(H represent latentheat

Show follawing prOce 0pSychometic c art, MSBTES17 S-19

Chow the folowing
psACrOmenC PrOperes.on ithdehumidification
chartCooling anddehumidificaton.
Theremoval of water vapour the air is termed dehumidification S19
ehumidification of air.
The dehu of air is only possible
if the air is cooled
necess to maintain the coil surface temperature below below the dew point
temperature of the air.
It is
dew point temperature
ffective surface temperature ot of air for effective hurnidification.
The the co is known as (ADP)
apparatus dew point.
process is shown in Fig. 4.9.6. The colidg and humidification



td4 d tdg d
bulb temperature DBT-
Fig. 4.9.6:Cooling and dehumidification
td = Diy bulb temperature of air entering the coil
tdp=ta= Dew point temperature of the entering
temperature or ADP of the coil
td, = Effective surface
4. No cooling coil is hundred percent efient,
air-condition coming out of the coil will be
Under the ideal condition, the factor of the cooling coil in

the coil will be represented by the point 2. The by-pas

so the condition of the air coming out of

case is given by,

passfactor = -ADP
By-pass td-tdtd,-ADP
represented by ADP.
tadis the dew point temperature of the coil and
can be marked
the point 1 and 2
are given, then
temperature and by-pass factor
If COndition of air, coil surface

tho psychrometric chart. tne process y

the process so that
condition obtainedis
independent of the path followed by
plowed by path
l-A and 2-A as shown in Fig 4.97.
The total heat removed from the air is given by.
Q = H-Hh
CTE, (-H) is the latent heat and (H-H) is sensible hear


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
= 4-19 Basics of ArConditionina


DBT td
Fig. 4.9.7

h= Enthalpy of air entering in apparatus,

b= Enthalpy of air moving outside from coil.

h,= Apparatus Dew Point temperature (ADP)

Total heat removed q=h-h,

LH = h-h^=Latent heat removed due to condensation of vapour of reduced moisture
SH = b-h) = Sensible heat removed.

Sensible Heat Factor (SHF) = SHBA

Process-1- Ais dehumidifñication
Process-A-2 cooling

4.9.7 Cooling with Adiabatic Humidification [Evaporative Cooling]:

MSBTE: W16:S18

ooling procss wh ketch W-1

vaporative coolrig process.onpSychrometnc chart.

in Fig. 4.9.8(a) having spray of water maintain at
When the air is passed through an insulated chamber, as shown
(tdp;) but lower than its dry bulb temperature = (td)
temperature = (() higher than the dew point temperature of entering air =
of the entering air = (tw,), then the air is said to be cooled and humidifed
of entering air, equal to the wet bulb temperature
shown in Fig. 4.9.8(6).
Insulated chamber

Air out
Air in


Make up
(b) Psychrometric chart
(a) Psychrometric process
Fig. 4.9.8: Cooling with adiabatic
re-circulated again and again, theretor
rejected from the spray water as the same water is
no heat is supplied or
condition of adiabatic saturation will be eached. aeeedgi

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Refrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI)

n ctual practice, perlect humidification

4-20 Basics of Air conditioning
is never achicvcd
100%). Thereforc, the final condition Gi.c. the humidifying efficiency
of the spray hamberi is
of at outlct is represcnted
Fig 4.9.8(b). by point 2 on the line 1-3 shOwn in
when the humidification 1s pertect then
the final condition
relative humidity 100%) of the air will be at a point 3. (i.c. at temperature
Thec cffoctiveness or nidifying cfficiency
ofthe spray chamber
= Actualdropin DET
Ideal drop DBT td-td
in td-td^
= Actualdropinspecific humidity
Ideal drop in specific W-W
aa Heating and Dehumidification or Adiabatic
Chemical Dehumidification:
Tthis process, the air 1s passea over Cnemicals which have an affinity for moisture.
hese chemicals, the moisturc gets condensed out of the As the air comes in contact with
air and gives up its latent
condensation, the specific humidity heat.
Due to c decreases and the heat condensation
temperature. supplies sensible heat for heating the
air and thus increasing its dry bulb

path followed
during the
process is along the constant
.The wet bulb temperature line constant
nncess, which is reverse of adiabatic saturation process shown line or enthalpy line. The
by 1-2.


td, td td2

Fig. 4.9.9:Heating and dehumidification

dehumidifier is given by,
The effectiveness or efficiency of the
Actual increase in dry bulb temperahure
I Ideal increase in dry bulb temperaine


Type and construction of Psychrometer

as Psychrometer.
and wet bulb temperature is known
1ae equipment which is used for measuring dry bulb temperature
The following are the types of Psychrometer.

1. Laboratory Psychrometer:"
always read DBT and
generally hung on the wall which
T Fsychrometer is used in college laboratory. It is
WBT of the surrounding


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and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)

oHo otAr

Strip for
bulb Wet bulb


Glass of

Fig. 4.9.10: Laboratory Psychrometer

2. Sling Psychrometer:

R consist of two mercury thermoneter mounted on a frame which is provided with a handle as hn
The handle of the frame used for rotating the Psychrometer to produce necessary air motion. The
of air is about 5 m/sec to 10 m/sec. The bulb of one thermometer 1s cOvered with a wet wick v ty
to read
wet bulb



Wet bulb Dry bulb

thermometer thermorneter

Wet wick

Fig.4.9.11: ling Psychrometer

The rotating motion of the sling Psychrometer provide
necessary air motion over the thermometer. The fast movene
of air past the wick is necessary to bring the air at DBT always
in immediate contact with the wet wick. A stagnate lay
of air near the wick will atained the temperature in betweenDBT and WBT
and sensible
reduce the and heat iow
gives higher resding of WBT

3. Aspirating Psychrometer:

t is similar with sling Psychrometer but the difference is

that a radiation shield is provided to prevent the error QUG
radiant heat exchange.

A small blower or fan is provided at

the top as shown in Fig. 4.9.12 for producing
rapid motion of air over thermons
bulb. This is used for measuring DBT and WBT
after particular interval of time mostly for the measurng
atmospheric condition of cities throughout day and year.
The motor is connected to a time switch as per the scneue
time interval for measuring temperature.

Ted Lvledgi
Scanned with Camscanner
Sem-VI) 4-22
Conditioning(MSBTE_ Basics of conditioning
Air C
Refnigeralion d Air
Air out


1 Air in


Fig.4.9.12: Aspirating

Continuous recording electrical
Tecording the temperature of cities. The mechanical and
commonly used 1or
These type
of Psychrometer: automatically.
temperature continuously and
recording the
arangement are provided for year. No attendant is require for
Psychrometric data on a graph for a day or for whole
This Psychrometer provide the

Psychrometer to operateit
Dehumidifier, Filter;
Air-conditioning like Humidifier,
4.10 Components used for
Heating and Cooling

soot, geris
Air Filters: from dust, bacteria,
make it free
outside air so as to
conditioning is cleaning of air through filier.
Air fter
The first operation
in the air atmosphere and recirculated
fresh air from condinonung sysieus
is achieved by passing both industrial ait-
and oher impuities. This
essential part ofmany principle of
removal of dust is works on
for the occupant health. The dust. Filters
a Saleguard concèntrations
nature of the dust, size
The type of air filter depends upon the microorganism free ar
principle it supply
impingemnet and interception by this
eining, MSBTE:S14
Fiters are broadly classified as

KhereEnlist the vaious air fiters used in air. conditoning


Scanned with Camscanner

Basics ot Airconditio
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 4-23
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Types of Alr Filters

(1) Dry filters

Viscous fillers
(3) Wet filters

(4) Electronic flters

5) Activated carbon ilter

HEPA fiter
Fig.C4.1:Types of air filters

1. Dry-Filters
wood or cellulose felt. When air is passed through it, dust in the . will
the air
Dry filter are usually made of cloth, coarse paper,
filters between 2 mmin to 15 mímin. The filtering materials are am.
be trapped or screened. The range velocity of this
excessive surface requirement. The cleaning of these fltersfilters can he
Can be
bag forms to provide necessary surface without doneby

shaking or rapping action of the filters during operation. Dry

filter are capable of collecting 99% or more dust as smalr

micron. It cannot be used where the dust concentration in the

air is higher because of a limited dust holding capacity Al.

filters are not capable to remove the smoke from air.

2. Viscous Filter

This type of filters are beter than any other type. This type of filter arce made in form of pad and bats using gaes wn

steel wool, plastic fibers or copper mesh. These fibers coated with viscous liquid or oil When the outside air is passed
he viscous air filter, impurities are caught and clean air (free from dust) is allowed to enter the conditioning plant. Viecomm

filters can be removed, cleancd with cleaning compound, allowed to dry,then dipped in oil and refitted.

3. Wet Filters

Water spray type air-washer is also known as air filter. In this filter, the dust particles are wetted by water spray and then

owing to the additional weight of water, the particles fall to the bottom. But the impurities like carbon particles,
greasy particle
which cannot be wetted by water are not cleaned from the air. Thus water works
as afiltering agent
4. Electronic Filters:

The principle for electronic filter is illustratcd in Fig. 4.10.1. Air is passed
between a pair of oppositely charged copaicis
and it becomes ionised as the voltage applied between the
conductors is sufficiently large. As air is passed through this s
chamber, both negative and positive ions are formed.

The air carying the ions and coming out of the

ionizing chamber is further passed through the collecting u is
consist of a set of vertical metal plate spaced 15 T1e
to 20 centimeter apart. The plates are positively and negu charge
voltage applied to the plates is approximately
half the potential of the ionizing wires.


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTE
Sem-VI) 4-24
Grounded Basics of Air conditioning

Outsldo O00
dirty 000
In argoo
9O T

Dust colecding

hintensity electrostatic field exeris a torce on charged particles. Thenegative
moves toward negative plate. ions moves toward positive plate
positve 1ons moves t 1he aust accumulation on plates are cleaned
periodically by washing them with hot
water spray.

1.. Itrequire small installation
This is very effective for small paticles like smoke or mist.
2 cost.
working cost and low maintenance
:3, Ithas low initial cost,

ozone when thne air is passed through this. The formation of ozone is objectionabl dae to
1 forms small percentage of

imitating effect to nose and

to reduce the load on this filter.
Apre-filter is necessary before electronic filter
the flter decrease when quantity of
air flow increasés.
3: The efficiency of
necessary to protect the whole apparatus by placing
closeness of the charged plates and high potentials used, it is
4. Due to when it is
because small particle of paper cause sparking
fire mesh in the air stream
before the ionization chamber
carried across adjacent plates.

Activated Carbon Filters

with a certain gap
carbon are placed horizontally
used. A number of sheets of
Acivated carbon in the charcoal form is which is fit exactly
structure is again placed into a frame work
supports. This
Debwecn two adjacent sheet in the two vertical is extensively
caibon filter
Thus, the use of
particles a's well as bacteria.
e struchure. This type of filter will emove solid offilter wben use
e g the field of air conditioning. The charcoal
absorb 50% of its weight of foreign gases. This type
the absorbed gases.
becomes reactivate it, it is backed at 500°C to drive out
IOng time inactive and to

6. HEPA FIiter
uSed. iEFA
Energy Pass Air) is
HEPA filter (High
e supply of microorganism free air the
combination of impingement pleat.
and inception. into accordion
sheet formed
fibres. It is continuous betweenglass fibre
The glass fibres
media in HEPA filter is made of submicronic glass
areheatresistant, retaining their strength upto 320°C. Aluminium
separators are inserted
and also
using suitable adhesive
a filter pack. The filter pack is then sealed into an aluminum
mbber gasket
on the sealing

Te Llei
Scanned with Camscanner
Basics ot Airconditionin

RRefrigeration and Air

Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-V 4z

Introduction of Humidifiers
4.11 MSBTE
:S6, S-17,S-18
with a neat sketch
Explain any one Humidifier neat sketches.
explain any one of them
types of humidifiers and stem. The
conditioning system.
woking sUCCess
1ne Working suee.
Q St in air of s
important process
humidification of air is one of most
conditioning is depends on functions of
one of the following method:
humidification achieved by
1. Humidification by injcction of

Humidification by atomizing of water.

Humidification by evaporating the
Humidification by air washing.

of Steam:
4.11.1 Humidification by Injection
flow of air just above nm
carried out by injecting steam into the
humidification of air is state, raising mels
In this system, to the gaseous the ve
it is dispersed and evaporates instantly
steam condenses to a very fine particle as
appreciable temperature.
humidity (R.H) without raising the or processing. The stainem ..
providing steam for heafing e
used where excess capacity from a boiler
Steam humidifier are pressure reducer regulate the steama
at the
working part and the
dirt from reaching the
provided in the humidifier to prevents

presure for the humidifier. enters the distributiom

to remove condensate and then iton
open, the steam flows through the separator
When the control valve
system for proper mixing.
humidifiers are installed in ducted
space. Most of the

is easily available.
1. The initial cost is low when steam
in operation.
2. Steam injection humidifier is noiseless
compactness and light in weight.
3. Itis easy for installation because of
therefore it can be used without filter.
4. It does not carry any harmful impurities


to the space due to high steam temperature.

1. This humidifier provide more heat than needed

2. It carries odors which are unpleasant to the occupant.

4.11.2 Humidification by Atomizing the Water into the Air:

Atomization type-humidifiers
from supply taus u
An effective humidifcation can be achieved using compressed air to draw water by aspiration

it in the form of fine mist into the duct carrying the air to the conditioned space. The arrangement of
the humiuu
in Fig. 4.11.1.

ed aDIICatin

Scanned with Camscanner

ation and
and Air Conditio
tioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI)
Compressed air
4-26 Basics of Alrconditioning

uppiy wator mist

Main duct'carrying
Humkdifyfng arrangement

Float comtrol
Fig. 4.11.1: Atomlization
type humidifier
d air)
compressed air passing through a narrow section (nozzle)
The of the pipe at a high velocity
creating vacuum. Due this
tank lift up and mixed with air. The mixture of to
waterfrvm air and mist is passed into
main duct carying air and
the The ffloat control the constant level of water in reservoir
space. The to
conditio (tank). This humidifier
does not add heat to the
The ured for evaporation of waler15taken from ar which causes
heatrequired fore decrease in DBT ofthe
air. This humidifier is
noisy for the
high velocity air.

4.11.3 Revolving Wicks Type Humidifler

nonerrevOIVngwMcKYpenumiditier.with.neat sch
humidifier, in the duct of warm air, a revolving dum is placed. The cireurmíerence of this drum is coerod
h tis type of
woollen wicks placed along the axis qf rotaion. The tray contain water, The water is fed through the pipe and level of
water is controlled by the float as shown in Fig. 4.11.2.
Duct Woolen wicks

Air condition
O drum

Inlet water
Fig. 4.11.2: Revolving wicks type humidifier
Wien the drum rotates, the loiwer portion coming
of the drum is dipped into the walterin the tray. The weted wicks aftr
t of te water come in contact with the warm air passing over them. The water is vaporized and air gets humidified. his
until the drum rotates and certain amount of water is splashed out by the wicks intó the space of warm air
and air
gets humidified.

byEvaporating the Water into the Air:

humidifier discharge pure water vapour into the air to be humidified. The process is endoinen a


Scanned with Camscanner

Basics of Ar conditlontr
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V Pan and Coil Type Humidifier eviaporalive unit, the heat
in the coil ement
humidistat call
for humidity in
in his system of humidiflication, when the
4.11.3. temperatum
une waler pan is energized. 1his humidifier is shown in lig.
immersing hc sicam coil. Ihe
hcated by maintain
maintain by i water
pan contains a quantity of water and it is always constant and by iloatvalve.
the pan is
controlled by the quantity of steam supplicd. The level of
water in The

air is allowod to pass over the water surface as shown lig.
- Main dud
-Healing col arying air
Float contrml

E Water suppN
Steam u Steam out

coil type
Fig. 4.11.3: Pan and
no moVing part
maintenance cost as there is
nis humidiier is simple in operation and has low Humidification by Air Washing:


process of Humidification by air washing.with neatskec

2neat schematic sketch of air washer State the use of
asher in connectionWith psychir
EXplain working of huridification by aitr viashing with neat sketcn 17N18
The humidifer (equipment) under this category are capable of coiling, cleaning and humditying air without usingcooling

Spray type air washer humidifier:

This is most effective and commonly used. The banks of wáter spray are shown in Fg. 4.114, A small pump supply
water under high pressure through nozzle and sprays into the main duct carryng air. The unevaporated water is collected
Tecirculated again and again for humidification.
Ar Steam Water
hter heating coil eliminator




Water supply

Fig.4.114:Air washer
A float control valve controls the level
of water in water sump.
remove the water droplet present The eliminator plates
in air and the heater are provided ar uia
eficiency ofhumidifierdepend upon is fitted before the spray
which heat both air and wa
number of bankanddirection
of waterspray. *
Scanned witn camScanner
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning(MSBTE
Sem-VI) 4-28 Basics of Air conditioning,
Controlling the temperature and
1 quantity of water, the reiquired
easy in opcration and its maintenance
relative humidity and temperature is achievea.
9Itis cost is low.
As direct contact of water, the soluble gascs
and objectionable gases will
be dissolved in water leaving the air iree Trom
poisonous gases.

