Uday a Banu 2020
Uday a Banu 2020
Uday a Banu 2020
E Mail:dr.makendranc@gmail.com
1. Introduction
In developing countries building construction plays vital role using various materials, such as cement,
sands, and water [1]. Water is an important resource for preparing and curing of concrete. In present
situation water is very constraint in among the world and need the alternate solution due to water
constraint. Using of alternative materials reduces the construction costs directly. Water is very essential
because it takes part in hydration of concrete. Portable water is most suitable for preparation and curing of
concrete. Bore water should be checked as it may contain impurities which can affect setting and other
properties. Usage of exact quantity of water leads to economy as well as improved quality. Themain motto
is to use exact quantity and make the structure more durable and economical.ACI (2008) reported that
curing plays a crucial role in strengthening the concretefor all concrete structures. Curing process is
repeatedly used to express the process through which hydraulic cement concrete established and enhanced
hardened properties over time as an outcome of the continuous hydration of the cement in the occurrence
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ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
of enough water [2].The aim is to reduce permeability of concrete and thereby improve durability. Curing
is not blindly pouring water on concrete. A Francis, and J John, (2013), conducted an experimental study
for strengthen properties onself-curing concrete. The normal curing was attained by conventionally spray
water after hardening of cement concrete for duration of about 28 days. Self-curing is a progression of
saved moisture content in concrete for more potential hydration of cement and reduction of self-
desiccation in concrete [3]. Dhir et al., (1994) water-soluble polymers added in self-curing concrete gives
a signifying improvement for construction industry [4]. Hans et.al (1998) made efforts and conducted self-
curing for high performance of concrete. Curing has predominant role for strengthening of concrete. It is
directly influenced on the hardened concrete. Properly cured concrete increases the durability and
strength. Poor curing leads to failure of any concrete structure due to reduced strength and impermeability
[5].Dhiret al.,(1998). Study conducted for water preservation in concrete includes a self-curing compound.
Study concluded that the advantage of using self-curing compoundsdirectlyreduces water evaporation
from concrete, accordingly increases its water preservationcapability compared to thenormalconcrete [6].
S. Wrber, H.W. Reinhardi (1996) made efforts and attempted different curing method for high-
performance concrete. In addition of polyethylene glycol by weight of cement and it reduces the water
desertion from self-curingconcrete, and consequently increases the water preservationability of the
concrete [7].
ShikhaTyagi (2015) a study conducted on self-curing concrete by using Polyethylene glycol PEG 400
for M25 and M40 grade. Dosages from 1 to 2% were added in concrete. Study concluded that the
optimum dosage of PEG400 for maximum compressive strength obtained, 1% for M25 and 0.5% for M40
grade of concrete [8].Junaid et. al. (2015) a study conducted the self-curing concrete is achieved by self-
curing agent. The strength was increased 10% by polyethylene glycol from 0.1 % - 0.2 % of cement
compared to that of the conventional concrete [9].Wen-Chen Jau (2007) acknowledged that internal curing
concrete was offered to attract water from moisture. Internal curing concrete wassignificantlyimproved
hydration of cement in concrete [10,11].A.S. EL-Dieb et al (2013) a study conducted on water
preservation for the cement concrete mixes. Study founded that water permeability and water absorption
ratewas decreased in self-curing concrete. The concrete age represents lesserabsorbentproportion as
aneffect of the prolongation of hydration of cement [12,13].
Based on the above literatures and studies, it is evident that newly introducing water-soluble polymers
as a self curing agent for self curingconcrete[14]. It is essential to investigate the mechanical strength
properties, behavior, and cost reducing of this self curing concrete for Indian. Building construction in
developing countries is undertaken as a combination of alternative materials and reducing costs in
especially curing of concrete[15,16]. In this regard,introducewater-soluble polymers of polyethylene
glycol PEG400 for self curingcompound.In this study to investigatethestrengthproperties of compressive,
tensile, split and workability of concrete using water soluble polyethylene glycol PEG400 as self-curing
compound. To comparison of conventional and self curing concrete, and cost analysis of self curing and
conventional concrete[17,18].
2. Methodology
This study deals with the investigation on self curing concrete using water-soluble polymer of
Polyethylene Glycol PEG 400 consists of six stages are as follows:
First stage is selection of materials for the experimental purpose. Quality of materials such as cement
OPC 53 Grade, aggregates, portable water and polyethylene glycolPEG 400 and to be conducted
engineering property tests of these materials. The engineering properties test such as specific gravity,
grade of cement. Specific gravity, water absorption test for aggregates both course and fine aggregates.
Solubility, density, odour, mean molecular weight, appearance forpolyethyleneglycolPEG400.
Secondstage is percentage of PEG by weight of cement from 0% to 1.5 % as the dosage to be added
forselfcuringconcrete. The mix ratio arrives for M20 mixes. Third stage is laboratory evaluation of
mechanical strength parameters of concrete, performance test on concrete. Fourth stageis to be
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
arrivedoptimum polyethylene glycol PEG400 and its dosage percentage. Fifth stage to
calculatetheanalysis of cost economics. Finally,sixth stage is conclusion and recommendations were
Experimental approach
Preparation of Conventional Concrete Preparation of Self Curing Concrete using PEG 600
(Dosage 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 %)
Cost Economics
2.1 Cement
Cement is the binding materials of concrete and mortar. In this study, ordinary grade of M20, concrete
prepared. Cement OPC 53 Grade was used to prepare the concrete mix. The cement tests were carried out
as per code provision IS 12269: 2013. The cement properties and test values are presented below in Table
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
The table 1 obtained test results were within limit. Hence, satisfied that the cement properties.
