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2 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Table of contents

I Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 6

1.1 Operating
elements 7
1.2 Display
and button functions 10
1.3 Main
menu 12
1.3.1 Functions.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.2 Wireless ..........................................................................................................................................................
(Bluetooth) 12
1.3.3 Device info
.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.4 Change-w..........................................................................................................................................................
ipe position 13
1.3.5 Lock device
.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.6 Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Signals......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Print ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Device.........................................................................................................................................................
security 14 Date-Time
......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Miscellaneous
......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Imprint.........................................................................................................................................................
List 16 Printer.........................................................................................................................................................
Mode 16 Operating
mode 16
1.4 Special
functions 18
1.4.1 Arrow key
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.2 Check m ark
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.3 On/off button
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.4 Display keyboard
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18

II Important notes 20
2.1 Rechargeable
batteries 20
2.2 Micro
SD card 20
2.3 Seal
................................................................................................................................... 20

III Your safety 21

3.1 Safety,
description 21
3.2 Safety
notes on rechargeable batteries 22
3.3 Safety
notes 23
3.4 Safe
handling of print cartridges 23

IV Preparation and commissioning 24

4.1 Commissioning
................................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.1 Rechargeable
batteries 25 Inserting
rechargeable batteries 25 Charging
rechargeable batteries 26
4.1.2 Seal and pressure
cartridge 27 Insert .........................................................................................................................................................
the seal 27 Inserting
the print cartridge 27
4.1.3 Attaching..........................................................................................................................................................
sensor adapter 29



4.2 Adjust
date and time if necessary 29
4.3 Set
summertime (summertime interval) if required 30
4.4 Execute
test print 31
4.5 Edit
objects on the device 31
4.6 Saved
print images 33
4.7 Activate
Bluetooth 33
4.8 Install
PCset graphic software 34
4.8.1 System requirem
ents 34
4.8.2 Installing ..........................................................................................................................................................
the softw are 34
4.9 Firmware
update 35
4.10 Setting
the admin password if required 35

V The PCset graphic software application 37

5.1 Get
jetStamp 1025 ready for PCset graphic 37
5.2 Starting
the software 38
5.3 Operating
interface 38
5.3.1 Menu bar.......................................................................................................................................................... 39 File ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Edit ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 View ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 Presettings
......................................................................................................................................................... 41 Extras......................................................................................................................................................... 41 Help ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
5.3.2 Toolbar .......................................................................................................................................................... 42 Grid ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 Selection
......................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.3.3 Objects .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.3.4 Device security
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44 Device.........................................................................................................................................................
security 45 Set passw ord
......................................................................................................................................... 46 Disable passw .........................................................................................................................................
ord protection 46 Forgotten passw
ord 47 Unlock.........................................................................................................................................................
device 47 Lock device
......................................................................................................................................................... 47
5.3.5 Device settings
.......................................................................................................................................................... 48 Print settings
......................................................................................................................................................... 48 Signals......................................................................................................................................................... 51 Sealing.........................................................................................................................................................
station 51
5.3.6 Status indicators
.......................................................................................................................................................... 52
5.3.7 Device m essages
.......................................................................................................................................................... 54
5.4 Enable
print image preview in Windows Explorer 56
5.5 Establishing
Bluetooth connection 57
5.6 Example
workflow: Generating the print image 58
5.6.1 Configuring
the print im age 59
5.6.2 Print im age
m anagem ent (transfer/upload) 59
5.6.3 Transferring
the print im age to jetStam p 1025 (sense) 60
5.6.4 Printing the
print im age 61
5.6.5 Num ber of
im prints 62
5.6.6 Configure..........................................................................................................................................................
print im age w ith placeholder text 63
5.7 Objects
settings 63


4 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

5.7.1 Text .......................................................................................................................................................... 64 Presettings
......................................................................................................................................................... 65 Context.........................................................................................................................................................
menu text object 65 Generate
graphic 67
5.7.2 Date/Tim e.......................................................................................................................................................... 67 Presettings
......................................................................................................................................................... 68 Tab date and.........................................................................................................................................
time 68 Font ......................................................................................................................................... 70 Context
menu date/time object 71
5.7.3 Num bering
m achine 72 Presettings
......................................................................................................................................................... 72 Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 73 Number circle ......................................................................................................................................... 74 Font ......................................................................................................................................... 74 Context
menu numbering machine object 75
5.7.4 Barcode .......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Presettings
......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Sequential
numbering/dating 81 Context
menu barcode object 82 Generate
graphic 82
5.7.5 Placeholder
text 83 Presettings
......................................................................................................................................................... 83 Context
menu placeholder object 83
5.7.6 Graphic .......................................................................................................................................................... 84 Load graphic
dialogue 84 Context
menu graphic object 85 Generate
graphic 86
5.7.7 Sensor .......................................................................................................................................................... 87 Presettings
......................................................................................................................................................... 87 Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 88 Font ......................................................................................................................................... 88 Context
menu sensor object 89
5.8 External
print triggering 90
5.8.1 Triggering
via external sw itch 90

VI Maintenance 91
6.1 Changing
the print cartridge 91
6.2 Cleaning
the contacts of the print cartridge 93
6.3 Clean
nozzles 94
6.3.1 Manual nozzle
cleaning 95
6.3.2 Autom atic..........................................................................................................................................................
nozzle cleaning 96
6.4 Clean
seal 97
6.5 Replace
seal 97
6.6 Clean
housing 98

VII Recognising and removing interferences 99

7.1 jetStamp
1025 without function 99
7.2 Causes
for uncharged batteries 100
7.3 Warning
messages 100
7.4 Correctable
error messages 101
7.5 Device
error messages 101



VIII Technical data and accessories 102

8.1 Type
plate 102
8.2 Technical
data 103
8.3 Transport
and disposal 104
8.4 Accessories
................................................................................................................................... 104

IX Contact 105

Index 106


6 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

1 Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense

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Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 7

1.1 Operating elements

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8 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

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Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 9

Trigger buttons Indicators of print position

Display Charging indicator
ON/OFF button Connection socket for mains adapter
Operating status LED Jack socket for external triggering
Function button for print cartridge Micro USB socket
Flap for battery and print cartridge Micro SD card slot
Print carriage Battery compartment
Print cartridge Locking mechanism battery compartment
Seal Locking mechanism print cartridge
Seal retaining clip Print cartridge contacts
Seal tip Nozzles print cartridge
Print area

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Sensor socket Sensor adapter

Operating status LED Description

Permanently lit "green" Device is active.
Short flashing Device is in energy-saving mode.
in 4 seconds interval

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10 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

1.2 Display and button functions

The display depends on the respective menu context. The start screen
of the main menu is shown.
The display is structured according to the following sections:

A Header

Ink level

if the print cartridge is empty or incorrect, the symbol appears

A Admin mode
Means that you, as the administrator of the device, only allow the user limited
access to the device menu.
See "Preparation and commissioning" - "Commissioning" - "Setting the admin
password if required".

USB connection available

001/... Number of the set print image and

001/015 .../015 Number of stored print images

Bluetooth active
Mains adapter connected
Battery level
Battery is charging

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Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 11

B Set print image

C Menu bar with menu items and commands

Access to the main menu.

Next page
Forward/back through print images or menu.

Returns to the previous display (submenu / main menu / exit from main menu).

Enters the selected menu. Confirms entries and completes function settings.

Edits on the device

Switches to the editing mode of the placeholder object for editing on the device. Is
only displayed if a placeholder is also present in the print image and a "Set
hotkey" (hotkey settings) has been selected. See also "Editing on the device",
special functions "Display keyboard" and in the menu under "Set hotkey (hotkey

On the jetStamp 1025 sense, this symbol must be pressed longer to edit.
Appears on the device when the "Edit imprint" hotkey setting is selected.
Rep. Appears on the device when the "Repeat last impr" hotkey setting is selected.
Res. Appears on the device when the "Numberer reset" hotkey setting is selected.
Next Appears on the device when the "Numberer next" hotkey setting is selected.
red. Appears on the device when the "180 degree rotation" hotkey setting is selected.
Appears when the "Print trigger" hotkey setting is selected (print triggering, such as
the centre red trigger button ).

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Start sensor measurement manually!

D Four push-buttons
Each button is always assigned to the menu item or command displayed in the menu bar above

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12 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

1.3 Main menu

The menu selection of the device consists of main and submenus.
There are 6 main menus:

Device info
Change-wipe position
Lock device

1.3.1 Functions
Rep. last print image
By selecting the jetStamp 1025 sense executes the last executed imprint again.

Clean head
By selecting the jetStamp 1025 (sense) performs the cleaning of the print head.

Notice: Before performing the automatic nozzle cleaning, place a test paper under the device
as a large amount of ink is forced through the nozzles.
For details see under "Maintenance" - "Nozzle cleaning" - "Automatic nozzle cleaning".

Reset numb. machine

By selecting the jetStamp 1025 sense resets the numbering machine.
Log print (print statistics)
By selecting the jetStamp 1025 (sense) prints various device information.

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Sensor check
By selecting , the value is read depending on the connected sensor and displayed on the
jetStamp 1025 (sense).

1.3.2 Wireless (Bluetooth)

Select between "off" (deactivate Bluetooth) or "Bluetooth on" (activate Bluetooth).

For further details on establishing the Bluetooth connection, please refer to the software
application PCset graphic - "Establishing a Bluetooth connection".

1.3.3 Device info

Display important data about the device:

REINER jetStamp 1025 (sense) (model designation)

FW rev. (firmware version)
Ser. no. (serial number)

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Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 13

Counter (imprint counter)

Cartridge (print cartridge)

1.3.4 Change-wipe position

By selecting the print carriage is moved to the cleaning/change position.

Also refer to the software application PCset graphic - Maintenance - Nozzle cleaning "Manual
nozzle cleaning".

Also refer to the software application PCset graphic - Maintenance - "Changing the Print
The print carriage can also be moved to change position/basic position by pressing the
function button for print cartridge .

1.3.5 Lock device

Appears in the menu only when the password 0000 is changed to an individual password.
Also refer to the software application PCset graphic "Device safety".

By selecting the device lock is activated or deactivated by entering a password.

If the device lock is active, no data can be received from the PC.
Unlocking via the PC is not possible.

1.3.6 Settings
Device security
Imprint List
Printer Mode
Operating mode Signals

Button sounds
By selecting the jetStamp 1025 (sense) switches the button sounds on/off.