4.12 Dehumidifiers

varous typeso dehumidiers used

MSBTE 811.S12
Lst ehumidication.
Condit Describe most commonly
used techntgue ot
Dehumidification of air (removal of moIsture) is
necessary for the storage, manufacturing
and packing of various producis
comfort air conditioning.
in addition to
Many storage areas ane maintained at a specitic relafive humidity tó prötect the products from corosion, rust and oxidation
oceur if the relative humidity is less than 40% as materials are not coated with surface protecting materials. Handling

emscopic product like sugar, cocos, salt are practhically difcult if moisture contain of the air is not controlled. Many packing
can be achieved by dehumidification
operation require dry air. This which prevent such problems.
method adapted for the dehumidification:
The following are the
temperature of the air below its dew point temperature. This can be done by passing the air over a
1. By reducing the
copling coil whose surface temperature is maintained below dew point temperature (DI) of air.

Ey absorption of moisture from air. This can be achieved by passing absorption bed and also by passing the air through
a chemical. The moisture in the air enters into chemical combination with drying agent.

4.12.1 Spray Type Dehumidifier:

This type of dehumidifier is similar
with humidifier except that the temperaure of the water usual for spraying purpose
Fig, 4.12.1. The wet bulb
below dew point
temperature of the air. The arangement of spray type humidifer is shown in above

temperature of the air leaving the spray

will be equal to water temperäture
chilled,(cold) water whose
remove dust partiçle. This air is passed through
The outside fresh air enter through filter which
on fresh air. By this the outside air is cooled below
temiperature of the room air, is sprayed
temperature is kept below dew point
through eliminator the extra
temperature (DPT) and hence suplus moisture is removed. When this air is passed
is dew point
below the DBT of desired
temperature of air leaving the elimintor is much
moisture is removed. However, the dry bulb
is passed to condition space. A
condition space. Hence an heater is used to
maintain the temperature through which air
dehumidified, no make up waler is
Teingeraion system is used to cool the water supply to
the spray and as the air is
overtiow pipe iS required to
moisture is condensed from the air. An
eeause the amount of water in the system increases as
drainthe added water. .
Air filler
si Elimina Heater
Fan or blower
Fresh Space


- ume
cooling co
OvertiOW drouit


in A 191 Snrav tune dehumidifier

Scanned witn camScanner
Conditioning (MSBTE
Sem-VI) 4-29
Refrigeation and Air asicsofAircondidonit
upon the air which remove the odor and ionable gases
sprays also have a cleaning action pours).

Type Dehumidifier
4.12.2 Cooling Coil

consists of refrigeration
system where the cvaporalor coil temperature is maintained below the ew .
outside is passed over the evaporalor coil by using a fan. The moisturecontain
contain in
in the air is
The air from is condensed
system. But due to condensation of vapour in the air decreases the ative
relative humidity
humiditu be
draincd out from the and also dry
temperature of air is increases
which again decrease in relative humidity. A humidistat is provided ided to tocheck the
humidity. Thus continuous supply of air decreases relative humidity. But the system is having one disadvantaoe that canno
remove thc odour and objectionable gases which are unpleasant to the occupant or causes irritation.

E A12-1 Ar is dehumoifed from an intal condion of 32 C D.8.T and 802 afiy hro
w.B.T Find moisture removed and decrease in enthapykg ofdoy ar 25 DBTand 15c
Represent the above process.on psychtometric.chart.wi MSBTE:S11.S-14
Soln.: Process 1-2 is cooling and dehumidification process from psychrometric chart


25C 32'C
Dry-bulb temperature

Fig. P.4.12.1

H = 108 kJkg of dry air.

= 0.0242
W kJkg of dry air.

Hh = 47 klkg of dry air.

W = 0.006 kkg of dey air.

(1) The amount of moisture removed = W-W

= 0.0242-0.006

= 0.0182 kJ/kg of dry air

2) Decrease in eathalpy per kg of dery air = H-H,

108-47 = 61 kJikg of dry air

Ex. 4.12.2: Air is dehumidified from an initial condition of 30°C DBT and 80% RH to 25°C DBT and 18 WBT. Find moitue

removed and decrease in enthalpy per kg of dey air. Represent the above process on psychrometric chart with values,

Process 1-2 is cooling and dehumidification process from psychrometicchart

H, = 108 kJ/kg W = 0.0242 kJkg of dry air.

H, = 58 kJkg .W=0.010 kJ/kg of dry ai.


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
4-30 Basics of Air conditioningg

25C 30°C
Fig. P4.12.2
Moisture removed1
W-W, kJkg of dry air.
0.0242-0010 0.0142Kkg ofdry air.
in enthalpy
(2) Decrease
= 108-58=50 kJkg ofdry air.

ospheric air with dry bulb temperature of 28C and a wet bulb temperature
Ex. 4.12 of 17°C is cooled to 15°C without
moisture content. Find:
changing its

Original relative humidity

relative humidity.
Gi Final wet bulb
represented on psychiromeinic chart without changing its moisture content
Soln.: Process 1-2 is
IfC WB1). Draw parallel line to abscissa from point 1 which intersect at
is original given position (28°C DBT and

15CDBT. 2 is final

15'C 28
Fig. P.4.12.3

So from psychrometric chart:

0) Original relative humidity=RH=34 %

2)Final relative humidity = RH, = 73%
3) Final wet bulb temperature WBT,=t, =12.2C
relative hitnidily is
DET and 80%
Tinute at 15G
E 124 0 winter ioning syatem. 100 ma ar Psychrometica
SDETIS 22Cw air per mnute (Use
stanttspecfic humidity nd heat MSBTE: S-15.
W-16.8 Marks

7Ted aedai

Scanned with Camscanner

Sem-VI) 4-31 Basics
BRefrigeration and Air
Conditioning otAirconrditioninn

Soln. 44

15°C 22°C

intersection of 15°C DBT and 80%
Locate point '1l' at the
humidity line.
Locate point 2' at the intersection of 22°C DBT of constant specific
Process 1-2 is sensible heating proces from psychrometric chart:
H = 36.5 kJ/kg

Hh = 44 kJkg

For specific voume, the point 1 me 0.82

located between the line of specific volume mkg and 084 mkg.
mks. The distanos
between the lines is 35 mm and the distance of point
1 from 0.82 m/kg line is 13 mm. Hence,

0.02 x

x = 0.00742

V (0.82 +0.00742 )m/kg

0.8274 mikg
Therefore, mass of air (m) =74=120.860 kg/min

Heat added to the air per minute,

m,(H-H,) kIkg
= 120.860 (4-36.5) =906.4539 kI.

E 1125 Airis supplied to a conditionedroom at 17CDRTand 5 he arleaves thetocm a25CDETding

which RHdecreases by 5 Find

9DPTotsupplý air
U Change in enthalpy duing the process

Change in specitic humoity duringthe process

MSBTE:S-10. 8 Marks
Show.iton Psychrometricch
Soln.: From psychrometic chart.
H,=53 kJkg
H = 33 kJkg,

W, = 0.005 kg/kg of dry air dry air

W = 0.009 ke/kg of dry air

1. DPT of supply air = 5°C

2. Change in Enthalpy =H, -H =53-33=20kIikg

3. Change in specific humidity = w2-

0.009-0.005=0.004 kg/kg of dry air


Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Conditioning
Basica of Air conditloning,
50% PH


25 DBT
Fig. P.4.12.5

to be
An office space is
is to be condrtoned for 60 people. The
Ex. 4.12.6:An outdoor condition are dry bulb temperature 30C ara
Quantity of air supplied 04 m min/persons.
humidlity 75%.
cooling coil.
(1) heating coil.
2) Capacity vapour removed per hour.
Amount of water
1 inlet air has 20°C
DBT and 60% relative humidit
Assume that humidification
and and
dioned first by cooling ating.
Air is
suCDBT and 75% RH. Point 4 is required inlet condition. ie. 20°C DBT and 60% RH.
i is outdoor condition
H = 818 kJRg of dry air.

H 34.2kJAg ofdyair
H= 426Jkg ofdry air.
W = W, =00202 B/ikg of dy ai.

W = W=0.0088 Jkg of dry air.


20°C 30'C


Fig. P. 4.12.6

Frompsychrometric chart:
Specific volume V, = 089
Amount of air 1Number of
LSupplied per person.L
Mass of air supplied Specific volume (V,)

04x60 mmin/person
0.89 mkg

m, =
26.96-27 kg/min.

Capacity of coling coil = mass of air supplied (H,-H

27 tis
Ted Ksesledge

Scanned witn camScanner

(MSBTE_Sem-VI) 4-33 Basics ofAir
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning condnioning

= 1285.2 KJ/min
refrigeration= 210
in tones of 210

= 6.12 tonncs

(2) Capacity of
heating coil
= mass ofair
= 27

= 226.8 KJ/min

refrigeration = 210
In tones of
= 1.08 tonnes x

= 3.7983 kW

vapour removed per hour

(3) Amount of water
= m, (W-W
27 dry air.
= 0.3078 kJkg of
specific humidity :Detemn
DET and 11 gmKg of d.a
to be conditioned to 22 C
Es 4.127 Air RHs
at 25°C WBT 259%
psychrometric.chart.Bepresent the

heat iransfer
kg of dryair.reteripg the

Soln.: DBT
WBT, 25% RH,4=22°C
Given: 25°C
W 11 gm/kg of d.a.

/25 % RH

Wa= 0.011kg/kg of d.a.

22 25
Fig. P.4.12.7

From chart W = 0.0128 kg of d.a.

h 77.5 kIkg
bh 49 kJkg
W = 0.011 kg/kg of d.a.

Heat transfer per kg of da. =h-h

= 77.5-49=28.5 kJ/kg.


Scanned with Camscanner

Air BTE Sem-VI)
figerationand 4-34
wing readings
were noted on
a slingpsychrometer.
128:Fol eadinn
2ading= 740 mm of Hg. Using Dry Basics
Barometic steamlables, b ofAlrconditioning
Me =
OG 30°C,
Dotemine lemperaluretd
point terpe
Dew humiaity(o)
saturation (u).
density ()
of mixture per kg
of dry air.

temperalture A1 is
(td) is the
the saturation
Dewtable), cosresponding
to parial
steam pressure
of water vapour
pressure (P,) (from
steam table
sairaion P, = 0.02337
barat 20PC
Barometric Pressure WB.
P= 740mmofHg
as1 mm of Hg = 1333
Tbar = 10 Nm

740 x13.3=98642Nm
=0.98642 bar

Partial pressure of vapour P, = P-

1547-1.44t, w-
P,= P -t)x18
2800-1.3 (184+32)
P,= 0.01705 bar

Dew point temperature td=15°C, from steam table.

Since the dew point temperature is the saturation temperafure corresponding fo partial pressure of water vapour.

Relative humidity=o=
P, = Saturation pessure pf vapour corresponding DBT at 30PC írom sieam table.

= 004242 bar
0.01703 40.15%
0.04242 0.4015 or

Specific humidity or humidity ratio (W),

0.622 P 0.622 x 0.01703
W 098642-001703
ofdry air.
= 0.010924 gm/kg
10.924 kekg ofday air.
4) Degree of saturation,
humidity of saturated air.
W, = Specific
0.04242 .
0.62P 0622x-0.042422
= 0.027945 kekg of dry air.

Scanned with Camscanner

4-35 Basics of Air conditiont
Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
Refrigeration and Air
0.027945=0.391 or 39.1 %

0.01703 0.98642-0.04242
0.04242 L0.98642-0.01703

W as T, = T,=, dry bulb temperature

(5) Vapour density P R,T
0.010924 (0.98642-001703) x 10
P 287 (2737 +30)

= 0.01218 Kg/m of dry air

table, find the latent heat of vaporization of water at dew point
(6) Enthalpy of mixture per Kg of dry air from steam Dint

temperaturc 15°C.
hf, d, = 2466.1 kJkg

Enthalpy of mixture per kg of dry air,

h 1.022 4+WL-23 4]
h = 1.0224+W b, 4, +23 4]
= 1.022x 30+0.010924 [2466.1 +2.3x
30.66+27.32=57.98 kJ/kg of dry air.
dthe tolkowng proPenesdf air
609S Telative
Er 4.129 With the nelponps


et bulb te
volume ola

MSBTES04:8 Marks



26° C
Fig. P.4.12.9

From psychrometric chart :

(1) Dew point temperature = 15.8°C

(2) Wet bulb temperature =20.2°C

(3) Specific volume of air.

Gap betweca two specific volume

line is y = 18 mm. Difference between above these specific voltume
lune s u

Ted Kaaledg
7 PoBitati9#5

Scanned with CamScanner

andAirConditioning (MSBTE
located between
The point A is 0.86 TIkg and
0.88 m'kg
Basics of Airconditioning
x distance from 0.86 m
The point A is at linc.

X = 4 mm

S, .0 =0.004

SDecific volume of air (A)
given condition (0.86+0.004)

0.864 mkg
dry air
Enthalpyof air = 65.5 KIIKg of
4) (w) = 0.01251KJ/Kg of dryair.
Specifichumidity ofair
() Kam20 Salcuate spe umidityRH yapour density air air end
poiemperg SUe atfuosp MSBTE:W.06. 8 Marks
Soln.: 1.01325 bar
440°CDBT, 4, = 28°, P, =
Given data : 28°C WBT is,
table, saturation pressure at
From steam 0.03778 bar
Also at = 40°C,

0.07375 bar
P,= Vapour
0.03778-525-0.03778) (40--28
P,= 1547-1.44x28
0.03778-0.00769=0.030 bar
0.622 P, 0.622 x0030
Specific humidity P-P1.01325-0.07375

0.0198 kg/kg of da.


PO.050-04067=40.67 o
=4067 %
Relative humidity = =p007375=04067

Vapour density P =R (1.01325-0.030)x 10
287 x (40+ 273)
kg/m' of dry air
= 0.02167

point temperature at P, = 0.030

bar is t,= 24S°C
ateal00kg of dry air perg andicoolng
motstalr ener att A ai Marks
the outatstate W-09,8
By Pass aclor is MSBTE
ha appar S0and

m = 100 kg/min
RH 50%
a35°C TeciLaeedi
Scanned witn camScanner
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 4-37 Basics of AIr conditioning

BPR = 0.15

Let n and o, the temperature and relative humidity of air leaving the cooling coil.
RH wt



Fig. P4.12.11

From psychromclric chart find dew point temperature of entering air at point 1.

Sincc apparatus dew point (ADP) is less than the dew point temperature of entering air. Therefore it is a process of coolino
and dehumidification.

Bypass factor, BF


0.15 3

n 0.15x 30+5=9.5°C
from chart, RH coespond to 9.5° CDBT is
Cooling coil capacity: from chart

b= 81 kkg
b 28 kJkg
Capacity of cooling coil

100 (81-28)
5300 kJ/min

25.24 TR
12 12 Asuraurding a
CPiot thep
and RH 609 s con o condiicned air having DBT2830 a
out folbwingp

:pass feckor.of.colingo
Pparanis de DoInttempe MSBTE:S-16.W-18

Ted Ld

Scanned with Camscanner

Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V)
HEngealiona,nd Air 43R
= Basics of Air conditioning


23 c (1) -0.018 kgkg

2 28 humidiy
DET 38 ine

Specific vokume
Fig. P. 4.12.12: Psychrometry
( Specific humidity = 0.018
kJkg of da.
Enthalpy= 73 kJkg
Specitic volume
Specific volume = V,=0.87
By-pass factor of coling coil
Bypassfactor of cooling coil =02

Bypass factor

As temperature of air is decreases the process is cooling and dehumidificatioh.

