Results in Chemistry
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Keywords: Rapidly diminishing fossil fuels as an energy source created a lot of pressure on researchers to find an alternative
Heterogeneous catalyst of clean and renewable energy. As a vast revolution to the energy crisis, Hydrogen has emerged as a promising a
Electrocatalyst fuel prioritized green resource with little environmental impact to replace traditional fossil fuels. A key challenge
is the efficient production of hydrogen to meet the commercial-scale demand, for this electrochemical water
Hydrogen production
splitting electrolysis has become an important method for large-scale green production of hydrogen. Hydrogen
evolution reaction (HER) which is the cathodic half-reaction of water splitting to produce pure H2 in large
quantities by active electrocatalysts is a fascinating idea that can provide a feasible pathway to achieve efficient
hydrogen production in terms of energy conversion and storage. Design and development of active, stable, and
low-cost electrocatalysts is an essential prerequisite for achieving the large-scale hydrogen production. Although,
electrocatalysis plays a powerful role in HER like the cost, time of reaction and selectivity, yet its disappointing
performance cannot follow the concerns of industrial-scale applications, including working efficiently and
longtime stability at high current densities (>1000 mA cm− 2). In the present review article, we are collectively
presenting an organized report about different HER electrocatalysts based on their structure and formation. We
also study the crucial issues related to its work efficiency, the future challenges, and opportunities for the
development of HER catalysts.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Sharma).
Received 29 July 2022; Accepted 28 October 2022
Available online 31 October 2022
2211-7156/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Kumar et al. Results in Chemistry 4 (2022) 100613
at a defined current density, are corrected overpotential at a defined in shorts. That why we have also listed some photo catalyst for HER to
current density, Tafel slope, exchange current density (j0), mass activity, have an idea over design and provide a next writing way for such
specific activity, Faradaic efficiency (FE), turnover frequency (TOF), catalyst to other readers in a comparative pattern of both electro-and
electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) and measurement of dou photocatalyst for HER [14,15]. Photocatalytic aspects would also be a
ble layer capacitance (Cdl) for different kinds of electrocatalytic mate good idea for green hydrogen production because of use water and
rials [8,9]. sunlight which are abundant and practically inexhaustible.
In acidic electrolytes : 2Haq + 2e/H2(g) (1)
Different electro catalysts for HER
In alkaline electrolytes : 2H2 O + 2e/H2(g) + 2OH(aq) (2)
Developing high-efficiency electro catalytic water electrolysis is an
In the discussion of advantages behind electro catalysis different appealing approach for practical hydrogen applications in the sustain
metals and metal oxide-based materials have received considerable in able hydrogen economy. However, due to its slow kinetics, the hydrogen
terest for various applications. Due to the compositional/structural di evolution reaction (HER) that occurs during water electrolysis necessi
versity, flexible tunability, low cost, earth-abundance, easy synthesis tates high electricity consumption, resulting in a high overpotential
and environmental friendliness, Nevertheless, pure metal oxides, espe during the electrocatalytic water splitting process. Precious metals, such
cially the bulk materials, were generally believed inactive towards HER as Pt, are typically used as HER electro catalysts to reduce overpotential,
in the past because of poor electrical conductivity, inappropriate but their high cost and scarcity significantly impede their widespread
hydrogen adsorption ability and limited catalytic-active site, although application. As a result, developing highly electro catalytically active
many of them display high activity for the anodic oxygen evolution and cost-effective HER catalysts for hydrogen production are critical.
reaction (OER) [10,11]. Transition metal compounds such as nitrides, sulfides, selenides, and
So far, state-of-the-art HER electro catalysts are mostly noble metal- phosphides have been discovered to be promising HER catalysts with
based materials, which exhibit low reduction over potentials and good great potential as alternatives to precious metal catalysts. Because of
long-term durability [12,13]. However, the expense of scarce metals their metalloid properties and high electrocatalytic performance, tran
limits the economic values that can be alleviated by designing single- sition metal phosphides are attracting a lot of research attention for HER
atom catalysts, with improve capacity of utilization efficiency while in water splitting.
maintaining high electrocatalytic performance.
Logically, to enhance the catalytic activity for HER morphological
Nano structured based electro catalysts
(self-supportive, porous), chemical (electronic structure of active site)
and combining engineering (by coating or doping) is required and is a
Cobalt-nickel phosphides@carbon spheres as highly efficient and stable
big challenge for the design large-scale hydrogen production technology
electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
based on electro catalysis.