Warning sounds
By selecting the jetStamp 1025 (sense) switches the acoustic signals on/off in case of

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14 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Error sounds
By selecting the jetStamp 1025 (sense) switches the acoustic signals on/off in case of
device errors. Print

Choose between "Economic", "Normal", "Bold", "Double" (double print), or "Double bold".

Spitt, Heat (spitting, heating)

Choose between "off", "min", "medium", "high", or "max.". In addition, by selecting , "heat
(before print)" is activated / deactivated.

Details for "Decapp" (not closed/sealed):

Decapp is the time when the print cartridge is in the print area waiting for further action
and does not immediately retreat into the seal (to close the print cartridge nozzle ).

The factory preset time varies depending on the print cartridge type.
If required, this "Decapp" time can be set manually from 01-99 seconds by scrolling to
be adjusted to your individual process.
When changing the print cartridge, the factory preset time is detected and adopted depending
on the print cartridge type.

Unnecessarily long decapp times should be avoided to prevent the ink from drying out.

Details for "heat (before print):

This only applies to the quick-drying "MP" inkjet print cartridges (see under Accessories) when
the machine is used at an ambient temperature below 20°C.

Selection between 0 degree and 180 degree rotated print image.

Colour (Invert print colour)

Choose between Inverse (background black) and Normal (background white).

Sequence (print the print images one after the other)

Choose between "off" and "next after imprint". By selecting "next after imprint", the print image
is switched on after each imprint.
Selection between "Normal" and "Zoom 2x".
Selecting "Zoom 2x" doubles the size of the print image to achieve an enlarged display.
Additional accessory XYZ is required for this function, which can be found on our homepage
under the category "Accessories". Device security

Change password
Setting the device password.

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Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 15

By pressing the password is adopted.

All print images on the Micro SD card will be encrypted after entering and activating a password
(password 0000 is not available). The encryption continues to be valid even when installing the
Micro SD card in other devices.

Change admin passw. (Changing the admin password)

Setting the admin password.
By pressing the password is adopted.
After the password has been set, the header of the device display shows the symbol "A". You
are now in admin mode.
Press the ON/OFF button to exit admin mode.

See "Preparation and commissioning" - "Commissioning" - "Setting the admin password if


Lock device after (device lock after certain time)

Setting the time after which the jetStamp 1025 (sense) is locked again. Date-Time

Change date/time (date/time change)

Setting the time of the jetStamp 1025 (sense).

Setting the summer time.
Selection between "No", Europe" or "America". Miscellaneous

Factory Reset (factory settings)

By selecting , the jetStamp 1025 sense is reset to the delivery state.

Selection between "off" or "on".
Selecting records each imprint on the SD card in the file "protfile.txt" (time, print image,
numbering machine 1)

Set hotkey (hotkey settings)

Selection options:
"Not used".
"Repeat last impr".
"Numberer reset"
"180 degree rotation"

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16 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

"Edit imprint"
Print trigger" (print triggering , such as the centre red trigger button )

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Sensor type
Selecting displays different sensor types for selection:

No sensor:
no sensor connected.

A sensor is connected which can scan a barcode.

V24/RS232 M.EQU:
V24 or RS232 devices such as a scale can be connected and transmit data.

See "Preparation and commissioning" - "Commissioning" - "Attaching the sensor adapter". Imprint List

Del. impr? (Delete print image)

By selecting , a selection appears with which the print image to be deleted can be selected. Printer Mode

The printer mode can only be used in conjunction with the corresponding printer driver for all
ERP systems such as Word, Excel, SAP, ERP, labelling software, etc. The required printer
driver is available for download on the REINER website at in the marking device -
Downloads - Software section.

normal - no repeats
The standard printer mode is set by selecting . This means that the print job sent to the
jetStamp 1025 (sense) is automatically deleted after printing.

repeat endless
By selecting , the print job is retained to perform an unlimited number of prints. It is only
removed when it is deleted from the printer queue by the user.

print queue to _SD

By selecting , the entire printer queue (can be several different print images) is temporarily
stored on the SD card. The print images can then be printed later in the sequence sent. The
status bar shows how many print images are still in the queue. Operating mode

The operating mode "Operating mode" is intended for stationary use . The selection of a
specific operating mode depends on the user's requirements and the specific applications of the

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Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 17

jetStamp 1025 (sense).

Normal - head move (Normal print head movement)

By selecting , the jetStamp 1025 (sense) is set for typical mobile use.

Station capping (nozzle cleaning)

By selecting the print head also moves to the sealing station during printing pauses, as in
typical mobile use, and thus protects the print head from drying out. If spitting is set, this also
takes place before printing.

Station-fix (fixed position)

By selecting , the jetStamp 1025 (sense) always remains fixed in a defined print area.
It is possible to enter a speed in the range of +/- 500 millimetres per second (mm/s). The
negative sign (-) stands for the forward movement or the left-hand direction in linear drive inline
operation, while the positive sign (+) stands for the reverse movement or the right-hand

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18 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

1.4 Special functions

Arrow key
Check mark
On/off button
Display keyboard

1.4.1 Arrow key

If there are many print images on the device, press and hold one of the arrow keys or to
move more quickly from print image to print image.

1.4.2 Check mark

By pressing and holding the symbol, this setting is accepted and the device goes from the
menu back to the print image view.

1.4.3 On/off button

By briefly pressing the on/off button the device goes from the menu view to the print image

1.4.4 Display keyboard

Is displayed only if a print image is stored with a placeholder object. This can be recognised
by the fact that the display (see "Display and key functions") displays the symbol.

Pressing the symbol on the jetStamp 1025 (sense) goes to the editing mode of the
placeholder text object.

Edited sample image:

Commands for the 4 push-buttons in editing mode:

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Your jetStamp 1025 / jetStamp 1025 sense 19

With a short press, the Cursor moves vertically downwards on the keyboard.

A long press on the Shift key switches the keyboard to upper case letters and
special characters.

Pressing moves the Cursor to the left or right on the keyboard.

With a short press, the selected button is appended to the text to be edited.

A long press on the Enter key exits the editing mode.

The jetStamp 1025 (sense) gives a short beep and the display shows the edited
print image.

Important commands on the display keyboard:

If the cursor is on this symbol, shortly pressing the " " button moves the cursor
one position to the left and removes the character located there.

If the cursor is on this symbol, shortly pressing the " " button moves the cursor
one position to the right and removes the character located there.

If the cursor is on this symbol, shortly pressing the " " button moves the cursor
through the already-entered text back to the left to edit it again afterwards.

If the cursor is on this symbol, shortly pressing the " " button moves the cursor
through the already-entered text back to the right to edit it again afterwards.

If the cursor is on this symbol, shortly pressing the " " button goes to the next

If the cursor is on this symbol, shortly pressing the " " button enters a space

Additional function on the jetStamp 1025 (sense)in editing mode:

A short press on the function button for the print cartridge displays umlauts and
special characters when the cursor is positioned on the respective vowel.

A long press on the function button for the print cartridge will cause the entire
text to be deleted.

Also see Preparation and commissioning - "Setting the editing on the device.

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20 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

2 Important notes

Before commissioning of the jetStamp 1025 (sense), always read the operating instructions and in
particular the safety notes with care. This prevents insecurities in handling of the marking devices
and connected safety risks to keep you safe and avoid damage to the device.

Rechargeable batteries

Micro SD card


2.1 Rechargeable batteries

The charging of the batteries is electronically controlled. This ensures that the battery cells are
charged optimally and carefully.


Fully charge rechargeable batteries before first application. Duration approx. three hours.

After the first full charge, the batteries do not yet reach full capacity. You must expect that the
normal service times will be undercut.

Reaching full capacity

Full capacity is achieved when the batteries are completely discharged and charged several times.

2.2 Micro SD card

The Micro SD card may only be removed when the device is switched off.
Switching off is only permitted via the ON/OFF button.

2.3 Seal
The seal must be inserted accordingly with the insertion/replacement of the print cartridge or
also replaced. Please observe the brief instructions enclosed with each print cartridge!

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Your safety 21

3 Your safety

Safety, description

Safety notes on rechargeable batteries

Safety notes

Safe handling of print cartridges

3.1 Safety, description

Warnings of dangers that lead to death or severe injury directly if not observed.

Warnings of dangers that may lead to death or severe injury if not observed.

Warnings of dangers that may lead to injury if not observed.

Warnings of dangers that may lead to property damage if not observed.

Observe the operating instructions.

You are asked to perform actions here.

Notes and advice to make handling your jetStamp 1025 (sense) even easier.

Notes on instruction videos.

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22 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

3.2 Safety notes on rechargeable batteries

Rechargeable batteries are subject to wear. A longer service life than six months cannot be

Possible explosion in contact with fire.

Do not forcefully open rechargeable batteries.

Do not expose rechargeable batteries to severe heat
Do not expose rechargeable batteries to extremely low barometric pressures.
Batteries may grow hot in case of defects. Never try to remove any hot batteries from the battery

Injuries resulting from destruction of the battery when using unsuitable rechargeable batteries or non-
rechargeable batteries.

Only use the batteries intended for the device.

Type usage

Use only the enclosed mains adapter to charge the rechargeable batteries.

Only use rechargeable batteries (four each) type nickel metal hydride (REINER item number: 946
192 - 000) of build AA.

Always replace all flat rechargeable batteries at once.

Unauthorised batteries may cause damage or malfunction.

Use only prescribed rechargeable batteries.


Observe polarity of rechargeable batteries when inserting, refer to symbols!

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Your safety 23

3.3 Safety notes

Possible tripping and damage to the device due to device lines lying freely in the room.

Place the device lines so that they do not pose a danger source!

Damage to the device at improper transport.

Only use packaging that provides protection from impact and shock for the device!

Damage to the device by dewing.

Before commissioning, wait until the device has reached room temperature and is completely

Only trained specialists should perform repairs.

3.4 Safe handling of print cartridges

Possible blindness due to eye contact with ink.

= do not point the jetStamp 1025 (sense) nozzles against people's faces!

Damage to health caused by ingestion of ink.

Do not swallow!
Keep the print cartridge out of the reach of children!

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24 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

4 Preparation and commissioning

Only connect the device to the PC after the PCset graphic software has been installed
(refer to "Install PCset graphic software").
With the installation of the PCset graphic software, the required USB drivers are installed. If a
connection is established between the PC and the device, the USB drivers are automatically
detected and loaded. If the device is connected without installing the PCset graphic software,
the installation of the device drivers fails.


Execute test print

Edit placeholder text on the device

Saved print images

Activate Bluetooth

Install PCset graphic software

Firmware update

4.1 Commissioning

Find a clip on our homepage or on youtube.