Actual temp.drop
By-pass factOr= Tdeal temp. drop 1-6-38-23 -02
Where, td-inlet temp. of air,

td = Surface temperatare of cooling coil,

td, = Outlet temperature of air

0 Aparatus dew point temperature

Apparatus dew point temperature (td)=23°C

rc beTand 53 oled anddenurmidmega

and find alfalprope hoitionedai MSBTE: W-15

RH 65%


Fig. PA.12.13

Ted Lhi

Scanned with Camscanner

and Air Conditioning
(MSBTE Sem-VI) 4-39 csofAircondntionlhg

. Moisture removed =0.015-0.0049

= 0.0101 kJkg
of dry air

2. Heat removed = H -H,

= 65-29= 36 kJkg
Specific humidity at I = w =0.015 kJkg

Enthalpy at 1 65 kJkg

Specific volume = V, =0.87


wet bulb temp =


dewpoint temp = td,= 20.5°C

At point (2)
Specific humidity =
W,=0.0049 kkg

Enthalpy H=29 kJ/kg

wet bulb temp. = tw=10PC

dewpoint temp. = tda=4.5°C

Specific volume = V=0.83 mkg

properties oiair at 24 CDETand 40 Relalive Huridny

EX 4.12.14 With the helpof Psychrometric chartfind the

0 Dew Pont Temperaure

() Wet Bulb remperature
volume of air
Enthalpy of air
Specic Hurnidity of air MSBTE S-18.S-17.8MErkS
Draw a simple psycirometic chart showing al above

(1) Dewpoint temperature =8.7

(2) Wet bulb temperature = 13.5

3) Specific volume of air = 0.85

(4) Enthalpy of air = 48 kJkg

5) Specific humidity = 0.0065 kg/kg of dry air.


1313.5C Y wt
dp8.7C Sp. humidity
0.0065 kg/kg9
of dry air

DBT 24° C

Sp. vol. = 0.85 kghm3

Fig. P.4.12.14

Y retucatiass

Scanned with Camscanner

an Air
Aird Conditioning (MSBTE_ Sem-VI)
and -40
o Ppsychromeinc chartfind out pr
elp ol
help outproperties
otconüilionedair Basks of
15-WilhConditonedar AC DBT
having 2CDBT and50% 5o Telative ILthe
humidity. airi343 and
emperature 0
43 CWET.
DeH temperature
me ofa

Soln.: temperature=13°C
Dew point
a) temperature= 17C
)Wet 0.0853 kg/n?
Specific volume of
air =
a) =47.5Jkg
4) humidity =0.0095 kg/kg of dry air.

w 13.5c 4C W

dp8.7C Sp. humcity =

0.0085 kokg9
of dry air


vol. = 0.85 kgln3


Fig. PA.12.15

tEryperatura.o and 25reative ümidiy

passes tiough a fumacs and
1210 Ani0 prene adbUID 1elative nurnidny
Eway thathe final dysbulb temperaure isso*anuts0%
Dug anumidrier 1SuG

Heatadded 10tae au

Mosture added to he a MSBTE :S-13. W-1T8arks

DESensible5actorofEtep 0SE PSchuomati

we have
Soln.: From Psychrometric chart

Enthalpies at point 1, 2 and A ar


h.23kJkgofdry air
= 64 kikg of
= 38 kJkg ofdry air

Thus heat added to the air=hh-h dry air

= 64-23 =41 kkg of

Psychrometric chart).
Also we have (from 0.0026 kglkg of
dary air
kg/kg of dy air
W, = 00132


Scanned witn camScanner

Refrigeation and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 4-41
Isics of Airconditionino




16 30
Dry bulb temperature
Fig. P4.12.16
Thus moisture added to the air=

00106 kg/kg of dry air
We know that Sensible heat factor
the process is given as,

38-23 0.366
Heview Questiors
Q.1 Define air-conditioning and state
the purpose of air-conditioning.
Q.2 Justifly the purpose of air conditioning for humah comfort

Q.3 State The commercial applications of

air conditioning system.
Q.4 Enlist any four Industrial application of air conditioning

Q.5 State Dalton's law of parial pressure

Q.6 Define :Dew point depression. WBT,R.H.

Q.7 Showthe following pshchrometric

properies on chart
1.Sensible heating 2. Heating
and Humidification 3. Evaporative
a.8 Describe the construction Sling Psychrometer.

a.9 Enlist the various air fitters

used in air conditioning and descrbe
any one.
a. 10 Describe the Electronic
Fiters used in air conditioning.
a.11 Explain any one Humidifier
with a neat sketch.

a.12 Explain in brief revolving wick

type humidifier with
neat schematic sketch.
Q.13 Draw a neat schematic
sketch of air washer.

Scanned with Camscanner


Chapter 5: Cooling Load Calculation 5-1 to 5-18


5.1 Comfort condition, heat exchange by human body with

environment, factors affecting on human comfort.

5.2 Calculation of Sensitte and Latent heat gain sources.

5.3 Cooling oad calculation for auditorium, Metrolcgy

laboratory, class room.

5.1 Comfort Condition...

-***************** 5-1
5.1.1 Effective Temperature
********* *********** .5-1

5.1.2 Thermal cr Heat Exchange by tuman Body

with Environment.
5.1.3 Factors Atfecting Human Comtort
********* .5-3
5.2 Components of Cooling Load ..
**** -4

5.2.1 Sensible Heat Load ********

5.22 Latent Heat Load.
5.3 Calculation of Cooling Load..
5.3.1 Heat Gain by Conduction
through Building Structure .
********************* ****** ..5-7
5.3.2 Heat Gain frcm Solar Radiation.
5 9
5.3.3 Solar Heat Gain through Glasses.
5.3.4 Load Due to Occupant! Person, . *********************** .5-9
5.3.5 Heat Gain due to Infiltration . *****
5.3.6 Ventilation
5.3.7 Equipment Load .****************** .5-11

5.3.8 Product Load

5.3.9 Miscellaneous Heat Gain
5.3.10 Safety Factor.
5.4 Cooling Load Calculation of Auditoñum.-
5.4.1 Cooting Loa Cacuiation for MQC laboratory

of institute for Air Condibioning 5-14

5.42 Coolng Load Calculetion lor class oom 14
5 Cooling Load Calculation


Condition, heat exchange by
Con fat human body with environment,
5.1 factors afecting on human
Sensible and Latent heat gain sources. comfort
Calculatio of
calculation for-auditorium, Metrology
Kon load cal
Cooling laboratory, class room.

man body feel comfortable within certain range of temperature, relative humidity and velocity of air inside the room.
are called comfort
SASHRAE'.defined human comfort as "it is the condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with thermal

Thus human comfort involves producing a human friendly eavironment by controlling properties of air and its
T depends on the physiological and psychological condition of humans. Perception of comfort is diferent from
to person.
.However there are certain conditions of temperafure and huinidity of air at which everybody feels

5.1.1 Effective Temperature:

NASBTE S15 W15 S16
Signot air codiongg sysle 5
EMEjor cognt

depends mainly on:

The degree of warmth or cold felt by a human body

) Dry bulb temperature

) Relative humidity

ci) Air velocity.

the term 'effective
temperature' is employed:
OUEr to evaluate combine effect of these factors
relative humidity and air velocity on
corelates combine effects on air temperature,
sdeined as "that index which
the human
which produce
temperature of still saturated air,
h made equal to the
C value of cffective temperature is
of warmth or coldness as produced under given condiuon.
ion comfort as combination of
DBT and RH affects the
criteria of
of warmth may be considered as a
On of warmth.

Scanned with CamScanner

(MSBTE_Sem-VI) 5-2 Cooling Load Calculation
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Comfot chart:
made on diflerent kind of people subjected to wide range of temperature, relative
This chart is the result of rescarch
humidity, air motion by the ASHRAE.

velocity 5 to 8 m/min to situation, where occupant are sealed at rest, or doing light
Itis applicable to reasonably sill air
work. The mean temperature is cqual to dry bulb temperature for the space.
Summer curve
Relative humidty
(RH) ine

Wet butb

Comfort zone

Wirder curve

10 13 16 19 2 25 28 31 34
L37 40
Dray buáb temperatre ()

Fig.5.1.1:Comfortchart for air

A comfort chart deals with the combinations of wet and dry bulb temperature with difereat relative humidity produce
the same effective temperature.
However all the point located on the given effective temperature do not indicate condition of equal comfort or

ideal value of RH is lies between 30 to 70% at 309% skin become dry and at 70% became sticky.
The two side of the curve on the chart indicate percentage of people participate in test who found effective temperature
satisfactory for comfort.

The comfort chart range of both surmmer and winter condition within which most people fecl comfortable:
Summer condition, the chart indicates that 98% people feel comfort for effective temperature 21.6°C for winter, the
chart indicate the effective temperature 20 was feel comfort by 97%.
Womea were higher effective temperature than man. Older person require higher efective tomperature.
Comfort chart does not account for changes in mean radiant temperature comfort condiion varying with mie of wodk
and clothing won.
system designers
Thus comfort chart has its owa limitation however it is extremaly üseful tol for air-conditioning

5.1.2 Thermal or Heat Exchange by human Body with Environment:

MSBTE S-09.W-10

with envronmert W-10)

0 Eplainpain tho thematexchange.mecianism of Human Body S09,
wide range of variation im
Human body is a certain kind of machine, produce work and consume food. It cannot tolerate
their environment.
by conduction, radiation
A body maintain its thermal equilibrium with the environment rejecting the heat
evaporation and produces heat by metabolic activity.
energy balance equanon,
The heat exchange between man and his environment can be expressed by the following

Where, M Metabolic rate.

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Alr Conditioninn(MSBTE Calculation
Sem-VI) Coling Load
W Workdone by man.

Q Rateofconvection, radiation
and evaporationhcatloss (C+
S Ratc ofhcat storage.

mmcr, the body temperalurc has a tendcncy

sumn flow rate
In to rise. Since positive. The blood
e the stored energy 'S' is posiuve
extremitics increa
increases and the body
through the start perspiring. This
is called the condition of Vasoaialation.
the temperaturc tcnds to fall,
In int
inter the slored cnergy
may be negative and the blood flow ia rate through tne
ties become low. This leads to the condition
of 'vasoconstriction' resulting inshivering
cquilibrium or thermal neutrality
At of the body, there should bouy
be no stored energy and hence no change in

comfort fceling, thermal neutrality is required

For a condition.
n iin the body temperature acts as a stress signal spiration
Any to the brain which ultimately results in either
shivering. The net heat released rate of the body
r due to oxydation is,

H M-W)=M(1-1)
Where n is the thermal eiiciency of the body heat engine. Work done work
n wo
W'is positive when the body perio
Both M and are governed by the activity of the man.

The valie of heat librated depending on the activity (rest, offce work, eating, factory work, dancing, ete).

The thermal efficiency in most cases is zero, except in case of high activity such as playing outdoor ganes.

5.1.3 Factors Affecting Human Comfort:

MSETE W-16. W-17. S-18

Sate and explain factors affeating numancontort

Ensihetactors:anrecingOrhuman cOmors
While designing air conditioning system, the factors affecting human comfort are as follows :

Factors affecting human


Air temperature
(2) Air purily

(4) Air motion

Air stratification
6) Body temperature mechanlsm

(7) Air quantity

(8) Hot and cold suface

Fig.C5.1:Factors affecting human comfort


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 5-4 Cooling Load Calculation

1) Air temperature:
Human body 1s acis as a heat cngine which convert
thermal energy to mechanical energy and some annou heat
eJcctcd surounding causes risc in temperalture of
surrounding. So it is necessary to control the temperature
within an
enclosed space for comfort irespective
of outside atmospheric condition.

(2) Air purity:

Ar conain toxiC gses, dust, dint, bacteria and other impurities. All hese are harmíul to human life so proper itration,
clcaning and purification of air is
necessary to feel comfort to human beings.

(3) Humidity:

The humidity will cause discomfort. In summer

the humidity is less so it is necessary to increase the numuy aud u
winter, humdity will be more so it must
be reduce. So proper control of humidity should be done 10t
and the humidity should be kept within
the range of 35 to 60% with an air motion 5 m/min to 8 LPp
increases efficicncy of the workers.

(4) Air motion:

A Cctan amount of air motionm seems to be nccossary for human comfort. The air movement and its circulation are
Tequired to be controlled in order to ensure
a uniform temperature and equal distribution of air throughout tne space to
be air-conditioned.

(5) Air stratification:

The density of air decreases with rise in temperature and air move up to ceiling of the room and cold ar irom toP
ocupres space. This caused variation in temperature ftom floor to ceiling resulting uacomfortable for occupants. The
movement of air to produce this gradient is known as air stratification. So this sbould be avoided by întroducing fresh

(6) Body temperature mechanism

As explain in Section 5.1.

(7) Air quantity:

It is essential to decide the percentage of re-circulated air and amount of the outdoor air for any A/c system. Usually
15% of fresh outside air is added to roplenish the amount of O, in air and dilnte Co, and remaining 85% of air
circulated through condition space for comfort.

8) Hot and cold surface

This surface cause discomfort to occupants. Sometime ceiling is warmer than the room air during summer, which cause
discomfort by radiation. Big glass windows acts a cold radiators during winter. Air conditioning system should be
designed to regulate air supply on these surfaces and minimizes discomfort to occupants.

5.2 Components of Cooling Load

MSETE S14 S16,S17
sensihle heat gan andilatent iea gain
Whatis st ha sources of sensible and atent heat gain oarestaurant
EnlistvarnoUs ypes of heatloadsto a
beconsiderediwnie designingair conditioning system for particular toom/lab
room sensible heat factor is calculated2
How (S16)

Scanned with Camscanner
Cooling Load
and Air Conditioning (MSETE Sem-VI) 5-5

heat load:
Concep of
an air conditioni system helps in the design of rating of air conditioning equipment.
n of load for
The destimation depend upon hermodynamics of human body, industrial or winter
ndition, cither for summer
many other factors, that cOoling and heating
operationand demand on the system stbe designed.
requircd to be removecd from an air
tal heat the space in order to bring of desired temperature by
refrigeation cquipment is known the system
ning and as "Cooling load.
conditioning system used have to carry out two types
The air of hèat loadknown as sensible heat load and latent heat
Heat Load
521 Sensible
When there is direct addition of heat to the enclosed space,
a gain in the sensible heat is said to ocur.
The sensible heat gain may ocCur due to following sources
of heat transfer:
flowing into the building by conduction through
Heat exterior walls, floors, ceilings, doors and windows aue o
temperature ditference on their two sides.

b Heat load due to solar radiation and divided into

two forms..

0 Heattransmitted directly by radiation through

glass of windows and ventilators.
)Heat from sun will be absorbed by the walls and
roof and transferto room by conduction.
) Heat receivod from the ocupants."
( Heat received from diferent equipments which are commonly usedin the air-conditioned space.
c)Miscellaneous heat sources which include the followings:.

() Heat gain through the walls of ducts carrying conditioned air through unconditioned space in the building,
leakage of ducs.

G) The heat gain from infiltrated air

Table 5.2.1:Sources of heat load (outdoor and indoor)

1. Solar heat load

Transmission of heat through wall External Sensible heat load.

Solar heat load through glass External Sensible and latent heat
3. Tnfiltratiod Extemal Sensible + latent heat

Ventilation External Sensible + latent beat

Internal Sensible + latent heat load.

5. Occupant/person

Internal Sensible heat load

6. Lighting and equipment

Internal Sensible and latent beat.

7. Appliances
Extemal Sensible and latent
8. Product load

External Sensible and latent heat load


Scanned with Camscanner

RRofrigeration and Air Conditiloning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 5-6 Cooling Load Calculation

5.2.2 Latent Heaf Load:

MSBTE W-10,S-11
List any fotur latent heat gain sources cxonsidered for
coollng löad calculations,
Q.Define latent heat gains, W-10y
When there is addition of water vapour to the
air in enclosed space, a gain of heat is
latent heat. Tbe latent heat
duc to following factors. gain oOCCIr

(a) The heat gain due to moisture

in the outside air entering by infiltration.
(b) Heat gain from occupant (person).

(c) Heat gain from cooking, due

to condensation of moisture from
any process.
() Heat gain from products
or material brought into the

5.3 Calculation of Cooling


Q. DiScuss brieiY MSBTE: S-15

ne sof heat loads
heat ol MOclat olyo ito accountin order mate the tolal
Space cooling is the rate from which
heat is to be removed from 15
the room or space to maintain
It is equal to the instantaneous a constant temperature.
sum of the space cooling load that occupied
load imposed on the system by the system component
external to the condition and additional
space equipment such as fan
duct leakage, heat extraction, energy, fan location,
lighting system and type duct heat gain,
of return air system all affect
component size.