Three-dimensional Ni/Co phosphides with amorphous structure
To asset the discussed logistics for better electro catalyst design and
were synthesized on the surface of Ni foam using electroless deposition,
efficiency, in the present review article, we are collectively summarizing
and the resulting phosphides exhibit high catalytic performance of HER
and classifying novel electro catalysts for HER and how it have served
in alkaline electrolyte. Zhang’s group reported a method for preparing
for decades to bridge the gap between fundamental electro catalysis and
Ni2P nanosheets/Ni foam compound as a HER electrocatalyst, and
practical design. Electro catalytic water-splitting for HER is a multidis
discovered that the obtained Ni2P/Ni can act as a self-supported super
ciplinary research avenue that includes chemistry, chemical engineer
hydrophobic electrode for catalyzing HER in a wide pH range. The CoNi-
ing, materials science, physics, nanoscience, and nanotechnology.
P@C was synthesized in two steps. The cobalt and nickel phosphides
Therefore, an authentic review report would provide a sound knowledge
were adhered to carbon spheres formed by carbonizing alkoxides during
for the readers including scientist, and engineers to learn about the
high-temperature phosphorylation. When the optimized Co1Ni1-P@C
current status of the field with an understanding of the issues to be
sample was used to catalyze HER, it demonstrated a low overpotential
resolved to create a path forward. Yet, review is basically providing,
and excellent acidic durability. It was discovered that the Co/Ni ratio in
design, classifications of different electrocatalyst and their advantages
the precursors has a significant impact on the HER electrocatalytic
with challenges, we cannot ignore the other methods for HER to discuss
performance. The highest HER activity was obtained when the Co/Ni
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S. Kumar et al. Results in Chemistry 4 (2022) 100613
S. Kumar et al. Results in Chemistry 4 (2022) 100613
and hydrogen yield at 10 mA cm− 2, the over potential is typically greater Ni foam. The second step involved the introduction of S during calci
than 100 mV, far inferior to Pt-based catalysts. As a result, biomass- nation to react with portions of the Ni2P substrate to form Ni0.96S, and
based carbon materials with transition metal and/or trace amounts of the final step involved the formation of the target catalyst in the form of
precious metal were introduced to improve HER performance. As a Ni2P/Ni0.96S/NF. To obtain Ni2P/NF, NaH2PO2 and pre-cleaned NF were
result, biomass-based carbon materials with transition metal trace placed in a tube furnace and heated to 400 ◦ C for two hours in an N2
amounts of precious metal to improve HER performance. It has already atmosphere. The prepared Ni2P/NF and S powder was then placed in a
been studied by various reports [24,25,26] that the synergistic effect tube furnace and heated for one hour in nitrogen at 400 ◦ C to produce
between metals and heteroatoms can significantly enhance electro the final Ni2P/Ni0.96S heterostructure. To serve as a comparison, S
catalytic activity. The limitations and challenges in this area are; powder was calcined on Ni foam as the substrate under the same con
ditions to produce a Ni0.96S/NF catalyst with HER activities of 1.0 mol/
i. In-depth investigation of conversion and electrocatalytic L. The overpotentials of 72 and 239 mV to reach 10 and 100 mA cm− 2,
mechanism, respectively, KOH clearly demonstrated the MS-Ni2P/Ni0.96S/NF’s
ii. Metal modification via in-situ growth, optimal performance. These overpotentials were higher and were
iii. Reproducibility for biomass transformation, and comparable to those of noble metal Pt/C (overpotential of 168 mV to
iv. Catalyst assembly with renewable energy equipment. reach 100 mA cm− 2). Catalytic HER activity and stability were at 8
mol L− 1. The results that tell us about the large specific surface areas and
In summary, the synergistic effect between heteroatoms and metals conductive networks of 3D materials can provide faster electron con
can significantly optimize △GH*, improving the HER performance. duction and more active sites after catalyst loading for enhanced cata
Remarkably, the hybrid catalyst decorated with the Ru NPs exhibits a lytic HER performance [28].
prominent performance regardless of commercial Pt/C [27].