The device may only be switched off via the ON/OFF button .
Switching off by removing the rechargeable battery can lead to data loss.

The menu selection on the device is in English only (see "Main menu").

Rechargeable batteries

Seal and pressure cartridge

Attaching sensor adapter

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Preparation and commissioning 25

4.1.1 Rechargeable batteries

The batteries must be fully charged before first application. The charging time is
approx. three hours. The batteries are charged when the green charging indicator is

Inserting rechargeable batteries

Charging rechargeable batteries Inserting rechargeable batteries

Insert rechargeable batteries Fig. + +

Always replace all flat rechargeable batteries at once.

When the batteries are removed, the date, time and counter reading of the numbering machines are

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26 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Open flap for battery and print cartridge compartment .

Push the battery compartment locking upwards until the locking can be opened.
Open battery compartment .
Ensure correct polarity and insert batteries.
Close battery compartment .
Close flap for battery and print cartridge compartment . Charging rechargeable batteries

Charge rechargeable batteries Fig.

The power socket must be easily accessible for the mains adapter. To disconnect the device
completely from the mains, the mains adapter must be unplugged from the power socket.

Connect the mains adapter of the device to the connection socket provided for the mains adapter
and connect it to the mains.
Green charging indicator lights up.
Charging is complete when the charging indicator is off.

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Preparation and commissioning 27

4.1.2 Seal and pressure cartridge

The seal and pressure cartridge are shipped separately from the device - follow the instructions

Insert the seal

Inserting the print cartridge Insert the seal

Insert seal Fig. +

Different seals are required depending on the type of ink used

(also see "Replace seal").

Always use the seal of the associated print cartridge – be sure to replace the seal with new print

Place the device on a solid surface and switch it on using the ON/OFF key switch on.
The operating status LED lights up green.
Press function button for print cartridge .
Print carriage moves to the right into the cleaning/change position.
Remove the seal from the packaging and install it in the device, holding the retaining clip of the
seal in the process. (see operating instructions for the print cartridge P5).
Insert seal tip into the notch.
Press the seal slightly down until it snaps into place in the holder. Inserting the print cartridge

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28 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Damage to health caused by ingestion of ink.

Insert print cartridge Fig. + + +

Switch on the device via the ON/OFF button .

The operating status LED lights up green.
Press function button for print cartridge .
Print carriage moves to the right into the cleaning/change position.
Open flap for battery and print cartridge compartment .
Push the print cartridge locking slightly upwards and open it.
Remove the print cartridge from the package and remove the reusable clip and store them
(see operating instructions for the print cartridge P5).
Place the device on a firm surface.
Hold print cartridge locking red .
Insert the print cartridge into the print carriage at angle, as shown in the figure .
Make sure it slides all the way down. To do this, press the nose of the print cartridge until
the print cartridge is straight.

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Preparation and commissioning 29

Close the print cartridge locking .

Close flap for battery and print cartridge compartment .
Press function button for print cartridge .
The print carriage returns to the basic position.

The cleaning/change position can also be selected via the display menu.

In the basic position, the seal prevents the ink from drying out
(see Clean nozzles)

4.1.3 Attaching sensor adapter

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Attaching sensor adapter Fig.

Firmly attach/press the sensor adapter to the sensor socket of the device.

See in the device settings under "Miscellaneous" - "Sensor type".

4.2 Adjust date and time if necessary

See the device settings, under "Date-Time".

press and scroll until the display shows "Settings".

The menu "Settings" menu appears.

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30 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

scroll to "Date-time" and press

The menu "Change date/time" and "Summertime" appears.
Select the menu "Change date/time" .


Change date/time

dd MM yyyy HH mm
The cursor " p" indicates the current editing position.
To set the day "dd", press and confirm with
To set the month "MM", press and confirm with
To set the year "yyyy", press and confirm with
To set the hours "HH", press and confirm with
To set the minutes "mm", press and confirm with
In order to get to the next menu item, press .
The menu "Change date/time" and "Summertime" appears.
In order to get right to the next menu item, press u.
– OR –
To exit the menu, press four times.
The print image selected in the menu appears.

4.3 Set summertime (summertime interval) if required

See the device settings, under "Settings" - "Date-Time" "Summertime".

press and scroll until the display shows "Settings".

The menu "Settings" menu appears.
scroll to "Date-time" and press
The menu "Change date/time" and "Summertime" appears.
Select the menu "Summertime" .
Select the desired setting :
"No", Europe" or "America"
To go to the next menu item, press .
The menu "Change date/time" and "Summertime" appears.

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Preparation and commissioning 31

In order to get right to the next menu item, press u.

– OR –
To exit from the menu, press fourtimes.
The print image selected in the menu appears.

4.4 Execute test print

Possible blindness due to eye contact with ink.

Execute test print Fig.

The jetStamp 1025 (sense) is delivered with several pre-programmed sample print images.

Switch on the device via the ON/OFF button .

The operating status LED lights up green.
Place the device on a flat surface to be printed.
Press any trigger button .
The print image selected in the menu is printed.

4.5 Edit objects on the device

You can tell whether a print image is stored with a placeholder for text or a numbering machine
object by the fact that the display (see "Display and key functions") displays the symbol.
The area for a placeholder text in the display is also shown with a grey background.

Edit objects on the device Fig.

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32 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Switch on the device via the ON/OFF button , if it has not already been switched on.
The operating status LED lights up green.

To activate the placeholder, press the button on the jetStamp 1025 (sense) display .
The system now switches to the editing mode.
Depending on the placeholder type, the display shows either the display keyboard for text
input or for editing the numbering machine.
If there are several placeholders in a print image, a list is displayed to select which placeholder
is to be edited.

Example: Display keyboard for text input Example: Editing of the numbering machine:

For more information on the key functions, see "Special functions - Display keyboard"

In this example, the text "write text" is edited instead of the placeholder.
Also see in the software application PCset graphic under "Objects settings - Placeholder Text".

In this picture, the button "t" is the selected button (cursor position) on the keypad.
Enter the desired text by taking the key functions "Special functions - Display keyboard" into
To update the display, briefly press the ON/OFF button on the device.
Place the device on a flat surface to be printed.
Press any trigger button .

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Preparation and commissioning 33

The print image selected in the menu is printed.

4.6 Saved print images

All transferred print images are stored on the micro SD card.

The number of print images to be stored is limited to 255.

The number of the set print image is shown at the top of the display
Ex. 001/015 - number of active print image / number of saved print images.

4.7 Activate Bluetooth

Bluetooth cannot be activated while an USB connection is active.

If Bluetooth is active the battery runtime reduces since Bluetooth is active in

standby mode as well.

To, press the Home button, select Bluetooth on display in the menu -
Bluetooth -
Select Activate Bluetooth
To establish the Bluetooth connection with the device, follow the instructions
"Establish Bluetooth connection".

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34 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

4.8 Install PCset graphic software

The installation must be carried out on a commercially available local PC.
A virtualised PC or thin client is not suitable.

The local time CET/Central European Time is preset at delivery of the device.
Once the device is connected to a PC with the PCset graphic software and a print image is then
transferred to the device, the device adopts the local time (see "Transferring a print image to the
jetStamp 1025 (sense)").

System requirements

Installing the software

4.8.1 System requirements

Supported REINER devices

- jetStamp graphic 970

- jetStamp graphic 1025
- jetStamp graphic 1025 sense
- REINER 940


- Graphics adapter with a min. resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels

- Memory 32 MB min.
- 200 MB free hard disk space
- 1 free USB interface or Bluetooth

Supported operating systems

- Windows 7, Windows 7 64 Bit, Windows 8, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 Bit,
Windows 11

4.8.2 Installing the software

Administrator rights on the PC are required for the installation.

Plug the USB stick supplied with the device into the USB port of your PC.
If the installation program does not start automatically, start the file
Follow the instructions of the installation program.

You can also download the software on our homepage in the products area jetStamp 1025 sense
by clicking Downloads - Software PCset graphic.

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Preparation and commissioning 35

4.9 Firmware update

The most current firmware for the jetStamp 1025 (sense) is available for download from
in the section "Download - Software".

Uploading print images that were not saved on the PC (see "File").
Ensure that the PCset graphic is installed on your PC but not opened before the firmware
update is started. While the firmware update is being installed, the jetStamp 1025 (sense) must
not be switched off or removed from the supply voltage.

Connect the mains socket to the supply voltage via the mains adapter.
Connect the micro USB socket to the PC via the USB cable.
To turn on the device, press the ON/OFF button .
The operating status LED lights up green.
Unpack "Firmware update" and start "jetStamp1025_Firmware_xxxx.exe". The firmware
is installed automatically. After a successful firmware update, the PCset graphic can be opened

4.10 Setting the admin password if required

See in the device settings under "Change admin passw. (Changing the admin password)".

The abbreviation "admin" stands for "administrator" and means that you, as the administrator of the
device, only allow the user limited access to the device menu.

If an admin password is set, this protects the device from changes to the settings and the user only
has access to the following menus:
- "Functions" and
- "Change-wipe position"

To access the "Settings" menu, the admin password must be entered. The other menus in the "Main
menu" do not appear on the device display at all.

press and scroll until the display shows "Settings".

The menu "Settings" menu appears.
scroll to "Change admin passw." and press to select.


new admin passworde

The cursor " " indicates the current editing position.
To move to the next position, press .

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36 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

The password must have 4 characters.

The following characters can be used: 0-9.
Assign a password with the buttons.

To return to the previous menu item "Device security", press .

Menu "Change password", "Change admin passw." and "Lock device after" appears.
– OR –
To exit the menu, press four times.
The print image selected in the menu appears and the header shows the symbol "A".
The symbol "A" means that you are in admin mode.
Press the ON/OFF button to exit admin mode.

Before passing the device on to the user, make sure that you are no longer in admin mode. The
symbol "A" must not be shown in the display.

By entering the password 0000 the password is reset.

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The PCset graphic software application 37

5 The PCset graphic software application

Get jetStamp 1025 (sense) ready for PCset graphic

Starting the software

Operator interface

Establishing Bluetooth connection

Example workflow: Generating the print image

Objects settings

External print triggering

Supported REINER devices

- jetStamp 1025
- jetStamp 1025 sense
- jetStamp graphic 970
- REINER 940

5.1 Get jetStamp 1025 ready for PCset graphic

Get jetStamp 1025 (sense) ready for PCset graphic Fig. +

The PCset graphic software must first be installed so that the device can be recognised
correctly by the PC.