Glass \
solar radon E Pariion


Suppose consider a total class room cooling load
consist of a heat transfer
glass window floor, door through the class room eavelop
etc. wall, roof,

.And the heat generated by

the octupant, equipment,
lights. The load
external load while due to heat transfer from
all the other load are the system are called
called intemal load.
The percentage of internal
and external load are
varies with the type
condition at that site. of class room, class room design, weather

Tred Lamd

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Calculation
Condtioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) Cooling Load
Sourcos of cooling load

Electie fghiting

and Occupmert


So the total cooling load on the
building is consist
of sensible heat and latent heat load componen
The sensible heat affected
by dry bulb temperature
Space. and latent heat load affected
by moisure content o ndition

53.1 Heat Gain by Conduction

through Building
Heat gain through a
bulding structure such
as walls, floors, ceilings,
of sensible heat load. doors and windows constitutes
the major poru
By the law of thermodynamics,
heat transfer from highertemperature
and radiation. It then
flows through the material
to lower temperature by conduction,
of the wall to the surface
temperature. exposed at the region of lower ar

The heat is transferred through

the processes of radiation, convection
and conduction. Thus the
a wall under steady state condition. heat transferred through

Q= UA(T,-19.
T= Temperature of outside air.

T Temperature of inside conditioned air.

A Area through which heat is transfered,

U = Overall heat transfer coefficient.

h Heat transfer coefficient on the outer surface.

h Heat transfer coefficient on the inner surface.

Thermal resistance of the materials used for the construction of the wall.


Scanned witn camScanner

Retrigorntion nnd Air Conditioning (MSBTE Son VI) 58 Cooling Load Calculation

Air fim
Air flm

Air Fm

Fig.5.3.3:Composite wall for value of

U Fig.5.3.4:Slmple wall for value of "U'
Ex. 5.3.1 Aold storage toom has walls made of 0.23 möt brick on the ouiside, 0.08
wood on the inside. The outside and inside mof plastic foam and finally 15 mmof
fermperature are 22 G
transfer coeficient are 29 and 12 Wim and-2C respectively. lf the inside
and outside heat
K respectively and thermal.conduclivities ot bricks, foam and wöod are
and 0.17 Wim K rospectively, Determine rate of heat 0,98, 0.02
renoval by refrigeration per unit area ot wall
Soln. MSBTE: S:08

-2+273= 271K 22C+273 295"K

wm w/m'K

-15 mm -0.0S m-*t-0.23 m

Fig. P.5.3.1
Inside heat transfer cocfficicnt =h= 29 Wim "K

Outside heat transfer coefcient=h, =12 W/moK

U overall heat transfer coeficient.

100x017' 0*098
U = 0.225 Wm K

The rate of heat removed by refrigeration per unit area of wall,

Q UA (T-T)

= 0.225 (295-271)=5.40 kI/m

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(MsSBIE_Sem-VI) 5-9 Cooling Load Calculation
and Air
from Solar
Solar Radiation
Heat outside surface of a building
may contribute to the peak load on the air conditioning
532 he oulside s
striking the
solar cquipment.
efigeration by building surfaces in two forms:
solar i
0Diffuse radiation

radiation, is the impingement of the sun rays upon the surface.

diation : It is he
red particles in atmosphere which absorbs part of its energ
tion: Itis received from isture and dust
Solar Heat Gain through
Glass is used in building for windows, dooS, yentilators and many other places.

transmitted thro glass depend upon the wave length of solar radiation and chemical composition of glass.



Fig.5.3.5:Solar heat galn through glass
of total heat radiation is absorbed, reflected and rest of is trapsmitted.
The heat gain thrmugh glass
WLl A Window glass area in direct sunlight.
, Transitivity of glass.

= Direct solar intensity.

U Overall heat transfercoefficient.

A Area of window.

T Outside temperature
T, Inside temperature.

53.4 Load Due to Occupant/

Person ISBTE: W-17

process of
85% and for children is
Heatis for women is about
generated within the human body bythe rate erature.
body temperu
to maintain
constantly from the body of people
15 emited
The metabolic 75%. atieas

Scanned with Camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 5-10 Cooling Load Calculation
.This heat dissipation could be by conduction, convection and radiation as sensible heat and by evaporation of
hrough breathing as latcnt heat load.

The amount of heat dissipated would depend upon the number of person and their activities, age.
sex, cloth, indoor dry

bulb temperature.
to occupancy. Similarl
The sensible heat per person multiply by number of persons we get the sensiblc heat gain due
latent heat gain is calculated.

Total scnsible hcat gain from person

Qper person x Nüumber of persons

Total latent heat gain from person

Quper person x Number of

5.3.5 Heat Gain due to Infiltration:


are tacuat
Pescrb. cracks and opening of doors.
The infltration air is the air that enters a conditional space through window
and doors and it depends upon the wind velocity and
This caused by pressure difference on the two side of the window
temperature difference between the inside and outside.
its direction and difference in densities due to

There are two methods for calculating the Infiltration load.

(1) Crack length method

(2) Air changé method

calcolation. According to this method
The Air change method is mostly used for
window and wallis
The amount of infiltration air through
Where, L oom length in meters
W = room width in meters,

H room height in meters,

Ac = Air change per hour.

entire building is taken as one half of the
above calculated value because
The total room infiltration air for an
the building.
takes place on window word side of
0.02044 V, (tw
Sensible heat gain due to infiltration air =

Latent heat gain due to infiltration air =50 V, (1-

Where, V = Volume of infiltration air

Equivalent temperature difference

2 Outdoor specific humidity

1 Indoor specific humidity

7Tech Karaledgi

Scanned win amscanne

Coollng LUad
Refrigeration and Ar Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 5-11

6.3.6 Ventilation: rom

bringing the
fresh air
purpose i.e.
The scnsible and latent heat removal from the fresh air taken in for ventilation
outside condition to the condition space, causes a load on air-conditioncd apparaius.
person and the application of the spm
.The quantity of ventilation nir dlepend upon mumber of remove ne u
ventilafion air required in restaurant, conference hall, ctc. The ventilation air
.Outside sensible heat gain,
OASH = 0.02044 V, (u-tn)
.Outsidc ILatent heat gain,
OALH = 50 V, (0s-dsa)

5.3.7 Equipment Load

Electric fan, hot plates and lighting equipments generate heat and
iis given up in the air-conditioned
Heat from lights and motors is sensible but certain appliances such as cloth driers, restáurant steam tab
both sensible and latent heat load.

.Heat gain from lighting equipment

QTotal wattage of light x use factor x Allowable factor.

.Heat gain from power equipment

Motor efficiency

5.3.8 Product Load

The heat emited fom the products is very important in case of cold storage, it is depend on mass of product, mean specific
heat of product, temperature of product and cooling time for product.

Chilling load above freezing

Freezing load is depends on latent heat of product and is taken as , where tyis freezing time

Cooling load below frezing = maG-T

53.9 Miscellaneous Heat Gain:

The heat gain by supply duct, retun duct when both are located outside the condition space, fans, pumps heat, leakage
duct, etc.

a)Heat gain by duct:

When the supply air duct is passes through unconditioned spaced,
air gains heat would depend upon area of duct
insulation. Therefore to minimise the heat loss duct must
and its
be insulated through unconditioned space.

)Alr leakagefrom duct:
The air in the duct flows under pressure
so cranks in the duct leads the air to leak out. This causes loss
and increased heat
of cooling effect
load when air leaks in the conditioned space, redistribution of air may be required.
So duct should be
Properly constructed.


Scanned with Camscanner

Sem-VI) 5-12 Cooling Calculation
Conditoning (MSBTE
Refrigeration and Air

to fan or blower
(c) Heat due generated, this heal is added to the air.
running of fan, heat is
Due to continuous

5.3.10 Safety Factor:

conditioning system, calculation of cooling load is considered factors consider for
For designing air
conduction, convection and radiation. i.c. from wall.
hcat transfcr by

Number of occupant, infiltrated air,

equipment load, and also solar radiation factor depend upon

(1) Altitude angle of the sun.

(2) Cleamcss of the sky.

(3) Absorptivity of the surface.

(4) Ratio of overall heat trasfer coefficienl of the wall to he beat transfer coeficient of the outside air film and

(5) Temperature of the ground and surrounding objecis with which the healed surface may interchange radiant heat.

The altitude angle of the sun depend upon the altitude of the locality, season of year and hour of day.

Foris alsocalculation of these heat load require many observations and standard tables and fonmulae to find total heat. There
achance error during observations
of and calculation.

Therefore for design any air.conditioning system load, the total load is multiply by factor of safety.

The safety factor are generaly taken as 5 to 10% higher than total load, or safety factor is 1.05 to 1.1.

Design load = Safety factor x tolal load on the system

5.4 Cooling Load Calculation of Auditorium

ccount tocäcuate toad toAuditorium.ci your

The Heat sources in Auditorium-(Here assume a large Auditorium for air conditioning)

Gain by Conduction through Building Structure:

constitutes the major portion
Heat gain through a building structure such as walls, floors, ceilings, doors and windows
of sensible heat load.

By the law of thermodynamics, heat transfer from higher temperature to lower temperature b; conduction, convection
rmgion of lower air
and radiaion. IL then fiows through the material of the wall to the suface exposed at the
The heat is transferred through the processes of radiation, convection and conduction. Thus the heat transfered
a wall under steady state condition.
Q UAT-7)
T, Temperature of outside air.

T = Temperalure of inside conditdioned air.

A Arca through which heat is transfered.

U Overall heat transfer coefcient

b) Solar Heat Gain through Glasses:

.Glass is used in building for windows, doors, ventilators and many other places.

He msmited through glass depend upon the wave length of solar raiation and chemical composition of glass


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Cooling Load Calculation
Refrigeration and AirConditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 5-13

The heat gain through glass =

A+UA (T-T)
A = Window glass arca in dircct sunlight.
Transitivity of glass.
L Direct solar intensity.
U Overal heat transfer cocfficint.
A Arca of window.

T, = Outside temperature.
T, = Inside temperaturc.

c)Load Due to sex, cloth, maoor
depend upon the number of person and their activities, age,
The amount of heat
dissipated would

bulb temperature.

Total sensible heat gain from person

per person x Number of
.Total latent heat gain from of persons
Qper person x Number
d)HeatGain due to cracks and opening of doors.
conditional space through window
iniltration air is the air that enters a
The calculating the Infiltration load.
There are two methods for

() Crack length method

(2) Air change method.

According to this method
mostly useè for calculation.
The Air change method is
infiltration air through window and
The amount of LWHAC/min
is 60
Where, L = oom length in
oom width in meters,
room height in meters,
Ac Airchange per hour.
infiltration air
Sensible heat gain due to
0.02044 Va-ta
infiltration air
Latent heat gain due to
V, (i-
infiltration air
Vi = Volume of
Whe, temperature diffenence
a-= Equivalent

Outdoor specific humidity

41 Indoor specific humidity

e) Ventilation:
from the fresh ar taken in for ventilation purpose ie.
bringing the fresh air from
The sensible and latent heat removal
condition space, causes a load on air-conditioned apparatus.
outside condition to the
person and the application of the space.
quantity ventilation depend upon number of
of air

Scanned with Camscanner

Condilioning (MSBTE_ Sem-VI) 5-14
Refrigeration and Air
sensible heat gain, Load
.Outside Calttaw
OASH = 0.0204 V, (i-d
Outside Latent heal gain,
OALI =S0 V,(0s-)
Equipment Load:
ratc heat
Electric fan, hot plates and ighting cquipmcnts Projector, generate it is
heat and it
is given
given up in the
Heat from lights and motors is sensiblc but certain appliances such as cloth driers. mefa itioned
Tantsteam space.
both sensible and latent heat load. table
Heat gain from lighting equipment

Q Total wattage of light x use

1actor x Allowable
Hcal gain from powcr cquipment
Power rating in kW
Motor efficiencyX Load factor.

5.4.1 Cooling Load Calculation for MQC laboratory of institute for Air Condition'in e
Note for stident: Here only points are given forthie calculation and.the briet explaration s
re adyem
in secion53
DiscuSS breiy the diferent fypes of heatloads wich have tobe taken into account in orde
L0 estma
heat of MQC lab of your institte
nist varous.Ypes of heat loads to ba considered ile designingair conditoning systemfor apar

MQC lab has mainly number of cquipment's in it: Other heat load coming is as follows

a) Conduetion: due to sunlight, the wall gets heated in day hours. Due to hot wals heat is received from
b)Radiation: as the lab is packed with glass windows and curtans, the amount of heat infiltrated is not much moe
heat may leak in from window ldoorframe gaps.

c)Occupants load: The occupants are staff, students in batches .so the heat load coming on lab during practical hour

d)Equipments: the main equipments in lab are tubes, Alc equipments, bulbs eic. The lab dimensions are about 181 x 30
To have complete maintenance of temperature about 20 °C, RH about 60 % with apparatus bypass factor 0.15.

e)HeatGain due to Iníiliration

5.4.2 Cooling Load Calculation for class room:

Note for student: Here.only points are given for the calculationand thie briet explanation is already explain in above section

a) Heat Gain by Conduction through Building Structure

b)Solar Heat Gain through Glasses/windows

c)Load Due to Occupant/Person(staff, students)
d) Equipment Load

e) Ventilation


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tionand Air nditioning
54.1.Design an air nditionsysterm
for Dstaurant
E load throughw , rool and floof usingfolowing
Tolalhe =6.2 KW Cooling Load Calculation
gain through glass = 2 kW
nt sensible lheat gain = 2.9 kW
nment latent heat gain = 0.7
infilleredair= 400 mhr

Aion of air= 35°C DBT and 26°C
aned conag
designed conditions =27C DBT
Instde and 55% RH
temperature ir = 17°C DBT supplied
to room
amountof fresh air supplied = 1600 mhr
capacity of chair = 50o
servicin the meals 05

cansible heat gain per person=58 W

Latent heat gain

per person = 44 W

Latent heat gain per employee = 76 kW

sensible heat gain from meals= 0.17 KW

Lalent heat gain from meals =0.3 KW

Motor power for

fan = 7.6 kw
Tme fan is situated before the conditioner, then find:

Amount of air delivered to the room in m'hr

Refrigeration load in tonnes of retigeration.
icDew poin temperature and by-pass factor of the col
Soln.: Flow diagram

Recircutated ar

Dutside alr




C 2/
Fig. P.541
Ist mark outdoor condition of air 35°C DBT and 26°C WBT as point 1.

inside condition of air 27°C DBC and 55% RH on psychrometric chart as point 2. Locate 'A' by.intersection
0vertical and horizontal
line drawn from 1 and 2.

Scanned with Camscanner

Refigeration and Air Condtioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 5-16 CoolingLoad

psychrometric charl, specific volume of air at point 1.

VS 0.897 mkg of air
Enthalpy at point 1,

h, 80.6 kJkg of dry air

Enthalpy at point 2,
58.2kJ/kg of dry air
Enthalpy of air at point A
66 kJkg of dry air
Mass of infiltered air
o87446 kglr
Sensible heat gain due to infiltercd air

= 446 (66-582)
3480 kJ/hr

3600 097 kW
Latent heat gain dne to infiltered air

446 (80.6-66)
= 6512 kJhr
36001.8 kW

Sensible heat gain from person

per person X No. of persons

58x 50=2900 W
2.9 kW

Latent heat gain from persons

Qper person x No. of persons

44x50=2200 W =2.2KW
Sensible heat gain from employees servicing the meals
= Qyper employee x No. of employees

58x5=290 W =0.29 kW

Latent heat gain from employees servicing the meals

= 9,per empiloyee x No. of employes

76x5=380 W=0.38 kW
Total sensible heat gain in the room
SH = Heat gain from walls, roof, floor+ solar heat gain through glass + sensible heat gain from (equipment
+ infiltered air + person+employees+ meal)
= 6.2+2+2.9+0.97 +2.9+029 +0.17

= 1543 kW
Total latent heat gain = Latent heat from (equipment+ infiltered air+ person + meal + employees

= 0.7+ 1.8+22+0.38+03
5.38 &W

Tec e

Scanned witn camscanner

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE
Sem-VI) 5-17
Cooling Lond Calculation
Room sensiblc heat factor,


15.43+5.38 = 0.741
AW mark RSHF = 0.741 on sensible heat factor
scale as point a
and join with point b which is alignment
point) (25°C DBT and 50% R.H) From point 2, draw a line (reference
2-5 parallel to ab. The line 2-5 is known as RSHF line.
praw vertical line through
ugh 17°C DBT which cuts RSHF
line at point 4, from psychrometric
Soccific volume of air supplicd to room at point 4.