Nickel-cobalt phosphide, like a nest, for powerful standard water splitting
Ru@CQDs electrocatalyst The highly performance non-precious electrocatalysts for hydrogen
Despite not being a noble metal, Ru was chosen in this study to evolution reaction (HER) is of great significance for renewable energy
investigate the role of CQDs in HER catalysis. Regardless, the synthesis technologies. Ni-CoP/CC is prepared by before being placed separately
procedure revealed that the Ru nanoparticles were evenly distributed in a porcelain boat; 2 g of NaH2PO2 and NiCo2O4/CC were heated for 2 h
throughout the CQD matrix, with a mean size of less than 3.28 nm. in a tube furnace at 300 ◦ C in an N2 atmosphere. The rate of heating was
Because of their highly tunable photoluminescence ability, quick elec maintained at 2 ◦ C min− 1. The prepared NiCo2O4/CC was washed with
tron transfer, huge electron storage ability, and catalytic activity, carbon deionized water, then washed with ethanol and deionized water before
quantum dots (CQDs), which are unique carbon nanomaterials smaller being dried in a vacuum at 80 ◦ C.
than 10 nm, have garnered considerable attention. Electrochemical ex In this paper, we describe the direct growth of a 3D nest-like Ni-CoP
periments show that the Ru@CQDs display excellent catalytic perfor architecture on carbon cloth (CC) that can be controlled. With excep
mance even under strongly alkaline conditions (1 M KOH), with an tional overpotentials of 44 mV and 62 mV at a current density of 10 mA
initial overpotential of 0 mV, a Tafel slope of 47 mV dec-1, and good cm− 2 and small Tafel slopes of 39 and 66.5 mV dec-1 in acidic and
durability. Most impressively, the current density of 10 mA cm− 2 may be alkaline solutions, respectively, the as-synthesized Ni-CoP/CC demon
attained with just a 10 mV overpotential. From recent papers we find, on strated excellent electrocatalytic performance toward HER. Here, it
pyrolysis of RuCl3 that on annealing at 480 ◦ C (designated as provides successive hydrothermal, oxidation and phosphorating method
Ru@CQDs480) produces an inexpensive and easily fabricated to make 3D nest-like ternary Ni-CoP/ (carbon cloth) CC electrocatalyst
Ru@CQDs hybrid with remarkable catalytic ability for HER and an onset with superior catalytic activity and stability toward HER [29].
overpotential of 0 mV and a Tafel slope of 47 mV dec-1. Ru@CQDs480
also has remarkable stability after 10,000 CV cycles and outperforms Pt/ 3D nickel foams in highly alkaline medium for HER:
C in 1 m KOH solution in terms of catalytic durability. In this work, 3D Ni foams were put on stainless steel via galvanostatic
deposition from different electrolytes. The foams activity toward HER
3D electro catalyst and overall stability in strongly alkaline media were investigated in
relation to the electrolyte composition’s effect on surface micro size
3D materials are solid figures, objects, or shapes with three di pores and deposit morphology by using cyclic voltammetry, linear scan
mensions of length, width, and height. 3D materials, as opposed to 2D voltammetry, and chronoamperometry. The 3D Ni foams electro
materials, have thickness or depth. Many supported catalyst materials, chemical performance in alkaline media was evaluated with optical and
for example, can be thought of as 3D materials. Because many catalysts scanning electron microscopy to examine the surface of the foams.
have insufficient electrical conductivity and specific surface area, Ni foams were synthesized catholically electrodeposited from three
selecting suitable substrates to support catalysts is critical for improved different chloride-based solutions. NiCl2⋅6H2O (Sigma-Aldrich, 98 wt
electrical conductivity and specific surface area with maximized active %), NH4Cl (Sigma-Aldrich, 99.5 wt%) and NaCl (Panreac, 99 wt%) were
sites from a catalytic standpoint. 3D electrocatalyst has the advantages used as received without purification. The deposition process was car
of a large specific surface area and a low cost, making it a suitable ried out in a 2- electrode cell (75 mL) connected to a power source
catalyst substrate to maximize active reaction sites. These are discussed (Sorensen LH110). A graphite plate was used as counter electrode and a
below. stainless-steel plate (AISI 304, Goodfellow) with an active area of 1.65
cm2 was employed as the working electrode. All foams were deposited
Low-cost Ni2P/Ni0.96S hetero-structured acts as a bifunctional by applying a current density of − 1A cm− 2 for 150 s. Then, they were
electrocatalyst thoroughly rinsed with distilled water to remove the remaining elec
Here, a new low-cost bifunctional Ni2P/Ni0.96S heterostructure trolyte. The electrolytic bath composition, as well as the morphology
electrocatalyst is created for high-efficiency overall breaking. It is active and porosity of the foam, influence the material’s catalytic efficiency
for the HER at the cathode. Superior catalytic efficiency and stability are and are easily manipulated by altering the electrodeposition process
displayed by a Ni-foam (NF) supporting Ni2P/Ni0.96S catalyst electrode conditions [30].