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38 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Connect the micro USB socket to the PC via the USB cable.
To turn on the device, press the ON/OFF button .
The operating status LED lights up green.
The PC recognises the jetStamp 1025 (sense) as a new USB device.
The device driver software is installed automatically.

5.2 Starting the software

Double-click the REINER PCset graphic icon .

The PCset graphic software is started.

5.3 Operating interface

The operating interface is divided into four sections:

Menu bar with both Windows typical and PCset graphic specific functions
Section for the design of the print image
Bar with various status indications.

Menu bar Transfer process

Toolbar Device messages
Print image Imprint numbers
Status indicators Device security
Cursor position Connection
Object position [object size] Ink level indicator

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The PCset graphic software application 39

Online/offline (connected device with serial Charge indicator


5.3.1 Menu bar

In addition to th4e functions in the tool bar , you can find a menu bar in the REINER PCset

In the menu bar you will find both common, self-explanatory standard commands as well as
PCset graphic-specific menu commands. The latter can usually also be called via the toolbar







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40 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense File

Function Description
New Reset the display. Delete the displayed draft.
Open File selection menu for loading previously saved print images.
Save Save the displayed print image as XML file.
Save as The dialogue for saving the print images appears.
Device settings - Font Configure font.
Device settings Configure the print settings, signals, and functions.
Multiple print image transfer Multiple print images are transferred to the device.
Print image management The print image management of the jetStamp 1025 makes it
(transfer/upload) possible to send new print images to the device. Existing print
images can be deleted or uploaded to the PCset graphic software
for editing. After editing, the modified print images can be
transferred back to the jetStamp 1025. See "Example workflow:
Generate print image - Print image management (transfer/upload)"
Search for REINER Bluetooth Searches for REINER Bluetooth devices. This function is only
devices available if there is no USB connection.
Last opened Displays the last opened print images.
Exit Exits the PCset graphic. Edit

Function Description
Undo The last actions performed are undone.

Delete Deletes selected objects.

Copy Load selected content to the clipboard.
Paste Paste content from the clipboard.
Cut Delete selected contents and load them to the clipboard. View

Function Description
Grid Set grid.
Zoom 50%, 100%, and 200%
Display lock in toolbar Show or hide device security button.
REINER 940 Operating interface REINER 940 appears.

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The PCset graphic software application 41

jetStamp graphic 970 Operating interface jetStamp graphic 970 appears

jetStamp 1025 Operating interface jetStamp 1025 appears. Presettings

Function Description
Text Settings for text objects can be configured.
Date/Time Settings for date/time objects can be configured.
Numbering machine Settings for numbering machine objects can be configured.
Barcode Settings for barcode objects can be configured.
Placeholder text Settings for placeholder text objects can be positioned.

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Sensor Settings for sensor objects can be configured. Depending on the
model type. Extras

Function Description
Device security The device security locks the print and protects the print data from
Set password, lock device, unlock device
SF module Service and maintenance module for REINER. Help

Function Description
Help Help with detailed configuration instructions and the operating
instructions in electronic form.
Feedback Please take a few moments to give us your feedback. As a
thank you, we regularly raffle off great prizes among all
Updates Shows whether your PCset graphic software and your jetStamp
1025 (sense) are up to date.
To update, click on the link displayed.
Info Release notes for the software.
If the jetStamp 1025 (sense) is connected, information on
model, serial number, firmware version and device options are
also displayed.

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42 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

5.3.2 Toolbar

Toolbar Menu command Description

New Reset the display. Delete the displayed draft.

Font Displays the font.

Open File selection menu for loading previously saved print images.

Save Save the displayed print image as an RPSG file.

Grid Activates the grid for aligning objects.

Selection Rectangle for selecting objects or for editing the graphic in

the print area.

Device security The device security may be set (refer to "Device safety").
The "View" tab allows you to show or hide the device
security button by clicking on "Display lock in toolbar".
Device settings Displays the device settings.

Transfer see Print image management (transfer/upload). Grid

The print area is divided into the selected raster size.

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The PCset graphic software application 43


Grid/ruler/mouse position/object size are displayed in the selected unit.

Unit Description
mm Ruler is subdivided into mm.
inch Ruler is subdivided into inch.
Pixels Ruler is subdivided into pixels. Selection

Activate "Selection".
Hold down the left mouse button and draw a selection frame above the desired
Release left mouse button.
All objects and backgrounds contained in the frame are selected and can be cut, copied or

5.3.3 Objects

Print images are composed of objects from the object groups described below.
Objects can be placed freely using drag & drop (see "Example Workflow: Generate Print Image").

The format of each object group can be configured individually. Menus for format settings are
opened by right-clicking on the respective object or in the "Presettings" tab in the menu bar.

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44 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Toolbar Command Description

Text Enter the desired text at the cursor position. The font and font
style depend on the text format you have selected.
A double-click on the text terminates the text input mode.
Press Ctrl+Enter to jump to the next line.
Text can also be pasted via the Windows clipboard.
The font size is automatically adjusted to the grid height when
the grid is enabled.
Date/Time Font, font style, font size and the format can be set individually
(see "Presettings”).

Numbering The numbering machine is used for sequential numbering.

machine Starting value, step, and count direction, as well as font, font
style and font size can be set (refer to "Presettings").

Barcode Various barcode formats are available in the format settings

(refer to "Presettings").

Placeholder text Creates fields for placeholder texts to ensure that font size and
positioning of texts can be maintained (see "Configure print
image with placeholder text").

After the print image is transferred to the jetStamp 1025

(sense), the configuration of the text is done exclusively on the
device (see "Edit objects on the device").
- Or -
Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:
The print text is generated by the sensor, e.g. Sensor Barcode
1D/2D, if this is used. You can find the entire range of
accessories on our website - just click here.
Graphic After inserting a graphic object, a file selection window opens.
Select the desired graphic and confirm with "Open".

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Sensor After inserting a sensor object, a placeholder with the

characters "----" is inserted. Font, font style, font size and
format can be set individually. (see "Font" and "Presettings").

5.3.4 Device security

Device security

Unlock device

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The PCset graphic software application 45

Lock device Device security

The device security locks the print and protects the print data from misuse.

The device safety can be set in the menu bar by clicking the tab "Extras Device safety" or
in the toolbar via the buttons / / .

Three functions can be selected:

1. Device safety is deactivated.

2. Device safety is activated.
Print images cannot be transmitted and printed without entering a password.
3. Device safety is activated.
Print images can be transmitted and printed without entering a password.

Set password

Disable password protection

Forgotten password

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46 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense Set passw ord

"Set password" activates device safety and protects the print data from misuse.

To activate the device security , select the "Extras" tab in the menu bar
and use "Device safety Set password" or go to the toolbar and click the button .
Enter a password.
Repeat the password.

The password must have 4 characters.

The following characters can be used: 0-9.

To activate the device safety, click on the "Set password" button.

In the toolbar the symbol changes from to and in the status indicator appears
the symbol . Disable passw ord protection

"Deactivate password protection" deactivates device safety.

To ensure the safety of the device deactivate in the menu bar the tabSelect "Extras" and
"Device safety Click on Set password".
Click on "Deactivate password protection".
In the toolbar the symbol changes from to .

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The PCset graphic software application 47 Forgotten passw ord

When resetting the password, the jetStamp 1025 (sense) is reset to the factory setting. All
saved print images are deleted.

The password can only be reset when the jetStamp 1025 (sense) has no device error.

If the set password has been forgotten, it can be reset as follows:

Simultaneously press the two middle menu buttons (refer to chapter 1.2 (D)) and the trigger
button for approx. 10 seconds.
When the password is reset, a warning signal is emitted. Unlock device

Print images can be transmitted and printed without entering a password.

To unlock the device, select the "Extras" tab in the menu bar and
click "Device safety Unlock device" or the button .
- OR -
directly on the device in the "Settings" menu.
Enter password and click "Unlock".
In the status indicator and in the toolbar the symbol changes from to . Lock device

Print images cannot be transmitted and printed without entering a password.

To lock the device again, select the "Extras" tab in the menu bar and
click "Device safety Lock device".
- OR -
Click on the button .
- OR -
Switch the device off and on

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48 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

In the status indicator and in the toolbar the symbol changes from to .

5.3.5 Device settings

The device settings are available as soon as a connection has been established between the
jetStamp 1025 (sense) and the PC. Alternatively, they can also be changed directly via the
display menu "Settings" on the device.

Click on the symbol.

The device settings are opened.

Print settings
Sealing station Print settings

Function print intensity Description

Normal Normal ink consumption.
Economical Reduction of ink consumption.
Bold The imprint is printed in bold. Increased ink consumption.
Double It is printed twice with Normal intensity. Increased ink
Double bold Printing twice with intensity bold. Attention increased ink

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The PCset graphic software application 49

Flushing function Description

Off The flushing function is switched off.
Min Flushing is set to minimum.
Medium Flushing is set to medium.
High Flushing is set to high.
Max Flushing is set to maximum.

Before each imprint, the nozzles are flushed to different degrees depending on the selected

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50 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Function alignment Description

0° rotated

180° rotated

The 180° rotation is not displayed in the PCset.

The device takes the setting into account when printing.

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The PCset graphic software application 51 Signals

Activation or deactivation of acoustic signals for various events

(refer to "Correctable error messages"). Sealing station

Function sealing station Description

Without sealing station The print cartridge never moves onto the seal.
Standard time until the recognised print The print cartridge moves back into the sealing station
cartridge moves into the sealing station after a specific time, depending on cartridge type.
Time after the print cartridge enters the Depending on the time set, the print cartridge moves
capping station back onto the seal after a printing process.

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52 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

5.3.6 Status indicators

Function Description Note

Transfer process Indicates the progress of the
transfer process of the print

Imprint numbers

005/... Shows the currently

chosen print image and

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The PCset graphic software application 53

.../010 how many other print

images are stored on the device

Device security Protects print data from misuse The device security status
depends on the status in which
the device is.
Device security is activated Print images cannot be
transferred and printed without
entering a password.
Device security is deactivated Print images can be transferred
and printed without entering a

Connection Indicates whether the

connection is established via
USB or Bluetooth
Connection is established via
Connection is established via

Ink level indicator Indicates the fill level of the print

cartridge in %

Charge indicator Indicates the charge state of the

Battery is full

Battery is charging

Battery is empty

Cursor position Displays the position in the print The unit of measurement depends
line on the unit set under Grid.
Object position [object size] Position and size of the
active/selected object

Online USB (S/N) Device (with serial number) is

connected via the USB cable

Online Bluetooth (S/N) Device (with serial number) is

connected via Bluetooth

Offline - Device not switched on

- USB cable not plugged in
- Rechargeable battery empty

Device messages Here you will find notes for


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54 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

5.3.7 Device messages

Device messages in the status indicator.