Vs 0.836 mkgofdry air

Enthalpy at 4, h4 =
45 kJkg of dry air
delivered to the room,.
(a) Mass of air
Total heat
Total heat removed
1.576 kg/sec
1576x3600 5676 kghr
Amount of air delivered to
room V, = m_ x Vs

= S675 x 0.836=4745 mhr

fresh air
0) Mass of 1600
VS0.8971784 kg/hr

Mass of recirculated air = m,-mg

= 5675-1784 = 3891 kg/hr
Percentage of recirculated air
S675 =0.686=68.6%

Therefore fresh air supplied to wom = 31.4

The mixing of recireulated air and fresh air before the entering to coling coil is marked by point3.
Length 2-3 = Length 1-2x0314
h,(from chart) 646 kJkg of dry air
Capacity of refrigerating coil

m-h)+Heat added by fan motor

= 1576 (64.6-45)+7.6
10996 tomnes

) Dew point temperature of coil,

Points 3 with 4, produce the
line to intersect åt saturation curve at point 6.

pas 14.6°C

Bypass factor =

295-14.6 =0.161

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(MSBTE_Sem-VI) 5-18 Cooling
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning LoadCalculatton

Review Questions

air conditioninn
its significance in the design ofair conditioning
Define the term ofective tomperaturo and cxplain system.
Air-conditioning system.
factors affecting on comfort
Q.2 What are the
of Human Body with environment
Explain the thermal exchange mechanism
a.4 Draw and describe the Comfort chart.

What are the sources which contribute to the

sensible heat gain
which have to be taken into account in order to estimate
Q.6 Discuss briefly the different types of heat loads the tota
of MQC lab of your institute.

Q.7 Describe how loads are calculated Occupants load.

Q.8 Describe how loads are calculated Infltration load.

account to calculate the heat load of Atad
Q.9 What are the diferent types of heat loads to be taken into of your

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) TableofConte

6.32 Comparison betvs6n Window

and Central Air
Conditoning System ******--. ****

6.4 Air handling System 13

6.4.1 Characteristics of a Good
Air Distributon
Air Distribustion Duct
Chapter 6 Air Conditioning Systems 6-1 to 6-32 Systern[Duct Layout)
6-14 The Closed Peimeter (Loop)
Sylabus System -8-14
6.1 Classification of air conditioning system- Summer and losed Perimeter Loop System.
winter, Year around air conditioning. construcãion, Radial Perimeter
System ******
application, comparison.
Extended Perimeter (Plenum)
6.2 Construction and erorking of *indow, splít, package ypë air
ji System
conditioners. 6.5 Losses in Duct System.
6.3 Central air conditioning- types, direct and indirect central ** 0I6
air 6.6 Grilis and Register.
wnufilioning constructon, capacty, application. ******************************-**-
6.6.1 Diffusers
6.4 Concept of air handling unit, air distribution
s)em- closed ********-***** *--....en ******** 6-19
perimeter system, extended plenum system, 6.7
radial duct Construction and Application of
system, losses in ducts, construction Supply Duct,
and application of Retum Duct,and Makeup
supply, rehum and make up ducts, grlls diffusers, Duct..
types of -19
fans and blowers. 6.7.1 Retum Air Duct System.
******* .6-20
6.5 Insuiation- purpose, types of insutation, 6.7.2
material and their Factors to be Considered for constuction
of duct system
6.6 Introduction to Automobile Air
conditioning system. 6.8 Types of Fans and Blowers.
****** ***************
6.1 Classification of Air Conditioning
Systems. ****ooe0| 6.8.1 Centrifugal Fans.
***************** 6-21
6.1.1 Seasonal Air Conditicning
************************** 6-3 6.8.2 Axial Flow Fans
6.1.2 Summer Air Conditioning System for
Hot 6.8.3 Total Pressure Develop by a Fan
and Dry Weather 6-23
6.9 Insulation..
Summer Air Conditioning System for ************************************
6.9.1 Types of Insulating Materials used in
and Wet Weather
6.1.4 Winter Air Conditioning
Refrigeration or Air Çonditioning System . *
******* .6-24
System 65 .
6.9.2 Insulating Materials 6-25
6.1.5 Year-round Air Conditicning System. ******-*************
.6-6 Natural Insulating Materiels ..6-25
6.1.6 Difference between Summer
6.9.22 Special Insulating Materials 5-25
and Winter Air Conditioning System . 6-7
6.10 Properties of ldeal Insulating Materials used in
6.2 Window Air Conditioning
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning System.
(Window Type Room Air Conditioner). 6-7
6.11 Automobile Air Conditioning System. 6-27
62.1 Split Air Condíitioning System 6-9

6.11.1 Requirements of Air Conditioning ..6-27
6.22 Difference between split air condtioning system
6.11.2 Air Condition System. .6-28
and window air condioning system ne-10
6.23 Package Air Conditioning - 6-11 6.11.3 Components of Air Conditioning of
Automobile wilth its Functions 6-30
6.3 Central Air Conditioning Systems 6-11 ******

6.3.1 Direct Expansion Type System. ****

**** 6-12
6.32 Indirect Expansion Type System 12
. *******************e****
Air Conditioning Systems

Classification of air conditioning system- Summer
6. and winter, Year around air conditioning, construction,
application, comparison.

62 Construction and working of window, split, package type air conditioners.

63 Central air conditioning- types, direct and indirect central air conditioning construction, capacity, application.
64 Concept of air handling unit, air distribution system- closed perimeter system, extended plenum system, radial
duct system, losses in ducts, construction änd application of supply, retum and make up ducts, grills diffusers,
types of fans and blowers.

6.5, Insulation- purpose, types of insulation, material and their properties.

6.6 Introduction to Automobile Air conditioning system.

6.1 Classification of Air Conditioning Systems

MSBTE W-18.S-19
Gasiy air cordiioning
The air conditioning systems may be broadly classified
as follows:
(1) According to purpose:
(a Comfort air conditioning system:
The purpose of such a system is to create atmospheric conditions conductive human
to health,.comfort and efficiency.
This system is used for homes, office, shop, restaurants, hospitals,
school, etc.
6) Industrial airconditioning
ne purpose of these air conditioning system is control
to the atmospheric conditions primarily for the proper conduct
0 TESearch and manufacturing process. This type of air conditioning used in textile mills, paper mills,
manufacturing plant, machine parts
tool rooms, printing, photo procèssing plant, etc.
Comparison of
comfort air conditioning and Industrial air conditioning

Comtort Air
COnditioning Industrial air conditioni
nain purpose to provide comfort to human beings.
The main purpose is to improve the quality and
efficiency of product.
cuperaure and R.H. maintain
which are suitable for The temperature and RH are maintain which is
nan comfort which vary from person to person. suitable for Industrial process.
3.-Ingeneral,the condition are 22 to 25°C DBT, 30 to The condition very from process to process.
60 % RH. and 5 to 8 m/min air
etc. e.g. Textile industries chemical plant, photographic
industry etc.

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Air Condionig oyStems

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE SemV_ 0

(2) According to season of the year:

comfort. The
(a) Winter air conditioning system: conditions for winter
indoor atmospheric
installed, maintain
moisture content up
to an acceptable level.
system, when properly designed and bring
ucn air and tò
conditioning are to heat the iumidifiers may be of the
mayor problems of winter air fired by gas oil or coal.
furnaces and boilers
clectric heaters or
Hcating is accomplished by
spray type
simple pan type or

(b) Summer air conditioning system: problem is to cool the air

summer comfort. The major
conditions for
four atmospheric mechanical refrigeration.
1ncse systems controls all the done by
from air. Cooling of air is oCCurs on the cold
and remove excess moisture condensation of water vapour in the air
(dechumidification) is accomplished by
Removal of moisture
coil surfaces.
(All Weather Air
)Year round air conditioning system: to the season
equipment with automatic controls according
heating and cooling
ese system are composed of
requirement the conditioned space
specified temperature and humidity within
maintaining a
This system must be capable of
regardless of outside conditions
(1) Heating and humidification in
(2) Cooling and dehumidifcation in

(3) Classification according to

equipment arrangement:

(a) Central air conditioning:

which required approximately same
the same building are to be air-conditioned
When more than one oom in
temperatureand R.H.
conditioning system than from a number of self-conditioned unit.
.This can be achieved by central air

(b) Unitary air conditioning:

are completely factory assembled A single air-conditioner may
These system make use of air-conditioners which
or the area may be divided into several small zone, each being served by a conditioner
if the building is a small one
small to medium capacity.
flexibility ofoperation and low initial cost.
This has advantage of more
(4) According to working substance used in the system:
(a) All air system.

(b) Chilled water system

(c) Air waler system.

5) According to volume of alr handle by the system:

(a) Constant volume system.

(b) Variable air volume system (VAV).


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ofineration and Air Condiioning
Air Conditioning SystemsS
6:1.1 Seasonal Alr Conditioning:

Accoding to season of the year air conditioning

system can be classified
a)Winteralr conditionlng system:
Such system, when properlydesigned and installed, maintain indoor atmospheric conditions
for winter comfort.
The major problems of wnter air conditioning are
to be heat the air and to bring moisture
level. content up to an acceptable

Heating is accomplished by electric heater

or furnace or boilers fired by gas,
oil or coal. Humidifier may be ot the
simple pan typé or spray type.

(b) Summer air conditioning system:

. These systems control all the four atmospheric condition for
summer comfort

.The major problems are to be cooled the air and to remove excess moisture
from it. Cooling is accomplished by
mechanical refigeration.

Removal of moisture (dehumidification) is accomplished condensation

by of water in the occurs on cold coil surfaces.
Year round air conditioning system:
These systems are composed of heating and cooling equipment vith automatic control and associated components to
prodlnce four atmospheric conditions for human comfort at all times.

6.1.2 Summer Air Conditioning System for Hot and Dry Weather:
MSBTES15:S 17 WW-18
C EXolainsumpneraicconditoningSYStem schenaie se S15

is 26°C DBT and 60% RH.
Ihe comfort condition required for an air-conditioned space

-Wr e


Coong oo

conditioning system for hot and dry weather

Fig.6.1.1(a): Summer air
40° to 45°C DBT and 20% RHL The arrangement of
ns in summer are
mospheric conditions in some 6.1.1(a) and (b).
psychrometric process are shown in Fig.
pments and representation of
relative humidity, it 1s always necessary to cool and humidity the
When the atmospheric air temperature is high at low

airfor comfort conditions.

e led

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
6-4 Air Conditioning Systems
Lhe outside air flows through dàmper and mixes
up with recirculated air .which is obtained from air conditioned space
t is tirst passed through air filter for removal
of dust, and bacterial and clean the air, then it is passed over the cooling
The temperature of air is considerably reduced
with the help of cooling coil.
The temperaturc of air is controlled with
the help of coolant quantity and its temperature circulated through the cooling

Condtion of air leaving the cooling coil is represented by point 2. Then the air is passed through spray type
humdifser where air humidity is increased upto required condition. This produce effective coling by combianing
natural process of cvaporation of water with air. This help to reduce soluble impurites and particles
he relative humidity of air is controlled by controlling the quantity of water spray in the humidifier.

The air is then the cooled air passes through a perforated membrane (climinator) where water droplels are removed
before supplying air to air-conditioned space. Shown in Fig. 6.1.1(6) at point 3 .

Fig.6.1.1(b): Representation of psychrometric process

is exhausted to
Now conditioned air passes to conditioned space by a fan. From the conditioned space the part of
atmosphere by exhaust fans or ventilators. The remaining part of the used air or re-circulated air is again
load. The quantity of air supply is
The quantity of air passed through the air conditioning system depend upon the
controlled with the help of damper as shown in Fig. 6.1.1(a).
to make up for the loss of conditioned or used
The outside air is sucked and made to mix with recirculated air in order
air through exhaust fans or ventilators from

Wet Weather
6.1.3 Summer Air Conditioning System for Hot and
the system Hot
and wet (high R.HL), the treating of the air in air conditioning system differs from
When the air is hot
therefore, it is necessary to
weather. This is because air contains more quantity of water vapour than required,
and Dry
remove the water vapour from the air by -Heating cod
Air filier

ww. Air to

Air damper
Drain Cooling col

Fig. 6.1.2(a): Summer air conditioning system for hot

and wet weather
humidity. The required como
average summer conditions in some places are 32°C DBT and 75% relative
regquired equipments and the
condituon is 26°C DBT and 60% R.H. The arrangement of the
psychrometric process is shown in Fig. 6.1.2(a) and (b).

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Oofigeration and Air Condioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 6-5 Air Conditioning

1-Atmospheric condition
5-Required alir
Inlet condition

Fig.6.1.2(b) : Representation of psychrometric processes

, The air is first passed through air filter to remove the dust and then it is pased over the cooling coil
The water vapour is removed from the air in the form of water droplets as air is cooled below its dew point temperane

The surface
temperature of the cooling coil is always maintained below DPT of the outdoor air for dehumidificaion.
water removal from air is controlled by controlling
The quantity of the cooling coil surface temperature and the cooling
coil surface temperature is controlled by controlling the quantity of coolánt (brine or refrigerant) passed througn ne

The temperature of air leaving the cooling coil (point 3) is lower than thé required temperature for cofort. Theretore 1
is necessary to heat the air.

The air coming out from the cooling coil is passed over heating coil and heated upto' required temperature. The
temperature of air is controlled by controlling the resistance of the heating coil as per the type of heating used.

The air coming out from the heating coil at required condition is directly supplied to conditioned space. The function ot
damper is to controlled the quantity of air entering in conditioned space according to load.

6.1.4 Winter Air Conditioning System:


O0aK eaisketcyMIEr AIKCODdIUioning system

In winter season, it is necessary to heat the air for comfort condition, but the R.H.
of the air decreases as it is heated,
therefore, it became necessary to increase the R.H. by humidifying the air.

The air conditioning for winter roquires heating and humidifying. The heating of air is generally done in two stages for
the control.

The winter conditions at some places are 15°C and 80% relative humidity.
Th required comfort conditions are same as
26°C DBT and 60% RH. The arrangement of required equipments and representation
of psychrometric processes are
shown in Fig. 6.1.3.

daboic hurdie

Nr darper Resing col

(a) Winter alr conditioning system


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Refigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 66
1-Atmospheric condition Systems
5-Required comfort conditon w

(b) Representation of psychrometric
The air is first passed through air filter to remove
dust and bacteria then it passed
over primary (first) heating
.The temperature of the air coming
out of the heating coil is controlled coil
through adiabatic humidifier where by the energy input to
the coil. This itne
it is humidified with water spray air
and remove soluble impurities
.The air coming out from humidifier is passed andparticle
through eliminator to remove waer
increased to equired condition paricles. Then the temperalure
by passing this air over second heating of st.
coil and then supply to conditioned
The air damper control the flow raté space.
of air according to load on air-conditioned
6.1.5 Year-round Air Conditioning

O Wtn a neat Schematicabelledsketch describe
the working ofyear round air conditioning system
C Xplain worKIng or yeacrouni ar-Condiioning
Draw schematic diagrampt year round air.conditioner.and
sxplain a
EXplainwiln neat.skercnyear round air condinoRIng systemas
EXplain wilineat sketch.yearround.air.condinoning SVETem
Fig.6.1.4 shows the principal parts of a modem summer and
winter air conditioning.
The mixture of recirculated air and fresh air from
atmosphere is passed first through a filter
so as to remove any dust
pasticles and harmful bacteria from it

To atmosphera
Conditioned spaca


Silencer an Air fiher Lanper

condary heaterpray type) co imay heater

Fig. 6.1.4:Year round air conditioning

Por summer air conditioning. the coling coil operate cool

by operating the cooling coils at a temperature lower than the
to the air to desine value. Dehumidificaion wil be
dew point temperature (coil surface temperaune

In winter, the cooling coil is made inoperative and heating coil operates is also
to heat the air. The spray type nu
made use in the dry season to humidify the air.

Ted Lede

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Refrigeation and
Air Conditioning (MSBTE
Air Conditioning Systems
s1.6 Difference between Summer
and Winter Air Conditioning
ODifterentiate between MSBTES-09, W-12
sudmerand winter aircoriditioning.system.
S09 M2
Tliotand wet)weatherair conditonin
sten inter aircongitioning
1. Psychrometric process
Psychrometric process

Water climinator is not required.

Required water eliminator.
3. For dehumidification, cooling
coil is used whose For humidification, adiabatic humidifier is used to
temperature is below dew point temperature.
humid the air upto required (60%) Telative humidity.
One heating coil is used to control
the temperature of air Two heating coils are used of which secondary heating
to comfort condition ie. 26°C DBT.
coil is used to control the temperature of comfort
condition and primary coil is used to increase the
temperature of atmospheic air as per energy input.
5. In this system, secondary refrigerant is used for For humidification water is used.
dehumidification of air which circolate
through cooling
6. Operating cost is less.
Operating cost is more.

