2nd Grade Technology
2nd Grade Technology
2nd Grade Technology
Essential Questions
•Can a system continue to operate without its missing component?
•Is it always beneficial to use the most economical materials for production of a technological product?
TECH.8.2.2.C.6 Investigate a product that has stopped working and brainstorm ideas to correct the problem.
TECH.8.2.2.D.4 Identify the resources needed to create technological products or systems.
TECH.8.2.2.A.1 Define products produced as a result of technology or of nature.
TECH.8.1.2.C.CS4 Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
TECH.8.2.2.C.5 Describe how the parts of a common toy or tool interact and work as part of a system.
TECH.8.1.2.A Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations
TECH.8.1.2.F Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make
informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
TECH.8.2.2.C The design process is a systematic approach to solving problems.
TECH.8.2.2.D.CS3 Assess the impact of products and systems.
TECH.8.2.2.B.CS4 The influence of technology on history.
TECH.8.1.2.B.CS1 Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
TECH.8.2.2.C.CS3 The role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation and experimentation in
problem solving
TECH.8.2.2.A.2 Describe how designed products and systems are useful at school, home and work.
TECH.8.2.2.A.4 Choose a product to make and plan the tools and materials needed.
TECH.8.1.2.F.CS2 Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
TECH.8.2.2.C.CS1 The attributes of design.
TECH.8.2.2.D.5 Identify how using a tool (such as a bucket or wagon) aids in reducing work.
TECH.8.2.2.C.4 Identify designed products and brainstorm how to improve one used in the classroom.
TECH.8.2.2.D.1 Collaborate and apply a design process to solve a simple problem from everyday experiences.
TECH.8.2.2.C.CS2 The application of engineering design.
TECH.8.2.2.C.1 Brainstorm ideas on how to solve a problem or build a product.
TECH.8.2.2.D.CS2 Use and maintain technological products and systems.
TECH.8.2.2.A.3 Identify a system and the components that work together to accomplish its purpose.
TECH.8.1.2.F.CS1 Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
TECH.8.1.2.F.CS3 Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
TECH.8.2.2.D.3 Identify the strengths and weaknesses in a product or system.
TECH.8.1.2.E.1 Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue.
TECH.8.1.2.A.CS1 Understand and use technology systems.
TECH.8.2.2.C.3 Explain why we need to make new products.
TECH.8.2.2.C.2 Create a drawing of a product or device that communicates its function to peers and discuss.
TECH.8.2.2.D.2 Discover how a product works by taking it apart, sketching how parts fit, and putting it back together.
TECH.8.2.2.D.CS1 Apply the design process.
Student Learning Objectives
Repair a broken toy/tool using the design process and explain the process.
Instructional Activities
Identify the steps of the design process.
Examine a broken toy. Identify the parts and their interactions with each other. Discuss how the toy could be fixed or
improved. Working in groups, create a set of instructions to reassemble a toy that has been examined.
Use recycled paper to construct a free-standing tower. Create the tower to stand as tall as possible while
demonstrating the safe use of scissors, stapler, and tape dispenser.
Create a graphic organizer that illustrates the ways that technologies found in the home and school impact the
environment (pollution during production, landfills, etc) and the trade offs for these devices.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Language Arts
Expository writing
Word processor
A set of instructions typed in a Word document.
2nd grade, Tech, Unit #2, Nature of Technology:
Creativity and Innovation
Content Area: Technology
Course(s): Technology
Time Period: October
Length: 5 weeks
Status: Published
Enduring Understanding
Technology evolves at an ever accelerating pace based on the needs/wants of society and is influenced by cultural,
political and environmental values and constraints.
Essential Questions
Can we control the pace at which technology is created? Should we even if we can?
TECH.8.2.2.A.2 Describe how designed products and systems are useful at school, home and work.
Student Learning Objectives
Explain how technology systems impact our world.
Describe how technology products are useful at home, school and work.
Instructional Activities
Identify a favorite technological advancement and create a photo gallery to explain its impact.
Describe how daily life would be different without a specific technological advancement.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Science- Identify technological advancement
Language Arts- Write an essay explaining the impact of a specific technological advancement, Research a
technological advancement
Texts and Resources
Computers with internet access
Essential Questions
Can we control the pace at which technology is created? Should we even if we can?
TECH.8.2.2.A.2 Describe how designed products and systems are useful at school, home and work.
Student Learning Objectives
Explain how technology systems impact our world.
Describe how technology products are useful at home, school and work.
Instructional Activities
Identify a favorite technological advancement and create a photo gallery to explain its impact.
Describe how daily life would be different without a specific technological advancement.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Science- Identify technological advancement
Language Arts- Write an essay explaining the impact of a specific technological advancement, Research a
technological advancement
2nd grade, Tech, Unit #3, Design and Decision
Content Area: Technology
Course(s): Technology
Time Period: November
Length: 6 weeks
Status: Published
Enduring Understanding
Digital tools allow for communication and collaboration anytime/anyplace worldwide.
