Understanding the Business Activity
Understanding the Business Activity
Understanding the Business Activity
• Wants: goods or services which people would like to have. But are not essential
for living.
• People’s wants are unlimited (you will always want something) but the resources
available to produce them are limited which leads to scarcity (the basic economic
• Scarcity: there are not enough products to fulfil the wants of the population
• Resources (also known as factors of production) include: Land, Labour, Capital &
• As there are limited resources, people are always forced to make a choice. This
means that we will be giving something up, this is known as opportunity cost
another item.
• Specialisation: when people and businesses focus on what they are best at.
• Division of labour is when production is split in different tasks and each worker
• A business also employs people as worker and pays them wages to allow them
Added Value
• Added value is the difference between the selling price and the cost of bought-in
• It is NOT the profit because added value does not include the price to pay for
o Increase the selling price of product, while keeping the total cost of
• Decrease the total cost of materials, while keeping the selling price of the
Classification of Businesses
• Businesses can be put into three sectors:
secondary sector.
Mixed Economy
• Has both a private sector and a public sector.
decisions on what and how to produce. The main aim is to make profits.
o Public Sector: Owned by the government. Government will make
• Privatization refers to the selling of a public sector business to the private sector.
• Privatisation may occur as private sector is more efficient, competitive and will
• But private sector does not have social objectives, making their products
• Characteristics of entrepreneurs:
o Hard working
o Risk Takers
o Creative
o Effective Communicators
o Optimistic
o Self-confident
o Innovative
o Independent.
Independent, able to choose entrepreneurs will have to put their own money
how to use time and money into the business.
Able to make use of personal Lost income from not being employee for
interests and skills another business (Opportunity cost)
• Investors
• Government
• Competitors
• Workers
• Bank
Business Plans
• A business plan contains business objectives, important details about the
o It helps gain finance. banks will ask for a business plan before
o Can grow further and become large and important businesses which pay
o Business ideas & help, they set up support sessions held by experienced
business people
Business Size
• There are several different measurements of business size and they all have
Measurements Limitations
The number of people employed in the Some businesses employ few people
business but produce high output values
The total value of capital (money) some companies may use cheap labor
invested into the business (capital giving high output with low-cost
employed) equipment
different answers. Businesses choose the method they think is the best.
o Higher profits
o Internal Growth
o External Growth
same industry
• Start-ups have lesser experience and information about the market in order to
• Competition with other businesses – new businesses are at more risk of failing
• This is because start-ups have lack of money, resources, poor planning & don’t
Sole Trader
• A business owned by just one person. It’s the smallest type of business. Can
Easy to set up, do not require a lot of Capital is usually provided by owner, hard
money to set up to get capital to expand firm
Does not have to share profits No one to discuss business matters with
• A business in which 2 to 20 people agree to own it. Usually small
o Useful for people who want to form a business but don’t want the
legal complications
form a company
let known
an incorporated business.
Advantages Disadvantages
businesses/partnerships where owners want to expand more (as you can sell
Advantages Disadvantages
Costs are shared, good for expensive Profits have to be shared if project is
projects successful
• A franchise is an agreement of a business based upon an existing
• In a franchise, the franchisor allows the franchisee to trade under its name and
• The franchisee pays an original fee to franchisor and a percentage of its profit for
the privilege
o Advertising
o Legal advice
o Employee training
o Financial advice
• Franchise agreements last 5 – 20 years, if franchisee cancels the agreement early
business to fail
• Liability – how much the shareholders of a company are liable for the
all the debts of the business (not just their investment) (Sole trader
& partnerships)
Public Sector
• The public sector includes every business owned by the government.
• Businesses in the public sector are public services, i.e. education, transport,
• Usually these businesses have been nationalized (used to be private sector but
Business Objectives
• Business objectives are aims or targets a business works towards
o Clear & measurable objectives will make sure the entire organisation
products if necessary
further in business
o Returns to shareholders - discourage shareholders from selling their
o Market Share – the proportion of the total market sales by one business,
Stakeholder objectives
• A stakeholder is any person with a direct interest in the performance of a
government, banks)
the business
• Customers objectives are reliable products, value for money, good
• For example: customers want cheap products but workers want higher