6.2 Window Air Conditioning (Window Type Room

Air Conditioner)

MSBTE W13, S 17.S-19

Conditioner.with asketo

Window room air conditioner consist of a casing which is divided into two parts by a vertical partition, iLe.
outdoor part
and indoor part.

The partition has

a small opening at the top. The outdoor part which is fitted outside the wom and consists
hermetically sealed compressor, condenser, motor driven fan and a tray.

The outdoor portion also divide into two parts by partition having small opening to the left side.
Indoor part fitted into the room, consist of evaporator, motor driven fan, expansion device
(capillary) and control pane,
an air filter, power connection and a tray. This indoor portion is divided into two parts
by a partition which has small
opening to the right side. Two trays are connected by a pipe line.

Condenser is connected to evaporator by capillary tube through filter. Evaporator is connected

to compressor by suction
pipe line and compressor is connected to condenser by discharge pipe line,


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI) 6-8

In this simplc vapour compression rcfrigcration systcm is used.

The low pressure, low temperature refrigerant vapour is sucked by hermetically sCaled
high pressurc, high temperature and discharge to condenser and vapour condenscs rejecting and
thelatent com
This liquid efrigerant passes through the filler into the capillary tube where heat
it is throtl.
cvaporator coil at low pressurc. andthen
.The liquid refrigerant at low pressure in the evaporalor coil rapidly boils nickup evaporato
t te
and pickup evaporaion
evaporator surface. enithalpy
The fan or blowcr drive the air from room through air filler from the lower part t
of the unit and
evaporator coil, temperature of the cooling coil is much lesser than the room fr Aolomower
air, the refrigerant
absorbs the heat from the air and circulated back into the conditioned room. inside te
Due to this the temperature of the room air reduces hence air becomes
chilled and circulated back
inte t
Due to reduction in the temperature of the air, dew is formed on the surfacc
of the cooling coil.
For ti.
temperature of the cooling coil is lower than the dew point temperature of the air. purpose
Moisture present in circulating air is removed and flow from coil surface to downward
and dhine
bottom. Which flow to the pan in outdoor part through pipe line. This moisture in eva
the tray (pan)
(pan) evaporales
extent which helps in cooling the compressor and condenser. tasne

The compressor and condenser are fitted such that, the tan draws outsiae air irom lower portion
of outside unit .
over condensing coil and discharge outside while passing air over the coil, condenser reject
the heat to git. m
vapour condenses into liquid form. When required temperature 1s aciieved the compresor is automatical
y supby
control panel.

This type of air conditioning is used for office, bed room, drawing office, etc. It cools the
air and dehumidified
operates automatically one it put in operation.
Inside portion- - -Outside portion-

Capliary hsda


1AAS Condenser


Air filte
In Abmosphenc
air In


Fig. 6.2.1:Window room air conditioner


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RefrigerationandAir Conditioning
Air Conditioning ysie
Condenser discharge


Outside air
Outside air



Cooled room Filter

air Warm room
Flg. 6.2.2:Topview
of window Alc
LUmitation of Window AC.
1. Tt has no control
over humidity through
it carries out dehumidification.
2 In most AJC do not provide heating
for winter.
3. No provision for humidification
is possible.

6.21 Split Air Conditioning System:

A split air conditioner is a window air

conditioner which split in two'unit,
into two casing. of the room air conditioner are separaed out

A split air conditioner is modification

of a window air conditionet which is divided into two unit,
casing. by using two separaie

The indoor oom unit consists of the evapórator

coil, evaporator blower (fan) driven with its
control panel, air filter, supply and return
own motor, capillary tmbe
air grills..




Fig. 6.2.3

It is situated inside the room to be conditioned. It can be ceiling Suspended, wall mounted. The two units are
with a harness electrical wires and tubing used to pass the air between the two units.

The indoor and outdoor unit are located at small distance as possible. As the distance increases, the
pressure drop in the
saction and liquid line also increase resulting in decreases in capacity. The precautions must be taken in selecting
laying the suction and liquid lines to avoid the problem of oil etum.

avoid efrigerant siphon action to compressor from evaporator during the off condition of the unit, the outdoor
lo unit
1S installed or located higher level than indoor unit.

P Catiess

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(MSBTE_Sem-VI) 6-10 AirConditioning
Rofrigeration and Air Sstema

Since the compressor (inside

the ouldoor unit
1s controlied by a thermostat that detects warm .. ir, it activates
compressor outdoors.
temperature of lho
rcfrigerant gas, ncreasing the pressure and
mpressor circulates a erant and
discharges to condenser.
to a liquid.This
the refngerant and the gas changes phase
This chilled
chilled liquid
Condcnser removes heat from refnigerant
tubing indoors until it reaches thc evaporator system. is
forces through
the chilled liquid refrigerantT
air and passes it over a coil containing
Evaporator fan collects warm blow
the room by lowering the overall temperaure of
the space or room.
this coolced air back into
from the room to be air-conditioned, the noise level will bebe appreciably
The compressor is remotely installed d
window air conditioner and also providing the capillary tube in the outdoor unit to keep awav h
the capillary tube.
gurgling noise of the refrigerant at the outlet end of

Advantages of a Split A.C.

easy to mainan as they have washable filters and require
1. Easy for maintenance: These systems are
to access and maintenance and repair.
cleaning periodically. Outdoor units are designed for easy

2. Quieter in operation.
3. There is no need to block windows

4. Free from noise

Suitable for large capacity building or offices.

Comparison to a Window A.C.

Disadvantages of a Split AC in
than twice as much as a window AC
1. Initial Cost of a split AC might be cost more
than a window AC due to labor charges and requires a mounting stand for the
2. The overall installation Cost is greater
cooled air.
compressor unit, tubing needed to carry the

3. Lack of Mobility.
inside and compressor unit outside.
4. More heat transfer logs as cooling unit
window air conditioning system :
6.2.2 Difference between split air conditioning system and

air.conditioner (W-10
aDiferentiate Waen spht aiconditionerand. window

aironrditioning svstem Window air condiioning system

PSr:No2 Split
1. High capital cost per ton of refrigeration. Low capital cost per ton of refrigeration.

2. More noise and vibration. Less noise and vibration.

3 Heat loss to surrounding No heat loss to surroonding
Duct work is eliminated.

5. Duct work is necessary.

6. Installation cost is more. Installation cost less

. It comes in two units, cooling unit inside and It is one unit conditioner
compressor unit outside

8. This has connect the exterior and interior units This is easy to instal
through rubber tubes, which might cause troubles.

9. Some heat loss No heat loss

10. Mostly used for large offices and big rooms Suitable for small rooms onily

7Y Ted

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Rerigeration and Air Conditoning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 6-11 Air Conditioning

6.2.3 Package Alr Conditioning:

can be considered as the bigger versions of the room air conditioner and are used for air cond
The: 1515
leyond the capacity
range of the room air conditioners.
They are available in nóminal capacities of 3,, s *

, The package
unit also houscs the air fillering, coling-dehumidifying and air handling componenis uu
can De
. The components for heating and humidifying purpose can also be included
within the unit. The condenser
water cooled or air cooled type.

The water cooled can be completely factory assembled, charged and tested. Therefore the laying
of refrigeränt PIpug*
pressure, Ieakage testing, charging, cte. need not have to be caricd out in the field. This reduce ficld labour

air cooled cannot be factory assembled and charged.

..The Laying of the refrigerant piping between the indoor and outdoor unit, presaure
testing, charging, ete. caied out
ficld because of the scarcity of water air cooled unit are favoured, and capacity will be less than tne wi


.In the packaged units with the water cooled condenser, the compressor is located at the bottom along wi ue
condenser. Above these components the evaporator or the cooling coil is located

.The air handling unit comprising of thie centrifugal blower and the air fiter is located above the cooling col.

The centrifugal blower has the capacity to handle large volume of air required for coling a mumber of roms. From tne
top of the package air conditioners the duct comes out that extends to the various rooms that are to be cooled.

This type of air conditioning unit may be console type and remote unit type.

ype of air
Conditioning unit

a Console Type


Fig. C6.1:Type of air conditioning unit

) Console Type : All the component of unit are in one single cabinate and placed in the room below the window sill and
having suitable fresh air inlet opening provided in the wall:

) Remote Type : In this type, unit air handling and condensing unit are separated like split air conditioning system

6.3 Central Air Conditioning Systems

OEplan in briet central Air.conditioning
laa central air conditioning system, all the component are group together in one central room and conditioned air is
distributed from the central
room to the required places through the extension duct network. The central air conditioning
rmly used for the loaul above 25 tons of the retigeration and 2300 hnin of comaitioned air. The central condidioning
plant consist of the following component and are assembled togelher, namely the compressor with its drive imotor, condenser,
ar handling unit with the cooling coil, throttling devices and interconnecting
refrigerant piping are canrefully selected and field

The condensing unit i.e. compressor with its drive motor and condenser are
located in the plant room separated from air
cnditiooed space and air handling unit is away as for as possible. Both supply
and return ducts will have to be insulated as theyy
pass through
the non condition area.

ne central air conditioning system can be either of direct or indirect type.. c

Y PDItatiaas

Scanned witn camScanner

Sem-VI) 6-12
Condlitionlng (MSBTE Air onditioning
Refrlgeration and Alr Sstems

Direct Expanslon Type System:

is circulatcrd
the space to be conditioncd oyer
direct cxpansion system, the air Irom cooling
coil of
In this he latent heat of vaporization the
which low pressure refrigerant liquid is boiling. 1 for
refigermtion plant in as "Direct cxpansion type" system
the coil. So this is known is
being circulated over
taken from the air
arc located in a plant room near the air handing
condcnscr of the rerigeralion plant unitoom."
The compressor and suction and liquid lines The
fixed in the air handling unit. The connect the conde
refrigeration plant is
cooling coil of the
open or semihermetic type. The expansion valve is provided provided quite
the cooling coil.
The compressor can be used of close
to the
coling coil.
6.3.2 Indirect Expansion Type System:

QDraw labelled layout of Central ait-conditioning' S16)
through the cooling coil located in
In this the chilled water or
brine from the refrigeration plant is cireulated in the
ih ain

system is known the central chilled water (or brine)
handling unit to cool and dehumidify the room air. Such a syslem.The

unit are connected by chilled water pipes to a cilei we

and the cooling coils in the air handling sater
chiller in the chiller package
between the chiller and cooling coils.
pump. This pump circulate the water
the temperature of the air
medium for central air conditioning system decease
to wi
Chilled water is used as a cooling
a refngeration system is supplied to con
evaporator called as chiller of
chillers. The chilled watcr from the
the help of the
flow stream of hot air.
coils which is placed in the
atmospheric air 1s comes in contact with coil surface and gets
is passed over the cooling coil. The
The hot atmospheric air supplied to room while the hot
Then this conditioned air is wal
chilled water passing through coil.
cooled by rejecting heat to
back to cooling tower and then chillers
from cooling coil is send


Chilled wateor -Ducd

Air ftter col of water

Amospherio Fan

Aur damper
P TPump

COoling tower

Fig.6.3.1:Chilled water type central


Advantages of central air conditioning:

less per unit of refrigeration.
1. The initial cost and running cost are
conditioned place.
2. It can be located away from the air

3. Better accessibility for maintenance.

4. Noise and vibration problems are eliminated.


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aefigeration and AlrConditioning (MSBTE_Sem-VI)
6-13 AirConditioning Systems

cenatral air codtoning generally usced for the load above m
25 tons of the refigeration and 2500 min of
The conditioned

Comparison between Window and Central Air

6.3.3 Conditioning System:

Sr.NO Windowairconditioning system Centralat cnditignlngfem

Factory assembled components.
Site assembled components.

High capital cost per ton of refrigeration Low capital cost per ton of refrigeration.

More noise and vibration. |

Less noise ànd vibration.

Small capacity unit upto 25 tons.

|Large capacity units above 25 tons.
Duct work is totally eliminated.
Duct work is necessary.
Installation cost is less.
6 Installationcost more.

System failure affect only one room. System failure will affect all room.

Indvndual requirements (needs) of the room can be met.Tndividual need ofa room cannot be met

Accessibility for maintenance is poor. Accessibility for maintenance is high.

6.4 Air handling System


An air conditiönal plant consist of various equipments and system, all of which well balanced for efficient performance
of theplant.

The air distribution system is one of the most important aspect.

The object of air distribution is to achieve proper leveloftemperatore, hamidity, air motion and purity in the occopied
zone of the conditioned area
To oblain comfort conditions within this zone, standard limit have been established as acceptable effective temperature.
This term comprises air temperature, air motion, purity, relative humidity and their physiological effects on the human

Any variation from above factors causes discomfort to the occupants.


In an air conditioning system the correct air distrbution is necessary for achieving good result, for goed comfort to the

occupant of the room, so it is important that air is uniformly distrbuted at most comfortable temperature and velocity.

64.1 Characteristics of a Good Air Distribution System:

0) Frsh air shoald be provided at all parts of the conditioned room.

Downward fow is preferred over upward fow.

)The air flow direction toward the face of the people instead of back or side.
49 The system should maintain uniform combination of human comfort factor.
The system should not allow a temperature variation of more than 2C that it creates discomfort to the occupant.


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(6) The supply air emerging out of the outlet of grill should be dirccted in Conditioning
such a wau
draught at the occupicd levcl, say below a height of 2 mts. that it d Srs
()Air velocity in the occupicd zonc affect the comfort zone, anunplezton
(a) Low velocity air leads to stuffinesS in the room cven
fresh air is taken
in. The air
m/min within the occupicd height 1.5 to 2 metres.
b) Higher velocity above this height (l.5 to 2 mis.)
may not matter
much ASas mOst
most of the
moving around in the room below the height
of 2 mts. hepeople
(8) If the velocity of air is high, air passing villbe
through the ducts and coming sitino.
Out produce
produce objectionable
6.4.2 Air Distribution Duct System (Duct
layout): tojise

List thethree duct systém (duct

layou,anddescibeclOSed penmeler MSBTE:S17
Same.3 relevait
The duct systems cary the conditioned
air from the air handling equipment
to the air supply
cary the retum air from the room back opening in .
to the air-conditioner for recirculation.
The different duct layout patterm
(1) The perimeter system.

2) Extended plenum system. The Closed Perimeter

(Loop) System:

This system may be

(a) Perimeterloop system.

6) Perimeter radial system. Closed Perimeter Loop


0Draw ane tsketch ofclosed perimeter duct system.Whereis it preferred?
The conditioner is usually placed in the basement and
it is located near the geometric centre all
outlet (Grills) are placed closed to the ceiling of the outlet. The supply
The ducts run through the basement foundation slab,
the flour and connect the air conditioner
to supply to the outet


Condidoner SUPG)
Oubet (

Fig. 6.4.1 Closed Perimeter (loop) system

Ted lawledg

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ation and Air Conditioning
(MSBTE Sem-vI)
6-15 Air Conditioning SystemsS
are gen
grills generaly localed on the bottom
side of the inside wall. This arrangement is como
rEsidential system.
an cement of duct system shown in Fig. 6.4.1.
generally usedin cinema hal, conference hall.

Perimeter System:
aDrawWaaneatsketch of radia perimeter duct system
Descrue Radial duct with, rieat sketch (S12)
Airfromair conditioner 1s brought into central conditioner unit through which it is distributed to separate duct suppuy
nditioner duct
condit through,grill outlet into the space to be cooled
the arrangement of duct system is SnOw "

Ag. 64.2




Fig. 6.4.2:Radial perimeter duct

64.3 Extended Perimeter (Plenum) System:

Q0rAW telayout or Extended PlenuniSyatem and eplaint W18)A
The arangement of ducts of this system is shown in Fig. 643.
Inthe extended plenum systems, a large main supply trunk of cqual size is connected direcily to the air handler.
Smaller branch ducts and run-outs are connected to the trunk. The aangement provides airflows that are easily
balanced and can be casily designed to be located inside the conditioned space of the building

The principal design limitation of the extended plenm is the maximam length of the main supply trunk (of single size),
waich is usually limited to about 24 feet.

Whea this length is exceeded, pressure tends to build up toward the end of the duct, resuting in too mch air flow near
the ends and insufficient air flow in branches closer to the air handler.

Ia extended plenum type duct system, the outlet duct (grils) can be located at any required point as per structural

The air conditioner unit may be located in the basement or any other convenient place. This system can be used either
for residential
or commercial purpose.
his air conditioning which is commonly used for residence purpose knownm a trunk duct system.