in a systematic configuration. This improves the development of a
cheap, extremely effective, bifunctional electrocatalyst. RhSe2: An outstanding 3D electrocatalyst with multiple active facets for
In this the two-step process of synthesizing Ni2P/Ni0.96S/NF involved hydrogen evolution reactions in acid and alkaline solutions
the first step of calcination with NaH2PO2 and the formation of Ni2P on W. Zhong et al. recently reported RhSe2 as a “3D” electrocatalyst for
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S. Kumar et al. Results in Chemistry 4 (2022) 100613
electrochemical parameters of GO-incorporated Cu-MOF composite for Photocatalysts for photocatalytic H2 evolution made of non-precious
HER [34]. metals
Different photo catalysts for HER Several non-noble-metal photocatalysts have been covered in this
review, including metal oxides (TiO2, etc.), metal sulphides (CdS), metal
The production of hydrogen from water using a catalyst and solar phosphides (NiP), and metal-free catalysts (g-C3N4, etc.).
energy is a clean ideal future energy source, independent of fossil re
serves. For an economical use of water and solar energy, catalysts that Metal oxide-based photo catalyst
are sufficiently efficient, stable, inexpensive, and capable of harvesting
light are required. Here, we are throwing light on some photocatalysts TiO2 – based photocatalyst. Because of its high efficiency and stability,
for HER, which show that can produce hydrogen from water under TiO2 is the most used photocatalyst. However, it had broad bandgap
visible-light irradiation in the presence of a sacrificial donor. (3.2 eV), which limits visible light absorption and solar energy utiliza
tion. TiO2 photocatalysts light absorption and charge separation/
transmission are increased through structural and morphological con
trol. It can also increase the surface area and yield new active sites, thus
improving their performance and stability. The Table 2 is shown below
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S. Kumar et al. Results in Chemistry 4 (2022) 100613
Table 6
Summarize the Photocatalytic H2 evolution based on non-noble-metal catalyst.
Categories Catalysts Co-catalysts Merits Demerits H2 production
(µmol.h-1g− 1)
Metal oxide TiO2 Doped N Reduced microcrystalline rate and band gap Small light absorption 1800
Doped S Reduced particle size, increased special surface area, better light Hydrogen production activity 800
capture reduced by sulfur ions
Doped high Improved lifetime of photogenerated carriers, widened the light Expensive raw materials 33.04
content C absorption range
Doped Fe and Ni Widened light absorption range, improved electron-hole separation An alcohol solvent is necessary for H2 361.64
efficiency production
Doped Fe and Enhanced charge separation Narrow visible–light-response range 724
Loaded NiO Reduced band gap energy, more exposed area of TiO2 Glycerin is the main source of H2 1230
Loaded NiS Promoted fast carrier transport, more active sites limited reported examples 7486
triazine frameworks etc.) and their heterostructures. have been described in the last section of Table 6 with its H2 productivity
rate. Table 6 also summarize the different Photocatalytic HER based on
Photocatalysts made of semiconductor polymeric graphitic carbon nitride (g- non-noble-metal catalyst [35].
C3N4). In this recent report the development in the rational design of g-
C3N4 and g-C3N4-based composite photocatalysts for HER is demon Conclusion and outlook
strated. g-C3N4 is a polymeric material, metal free composed of triazine-
based pattern with the C/N ratio= ¾ and small amount of H. Its common In recent times, where we all are dependent on continuous energy
synthesis involved thermal polymerization of dicyandiamide, cyana sources, we would ultimately need a clean and renewable way of energy
mide, urea, melamine or thiourea under different temperatures generation. Hydrogen production in a clean way via catalytic dehy
(450–650 ℃). g-C3N4 is highly promising catalyst for removing CO2 drogenation or water splitting involving electrochemical and photo
from atmosphere and it is used for conversion of energy, waste water chemical catalysis is in top demand. At present, most of the research has
remediation or organic synthesis. The structure of g-C3N4 is shown in investigated precious metals are the most prominent electrocatalysts
Fig. 7, from where it can be synthesized at different temperatures [45]. due to their specificity and efficacy. However, the main challenge in the
Table 5 mentioned below represents the synthesis method with its ad field of electrocatalyst/photocatalyst design is that the precious cata
vantages and limitations [46]. lysts are rare on earth and, at a high cost, hindered the technology’s
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through a variety of techniques, including elemental doping, creating to replace the noble metals-based catalysts with the transition metal-
heterojunctions, and increasing reactivity. Different metal free catalysts based environmentally benign catalysts. Additionally, it has been com
ing in reports that there is a decrease in the use of precious metals by
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