General warnings

Warnings Cause Correction

Please charge or replace the Battery capacity almost empty Charge battery
Please check the imprint Print cartridge almost empty Insert new print cartridge

Please insert a new print Print cartridge almost empty Insert new print cartridge

Warnings for which an imprint is no longer possible

Warnings Cause Correction

Please insert print cartridge No or defective print cartridge. Inserting the print cartridge
Incorrect print cartridge.
Please remove and re-insert Print cartridge not inserted Insert print cartridge
print cartridge correctly. correctly

Please recharge battery Rechargeable battery empty. Charge battery

No battery/defective battery. Inserting/replacing the

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The PCset graphic software application 55

Print carriage movement Print carriage jammed or Remove obstacles in the

blocked moving stiffly. print area or clean the guide of
the print carriage.
Last transfer was interrupted. Defective connection. Transfer print images again
Device was turned off during
Device is locked. Please Data transfer to a locked device. Unlock the device by entering
unlock device a password.
Please insert the micro SD Read/write error of the micro SD
card again card.
Please insert the micro SD Error accessing micro SD card.
card again
Print image not released The print image on the micro SD Change device password or
(password), or invalid print card was encrypted with a different delete print images from micro
image password than the one set in the SD card.

The print image is invalid because

the device was switched off during
Please delete invalid files on The print image on the micro SD Delete the print image on the
micro SD card card has an invalid file name. micro SD card.
Please insert the micro SD Connection error with the micro SD
card again card.
Please insert the micro SD Micro SD card not available.
Device error xxx Device error Disconnect the device from
the power supply for approx. 3
seconds (also batteries and
USB connection).
If the error remains after
activation, have the device
inspected by the REINER

Warnings displayed in a message box

Warnings Cause Correction

Transfer error Device defective or missing Check device/connections
connection. and try again

Error in barcode generation Too few characters entered. 7 characters required

12 characters required

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56 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Note update

Note Details
This dialogue is automatically
displayed if a newer PCset
graphic version is available.
This dialogue is also displayed
if the connected device is not
on the latest firmware version.

The "New version" internet link

leads to the REINER website
where you can download the
latest version.

5.4 Enable print image preview in Windows Explorer

The Windows Explorer offers the possibility to preview files.
The following illustrations show how the preview can be switched on:

Figure 1 Print image preview in Windows Explorer

Figure 2 Print image preview in the Open dialogue

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The PCset graphic software application 57

5.5 Establishing Bluetooth connection

To establish a Bluetooth connection, Bluetooth must be activated on the device

(see "Activate Bluetooth").
Open PCset graphic.
In the menu bar select the "File" tab and click "Search for REINER Bluetooth
An automatic search is started.
All available devices, as well as all devices that have already been coupled to the PC/PCset
graphic, are displayed with model and serial number.

If the jetStamp 1025 (sense) is not found, a new search run can be started with the "Search
again" button.

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58 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

To establish the Bluetooth connection, select the corresponding device in the list and click
A pop-up menu "Connection via Bluetooth device" opens in the Windows status bar.

After a short time, the jetStamp 1025 will be connected to the PCset graphic.

The connected device is saved as a permanent connection so that the PCset graphic always
connects to this device as soon as it is available.

To cancel the permanent connection, click the "Delete pre-set device" button in the Bluetooth
dialogue or establish a connection with another device.

5.6 Example workflow: Generating the print image

When you load your own print images, the print images stored in the device will be shifted. The
factory pre-installed print images can be uploaded to the software in advance and saved as
RPSG files ("Menu commands Toolbar").

Configuring the print image

Transferring the print image to jetStamp 1025 (sense)

Printing the print image

Number of imprints

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The PCset graphic software application 59

Configure print image with placeholder text

5.6.1 Configuring the print image

Insert text and date/time

In order to create a text object, left-click the Text symbol in

Drag line 1 (print image 1) and release at the desired position.
Write the desired text into the text field.
To place the text object, double-click in the text field.
In order to create a date/time object, left-click the
Date/time symbol in line 1 (print image 1).
Release at desired position.

For more commands and objects see "Toolbar" and "Objects".

5.6.2 Print image management (transfer/upload)

Open PCset graphic, if not already done.
In the menu bar select the "File" tab and click on "Print image management
An overview of the print images on the device is displayed:

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60 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Function Description
File name In this example, the current print image has the name
"Document". This can be overwritten and renamed if
Upload Upload the selected print image to the PC.
Delete Delete the selected print image.
New print image A new print image is created. New print images are
always appended to the end of the existing print
Transfer to position xxx: The current print image is transferred to the chosen
position xxx. (xxx stands for the imprint number. See in
the "Operating interface" item ).

5.6.3 Transferring the print image to jetStamp 1025 (sense)

Click on the transfer icon .

- OR -

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The PCset graphic software application 61

In the menu bar select the "File" tab and click on "Print image management

Here in the print image management, an existing print image can now be overwritten or a new
one created.
For more detailed descriptions, see "Print image management (transfer/upload)".

After the data transfer, the print image appears on the display of the jetStamp 1025 (sense)
within a few seconds. The print image is now saved and can be printed.
For more information, see "Print the print image".

The transfer of the data is briefly displayed in the status indicator as transfer process .

5.6.4 Printing the print image

Possible blindness due to eye contact with ink.

Print the print image Fig.

Switch on the device via the ON/OFF button .

The operating status LED lights up green.
Place the device on a surface to be printed.
Press any trigger button .
The print image shown on the display is printed.

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62 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

5.6.5 Number of imprints

The number of possible imprints with a full print cartridge is displayed by positioning the mouse
pointer on the print image number.

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The PCset graphic software application 63

5.6.6 Configure print image with placeholder text

A maximum of one variable text object can be inserted per print image!

Insert placeholder text

To create a field a for placeholder text object, click and drag the Placeholder text symbol
with the left mouse button to the desired position, then release.
The text to be printed here can later be printed directly on the jetStamp 1025 (sense) with the
button, see "Edit objects on the device".

For more commands and objects see "Toolbar" and "Objects".

5.7 Objects settings

The settings of the objects can also be selected in the menu bar by clicking the
"Presettings" tab or via the context menu.

The active object is framed in red in the print area.

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64 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense



Numbering machine


Placeholder text



5.7.1 Text

Creates text fields.

The object can be positioned exactly by using the grid.

If the grid is enabled, the font size is adjusted.

Example: If a grid of 40 pixels is set, the text object has a height of 40 pixels.


Context menu text object

Generate graphic

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The PCset graphic software application 65 Presettings

Changed presettings apply to all future text objects.

In the menu bar select the "Presettings" tab and click "Text".
The configuration window for texts appears.

The configuration window for "Texts" is divided into four sections:

- Font
- Font style
- Font size
- Script

Presettings text

Function Description
Font Selection of the possible fonts.
Font style Selection of the desired font style
(standard, bold, italic or bold italic).
Font size Select or enter the font size in points.
Script Displays a list of available language scripts for the specified font. Context menu text object

If a text object is inserted ("Objects"), the configuration corresponds to the default settings
(refer to "Presettings"). Each text object can be changed individually via the context menu.

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66 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

To open the context menu, right-click the desired text object.

The context menu opens as in the following figure:

Function Description
Undo Undo the input.
Cut Cuts out the selected area.
Copy Copies the selected area.
Paste If there is a text in the clipboard, it will be pasted.
Delete Deletes the selected area.
Select all Selects the complete text.
Text format To change the font/font style/font size.
Generate graphic Converts the text to a graphic and fixes it at the current position.
Note: the text cannot be edited anymore after conversion.
Delete object Deletes the object.

Press Ctrl+Enter to jump to the next line.

Enter or double-click fixes the object, which then can no longer be edited.

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The PCset graphic software application 67

Inactive object

Function Description
Copy Copies the object.
Edit Object becomes active and can be edited.
Generate graphic Converts the text to a graphic.
Note: the text cannot be edited anymore after conversion.
Delete object Deletes the object. Generate graphic

Text and barcode objects can be converted into graphics. Graphics are fixed and can no longer
be moved. Limited editing is possible via the additional function "Selection".

Click the object with the right mouse button.

Select "Generate graphic".
The object has been converted to a graphic.

5.7.2 Date/Time

Font, font style, font size and format can be set.

The date/time format can be globally pre-set.
Additionally, deviating settings can be performed for every single date/clock time object
("Context menu date/clock time object").

A maximum of five date/time objects can be placed.


Context menu date/time object

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68 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense Presettings

Changed presettings apply to all future date/time objects.

In the menu bar select the "Presettings" tab and click "Date/time".
The configuration window for date and time appears.

Tab date and time

Font Tab date and time

Function Description
Predefined date and time List of preconfigured formats.
formats Selection by clicking.
User-defined date and time Shows the selected format in the draft view.
formats: The format can be manually configured.
One abbreviation of a category each from the following table
"Format abbreviation" can be used once.
Additional characters (also spaces) are inserted by being included
in simple apostrophes (').
For verification purposes, whether or not the entered format is
"OK" is displayed above the input field.
Preview Preview of the selected format with the current system date.

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The PCset graphic software application 69

Time offset The configuration of an offset for date and time can be used, for
example, to automatically calculate expiration dates.
Enter or select offset, refer to example.

Example for time offset:

Inactive offset:

Example: for a shelf life of 1 year, the entry is made with +0365:

The set values are added to the current system date. The result appears under the Current function.

Format abbreviation

Function Description
dd Day of the month with two figures (01 to 31)
ddd Calendar day with three figures (001 to 365)
Example: 28 May 2019 = 148.2019
MM Month of the year with two figures (01 to 12)
MMM Abbreviation for the month (up to 4 characters)
yy The last two figures of the year (00 to 99)
yyyy Complete year (0000 to 9999)
HH Hour with two figures (00 to 23)

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70 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

hh Hour with two figures (01 to 12)

mm Minutes with two figures (00 to 59)
ss Seconds with two figures (00 to 59)
t One character for twelve-hour format with the letters A or P
tt Two characters for twelve-hour format with the letters AM or PM
cc Calendar week with two digits (01 to 53)
w Day of the week with one digit (1-7)
1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, ....7 = Sunday Font

With "Font 1" and "Font 2", fonts can be stored for the objects date/time, numbering machine,
and sensor.

Changed fonts affect all future objects.