Tedh Kaededge

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Air Conditioning y



Fig. 6.4.3:Extended plenum system

6.5 Losses in Duct System


aExplain the followtrglosses m ducs used far airceondritoning

0Loss due to enlargement
Losgdue to suddenno
Surface fn tional
plain losses in ducts
sufficient circulation of air in the ar
any air-conditioning system is depend upon the
ror camying smooth operation of
conditioning space.
when the pressure los
to friction between the moving particle of air and internal surface of a duct
Pressure is lost due
occurs in a straight duct i.e. friction loss.
cross-sectional area. 1his losses
dynamically at changes in direction in bend, elbow, and change in
The pressure is lost
selection of proper duct size.
pressure losses is necessary for the
is called dynamic losses. Therefore the calculation of

a) Surface Frictional Loss:

any cross-setion is given by Darcy's equation,
The frictional resistance ofa duct of


D Diameter of circular duct.

V = Velocity of the fluid flowing in

f Friction facton.
L Length of the duct in meters.

Reynolds number,
The friction factor f is depend on
f when R, <2300

b) Dynamic Losses in Ducts:

pressure loss is inevitable. The additional
is change in direction or velocity in the flow through duct, the
Whenever there
loss called dynamic loss.
occurs when the area of duct changes.
change in magnitude of velocity
The and deaccelerating force which may
be internal or
or direction which cause accelerating
The change in magnitude
velocity pressure head.
direction of velocity at elbow is known as
The pressure loss due to the change of

e) Loss due to Enlargement: velocity

duct changes, when area increase, the
the velocity of air flowing through the
When the area of duct changes, neglected.
thus sudden or abrupt change is
which form eddies at the cormer
decrease with rise in pressure

7 Tech asladyi

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Refrigerahon and
and Air Con
Air Condiioning
(MSBTE Sem-Vl) 6-17
Air Conditioning Systems

LEadies Gradoal enlargement

a Loss due to Sudden Contraction:

When the air is flowing

flo and having
a sudden or abrupt
on a beyond the entry at
soction and
the smaller section
contraction, the
eddies are
forming a vena-contracta.
are formed at the shoulders of the large
The loss of pressure due to Sudden contraction
is not due to contraction
area from vena-contracta to the section itselfbut it is due to sudden enlargement or oflow
of smaller duct.

(a) Sudden contraction
(b) Gradual contraction
ePressure Losses in ETbow and Bend

ine aspect tadiiieS2

L = Equivalent length of duct.

Ka = Dynamic loss coefficient
The value of (LJ K) is different for different
elbow. The value of
and surface roughness of duct wall and remains
(LK) is mostly affected by the geometry of elbow
unaffected by the air velocity.
.Tominimize the pressure loss in the bend, the splitters are generally
used, aspéct ratio is small

Aspect raio=2

Radius raßo-K

. -W-

Fig.6.5.3:Bend Fig. 6.5.4:Elbow

Aspect ratio:
This is the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side of the duct As the aspect ratio increase, more metal surface
gued for the duct for same cross-sectional area. Thus higher aspect ratio increzse not only the inital cost but also operating
COs1, by way
of increased heat gain loss. Therefore this ratio is mot important factor for duct design.


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Radius ratio:
The radius ratio is the ratio betwcen the center line of the curve of the elbow and the width (W) of the elbow. An elbow
with a radius ratio 1.5 is considercud as standard elbow and should be used whenever possible.

When aspect ratio exceed three, there will be increased turbulence wilhin the elbow resulting in marked increased in
pressure loss.

A full radius elbow ha a throat radius of 0.75 D. (where, D is depth of the elbow croS-scction) and this is considered
as optimum.

Losses at Suction and Discharged Opening:

(a) Abrupt entrance (b) Formed entrance

Wnen an abrupt suction opening is provided the air is accelerated at the opening, forming a vena-contracta inside the
duct. In this case sudden changes from infinity to duct area and dynamic loss coefficient.

gPressure Losses in Fittings and Leakages:

Whenever air is diverted from the main duct to the branch duct, there is velocity reduction in the main auct.

If there is no loss, the change in the velocity pressure is completely converted into static pressure. But actual static
egain is reduced by the regain factor, Rg for cireular duct value of Rg = 0.9 and for rectangular duct of high aspect
ratio, the value of Rg is low as 0.5.

6.6 Grills and Register


QDraw diagram.of grls used inair distributiönsys S15 5

A decorative converting for an outlet or intake is known as grill and grill provided with damper is known as register. Grills
improve the aesthetics of the air conditioning system. Grills are the rectangular duct outlet having vertical and horizontal vane
which may be fixed type or adijustable type.

Grill can be located in the floor or in walls or in the ceiling. Grills usually contains a series of sloted vane fitted in a frame.
The vanes can be operaled by a damper driven by a motor. Usually, ceiling to floor air distribution is used to eliminate drafs
and provide proper air circulation in the room. Generally one or two grills are provided for each room depending upon the size
of room. The throw and air velocity can be calculated.

Where, L Throw in meters

Q Discharge of air in m/min

k = Constant
a,b Length and width of grill


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and Air Condiioning (MSBTE
FHefng Sem-Vl)
= 6-19
Air Conditioning SystemS
Air flow

Fig. 6.6.1:Grill

uinctionš óf Diffü
OStatp W-12
the supply
device for
f the supply
tis air duct. Diffusers
also improve the aesthetio of the air-conditioning system. They are
are at same level as talse ceiing, which is provided to
conceal duct Fig. 6.6.2 shows three-way supply dituser.

Diffuser are responsible 1or proper supply of conditioned
air to the room. Usually they are made of rectanguiar piau
atached one above the other. The air is supplied in four direction
through gaps between the plate. The four way and two way
diffuser are also available. Round diffuser are also available.

6.7 Construction and Application of Supply Duct, Return Duct and Makeup Duct

used n aircondnoning SyeIem:
Duct is a passageway for, supply and return air. material used for construction of ducts are galvanised iron sheet,
Black sheet and Aluminium sheet metal. Generally galvanized iron sheet is prefered because zinc coating prevent
rusting, and avoid cost of painting. .

The thickness of galvanized sheet is varies from 26 gaige (0.55 mm) to 16 gauge (1.6 mm). Aluminium
sheets are
ighter weight and resistance to moisture.
Nowadays resin bounded glass fibre duct are used because they are strong and easy to
manufacture according to
required shape and size. These are used for low velocity 600 m/min. Cement asbestos duct
used for underground air
distribution and exhausting corrosive materials
Supply air duct: The duct which supplies the conditioned air from the air conditioning equipment
to the space to
be conditioned.
(2) Return air duct: Duct which carries the recirculating air from the conditioned space back to air conditioning
space or equipment.

There are several basic types of supbly and return duct systems. Any one of the system types,
or a combination of
diferent types, can be utilized to fit the needs of a particular structure. The general types of supply
duct systems as
explain in earlier section.

EF Tedh Kankdgi

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 6-20
AirConditioning Systems

A tee pertma
the same fuc5on
s a redper


A duct system located in
an attic must be insulated and must
have a vapor barrier installed to prevent
exterior of the ductwork. Condensation condensation on the
can cause corrosion and nusting
ceilings. Alljoints and side of the duct system and possible structural
seams must be sealed to prevent damage to the
duct lcakage. The air handler should located
duct runs possible aré attained. be where the shortest
The shorter the duct runs are, the
lower the resistance to air flow and the
and heat losses. A floored area lower the heat gains
must extend at least 3 Aon
all sides of the unit to provide platform
used with upflow, downflow, horizontal a for service work. It can be
or air handlers and furnaces.
The six basic locations for supply
duct systems are as follows:
1. atic installations
2 basement installations 3. between floors of mmltistory structures
4. crawl space installations 5. conditioned space installations 6. embedded
in concrete slab.
The concept of the reducing plenum system
is that wben the air velocity lost to the
50%, the plenum size is reduced to regain branch runs reaches apprOximately
the velocity in the remaining portion
air flow characteristics at the branch ducts
of pleaum. This reduction also improves the
that are closest to the air-handling unit
The delivering the primary air into the unoccupied
zone of the room and mixing it with the secondary
ensures that the primary airstream does not come air, the designer
in direct contact with the room occupants.
If the primary airstream is allowed
to come in contact with the room occupants, the result will complaints
be of drafts and the overall comfort of the occupants
suffer. will

6.7.1 Return Air Duct System:

The retun air duct systemis just as important as the supply system. In
many cases, the returm system consists of
one or two
improperly sized openings connected back to the air handler through improperly
sized returm ducts or through wall, floor,
ceiling framing cavities. Although panned framing members can be used for return systems,
they generally should be avoided.
Air leaking into the system can cause additional sensible and latent loads system and lead to
comfort complaints from the
occupants of the structure.

If duct leakage occurs in the attic space during the cooling season, warm, moist air can be pulled into the return, resulting
in an increase in both the latent load and the sensible load. This infiltration into the returm system will be aggravated if the
system is undersized.

Central retum systems can be applied in smaler stnuctures with sucess. These systems consist of one or more rehurm
inlets, strategically located within the stucture and sized to retum the total amount of the supplied air volume to the indoor
blower. Both the inlet box and the retum connecting ductwork should be sized vwhere the room air will flow back to the blower
duct system must be free of leaks.
at a relatively low velocity. The return

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Refrigera and AirCondrioning
Air delivered to all rooms of
the structure Air Conditioning Systems
should have
isolate a room
doors must not an unrestricted
path back to the return
grille. This means that closed
The construction is to undercut the
doors, thus
etermined byusing
usi allowing
is the same methods as air to pass undera
those used ra door if it is closed. The amount of the t
closed to size the
retum grille or the cons
duct, when the door is
6.7.2 Factorstto be Considered
for Construction
of Duct System:
Thefollowingpoints must be considered
for construction
The duct pressure of duct system
1. re drop and the filter pres-sure
drop added
Noise Attenuation.
tion. Provide together must
2 some means be le
less than 0.15 inches of water.
of acoustical
air handler and the grille, dampening with
no "line-o
of-sight" between the opening of the
3. Duct, size is depen
pendent on duct
length, air flow,
and allowable
static pressure drop
Metal Duct. Metal duct can be used provided
it is lined with
Tf the duct system an acoustical lining.
5. is installed in an unconditioned
area, such as an
6. The filter size is dependent on attic or crawlspace
thetype of filter
Dressure drop and anelectrostatic
and the amount
of airflow. Typically, a disposable
filter has the greatest filter has une
e lowest
pressure drop.
1 Avoid creating a negative
pressure zone
near gas-fired equipment

6.8 Types of Fans and BlowersS

stciferen ypesot firs MSBTE:S-16. S-19

nar.condiionng sy
Vhatate thadferenttype ain anyone vith asketch
Ein and blower

Arcal faw

Oward 5cksa Radia Pmno

iade Tube

6.8.1 Centrifugal Fans:

Lugal kans
A centrifugal fan have an impeller
or wheel mounted in a scroll type of casing. Wa11
The impeller is turned either by direct drive or by
an electric motor employing pulleys
or belt.
The centrifugal force is created
by the rotating impeller moves the air outward along
the blade channels.

FTed Lndelga

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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-V) 6-22 Air Conditioning Systemss

The outward moving air streams are combined by the scrll into a single large air stream. This air stream leaves the fan
through discharge outlet.

These are classificd in three types:

(1) Forward curved blade

(2) Backward curved blade

(3) Radial or straight blade

1) Forward Curved Blades Centrifugal Fan:

Since the blades are very shallow in depth these for the diameter of the housing (casing) air-inlet opening more nearly
approaches to that of the impeller. This promotes a smooth flow of air into the rotating blade which increase efficiency
and reduce its noise.

The capacity of air delivered is more than backward flow and radial flow. This type of blade shown in Fig. 6.8.1(a) and
operate at low speed. The blade on impeller is 24 to 64.

2) Backward Curved Blade Centrifugal Fan:

Blade is shown in Fie. 6.8.1(6).

These blades must be operated at much higher speed of rotation than forward curved blade. The tip of the blade is
curved in backward direction.

They are used in high capacity at constant speed with small changes in the power requirement.

The number of blades on the impeller usually 10 to 16.

3) Radial or Straight Blades Centrifugal Fan:

The radial blades are as shown in Fig. 6.8.1(e), have simple in construction.

The blades run straight out from the central hub. Some fans have heavy steel blades with high structural strength. The
number of blades on impellers have more than 8 or 10.

These fan provides very high pressure at high speeds.

(a) Forward curved

(b) Backward curved

Fig.6.8.1:Three types of fan Impeller blades

(o) Radlal blade

6.8.2 Axial Flow Fans

of impeler (rotor) is caled asial fiow fan. These arc clasified into thre groups:
When air low paralel to the axis
a)Propeller Fan:
This type of fan consist of a propeller or disc type wheel which operates within a mounting ring.
air discharged from being drawn
The design of the ring surrounding the wheel is important because it prevents the
backward into the wheel around its periphery.

.The propeller fans are used only when the resistant to air movement is smal.

They are useful for the ventilation of laboratories, bath room, etc.

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Air Conditioning Systems

con ists of a propeller wheel housed in a simple cylinder.

dhsc lype wheel Propeler or
CIsc ype whee

-Ar iiow


Mounting rng findic

or plate
(a) Propeller fan
(b) Tabe axial fan
Arial ype

Guide vane
C)Vane axial fan
Fig.6.8.2:Types of axial flow fans
The wheel may be driven extemally either from electric inotor
within the cylinder directly connected to a shat or may
be driven through belt arrangement from the motor mounted outside the
The discharge follows spiral path.
They are more efñicient than propeler fan

Vane Type Axial Fan:

These fan combines a tube axial fan wheel mounted in a cylinder within a
set of air guide vane. This fan eliminate spiral
flow of discharge air and reduce turbulence of flow. '

The efficiency of operation and the pressure characterized ane better than tube axial fan.
The axial flow fans are never used for duct air conditioning system because they are incapable of developing high-
These fans are particularly used for handling large volume of air at relatively low pressure.1
6.8.3 Total Pressure Develop by a Fan:
The total pressure develop by a fan is the sum of static pressure at fan outlet and velocity pressure at fan outlet.
system, the fan provided with suction duct, flter, coil, damper at the entry of the duct so'the total pressure
Intheactual at
fan inlet is equal to the total frictiona] resistance and it is always negative also it is less than static pressure at the fan

Fan airpower:
The power outpat
of a fan is expressed as air power and represent the work done by the fan

Q Total air inlet in m'/min.

Fan total pressure in mm of water.
P P+Pye
Ps Static pressure of fan.

Py Velocity pressure offan.

K = Coeficient of compressibility.

P Catians

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Refrigeation and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI) 6-24
Air ConditioningSystems
6.9 Insulation

Aeronling to law of thermodynamics, hcat liows
iom a higher temperature
region to one at a lower
there is a continuous flow of heat. temperature. Hence

( From the surrounding to the reingeratcd or

air-conditioned spacc, so incrcase the
space temperature.
2From the heated spacc to the outsidc thiereby lowcringthe
inside temperaturec.
.Any material that prevent the
transfer of heat or offers
resistance to flow
of heat through
Insulator. itis known as "Thermal
The heat low is cither by conduction,
convection or radiation.
The thermal insulator cannot stop
the heat flow completely
but it can reduce the rate
.By insulating the wall, floor of heat flow through it
of a rcfrigerator, cabinets,
surroundings can be retarded. brine pipe line, refrigerant pipe line,
the heat flow from the
.Insulating matcrials arce also used
for duct, steam canrying
pipe, gap between door
Insulation bccomes necessary and windows.
to achieve and maintain
maintained. the desired temperature where
low relative humidity
has to be
6.9.1 Types of
Insulating Materials used
in Refrigeration or Air Conditioning
eexarmple o.each type.

There are different type of thermal insulating materials, W5

the selcetion of this is depend
The basic five types of insulating materials upon their use.
() Flake insulation:
It is composed of small particles
of flake that are finely divided
the air space. Expanded mica
is a flake insulation.
(2) Granular insulation
It is composed of small nodules
that contain void or hollow space.
c.g. vegetables, cork, calcium
silicate, magnesia.
(3) Fibrous insulation

It is composed of small diameter fibres

that are finely divide the space.
rockwool. They may be organic or inorganic
e.g. glass,

(4) Cellular insulation:

It is composed of small individual cells that fincly

divide the air space. It produced
from glass, rubber or plastic.
5) Relsective insulation:

It is composed of parallel thin sheet of foil having high

thermal reflectance, spaced
to restrict radiant heat transfer
across the space. Spacing is designed to reduce
the heat transfer by conduction and convection
stainless steel foils are used. e.g. Aluminium and

Trec Kaeledgi

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n andAir
andAir Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
Refngerauion 6-25
Air Conditioning yste
B2 arc of two types:
nSulating maeniais
Theit materials.
Natural insulkating
(spccial) sulating materials.