2.2. Aggregates
For this study purpose the aggregates obtained from Thiruneermalai is a town panchayat in Chennai in
Chengalpattu district, Tamil Nadu, Indian. Superior quality of crushed blue granite aggregates was used.
Nominal size of 20 mm well graded aggregate utilized with conformation IS: 383 – 1970.Fine aggregates
have free from clays with clean and dry river sand was used. Fine aggregatesare passing is 4.75 mm sieve
confirming is 383-1970.The both fine and coarse aggregatespropertiesand test results are presented in
table 2.
Table 2. The aggregates properties
The table 2 obtained test results are within limit. Hence, satisfied that the properties of both fine and
coarse aggregates.
2.3 Water
Concrete was prepared used in portable water. Portable water has free from oil and organic matter. The pH
value was 7. Fresh potable water used for all the concrete mixes and conformation with IS: 456-2000.
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
Table5. Compressive strength test for normal and various dosage of PEG 400 concrete
7th DAY
15.56 15.56 24.4 17.78
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50%
7 th day 15.56 15.76 24.4 17.78
14 th day 17.76 24 25.3 23.71
28 th day 20.4 25.78 31.56 21.3
Figure 2. Comparison of compressive strength of concrete between normal mix and PEG
The above graph 2 shows the comparison of compressive strength of concrete between normal mix and
PEG 400 using various dosages from 0.50%, 1.0% and 1.50%. The compressive strength values were
showing in 7th, 14th and 28th days respectively.
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
25 25.78 25.3
24 24.4 23.71
20.4 21.3
17.76 17.78
15 15.56 15.76
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50%
% OF PEG-400
7 th day 14 th day 28 th day
From the above graph 3 showscompressive strength of concrete between normal and Polyethylene
Glycol 400 mix. The addition of Polyethylene Glycol 400 significantly increased the compressive strength
of concrete mix. Maximum compressive strength was for 0.1% Polyethylene Glycol 400 addition, which
achieved strength of 31.56 N/mm2.
Table 6 .Flexural strength test for normal and various dosage of PEG 400 concrete
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
Flexural strength
25 25.25
16.91 7th day
15.63 16.2
13.5 14th day
10 9.9 9.68
10.53 28th day
5 5.52
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50%
From the above graph 4showedflexural strengthof concrete between conventional concrete and PEG
400 mix. The addition of Polyethylene Glycol 400 significantlyimproved the flexural
strength.Maximumflexuralstrengthwas for 0.1% Polyethylene Glycol 400 addition, which achieved
strength of 25.25 N/mm2.
Table 7. Split tensiletestfor normal and various dosage of PEG 400 concrete
7th DAY
1.7 1.41 1.56 1.13
14th DAY 3.11 1.7 1.41
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
0% 0.50% 1% 1.50%
From the figure 5 showed Split tensile values between conventional and Polyethylene Glycol 400 mix.
The addition of Polyethylene Glycol 400 significantly increased the Split tensile strength. The maximum
flexural strengthwas for 0.1% Polyethylene Glycol 400 addition, which achieved strength of 2.41 N/mm2
at the age of 28 days.
In this study, M20 grade of mix was used. After laboratory experimental investigated that mechanical
strength properties were significantly improved in self-curing concrete of compressive, split-tensile and
flexural strengths. The concrete with PEG 400 by weight of cement from 0% to 1.5 % as the dosage of
internal curing compound was used and significant improvement occurred to the continuation of the
hydration process. The PEG 400 of self-curingconcreteproducesresults of continuous availability of water
resulting in, very low voids and pores. It createdgoodbond between the cement fine and coarse aggregate.
The conventional Cost of Labor charge for apply water on Total cost required
concrete required water curing concrete for curing for curing in
for curing for one cubic water per (No. of labor * Daily wages) conventional
meter liter in concrete in one
(Liter of water) (INR) cubic meter in
(a) (b) (c) (a*b)+ (c)
3000 0.75 6 * 400 4650
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088
Self-curing concrete Cost of Polyethylene Glycol 400 Total cost required for
required water for one curing water self-curing concrete in
cubic meter per liter in (No. of liter * Cost) one cubic meter in
(Liter of water) (INR) (INR)
(a) (b) (c) (a*b)+ (c)
175 0.75 3.20 * 600 2051.25
Total cost required for curing in Total cost required for internal Cost saved for curing
conventional concrete in one curing concreteusingPEG 400in one cubic meter in
cubic meter one cubic meter in (INR)
In (INR) (INR)
4650 2051.25 2598.75
4. Conclusions
In this laboratory experimental study, self-curing concrete used in polyethylene glycol were successfully
performed on compressive, flexure and tensile strengths, cost analysis and conclusions are given.
The laboratory study express that a significant progress occurs in the self-curing concrete by
polyethylene glycol PEG400. The optimum measured quantity ofPEG400 for maximum compressive
strength was found in 1% for M20 grade of concrete and also compressive strength was increased in 1%
when comparison of conventional curing of concrete. Study recommended suitablePEG400 as an internal
self-curing agent as it was completely soluble in water. Polyethylene glycol PEG400was high molecular
weight compare than portable water. PEG400 was directly reduced the surface tension of portable water
and decrease evaporation from concrete. Self-curing concrete can reduce curing cost aroundRs. 2598.75
for one cubic meter of concrete. Study recommendedthatpolyethylene glycol
PEG400usedinternalcuringconcrete is a preferablepreference in water crises country and scarcity of water
especially developing countries.
5. References
ICRAEM 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (2020) 032088 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/981/3/032088