In the menu bar select the "File" tab and click on "Device settings Font".
The font configuration window appears. Or configurable in the toolbar via the button .

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The PCset graphic software application 71

Month abbreviations can be adjusted individually. Context menu date/time object

If a date/time object is inserted ("Objects"), the configuration corresponds to the

default settings ("Presettings"). Each date/time object can be changed individually via the context

To open the context menu, right-click the desired

date/time object.
The context menu opens as in the following figure:

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72 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Function Description
Copy Copies the object.
Date/time format Opens the configuration window for date and time for the selected
date/time object.
Delete object Deletes the object.
Turning Rotates the object to 3 different positions:
Rotate clockwise by 90°, anti-clockwise by 90° or by 180°.

5.7.3 Numbering machine

The numbering machine is used for sequential numbering.

Starting value, repetitions, step and step direction, as well as font, font style and font size
can be set. The numbering machines format can be pre-set.
Additionally, deviating settings can be performed for every single numbering machine object
("Context menu numbering machine object").

A maximum of five numbering machine objects can be placed.

The numbering machine status of a numbering machine is incremented after each imprint
according to the set step, repetitions and counting direction.

Note: The following configuration can produce nonsensical print images:

- Print sequence "Print lines in sequences"
- Numbering machines linked to each other, each with different repetitions


Context menu numbering machine object Presettings

Changed presettings apply to all future numbering machine objects.

In the menu bar select the "Presettings" tab and click "Numbering machine".
The configuration window for numbering machines appears.

The configuration window for numbering machines is divided into three sections:

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The PCset graphic software application 73

- Settings
- Number circle
- Font


Number circle

Font Settings

Function Description
Step Indicates the interval at which the numbering machine counts on
(e.g. 1,4,7... in steps of 3).
Repetitions Indicates the number of repetitions of a print image. If, e.g., the
value 3 is set, the numbering machine remains on the same
number for three imprints before it counts on.
The repeat factor can be set from 0 to 99.

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74 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

The numbering machine switches on at the value 0.

Counting direction backwards The numbering machine can count forwards (e.g. 10,11,12,...) or
backwards (e.g. 10,9,8...).
Pre Zeros Leading zeros can be suppressed or printed (e.g. 5 or 0000005).
The number of printed figures depends on the maximums value set
at "number circle". Number circle

The number circle defines the value range in which a numbering machine counts.

When the maximum or minimum value is reached (for upwards or downwards

counting numbering machine), the count is continued at the respective other end of the scale.

Function Description
Minimum This value marks the lower limit of the number circle.
Maximum This value marks the upper limit of the number circle.
Numbering machine status The current counter reading can be set within the defined value

The settings current numbering machine status can also be made

on the device after transmission (see "Edit numberer"). Font

With "Font 1" and "Font 2", fonts can be stored for the objects date/time and numbering

Changed fonts affect all future objects.

In the menu bar select the "File" tab and click on "Device settings - Font".
The font configuration window appears.

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The PCset graphic software application 75

Month abbreviations can be adjusted individually. Context menu numbering machine object

If a numbering machine object is inserted ("Objects"), the configuration corresponds to the default
settings ("Presettings"). Each numbering machine object can be changed individually via the context

To open the context menu, right-click the desired numbering machine object.
The context menu opens as in the following figure:

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76 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Function Description
Numbering machine The number of the selected numbering machine object (1-5) is
Link to number circle Each numbering machine (1-5) is first linked to a separate number
circle (1-5).
If several numbering machine objects are placed, the numbering
machine selected can be linked to the number circle of another
numbering machine. The dedicated number circle is rendered
inactive by this.
The link is used to synchronise the counter reading of different
numbering machines.
Each printing system of a linked numbering machine updates the
counter reading of the shared number circle.
Copy Copies the object.
Numbering machine format Opens the numbering machine configuration window for the
selected numbering machine.
The numbering machine range can also be set deviating from each
other for numbering machines that are linked to a shared number
Settings for the number circle can only be made here when the
selected numbering machine is linked to the dedicated number
Delete object Deletes the object.
Turning Rotates the object to 3 different positions:
Rotate clockwise by 90°, anti-clockwise by 90° or by 180°.

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The PCset graphic software application 77

5.7.4 Barcode

The PCset graphic can be used to generate different barcode formats.

Barcode type, character sequence, parameters and barcode size can be set.
The barcode object format can be globally pre-set.


Sequential numbering/dating

Context menu barcode object

Generate graphic Presettings

Global presettings can be set in the menu bar via the "Presettings Barcode" tab.
- OR -
Settings of already-inserted barcode objects can be called via the right mouse button "Barcode
The configuration window for barcode appears.

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78 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

The barcode window is divided into three sections:


Function Description
Type The desired barcode types can be selected from the dropdown

Barcode types with the addition "(pt)", such as "Code 128/GS1-

128 (pT)" in the sample image, represent barcode formats in
which a placeholder object (PT, date/time or numbering machine)
can be inserted.

To do this, the placeholder text symbol for example must

be dragged and dropped into the "Character sequence" field. The
following appearance can then be seen:

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The PCset graphic software application 79

The text to be printed here can later be printed directly on the

jetStamp 1025 (sense) with the button, see "Edit objects on
the device".
Character sequence The desired character sequence can be entered.
Plain text preview Indicates the character sequence without control characters.


Function Description
Display plain text Inserts plain text below the barcode. The plain text is the
character sequence that has been entered into the barcode
Display check digit Indicates the check figure additionally in plain text. To be able to
use this option, the Display plain text field must be activated.
The check figure is the last figure or position of the barcode
Safety levels Improves the decoding and reduces reading errors.
Start character and Start and stop characters from A - D for the barcode type
Stop characters Codabar.

Start character from A - C for barcode type Code 128 (pT).

- A = contains digits, capital letters, special characters, and
ASCII control characters.

- B = contains digits and all upper and lower case letters, as

well as special characters and shift characters.

- C = contains digits only and is better compressed. This variant

is particularly recommended if only digits are used, as this
reduces the barcode file size.
GS1-128 (FNC1) Supported barcode types for GS1 functionality include Code 128,
QR and Datamatrix.
Inserts the standardised special character for a GS1
identification. The characters entered must comply with the GS1
standard when ticked.
Example contents are item number, serial number, best before
date, weight, size, etc.

Barcode size

Function Description
Height (mm) Barcode height.
From 1 - 26 mm without plain text display.
From 3.6 - 26 mm with plain text display.

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80 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Module height Height of the narrowest element in pixels (stroke or gap).

Only for 2D barcodes.
Module width (pixels) Width of the narrowest element in pixels (stroke or gap).
The ratio of module height to module width is always the same.

The module height and width can differ.

Module ratio X:1 Ratio of wide to narrow element in

calculation of the code length.
Module ratio Start and stop characters for the barcode type Codabar.
(2/5 matrix) May contain letters A - D.

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The PCset graphic software application 81 Sequential numbering/dating

The PCset graphic differs between fixed and variable barcodes. Fixed barcodes do not change their
content during printing. In addition to the text, variable barcodes also consist of date/time, numbering
machine and/or placeholder text, which change during printing.

All in all, the variable barcode objects are limited to four. Fixed barcode objects can be inserted
in any number.

Variable barcodes include the barcode types "2/5 Interleaved", "Code 39" and "Code 128 B",
"QR Code", "DataMatrix", "PDF 417", "AZTEC"

Only one numbering machine, one date/time and/or one placeholder text can be inserted in
each barcode.

At first insertion of a numbering machine, a date/time or a placeholder text object, the

presettings of the respective objects are loaded.

In order to create a barcode object, left-click the Barcode symbol

and drag it into a line to the desired position.

Push right mouse button, select context menu "Barcode Format".
The configuration window for barcode appears.
To insert the numbering machine, pull it into the character sequence by drag & drop.
The line "Character sequence" shows %N for numbering machine.
To make the settings for the numbering machine, right-click the numbering machine button.
The context menu opens (refer to "Numbering machine").
Make the desired settings and confirm with OK.
To insert date/time, pull it into the character sequence by drag & drop.
The line "Character sequence" shows %D for date/time.
To make the settings for the date/time,right-click the or date/time button.
The context menu opens (refer to "Date/time").
Make the desired settings and confirm with OK.
To insert the placeholder text, pull it into the character sequence by drag & drop.
In the line "Character sequence", %xxxT appears for placeholders (xxx = number of
To make the settings for the placeholder text, right-click the placeholder text button.
The context menu opens (refer to "Placeholder text").
Make the desired settings and confirm with OK.
To save the settings made, click OK.

The red dash below the editing field determines the inserted position of the date/time, numbering
machine or placeholder text object.

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82 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense Context menu barcode object

If a barcode object is inserted (refer to "Objects"), the configuration corresponds to the

presettings. Each barcode object can be changed individually via the context menu.

To open the context menu, right-click the desired barcode object.

The context menu opens as in the following figure:

Function Description
Copy Copies the object.
Barcode format Changes the barcode format.
Generate graphic Fixates the barcode in the current position.
Note: the barcode cannot be edited anymore after fixating.
Delete object Deletes the object.
Placeholder index (1-4) Up to 4 placeholder texts can be inserted per print image. The
index numbers from 1 to 4 can be changed individually for each
object (only appears if there is a placeholder object in the
barcode). Generate graphic

Text and barcode objects can be converted into graphics. Graphics are fixed and can no longer
be moved. Limited editing is possible via the additional function "Selection".

Click the object with the right mouse button.

Select "Generate graphic".
The object has been converted to a graphic.

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The PCset graphic software application 83

5.7.5 Placeholder text

Creates fields for placeholder texts and numberer.

The object can be positioned exactly by using the grid


Context menu placeholder text object Presettings

Changed presettings apply to all future placeholder text objects.

In the menu bar select the "Presettings" tab and click "Placeholder".
The configuration window for placeholders appears.

The configuration window for "Placeholder" is divided into two sections:

- Number of characters
- Text size

Placeholder presettings

Function Description
Number of characters Select the desired number of characters.
Text size Select the desired text size in percent.
100% means that a letter would correspond approximately to the
maximum possible imprint height of the device. Context menu placeholder object

If a placeholder text object is inserted ("Objects"), the configuration corresponds to the default
settings (refer to "Presettings"). Each text object can be changed individually via the context menu.

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84 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

To open the context menu, right-click the desired text object.

The context menu opens as in the following figure:

Function Description
Placeholder text Shows which object index is selected for the placeholder text.
Index (1 to 4) Up to 4 placeholder texts can be inserted per print image. The
index numbers from 1 to 4 can be changed individually for each
Placeholder text format Opens the configuration window for Placeholder text format.
Delete object Deletes the object.