Natural Insulating Materials:

insulating materials include cork,
natu hair,grass, sawdust, red
wood bark.
materials incorporated aa numher
Poprietary materials number of natural
material to form
a heterogeneous mass with su oinder to
produce wall
board, bats, blankets

from the trees is dried and pressed and backed
The barkfrom at moderate temperature. During this process, the
narnral ga
fs and spread, binding together the entire mass. It is
able to resist the flow
of heat. It is light in weight

Wools such as rock, mineral wool, glass and slag and

The certain type of minerals are melted and blown by air
fibrous form

6922Special Insulating iaterials

(0 Foam glass:

It is a trade name for a porous glass block insulating with sealed pores.
It is suitable for the exterior wall and the floor or
low temperature room.

) Fibre glass

Fibre glass serves a dual purpose ofproviding thermal a well as sound insulation when applied to ceiling and wall.
Fibrous insulation is compased of millians of air cell formed by laying of fibres having lower thermal conductivity.
These are of low cost and reduce the operating cost of the conditioned plant
due to thermal conductivity and less wear
and tear, light in weight.

lis non-bygroscopic.

Fibre glass permits flow of moistire vapour essential for the efficient working
of the cold storage.
) Polystyrene (Thermocole):

This can be supplied nearly any desired shape

for large production available as a nigid board, beads, moulded into shape
for pipe/curved surface covering, and
can be cut easily with saw, light weight allow relatively low vapour transmission.
4) Plastic foams

Main reason in selecting

a plastic foam as insulating material are low thermal, conductivity compressive strength,
apour transmission, and dimensional stability and method of installtion. water

he property.of low permeability to water vapour is essential to prevent condensation

or freezing of water inside the
cellular structure.

5) Urethane:

known as super insulation in refrigeration and air conditioning.


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Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MSBTE Sem-VI)
Air Conditioning Systems
.Rigid urcthane foam is increasingly speciffed
for insulating pipe, ducts,
curtain walls. walls, roofs slab perimeter,
basements and
It is more cxpcnsive.
. Rigid urcthane foam is a cellular
plastic form material
when two liquids, isocyanates
of certain additives and catalytic agents. and polyols are mixed in presence
The mixture foam after 10 to 30 sec
expand 30 times of original
It fcct the cavity to be insulatcd.

(6) Polyurethane foam (PUF):

IsCUSS the matenalfors MSBTE W-E1S

thema auon called oovtira
range apRPicationareas etthane foam (PUA In respect ofitype
and themaconductivily.and.vapour of insulation
(a) Type of insulation: Organic permeabl

(b) Temperature range :

fibrous insulation. W-15
220 Cto 110
(c). Thermal conductivity
: It has low thermal
conductivity value maximum
(d) Vapour permeability: of 0.021 W hmK at 10
It is not easily ignitable and has negligible C
6.10 Properties of ldeal
Insulating Materials
Air-Conditioning System used in Refrigeration and

MSBTE:S-15, S-16 WJ6

S18 S-17,W-18,S-19
o destirable properies ot insulaing
mleri ied fo aircOndiionin0
unt proportes otan insula
S16, W-16 S18S19

Dglaln ne tactOrSto beconsiderdförselecting nsuaing 1enalit ndiioning

Jacketing of Insulation (Cladding, cemeating,
The properties of thermal insulating material
as listed below
(1) Low thermal conductivity: The thermal
conductivity must be low as possible
which reduces the required
thickness of the insulating material, it should
put a high thermal resistance in the path
of heat.
(2) The material should have low heat absorption
3) Light weight: This is necessary to avoid the use heavy structural
of members. This became more important
refrigeration and air-conditioning system
of railway, acroplane, automobile.
(4) Resistance to
fire: The material should be non-combustible ie. it should not catch fire. It should not support and
spread fire.

5) It should have high corosive resistance.

Resistance to chemical and firc. Extent
of shrinkage or cracking during use, ability to withstand vibration, noise,
mechanical damage.
(6) Strength: Theinsulating
material used must withstand the pressure coming
on them.
t should be water-repellent,
i.e. moisture absorbed by
the insulating material increases conductivity and reduce

(Resistance to
heat weather and adverse
atmosphere condition).
8) Odourless : It should not
repell any type of objectionable
odour when either wet or dry.

FTed Kavaledgi

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AirConditioning (MSBTE
Refngeranon and Sem-VI)
Air Conditioning Systems
cost: Tt shouldbe casily available and are
Low of low cost.
Resistance to Iungus and vermin
insulating material
Properties of
ain S13)
SOnSuatng mate

Poperties i
of insulating material can be described as
. Thermal

Mechanical properties.

Thermal Properties:
ductivity: 'The most important thermal property of insulating material is thermal conductivity. Thermal
Thermal conduo
condoctivity is defined as ability of material to transfer heat. For material to be insulator it should have Tow therma
conductivity. Thermal conductivity changes with material and density of material. Compressible substance suc

wool, if loosely packed is better insulator than ifclosely packed.

1. Coefficient of expansion.

Specific heat capacity.

2 Mechanical
some load
A mechanical property of insulating material is important when insulating material provided has to cary
Important mechanical properties are strength in compression, tension, shear and impact.

6.11 AutomoDile Air Conditioning System

(primarily temperature and humidity) to more
conditioning is the process of altering the properties of air
favorable conditions to the human.
temperature inrespective of the atmospheric
conditioning means the science of providing and maintaining the
Air temperature, relative humidity, purity and air motion..
condition or the simultaneous control of
atmospheric and eavironmental condition
there will be rapid change in
Because of the rápid growth of industrialization,
fînds the true variance between uses of the
aerodynamics and engine power and weight
Factors such as wind resistance,
air conditioning system.
air-conditioning is necessary for the
conditioninig certain new design principles are required. Hence
In an automobile air
luxurious life.
automobile for providing comfort and less than if
drag of a car with closed windows is
use significant power, on the other hand the
Automobile air conditioner
ne windows are open to cool occupant
5.11.1 Requirements of Air Conditioning
the required condition for all
designed by considering several factors to achieve
De automobile compartment is
wecather/ seasons. Such as:

0Higher outside termperature.

()Dissipation of heat by engine.

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(MSBTE_Sem-VI) 6-28 Conditioning
Conditioning Systems
BRefrigeration and Air
root depending upon the position of sun and ntensity
Solar radiation through glass, windows and of solar
radiation, cleanness of sky.
iv) Vehicle
and wind direction and vclocity of
(v) Vehicle speed
(vi) Infiltration of air and
amount ot infiltration into the car and better heat trànsfer coef.
Faster is the car motion, greater is the
outdoor air and car surface. The variation in car spcd from idle to high speed, complicate unit is design to match
cooling load. the

6.11.2 Air Condition System:

MSBTE S:17/W-17
O Explain Automob

0 Drawa.neallabeled sketch.of.automobile airoonditioning

The air conditioning system of most of the car consists of a compressor which is operated by the engine
power from i
crankshaft through belt. he

The evaporator and blower unit were located in the trunk compartment, while the air cooled fin
type cóndenser
placed in front of the radiator and a throttle or expansion value is located between condenser and
The operation should include heating as well as cooling, defogging and remove dust smoke and odour."
The system run on the principle of simple vapour compression reingeration system With four type
of controls low
pressure side control, high pressure side control, solenoid operated bypass and combination of all three.

.This system works in the same manner as the cooling system of an engine when the AlC is
tumed ON. The Wobble
plate type compressor is used driven by engine power through crankshaft by using 'V belt drive.

.The compressor has an electromagnetic clutch that can engage or disengage the compressor
pulley when the engine
And the compressor speed will be varying according to engine speed.

The heat carrying medium is refrigerant in the system which is a liquid that has an extremely
low boiling point, first the
refrigerant comes in contact with dashboard where the evaporator is located.

The refrigerant pick up the heat from the passenger compartment and is vaporized.
This heat removal or evaporation or
cooling cools the air entering the passenger compartment.

This low pressure vapour refrigerant is sucked by the compressor

and it compressed to high pressure and temperature
and is easily discharged in condenser which is located in front
of engine's radiator, behind the grill.
The condenser rejects the heat to the air flowing over it
and converts its phase from vapour to liquid. This hguld
refrigerant stored in receiver.

The liquid refrigerant again flow to passenger compartment

which acts as a evaporator through expansion vave wa
it pick up the heat and convert to vapour form
and the cycle is repeated
Lne runctionof expansion or throttle valve is to control need in
the mass flow rate of refrigerant according o
compartment. With this rapid cooling
going on, the fins of the evaporator get extremely
La passes by these fins on its way into the passenger compartment will also be cooled. AlsO uy
water vapour (humidity)
in that air will condense on the
evaporator fins and stick to those ins.
Iis removes the humidity
or moisture from the incoming y dry.
air. The air leaving the evaporalor is

Ted laee

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and Air
Air Condrioning (MSETE Sem-VI) 6-29
and Air Conditioning
RefgerOn Systems
collects on the evaporator, dust and other
an th contaminates stick to
moisture the water droplets that
the advantage of cleaning those particles out of the have formed on
his has an air and drain outside.
fins or
the the evstem is R-22 R-12. Now a day the refrigerant used
remigerantused R-134(A) have a boiling is
A his
nt has a good hcat transfer property and non-flammable and non
point of
-26.3 refnigean non corrosive
CFC and as
altermative to
an sncitivc pressure both in evaporator and condenser
refngerant ha and hence no necessity
of purge unit and
ntion system also it is eco-friendly with nature

removal of heat, the temperature in passenger compartment is Teaches to

continuous al required temperature
By knob on dashboard. whichis
PControlledby driver by controlling the
passenger compartment the control are set.
Pating the vehicle
nferwaterfrom fromithe engine block water Jacket circulating throngh heater coil by mean of water pump.
The hot
massflow rate of wateriis controlled by valve located in the inlet hose of the heating coil and operated by a knob
The on
control the volume of water (coolant) and control the temperaturé of air passing through it
This valve
of temperature valve detcrmino the flow rate of air or no air will passthrough heating coil or
The posidon atmospheric
sir is d
circulated or mix air is circulated in the passenger compartment through grill. Forcing air with the help
hgn presse
High capacity
radator ca

of vave

vave Thermpo staic vave
compartnent urt

Fig. 6.11.1: Automobile air-conditioning system

guantty of air heated is further control by air valve providing with three position.

andbeneath of these
evaporator is sityated at front or at Rear of the car. There is a pair of intake air grill at suitable location
there is a blower.
U Dlower
takes in air through the air grills and pass
the same over the evaporator.
As ar isp
the tubes and fins
as desired by
of evaporator it
adjustment of louvers or grills.
gets cooled. This air again directed into the passenger

n car thelouv
layout Ocated at the front, as area' of cooling is small but in case of bus or heavy duty vehicle, a duct
at the to or at the side of the roof of the
vehicle with few opening as area for coling is larger.

Ted Lseledi
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(MSBTE_Sem-VI) 6-30
BRefrigeration and Air Compreso


Cood irsde
clutch Cooled
abm ar
pressure High pressure
Vapour Ydpor


LOw pressiue High pressur

iqud qud

Wam inside \Wem oautside


Dyaisan Recenrer
vave driver

Fig.6.11.2:Flow diagram of air conditioning


6.11.3 Components of Air Conditioning of Automobile with

its Functions

Wite the components of :S18&
Automobile Ac System with tiheir function.

The basic automobile air conditioning system consist

Components of Air Conditioning
of Automobile

() Condenser.

i) Receiver/ Drier
() EXpansion valve

v) Solenoid valve lexpansion valve


in) Blower

Vi Control panel

Fig. C6.2: Components of Air

Conditioning of Automobile
) Compressor

L acis as
a human heart which suck
vapour refrigerant and increase he
system. its pressure and temperature and sugpy

t is fitted in the front portion

of the engine and driven air
conditioner is switch by 'V' belt. It is operated by magncu

i) Condenser

Itis located in front

of radiator.The vapour
refnigerant rejectheat and changes ro liquid
is fin type Air cooled. its pi
The fan forces the
air to flow over it which increase heat
P tie

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gerationand Air Conditioning SBTE_SSem-VI)
a)Receiver/Drier Air Conditioning
voir vessel for the storage
small of liquid refrigcrant,
Thisis a and removes
havemay have leaked into the rerigerani. any moisture present
that operates on the in the sysiemnor
drien t principle that cooling of the
This compressed air
ompressed air in vapour form. which causes condensation
of water caried by
cvstem causes havoc, with
Moisture inthe ice crystals causing blockages and
mechanical damagc.

) fitted
nstatic valve fitted in the system. regulates the massflow
thermostatic It
,isaregulating action is controlled by the temperature sènsing rate and keep the total heat (enthalpy)

s compressor.
bulb place on the outtet line
of evaporator or suction to

Solenoid valve /expansion valve:

Solenoid valve is the controlling valve in the refrigeration systems when it is energized (or closed) refirigeration takes
refrigerant circulate through the systëm
lace ie.
passes from the receivr through the sight
refrigerant in the liquid form
f glass and dehydrator filter to the expansion

dehydrator flter removes dirt and moisture from the refrigerant.
back to the high pressure from the condeaser and admits liquid refrigerant to the evaporator
he erpansion valve holds
in a
relatively small stream and at low

the liquid refirigerant

passes into the evaporator at low pressure, it begins to evaporate. This evaporation soaks up ie.

abstracts the heat. The evaporated refnigerant is then pump back through the compressor.
disconnected from the vehicle battery.
', When the
solenoid valve is opens ie. de-energized by being
compressor is opened, and then the pressure in the system is relived.
bypass line between the condenser and the
,The can be built up
between the condenser and the compressor. Since no pressure
.Now the refrigerant can circulate freely
no cooling action takes place
and since no efrigerant is
sent the long way around, hence
by a solenoid
instead, the refrigeration system iš controlled
do not use a bypasS valve,
Some refrigeration compressor drive pulley.
operated clutch in the operating.
compressor is not
is declutched so that the
this case when the system is not to
be refrigerated, the pulley
In clutch is engaged so that the
compressor is

control system calls for cooling the pulley

On the other hand when the
driven and the system thus undergoes
into operation.

()Evaporator: : some system evaporator

is located at back of
the car, just
tubing'and radiating fins. In
DE CVaporator consists of a the car.
evaporator is located at the front of
blower takes the ar
system, the
eind the car seat. In some other beneath these there is a blower. The
suitable location and
a pair of intake air grill at
1 g tne grill and passes the same
through the evaporator.
then directed into the
car cabin as per the
This cooled air is
get cooled.
around the tubes and fins it

desirable adjustment of lowers.

(i) Blower compartmentcab.

and directs the air the
nal fan driver by electric motor

Tech Kavmledi

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Conditioning (MSBTE
Sem-VI) 6-32
Retrigeration and Air Air Conditionin

(vii) Control
in the dash board, that allows selection of t.
is the "control panel" mounted
The control head evarious
Settings knob is provided on control panel. The temperahuss funcions.
Thermostat: Temperature
(a) idethecabin
by using the thermostat knob or
the remote control. Whe the desired temperature can
is atai nedinside beset
the compressor of the AC and restartsthe compressor to produce the
s the cooling. trunk,
the fuel.

b) Speed setting knob: The Speed of the air can be set by the fan motor button provided
the control
(Heating and cooling Switches and knob: The system is provided with the dials and
heating as well as cooling requirement in vehicle cabinet. regulate

Review guestions
a.1 Classity air conditioning system.

02 Draw the layout of Extended Plenum System and explain

03 Draw a neat labelled sketch of automobile air-conditioning system

Q4 Explain the following losses in ducts used for air-conditioning

Loss due to enlargement (i)Loss due to sudden contraction

Q.5 Describe with neat sketch the air conditioning system design for Nagpur city in Maharashtra

Q.6 Explain with neat sketch summer Ai-conditioning system.

a7 Draw neat sketch of window air-conditioner and explain its working.

Q.8 Differentiate between summer and winter air onditioning system.

Q.9 Diferentiate between split air conditioner and window air conditioner.

Q.10 Draw labelled layout of Central air-conditioning' system.

Q.11 Draw diagrams of grils and registers used in air distribution system.

Q.12 Enlist dliferent types of fans used in air-conditioning system. Explain

any one with a sketch.
Q.13 Enlist any four types of insulating materials used in refrigeration
and air-conditioning with one example df each type.
Q.14 State the Requirements of automobile Air Conditioning.


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