Essential Questions
How can I use digital tools and skills in new situations?
How do I choose the right digital tools and when do I use them?
TECH.8.2.2.A.CS2 The core concepts of technology.
TECH.8.1.2.C Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a
distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
TECH.8.1.2.A.CS2 Select and use applications effectively and productively.
TECH.8.2.2.A.5 Collaborate to design a solution to a problem affecting the community.
TECH.8.1.2.A.5 Enter information into a spreadsheet and sort the information.
TECH.8.2.2.A.CS3 The relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study.
TECH.8.1.2.F.CS3 Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
TECH.8.1.2.A.1 Identify the basic features of a digital device and explain its purpose.
TECH.8.1.2.A.7 Enter information into a database or spreadsheet and filter the information.
TECH.8.1.2.A.CS1 Understand and use technology systems.
TECH.8.2.2.C.2 Create a drawing of a product or device that communicates its function to peers and discuss.
TECH.8.1.2.C.CS1 Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others by employing a variety of digital environments
and media.
TECH.8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.
Student Learning Objectives
Collect and post the results of a digital classroom survey about a problem or issue and use data to suggest
Utilize digital tools and collaboration with with students in the US or other countries to gather information about a
specific topic and share results.
Instructional Activities
Collect and post the results of a digital survey about the classroom desks (shape, function, height). Draw
conclusions about possible modifications to improve the desk. Provide results to the principal.
Electronically contact students in another school to discuss favorite books. If there are books you like in common,
discuss your favorite characters.
Identify the parts of a chair in the classroom. As an inventor, sketch a picture of a chair you would like and post it
on the class bulletin board. After looking at all the sketches, choose the chair you think would be most comfortable
and tell the inventor why you like it.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Language Arts- Type conclusions about possible invention modifications and present them to the inventor. Book
MS Word
•Word processing document
Essential Questions
How does proficiency in technology skills enable us to get work done faster?
What are the essential word processing skills that are necessary to produce quality work?
WORK.K- Express needs, wants, and feelings appropriately in various situations.
WORK.K- Demonstrate an awareness of one's own culture and other cultures during interactions within and outside of
the classroom.
TECH.8.1.2.A.2 Create a document using a word processing application.
TECH.8.1.2.B.CS2 Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
TECH.8.1.2.C.CS1 Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others by employing a variety of digital environments
and media.
TECH.8.1.2.B.1 Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using multiple digital tools and resources.
Student Learning Objectives
Create word processing documents for a variety of content/topics.
Instructional Activities
About Me Books: Students will create a variety of pages about themselves and various other content. Some
examples are:
Basic information
My Favorites
My Birthday
Movies and TV
My Friends
Fictional story
Interdisciplinary Connections
Language Arts - Creation of About Me Book
Painting software
•Printouts of book pages.
2nd grade, Unit #5, Technology, Communication and
Content Area: Technology
Course(s): Technology
Time Period: April
Length: 9 weeks
Status: Published
Enduring Understanding
Digital tools allow for communication and collaboration anytime/anyplace worldwide.
Essential Questions
How has the use of digital tools improved opportunities for communication and collaboration?
TECH.8.1.2.C.CS2 Communicate information and ideas to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
TECH.8.1.2.C.CS4 Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
TECH.8.1.2.E Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
TECH.8.1.2.A.CS2 Select and use applications effectively and productively.
TECH.8.1.2.D.1 Develop an understanding of ownership of print and nonprint information.
TECH.8.1.2.F.CS4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
TECH.8.1.2.E.CS1 Plan strategies to guide inquiry
TECH.8.1.2.E.CS3 Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness for specific tasks.
TECH.8.1.2.A.6 Identify the structure and components of a database.
TECH.8.1.2.E.CS2 Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and
TECH.8.1.2.E.1 Use digital tools and online resources to explore a problem or issue.
Student Learning Objectives
Utilize digital tools to collaborate with others to learn about issues/problems affecting children.
Instructional Activities
Square of Life Project
Students will visit their square and spend about a half hour observing the animals, plants and non-living
objects that are in their square. They will draw a sketch of their square based on their observations.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Science- observation of animals and plants
Clipboards or cardboard
Plant and animal reference books and materials
Several meter or yard sticks (at least 2)
String or Yarn (for 8 squares you will need a minimum of 100 feet)
Wooden stakes or wire clothes hangers
•Compare/contract activities
•Report, oral or written, on a current issue
•Venn Diagram
TECH.8.1.2.A.4 Demonstrate developmentally appropriate navigation skills in virtual environments (i.e. games, museums).
TECH.8.1.2.F.1 Use geographic mapping tools to plan and solve problems.
Student Learning Objectives
Students will be able to use mapping tools to find alternate routes from home to school.
Instructional Activities
Use Google maps to map route from home to school including at least one alternate.
Interdisciplinary Connections
Social studies- Reading a map, Geography
Google maps
Create a Word document which includes typed directions to and from home and school including alternate routes.