5.7.6 Graphic

Generates a graphic object.

The object can be positioned exactly by using the grid.

Context menu graphic object

Generate graphic

Load graphic dialogue Load graphic dialogue

Imported colour and grey scale images are converted to a black/white image when loaded within
the application. The use of black and white images is recommended.

Only graphics of the file type BMP, JPG, TIF or GIF can be loaded. The graphics should have a
resolution of 300 dpi so that the imprint can be produced in optimal quality.

For a distortion-free print in optimal quality, a graphic should not exceed the maximum height of
300 pixels and the maximum width of 1000 pixels.

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The PCset graphic software application 85 Context menu graphic object

Function Description
Black/white threshold value Selection of the black/white threshold value.
Copy Copies the object.
Generate graphic Fixates the graphic at the current position.
Note: the graphic cannot be edited anymore after fixating.
Delete object Deletes the object.
Maintain aspect ratio The aspect ratios always remain the same when resizing.
Inverting colours Inverting colours: The colours of the graphic are reversed, black
becomes white and white becomes black.
Turning Rotate right 90°, rotate left 90°, rotate 180°, flip vertical and flip

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86 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense Generate graphic

Text and barcode objects can be converted into graphics. Graphics are fixed and can no longer
be moved. Limited editing is possible via the additional function "Selection".

Click the object with the right mouse button.

Select "Generate graphic".
The object has been converted to a graphic.

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The PCset graphic software application 87

5.7.7 Sensor

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

A sensor object serves as a placeholder for a sensor measurement with the jetStamp1025
The number of digits and the number of decimal places can be set. The format of the sensor
can be preset.
In addition, different settings can be entered for each individual sensor object ("context menu
sensor object").

A maximum of five sensor objects can be placed.

Notice: A maximum of five sensors or five numbering machine objects can be inserted.

The sensor value is updated on the jetStamp1025 sense every 5 minutes or by a manual
measurement with the left menu button (M).


Context menu date/time object Presettings

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Changed presettings apply to all future sensor objects.

In the menu bar select the "Presettings" tab and click "Sensor".
The configuration window for sensor appears.

The configuration window for "sensor" is divided into three sections:

- Settings
- Font

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88 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense


Font Settings

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

Number of digits Indicates how many digits the sensor is displayed

Comma position Use the arrow keys to set the decimal point to the
corresponding position or to set how many digits
should be behind the decimal point.
Pre Zeros Leading zeroes can be suppressed or printed (e.g.
5°C or 05°C). Font

With "Font 1" and "Font 2", fonts can be stored for the objects date/time, numbering machine,
and sensor.

Changed fonts affect all future objects.

In the menu bar select the "File" tab and click on "Device settings Font".
The font configuration window appears. Or configurable in the toolbar via the button .

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The PCset graphic software application 89

Month abbreviations can be adjusted individually. Context menu sensor object

Applies only to the jetStamp 1025 sense:

If a sensor object is inserted ("Objects"), the configuration corresponds to the presettings.

("Presettings"). Each sensor object can be changed individually via the context menu.

To open the context menu, right-click the desired sensor object.

The context menu opens as in the following figure.

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90 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Function Description
Sensor The corresponding sensor can be selected
(temperature, humidity, CO2, air pressure and sea
Each sensor can only be selected once.
Sensor format Opens the configuration window for sensors for
the selected sensor.
Delete object Deletes the object.

5.8 External print triggering

REINER special accessories are available for external trigger types.

Triggering via external switch

5.8.1 Triggering via external switch

For triggering via an external switch, the contacts in the jack socket must be short-circuited.

Connect the REINER trigger cable with the jack socket .

Prepare the device for an imprint.
Close contact.
The desired print image is printed.

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Maintenance 91

6 Maintenance

Changing the print cartridge

Cleaning the contacts of the print cartridge

Clean nozzles

Clean seal

Replace seal

Clean housing

6.1 Changing the print cartridge

The ink level of the print cartridge is can be read in the status indicator of the PCset graphic
software .

Different seals are required depending on the type of ink used

(refer to "Replace seal").

Use seal of the enclosed print cartridge.

Damage to health caused by ingestion of ink.

Changing the print cartridge Fig. + + + +

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92 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Place the device on a firm surface.

Press function button for print cartridge .
Print carriage moves to the right into the cleaning/change position.
Open flap for battery and print cartridge compartment .
Push the print cartridge locking slightly upwards and open it.
Remove the old print cartridge from of the device.
Unpack the new print cartridge and remove the clip.
(see operating instructions for the print cartridge P5).
Hold print cartridge locking
Insert the new print cartridge as shown in the figure .
Make sure it slides all the way down.
Close the print cartridge locking .
Close flap for battery and print cartridge compartment .
Remove the old seal from of the device.
Meanwhile, lift the retaining clip of the seal upwards.
Remove the seal tip from the notch.
First insert the new seal with the seal tip into the notch.
Press the seal slightly down until it snaps into the holder.

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Maintenance 93

Press function button for print cartridge .

The print carriage returns to the basic position.

The cleaning/change position can also be selected via the display menu.
In the basic position, drying of the ink is prevented (refer to "Clean nozzles").

6.2 Cleaning the contacts of the print cartridge

Cleaning the contacts of the print cartridge Fig. + + +

In rare cases, impurities on the contacts of the print cartridge can cause incorrect printing

Place the device on a firm surface.

Press function button for print cartridge .
Print carriage moves to the right into the cleaning/change position.

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94 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Open flap for battery and print cartridge compartment .

Push the print cartridge locking slightly upwards and open it.
Remove the print cartridge from the device.
Contacts on the print cartridge
with a soft cloth slightly soaked in ethanol (spirit) if necessary.
Hold print cartridge locking .

Insert the print cartridge again, as shown in the figure .

Make sure it slides all the way down.
Close the print cartridge locking .
Press function button for print cartridge .
The print carriage returns to the basic position.

For more cleaning variants, see "Automatic nozzle cleaning" and "Manual nozzle cleaning".

6.3 Clean nozzles

If there are streaks in the imprint or problems with the print quality, the ink may have dried on the
nozzles .

Imprint without streaking

Imprint with streaking

Manual nozzle cleaning

Automatic nozzle cleaning

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Maintenance 95

6.3.1 Manual nozzle cleaning

Manual nozzle cleaning Fig.

Place the device on a firm surface.

must be pressed, then "Functions" appears in the display.
In the main menu scroll to "Change-wipe position"
must be pressed to select.
The print carriage moves to the cleaning/change position.
Turn the device upside down.
To dissolve the dried ink, press a soft cloth slightly soaked in ethanol (spirit) against the
nozzles for about three seconds.
Wipe off dissolved ink and dry nozzles .
Execute test print and check the print quality.

For more cleaning variants, also see "Automatic nozzle cleaning" and "Cleaning the contacts of
the print cartridge".

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96 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

6.3.2 Automatic nozzle cleaning

Automatic nozzle cleaning via the device display Fig.

Without removing the print cartridge from the device, you can start the automatic cleaning of the print
cartridge several times via the device display. The cleaning process consumes ink. Cleaning too
often wastes ink unnecessarily.

In the case of an extreme degree of contamination, we recommend first using the Manual nozzle
cleaning because the dirt crusts on the nozzles cannot be washed away by the fresh, liquid ink.

Notice: Before performing the automatic nozzle cleaning, place a test paper under the device as
a large amount of ink is forced through the nozzles.

Place the device on a piece of paper.

must be pressed, then "Functions" appears in the display.
must be pressed to select.
scroll to "Clean head"
Make sure that the paper is placed underneath the device
and press to select.
The print carriage moves into the print area and starts printing.
The On/Off button flashes during the cleaning cycle.
The print carriage returns to the basic position.
The nozzle test illustrates which nozzles are not working properly. If the nozzles are clear, a
black rectangle is printed as seen in this example:

For more cleaning variants, see "Manual nozzle cleaning" and "Cleaning the contacts of the
print cartridge".

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Maintenance 97

6.4 Clean seal

Clean seal Fig. +

Place the device on a firm surface.

Press function button for print cartridge .
Print carriage moves to the right into the cleaning/change position.
Lift the retaining clip of the seal upwards
Remove the seal tip from the notch.
Dab dry the seal with a soft cloth.
When inserting the seal, first insert the seal tip into the notch
and slightly press down on the retaining clip of the seal until it snaps into place in the holder.
Press function button for print cartridge .
The print carriage returns to the basic position.

Clean the seal at regular intervals. Replace if heavily soiled or damaged (refer to "Replacing
the seal").

6.5 Replace seal

Replace seal Fig. +

Different seals are required depending on the type of ink used.

- Inkjet print cartridge P5-S3-BK: use red seal

- Inkjet print cartridge P5-MP3-BK: use blue seal

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98 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Place the device on a firm surface.

Press function button for print cartridge .
Print carriage moves to the right into the cleaning/change position.
Lift the retaining clip of the seal upwards.
Remove the seal tip from the notch.
First insert the new seal with the seal tip into the notch.
Press the seal slightly down until it snaps into the holder.
Press function button for print cartridge .
The print carriage returns to the basic position.

6.6 Clean housing

If liquids come into contact with the inside of the device, it may cause an electric shock.

Cleaning agents that are too aggressive may damage the housing surface.

Do not use any abrasives and plastic-dissolving cleaning agents for cleaning.
Clean the top cover of the device with a soft cloth if required.
For stronger contamination, moisten the cloth with water and mild detergent.

Originalanleitung © ERNST REINER GmbH & Co. KG

Recognising and removing interferences 99

7 Recognising and removing interferences

jetStamp 1025 (sense) shows no functions

Causes for uncharged batteries

Warning messages

Correctable error messages

Device error messages

7.1 jetStamp 1025 without function

Troubleshooting Fig. +

Disconnect mains cable from jetStamp 1025 (sense).

Open the battery compartment locking .
Wait about 3 seconds.
Close the battery compartment again.
Connecting the mains cable to the jetStamp 1025 (sense)
Start PCset graphic.
Check charge indicator

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100 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

7.2 Causes for uncharged batteries

- No batteries inserted or batteries inserted incorrectly

- Incorrect contact in battery compartment
- Battery temperature above 54 degrees Celsius
- Batteries outdated
- Batteries defective
- Batteries completely discharged (deep discharge)

Capacity and service life

The batteries reach their full capacity after several discharges and recharges. With increasing ageing
of the batteries, the possible operating time shortens.
Rechargeable batteries are subject to wear. A longer service life than six months cannot be

7.3 Warning messages

Message Eliminate message Remark
Print cartridge almost Confirm. Reappears the The print cartridge is almost empty and will
empty next time the device is have to be replaced soon.
switched on.
Print cartridge in Confirm. Reappears the The print cartridge is now in reserve mode.
reserve operation from next time the device is
now on! switched on.
Rechargeable battery Confirm. Reappears the The rechargeable battery is almost empty.
almost empty next time the device is Please connect the device to the power
switched on. supply to charge the battery.

Transmission Confirm The print image was not transferred. The

interrupted data transfer between PC and device was
Print carriage Confirm The print carriage movement has blocked.
movement blocked Possibly due to an obstacle or heavy

Originalanleitung © ERNST REINER GmbH & Co. KG

Recognising and removing interferences 101

7.4 Correctable error messages

Message Eliminate message by Remark

Print cartridge empty Inserting a new print cartridge. The print cartridge is empty
and must be replaced.

Wrong print cartridge Inserting a new REINER print The inserted print cartridge
cartridge is not a REINER print

Rechargeable battery empty Connect the device to the supply Battery is empty and must
voltage. be charged.
Rechargeable battery Inserting new rechargeable batteries The batteries are defective.
Please reinsert micro SD Insert the micro SD card again
card (micro SD card
read/write error)
Please reinsert micro SD Insert the micro SD card again
card (micro SD card access
Print image not released Change device password or delete
(password), or invalid print print images on the micro SD card.
Please delete invalid print Delete the print image on the micro
image on micro SD card SD card.
Please reinsert micro SD Insert the micro SD card again
card (micro SD card
mounting error)
Please insert micro SD card Insert the micro SD card
(micro SD card not available)
Device locked The device must be controlled by
password entry via the PCset graphic
or the device menu can be unlocked.

7.5 Device error messages

Message Eliminate message by

Device error xx Switch the device off and on

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102 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

8 Technical data and accessories

Type plate

Technical data

Transport and disposal


8.1 Type plate

Observe the type plate before the device is connected.

The type plate is located on the underside of the device.

It contains the following information:

Mod. = Model
S/N = Serial number
QC. = Quality control
= Direct current

= Polarity of hollow plug

= Caution when handling rechargeable batteries.

= Batteries may grow hot in case of defects. Never try to remove any hot batteries from
the battery compartment.

= jetStamp 1025 (sense) has the CE-mark according to the currently valid low-voltage and
EMC directive.

= jetStamp 1025 (sense) is in accordance with the following standards or standardised

FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 15 Bluetooth: FCC: R7TAMB2300.
= Safety of Information Technology Equipment.

= jetStamp 1025 (sense) is manufactured according to the safety standards IEC/EN


= do not point the jetStamp 1025 (sense) nozzles against people's faces!

Waste electrical and electronic devices

Old devices must not be disposed of in the common household waste but in a specified
acceptance point for recycling of electrical and electronic devices.

Originalanleitung © ERNST REINER GmbH & Co. KG

Technical data and accessories 103

8.2 Technical data

Technical data
Dimensions stand-alone unit 195 x 100 x 200 mm (l x w x h)

Weight approx. 900 g

Max. print area 85 x 26 mm (w x h)

Max. print speed < 0.9 s/imprint
Print resolution 300 dpi
Battery capacity up to 1,000 imprints
Printing technology Inkjet
1D barcode printing EAN 8, EAN 13, 2/5 Interleaved, 2/5 Industrial, 2/5
Matrix Code 39, Code 39 Full ASCII, Code Codabar, Code 93,
Code 93 Full ASCII, Code 128 B, GS1 128 (EAN 128)
2D barcode printing QR, DataMatrix, PDF 417, AZTEC

Barcode for sequential 2/5 Interleaved, Code 39, Code 128 B, QR,
numbering/dating DataMatrix, PDF 417, AZTEC
Ambience temperature for 10 °C ... +40 °C
Recommended ambient 16 °C ... +32 °C
temperature for operation
Humidity for operation 8 % ... 80 % relative humidity
Recommended humidity for 10 % ... 70 % relative humidity
Storage temperature
With standard print cartridges 1 °C ... +43 °C
With MP print cartridges 10 °C ... +20 °C
Storage humidity 5 % ... 80 % relative humidity
Temperature for transport
With standard print cartridges -20 °C ... +60 °C (up to 12 hours)
With MP print cartridges 10 °C ... +20 °C (up to 12 hours)
Humidity for 10 % ... 90 % relative humidity
Data transfer USB, Bluetooth (from version 2.1 onwards) or micro SD card
Power supply Input voltage: 12 V DC
Input current: 1A

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104 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Protection class III

Rechargeable batteries: 4 x AA NiMH (REINER ZN 946192-000)

Standby time per battery approx. 72 hours
Battery charging time approx. three hours
Data preservation (battery approx. 10 years
Print capacity per print for 5,000 or more imprints depending on ink and print mode
Protection class IP 20, degree of contamination 2, equipment class 3

8.3 Transport and disposal


Damage to the device at improper transport.

Only use packaging that provides protection from impact and shock for the device!


Defective or flat batteries

Used batteries or rechargeable batteries must not be disposed of with household waste.

Waste electrical and electronic devices

Old devices must not be disposed of in the common household waste but in a specified
acceptance point for recycling of electrical and electronic devices.

8.4 Accessories
Here you will find the entire range of accessories on our website - just click here.

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Contact 105

9 Contact
Ernst Reiner GmbH & Co. KG
Baumannstr. 16
78120 Furtwangen/Germany

Repair service
More details can be found on our homepage:

Technical service & support

Phone: +49 7723 657-388

Phone: +49 7723 657-385

© 2024 Ernst Reiner GmbH & Co. KG

All rights reserved. Translation, reprint and other reproduction of these operating instructions, even in
parts and no matter the form, shall require our express written consent. We reserve the right to make
content changes to these operating instructions without notice.

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106 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

Lock device 47

Index lock device after 14

Set password 45
Unlock device 47
-A- Device settings 48
Disable password protection 46
Display and button functions 10
Accessories 104
Display keyboard 18
Acoustic signals 101
Disposal 104
Activate Bluetooth 33, 57
Activate/deactivate device lock 13
Adjust date and time on the device 29
Admin password 35
Arrow key 18 Edit objects on the device 31
Error messages 101
-B- Establishing Bluetooth connection 57
Example workflow: Generating the print image 58
Configuring the print image 59
Barcode 77
Printing the print image 61
Replace print image 59
-C- Execute test print 31
External print triggering 90
Change-wipe position 13
Changing the print cartridge 91 -F-
Charge indicator 52
Charging rechargeable batteries 26
Check mark 18
Device settings 40
Cleaning the contacts of the print cartridge 93
Device settings - Font 40
Commissioning 24
Exit 40
Configure print image with placeholder text 63
Last opened 40
Configuring the print image 59
Multiple print image transfer 40
Connection 52
New 40
Contact 105
Open 40
Context menu barcode object 82
Print image management 40
Context menu date/time object 71
Print image transfer 40
Context menu numbering machine object 75
Print image upload 40
Context menu placeholder object 83
Save 40
Save as 40
-D- Search for REINER Bluetooth devices 40
Firmware update 35
Date/Time 67 Forgotten password 47
Date-Time Functions
change date/time 15 Clean head 12
summertime 15 Log print 12
Device info 12 Rep. last imprint 12
Device menu 12 Reset numb. machine 12
Device messages 54 Sensor check 12
Device security 41, 44
Change admin passw. 14 -G-
change password 14
Disable password protection 45
Graphic 84
Forgotten password 45


Index 107

Numbering machine 72
-H- Sensor for jetStamp 1025 sense 87
Text 64
On/off button 18
Help 41
Operating elements 7
Operating interface 38
-I- Menu bar 39
Objects 43
Imprint List 16 Toolbar 42
Imprint numbers 38, 52 Operating mode
Info 41 Normal - head move (Normal print head
Ink level indicator 52 movement) 16
Insert seal and pressure cartridge 27 Station capping (nozzle cleaning) 16
Insert the seal 27 Station-fix (fixed position) 16
Inserting rechargeable batteries 25 Operating status LED 7
Inserting the print cartridge 27
Installing the software 34 -P-
Interferences 99
PCset graphic 37
-L- Placeholder text 83
Plug sensor adapter onto jetStamp 1025 sense 29
Lock device 13, 47 Poor imprint
Clean nozzles 93, 94, 95, 97
-M- Preparation and commissioning 24
Alignment 14
Maintenance 91
Changing the print cartridge 91 Colour (Invert print colour) 14
Clean housing 98 Intensity 14
Clean nozzles 94 Sequence (print the print images one after the
other) 14
Clean seal 93, 95, 97
Size 14
Replacing the seal 97
Spitt, Heat (spitting, heating) 14
Micro SD card 20
Print cartridges 104
Print image preview Explorer 56
Factory Reset (factory settings) 15
Print settings
Protocol 15
Print settings 48
Sensor type 15
Sealing station 48
Set hotkey (hotkey settings) 15
Signals 48
Printer Mode (print queue function)
-N- normal - no repeats 16
print queue to _SD 16
Number of possible imprints 62 repeat endless 16
Numbering machine 72 Printing the print image 61

-O- -R-
Objects 43 Rechargeable batteries 20
Objects settings 63 Replace print image 59
Barcode 77 Replacing the seal 97
Date/Time 67
Graphic 84


108 PCset graphic help for jetStamp 1025 + jetStamp 1025 sense

-S- -W-
Safe handling of print cartridges 23 Warning messages 100
Safety notes 23 Wireless (Bluetooth) 12
Safety notes on rechargeable batteries 22
Safety, description 21
Saved print images 33
Seal 20
Sealing station 51
Sensor for jetStamp 1025 sense 87
Set daylight saving time on the device 30
Set password 46
Settings 13
Date-Time 15
Device security 14
Miscellaneous 15
Operating mode 16
Print 14
Printer Mode (print queue function) 16
Signals 13
SF module 41
Signals 51
Button sounds 13
Error sounds 13
Warning sounds 13
Special functions
Arrow key 18
Check mark 18
Display keyboard 18
On/off button 18
pT keyboard 18
Status indicators 52
System requirements 34

Technical data 103
Text 64
Toolbar 42
Transferring the print image to jetStamp 1025
(sense) 60
Type plate 102

Unlock device 47


w w w

REINER 1030088-101 G | V7.20 Build 0001 I 03.2024

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